osmo-gmr 0.2.104-2b98
Osmocom GMR-1
AMBE vocoder - internal API


file  ambe.c
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE internal API.
file  frame.c
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE speech parameters to/from frame.
file  math.c
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE vocoder math functions.
file  private.h
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE vocoder private header.
file  synth.c
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE vocoder speech synthesis.
file  tables.c
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE vocoder tables.
file  tone.c
 Osmocom GMR-1 AMBE vocoder tone frames handling.

Data Structures

struct  ambe_raw_params
 AMBE encoded frame raw parameters. More...
struct  ambe_subframe
 AMBE subframe parameters. More...
struct  ambe_synth
 AMBE synthesizer state. More...
struct  ambe_decoder
 AMBE decoder state. More...
struct  tone_desc
 Structure describing a dual-frequency tone. More...


#define AMBE_RATE   8000
 AMBE sample rate (Hz)
#define M_PIf   (3.141592653589793f)
 Value of pi as a float.


enum  ambe_frame_type { AMBE_SPEECH , AMBE_SILENCE , AMBE_TONE }
 AMBE possible frame types. More...


void ambe_decode_init (struct ambe_decoder *dec)
 Initializes decoder state. More...
void ambe_decode_fini (struct ambe_decoder *dec)
 Release all resources associated with a decoder. More...
int ambe_decode_frame (struct ambe_decoder *dec, int16_t *audio, int N, const uint8_t *frame, int bad)
 Decodes an AMBE frame to audio. More...
int ambe_decode_dtx (struct ambe_decoder *dec, int16_t *audio, int N)
 Generates audio for DTX period. More...
void ambe_frame_unpack_raw (struct ambe_raw_params *rp, const uint8_t *frame)
 Unpack a frame into its raw encoded parameters. More...
void ambe_frame_decode_params (struct ambe_subframe *sf, struct ambe_subframe *sf_prev, struct ambe_raw_params *rp)
 Decodes the speech parameters for both subframes from raw params. More...
void ambe_subframe_expand (struct ambe_subframe *sf)
 Expands the decoded subframe params to prepare for synthesis. More...
float cosf_fast (float angle)
 Fast Cosinus approximation using a simple table. More...
float sinf_fast (float angle)
 Fast Sinus approximation using a simple table. More...
void ambe_fdct (float *out, float *in, int N, int M)
 Forward Discrete Cosine Transform (fDCT) More...
void ambe_idct (float *out, float *in, int N, int M)
 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (iDCT) More...
void ambe_fdft_fc (float *out_i, float *out_q, float *in, int N, int M)
 Forward Discrete Fourrier Transform (float->complex) More...
void ambe_idft_cf (float *out, float *in_i, float *in_q, int N, int M)
 Inverse Discret Fourrier Transform (complex->float) More...
void ambe_synth_init (struct ambe_synth *synth)
 Initialized Synthesizer state. More...
void ambe_synth_enhance (struct ambe_synth *synth, struct ambe_subframe *sf)
 Apply the spectral magnitude enhancement on the subframe. More...
void ambe_synth_audio (struct ambe_synth *synth, int16_t *audio, struct ambe_subframe *sf, struct ambe_subframe *sf_prev)
 Generate audio for a given subframe. More...
int ambe_decode_tone (struct ambe_decoder *dec, int16_t *audio, int N, const uint8_t *frame)
 Decodes an AMBE tone frame. More...


const uint8_t ambe_hpg_tbl [48][4]
 Number of harmonics per group for a given L (starts at L=9)
const float ambe_gain_tbl [256][2]
 Gain (subframe 0, subframe 1)
const uint16_t ambe_v_uv_tbl [64]
 V/UV decisions (subframe 0 = low byte. MSBs = low freq)
const float ambe_prba12_tbl [128][2]
const float ambe_prba34_tbl [64][2]
const float ambe_prba57_tbl [128][3]
const float ambe_hoc0_tbl [128][4]
 HOC for 1st frequency block.
const float ambe_hoc1_tbl [64][4]
 HOC for 2nd frequency block.
const float ambe_hoc2_tbl [64][4]
 HOC for 3rd frequency block.
const float ambe_hoc3_tbl [64][4]
 HOC for last frequency block.
const float ambe_sf0_interp_tbl [4]
 Interpolation ratios for subframe 0 magnitude prediction.
const float ambe_sf0_perr14_tbl [64][4]
 Prediction Error [1:4] for subframe 0.
const float ambe_sf0_perr58_tbl [32][4]
 Prediction Error [5:8] for subframe 0.
const uint8_t ambe_hpg_tbl [48][4]
 Number of harmonics per group for a given L (starts at L=9)
const float ambe_gain_tbl [256][2]
 Gain (subframe 0, subframe 1)
const uint16_t ambe_v_uv_tbl [64]
 V/UV decisions (subframe 0 = low byte. MSBs = low freq) More...
const float ambe_prba12_tbl [128][2]
const float ambe_prba34_tbl [64][2]
const float ambe_prba57_tbl [128][3]
const float ambe_hoc0_tbl [128][4]
 HOC for 1st frequency block.
const float ambe_hoc1_tbl [64][4]
 HOC for 2nd frequency block.
const float ambe_hoc2_tbl [64][4]
 HOC for 3rd frequency block.
const float ambe_hoc3_tbl [64][4]
 HOC for last frequency block.
const float ambe_sf0_interp_tbl [4]
 Interpolation ratios for subframe 0 magnitude prediction. More...
const float ambe_sf0_perr14_tbl [64][4]
 Prediction Error [1:4] for subframe 0.
const float ambe_sf0_perr58_tbl [32][4]
 Prediction Error [5:8] for subframe 0.

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ambe_frame_type

AMBE possible frame types.


Speech frame.


Silence indication frame.


Tone frame

Function Documentation

◆ ambe_decode_dtx()

int ambe_decode_dtx ( struct ambe_decoder dec,
int16_t *  audio,
int  N 

Generates audio for DTX period.

[in]decDecoder state structure
[out]audioOutput audio buffer
[in]Nnumber of audio samples to produce (152..168)

Referenced by gmr1_codec_decode_dtx().

◆ ambe_decode_fini()

void ambe_decode_fini ( struct ambe_decoder dec)

Release all resources associated with a decoder.

[in]decDecoder state structure

Referenced by gmr1_codec_release().

◆ ambe_decode_frame()

int ambe_decode_frame ( struct ambe_decoder dec,
int16_t *  audio,
int  N,
const uint8_t *  frame,
int  bad 

Decodes an AMBE frame to audio.

[in]decDecoder state structure
[out]audioOutput audio buffer
[in]Nnumber of audio samples to produce (152..168)
[in]frameFrame data (10 bytes = 80 bits)
[in]badBad Frame Indicator. Set to 1 if frame is corrupt
0 for success. Negative error code otherwise.

Referenced by gmr1_codec_decode_frame().

◆ ambe_decode_init()

void ambe_decode_init ( struct ambe_decoder dec)

Initializes decoder state.

[in]decDecoder state structure

References ambe_synth_init(), ambe_subframe::f0, ambe_subframe::L, M_PIf, ambe_decoder::sf_prev, ambe_decoder::synth, and ambe_subframe::w0.

Referenced by gmr1_codec_alloc().

◆ ambe_decode_tone()

int ambe_decode_tone ( struct ambe_decoder dec,
int16_t *  audio,
int  N,
const uint8_t *  frame 

Decodes an AMBE tone frame.

[in]decAMBE decoder state
[out]audioOutput audio buffer
[in]Nnumber of audio samples to produce (152..168)
[in]frameFrame data (10 bytes = 80 bits). Must be tone frame !
0 for success. -EINVAL if frame was invalid.

◆ ambe_fdct()

void ambe_fdct ( float *  out,
float *  in,
int  N,
int  M 

Forward Discrete Cosine Transform (fDCT)

[out]outfDCT result buffer (freq domain, M elements)
[in]infDCT input buffer (time domain, N elements)
[in]NNumber of points of the DCT
[in]MLimit to the number of frequency components (M <= N)

References cosf_fast(), and M_PIf.

◆ ambe_fdft_fc()

void ambe_fdft_fc ( float *  out_i,
float *  out_q,
float *  in,
int  N,
int  M 

Forward Discrete Fourrier Transform (float->complex)

[out]out_iReal component result buffer (freq domain, N/2+1 elements)
[out]out_qImag component result buffer (freq domain, N/2+1 elements)
[in]inInput buffer (time domain, M elements)
[in]NNumber of points of the DFT
[in]MLimit to to the number of available time domain elements

Since the input is float, the result is symmetric and so only one side is computed. The output index 0 is DC.

References cosf_fast(), M_PIf, sinf_fast(), and ts.

◆ ambe_frame_decode_params()

void ambe_frame_decode_params ( struct ambe_subframe sf,
struct ambe_subframe sf_prev,
struct ambe_raw_params rp 

Decodes the speech parameters for both subframes from raw params.

[out]sfArray of 2 subframes data to fill-in
[in]sf_prevPrevious subframe 1 data
[in]rpEncoded frame raw parameters

References ambe_subframe::f0, ambe_subframe::f0log, and ambe_raw_params::pitch.

◆ ambe_frame_unpack_raw()

void ambe_frame_unpack_raw ( struct ambe_raw_params rp,
const uint8_t *  frame 

Unpack a frame into its raw encoded parameters.

[out]rpEncoded frame raw parameters to unpack into
[in]frameFrame data (10 bytes = 80 bits)

References ambe_raw_params::pitch.

◆ ambe_idct()

void ambe_idct ( float *  out,
float *  in,
int  N,
int  M 

Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (iDCT)

[out]outiDCT result buffer (time domain, N elements)
[in]iniDCT input buffer (freq domain, M elements)
[in]NNumber of points of the DCT
[in]MLimit to the number of frequency components (M <= N)

References cosf_fast(), and M_PIf.

◆ ambe_idft_cf()

void ambe_idft_cf ( float *  out,
float *  in_i,
float *  in_q,
int  N,
int  M 

Inverse Discret Fourrier Transform (complex->float)

[out]outResult buffer (time domain, M
[in]in_iReal component input buffer (freq domain, N/2+1 elements)
[in]in_qImag component input buffer (freq domain, N/2+1 elements)
[in]NNumber of points of the DFT
[in]MLimit to the number of time domain elements to generate

The input is assumed to be symmetric and so only N/2+1 inputs are needed. DC component must be input index 0.

References cosf_fast(), M_PIf, sinf_fast(), and ts.

◆ ambe_subframe_expand()

void ambe_subframe_expand ( struct ambe_subframe sf)

Expands the decoded subframe params to prepare for synthesis.

[in]sfThe subframe to expand

References ambe_subframe::f0, ambe_subframe::L, M_PIf, ambe_subframe::Ml, ambe_subframe::Mlog, ambe_subframe::v_uv, ambe_subframe::Vl, and ambe_subframe::w0.

◆ ambe_synth_audio()

void ambe_synth_audio ( struct ambe_synth synth,
int16_t *  audio,
struct ambe_subframe sf,
struct ambe_subframe sf_prev 

Generate audio for a given subframe.

[in]synthSynthesizer state structure
[out]audioResult buffer (80 samples)
[in]sfExpanded subframe data for current subframe
[in]sf_prevExpanded subframe data for prevous subframe

◆ ambe_synth_enhance()

void ambe_synth_enhance ( struct ambe_synth synth,
struct ambe_subframe sf 

Apply the spectral magnitude enhancement on the subframe.

[in]synthSynthesizer state structure
[in]sfExpanded subframe data for subframe to enhance

References cosf_fast(), ambe_subframe::L, M_PIf, ambe_subframe::Ml, ambe_synth::SE, and ambe_subframe::w0.

◆ ambe_synth_init()

void ambe_synth_init ( struct ambe_synth synth)

Initialized Synthesizer state.

[out]synthThe structure to reset

References ambe_synth::u_prev.

Referenced by ambe_decode_init().

◆ cosf_fast()

float cosf_fast ( float  angle)

Fast Cosinus approximation using a simple table.

[in]angleThe angle value
The cosinus of the angle

References M_PIf.

Referenced by ambe_fdct(), ambe_fdft_fc(), ambe_idct(), ambe_idft_cf(), and ambe_synth_enhance().

◆ sinf_fast()

float sinf_fast ( float  angle)

Fast Sinus approximation using a simple table.

[in]angleThe angle value
The sinus of the angle

References M_PIf.

Referenced by ambe_fdft_fc(), and ambe_idft_cf().

Variable Documentation

◆ ambe_sf0_interp_tbl

const float ambe_sf0_interp_tbl[4]
Initial value:
= {

Interpolation ratios for subframe 0 magnitude prediction.

◆ ambe_v_uv_tbl

const uint16_t ambe_v_uv_tbl[64]
Initial value:
= {
0x0000, 0xffff, 0xc0c0, 0xe0e0, 0xf0f0, 0x8080, 0xfefe, 0x0080,
0xfcfc, 0x80c0, 0xf8f8, 0x8000, 0x00c0, 0xfffe, 0xfeff, 0xc000,
0xf0e0, 0xc0e0, 0xfbfb, 0xfcfe, 0xf8f0, 0xfdfd, 0xfffb, 0xe000,
0xe0f0, 0xfcff, 0xfdff, 0xe0c0, 0xfffc, 0xf0f8, 0xfefc, 0xfffd,
0xf8fc, 0xfcf8, 0xfcfd, 0x4000, 0xf0c0, 0xf9f9, 0xfbff, 0xefef,
0xf3f3, 0xc080, 0xf0e0, 0xfff8, 0xf0fc, 0xf1f1, 0x0040, 0xc0d0,
0xc0f0, 0xf7f7, 0xfaf8, 0xfafa, 0xfcf0, 0xfef8, 0x00e0, 0x0100,
0x1000, 0xe0e1, 0xe0f8, 0xf2f0, 0xf8ff, 0xfafe, 0xfff7, 0xdfdf,

V/UV decisions (subframe 0 = low byte. MSBs = low freq)