/* fuzzshark.c * * Fuzzer variant of Wireshark for oss-fuzz * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #define WS_LOG_DOMAIN LOG_DOMAIN_MAIN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PLUGINS #include #endif #include "FuzzerInterface.h" #define EPAN_INIT_FAIL 2 static column_info fuzz_cinfo; static epan_t *fuzz_epan; static epan_dissect_t *fuzz_edt; static int fuzzshark_pref_set(const char *name, const char *value) { char pref[4096]; char *errmsg = NULL; prefs_set_pref_e ret; snprintf(pref, sizeof(pref), "%s:%s", name, value); ret = prefs_set_pref(pref, &errmsg); g_free(errmsg); return (ret == PREFS_SET_OK); } static const nstime_t * fuzzshark_get_frame_ts(struct packet_provider_data *prov _U_, uint32_t frame_num _U_) { static nstime_t empty; return ∅ } static epan_t * fuzzshark_epan_new(void) { static const struct packet_provider_funcs funcs = { fuzzshark_get_frame_ts, NULL, NULL, NULL }; return epan_new(NULL, &funcs); } static dissector_handle_t get_dissector_handle(const char *table, const char *target) { dissector_handle_t fuzz_handle = NULL; if (table != NULL && target != NULL) { /* search for handle, cannot use dissector_table_get_dissector_handle() cause it's using short-name, and I already used filter name in samples ;/ */ GSList *handle_list = dissector_table_get_dissector_handles(find_dissector_table(table)); while (handle_list) { dissector_handle_t handle = (dissector_handle_t) handle_list->data; const char *handle_filter_name = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(dissector_handle_get_protocol_index(handle)); if (!strcmp(handle_filter_name, target)) fuzz_handle = handle; handle_list = handle_list->next; } } else if (target != NULL) { fuzz_handle = find_dissector(target); } return fuzz_handle; } static void fuzz_prefs_apply(void) { /* Turn off fragmentation for some protocols */ fuzzshark_pref_set("ip.defragment", "FALSE"); fuzzshark_pref_set("ipv6.defragment", "FALSE"); fuzzshark_pref_set("wlan.defragment", "FALSE"); fuzzshark_pref_set("tcp.desegment_tcp_streams", "FALSE"); /* Notify all registered modules that have had any of their preferences changed. */ prefs_apply_all(); } static int fuzz_init(int argc _U_, char **argv) { char *configuration_init_error; char *err_msg = NULL; e_prefs *prefs_p; int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; size_t i; const char *fuzz_target = #if defined(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TARGET) FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TARGET; #else getenv("FUZZSHARK_TARGET"); #endif const char *disabled_dissector_list[] = { #ifdef FUZZ_DISSECTOR_LIST FUZZ_DISSECTOR_LIST , #endif "snort" }; #if !defined(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TABLE) && !defined(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TARGET) const char *fuzz_table = getenv("FUZZSHARK_TABLE"); /* * Set the pogram name. * * XXX - yes, this isn't main(), but it still needs to be * set, as many Wireshark library routines depend on it * being set. */ g_set_prgname("oss-fuzzshark"); if (!fuzz_table && !fuzz_target) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing environment variables!\n" "\n" "Modes of operation:\n" "\n" " 1. Call a dissector directly by its name:\n" " FUZZSHARK_TARGET=dns %s input-file\n" " Calls dissect_x from register_dissector(NAME, dissect_x, proto_x)\n" "\n" " 2. Call a dissector by its filter name in a dissector table:\n" " FUZZSHARK_TABLE=ip.proto FUZZSHARK_TARGET=ospf %s input-file\n" " The filter name is from proto_register_protocol(., ., FILTER_NAME)\n" " Selects dissectors from dissector_add_uint* or dissector_add_for_decode_as.\n" "\n" "Either mode runs the selected dissector once and can hopefully reproduce a\n" "crash. Mode (2) can be used if a dissector (such as 'ospf') is not available\n" "through (1).\n" "\n" "For best results, build dedicated fuzzshark_* targets with:\n" " cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++\\\n" " -DENABLE_FUZZER=1 -DENABLE_ASAN=1 -DENABLE_UBSAN=1\n" " ninja all-fuzzers\n" "These options enable LibFuzzer which makes fuzzing possible as opposed to\n" "running dissectors only once with a sample (as is the case with this fuzzshark" "binary). These fuzzshark_* targets are also used by oss-fuzz.\n", argv[0], argv[0]); return 1; } #endif dissector_handle_t fuzz_handle = NULL; /* In oss-fuzz running environment g_get_home_dir() fails: * (process:1): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) * (process:1): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed * * Avoid GLib-CRITICAL by setting some XDG environment variables. */ g_setenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "/not/existing/directory", 0); /* g_get_user_cache_dir() */ g_setenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "/not/existing/directory", 0); /* g_get_user_config_dir() */ g_setenv("XDG_DATA_HOME", "/not/existing/directory", 0); /* g_get_user_data_dir() */ g_setenv("WIRESHARK_DEBUG_WMEM_OVERRIDE", "simple", 0); g_setenv("G_SLICE", "always-malloc", 0); cmdarg_err_init(stderr_cmdarg_err, stderr_cmdarg_err_cont); /* Initialize log handler early so we can have proper logging during startup. */ ws_log_init(vcmdarg_err); /* Early logging command-line initialization. */ ws_log_parse_args(&argc, argv, vcmdarg_err, LOG_ARGS_NOEXIT); ws_noisy("Finished log init and parsing command line log arguments"); /* * Get credential information for later use, and drop privileges * before doing anything else. * Let the user know if anything happened. */ init_process_policies(); #if 0 /* disable setresgid(), it fails with -EINVAL https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/pull/532#issuecomment-294515463 */ relinquish_special_privs_perm(); #endif /* * Attempt to get the pathname of the executable file. */ configuration_init_error = configuration_init(argv[0]); if (configuration_init_error != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fuzzshark: Can't get pathname of oss-fuzzshark program: %s.\n", configuration_init_error); g_free(configuration_init_error); } /* Initialize the version information. */ ws_init_version_info("OSS Fuzzshark", epan_gather_compile_info, epan_gather_runtime_info); init_report_failure_message("fuzzshark"); timestamp_set_type(TS_RELATIVE); timestamp_set_precision(TS_PREC_AUTO); timestamp_set_seconds_type(TS_SECONDS_DEFAULT); /* * Libwiretap must be initialized before libwireshark is, so that * dissection-time handlers for file-type-dependent blocks can * register using the file type/subtype value for the file type. */ wtap_init(true); /* Register all dissectors; we must do this before checking for the "-G" flag, as the "-G" flag dumps information registered by the dissectors, and we must do it before we read the preferences, in case any dissectors register preferences. */ if (!epan_init(NULL, NULL, false)) { ret = EPAN_INIT_FAIL; goto clean_exit; } /* Load libwireshark settings from the current profile. */ prefs_p = epan_load_settings(); if (!color_filters_init(&err_msg, NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(disabled_dissector_list); i++) { const char *item = disabled_dissector_list[i]; /* XXX, need to think how to disallow chains like: IP -> .... -> IP, * best would be to disable dissector always, but allow it during initial call. */ if (fuzz_target == NULL || strcmp(fuzz_target, item)) { fprintf(stderr, "oss-fuzzshark: disabling: %s\n", item); proto_disable_proto_by_name(item); } } fuzz_prefs_apply(); /* Build the column format array */ build_column_format_array(&fuzz_cinfo, prefs_p->num_cols, true); #if defined(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TABLE) && defined(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TARGET) # define FUZZ_EPAN 1 fprintf(stderr, "oss-fuzzshark: configured for dissector: %s in table: %s\n", fuzz_target, FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TABLE); fuzz_handle = get_dissector_handle(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TABLE, fuzz_target); #elif defined(FUZZ_DISSECTOR_TARGET) # define FUZZ_EPAN 2 fprintf(stderr, "oss-fuzzshark: configured for dissector: %s\n", fuzz_target); fuzz_handle = get_dissector_handle(NULL, fuzz_target); #else # define FUZZ_EPAN 3 if (fuzz_table) { fprintf(stderr, "oss-fuzzshark: requested dissector: %s in table %s\n", fuzz_target, fuzz_table); } else { fprintf(stderr, "oss-fuzzshark: requested dissector: %s\n", fuzz_target); } fuzz_handle = get_dissector_handle(fuzz_table, fuzz_target); #endif #ifdef FUZZ_EPAN g_assert(fuzz_handle != NULL && "Requested dissector is not found!"); register_postdissector(fuzz_handle); #endif fuzz_epan = fuzzshark_epan_new(); fuzz_edt = epan_dissect_new(fuzz_epan, true, false); return 0; clean_exit: wtap_cleanup(); free_progdirs(); return ret; } #ifdef FUZZ_EPAN int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *buf, size_t real_len) { static uint32_t framenum = 0; epan_dissect_t *edt = fuzz_edt; uint32_t len = (uint32_t) real_len; wtap_rec rec; frame_data fdlocal; wtap_rec_init(&rec, len); rec.rec_type = REC_TYPE_PACKET; rec.rec_header.packet_header.caplen = len; rec.rec_header.packet_header.len = len; /* whdr.pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_ETHERNET; */ rec.rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap = INT16_MAX; rec.presence_flags = WTAP_HAS_TS | WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN; /* most common flags... */ ws_buffer_append(&rec.data, buf, real_len); frame_data_init(&fdlocal, ++framenum, &rec, /* offset */ 0, /* cum_bytes */ 0); /* frame_data_set_before_dissect() not needed */ epan_dissect_run(edt, WTAP_FILE_TYPE_SUBTYPE_UNKNOWN, &rec, &fdlocal, NULL /* &fuzz_cinfo */); frame_data_destroy(&fdlocal); epan_dissect_reset(edt); wtap_rec_cleanup(&rec); return 0; } #else # error "Missing fuzz target." #endif int LLVMFuzzerInitialize(int *argc, char ***argv) { int ret; ret = fuzz_init(*argc, *argv); if (ret != 0) exit(ret); return 0; } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 8 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab: * :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false: */