;; ;; %CopyrightBegin% ;; ;; Copyright Travelping GmbH 2015. All Rights Reserved. ;; ;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ;; You may obtain a copy of the License at ;; ;; https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ;; ;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ;; limitations under the License. ;; ;; %CopyrightEnd% ;; @id 16777236 @name diameter_3gpp_ts29_229 @prefix diameter_cx @vendor 10415 3GPP @inherits diameter_gen_base_rfc6733 @inherits diameter_etsi_es283_035 @inherits diameter_rfc4005_nasreq ;; only attributes required by other applications are defined @avp_types Visited-Network-Identifier 600 OctetString MV Public-Identity 601 UTF8String MV Server-Name 602 UTF8String MV ;; Server-Capabilities 603 Grouped MV Mandatory-Capability 604 Unsigned32 MV Optional-Capability 605 Unsigned32 MV User-Data 606 OctetString MV SIP-Number-Auth-Items 607 Unsigned32 MV SIP-Authentication-Scheme 608 UTF8String MV SIP-Authenticate 609 OctetString MV SIP-Authorization 610 OctetString MV SIP-Authentication-Context 611 OctetString MV SIP-Auth-Data-Item 612 Grouped MV SIP-Item-Number 613 Unsigned32 MV Server-Assignment-Type 614 Enumerated MV Deregistration-Reason 615 Grouped MV Reason-Code 616 Enumerated MV Reason-Info 617 UTF8String MV Charging-Information 618 Grouped MV Primary-Event-Charging-Function-Name 619 DiameterURI MV Secondary-Event-Charging-Function-Name 620 DiameterURI MV Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name 621 DiameterURI MV Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name 622 DiameterURI MV User-Authorization-Type 623 Enumerated MV User-Data-Already-Available 624 Enumerated MV Confidentiality-Key 625 OctetString MV Integrity-Key 626 OctetString MV Supported-Features 628 Grouped V Feature-List-ID 629 Unsigned32 V Feature-List 630 Unsigned32 V Supported-Applications 631 Grouped V ;; Associated-Identities 632 Grouped V Originating-Request 633 Enumerated MV Wildcarded-Public-Identity 634 UTF8String V SIP-Digest-Authenticate 635 Grouped V Digest-Realm 104 UTF8String M ;; RFC-4590 Digest-Algorithm 111 UTF8String M ;; RFC-4590 Digest-QoP 110 UTF8String M ;; RFC-4590 Digest-HA1 121 UTF8String M ;; RFC-4590 UAR-Flags 637 Unsigned32 V Loose-Route-Indication 638 Enumerated V ;; SCSCF-Restoration-Info 639 Grouped V Path 640 OctetString V Contact 641 OctetString V ;; Subscription-Info 642 Grouped V Call-ID-SIP-Header 643 OctetString V From-SIP-Header 644 OctetString V To-SIP-Header 645 OctetString V Record-Route 646 OctetString V ;; Associated-Registered-Identities 647 Grouped V Multiple-Registration-Indication 648 Enumerated V ;; Restoration-Info 649 Grouped V Session-Priority 650 Enumerated V ;; Identity-with-Emergency-Registration 651 Grouped V Priviledged-Sender-Indication 652 Enumerated V LIA-Flags 653 Unsigned32 V ;; OC-Supported-Features TBD Grouped - ;; IETF draft-ietf-dime-02 ;; OC-OLR TBD Grouped - ;; IETF draft-ietf-dime-02 Initial-CSeq-Sequence-Number 654 Unsigned32 V SAR-Flags 655 Unsigned32 V @grouped Charging-Information ::= < AVP Header : 618 > [ Primary-Event-Charging-Function-Name ] [ Secondary-Event-Charging-Function-Name ] [ Primary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name ] [ Secondary-Charging-Collection-Function-Name ] * [ AVP ] Supported-Features ::= < AVP Header : 628 > { Vendor-Id } { Feature-List-ID } { Feature-List } * [ AVP ] Supported-Applications ::= < AVP Header: 631 10415 > *[ Auth-Application-Id ] *[ Acct-Application-Id ] *[ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ] *[ AVP ] ;; 6.3.13 SIP-Auth-Data-Item ::= < AVP Header: 612 10415 > [ SIP-Item-Number ] [ SIP-Authentication-Scheme ] [ SIP-Authenticate ] [ SIP-Authorization ] [ SIP-Authentication-Context ] [ Confidentiality-Key ] [ Integrity-Key ] [ SIP-Digest-Authenticate ] [ Framed-IP-Address ] [ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ] [ Framed-Interface-Id ] *[ Line-Identifier ] *[AVP] ;; 6.3.16 Deregistration-Reason ::= < AVP Header: 615 10415 > { Reason-Code } [ Reason-Info ] * [AVP] ;; 6.3.36 SIP-Digest-Authenticate ::= < AVP Header: 635 10415> { Digest-Realm } { Digest-QoP } { Digest-HA1} [ Digest-Algorithm ] *[ AVP ] ;; 6.3.15 @enum Server-Assignment-Type NO_ASSIGNMENT 0 REGISTRATION 1 RE_REGISTRATION 2 UNREGISTERED_USER 3 TIMEOUT_DEREGISTRATION 4 USER_DEREGISTRATION 5 TIMEOUT_DEREGISTRATION_STORE_SERVER_NAME 6 USER_DEREGISTRATION_STORE_SERVER_NAME 7 ADMINISTRATIVE_DEREGISTRATION 8 AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE 9 AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT 10 DEREGISTRATION_TOO_MUCH_DATA 11 AAA_USER_DATA_REQUEST 12 PGW_UPDATE 13 RESTORATION 14 ;; 6.3.17 @enum Reason-Code PERMANENT_TERMINATION 0 NEW_SERVER_ASSIGNED 1 SERVER_CHANGE 2 REMOVE_S-CSCF 3