#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # +--------------------+ # | H1 (vrf) | # | + $h1 | # | | | # +----|---------------+ # | # +----|--------------------------------+ # | SW | | # | +--|------------------------------+ | # | | + $swp1 BR1 (802.1d) | | # | | | | # | | + vx1 (vxlan) | | # | | local | | # | | id 1000 dstport $VXPORT | | # | +---------------------------------+ | # | | # | via | # | | # | + $rp1 | # | | | # +--|----------------------------------+ # | # +--|----------------------------------+ # | | | # | + $rp2 | # | | # | | # | VRP2 (vrf) | # +-------------------------------------+ : ${VXPORT:=4789} : ${ALL_TESTS:=" default_test plain_test reserved_0_test reserved_10_test reserved_31_test reserved_56_test reserved_63_test "} NUM_NETIFS=4 source lib.sh h1_create() { simple_if_init $h1 defer simple_if_fini $h1 tc qdisc add dev $h1 clsact defer tc qdisc del dev $h1 clsact tc filter add dev $h1 ingress pref 77 \ prot ip flower skip_hw ip_proto icmp action drop defer tc filter del dev $h1 ingress pref 77 } switch_create() { ip_link_add br1 type bridge vlan_filtering 0 mcast_snooping 0 # Make sure the bridge uses the MAC address of the local port and not # that of the VxLAN's device. ip_link_set_addr br1 $(mac_get $swp1) ip_link_set_up br1 ip_link_set_up $rp1 ip_addr_add $rp1 ip_route_add nexthop via ip_link_set_master $swp1 br1 ip_link_set_up $swp1 } vrp2_create() { simple_if_init $rp2 defer simple_if_fini $rp2 } setup_prepare() { h1=${NETIFS[p1]} swp1=${NETIFS[p2]} rp1=${NETIFS[p3]} rp2=${NETIFS[p4]} vrf_prepare defer vrf_cleanup forwarding_enable defer forwarding_restore h1_create switch_create vrp2_create } vxlan_header_bytes() { local vni=$1; shift local -a extra_bits=("$@") local -a bits local i for ((i=0; i < 64; i++)); do bits[i]=0 done # Bit 4 is the I flag and is always on. bits[4]=1 for i in ${extra_bits[@]}; do bits[i]=1 done # Bits 32..55 carry the VNI local mask=0x800000 for ((i=0; i < 24; i++)); do bits[$((i + 32))]=$(((vni & mask) != 0)) ((mask >>= 1)) done local bytes for ((i=0; i < 8; i++)); do local byte=0 local j for ((j=0; j < 8; j++)); do local bit=${bits[8 * i + j]} ((byte += bit << (7 - j))) done bytes+=$(printf %02x $byte): done echo ${bytes%:} } neg_bytes() { local bytes=$1; shift local -A neg=([0]=f [1]=e [2]=d [3]=c [4]=b [5]=a [6]=9 [7]=8 [8]=7 [9]=6 [a]=5 [b]=4 [c]=3 [d]=2 [e]=1 [f]=0 [:]=:) local out local i for ((i=0; i < ${#bytes}; i++)); do local c=${bytes:$i:1} out+=${neg[$c]} done echo $out } vxlan_ping_do() { local count=$1; shift local dev=$1; shift local next_hop_mac=$1; shift local dest_ip=$1; shift local dest_mac=$1; shift local vni=$1; shift local reserved_bits=$1; shift local vxlan_header=$(vxlan_header_bytes $vni $reserved_bits) $MZ $dev -c $count -d 100msec -q \ -b $next_hop_mac -B $dest_ip \ -t udp sp=23456,dp=$VXPORT,p=$(: )"$vxlan_header:"$( : VXLAN )"$dest_mac:"$( : ETH daddr )"00:11:22:33:44:55:"$( : ETH saddr )"08:00:"$( : ETH type )"45:"$( : IP version + IHL )"00:"$( : IP TOS )"00:54:"$( : IP total length )"99:83:"$( : IP identification )"40:00:"$( : IP flags + frag off )"40:"$( : IP TTL )"01:"$( : IP proto )"00:00:"$( : IP header csum )"$(ipv4_to_bytes"$( : IP saddr )"$(ipv4_to_bytes"$( : IP daddr )"08:"$( : ICMP type )"00:"$( : ICMP code )"8b:f2:"$( : ICMP csum )"1f:6a:"$( : ICMP request identifier )"00:01:"$( : ICMP request seq. number )"4f:ff:c5:5b:00:00:00:00:"$( : ICMP payload )"6d:74:0b:00:00:00:00:00:"$( : )"10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:"$( : )"18:19:1a:1b:1c:1d:1e:1f:"$( : )"20:21:22:23:24:25:26:27:"$( : )"28:29:2a:2b:2c:2d:2e:2f:"$( : )"30:31:32:33:34:35:36:37" } vxlan_device_add() { ip_link_add vx1 up type vxlan id 1000 \ local dstport "$VXPORT" \ nolearning noudpcsum tos inherit ttl 100 "$@" ip_link_set_master vx1 br1 } vxlan_all_reserved_bits() { local i for ((i=0; i < 64; i++)); do if ((i == 4 || i >= 32 && i < 56)); then continue fi echo $i done } vxlan_ping_vanilla() { vxlan_ping_do 10 $rp2 $(mac_get $rp1) $(mac_get $h1) 1000 } vxlan_ping_reserved() { for bit in $(vxlan_all_reserved_bits); do vxlan_ping_do 1 $rp2 $(mac_get $rp1) \ $(mac_get $h1) 1000 "$bit" ((n++)) done } vxlan_ping_test() { local what=$1; shift local get_stat=$1; shift local expect=$1; shift RET=0 local t0=$($get_stat) "$@" check_err $? "Failure when running $@" local t1=$($get_stat) local delta=$((t1 - t0)) ((expect == delta)) check_err $? "Expected to capture $expect packets, got $delta." log_test "$what" } __default_test_do() { local n_allowed_bits=$1; shift local what=$1; shift vxlan_ping_test "$what: clean packets" \ "tc_rule_stats_get $h1 77 ingress" \ 10 vxlan_ping_vanilla local t0=$(link_stats_get vx1 rx errors) vxlan_ping_test "$what: mangled packets" \ "tc_rule_stats_get $h1 77 ingress" \ $n_allowed_bits vxlan_ping_reserved local t1=$(link_stats_get vx1 rx errors) RET=0 local expect=$((39 - n_allowed_bits)) local delta=$((t1 - t0)) ((expect == delta)) check_err $? "Expected $expect error packets, got $delta." log_test "$what: drops reported" } default_test_do() { vxlan_device_add __default_test_do 0 "Default" } default_test() { in_defer_scope \ default_test_do } plain_test_do() { vxlan_device_add reserved_bits 0xf7ffffff000000ff __default_test_do 0 "reserved_bits 0xf7ffffff000000ff" } plain_test() { in_defer_scope \ plain_test_do } reserved_test() { local bit=$1; shift local allowed_bytes=$(vxlan_header_bytes 0xffffff $bit) local reserved_bytes=$(neg_bytes $allowed_bytes) local reserved_bits=${reserved_bytes//:/} vxlan_device_add reserved_bits 0x$reserved_bits __default_test_do 1 "reserved_bits 0x$reserved_bits" } reserved_0_test() { in_defer_scope \ reserved_test 0 } reserved_10_test() { in_defer_scope \ reserved_test 10 } reserved_31_test() { in_defer_scope \ reserved_test 31 } reserved_56_test() { in_defer_scope \ reserved_test 56 } reserved_63_test() { in_defer_scope \ reserved_test 63 } trap cleanup EXIT setup_prepare setup_wait tests_run exit $EXIT_STATUS