/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. */ #ifndef _FBNIC_FW_H_ #define _FBNIC_FW_H_ #include #include struct fbnic_dev; struct fbnic_tlv_msg; struct fbnic_fw_mbx { u8 ready, head, tail; struct { struct fbnic_tlv_msg *msg; dma_addr_t addr; } buf_info[FBNIC_IPC_MBX_DESC_LEN]; }; // FW_VER_MAX_SIZE must match ETHTOOL_FWVERS_LEN #define FBNIC_FW_VER_MAX_SIZE 32 // Formatted version is in the format XX.YY.ZZ_RRR_COMMIT #define FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_COMMIT_MAX_SIZE (FBNIC_FW_VER_MAX_SIZE - 13) #define FBNIC_FW_LOG_MAX_SIZE 256 struct fbnic_fw_ver { u32 version; char commit[FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_COMMIT_MAX_SIZE]; }; struct fbnic_fw_cap { struct { struct fbnic_fw_ver mgmt, bootloader; } running; struct { struct fbnic_fw_ver mgmt, bootloader, undi; } stored; u8 active_slot; u8 bmc_mac_addr[4][ETH_ALEN]; u8 bmc_present : 1; u8 all_multi : 1; u8 link_speed; u8 link_fec; }; struct fbnic_fw_completion { struct { s32 millivolts; s32 millidegrees; } tsene; }; void fbnic_mbx_init(struct fbnic_dev *fbd); void fbnic_mbx_clean(struct fbnic_dev *fbd); void fbnic_mbx_poll(struct fbnic_dev *fbd); int fbnic_mbx_poll_tx_ready(struct fbnic_dev *fbd); void fbnic_mbx_flush_tx(struct fbnic_dev *fbd); int fbnic_fw_xmit_ownership_msg(struct fbnic_dev *fbd, bool take_ownership); int fbnic_fw_init_heartbeat(struct fbnic_dev *fbd, bool poll); void fbnic_fw_check_heartbeat(struct fbnic_dev *fbd); #define fbnic_mk_full_fw_ver_str(_rev_id, _delim, _commit, _str, _str_sz) \ do { \ const u32 __rev_id = _rev_id; \ snprintf(_str, _str_sz, "%02lu.%02lu.%02lu-%03lu%s%s", \ FIELD_GET(FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_MAJOR, __rev_id), \ FIELD_GET(FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_MINOR, __rev_id), \ FIELD_GET(FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_PATCH, __rev_id), \ FIELD_GET(FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_BUILD, __rev_id), \ _delim, _commit); \ } while (0) #define fbnic_mk_fw_ver_str(_rev_id, _str) \ fbnic_mk_full_fw_ver_str(_rev_id, "", "", _str, sizeof(_str)) #define FW_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD (10 * HZ) enum { FBNIC_TLV_MSG_ID_HOST_CAP_REQ = 0x10, FBNIC_TLV_MSG_ID_FW_CAP_RESP = 0x11, FBNIC_TLV_MSG_ID_OWNERSHIP_REQ = 0x12, FBNIC_TLV_MSG_ID_OWNERSHIP_RESP = 0x13, FBNIC_TLV_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT_REQ = 0x14, FBNIC_TLV_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT_RESP = 0x15, }; #define FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_MAJOR CSR_GENMASK(31, 24) #define FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_MINOR CSR_GENMASK(23, 16) #define FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_PATCH CSR_GENMASK(15, 8) #define FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_BUILD CSR_GENMASK(7, 0) enum { FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION = 0x0, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_BMC_PRESENT = 0x1, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_BMC_MAC_ADDR = 0x2, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_BMC_MAC_ARRAY = 0x3, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_STORED_VERSION = 0x4, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_ACTIVE_FW_SLOT = 0x5, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_VERSION_COMMIT_STR = 0x6, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_BMC_ALL_MULTI = 0x8, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_FW_STATE = 0x9, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_FW_LINK_SPEED = 0xa, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_FW_LINK_FEC = 0xb, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_STORED_COMMIT_STR = 0xc, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_CMRT_VERSION = 0xd, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_STORED_CMRT_VERSION = 0xe, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_CMRT_COMMIT_STR = 0xf, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_STORED_CMRT_COMMIT_STR = 0x10, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_UEFI_VERSION = 0x11, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_UEFI_COMMIT_STR = 0x12, FBNIC_FW_CAP_RESP_MSG_MAX }; enum { FBNIC_FW_LINK_SPEED_25R1 = 1, FBNIC_FW_LINK_SPEED_50R2 = 2, FBNIC_FW_LINK_SPEED_50R1 = 3, FBNIC_FW_LINK_SPEED_100R2 = 4, }; enum { FBNIC_FW_LINK_FEC_NONE = 1, FBNIC_FW_LINK_FEC_RS = 2, FBNIC_FW_LINK_FEC_BASER = 3, }; enum { FBNIC_FW_OWNERSHIP_FLAG = 0x0, FBNIC_FW_OWNERSHIP_MSG_MAX }; #endif /* _FBNIC_FW_H_ */