/* Osmocom MSC+VLR end-to-end tests */ /* (C) 2017 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH * * All Rights Reserved * * Author: Neels Hofmeyr * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "msc_vlr_tests.h" static void test_no_authen() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; /* No auth only works on GERAN */ rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); btw("Location Update request causes a GSUP LU request to HLR"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); expect_bssap_clear(); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); BTW("after a while, a new conn sends a CM Service Request (MO SMS)"); cm_service_result_sent = RES_NONE; ms_sends_msg("05 24 74 03 30 58 86 08 99 10 07 00 00 00 64 02"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(cm_service_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(true); /* Release connection */ expect_bssap_clear(); conn_conclude_cm_service_req(g_msub, MSC_A_USE_CM_SERVICE_SMS); btw("all requests serviced, conn has been released"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); BTW("an SMS is sent, MS is paged"); paging_expect_imsi(imsi); paging_sent = false; vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 0, "%d"); send_sms(vsub, vsub, "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable" " marketing option."); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 1, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); vsub = NULL; VERBOSE_ASSERT(paging_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("the subscriber and its pending request should remain"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 1, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("MS replies with Paging Response, we deliver the SMS"); dtap_expect_tx("09" /* SMS messages */ "01" /* CP-DATA */ "58" /* length */ "01" /* Network to MS */ "00" /* reference */ /* originator (gsm411_send_sms() hardcodes this weird nr) */ "0791" "447758100650" /* 447785016005 */ "00" /* dest */ /* SMS TPDU */ "4c" /* len */ "00" /* SMS deliver */ "05806470f1" /* originating address 46071 */ "00" /* TP-PID */ "00" /* GSM default alphabet */ "071010" /* Y-M-D (from wrapped gsm340_gen_scts())*/ "000000" /* H-M-S */ "00" /* GMT+0 */ "44" /* data length */ "5079da1e1ee7416937485e9ea7c965373d1d6683c270383b3d0e" "d3d36ff71c949e83c22072799e9687c5ec32a81d96afcbf4b4fb" "0c7ac3e9e9b7db05"); ms_sends_msg("06270703305882089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed, == true, "%d"); btw("SMS was delivered, no requests pending for subscr"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("conn is still open to wait for SMS ack dance"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); btw("MS replies with CP-ACK for received SMS"); ms_sends_msg("8904"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); btw("MS also sends RP-ACK, MSC in turn sends CP-ACK for that"); dtap_expect_tx("0904"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("890106020041020000"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("SMS is done, conn is gone"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); BTW("subscriber detaches"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_tmsi() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.assign_tmsi = true; btw("Location Update request causes a GSUP LU request to HLR"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("a LU Accept with a new TMSI was sent, waiting for TMSI Realloc Compl"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("even though the TMSI is not acked, we can already find the subscr with it"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x03020100, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("MS sends TMSI Realloc Complete"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("055b"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("Subscriber has the new TMSI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("after a while, a new conn sends a CM Service Request using above TMSI"); cm_service_result_sent = RES_NONE; ms_sends_msg("05247403305886" "05f4" "03020100"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(cm_service_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(true); /* Release connection */ expect_bssap_clear(); conn_conclude_cm_service_req(g_msub, MSC_A_USE_CM_SERVICE_SMS); btw("all requests serviced, conn has been released"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); BTW("an SMS is sent, MS is paged using above TMSI"); paging_expect_tmsi(0x03020100); paging_sent = false; vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x03020100, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 0, "%d"); send_sms(vsub, vsub, "Privacy in residential applications is a desirable" " marketing option."); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 1, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); vsub = NULL; VERBOSE_ASSERT(paging_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("the subscriber and its pending request should remain"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 1, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("MS replies with Paging Response using TMSI, we deliver the SMS"); dtap_expect_tx("09" /* SMS messages */ "01" /* CP-DATA */ "58" /* length */ "01" /* Network to MS */ "00" /* reference */ /* originator (gsm411_send_sms() hardcodes this weird nr) */ "0791" "447758100650" /* 447785016005 */ "00" /* dest */ /* SMS TPDU */ "4c" /* len */ "00" /* SMS deliver */ "05806470f1" /* originating address 46071 */ "00" /* TP-PID */ "00" /* GSM default alphabet */ "071010" /* Y-M-D (from wrapped gsm340_gen_scts())*/ "000000" /* H-M-S */ "00" /* GMT+0 */ "44" /* data length */ "5079da1e1ee7416937485e9ea7c965373d1d6683c270383b3d0e" "d3d36ff71c949e83c22072799e9687c5ec32a81d96afcbf4b4fb" "0c7ac3e9e9b7db05"); ms_sends_msg("06270703305882" "05f4" "03020100"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed, == true, "%d"); btw("SMS was delivered, no requests pending for subscr"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(llist_count(&vsub->cs.requests), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("conn is still open to wait for SMS ack dance"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); btw("MS replies with CP-ACK for received SMS"); ms_sends_msg("8904"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); btw("MS also sends RP-ACK, MSC in turn sends CP-ACK for that"); dtap_expect_tx("0904"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("890106020041020000"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("SMS is done, conn is gone"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); /* TODO: when the subscriber detaches, the vlr_subscr gets * deallocated and we no longer know the TMSI. This case is covered by * test_lu_unknown_tmsi(), so here I'd like to still have the TMSI. BTW("subscriber detaches, using TMSI"); ms_sends_msg("050130" "05f4" "03020100"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); */ BTW("subscriber sends LU Request, this time with the TMSI"); btw("Location Update request causes a GSUP LU request to HLR"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130" "05f4" "03020100"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("a LU Accept with a new TMSI was sent, waiting for TMSI Realloc Compl"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("even though the TMSI is not acked, we can already find the subscr with it"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x07060504, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == 0x07060504, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("MS sends TMSI Realloc Complete"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("055b"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("subscriber has the new TMSI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x07060504, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x07060504, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("subscriber detaches, using new TMSI"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130" "05f4" "07060504"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_imei() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.check_imei_rqd = true; btw("Location Update request causes a GSUP LU request to HLR"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT, and we send an ID Request for the IMEI to the MS"); dtap_expect_tx("051802"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("We will only do business when the IMEI is known"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->imei[0], == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, VLR sends the IMEI to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("30010809710000004026f050080724433224433224" VLR_TO_HLR); /* 3GPP TS 23.003: 6.2.1 Composition of IMEI: the IMEI ends with a * spare digit that shall be sent as zero by the MS. */ ms_sends_msg("0559084a32244332244302"); btw("HLR accepts the IMEI"); expect_bssap_clear(); gsup_rx("32010809710000004026f0510100" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("Subscriber has the IMEI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imei, "42342342342342"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("subscriber detaches"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_tmsi_imei() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.assign_tmsi = true; net->vlr->cfg.check_imei_rqd = true; btw("Location Update request causes a GSUP LU request to HLR"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT, and we send an ID Request for the IMEI to the MS"); dtap_expect_tx("051802"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("We will only do business when the IMEI is known"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->imei[0], == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, VLR sends the IMEI to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("30010809710000004026f050080724433224433224" VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("0559084a32244332244302"); btw("HLR accepts the IMEI"); gsup_rx("32010809710000004026f0510100" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("a LU Accept with a new TMSI was sent, waiting for TMSI Realloc Compl"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("MS sends TMSI Realloc Complete"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("055b"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("Subscriber has the IMEI and TMSI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imei, "42342342342342"), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("subscriber detaches"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_imeisv() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; /* No auth only works on GERAN */ rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.retrieve_imeisv_early = true; btw("Location Update request causes an IMEISV ID request back to the MS"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; dtap_expect_tx("051803"); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, causes LU to commence with a GSUP LU request to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("0559094332244332244372f5"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("Subscriber has the IMEISV from the ID Response"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imeisv, "4234234234234275"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); expect_bssap_clear(); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); BTW("subscriber detaches"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_imeisv_imei() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.retrieve_imeisv_early = true; net->vlr->cfg.check_imei_rqd = true; btw("Location Update request causes an IMEISV ID request back to the MS"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; dtap_expect_tx("051803"); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, causes an early GSUP Check IMEI request to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("30010809710000004026f050080724433224433224" VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("0559094332244332244372f5"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); btw("Subscriber has the IMEISV from the ID Response"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imeisv, "4234234234234275"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("HLR accepts the IMEI, VLR responds with LU Request"); expect_bssap_clear(); gsup_rx("32010809710000004026f0510100" HLR_TO_VLR, "04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("Subscriber has the IMEI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imei, "42342342342342"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("subscriber detaches"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_imeisv_tmsi() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.retrieve_imeisv_early = true; net->vlr->cfg.assign_tmsi = true; btw("Location Update request causes an IMEISV ID request back to the MS"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; dtap_expect_tx("051803"); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, causes LU to commence with a GSUP LU request to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("0559094332244332244372f5"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("Subscriber has the IMEISV from the ID Response"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imeisv, "4234234234234275"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("a LU Accept with a new TMSI was sent, waiting for TMSI Realloc Compl"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("even though the TMSI is not acked, we can already find the subscr with it"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x03020100, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("MS sends TMSI Realloc Complete"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("055b"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); BTW("subscriber sends LU Request, this time with the TMSI"); btw("Location Update request causes an IMEISV ID request back to the MS"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; dtap_expect_tx("051803"); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, causes LU to commence with a GSUP LU request to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("0559095332244332244372f6"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("Subscriber has the IMEISV from the ID Response"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imeisv, "5234234234234276"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("a LU Accept with a new TMSI was sent, waiting for TMSI Realloc Compl"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("even though the TMSI is not acked, we can already find the subscr with it"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x07060504, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == 0x07060504, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("MS sends TMSI Realloc Complete"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("055b"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("subscriber has the new TMSI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_tmsi(net->vlr, 0x07060504, __func__); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub != NULL, == true, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imsi, imsi), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi_new, == GSM_RESERVED_TMSI, "0x%08x"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x07060504, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("subscriber detaches, using new TMSI"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130" "05f4" "07060504"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_imeisv_tmsi_imei() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); net->vlr->cfg.retrieve_imeisv_early = true; net->vlr->cfg.assign_tmsi = true; net->vlr->cfg.check_imei_rqd = true; btw("Location Update request causes an IMEISV ID request back to the MS"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; dtap_expect_tx("051803"); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(dtap_tx_confirmed); btw("MS replies with an Identity Response, causes an early GSUP Check IMEI request to HLR"); gsup_expect_tx("30010809710000004026f050080724433224433224" VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("0559094332244332244372f5"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); btw("Subscriber has the IMEISV from the ID Response"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imeisv, "4234234234234275"), == 0, "%d"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); btw("HLR accepts the IMEI, VLR responds with LU Request"); expect_bssap_clear(); gsup_rx("32010809710000004026f0510100" HLR_TO_VLR, "04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("having received subscriber data does not mean acceptance"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("a LU Accept with a new TMSI was sent, waiting for TMSI Realloc Compl"); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(1); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); EXPECT_ACCEPTED(false); thwart_rx_non_initial_requests(); btw("MS sends TMSI Realloc Complete"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("055b"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); btw("Subscriber has the IMEISV, IMEI and TMSI"); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imeisv, "4234234234234275"), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(strcmp(vsub->imei, "42342342342342"), == 0, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(vsub->tmsi, == 0x03020100, "0x%08x"); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); BTW("subscriber detaches"); expect_bssap_clear(); ms_sends_msg("050130089910070000006402"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } static void test_no_authen_subscr_expire() { struct vlr_subscr *vsub; const char *imsi = "901700000004620"; /* No auth only works on GERAN */ rx_from_ran = OSMO_RAT_GERAN_A; comment_start(); fake_time_start(); /* The test framework has already started the VLR before fake time was active. * Manually schedule this timeout in fake time. */ osmo_timer_del(&net->vlr->lu_expire_timer); osmo_timer_schedule(&net->vlr->lu_expire_timer, VLR_SUBSCRIBER_LU_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL, 0); /* Let the LU expiration timer tick once */ fake_time_passes(VLR_SUBSCRIBER_LU_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL + 1, 0); btw("Location Update request causes a GSUP LU request to HLR"); lu_result_sent = RES_NONE; gsup_expect_tx("04010809710000004026f0" CN_DOMAIN VLR_TO_HLR); ms_sends_msg("050802008168000130089910070000006402"); OSMO_ASSERT(gsup_tx_confirmed); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR sends _INSERT_DATA_REQUEST, VLR responds with _INSERT_DATA_RESULT"); gsup_rx("10010809710000004026f00804036470f1" HLR_TO_VLR, "12010809710000004026f0" VLR_TO_HLR); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_NONE, "%d"); btw("HLR also sends GSUP _UPDATE_LOCATION_RESULT"); expect_bssap_clear(); gsup_rx("06010809710000004026f0" HLR_TO_VLR, NULL); btw("LU was successful, and the conn has already been closed"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(lu_result_sent, == RES_ACCEPT, "%d"); VERBOSE_ASSERT(bssap_clear_sent, == true, "%d"); ran_sends_clear_complete(); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub); vlr_subscr_put(vsub, __func__); /* Let T3212 (periodic Location update timer) expire */ fake_time_passes(vlr_timer_secs(net->vlr, 3212, 3312) + 60 * 4, 0); /* The subscriber should now be gone. */ vsub = vlr_subscr_find_by_imsi(net->vlr, imsi, __func__); OSMO_ASSERT(vsub == NULL); EXPECT_CONN_COUNT(0); clear_vlr(); comment_end(); } msc_vlr_test_func_t msc_vlr_tests[] = { test_no_authen, test_no_authen_tmsi, test_no_authen_imei, test_no_authen_tmsi_imei, test_no_authen_imeisv, test_no_authen_imeisv_imei, test_no_authen_imeisv_tmsi, test_no_authen_imeisv_tmsi_imei, test_no_authen_subscr_expire, NULL };