ELF>(@@3efi: memattr: Failed to map EFI Memory Attributes table @ 0x%lx 4efi: memattr: Unexpected EFI Memory Attributes table version %d 4efi: memattr: [Firmware Bug]: Corrupted EFI Memory Attributes Table detected! (version == %u, desc_size == %u, num_entries == %u) drivers/firmware/efi/memattr.c6efi: memattr: Processing EFI Memory Attributes table: 4efi: memattr: Entry type should be RuntimeServiceCode/Data 4efi: memattr: Entry covers multiple EFI memory map regions 4efi: memattr: Entry type deviates from EFI memory map region type 4efi: memattr: No matching entry found in the EFI memory map 3efi: memattr: Error updating mappings, skipping subsequent md's 6efi: memattr: %s 0x%012llx-0x%012llx %s H=HtySHH8wrHP@HHAL9r<H=5Hc H߾1[1HԉHH5H[AWAVAUE1ATIUSHĀHc5H<$eH%(HD$x1HH=HH8D$v @ D$H1;kLl$81HD$HD$LHHD$ HD$(HD$0CHDHHpL@HT$HPHT$HPHT$ HPHT$(HP HT$0D8AGdHHLL HLI9Hz LZHzMHHJII)H I9I HJMH9aD;:7LHH)Ht$ t2HT$@LHT$HHIJL2T$H<$Ht$AAŅ;kxE1H9GH HLt$(HI LHT$@HT$HHIILHLt$(HI HHHD$xeH+%(HD[]A\A]A^A_HLt$(HI OHLt$(HI .HT zH5HA\! GCC: (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0GNU  *=LPapeCgmemattr.ctbl_size.LC3efi_memattr_initefi_mem_attr_tableearly_memremapefimemblock_reserveearly_memunmap__x86_return_thunk_printkefi_memattr_apply_permissionsefi_md_typeattr_format__stack_chk_fail ( G Y k qy    H  / > Hp  ) 0    - @2> T` g t} x        8 5 < GQ})*,*.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.bss.rodata.str1.8.rela.init.text.rela__patchable_function_entries.rela.smp_locks.rodata.str1.1.rela.discard.annotate_insn.rela__bug_table.data..ro_after_init.init.data.comment.note.GNU-stack.note.gnu.property9@@@ 2@4@U/@ pD?@h0fa@ q2@H  @00  (  (