# osmo_gsm_tester: language snippets # # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Neels Hofmeyr # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import sys import time import fcntl import hashlib import tempfile import shutil import atexit import threading import importlib.util import subprocess from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler # This mirrors enum osmo_auth_algo in libosmocore/include/osmocom/crypt/auth.h # so that the index within the tuple matches the enum value. OSMO_AUTH_ALGO_NONE = 'none' ENUM_OSMO_AUTH_ALGO = (OSMO_AUTH_ALGO_NONE, 'comp128v1', 'comp128v2', 'comp128v3', 'xor', 'milenage') def osmo_auth_algo_by_name(algo_str): 'Return enum osmo_auth_algo numeric value as from libosmocore, raise ValueError if not defined.' return ENUM_OSMO_AUTH_ALGO.index(algo_str.lower()) def prepend_library_path(path): lp = os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') if not lp: return path return path + ':' + lp def change_elf_rpath(binary, paths, run_dir): ''' Change RPATH field in ELF executable binary. This feature can be used to tell the loaded to load the trial libraries, as LD_LIBRARY_PATH is disabled for paths with modified capabilities. ''' from .process import Process proc = Process('patchelf', run_dir, ['patchelf', '--set-rpath', paths, binary]) proc.launch_sync() def ip_to_iface(ip): try: for iface in os.listdir('/sys/class/net'): proc = subprocess.Popen(['ip', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', iface], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) for line in proc.stdout.readlines(): if 'inet' in line and ' ' + ip + '/' in line: return line.split()[-1] except Exception: pass return None def dst_ip_get_local_bind(ip): '''Retrieve default IP addr to bind to in order to route traffic to dst addr''' try: proc = subprocess.Popen(['ip', 'route', 'get', ip], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = proc.stdout.readlines() words = output[0].split() i = 0 while i < len(words): if words[i] == 'src': return words[i+1] i += 1 except Exception: pass return None def setcap_net_raw(binary, run_dir): ''' This functionality requires specific setup on the host running osmo-gsm-tester. See osmo-gsm-tester manual for more information. ''' from .process import Process SETCAP_NET_RAW_BIN = 'osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_raw.sh' proc = Process(SETCAP_NET_RAW_BIN, run_dir, ['sudo', SETCAP_NET_RAW_BIN, binary]) proc.launch_sync() def setcap_net_admin(binary, run_dir): ''' This functionality requires specific setup on the host running osmo-gsm-tester. See osmo-gsm-tester manual for more information. ''' from .process import Process SETCAP_NET_ADMIN_BIN = 'osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_net_admin.sh' proc = Process(SETCAP_NET_ADMIN_BIN, run_dir, ['sudo', SETCAP_NET_ADMIN_BIN, binary]) proc.launch_sync() def setcap_netsys_admin(binary, run_dir): ''' This functionality requires specific setup on the host running osmo-gsm-tester. See osmo-gsm-tester manual for more information. ''' from .process import Process SETCAP_NETSYS_ADMIN_BIN = 'osmo-gsm-tester_setcap_netsys_admin.sh' proc = Process(SETCAP_NETSYS_ADMIN_BIN, run_dir, ['sudo', SETCAP_NETSYS_ADMIN_BIN, binary]) proc.launch_sync() def create_netns(netns, run_dir): ''' It creates the netns if it doesn't already exist. ''' from .process import Process NETNS_SETUP_BIN = 'osmo-gsm-tester_netns_setup.sh' proc = Process('create_netns',run_dir, ['sudo', NETNS_SETUP_BIN, netns]) proc.launch_sync() def move_iface_to_netns(ifname, netns, run_dir): ''' Moves an iface to a netns. It creates the netns if it doesn't exist. ''' from .process import Process NETNS_SETUP_BIN = 'osmo-gsm-tester_netns_setup.sh' proc = Process('move_netns', run_dir, ['sudo', NETNS_SETUP_BIN, netns, ifname]) proc.launch_sync() def import_path_prepend(pathname): dir = os.path.realpath(pathname) if dir not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, dir) def import_path_remove(pathname): dir = os.path.realpath(pathname) if dir in sys.path: sys.path.remove(dir) class listdict(dict): 'a dict of lists { "a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [1, 2] }' def add(self, name, item): l = self.get(name) if not l: l = [] self[name] = l l.append(item) return l def add_dict(self, d): for k,v in d.items(): self.add(k, v) class DictProxy: ''' allow accessing dict entries like object members syntactical sugar, adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/31569634 so that e.g. templates can do ${bts.member} instead of ${bts['member']} ''' def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __getitem__(self, key): return dict2obj(self.obj[key]) def __getattr__(self, key): 'provide error information to know which template item was missing' try: return dict2obj(getattr(self.obj, key)) except AttributeError: try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) def dict2obj(value): if is_list(value) or is_dict(value): return DictProxy(value) return value class FileLock: def __init__(self, path, owner): self.path = path self.owner = owner self.f = None def __enter__(self): if self.f is not None: return self.fd = os.open(self.path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY) fcntl.flock(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) os.truncate(self.fd, 0) os.write(self.fd, str(self.owner).encode('utf-8')) os.fsync(self.fd) def __exit__(self, *exc_info): #fcntl.flock(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.truncate(self.fd, 0) os.fsync(self.fd) os.close(self.fd) self.fd = -1 def lock(self): self.__enter__() def unlock(self): self.__exit__() class Dir(): LOCK_FILE = 'lock' def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.lock_path = os.path.join(self.path, Dir.LOCK_FILE) def lock(self, origin_id): ''' return lock context, usage: with my_dir.lock(origin): read_from(my_dir.child('foo.txt')) write_to(my_dir.child('bar.txt')) ''' self.mkdir() return FileLock(self.lock_path, origin_id) @staticmethod def ensure_abs_dir_exists(*path_elements): l = len(path_elements) if l < 1: raise RuntimeError('Cannot create empty path') if l == 1: path = path_elements[0] else: path = os.path.join(*path_elements) if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) def child(self, *rel_path): if not rel_path: return self.path return os.path.join(self.path, *rel_path) def mk_parentdir(self, *rel_path): child = self.child(*rel_path) child_parent = os.path.dirname(child) Dir.ensure_abs_dir_exists(child_parent) return child def mkdir(self, *rel_path): child = self.child(*rel_path) Dir.ensure_abs_dir_exists(child) return child def children(self): return os.listdir(self.path) def exists(self, *rel_path): return os.path.exists(self.child(*rel_path)) def isdir(self, *rel_path): return os.path.isdir(self.child(*rel_path)) def isfile(self, *rel_path): return os.path.isfile(self.child(*rel_path)) def new_child(self, *rel_path): attempt = 1 prefix, suffix = os.path.splitext(self.child(*rel_path)) rel_path_fmt = '%s%%s%s' % (prefix, suffix) while True: path = rel_path_fmt % (('_%d'%attempt) if attempt > 1 else '') if not os.path.exists(path): break attempt += 1 continue Dir.ensure_abs_dir_exists(os.path.dirname(path)) return path def rel_path(self, path): return os.path.relpath(path, self.path) def touch(self, *rel_path): touch_file(self.child(*rel_path)) def new_file(self, *rel_path): path = self.new_child(*rel_path) touch_file(path) return path def new_dir(self, *rel_path): path = self.new_child(*rel_path) Dir.ensure_abs_dir_exists(path) return path def __str__(self): return self.path def __repr__(self): return self.path class FileWatch(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, origin, watch_path, event_func): FileSystemEventHandler.__init__(self) self.origin = origin self.watch_path = watch_path self.event_func = event_func self.observer = Observer() self.watch = None self.mutex = threading.Lock() def get_lock(self): return self.mutex def start(self): dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.watch_path)) self.origin.dbg('FileWatch: scheduling watch for directory %s' % dir) self.watch = self.observer.schedule(self, dir, recursive = False) self.observer.start() def stop(self): if self.watch: self.origin.dbg('FileWatch: unscheduling watch %r' % self.watch) self.observer.unschedule(self.watch) self.watch = None if self.observer.is_alive(): self.observer.stop() self.observer.join() def __del__(self): self.stop() self.observer = None # Override from FileSystemEventHandler def on_any_event(self, event): if event.is_directory: return None if os.path.abspath(event.src_path) != os.path.abspath(self.watch_path): return None self.origin.dbg('FileWatch: received event %r' % event) try: self.mutex.acquire() self.event_func(event) finally: self.mutex.release() def touch_file(path): with open(path, 'a') as f: f.close() def is_dict(l): return isinstance(l, dict) def is_list(l): return isinstance(l, (list, tuple)) def dict_add(a, *b, **c): for bb in b: a.update(bb) a.update(c) return a def _hash_recurse(acc, obj, ignore_keys): if is_dict(obj): for key, val in sorted(obj.items()): if key in ignore_keys: continue _hash_recurse(acc, val, ignore_keys) return if is_list(obj): for item in obj: _hash_recurse(acc, item, ignore_keys) return acc.update(str(obj).encode('utf-8')) def hash_obj(obj, *ignore_keys): acc = hashlib.sha1() _hash_recurse(acc, obj, ignore_keys) return acc.hexdigest() def md5(of_content): if isinstance(of_content, str): of_content = of_content.encode('utf-8') return hashlib.md5(of_content).hexdigest() def md5_of_file(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: return md5(f.read()) _tempdir = None def get_tempdir(remove_on_exit=True): global _tempdir if _tempdir is not None: return _tempdir _tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if remove_on_exit: atexit.register(lambda: shutil.rmtree(_tempdir)) return _tempdir if hasattr(importlib.util, 'module_from_spec'): def run_python_file(module_name, path): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, path) spec.loader.exec_module( importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) ) else: from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader def run_python_file(module_name, path): SourceFileLoader(module_name, path).load_module() def run_python_file_method(module_name, func_name, fail_if_missing=True): module_obj = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [func_name]) try: func = getattr(module_obj, func_name) except AttributeError as e: if fail_if_missing: raise RuntimeError('function %s not found in %s (%s)' % (func_name, module_name)) else: return None return func() def msisdn_inc(msisdn_str): 'add 1 and preserve leading zeros' return ('%%0%dd' % len(msisdn_str)) % (int(msisdn_str) + 1) class InputThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, prompt): super().__init__() self.prompt = prompt self.result = None def run(self): self.result = input(self.prompt) def input_polling(prompt, poll_func): input_thread = InputThread(prompt) input_thread.start() while input_thread.is_alive(): poll_func() time.sleep(1) input_thread.join() return input_thread.result def str2bool(val): if val is None or not val: return False if val.upper() in ['FALSE', 'NO', 'OFF']: return False if val.upper() in ['TRUE','YES', 'ON']: return True raise ValueError('Invalid BOOL field: %r' % val) def list_validate_same_elem_type(li): ''' Checks that all elements in the list are of the same type and returns that type. If the list is empty, returns None If one of the elements is not of the same type, it throws a ValueError exception. ''' if len(li) == 0: return None t = type(li[0]) for elem in li: if type(elem) != t: raise ValueError('List contains elements of different types: %r vs %r' % (t, type(elem))) return t def empty_instance_type(t): if t == dict: return {} elif t == list: return [] elif t == tuple: return () raise ValueError('type %r not supported!' % t) def encryption2osmovty(val): assert val[:3] == 'a5_' return 'a5 ' + val[3:] # Return abs path to external dir, where utils to run out of the process are placed def external_dir(): # ../external/ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'external')) # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4