--- - name: update apt-cache apt: cache_valid_time: 3600 update_cache: yes - name: ip.access install apt dependencies apt: name: python3-usb - name: ip.access install pip3 dependencies pip: name: pysispm executable: pip3 - name: usrp install apt dependecies apt: name: - libuhd-dev - uhd-host cache_valid_time: 3600 update_cache: yes register: uhd_installed - name: usrp download firmware command: uhd_images_downloader args: creates: /usr/share/uhd/images when: uhd_installed is changed - name: usrp allow jenkins to access user: name: jenkins groups: usrp append: yes - name: add apt-key of OBS network:osmocom:nightly apt_key: data: "{{ lookup('file', 'Release.key') }}" state: present - name: add apt-repo of OBS network:osmocom:nightly apt_repository: filename: obs_network_osmocom_latest repo: "deb https://downloads.osmocom.org/packages/osmocom:/nightly/Debian_{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.0/ ./" update_cache: yes - name: install osmocom utilities apt: name: - abisip-find - osmo-bsc-ipaccess-utils - osmo-bsc-bs11-utils