#!/usr/bin/env python3 # (C) 2024 by Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import sys import argparse import logging import zipfile from pathlib import Path as PlPath from typing import List from osmocom.utils import h2b, b2h, swap_nibbles from pySim.esim.saip import * from pySim.esim.saip.validation import CheckBasicStructure from pySim import javacard from pySim.pprint import HexBytesPrettyPrinter pp = HexBytesPrettyPrinter(indent=4,width=500) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=""" Utility program to work with eSIM SAIP (SimAlliance Interoperable Profile) files.""") parser.add_argument('INPUT_UPP', help='Unprotected Profile Package Input file') parser.add_argument("--loglevel", dest="loglevel", choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], default='INFO', help="Set the logging level") parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable DEBUG logging') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help="The command to perform", required=True) parser_split = subparsers.add_parser('split', help='Split PE-Sequence into individual PEs') parser_split.add_argument('--output-prefix', default='.', help='Prefix path/filename for output files') parser_dump = subparsers.add_parser('dump', help='Dump information on PE-Sequence') parser_dump.add_argument('mode', choices=['all_pe', 'all_pe_by_type', 'all_pe_by_naa']) parser_dump.add_argument('--dump-decoded', action='store_true', help='Dump decoded PEs') parser_check = subparsers.add_parser('check', help='Run constraint checkers on PE-Sequence') parser_rpe = subparsers.add_parser('remove-pe', help='Remove specified PEs from PE-Sequence') parser_rpe.add_argument('--output-file', required=True, help='Output file name') parser_rpe.add_argument('--identification', type=int, action='append', help='Remove PEs matching specified identification') parser_rn = subparsers.add_parser('remove-naa', help='Remove speciifed NAAs from PE-Sequence') parser_rn.add_argument('--output-file', required=True, help='Output file name') parser_rn.add_argument('--naa-type', required=True, choices=NAAs.keys(), help='Network Access Application type to remove') # TODO: add an --naa-index or the like, so only one given instance can be removed parser_info = subparsers.add_parser('info', help='Display information about the profile') parser_eapp = subparsers.add_parser('extract-apps', help='Extract applications as loadblock file') parser_eapp.add_argument('--output-dir', default='.', help='Output directory (where to store files)') parser_eapp.add_argument('--format', default='cap', choices=['ijc', 'cap'], help='Data format of output files') parser_info = subparsers.add_parser('tree', help='Display the filesystem tree') def do_split(pes: ProfileElementSequence, opts): i = 0 for pe in pes.pe_list: basename = PlPath(opts.INPUT_UPP).stem if not pe.identification: fname = '%s-%02u-%s.der' % (basename, i, pe.type) else: fname = '%s-%02u-%05u-%s.der' % (basename, i, pe.identification, pe.type) print("writing single PE to file '%s'" % fname) with open(os.path.join(opts.output_prefix, fname), 'wb') as outf: outf.write(pe.to_der()) i += 1 def do_dump(pes: ProfileElementSequence, opts): def print_all_pe(pes: ProfileElementSequence, dump_decoded:bool = False): # iterate over each pe in the pes (using its __iter__ method) for pe in pes: print("="*70 + " " + pe.type) if dump_decoded: pp.pprint(pe.decoded) def print_all_pe_by_type(pes: ProfileElementSequence, dump_decoded:bool = False): # sort by PE type and show all PE within that type for pe_type in pes.pe_by_type.keys(): print("="*70 + " " + pe_type) for pe in pes.pe_by_type[pe_type]: pp.pprint(pe) if dump_decoded: pp.pprint(pe.decoded) def print_all_pe_by_naa(pes: ProfileElementSequence, dump_decoded:bool = False): for naa in pes.pes_by_naa: i = 0 for naa_instance in pes.pes_by_naa[naa]: print("="*70 + " " + naa + str(i)) i += 1 for pe in naa_instance: pp.pprint(pe.type) if dump_decoded: for d in pe.decoded: print(" %s" % d) if opts.mode == 'all_pe': print_all_pe(pes, opts.dump_decoded) elif opts.mode == 'all_pe_by_type': print_all_pe_by_type(pes, opts.dump_decoded) elif opts.mode == 'all_pe_by_naa': print_all_pe_by_naa(pes, opts.dump_decoded) def do_check(pes: ProfileElementSequence, opts): print("Checking PE-Sequence structure...") checker = CheckBasicStructure() checker.check(pes) print("All good!") def do_remove_pe(pes: ProfileElementSequence, opts): new_pe_list = [] for pe in pes.pe_list: identification = pe.identification if identification: if identification in opts.identification: print("Removing PE %s (id=%u) from Sequence..." % (pe, identification)) continue new_pe_list.append(pe) pes.pe_list = new_pe_list pes._process_pelist() print("Writing %u PEs to file '%s'..." % (len(pes.pe_list), opts.output_file)) with open(opts.output_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(pes.to_der()) def do_remove_naa(pes: ProfileElementSequence, opts): if not opts.naa_type in NAAs: raise ValueError('unsupported NAA type %s' % opts.naa_type) naa = NAAs[opts.naa_type] print("Removing NAAs of type '%s' from Sequence..." % opts.naa_type) pes.remove_naas_of_type(naa) print("Writing %u PEs to file '%s'..." % (len(pes.pe_list), opts.output_file)) with open(opts.output_file, 'wb') as f: f.write(pes.to_der()) def do_info(pes: ProfileElementSequence, opts): def get_naa_count(pes: ProfileElementSequence) -> dict: """return a dict with naa-type (usim, isim) as key and the count of NAA instances as value.""" ret = {} for naa_type in pes.pes_by_naa: ret[naa_type] = len(pes.pes_by_naa[naa_type]) return ret pe_hdr_dec = pes.pe_by_type['header'][0].decoded print() print("SAIP Profile Version: %u.%u" % (pe_hdr_dec['major-version'], pe_hdr_dec['minor-version'])) print("Profile Type: '%s'" % pe_hdr_dec['profileType']) print("ICCID: %s" % b2h(pe_hdr_dec['iccid'])) print("Mandatory Services: %s" % ', '.join(pe_hdr_dec['eUICC-Mandatory-services'].keys())) print() naa_strs = ["%s[%u]" % (k, v) for k, v in get_naa_count(pes).items()] print("NAAs: %s" % ', '.join(naa_strs)) for naa_type in pes.pes_by_naa: for naa_inst in pes.pes_by_naa[naa_type]: first_pe = naa_inst[0] adf_name = '' if hasattr(first_pe, 'adf_name'): adf_name = '(' + first_pe.adf_name + ')' print("NAA %s %s" % (first_pe.type, adf_name)) if hasattr(first_pe, 'imsi'): print("\tIMSI: %s" % first_pe.imsi) # applications print() apps = pes.pe_by_type.get('application', []) print("Number of applications: %u" % len(apps)) for app_pe in apps: print("App Load Package AID: %s" % b2h(app_pe.decoded['loadBlock']['loadPackageAID'])) print("\tMandated: %s" % ('mandated' in app_pe.decoded['app-Header'])) print("\tLoad Block Size: %s" % len(app_pe.decoded['loadBlock']['loadBlockObject'])) for inst in app_pe.decoded.get('instanceList', []): print("\tInstance AID: %s" % b2h(inst['instanceAID'])) # security domains print() sds = pes.pe_by_type.get('securityDomain', []) print("Number of security domains: %u" % len(sds)) for sd in sds: print("Security domain Instance AID: %s" % b2h(sd.decoded['instance']['instanceAID'])) # FIXME: 'applicationSpecificParametersC9' parsing to figure out enabled SCP for key in sd.keys: print("\tKVN=0x%02x, KID=0x%02x, %s" % (key.key_version_number, key.key_identifier, key.key_components)) # RFM print() rfms = pes.pe_by_type.get('rfm', []) print("Number of RFM instances: %u" % len(rfms)) for rfm in rfms: inst_aid = rfm.decoded['instanceAID'] print("RFM instanceAID: %s" % b2h(inst_aid)) print("\tMSL: 0x%02x" % rfm.decoded['minimumSecurityLevel'][0]) adf = rfm.decoded.get('adfRFMAccess', None) if adf: print("\tADF AID: %s" % b2h(adf['adfAID'])) tar_list = rfm.decoded.get('tarList', [inst_aid[-3:]]) for tar in tar_list: print("\tTAR: %s" % b2h(tar)) def do_extract_apps(pes:ProfileElementSequence, opts): apps = pes.pe_by_type.get('application', []) for app_pe in apps: package_aid = b2h(app_pe.decoded['loadBlock']['loadPackageAID']) fname = os.path.join(opts.output_dir, '%s-%s.%s' % (pes.iccid, package_aid, opts.format)) load_block_obj = app_pe.decoded['loadBlock']['loadBlockObject'] print("Writing Load Package AID: %s to file %s" % (package_aid, fname)) if opts.format == 'ijc': with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(load_block_obj) else: with io.BytesIO(load_block_obj) as f, zipfile.ZipFile(fname, 'w') as z: javacard.ijc_to_cap(f, z, package_aid) def do_tree(pes:ProfileElementSequence, opts): pes.mf.print_tree() if __name__ == '__main__': opts = parser.parse_args() if opts.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.getLevelName(opts.loglevel)) with open(opts.INPUT_UPP, 'rb') as f: pes = ProfileElementSequence.from_der(f.read()) print("Read %u PEs from file '%s'" % (len(pes.pe_list), opts.INPUT_UPP)) if opts.command == 'split': do_split(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'dump': do_dump(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'check': do_check(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'remove-pe': do_remove_pe(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'remove-naa': do_remove_naa(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'info': do_info(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'extract-apps': do_extract_apps(pes, opts) elif opts.command == 'tree': do_tree(pes, opts)