/* NuRAN Wireless Litecell 1.5 BTS L1 calibration file routines*/

/* Copyright (C) 2015 by Yves Godin <support@nuranwireless.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2016 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
 * Based on sysmoBTS:
 *     (C) 2012 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
 * All Rights Reserved
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>

#include <osmo-bts/gsm_data.h>
#include <osmo-bts/logging.h>

#include <nrw/litecell15/litecell15.h>
#include <nrw/litecell15/gsml1const.h>

#include "l1_if.h"
#include "lc15bts.h"
#include "utils.h"

/* Maximum calibration data chunk size */
#define MAX_CALIB_TBL_SIZE  65536
/* Calibration header version */
#define CALIB_HDR_V1  0x01

struct calib_file_desc {
	const char *fname;
	int rx;
	int trx;
        int rxpath;

static const struct calib_file_desc calib_files[] = {
		.fname = "calib_rx0a.conf",
		.rx = 1,
		.trx = 0,
		.rxpath = 0,
	}, {
		.fname = "calib_rx0b.conf",
		.rx = 1,
		.trx = 0,
		.rxpath = 1,
	}, {
		.fname = "calib_rx1a.conf",
		.rx = 1,
		.trx = 1,
		.rxpath = 0,
	}, {
		.fname = "calib_rx1b.conf",
		.rx = 1,
		.trx = 1,
		.rxpath = 1,
	}, {
		.fname = "calib_tx0.conf",
		.rx = 0,
		.trx = 0,
	}, {
		.fname = "calib_tx1.conf",
		.rx = 0,
		.trx = 1,

struct calTbl_t
            uint8_t u8Version;                /* Header version (1) */
            uint8_t u8Parity;                 /* Parity byte (xor) */
            uint8_t u8Type;                   /* Table type (0:TX Downlink, 1:RX-A Uplink, 2:RX-B Uplink) */
            uint8_t u8Band;                   /* GSM Band (0:GSM-850, 1:EGSM-900, 2:DCS-1800, 3:PCS-1900) */
            uint32_t u32Len;                  /* Table length in bytes including the header */
                uint32_t u32DescOfst;         /* Description section offset */
                uint32_t u32DateOfst;         /* Date section offset */
                uint32_t u32StationOfst;      /* Calibration test station section offset */
                uint32_t u32FpgaFwVerOfst;    /* Calibration FPGA firmware version section offset */
                uint32_t u32DspFwVerOfst;     /* Calibration DSP firmware section offset */
                uint32_t u32DataOfst;         /* Calibration data section offset */
            } toc;
        } v1;
    } hdr;

    uint8_t u8RawData[MAX_CALIB_TBL_SIZE - 32];

static int calib_file_send(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h,
			   const struct calib_file_desc *desc);
static int calib_verify(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h,
			const struct calib_file_desc *desc);

/* determine next calibration file index based on supported bands */
static int get_next_calib_file_idx(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h, int last_idx)
	struct phy_link *plink = fl1h->phy_inst->phy_link;
        int i;

        for (i = last_idx+1; i < ARRAY_SIZE(calib_files); i++) {
                if (calib_files[i].trx == plink->num)
                        return i;
        return -1;

static int calib_file_open(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h,
                           const struct calib_file_desc *desc)
	struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;
	char *calib_path = fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.calib_path;
        char fname[PATH_MAX];

	if (st->fp) {
		LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_NOTICE, "L1 calibration file was left opened !!\n");
		st->fp = NULL;

        fname[0] = '\0';
        snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname)-1, "%s/%s", calib_path, desc->fname);
        fname[sizeof(fname)-1] = '\0';

        st->fp = fopen(fname, "rb");
        if (!st->fp) {
                LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR,
                        "Failed to open '%s' for calibration data.\n", fname);
                return -1;
	return 0;

static int calib_file_close(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h)
	struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;

	if (st->fp) {
		st->fp = NULL;
	return 0;

/* iteratively download the calibration data into the L1 */

static int calib_send_compl_cb(struct gsm_bts_trx *trx, struct msgb *l1_msg,
			       void *data);

/* send a chunk of calibration tabledata for a single specified file */
static int calib_file_send_next_chunk(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h)
	struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;
	Litecell15_Prim_t *prim;
	struct msgb *msg;
	size_t n;

	msg = sysp_msgb_alloc();
	prim = msgb_sysprim(msg);

	prim->id = Litecell15_PrimId_SetCalibTblReq;
	prim->u.setCalibTblReq.offset = (uint32_t)ftell(st->fp);
	n = fread(prim->u.setCalibTblReq.u8Data, 1, 
			sizeof(prim->u.setCalibTblReq.u8Data), st->fp);
	prim->u.setCalibTblReq.length = n;

	if (n == 0) {
		/* The table data has been completely sent and acknowledged */
                LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_NOTICE, "L1 calibration table %s loaded\n",



                /* Send the next one if any */
                st->last_file_idx = get_next_calib_file_idx(fl1h, st->last_file_idx);
                if (st->last_file_idx >= 0) {
                        return calib_file_send(fl1h,

                LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "L1 calibration table loading complete!\n");
                return 0;

	return l1if_req_compl(fl1h, msg, calib_send_compl_cb, NULL);

/* send the calibration table for a single specified file */
static int calib_file_send(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h,
			   const struct calib_file_desc *desc)
	struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;
	int rc;

	rc = calib_file_open(fl1h, desc);
	if (rc < 0) {
		/* still, we'd like to continue trying to load
                 * calibration for all other bands */
                st->last_file_idx = get_next_calib_file_idx(fl1h, st->last_file_idx);
                if (st->last_file_idx >= 0)
                        return calib_file_send(fl1h,

		LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "L1 calibration table loading complete!\n");
                return 0;

	rc = calib_verify(fl1h, desc);
	if ( rc < 0 ) {
		LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Verify L1 calibration table %s -> failed (%d)\n", desc->fname, rc);
		st->last_file_idx = get_next_calib_file_idx(fl1h, st->last_file_idx);

		if (st->last_file_idx >= 0)
			return calib_file_send(fl1h,
		return 0;


	LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Verify L1 calibration table %s -> done\n", desc->fname);

	return calib_file_send_next_chunk(fl1h);

/* completion callback after every SetCalibTbl is confirmed */
static int calib_send_compl_cb(struct gsm_bts_trx *trx, struct msgb *l1_msg,
				void *data)
	struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h = trx_lc15l1_hdl(trx);
	struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;
	Litecell15_Prim_t *prim = msgb_sysprim(l1_msg);

	if (prim->u.setCalibTblCnf.status != GsmL1_Status_Success) {
		LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "L1 rejected calibration table\n");



		/* Skip this one and try the next one */
		st->last_file_idx = get_next_calib_file_idx(fl1h, st->last_file_idx);
	        if (st->last_file_idx >= 0) {
        	        return calib_file_send(fl1h, 

		LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "L1 calibration table loading complete!\n");
		return 0;


	/* Keep sending the calibration file data */
	return calib_file_send_next_chunk(fl1h);

int calib_load(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h)
	int rc;
	struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;
	char *calib_path = fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.calib_path;

        if (!calib_path) {
                LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "Calibration file path not specified\n");
                return -1;

	rc = get_next_calib_file_idx(fl1h, -1);
	if (rc < 0) {
		return -1;
	st->last_file_idx = rc;

	return calib_file_send(fl1h, &calib_files[st->last_file_idx]);

static int calib_verify(struct lc15l1_hdl *fl1h, const struct calib_file_desc *desc)
       int rc, sz;
       struct calib_send_state *st = &fl1h->st;
       struct phy_link *plink = fl1h->phy_inst->phy_link;
       char *rbuf;
       struct calTbl_t *calTbl;
       char calChkSum ;

       /* calculate file size in bytes */
       fseek(st->fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
       sz = ftell(st->fp);

       /* rewind read pointer */
       fseek(st->fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);

       /* read file */
       rbuf = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * sz );

       rc = fread(rbuf, 1, sizeof(char) * sz, st->fp);
       if ( rc != sz) {

               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s reading error\n", desc->fname);

               /* close file */
               rc = calib_file_close(fl1h);
               if (rc < 0 ) {
                       LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s can not close\n", desc->fname);
                       return rc;

               return -2;

       calTbl = (struct calTbl_t*) rbuf;
       /* calculate file checksum */
       calChkSum = 0;
       while ( sz-- ) {
               calChkSum ^= rbuf[sz];

       /* validate Tx calibration parity */
       if ( calChkSum ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid checksum %x.\n", desc->fname, calChkSum);
               return -4;

       /* validate Tx calibration header */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.u8Version != CALIB_HDR_V1 ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid header version %u.\n", desc->fname, calTbl->hdr.v1.u8Version);
               return -5;

       /* validate calibration description */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DescOfst == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid calibration description  offset.\n", desc->fname);
               return -6;

       /* validate calibration date */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DateOfst == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid calibration date offset.\n", desc->fname);
               return -7;

       LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "L1 calibration table %s created on %s\n",
               calTbl->u8RawData + calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DateOfst);

       /* validate calibration station */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32StationOfst == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid calibration station ID offset.\n", desc->fname);
               return -8;

       /* validate FPGA FW version */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32FpgaFwVerOfst == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid FPGA FW version offset.\n", desc->fname);
               return -9;

       /* validate DSP FW version */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DspFwVerOfst == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid DSP FW version offset.\n", desc->fname);
               return -10;

       /* validate Tx calibration data offset */
       if ( calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DataOfst == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_ERROR, "%s has invalid calibration data offset.\n", desc->fname);
               return -11;

       if ( !desc->rx ) {

               /* parse min/max Tx power */
               fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.minTxPower = calTbl->u8RawData[calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DataOfst + (5 << 2)];
               fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.maxTxPower = calTbl->u8RawData[calTbl->hdr.v1.toc.u32DataOfst + (6 << 2)];

               /* override nominal Tx power of given TRX if needed */
               if ( fl1h->phy_inst->trx->nominal_power > fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.maxTxPower) {
                       LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Set TRX %u nominal Tx power to %d dBm (%d)\n",

                       fl1h->phy_inst->trx->nominal_power = fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.maxTxPower;

               if ( fl1h->phy_inst->trx->nominal_power < fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.minTxPower) {
                       LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Set TRX %u nominal Tx power to %d dBm (%d)\n",

                       fl1h->phy_inst->trx->nominal_power = fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.minTxPower;

               if ( fl1h->phy_inst->trx->power_params.trx_p_max_out_mdBm > to_mdB(fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.maxTxPower) ) {
                       LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Set TRX %u Tx power parameter to %d dBm (%d)\n",

                       fl1h->phy_inst->trx->power_params.trx_p_max_out_mdBm = to_mdB(fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.maxTxPower);

               if ( fl1h->phy_inst->trx->power_params.trx_p_max_out_mdBm < to_mdB(fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.minTxPower) ) {
                       LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_INFO, "Set TRX %u Tx power parameter to %d dBm (%d)\n",

                       fl1h->phy_inst->trx->power_params.trx_p_max_out_mdBm = to_mdB(fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.minTxPower);

               LOGP(DL1C, LOGL_DEBUG, "%s: minTxPower=%d, maxTxPower=%d\n",
                               fl1h->phy_inst->u.lc15.maxTxPower );

       /* rewind read pointer for subsequence tasks */
       fseek(st->fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);

       return 0;