\doxysection{osmux\+\_\+hdr Struct Reference} \label{structosmux__hdr}\index{osmux\_hdr@{osmux\_hdr}} Osmux protocol header. {\ttfamily \#include $<$osmux.\+h$>$} \doxysubsection*{Data Fields} \begin{DoxyCompactItemize} \item \mbox{\label{structosmux__hdr_a196aed00388a65b126a72a76680699b8}} uint8\+\_\+t {\bfseries seq} \item \mbox{\label{structosmux__hdr_a281e689bfae94a2034769a96e48dc64b}} uint8\+\_\+t {\bfseries circuit\+\_\+id} \item \mbox{\label{structosmux__hdr_a5bbdecb65736c23411afd5199ab114fd}} uint8\+\_\+t {\bfseries data} [0] \end{DoxyCompactItemize} \doxysubsection{Detailed Description} Osmux protocol header. OSmux header\+: \begin{DoxyVerb} rtp_m (1 bit): RTP M field (RFC3550, RFC4867) ft (2 bits): 0=signalling, 1=voice, 2=dummy ctr (3 bits): Number of batched AMR payloads (starting 0) amr_f (1 bit): AMR F field (RFC3267) amr_q (1 bit): AMR Q field (RFC3267) seq (8 bits): Combination of RTP timestamp and seq. number circuit_id (8 bits): Circuit ID, ie. Call identifier. amr_ft (4 bits): AMR FT field (RFC3267) amr_cmr (4 bits): AMR CMT field (RFC3267) \end{DoxyVerb} The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file\+:\begin{DoxyCompactItemize} \item include/osmocom/netif/\textbf{ osmux.\+h}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}