 * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Lev Walkin <vlm@lionet.info>.
 * 	All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and modifications are permitted subject to BSD license.

#include <asn_application.h>
#include <asn_codecs_prim.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


extern asn_TYPE_descriptor_t asn_DEF_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;

asn_struct_print_f OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_print;
asn_constr_check_f OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_constraint;
der_type_encoder_f OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_encode_der;
xer_type_decoder_f OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_decode_xer;
xer_type_encoder_f OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_encode_xer;

 * Some handy conversion routines *

 * This function fills an (_arcs) array with OBJECT IDENTIFIER arcs
 * up to specified (_arc_slots) elements.
 * 	void print_arcs(OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_t *oid) {
 * 		unsigned long fixed_arcs[10];	// Try with fixed space first
 * 		unsigned long *arcs = fixed_arcs;
 * 		int arc_type_size = sizeof(fixed_arcs[0]);	// sizeof(long)
 * 		int arc_slots = sizeof(fixed_arcs)/sizeof(fixed_arcs[0]); // 10
 * 		int count;	// Real number of arcs.
 * 		int i;
 * 		count = OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_get_arcs(oid, arcs,
 * 			arc_type_size, arc_slots);
 * 		// If necessary, reallocate arcs array and try again.
 * 		if(count > arc_slots) {
 * 			arc_slots = count;
 * 			arcs = malloc(arc_type_size * arc_slots);
 * 			if(!arcs) return;
 * 			count = OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_get_arcs(oid, arcs,
 * 				arc_type_size, arc_slots);
 * 			assert(count == arc_slots);
 * 		}
 * 		// Print the contents of the arcs array.
 * 		for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
 * 			printf("%d\n", arcs[i]);
 * 		// Avoid memory leak.
 * 		if(arcs != fixed_arcs) free(arcs);
 * 	}
 * -1/EINVAL:	Invalid arguments (oid is missing)
 * -1/ERANGE:	One or more arcs have value out of array cell type range.
 * >=0:		Number of arcs contained in the OBJECT IDENTIFIER
 * WARNING: The function always returns the real number of arcs,
 * even if there is no sufficient (_arc_slots) provided.
	void *_arcs,			/* e.g., unsigned int arcs[N] */
	unsigned int _arc_type_size,	/* e.g., sizeof(arcs[0]) */
	unsigned int _arc_slots		/* e.g., N */);

 * This functions initializes the OBJECT IDENTIFIER object with
 * the given set of arcs.
 * The minimum of two arcs must be present; some restrictions apply.
 * -1/EINVAL:	Invalid arguments
 * -1/ERANGE:	The first two arcs do not conform to ASN.1 restrictions.
 * -1/ENOMEM:	Memory allocation failed
 * 0:		The object was initialized with new arcs.
	const void *_arcs,		/* e.g., unsigned int arcs[N] */
	unsigned int _arc_type_size,	/* e.g., sizeof(arcs[0]) */
	unsigned int _arc_slots		/* e.g., N */);

 * Print the specified OBJECT IDENTIFIER arc.
int OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_print_arc(const uint8_t *arcbuf, int arclen,
	int add, /* Arbitrary offset, required to process the first two arcs */
	asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key);

/* Same as above, but returns the number of written digits, instead of 0 */
ssize_t OBJECT_IDENTIFIER__dump_arc(const uint8_t *arcbuf, int arclen, int add,
	asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key);

 * Parse the OBJECT IDENTIFIER textual representation ("").
 * No arc can exceed the (0..signed_long_max) range (typically, 0..2G if L32).
 * This function is not specific to OBJECT IDENTIFIER, it may be used to parse
 * the RELATIVE-OID data, or any other data consisting of dot-separated
 * series of numeric values.
 * If (oid_txt_length == -1), the strlen() will be invoked to determine the
 * size of the (oid_text) string.
 * After return, the optional (opt_oid_text_end) is set to the character after
 * the last parsed one. (opt_oid_text_end) is never less than (oid_text).
 *   -1:	Parse error.
 * >= 0:	Number of arcs contained in the OBJECT IDENTIFIER.
 * WARNING: The function always returns the real number of arcs,
 * even if there is no sufficient (_arc_slots) provided.
 * This is useful for (_arc_slots) value estimation.
int OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_parse_arcs(const char *oid_text, ssize_t oid_txt_length,
	long arcs[], unsigned int arcs_slots, const char **opt_oid_text_end);

 * Internal functions.
 * Used by RELATIVE-OID implementation in particular.
int OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_get_single_arc(const uint8_t *arcbuf, unsigned int arclen,
	signed int add, void *value, unsigned int value_size);
int OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_set_single_arc(uint8_t *arcbuf,
	const void *arcval, unsigned int arcval_size, int _prepared_order);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif	/* _OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_H_ */