// This C++ header file was generated by the TTCN-3 compiler // of the TTCN-3 Test Executor version 9.0.0 // for (build@3978f7fbee0c) on Mon Jun 24 02:37:33 2024 // Copyright (c) 2000-2023 Ericsson Telecom AB // Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing. #ifndef ICMPv6__Templates_HH #define ICMPv6__Templates_HH #ifdef TITAN_RUNTIME_2 #error Generated code does not match with used runtime.\ Code was generated without -R option but -DTITAN_RUNTIME_2 was used. #endif /* Header file includes */ #include #include "IP_Types.hh" #include "ICMPv6_Types.hh" #if TTCN3_VERSION != 90000 #error Version mismatch detected.\ Please check the version of the TTCN-3 compiler and the base library.\ Run make clean and rebuild the project if the version of the compiler changed recently. #endif #ifndef LINUX #error This file should be compiled on LINUX #endif namespace ICMPv6__Templates { /* Function prototypes */ extern ICMPv6__Types::OptionField_template ts__ICMP6__OptPrefix(const OCTETSTRING& prefix, const INTEGER& prefix__len); extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template ts__ICMPv6__RA(const OCTETSTRING& prefix, const INTEGER& prefix__len); extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template ts__ICMPv6__NS(const OCTETSTRING& target__addr); extern ICMPv6__Types::OptionField_template tr__ICMP6__OptPrefix(const OCTETSTRING_template& prefix, const INTEGER_template& prefix__len); extern ICMPv6__Types::OptionField_template tr__ICMP6__OptMTU(const INTEGER_template& mtu); extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template tr__ICMPv6__RA(const OCTETSTRING_template& prefix, const INTEGER_template& prefix__len); extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template tr__ICMPv6__ERP(const OCTETSTRING_template& data); extern IP__Types::IPv6__packet_template ts__IP6(const OCTETSTRING& srcaddr, const OCTETSTRING& dstaddr, const INTEGER& nexthead, const OCTETSTRING& payload, const INTEGER& hlim); extern OCTETSTRING f__ipv6__link__local(const OCTETSTRING& link__id); extern OCTETSTRING f__ipv6__global(const OCTETSTRING& link__id); extern OCTETSTRING f__ipv6__mangle(const OCTETSTRING& addr, const INTEGER& prefix); extern OCTETSTRING f__gen__icmpv6__echo(const OCTETSTRING& saddr, const OCTETSTRING& daddr); extern OCTETSTRING f__ipv6__sol__node__mcast(const OCTETSTRING& addr); extern OCTETSTRING f__gen__icmpv6__router__solicitation(const OCTETSTRING& link__id); extern OCTETSTRING f__gen__icmpv6__neigh__solicit(const OCTETSTRING& saddr, const OCTETSTRING& daddr, const OCTETSTRING& tgt__addr); extern void pre_init_module(); extern void post_init_module(); /* Global variable declarations */ extern const ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template& ts__ICMPv6__ERQ; extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template template_ts__ICMPv6__ERQ; extern const ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template& ts__ICMPv6__RS; extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template template_ts__ICMPv6__RS; extern const INTEGER_template& tr__ICMP6__OptMTU_mtu_defval; extern INTEGER_template template_tr__ICMP6__OptMTU_mtu_defval; extern const ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template& tr__ICMPv6__DU; extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template template_tr__ICMPv6__DU; extern const ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template& tr__ICMPv6__ERQ; extern ICMPv6__Types::PDU__ICMPv6_template template_tr__ICMPv6__ERQ; extern const OCTETSTRING_template& tr__ICMPv6__ERP_data_defval; extern OCTETSTRING_template template_tr__ICMPv6__ERP_data_defval; extern const INTEGER& ts__IP6_hlim_defval; extern INTEGER const_ts__IP6_hlim_defval; extern const INTEGER& f__ipv6__mangle_prefix_defval; extern INTEGER const_f__ipv6__mangle_prefix_defval; extern const BITSTRING bs_1, bs_0; extern const OCTETSTRING os_2, os_1, os_0, os_5, os_4, os_3, os_7, os_6; extern const unsigned char module_checksum[]; extern TTCN_Module module_object; extern const RuntimeVersionChecker ver_checker; } /* end of namespace */ #endif