% SWx: AAA side % % TS 29.273 % % (C) 2023 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH % Author: Alexander Couzens % % All Rights Reserved % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the % License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % % Additional Permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7: % % If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or % combining it with runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP as released by % Ericsson on http://www.erlang.org (or a modified version of these % libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Erlang Public % License (http://www.erlang.org/EPLICENSE), the licensors of this % Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work % without the need to license the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP under % the GNU Affero General Public License. Corresponding Source for a % non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code % for the parts of the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP used as well as % that of the covered work. -module(aaa_diameter_swx). -author('Alexander Couzens '). -behaviour(gen_server). -include_lib("diameter_3gpp_ts29_273_swx.hrl"). -include_lib("diameter/include/diameter_gen_base_rfc6733.hrl"). -include("gtp_utils.hrl"). %% API Function Exports -export([start_link/0]). -export([start/0, stop/0, terminate/2]). %% gen_server Function Exports -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]). -export([code_change/3]). -export([multimedia_auth_request/6]). -export([server_assignment_request/4]). -export([test/0, test/1]). %% Diameter Application Definitions -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -define(SVC_NAME, ?MODULE). -define(APP_ALIAS, ?MODULE). -define(CALLBACK_MOD, aaa_diameter_swx_cb). -define(DIAMETER_DICT_SWX, diameter_3gpp_ts29_273_swx). -define(ENV_APP_NAME, osmo_epdg). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_SESSION_ID, "epdg@localdomain"). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_ORIG_REALM, "localdomain"). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_ORIG_HOST, "epdg.localdomain"). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_VENDOR_ID, 0). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_PROTO, sctp). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_REMOTE_IP, ""). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_REMOTE_PORT, 3868). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_CONNECT_TIMER_MS, 30000). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_WATCHDOG_TIMER_MS, 30000). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_WATCHDOG_CFG, [{okay, 3}, {suspect, 1}]). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_TRANSMIT_TIMER_MS, 10000). -define(VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 10415). -define(VENDOR_ID_3GPP2, 5535). -define(VENDOR_ID_ETSI, 13019). -define(DIAMETER_APP_ID_SWX, ?DIAMETER_DICT_SWX:id()). %% The service configuration. As in the server example, a client %% supporting multiple Diameter applications may or may not want to %% configure a common callback module on all applications. -define(SERVICE, [{'Origin-Host', application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_origin_host, ?ENV_DEFAULT_ORIG_HOST)}, {'Origin-Realm', application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_origin_realm, ?ENV_DEFAULT_ORIG_REALM)}, {'Vendor-Id', application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_vendor_id, ?ENV_DEFAULT_VENDOR_ID)}, {'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id', [#'diameter_base_Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'{ 'Vendor-Id' = ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'Auth-Application-Id' = [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_SWX]}]}, {'Product-Name', "osmo-epdg"}, % TODO: check which we should annouce here as Supported-Vendor-Id {'Supported-Vendor-Id', [?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, ?VENDOR_ID_ETSI, ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP2]}, { application, [{alias, ?APP_ALIAS}, {dictionary, ?DIAMETER_DICT_SWX}, {module, ?CALLBACK_MOD}, {answer_errors, callback}]}]). -record(swx_state, { tx_timeout :: non_neg_integer(), handlers, peers = #{} }). %% @doc starts gen_server implementation process -spec start() -> ok | {error, term()}. start() -> application:ensure_all_started(?MODULE), start_link(). %% @doc stops gen_server implementation process -spec stop() -> ok. stop() -> gen_server:cast(?SERVER, stop). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []). peer_down(API, SvcName, {PeerRef, _} = Peer) -> % fixme: why do we still have ets here? (catch ets:delete(?MODULE, {API, PeerRef})), gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {peer_down, SvcName, Peer}), ok. init([]) -> Proto = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_proto, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_PROTO), Ip = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_remote_ip, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_REMOTE_IP), Port = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_remote_port, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_REMOTE_PORT), ConnectTimer = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_connect_timer, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_CONNECT_TIMER_MS), WatchdogTimer = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_watchdog_timer, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_WATCHDOG_TIMER_MS), WatchdogConfig = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_watchdog_config, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_WATCHDOG_CFG), TxTimer = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, dia_swx_transmit_timer, ?ENV_DEFAULT_DIAMETER_TRANSMIT_TIMER_MS), ok = diameter:start_service(?MODULE, ?SERVICE), % lager:info("DiaServices is ~p~n", [DiaServ]), {ok, _} = connect({address, Proto, Ip, Port}, {timer, ConnectTimer, WatchdogTimer, WatchdogConfig}), {ok, #swx_state{tx_timeout = TxTimer}}. test() -> test("001011234567890"). test(IMSI) -> multimedia_auth_request(IMSI, 1, 3, "EAP-AKA", 33, []). multimedia_auth_request(IMSI, RAT, NumAuthItems, AuthScheme, PdpTypeNr, AuthorizationOpt) -> gen_server:call(?SERVER, {mar, {IMSI, RAT, NumAuthItems, AuthScheme, PdpTypeNr, AuthorizationOpt}}). % APN is optional and should be [] server_assignment_request(IMSI, Type, APN, AgentInfoOpt) -> gen_server:call(?SERVER, {sar, {IMSI, Type, APN, AgentInfoOpt}}). result_code_success(2001) -> ok; result_code_success(2002) -> ok; result_code_success(_) -> invalid_result_code. % TODO Sync failure -define (MAA_Errors(), #{ invalid_result_code => #{error => "Unknown result code"}, invalid_exp_result => #{error => "Unknown experimental result code"}, unknown_user => #{error => "User is not known by HSS"} }). -spec parse_maa(#'MAA'{}) -> map(). parse_maa(#'MAA'{'Result-Code' = [ResultCode]} = Maa) -> Success = result_code_success(ResultCode), {Success, ResultCode}; parse_maa(#'MAA'{'Experimental-Result' = [#{'Vendor-Code' := ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'ExpResultCode' := 5001}]} = Maa) -> {unknown_user, 5001}; parse_maa(#'MAA'{'Experimental-Result' = [#{'Vendor-Code' := ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'ExpResultCode' := ResultCode}]} = Maa) -> {invalid_exp_result, ResultCode}; parse_maa(Maa) -> {unknown_err, []}. % parse_maa(#'MAA'{'Experimental-Result-Code' = [ResultCode] = MAA) -> -spec parse_saa(#'SAA'{}) -> map(). parse_saa(#'SAA'{'Result-Code' = [ResultCode]} = Saa) -> Success = result_code_success(ResultCode), {Success, ResultCode}; parse_saa(#'SAA'{'Experimental-Result' = [#{'Vendor-Code' := ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'ExpResultCode' := 5001}]} = Saa) -> {unknown_user, 5001}; parse_saa(#'SAA'{'Experimental-Result' = [#{'Vendor-Code' := ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'ExpResultCode' := ResultCode}]} = Saa) -> {invalid_exp_result, ResultCode}; parse_saa(Saa) -> {unknown_err, []}. handle_call({mar, {IMSI, RAT, NumAuthItems, AuthScheme, PdpTypeNr, AuthorizationOpt}}, {Pid, _Tag} = _From, State) -> SessionId = diameter:session_id(application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, origin_host, ?ENV_DEFAULT_ORIG_HOST)), % RFC 4005 6.11.1 Framed-IP-Address AVP: % "0xFFFFFFFE indicates that the NAS should select an address for the user % (e.g., assigned from a pool of addresses kept by the NAS)." Ipv4Dyn = <<16#FFFFFFFE:32>>, % 3GPP TS 29.229 6.3.54, RFC4005 6.11.6 2.3, RFC3162 2.3 allow empty prefix. % Set only the Reserved=0 byte and Prefix-Length=0 IPv6Dyn = <<16#00:8,16#00:8>>, case PdpTypeNr of ?GTP_PDP_ADDR_TYPE_NR_IPv4 -> IPv4Opt = Ipv4Dyn, IPv6Opt = []; ?GTP_PDP_ADDR_TYPE_NR_IPv6 -> IPv4Opt = [], IPv6Opt = IPv6Dyn; ?GTP_PDP_ADDR_TYPE_NR_IPv4v6 -> IPv4Opt = Ipv4Dyn, IPv6Opt = IPv6Dyn; _ -> IPv4Opt = [], IPv6Opt = [] end, lager:debug("Swx MAR: IPv4Opt=~p IPv6Opt=~p~n", [IPv4Opt, IPv6Opt]), MAR = #'MAR'{'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id' = #'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'{ 'Vendor-Id' = ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'Auth-Application-Id' = [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_SWX]}, 'Session-Id' = SessionId, 'User-Name' = IMSI, 'Auth-Session-State' = 1, 'SIP-Auth-Data-Item' = #'SIP-Auth-Data-Item'{ 'SIP-Authentication-Scheme' = [AuthScheme], 'SIP-Authorization' = AuthorizationOpt, 'Framed-IP-Address' = IPv4Opt, 'Framed-IPv6-Prefix' = IPv6Opt }, 'SIP-Number-Auth-Items' = NumAuthItems, 'RAT-Type' = RAT }, lager:debug("Swx Tx MAR: ~p~n", [MAR]), Ret = diameter_call(MAR, Pid, State), case Ret of ok -> {reply, ok, State}; {error, Err} -> lager:error("Error: ~w~n", [Err]), {reply, {error, Err}, State} end; handle_call({sar, {IMSI, Type, APN, AgentInfoOpt}}, {Pid, _Tag} = _From, State) -> lager:debug("SWx Tx SAR Imsi=~p Type=~p APN=~p AgentInfoOpt=~p ~n", [IMSI, Type, APN, AgentInfoOpt]), SessionId = diameter:session_id(application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, origin_host, ?ENV_DEFAULT_ORIG_HOST)), SAR = #'SAR'{'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id' = #'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'{ 'Vendor-Id' = ?VENDOR_ID_3GPP, 'Auth-Application-Id' = [?DIAMETER_APP_ID_SWX]}, 'Session-Id' = SessionId, 'User-Name' = IMSI, 'Auth-Session-State' = 1, 'Server-Assignment-Type' = Type, 'Service-Selection' = [APN], 'MIP6-Agent-Info' = AgentInfoOpt }, Ret = diameter_call(SAR, Pid, State), case Ret of ok -> {reply, ok, State}; {error, Err} -> lager:error("Error: ~w~n", [Err]), {reply, {error, Err}, State} end. %% @callback gen_server handle_cast(stop, State) -> {stop, normal, State}; handle_cast(_Req, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% @callback gen_server handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% @callback gen_server code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %% @callback gen_server terminate(normal, _State) -> diameter:stop_service(?SVC_NAME), ok; terminate(shutdown, _State) -> ok; terminate({shutdown, _Reason}, _State) -> ok; terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Internal Function Definitions %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% connect/3 connect(Name, {address, Protocol, IPAddr, Port}, {timer, ConnectTimer, WatchdogTimer, WatchdogConfig}) -> lager:notice("~s connecting to IP ~s port ~p~n", [Name, IPAddr, Port]), {ok, IP} = inet_parse:address(IPAddr), TransportOpts = [{transport_module, tmod(Protocol)}, {transport_config, [{reuseaddr, true}, {raddr, IP}, {rport, Port}]}, {connect_timer, ConnectTimer}, {watchdog_timer, WatchdogTimer}, {watchdog_config, WatchdogConfig}], diameter:add_transport(Name, {connect, TransportOpts}). connect(Address, Timers) -> connect(?SVC_NAME, Address, Timers). %% Convert connection type tmod(tcp) -> diameter_tcp; tmod(sctp) -> diameter_sctp. diameter_call(Msg, Pid, State) -> diameter:call(?SVC_NAME, ?APP_ALIAS, Msg, [{extra, [Pid]}, {timeout, State#swx_state.tx_timeout}, detach]).