/** * \file * * \brief USB Device Stack CCID Function Implementation. * * Copyroght (c) 2019 by Harald Welte * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "ccid_df.h" #include "ccid_proto.h" #include "usb_includes.h" #ifdef WITH_DEBUG_CDC #include "cdcdf_acm_desc.h" #endif #include "usb_descriptors.h" #ifndef USB_CLASS_CCID #define USB_CLASS_CCID 11 #endif struct ccid_df_func_data { uint8_t func_iface; /*!< interface number */ uint8_t func_ep_in; /*!< IN endpoint number */ uint8_t func_ep_out; /*!< OUT endpoint number */ uint8_t func_ep_irq; /*!< IRQ endpoint number */ volatile bool enabled; /*!< is this driver/function enabled? */ const struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor *ccid_cd; }; static struct usbdf_driver _ccid_df; static struct ccid_df_func_data _ccid_df_funcd; extern const struct usb_desc_collection usb_fs_descs; void ccid_eps_enable(void) { while (!ccid_df_is_enabled()) ; CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER() usb_d_ep_disable(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_in); usb_d_ep_enable(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_in); usb_d_ep_disable(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_irq); usb_d_ep_enable(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_irq); usb_d_ep_disable(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_out); usb_d_ep_enable(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_out); CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE() } /* FIXME: make those configurable, ensure they're sized according to * bNumClockSupported / bNumDataRatesSupported */ static uint32_t ccid_clock_frequencies[CCID_NUM_CLK_SUPPORTED] = { LE32(2500),LE32(5000),LE32(10000),LE32(20000) }; static uint32_t ccid_baud_rates[] = { LE32(9600) }; static int32_t ccid_df_enable(struct usbdf_driver *drv, struct usbd_descriptors *desc) { struct ccid_df_func_data *func_data = (struct ccid_df_func_data *)(drv->func_data); usb_iface_desc_t ifc_desc; uint8_t *ifc, *ep; ifc = desc->sod; /* FIXME: iterate over multiple interfaces? */ if (!ifc) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; ifc_desc.bInterfaceNumber = ifc[2]; ifc_desc.bInterfaceClass = ifc[5]; if (ifc_desc.bInterfaceClass != USB_CLASS_CCID) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; if (func_data->func_iface == ifc_desc.bInterfaceNumber) return ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; else if (func_data->func_iface != 0xff) return ERR_NO_RESOURCE; func_data->func_iface = ifc_desc.bInterfaceNumber; ep = usb_find_desc(ifc, desc->eod, USB_DT_ENDPOINT); while (NULL != ep) { usb_ep_desc_t ep_desc; ep_desc.bEndpointAddress = ep[2]; ep_desc.bmAttributes = ep[3]; ep_desc.wMaxPacketSize = usb_get_u16(ep + 4); if (usb_d_ep_init(ep_desc.bEndpointAddress, ep_desc.bmAttributes, ep_desc.wMaxPacketSize)) return ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED; if (ep_desc.bEndpointAddress & USB_EP_DIR_IN) { if ((ep_desc.bmAttributes & USB_EP_XTYPE_MASK) == USB_EP_XTYPE_INTERRUPT) func_data->func_ep_irq = ep_desc.bEndpointAddress; else func_data->func_ep_in = ep_desc.bEndpointAddress; } else { func_data->func_ep_out = ep_desc.bEndpointAddress; } /* don't do this here: too early for reset, config 0, .. ccid not ready. usb_d_ep_enable(ep_desc.bEndpointAddress); */ desc->sod = ep; ep = usb_find_ep_desc(usb_desc_next(desc->sod), desc->eod); } ASSERT(func_data->func_ep_irq != 0xff); ASSERT(func_data->func_ep_in != 0xff); ASSERT(func_data->func_ep_out != 0xff); _ccid_df_funcd.enabled = true; return ERR_NONE; } static int32_t ccid_df_disable(struct usbdf_driver *drv, struct usbd_descriptors *desc) { struct ccid_df_func_data *func_data = (struct ccid_df_func_data *)(drv->func_data); usb_iface_desc_t ifc_desc; if (desc) { ifc_desc.bInterfaceClass = desc->sod[5]; if (ifc_desc.bInterfaceClass != USB_CLASS_CCID) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; } func_data->func_iface = 0xff; if (func_data->func_ep_in != 0xff) { usb_d_ep_deinit(func_data->func_ep_in); func_data->func_ep_in = 0xff; } if (func_data->func_ep_out != 0xff) { usb_d_ep_deinit(func_data->func_ep_out); func_data->func_ep_out = 0xff; } if (func_data->func_ep_irq != 0xff) { usb_d_ep_deinit(func_data->func_ep_irq); func_data->func_ep_irq = 0xff; } _ccid_df_funcd.enabled = false; return ERR_NONE; } /*! \brief CCID Control Function (callback with USB core) */ static int32_t ccid_df_ctrl(struct usbdf_driver *drv, enum usbdf_control ctrl, void *param) { switch (ctrl) { case USBDF_ENABLE: return ccid_df_enable(drv, (struct usbd_descriptors *)param); case USBDF_DISABLE: return ccid_df_disable(drv, (struct usbd_descriptors *)param); case USBDF_GET_IFACE: return ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OP; default: return ERR_INVALID_ARG; } } /* Section 5.3.1: ABORT */ static int32_t ccid_df_ctrl_req_ccid_abort(uint8_t ep, struct usb_req *req, enum usb_ctrl_stage stage) { const struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor *ccid_cd = _ccid_df_funcd.ccid_cd; uint8_t slot_nr = req->wValue & 0xff; if (slot_nr > ccid_cd->bMaxSlotIndex) return ERR_INVALID_ARG; slot_nr = req->wValue; /* FIXME: Implement Abort handling, particularly in combination with * the PC_to_RDR_Abort on the OUT EP */ return ERR_NONE; } /* Section 5.3.2: return array of DWORD containing clock frequencies in kHz */ static int32_t ccid_df_ctrl_req_ccid_get_clock_freq(uint8_t ep, struct usb_req *req, enum usb_ctrl_stage stage) { const struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor *ccid_cd = _ccid_df_funcd.ccid_cd; if (stage != USB_DATA_STAGE) return ERR_NONE; if (req->wLength != ccid_cd->bNumClockSupported * sizeof(uint32_t)) return ERR_INVALID_DATA; return usbdc_xfer(ep, (uint8_t *)ccid_clock_frequencies, req->wLength, false); } /* Section 5.3.3: return array of DWORD containing data rates in bps */ static int32_t ccid_df_ctrl_req_ccid_get_data_rates(uint8_t ep, struct usb_req *req, enum usb_ctrl_stage stage) { const struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor *ccid_cd = _ccid_df_funcd.ccid_cd; if (stage != USB_DATA_STAGE) return ERR_NONE; if (req->wLength != ccid_cd->bNumDataRatesSupported * sizeof(uint32_t)) return ERR_INVALID_DATA; return usbdc_xfer(ep, (uint8_t *)ccid_baud_rates, req->wLength, false); } /* process a control endpoint request */ static int32_t ccid_df_ctrl_req(uint8_t ep, struct usb_req *req, enum usb_ctrl_stage stage) { /* ERR_NOT_FOUND defers to default handlers which do the right thing */ if (stage == USB_SETUP_STAGE) { if ((req->bmRequestType & USB_REQT_RECIP_MASK) == USB_REQT_RECIP_ENDPOINT) { int32_t st; static uint8_t ctrl_buffer[8] = { 0 }; uint8_t epad = req->wIndex & 0xFF; // if (!(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_in == epad || _ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_irq == epad || _ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_out == epad)) // return ERR_NOT_FOUND; switch (req->bRequest) { case USB_REQ_CLEAR_FTR: // usb_d_ep_halt(epad, USB_EP_HALT_CLR); // usbdc_xfer(ep, NULL, 0, true); return ERR_NOT_FOUND; case USB_REQ_SET_FTR: // usb_d_ep_halt(epad, USB_EP_HALT_SET); // usbdc_xfer(ep, NULL, 0, true); return ERR_NOT_FOUND; case USB_REQ_GET_STATUS: // st = usb_d_ep_halt(epad, USB_EP_HALT_GET); // if (st < 0) { // return ERR_NONE; // } // st = st & 0x1; // memcpy(ctrl_buffer, &st, 2); // usbdc_xfer(ep, ctrl_buffer, 2, false); return ERR_NOT_FOUND; default: return ERR_NOT_FOUND; } } } /* verify this is a class-specific request */ if (0x01 != ((req->bmRequestType >> 5) & 0x03)) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* Verify req->wIndex == interface */ if (req->wIndex != _ccid_df_funcd.func_iface) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; switch (req->bRequest) { case CLASS_SPEC_CCID_ABORT: if (req->bmRequestType & USB_EP_DIR_IN) return ERR_INVALID_ARG; return ccid_df_ctrl_req_ccid_abort(ep, req, stage); case CLASS_SPEC_CCID_GET_CLOCK_FREQ: if (!(req->bmRequestType & USB_EP_DIR_IN)) return ERR_INVALID_ARG; return ccid_df_ctrl_req_ccid_get_clock_freq(ep, req, stage); case CLASS_SPEC_CCID_GET_DATA_RATES: if (!(req->bmRequestType & USB_EP_DIR_IN)) return ERR_INVALID_ARG; return ccid_df_ctrl_req_ccid_get_data_rates(ep, req, stage); default: return ERR_NOT_FOUND; } } static struct usbdc_handler ccid_df_req_h = { NULL, (FUNC_PTR) ccid_df_ctrl_req }; int32_t ccid_df_init(void) { if (usbdc_get_state() > USBD_S_POWER) return ERR_DENIED; _ccid_df.ctrl = ccid_df_ctrl; _ccid_df.func_data = &_ccid_df_funcd; /* register the actual USB Function */ usbdc_register_function(&_ccid_df); /* register the call-back for control endpoint handling */ usbdc_register_handler(USBDC_HDL_REQ, &ccid_df_req_h); return ERR_NONE; } void ccid_df_deinit(void) { usb_d_ep_deinit(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_in); usb_d_ep_deinit(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_out); usb_d_ep_deinit(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_irq); } int32_t ccid_df_read_out(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size) { if (!ccid_df_is_enabled()) return ERR_DENIED; return usbdc_xfer(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_out, buf, size, false); } int32_t ccid_df_write_in(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size) { if (!ccid_df_is_enabled()) return ERR_DENIED; return usbdc_xfer(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_in, buf, size, true); } int32_t ccid_df_write_irq(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t size) { if (!ccid_df_is_enabled()) return ERR_DENIED; return usbdc_xfer(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_irq, buf, size, true); } int32_t ccid_df_register_callback(enum ccid_df_cb_type cb_type, FUNC_PTR func) { switch (cb_type) { case CCID_DF_CB_READ_OUT: usb_d_ep_register_callback(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_out, USB_D_EP_CB_XFER, func); break; case CCID_DF_CB_WRITE_IN: usb_d_ep_register_callback(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_in, USB_D_EP_CB_XFER, func); break; case CCID_DF_CB_WRITE_IRQ: usb_d_ep_register_callback(_ccid_df_funcd.func_ep_irq, USB_D_EP_CB_XFER, func); break; default: return ERR_INVALID_ARG; } return ERR_NONE; } bool ccid_df_is_enabled(void) { return _ccid_df_funcd.enabled; }