GENERAL INFORMATION =================== The ISO MHEG-5 (Multimedia Hypermedia Experts Group, Multimedia Presentations) decoder. Invoking `make` will first attempt compile the ASN.1 specifications from the ../ISO13522-MHEG-5.asn file. THERE IS NO ISO13522-MHEG-5.asn FILE THERE YET! OBTAINING THE MHEG-5 SPECIFICATION ================================== Due to licensing restrictions, asn1c can not include the MHEG-5 ASN.1 module in its distribution. To obtain the MHEG-5 ASN.1 specification, you should go to and select the latest "Text" version of the corresponding ASN.1 module. After obtaining the ISO13522-MHEG-5.asn, type `make` in the directory containing this README file. mheg5dump USAGE =============== The mheg5dump utility may be used to dump the contents of the BER-encoded MHEG-5 data record file: ./mheg5dump mhegscene.ber # Print MHEG-5 stream as XML (BASIC-XER) The full list of recognized command line options may be obtained with ./mheg5dump -h