iCE40-usbtrace - full-speed USB tracer ====================================== The iCE40-usbtrace is an Open Source Hardware + Software passive tracer/sniffer for USB full-speed communication. It was built as a lower-cost / complexity alternative to [OpenVizsla]( v3.x whose FPGA became virtually impossible (or ridiculously expensive on the grey market) during the 2020/2021 chipocalypse. The underlying idea is relatively simple: passively tap the CMOS logic-level full-speed USB signals and feed them into a passive/receive-only variant of the [no2usb]( FPGA softcore of Sylvain "tnt" Munaut. NOTE: This project only supports full-speed USB. Unlike the OpenVizsla, it supports neither low-speed nor high-speed! Hardware -------- The iCE40-usbtrace hardware is form-factor compatible to the OpenVizsla v3.2 circuit boards in terms of the USB connector types and locations as well as the PCB outline and mounting holes. It's hence a mechanically compatible drop-in replacement. See the `hardware` directory for the hardware design files. Gateware -------- The gateware (FPGA configuration) is based around the OSHW no2 softcores. They are referenced as git submodules from this repository. See the `gateware` directory for more details. The gateware can be upgraded via USB DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) Firmware -------- There's a picoRISCV softcore inside the ice40 FPGA, whose firmware is provided in the `firmware` directory. The firmware can be upgraded via USB DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) Host Software ------------- There's a python library and sample application that can run on a USB host talking to the iCE40-usbtrace device firmware. You can implement your own call-back function for handling the captured USB packets. Building / Repository Structure ------------------------------- This git repository makes use of git submodules for the various softcores. You will need to run `git submodule init` and `git submodule update` to have the respective cores and build either firmware or gateware. License ------- All parts of the project are released under Free / Open Source / Hardware licenses: * The overall *firmware* is released under GPL-3.0-or-later (portions under MIT and LGPL-3.0-or-later, check the individual files). * The *hardware design* is released under CC-BY-SA 3.0 * The *gateware* is released under CERN-OHL-P-2.0 * the *software* is released under LGPL-2.1-or-later