0.0.112 December 2011zInitialMotorola C1XX Filter Replacement2011This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford,
California 94305, USA.MotivationThe motivation to replace the baluns is to change the sensitivity of the RX path. TODORequirementYou will need to buy HHM1526, HHM1523C1, 04025A150JAT2A, 04025A220JAT2A (one each), patience,
soldering iron, tools, patience. Double check with the wiki page where you found this document.ReplacementStep 1Remove the two existing baluns.Step 1The black (sometimes silver) component is the GSM900 balun. Remove it from the PCB.The black (sometimes silver) component is the DCS1800 balun. Remove it from the PCB.Step 2The balun should now be removed and you should see the traces.
Step 2The RX path for GSM900 without the balun.The RX path for DCS1800 without the balun.Step 5Place the new balun's on the PCB.Step 5Place the HHM1523C1 (GSM 900) herePlace the HHM1526 (DCS 1800) hereStep 7Place capacitorsStep 7Place one 22 pF (04025A220JAT2A) cap here.Place one 15 pF (04025A150JAT2A) cap here.Different circuitSometimes the input (at the bottom of the balun)
is not with caps in series and a resistor in parallel. Instead it might be without the resistors
in parallel and resistors in series. Remove the resistors and place 2x the appropriate cap in
series (22 pF for GSM90, 15 pF for DCS1800).
High Resolution Step 1High Resolution Step 2High Resolution Step 3High Resolution Step 4High Resolution Step 5High Resolution Step 6High Resolution Step 7