// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only /* * Samsung Exynos5 SoC series USB DRD PHY driver * * Phy provider for USB 3.0 DRD controller on Exynos5 SoC series * * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Author: Vivek Gautam */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Exynos USB PHY registers */ #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_9MHZ6 0x0 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_10MHZ 0x1 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_12MHZ 0x2 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_19MHZ2 0x3 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_20MHZ 0x4 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_24MHZ 0x5 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_26MHZ 0x6 #define EXYNOS5_FSEL_50MHZ 0x7 /* Exynos5: USB 3.0 DRD PHY registers */ #define EXYNOS5_DRD_LINKSYSTEM 0x04 #define LINKSYSTEM_XHCI_VERSION_CONTROL BIT(27) #define LINKSYSTEM_FLADJ_MASK (0x3f << 1) #define LINKSYSTEM_FLADJ(_x) ((_x) << 1) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYUTMI 0x08 #define PHYUTMI_OTGDISABLE BIT(6) #define PHYUTMI_FORCESUSPEND BIT(1) #define PHYUTMI_FORCESLEEP BIT(0) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPIPE 0x0c #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST 0x10 #define PHYCLKRST_EN_UTMISUSPEND BIT(31) #define PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL_MASK (0xff << 23) #define PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL(_x) ((_x) << 23) #define PHYCLKRST_SSC_RANGE_MASK (0x03 << 21) #define PHYCLKRST_SSC_RANGE(_x) ((_x) << 21) #define PHYCLKRST_SSC_EN BIT(20) #define PHYCLKRST_REF_SSP_EN BIT(19) #define PHYCLKRST_REF_CLKDIV2 BIT(18) #define PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_MASK (0x7f << 11) #define PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_100MHZ_REF (0x19 << 11) #define PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_50M_REF (0x32 << 11) #define PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_24MHZ_REF (0x68 << 11) #define PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_20MHZ_REF (0x7d << 11) #define PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_19200KHZ_REF (0x02 << 11) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL_PIPE_MASK (0x7 << 8) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL_UTMI_MASK (0x7 << 5) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL(_x) ((_x) << 5) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL_PAD_100MHZ (0x27 << 5) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL_PAD_24MHZ (0x2a << 5) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL_PAD_20MHZ (0x31 << 5) #define PHYCLKRST_FSEL_PAD_19_2MHZ (0x38 << 5) #define PHYCLKRST_RETENABLEN BIT(4) #define PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_MASK (0x03 << 2) #define PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_PAD_REFCLK (0x2 << 2) #define PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_EXT_REFCLK (0x3 << 2) #define PHYCLKRST_PORTRESET BIT(1) #define PHYCLKRST_COMMONONN BIT(0) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG0 0x14 #define PHYREG0_SSC_REF_CLK_SEL BIT(21) #define PHYREG0_SSC_RANGE BIT(20) #define PHYREG0_CR_WRITE BIT(19) #define PHYREG0_CR_READ BIT(18) #define PHYREG0_CR_DATA_IN(_x) ((_x) << 2) #define PHYREG0_CR_CAP_DATA BIT(1) #define PHYREG0_CR_CAP_ADDR BIT(0) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG1 0x18 #define PHYREG1_CR_DATA_OUT(_x) ((_x) << 1) #define PHYREG1_CR_ACK BIT(0) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM0 0x1c #define PHYPARAM0_REF_USE_PAD BIT(31) #define PHYPARAM0_REF_LOSLEVEL_MASK (0x1f << 26) #define PHYPARAM0_REF_LOSLEVEL (0x9 << 26) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM1 0x20 #define PHYPARAM1_PCS_TXDEEMPH_MASK (0x1f << 0) #define PHYPARAM1_PCS_TXDEEMPH (0x1c) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTERM 0x24 #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST 0x28 #define PHYTEST_POWERDOWN_SSP BIT(3) #define PHYTEST_POWERDOWN_HSP BIT(2) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYADP 0x2c #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYUTMICLKSEL 0x30 #define PHYUTMICLKSEL_UTMI_CLKSEL BIT(2) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYRESUME 0x34 #define EXYNOS5_DRD_LINKPORT 0x44 /* USB 3.0 DRD PHY SS Function Control Reg; accessed by CR_PORT */ #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYSS_LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN (0x15) #define LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_LOS_BIAS_5420 (0x5 << 13) #define LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_LOS_BIAS_DEFAULT (0x0 << 13) #define LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_EN (0x1 << 10) #define LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_LOS_LEVEL_DEFAULT (0x9 << 0) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYSS_TX_VBOOSTLEVEL_OVRD_IN (0x12) #define TX_VBOOSTLEVEL_OVRD_IN_VBOOST_5420 (0x5 << 13) #define TX_VBOOSTLEVEL_OVRD_IN_VBOOST_DEFAULT (0x4 << 13) #define EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYSS_LANE0_TX_DEBUG (0x1010) #define LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_19M2_20M (0x4 << 4) #define LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_24M (0x8 << 4) #define LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_25M_26M (0x8 << 4) #define LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_48M_50M_52M (0x20 << 4) #define LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_62M5 (0x20 << 4) #define LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_96M_100M (0x40 << 4) /* Exynos850: USB DRD PHY registers */ #define EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL 0x04 #define LINKCTRL_FORCE_RXELECIDLE BIT(18) #define LINKCTRL_FORCE_PHYSTATUS BIT(17) #define LINKCTRL_FORCE_PIPE_EN BIT(16) #define LINKCTRL_FORCE_QACT BIT(8) #define LINKCTRL_BUS_FILTER_BYPASS(_x) ((_x) << 4) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKPORT 0x08 #define LINKPORT_HOST_NUM_U3 GENMASK(19, 16) #define LINKPORT_HOST_NUM_U2 GENMASK(15, 12) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST 0x20 /* * On versions without SS ports (like E850), bit 3 is for the 2.0 phy (HS), * while on versions with (like gs101), bits 2 and 3 are for the 3.0 phy (SS) * and bits 12 & 13 for the 2.0 phy. */ #define CLKRST_PHY20_SW_POR BIT(13) #define CLKRST_PHY20_SW_POR_SEL BIT(12) #define CLKRST_LINK_PCLK_SEL BIT(7) #define CLKRST_PHY_SW_RST BIT(3) #define CLKRST_PHY_RESET_SEL BIT(2) #define CLKRST_PORT_RST BIT(1) #define CLKRST_LINK_SW_RST BIT(0) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_SSPPLLCTL 0x30 #define SSPPLLCTL_FSEL GENMASK(2, 0) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI 0x50 #define UTMI_FORCE_VBUSVALID BIT(5) #define UTMI_FORCE_BVALID BIT(4) #define UTMI_DP_PULLDOWN BIT(3) #define UTMI_DM_PULLDOWN BIT(2) #define UTMI_FORCE_SUSPEND BIT(1) #define UTMI_FORCE_SLEEP BIT(0) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP 0x54 #define HSP_FSV_OUT_EN BIT(24) #define HSP_VBUSVLDEXTSEL BIT(13) #define HSP_VBUSVLDEXT BIT(12) #define HSP_EN_UTMISUSPEND BIT(9) #define HSP_COMMONONN BIT(8) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_HSPPARACON 0x58 #define HSPPARACON_TXVREF GENMASK(31, 28) #define HSPPARACON_TXRISE GENMASK(25, 24) #define HSPPARACON_TXRES GENMASK(22, 21) #define HSPPARACON_TXPREEMPPULSE BIT(20) #define HSPPARACON_TXPREEMPAMP GENMASK(19, 18) #define HSPPARACON_TXHSXV GENMASK(17, 16) #define HSPPARACON_TXFSLS GENMASK(15, 12) #define HSPPARACON_SQRX GENMASK(10, 8) #define HSPPARACON_OTG GENMASK(6, 4) #define HSPPARACON_COMPDIS GENMASK(2, 0) #define EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP_TEST 0x5c #define HSP_TEST_SIDDQ BIT(24) /* Exynos9 - GS101 */ #define EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL 0x48 #define SECPMACTL_PMA_ROPLL_REF_CLK_SEL GENMASK(13, 12) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_LCPLL_REF_CLK_SEL GENMASK(11, 10) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_REF_FREQ_SEL GENMASK(9, 8) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_LOW_PWR BIT(4) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_TRSV_SW_RST BIT(3) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_CMN_SW_RST BIT(2) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_INIT_SW_RST BIT(1) #define SECPMACTL_PMA_APB_SW_RST BIT(0) /* PMA registers */ #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG0008 0x0020 #define CMN_REG0008_OVRD_AUX_EN BIT(3) #define CMN_REG0008_AUX_EN BIT(2) #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG00B8 0x02e0 #define CMN_REG00B8_LANE_MUX_SEL_DP GENMASK(3, 0) #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG01C0 0x0700 #define CMN_REG01C0_ANA_LCPLL_LOCK_DONE BIT(7) #define CMN_REG01C0_ANA_LCPLL_AFC_DONE BIT(6) /* these have similar register layout, for lanes 0 and 2 */ #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG03C3 0x0f0c #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG07C3 0x1f0c #define TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_AFC_DONE BIT(3) #define TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_CAL_DONE BIT(2) #define TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_FLD_PLL_MODE_DONE BIT(1) #define TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_LOCK_DONE BIT(0) /* TRSV_REG0413 and TRSV_REG0813 have similar register layout */ #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG0413 0x104c #define TRSV_REG0413_OVRD_LN1_TX_RXD_COMP_EN BIT(7) #define TRSV_REG0413_OVRD_LN1_TX_RXD_EN BIT(5) #define EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG0813 0x204c #define TRSV_REG0813_OVRD_LN3_TX_RXD_COMP_EN BIT(7) #define TRSV_REG0813_OVRD_LN3_TX_RXD_EN BIT(5) /* PCS registers */ #define EXYNOS9_PCS_NS_VEC_PS1_N1 0x010c #define EXYNOS9_PCS_NS_VEC_PS2_N0 0x0110 #define EXYNOS9_PCS_NS_VEC_PS3_N0 0x0118 #define NS_VEC_NS_REQ GENMASK(31, 24) #define NS_VEC_ENABLE_TIMER BIT(22) #define NS_VEC_SEL_TIMEOUT GENMASK(21, 20) #define NS_VEC_INV_MASK GENMASK(19, 16) #define NS_VEC_COND_MASK GENMASK(11, 8) #define NS_VEC_EXP_COND GENMASK(3, 0) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_OUT_VEC_2 0x014c #define EXYNOS9_PCS_OUT_VEC_3 0x0150 #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B9_DYNAMIC BIT(19) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B9_SEL_OUT BIT(18) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B8_DYNAMIC BIT(17) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B8_SEL_OUT BIT(16) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B7_DYNAMIC BIT(15) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B7_SEL_OUT BIT(14) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B6_DYNAMIC BIT(13) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B6_SEL_OUT BIT(12) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B5_DYNAMIC BIT(11) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B5_SEL_OUT BIT(10) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B4_DYNAMIC BIT(9) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B4_SEL_OUT BIT(8) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B3_DYNAMIC BIT(7) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B3_SEL_OUT BIT(6) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B2_DYNAMIC BIT(5) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B2_SEL_OUT BIT(4) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B1_DYNAMIC BIT(3) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B1_SEL_OUT BIT(2) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B0_DYNAMIC BIT(1) #define PCS_OUT_VEC_B0_SEL_OUT BIT(0) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_TIMEOUT_0 0x0170 #define EXYNOS9_PCS_TIMEOUT_3 0x017c #define EXYNOS9_PCS_EBUF_PARAM 0x0304 #define EBUF_PARAM_SKP_REMOVE_TH_EMPTY_MODE GENMASK(29, 24) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_BACK_END_MODE_VEC 0x030c #define BACK_END_MODE_VEC_FORCE_EBUF_EMPTY_MODE BIT(1) #define BACK_END_MODE_VEC_DISABLE_DATA_MASK BIT(0) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_RX_CONTROL 0x03f0 #define RX_CONTROL_EN_BLOCK_ALIGNER_TYPE_B BIT(22) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_RX_CONTROL_DEBUG 0x03f4 #define RX_CONTROL_DEBUG_EN_TS_CHECK BIT(5) #define RX_CONTROL_DEBUG_NUM_COM_FOUND GENMASK(3, 0) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_LOCAL_COEF 0x040c #define LOCAL_COEF_PMA_CENTER_COEF GENMASK(21, 16) #define LOCAL_COEF_LF GENMASK(13, 8) #define LOCAL_COEF_FS GENMASK(5, 0) #define EXYNOS9_PCS_HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0 0x0410 #define HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_DEEMP GENMASK(17, 12) #define HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_LEVEL GENMASK(11, 6) #define HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_PRE_SHOOT GENMASK(5, 0) #define KHZ 1000 #define MHZ (KHZ * KHZ) #define PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PHY(o, m, v) { \ .off = (o), \ .mask = (m), \ .val = (v), \ .region = PTR_PHY \ } #define PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(o, m, v) { \ .off = (o), \ .mask = (m), \ .val = (v), \ .region = PTR_PCS \ } #define PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(o, m, v) { \ .off = (o), \ .mask = (m), \ .val = (v), \ .region = PTR_PMA, \ } #define PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_LAST { .region = PTR_INVALID } #define for_each_phy_tune(tune) \ for (; (tune)->region != PTR_INVALID; ++(tune)) struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning { u32 off; u32 mask; u32 val; char region; #define PTR_INVALID 0 #define PTR_PHY 1 #define PTR_PCS 2 #define PTR_PMA 3 }; enum exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning_state { PTS_UTMI_POSTINIT, PTS_PIPE3_PREINIT, PTS_PIPE3_INIT, PTS_PIPE3_POSTINIT, PTS_PIPE3_POSTLOCK, PTS_MAX, }; enum exynos5_usbdrd_phy_id { EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI, EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_PIPE3, EXYNOS5_DRDPHYS_NUM, }; struct phy_usb_instance; struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy; struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_config { u32 id; void (*phy_isol)(struct phy_usb_instance *inst, bool isolate); void (*phy_init)(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd); unsigned int (*set_refclk)(struct phy_usb_instance *inst); }; struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata { const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_config *phy_cfg; const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning **phy_tunes; const struct phy_ops *phy_ops; const char * const *clk_names; int n_clks; const char * const *core_clk_names; int n_core_clks; const char * const *regulator_names; int n_regulators; u32 pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy; u32 pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy_ss; u32 pmu_offset_usbdrd1_phy; }; /** * struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy - driver data for USB 3.0 PHY * @dev: pointer to device instance of this platform device * @reg_phy: usb phy controller register memory base * @reg_pcs: usb phy physical coding sublayer register memory base * @reg_pma: usb phy physical media attachment register memory base * @clks: clocks for register access * @core_clks: core clocks for phy (ref, pipe3, utmi+, ITP, etc. as required) * @drv_data: pointer to SoC level driver data structure * @phys: array for 'EXYNOS5_DRDPHYS_NUM' number of PHY * instances each with its 'phy' and 'phy_cfg'. * @extrefclk: frequency select settings when using 'separate * reference clocks' for SS and HS operations * @regulators: regulators for phy */ struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy { struct device *dev; void __iomem *reg_phy; void __iomem *reg_pcs; void __iomem *reg_pma; struct clk_bulk_data *clks; struct clk_bulk_data *core_clks; const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata *drv_data; struct phy_usb_instance { struct phy *phy; u32 index; struct regmap *reg_pmu; u32 pmu_offset; const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_config *phy_cfg; } phys[EXYNOS5_DRDPHYS_NUM]; u32 extrefclk; struct regulator_bulk_data *regulators; }; static inline struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *to_usbdrd_phy(struct phy_usb_instance *inst) { return container_of((inst), struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy, phys[(inst)->index]); } /* * exynos5_rate_to_clk() converts the supplied clock rate to the value that * can be written to the phy register. */ static unsigned int exynos5_rate_to_clk(unsigned long rate, u32 *reg) { /* EXYNOS5_FSEL_MASK */ switch (rate) { case 9600 * KHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_9MHZ6; break; case 10 * MHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_10MHZ; break; case 12 * MHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_12MHZ; break; case 19200 * KHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_19MHZ2; break; case 20 * MHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_20MHZ; break; case 24 * MHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_24MHZ; break; case 26 * MHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_26MHZ; break; case 50 * MHZ: *reg = EXYNOS5_FSEL_50MHZ; break; default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static void exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol(struct phy_usb_instance *inst, bool isolate) { unsigned int val; if (!inst->reg_pmu) return; val = isolate ? 0 : EXYNOS4_PHY_ENABLE; regmap_update_bits(inst->reg_pmu, inst->pmu_offset, EXYNOS4_PHY_ENABLE, val); } /* * Sets the pipe3 phy's clk as EXTREFCLK (XXTI) which is internal clock * from clock core. Further sets multiplier values and spread spectrum * clock settings for SuperSpeed operations. */ static unsigned int exynos5_usbdrd_pipe3_set_refclk(struct phy_usb_instance *inst) { u32 reg; struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); /* restore any previous reference clock settings */ reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST); /* Use EXTREFCLK as ref clock */ reg &= ~PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_MASK; reg |= PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_EXT_REFCLK; /* FSEL settings corresponding to reference clock */ reg &= ~(PHYCLKRST_FSEL_PIPE_MASK | PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_MASK | PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL_MASK); switch (phy_drd->extrefclk) { case EXYNOS5_FSEL_50MHZ: reg |= (PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_50M_REF | PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL(0x00)); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_24MHZ: reg |= (PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_24MHZ_REF | PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL(0x88)); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_20MHZ: reg |= (PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_20MHZ_REF | PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL(0x00)); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_19MHZ2: reg |= (PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_19200KHZ_REF | PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL(0x88)); break; default: dev_dbg(phy_drd->dev, "unsupported ref clk\n"); break; } return reg; } /* * Sets the utmi phy's clk as EXTREFCLK (XXTI) which is internal clock * from clock core. Further sets the FSEL values for HighSpeed operations. */ static unsigned int exynos5_usbdrd_utmi_set_refclk(struct phy_usb_instance *inst) { u32 reg; struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); /* restore any previous reference clock settings */ reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST); reg &= ~PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_MASK; reg |= PHYCLKRST_REFCLKSEL_EXT_REFCLK; reg &= ~(PHYCLKRST_FSEL_UTMI_MASK | PHYCLKRST_MPLL_MULTIPLIER_MASK | PHYCLKRST_SSC_REFCLKSEL_MASK); reg |= PHYCLKRST_FSEL(phy_drd->extrefclk); return reg; } static void exynos5_usbdrd_apply_phy_tunes(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd, enum exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning_state state) { const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning *tune; tune = phy_drd->drv_data->phy_tunes[state]; if (!tune) return; for_each_phy_tune(tune) { void __iomem *reg_base; u32 reg = 0; switch (tune->region) { case PTR_PHY: reg_base = phy_drd->reg_phy; break; case PTR_PCS: reg_base = phy_drd->reg_pcs; break; case PTR_PMA: reg_base = phy_drd->reg_pma; break; default: dev_warn_once(phy_drd->dev, "unknown phy region %d\n", tune->region); continue; } if (~tune->mask) { reg = readl(reg_base + tune->off); reg &= ~tune->mask; } reg |= tune->val; writel(reg, reg_base + tune->off); } } static void exynos5_usbdrd_pipe3_init(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { u32 reg; reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM1); /* Set Tx De-Emphasis level */ reg &= ~PHYPARAM1_PCS_TXDEEMPH_MASK; reg |= PHYPARAM1_PCS_TXDEEMPH; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM1); reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST); reg &= ~PHYTEST_POWERDOWN_SSP; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST); } static void exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_ctrl_pma_ready(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { void __iomem *regs_base = phy_drd->reg_phy; u32 reg; /* link pipe_clock selection to pclk of PMA */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); reg |= CLKRST_LINK_PCLK_SEL; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); reg &= ~SECPMACTL_PMA_REF_FREQ_SEL; reg |= FIELD_PREP(SECPMACTL_PMA_REF_FREQ_SEL, 1); /* SFR reset */ reg |= (SECPMACTL_PMA_LOW_PWR | SECPMACTL_PMA_APB_SW_RST); reg &= ~(SECPMACTL_PMA_ROPLL_REF_CLK_SEL | SECPMACTL_PMA_LCPLL_REF_CLK_SEL); /* PMA power off */ reg |= (SECPMACTL_PMA_TRSV_SW_RST | SECPMACTL_PMA_CMN_SW_RST | SECPMACTL_PMA_INIT_SW_RST); writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); udelay(1); reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); reg &= ~SECPMACTL_PMA_LOW_PWR; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); udelay(1); /* release override */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); reg &= ~LINKCTRL_FORCE_PIPE_EN; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); udelay(1); /* APB enable */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); reg &= ~SECPMACTL_PMA_APB_SW_RST; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); } static void exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_pma_lane_mux_sel(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { void __iomem *regs_base = phy_drd->reg_pma; u32 reg; /* lane configuration: USB on all lanes */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG00B8); reg &= ~CMN_REG00B8_LANE_MUX_SEL_DP; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG00B8); /* * FIXME: below code supports one connector orientation only. It needs * updating once we can receive connector events. */ /* override of TX receiver detector and comparator: lane 1 */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG0413); reg &= ~TRSV_REG0413_OVRD_LN1_TX_RXD_COMP_EN; reg &= ~TRSV_REG0413_OVRD_LN1_TX_RXD_EN; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG0413); /* lane 3 */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG0813); reg |= TRSV_REG0813_OVRD_LN3_TX_RXD_COMP_EN; reg |= TRSV_REG0813_OVRD_LN3_TX_RXD_EN; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG0813); } static int exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_pma_check_pll_lock(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { static const unsigned int timeout_us = 40000; static const unsigned int sleep_us = 40; static const u32 locked = (CMN_REG01C0_ANA_LCPLL_LOCK_DONE | CMN_REG01C0_ANA_LCPLL_AFC_DONE); u32 reg; int err; err = readl_poll_timeout( phy_drd->reg_pma + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG01C0, reg, (reg & locked) == locked, sleep_us, timeout_us); if (err) dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "timed out waiting for PLL lock: %#.8x\n", reg); return err; } static void exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_pma_check_cdr_lock(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { static const unsigned int timeout_us = 40000; static const unsigned int sleep_us = 40; static const u32 locked = (TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_AFC_DONE | TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_CAL_DONE | TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_FLD_PLL_MODE_DONE | TRSV_REG03C3_LN0_MON_RX_CDR_LOCK_DONE); u32 reg; int err; err = readl_poll_timeout( phy_drd->reg_pma + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG03C3, reg, (reg & locked) == locked, sleep_us, timeout_us); if (!err) return; dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "timed out waiting for CDR lock (l0): %#.8x, retrying\n", reg); /* based on cable orientation, this might be on the other phy port */ err = readl_poll_timeout( phy_drd->reg_pma + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_TRSV_REG07C3, reg, (reg & locked) == locked, sleep_us, timeout_us); if (err) dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "timed out waiting for CDR lock (l2): %#.8x\n", reg); } static void exynos5_usbdrd_utmi_init(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { u32 reg; reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM0); /* Set Loss-of-Signal Detector sensitivity */ reg &= ~PHYPARAM0_REF_LOSLEVEL_MASK; reg |= PHYPARAM0_REF_LOSLEVEL; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM0); reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM1); /* Set Tx De-Emphasis level */ reg &= ~PHYPARAM1_PCS_TXDEEMPH_MASK; reg |= PHYPARAM1_PCS_TXDEEMPH; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM1); /* UTMI Power Control */ writel(PHYUTMI_OTGDISABLE, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYUTMI); reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST); reg &= ~PHYTEST_POWERDOWN_HSP; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST); } static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_init(struct phy *phy) { int ret; u32 reg; struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); ret = clk_bulk_prepare_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); if (ret) return ret; /* Reset USB 3.0 PHY */ writel(0x0, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG0); writel(0x0, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYRESUME); /* * Setting the Frame length Adj value[6:1] to default 0x20 * See xHCI 1.0 spec, 5.2.4 */ reg = LINKSYSTEM_XHCI_VERSION_CONTROL | LINKSYSTEM_FLADJ(0x20); writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_LINKSYSTEM); reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM0); /* Select PHY CLK source */ reg &= ~PHYPARAM0_REF_USE_PAD; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYPARAM0); /* This bit must be set for both HS and SS operations */ reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYUTMICLKSEL); reg |= PHYUTMICLKSEL_UTMI_CLKSEL; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYUTMICLKSEL); /* UTMI or PIPE3 specific init */ inst->phy_cfg->phy_init(phy_drd); /* reference clock settings */ reg = inst->phy_cfg->set_refclk(inst); /* Digital power supply in normal operating mode */ reg |= PHYCLKRST_RETENABLEN | /* Enable ref clock for SS function */ PHYCLKRST_REF_SSP_EN | /* Enable spread spectrum */ PHYCLKRST_SSC_EN | /* Power down HS Bias and PLL blocks in suspend mode */ PHYCLKRST_COMMONONN | /* Reset the port */ PHYCLKRST_PORTRESET; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST); fsleep(10); reg &= ~PHYCLKRST_PORTRESET; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST); clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); return 0; } static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_exit(struct phy *phy) { int ret; u32 reg; struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); ret = clk_bulk_prepare_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); if (ret) return ret; reg = PHYUTMI_OTGDISABLE | PHYUTMI_FORCESUSPEND | PHYUTMI_FORCESLEEP; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYUTMI); /* Resetting the PHYCLKRST enable bits to reduce leakage current */ reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST); reg &= ~(PHYCLKRST_REF_SSP_EN | PHYCLKRST_SSC_EN | PHYCLKRST_COMMONONN); writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYCLKRST); /* Control PHYTEST to remove leakage current */ reg = readl(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST); reg |= PHYTEST_POWERDOWN_SSP | PHYTEST_POWERDOWN_HSP; writel(reg, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYTEST); clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); return 0; } static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_power_on(struct phy *phy) { int ret; struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); dev_dbg(phy_drd->dev, "Request to power_on usbdrd_phy phy\n"); ret = clk_bulk_prepare_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks, phy_drd->core_clks); if (ret) return ret; /* Enable VBUS supply */ ret = regulator_bulk_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_regulators, phy_drd->regulators); if (ret) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "Failed to enable PHY regulator(s)\n"); goto fail_vbus; } /* Power-on PHY */ inst->phy_cfg->phy_isol(inst, false); return 0; fail_vbus: clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks, phy_drd->core_clks); return ret; } static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_power_off(struct phy *phy) { struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); dev_dbg(phy_drd->dev, "Request to power_off usbdrd_phy phy\n"); /* Power-off the PHY */ inst->phy_cfg->phy_isol(inst, true); /* Disable VBUS supply */ regulator_bulk_disable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_regulators, phy_drd->regulators); clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks, phy_drd->core_clks); return 0; } static int crport_handshake(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd, u32 val, u32 cmd) { unsigned int result; int err; writel(val | cmd, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG0); err = readl_poll_timeout(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG1, result, (result & PHYREG1_CR_ACK), 1, 100); if (err == -ETIMEDOUT) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "CRPORT handshake timeout1 (0x%08x)\n", val); return err; } writel(val, phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG0); err = readl_poll_timeout(phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG1, result, !(result & PHYREG1_CR_ACK), 1, 100); if (err == -ETIMEDOUT) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "CRPORT handshake timeout2 (0x%08x)\n", val); return err; } return 0; } static int crport_ctrl_write(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd, u32 addr, u32 data) { int ret; /* Write Address */ writel(PHYREG0_CR_DATA_IN(addr), phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG0); ret = crport_handshake(phy_drd, PHYREG0_CR_DATA_IN(addr), PHYREG0_CR_CAP_ADDR); if (ret) return ret; /* Write Data */ writel(PHYREG0_CR_DATA_IN(data), phy_drd->reg_phy + EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYREG0); ret = crport_handshake(phy_drd, PHYREG0_CR_DATA_IN(data), PHYREG0_CR_CAP_DATA); if (ret) return ret; ret = crport_handshake(phy_drd, PHYREG0_CR_DATA_IN(data), PHYREG0_CR_WRITE); return ret; } /* * Calibrate few PHY parameters using CR_PORT register to meet * SuperSpeed requirements on Exynos5420 and Exynos5800 systems, * which have 28nm USB 3.0 DRD PHY. */ static int exynos5420_usbdrd_phy_calibrate(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { unsigned int temp; int ret = 0; /* * Change los_bias to (0x5) for 28nm PHY from a * default value (0x0); los_level is set as default * (0x9) as also reflected in los_level[30:26] bits * of PHYPARAM0 register. */ temp = LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_LOS_BIAS_5420 | LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_EN | LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN_LOS_LEVEL_DEFAULT; ret = crport_ctrl_write(phy_drd, EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYSS_LOSLEVEL_OVRD_IN, temp); if (ret) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "Failed setting Loss-of-Signal level for SuperSpeed\n"); return ret; } /* * Set tx_vboost_lvl to (0x5) for 28nm PHY Tuning, * to raise Tx signal level from its default value of (0x4) */ temp = TX_VBOOSTLEVEL_OVRD_IN_VBOOST_5420; ret = crport_ctrl_write(phy_drd, EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYSS_TX_VBOOSTLEVEL_OVRD_IN, temp); if (ret) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "Failed setting Tx-Vboost-Level for SuperSpeed\n"); return ret; } /* * Set proper time to wait for RxDetect measurement, for * desired reference clock of PHY, by tuning the CR_PORT * register LANE0.TX_DEBUG which is internal to PHY. * This fixes issue with few USB 3.0 devices, which are * not detected (not even generate interrupts on the bus * on insertion) without this change. * e.g. Samsung SUM-TSB16S 3.0 USB drive. */ switch (phy_drd->extrefclk) { case EXYNOS5_FSEL_50MHZ: temp = LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_48M_50M_52M; break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_20MHZ: case EXYNOS5_FSEL_19MHZ2: temp = LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_19M2_20M; break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_24MHZ: default: temp = LANE0_TX_DEBUG_RXDET_MEAS_TIME_24M; break; } ret = crport_ctrl_write(phy_drd, EXYNOS5_DRD_PHYSS_LANE0_TX_DEBUG, temp); if (ret) dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "Fail to set RxDet measurement time for SuperSpeed\n"); return ret; } static struct phy *exynos5_usbdrd_phy_xlate(struct device *dev, const struct of_phandle_args *args) { struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (WARN_ON(args->args[0] >= EXYNOS5_DRDPHYS_NUM)) return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV); return phy_drd->phys[args->args[0]].phy; } static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_calibrate(struct phy *phy) { struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); if (inst->phy_cfg->id == EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI) return exynos5420_usbdrd_phy_calibrate(phy_drd); return 0; } static const struct phy_ops exynos5_usbdrd_phy_ops = { .init = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_init, .exit = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_exit, .power_on = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_power_on, .power_off = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_power_off, .calibrate = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_calibrate, .owner = THIS_MODULE, }; static void exynos5_usbdrd_usb_v3p1_pipe_override(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { void __iomem *regs_base = phy_drd->reg_phy; u32 reg; /* force pipe3 signal for link */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); reg &= ~LINKCTRL_FORCE_PHYSTATUS; reg |= LINKCTRL_FORCE_PIPE_EN | LINKCTRL_FORCE_RXELECIDLE; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); /* PMA disable */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); reg |= SECPMACTL_PMA_LOW_PWR; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); } static void exynos850_usbdrd_utmi_init(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { void __iomem *regs_base = phy_drd->reg_phy; u32 reg; u32 ss_ports; /* * Disable HWACG (hardware auto clock gating control). This will force * QACTIVE signal in Q-Channel interface to HIGH level, to make sure * the PHY clock is not gated by the hardware. */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); reg |= LINKCTRL_FORCE_QACT; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKPORT); ss_ports = FIELD_GET(LINKPORT_HOST_NUM_U3, reg); /* Start PHY Reset (POR=high) */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); if (ss_ports) { reg |= CLKRST_PHY20_SW_POR; reg |= CLKRST_PHY20_SW_POR_SEL; reg |= CLKRST_PHY_RESET_SEL; } reg |= CLKRST_PHY_SW_RST; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); /* Enable UTMI+ */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI); reg &= ~(UTMI_FORCE_SUSPEND | UTMI_FORCE_SLEEP | UTMI_DP_PULLDOWN | UTMI_DM_PULLDOWN); writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI); /* Set PHY clock and control HS PHY */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP); reg |= HSP_EN_UTMISUSPEND | HSP_COMMONONN; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP); /* Set VBUS Valid and D+ pull-up control by VBUS pad usage */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); reg |= LINKCTRL_BUS_FILTER_BYPASS(0xf); writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_LINKCTRL); reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI); reg |= UTMI_FORCE_BVALID | UTMI_FORCE_VBUSVALID; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI); reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP); reg |= HSP_VBUSVLDEXT | HSP_VBUSVLDEXTSEL; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP); reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SSPPLLCTL); reg &= ~SSPPLLCTL_FSEL; switch (phy_drd->extrefclk) { case EXYNOS5_FSEL_50MHZ: reg |= FIELD_PREP(SSPPLLCTL_FSEL, 7); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_26MHZ: reg |= FIELD_PREP(SSPPLLCTL_FSEL, 6); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_24MHZ: reg |= FIELD_PREP(SSPPLLCTL_FSEL, 2); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_20MHZ: reg |= FIELD_PREP(SSPPLLCTL_FSEL, 1); break; case EXYNOS5_FSEL_19MHZ2: reg |= FIELD_PREP(SSPPLLCTL_FSEL, 0); break; default: dev_warn(phy_drd->dev, "unsupported ref clk: %#.2x\n", phy_drd->extrefclk); break; } writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_SSPPLLCTL); if (phy_drd->drv_data->phy_tunes) exynos5_usbdrd_apply_phy_tunes(phy_drd, PTS_UTMI_POSTINIT); /* Power up PHY analog blocks */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP_TEST); reg &= ~HSP_TEST_SIDDQ; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP_TEST); /* Finish PHY reset (POR=low) */ fsleep(10); /* required before doing POR=low */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); if (ss_ports) { reg |= CLKRST_PHY20_SW_POR_SEL; reg &= ~CLKRST_PHY20_SW_POR; } reg &= ~(CLKRST_PHY_SW_RST | CLKRST_PORT_RST); writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); fsleep(75); /* required after POR=low for guaranteed PHY clock */ /* Disable single ended signal out */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP); reg &= ~HSP_FSV_OUT_EN; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP); if (ss_ports) exynos5_usbdrd_usb_v3p1_pipe_override(phy_drd); } static int exynos850_usbdrd_phy_init(struct phy *phy) { struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); int ret; ret = clk_bulk_prepare_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); if (ret) return ret; /* UTMI or PIPE3 specific init */ inst->phy_cfg->phy_init(phy_drd); clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); return 0; } static int exynos850_usbdrd_phy_exit(struct phy *phy) { struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); void __iomem *regs_base = phy_drd->reg_phy; u32 reg; int ret; ret = clk_bulk_prepare_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); if (ret) return ret; /* Set PHY clock and control HS PHY */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI); reg &= ~(UTMI_DP_PULLDOWN | UTMI_DM_PULLDOWN); reg |= UTMI_FORCE_SUSPEND | UTMI_FORCE_SLEEP; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_UTMI); /* Power down PHY analog blocks */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP_TEST); reg |= HSP_TEST_SIDDQ; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_HSP_TEST); /* Link reset */ reg = readl(regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); reg |= CLKRST_LINK_SW_RST; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); fsleep(10); /* required before doing POR=low */ reg &= ~CLKRST_LINK_SW_RST; writel(reg, regs_base + EXYNOS850_DRD_CLKRST); clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); return 0; } static const struct phy_ops exynos850_usbdrd_phy_ops = { .init = exynos850_usbdrd_phy_init, .exit = exynos850_usbdrd_phy_exit, .power_on = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_power_on, .power_off = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_power_off, .owner = THIS_MODULE, }; static void exynos5_usbdrd_gs101_pipe3_init(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { void __iomem *regs_pma = phy_drd->reg_pma; void __iomem *regs_phy = phy_drd->reg_phy; u32 reg; exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_ctrl_pma_ready(phy_drd); /* force aux off */ reg = readl(regs_pma + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG0008); reg &= ~CMN_REG0008_AUX_EN; reg |= CMN_REG0008_OVRD_AUX_EN; writel(reg, regs_pma + EXYNOS9_PMA_USBDP_CMN_REG0008); exynos5_usbdrd_apply_phy_tunes(phy_drd, PTS_PIPE3_PREINIT); exynos5_usbdrd_apply_phy_tunes(phy_drd, PTS_PIPE3_INIT); exynos5_usbdrd_apply_phy_tunes(phy_drd, PTS_PIPE3_POSTINIT); exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_pma_lane_mux_sel(phy_drd); /* reset release from port */ reg = readl(regs_phy + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); reg &= ~(SECPMACTL_PMA_TRSV_SW_RST | SECPMACTL_PMA_CMN_SW_RST | SECPMACTL_PMA_INIT_SW_RST); writel(reg, regs_phy + EXYNOS850_DRD_SECPMACTL); if (!exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_pma_check_pll_lock(phy_drd)) exynos5_usbdrd_usbdp_g2_v4_pma_check_cdr_lock(phy_drd); } static int exynos5_usbdrd_gs101_phy_init(struct phy *phy) { struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); int ret; if (inst->phy_cfg->id == EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI) { /* Power-on PHY ... */ ret = regulator_bulk_enable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_regulators, phy_drd->regulators); if (ret) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "Failed to enable PHY regulator(s)\n"); return ret; } } /* * ... and ungate power via PMU. Without this here, we get an SError * trying to access PMA registers */ exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol(inst, false); return exynos850_usbdrd_phy_init(phy); } static int exynos5_usbdrd_gs101_phy_exit(struct phy *phy) { struct phy_usb_instance *inst = phy_get_drvdata(phy); struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd = to_usbdrd_phy(inst); int ret; if (inst->phy_cfg->id == EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI) { ret = exynos850_usbdrd_phy_exit(phy); if (ret) return ret; } exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol(inst, true); if (inst->phy_cfg->id != EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI) return 0; return regulator_bulk_disable(phy_drd->drv_data->n_regulators, phy_drd->regulators); } static const struct phy_ops gs101_usbdrd_phy_ops = { .init = exynos5_usbdrd_gs101_phy_init, .exit = exynos5_usbdrd_gs101_phy_exit, .owner = THIS_MODULE, }; static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_clk_handle(struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd) { int ret; struct clk *ref_clk; unsigned long ref_rate; phy_drd->clks = devm_kcalloc(phy_drd->dev, phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, sizeof(*phy_drd->clks), GFP_KERNEL); if (!phy_drd->clks) return -ENOMEM; for (int i = 0; i < phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks; ++i) phy_drd->clks[i].id = phy_drd->drv_data->clk_names[i]; ret = devm_clk_bulk_get(phy_drd->dev, phy_drd->drv_data->n_clks, phy_drd->clks); if (ret) return dev_err_probe(phy_drd->dev, ret, "failed to get phy clock(s)\n"); phy_drd->core_clks = devm_kcalloc(phy_drd->dev, phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks, sizeof(*phy_drd->core_clks), GFP_KERNEL); if (!phy_drd->core_clks) return -ENOMEM; for (int i = 0; i < phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks; ++i) phy_drd->core_clks[i].id = phy_drd->drv_data->core_clk_names[i]; ret = devm_clk_bulk_get(phy_drd->dev, phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks, phy_drd->core_clks); if (ret) return dev_err_probe(phy_drd->dev, ret, "failed to get phy core clock(s)\n"); ref_clk = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < phy_drd->drv_data->n_core_clks; ++i) { if (!strcmp(phy_drd->core_clks[i].id, "ref")) { ref_clk = phy_drd->core_clks[i].clk; break; } } if (!ref_clk) return dev_err_probe(phy_drd->dev, -ENODEV, "failed to find phy reference clock\n"); ref_rate = clk_get_rate(ref_clk); ret = exynos5_rate_to_clk(ref_rate, &phy_drd->extrefclk); if (ret) return dev_err_probe(phy_drd->dev, ret, "clock rate (%ld) not supported\n", ref_rate); return 0; } static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_config phy_cfg_exynos5[] = { { .id = EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI, .phy_isol = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol, .phy_init = exynos5_usbdrd_utmi_init, .set_refclk = exynos5_usbdrd_utmi_set_refclk, }, { .id = EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_PIPE3, .phy_isol = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol, .phy_init = exynos5_usbdrd_pipe3_init, .set_refclk = exynos5_usbdrd_pipe3_set_refclk, }, }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_config phy_cfg_exynos850[] = { { .id = EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI, .phy_isol = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol, .phy_init = exynos850_usbdrd_utmi_init, }, }; static const char * const exynos5_clk_names[] = { "phy", }; static const char * const exynos5_core_clk_names[] = { "ref", }; static const char * const exynos5433_core_clk_names[] = { "ref", "phy_pipe", "phy_utmi", "itp", }; static const char * const exynos5_regulator_names[] = { "vbus", "vbus-boost", }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata exynos5420_usbdrd_phy = { .phy_cfg = phy_cfg_exynos5, .phy_ops = &exynos5_usbdrd_phy_ops, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy = EXYNOS5_USBDRD_PHY_CONTROL, .pmu_offset_usbdrd1_phy = EXYNOS5420_USBDRD1_PHY_CONTROL, .clk_names = exynos5_clk_names, .n_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_clk_names), .core_clk_names = exynos5_core_clk_names, .n_core_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_core_clk_names), .regulator_names = exynos5_regulator_names, .n_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_regulator_names), }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata exynos5250_usbdrd_phy = { .phy_cfg = phy_cfg_exynos5, .phy_ops = &exynos5_usbdrd_phy_ops, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy = EXYNOS5_USBDRD_PHY_CONTROL, .clk_names = exynos5_clk_names, .n_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_clk_names), .core_clk_names = exynos5_core_clk_names, .n_core_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_core_clk_names), .regulator_names = exynos5_regulator_names, .n_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_regulator_names), }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata exynos5433_usbdrd_phy = { .phy_cfg = phy_cfg_exynos5, .phy_ops = &exynos5_usbdrd_phy_ops, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy = EXYNOS5_USBDRD_PHY_CONTROL, .pmu_offset_usbdrd1_phy = EXYNOS5433_USBHOST30_PHY_CONTROL, .clk_names = exynos5_clk_names, .n_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_clk_names), .core_clk_names = exynos5433_core_clk_names, .n_core_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5433_core_clk_names), .regulator_names = exynos5_regulator_names, .n_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_regulator_names), }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata exynos7_usbdrd_phy = { .phy_cfg = phy_cfg_exynos5, .phy_ops = &exynos5_usbdrd_phy_ops, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy = EXYNOS5_USBDRD_PHY_CONTROL, .clk_names = exynos5_clk_names, .n_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_clk_names), .core_clk_names = exynos5433_core_clk_names, .n_core_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5433_core_clk_names), .regulator_names = exynos5_regulator_names, .n_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_regulator_names), }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata exynos850_usbdrd_phy = { .phy_cfg = phy_cfg_exynos850, .phy_ops = &exynos850_usbdrd_phy_ops, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy = EXYNOS5_USBDRD_PHY_CONTROL, .clk_names = exynos5_clk_names, .n_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_clk_names), .core_clk_names = exynos5_core_clk_names, .n_core_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_core_clk_names), .regulator_names = exynos5_regulator_names, .n_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_regulator_names), }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_config phy_cfg_gs101[] = { { .id = EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_UTMI, .phy_isol = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol, .phy_init = exynos850_usbdrd_utmi_init, }, { .id = EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_PIPE3, .phy_isol = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_isol, .phy_init = exynos5_usbdrd_gs101_pipe3_init, }, }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning gs101_tunes_utmi_postinit[] = { PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PHY(EXYNOS850_DRD_HSPPARACON, (HSPPARACON_TXVREF | HSPPARACON_TXRES | HSPPARACON_TXPREEMPAMP | HSPPARACON_SQRX | HSPPARACON_COMPDIS), (FIELD_PREP_CONST(HSPPARACON_TXVREF, 6) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(HSPPARACON_TXRES, 1) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(HSPPARACON_TXPREEMPAMP, 3) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(HSPPARACON_SQRX, 5) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(HSPPARACON_COMPDIS, 7))), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_LAST }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning gs101_tunes_pipe3_preinit[] = { /* preinit */ /* CDR data mode exit GEN1 ON / GEN2 OFF */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0c8c, -1, 0xff), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1c8c, -1, 0xff), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0c9c, -1, 0x7d), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1c9c, -1, 0x7d), /* improve EDS distribution */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0e7c, -1, 0x06), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x09e0, -1, 0x00), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x09e4, -1, 0x36), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1e7c, -1, 0x06), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1e90, -1, 0x00), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1e94, -1, 0x36), /* improve LVCC */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x08f0, -1, 0x30), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x18f0, -1, 0x30), /* LFPS RX VIH shmoo hole */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0a08, -1, 0x0c), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1a08, -1, 0x0c), /* remove unrelated option for v4 phy */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0a0c, -1, 0x05), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1a0c, -1, 0x05), /* improve Gen2 LVCC */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x00f8, -1, 0x1c), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x00fc, -1, 0x54), /* Change Vth of RCV_DET because of TD 7.40 Polling Retry Test */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x104c, -1, 0x07), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x204c, -1, 0x07), /* reduce Ux Exit time, assuming 26MHz clock */ /* Gen1 */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0ca8, -1, 0x00), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0cac, -1, 0x04), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1ca8, -1, 0x00), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1cac, -1, 0x04), /* Gen2 */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0cb8, -1, 0x00), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0cbc, -1, 0x04), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1cb8, -1, 0x00), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1cbc, -1, 0x04), /* RX impedance setting */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0bb0, 0x03, 0x01), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x0bb4, 0xf0, 0xa0), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1bb0, 0x03, 0x01), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PMA(0x1bb4, 0xf0, 0xa0), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_LAST }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning gs101_tunes_pipe3_init[] = { /* init */ /* abnormal common pattern mask */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_BACK_END_MODE_VEC, BACK_END_MODE_VEC_DISABLE_DATA_MASK, 0), /* de-serializer enabled when U2 */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_OUT_VEC_2, PCS_OUT_VEC_B4_DYNAMIC, PCS_OUT_VEC_B4_SEL_OUT), /* TX Keeper Disable, Squelch on when U3 */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_OUT_VEC_3, PCS_OUT_VEC_B7_DYNAMIC, PCS_OUT_VEC_B7_SEL_OUT | PCS_OUT_VEC_B2_SEL_OUT), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_NS_VEC_PS1_N1, -1, (FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_NS_REQ, 5) | NS_VEC_ENABLE_TIMER | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_SEL_TIMEOUT, 3))), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_NS_VEC_PS2_N0, -1, (FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_NS_REQ, 1) | NS_VEC_ENABLE_TIMER | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_SEL_TIMEOUT, 3) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_COND_MASK, 2) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_EXP_COND, 2))), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_NS_VEC_PS3_N0, -1, (FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_NS_REQ, 1) | NS_VEC_ENABLE_TIMER | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_SEL_TIMEOUT, 3) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_COND_MASK, 7) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(NS_VEC_EXP_COND, 7))), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_TIMEOUT_0, -1, 112), /* Block Aligner Type B */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_RX_CONTROL, 0, RX_CONTROL_EN_BLOCK_ALIGNER_TYPE_B), /* Block align at TS1/TS2 for Gen2 stability (Gen2 only) */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_RX_CONTROL_DEBUG, RX_CONTROL_DEBUG_NUM_COM_FOUND, (RX_CONTROL_DEBUG_EN_TS_CHECK | /* * increase pcs ts1 adding packet-cnt 1 --> 4 * lnx_rx_valid_rstn_delay_rise_sp/ssp : * 19.6us(0x200) -> 15.3us(0x4) */ FIELD_PREP_CONST(RX_CONTROL_DEBUG_NUM_COM_FOUND, 4))), /* Gen1 Tx DRIVER pre-shoot, de-emphasis, level ctrl */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0, (HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_DEEMP | HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_LEVEL | HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_PRE_SHOOT), (FIELD_PREP_CONST(HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_DEEMP, 8) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_LEVEL, 0xb) | FIELD_PREP_CONST(HS_TX_COEF_MAP_0_SSTX_PRE_SHOOT, 0))), /* Gen2 Tx DRIVER level ctrl */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_LOCAL_COEF, LOCAL_COEF_PMA_CENTER_COEF, FIELD_PREP_CONST(LOCAL_COEF_PMA_CENTER_COEF, 0xb)), /* Gen2 U1 exit LFPS duration : 900ns ~ 1.2us */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_TIMEOUT_3, -1, 4096), /* set skp_remove_th 0x2 -> 0x7 for avoiding retry problem. */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_EBUF_PARAM, EBUF_PARAM_SKP_REMOVE_TH_EMPTY_MODE, FIELD_PREP_CONST(EBUF_PARAM_SKP_REMOVE_TH_EMPTY_MODE, 0x7)), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_LAST }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning gs101_tunes_pipe3_postlock[] = { /* Squelch off when U3 */ PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_PCS(EXYNOS9_PCS_OUT_VEC_3, PCS_OUT_VEC_B2_SEL_OUT, 0), PHY_TUNING_ENTRY_LAST }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_tuning *gs101_tunes[PTS_MAX] = { [PTS_UTMI_POSTINIT] = gs101_tunes_utmi_postinit, [PTS_PIPE3_PREINIT] = gs101_tunes_pipe3_preinit, [PTS_PIPE3_INIT] = gs101_tunes_pipe3_init, [PTS_PIPE3_POSTLOCK] = gs101_tunes_pipe3_postlock, }; static const char * const gs101_clk_names[] = { "phy", "ctrl_aclk", "ctrl_pclk", "scl_pclk", }; static const char * const gs101_regulator_names[] = { "pll", "dvdd-usb20", "vddh-usb20", "vdd33-usb20", "vdda-usbdp", "vddh-usbdp", }; static const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata gs101_usbd31rd_phy = { .phy_cfg = phy_cfg_gs101, .phy_tunes = gs101_tunes, .phy_ops = &gs101_usbdrd_phy_ops, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy = GS101_PHY_CTRL_USB20, .pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy_ss = GS101_PHY_CTRL_USBDP, .clk_names = gs101_clk_names, .n_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(gs101_clk_names), .core_clk_names = exynos5_core_clk_names, .n_core_clks = ARRAY_SIZE(exynos5_core_clk_names), .regulator_names = gs101_regulator_names, .n_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(gs101_regulator_names), }; static const struct of_device_id exynos5_usbdrd_phy_of_match[] = { { .compatible = "google,gs101-usb31drd-phy", .data = &gs101_usbd31rd_phy }, { .compatible = "samsung,exynos5250-usbdrd-phy", .data = &exynos5250_usbdrd_phy }, { .compatible = "samsung,exynos5420-usbdrd-phy", .data = &exynos5420_usbdrd_phy }, { .compatible = "samsung,exynos5433-usbdrd-phy", .data = &exynos5433_usbdrd_phy }, { .compatible = "samsung,exynos7-usbdrd-phy", .data = &exynos7_usbdrd_phy }, { .compatible = "samsung,exynos850-usbdrd-phy", .data = &exynos850_usbdrd_phy }, { }, }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, exynos5_usbdrd_phy_of_match); static int exynos5_usbdrd_phy_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; struct device_node *node = dev->of_node; struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy *phy_drd; struct phy_provider *phy_provider; const struct exynos5_usbdrd_phy_drvdata *drv_data; struct regmap *reg_pmu; u32 pmu_offset; int i, ret; int channel; phy_drd = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*phy_drd), GFP_KERNEL); if (!phy_drd) return -ENOMEM; dev_set_drvdata(dev, phy_drd); phy_drd->dev = dev; drv_data = of_device_get_match_data(dev); if (!drv_data) return -EINVAL; phy_drd->drv_data = drv_data; if (of_property_present(dev->of_node, "reg-names")) { void __iomem *reg; reg = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, "phy"); if (IS_ERR(reg)) return PTR_ERR(reg); phy_drd->reg_phy = reg; reg = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, "pcs"); if (IS_ERR(reg)) return PTR_ERR(reg); phy_drd->reg_pcs = reg; reg = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, "pma"); if (IS_ERR(reg)) return PTR_ERR(reg); phy_drd->reg_pma = reg; } else { /* DTB with just a single region */ phy_drd->reg_phy = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0); if (IS_ERR(phy_drd->reg_phy)) return PTR_ERR(phy_drd->reg_phy); } ret = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_clk_handle(phy_drd); if (ret) return ret; reg_pmu = syscon_regmap_lookup_by_phandle(dev->of_node, "samsung,pmu-syscon"); if (IS_ERR(reg_pmu)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to lookup PMU regmap\n"); return PTR_ERR(reg_pmu); } /* * Exynos5420 SoC has multiple channels for USB 3.0 PHY, with * each having separate power control registers. * 'channel' facilitates to set such registers. */ channel = of_alias_get_id(node, "usbdrdphy"); if (channel < 0) dev_dbg(dev, "Not a multi-controller usbdrd phy\n"); /* Get regulators */ phy_drd->regulators = devm_kcalloc(dev, drv_data->n_regulators, sizeof(*phy_drd->regulators), GFP_KERNEL); if (!phy_drd->regulators) return -ENOMEM; regulator_bulk_set_supply_names(phy_drd->regulators, drv_data->regulator_names, drv_data->n_regulators); ret = devm_regulator_bulk_get(dev, drv_data->n_regulators, phy_drd->regulators); if (ret) return dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "failed to get regulators\n"); dev_vdbg(dev, "Creating usbdrd_phy phy\n"); for (i = 0; i < EXYNOS5_DRDPHYS_NUM; i++) { struct phy *phy = devm_phy_create(dev, NULL, drv_data->phy_ops); if (IS_ERR(phy)) { dev_err(dev, "Failed to create usbdrd_phy phy\n"); return PTR_ERR(phy); } phy_drd->phys[i].phy = phy; phy_drd->phys[i].index = i; phy_drd->phys[i].reg_pmu = reg_pmu; switch (channel) { case 1: pmu_offset = drv_data->pmu_offset_usbdrd1_phy; break; case 0: default: pmu_offset = drv_data->pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy; if (i == EXYNOS5_DRDPHY_PIPE3 && drv_data ->pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy_ss) pmu_offset = drv_data->pmu_offset_usbdrd0_phy_ss; break; } phy_drd->phys[i].pmu_offset = pmu_offset; phy_drd->phys[i].phy_cfg = &drv_data->phy_cfg[i]; phy_set_drvdata(phy, &phy_drd->phys[i]); } phy_provider = devm_of_phy_provider_register(dev, exynos5_usbdrd_phy_xlate); if (IS_ERR(phy_provider)) { dev_err(phy_drd->dev, "Failed to register phy provider\n"); return PTR_ERR(phy_provider); } return 0; } static struct platform_driver exynos5_usb3drd_phy = { .probe = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_probe, .driver = { .of_match_table = exynos5_usbdrd_phy_of_match, .name = "exynos5_usb3drd_phy", .suppress_bind_attrs = true, } }; module_platform_driver(exynos5_usb3drd_phy); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Samsung Exynos5 SoCs USB 3.0 DRD controller PHY driver"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Vivek Gautam "); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); MODULE_ALIAS("platform:exynos5_usb3drd_phy");