@echo off rem rem in Java Card 2 there was only cref.exe, but now we provide cref_t0.exe, rem cref_t1.exe, and cref_tdual.exe. rem @echo off setlocal set JC_CLASSIC_HOME=%~dp0\.. rem this batch file is provided as a easy way to call the new .exe's. rem rem "cref.bat args" will call "cref_tdual.exe args" rem rem "cref.bat -t0 args" will call "cref_t0.exe args" rem "cref.bat -t1 args" will call "cref_t1.exe args" rem "cref.bat -tdual args" will call "cref_tdual.exe args" rem setlocal set list= set target=cref_tdual :loop if "%1"=="" goto done if "%1"=="-t0" ( set target=cref_t0 shift goto loop ) if "%1"=="-t1" ( set target=cref_t1 shift goto loop ) if "%1"=="-tdual" ( set target=cref_tdual shift goto loop ) set list=%list% %1 shift goto loop :done call %JC_CLASSIC_HOME%\bin\%target%.exe %list% endlocal