/** * \file * * \brief I/O USART related functionality implementation. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries. * * \asf_license_start * * \page License * * Subject to your compliance with these terms, you may use Microchip * software and any derivatives exclusively with Microchip products. * It is your responsibility to comply with third party license terms applicable * to your use of third party software (including open source software) that * may accompany Microchip software. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, * WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROCHIP BE * LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL * LOSS, DAMAGE, COST OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE * SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWED BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY * RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE WILL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES, IF ANY, * THAT YOU HAVE PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP FOR THIS SOFTWARE. * * \asf_license_stop * */ #include "hal_usart_async.h" #include #include #include /** * \brief Driver version */ #define DRIVER_VERSION 0x00000001u static int32_t usart_async_write(struct io_descriptor *const io_descr, const uint8_t *const buf, const uint16_t length); static int32_t usart_async_read(struct io_descriptor *const io_descr, uint8_t *const buf, const uint16_t length); static void usart_process_byte_sent(struct _usart_async_device *device); static void usart_transmission_complete(struct _usart_async_device *device); static void usart_error(struct _usart_async_device *device); static void usart_fill_rx_buffer(struct _usart_async_device *device, uint8_t data); /** * \brief Initialize usart interface */ int32_t usart_async_init(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, void *const hw, uint8_t *rx_buffer, uint16_t rx_buffer_length, void *const func) { int32_t init_status; ASSERT(descr && hw && rx_buffer && rx_buffer_length); if (ERR_NONE != ringbuffer_init(&descr->rx, rx_buffer, rx_buffer_length)) { return ERR_INVALID_ARG; } init_status = _usart_async_init(&descr->device, hw); if (init_status) { return init_status; } descr->io.read = usart_async_read; descr->io.write = usart_async_write; descr->device.usart_cb.tx_byte_sent = usart_process_byte_sent; descr->device.usart_cb.rx_done_cb = usart_fill_rx_buffer; descr->device.usart_cb.tx_done_cb = usart_transmission_complete; descr->device.usart_cb.error_cb = usart_error; return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Deinitialize usart interface */ int32_t usart_async_deinit(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_deinit(&descr->device); descr->io.read = NULL; descr->io.write = NULL; return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Enable usart interface */ int32_t usart_async_enable(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_enable(&descr->device); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Disable usart interface */ int32_t usart_async_disable(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_disable(&descr->device); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Retrieve I/O descriptor */ int32_t usart_async_get_io_descriptor(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, struct io_descriptor **io) { ASSERT(descr && io); *io = &descr->io; return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Register usart callback */ int32_t usart_async_register_callback(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const enum usart_async_callback_type type, usart_cb_t cb) { ASSERT(descr); switch (type) { case USART_ASYNC_RXC_CB: descr->usart_cb.rx_done = cb; _usart_async_set_irq_state(&descr->device, USART_ASYNC_RX_DONE, NULL != cb); break; case USART_ASYNC_TXC_CB: descr->usart_cb.tx_done = cb; _usart_async_set_irq_state(&descr->device, USART_ASYNC_TX_DONE, NULL != cb); break; case USART_ASYNC_ERROR_CB: descr->usart_cb.error = cb; _usart_async_set_irq_state(&descr->device, USART_ASYNC_ERROR, NULL != cb); break; default: return ERR_INVALID_ARG; } return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Specify action for flow control pins */ int32_t usart_async_set_flow_control(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const union usart_flow_control_state state) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_flow_control_state(&descr->device, state); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Set usart baud rate */ int32_t usart_async_set_baud_rate(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const uint32_t baud_rate) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_baud_rate(&descr->device, baud_rate); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Set usart data order */ int32_t usart_async_set_data_order(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const enum usart_data_order data_order) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_data_order(&descr->device, data_order); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Set usart mode */ int32_t usart_async_set_mode(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const enum usart_mode mode) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_mode(&descr->device, mode); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Set usart parity */ int32_t usart_async_set_parity(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const enum usart_parity parity) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_parity(&descr->device, parity); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Set usart stop bits */ int32_t usart_async_set_stopbits(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const enum usart_stop_bits stop_bits) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_stop_bits(&descr->device, stop_bits); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Set usart character size */ int32_t usart_async_set_character_size(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, const enum usart_character_size size) { ASSERT(descr); _usart_async_set_character_size(&descr->device, size); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Retrieve the state of flow control pins */ int32_t usart_async_flow_control_status(const struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, union usart_flow_control_state *const state) { ASSERT(descr && state); *state = _usart_async_get_flow_control_state(&descr->device); return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief Check if the usart transmitter is empty */ int32_t usart_async_is_tx_empty(const struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr) { ASSERT(descr); return _usart_async_is_byte_sent(&descr->device); } /** * \brief Check if the usart receiver is not empty */ int32_t usart_async_is_rx_not_empty(const struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr) { ASSERT(descr); return ringbuffer_num(&descr->rx) > 0; } /** * \brief Retrieve the current interface status */ int32_t usart_async_get_status(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr, struct usart_async_status *const status) { ASSERT(descr); volatile uint32_t *tmp_stat = &(descr->stat); volatile uint16_t *tmp_txcnt = &(descr->tx_por); if (status) { status->flags = *tmp_stat; status->txcnt = *tmp_txcnt; status->rxcnt = ringbuffer_num(&descr->rx); } if (*tmp_stat & USART_ASYNC_STATUS_BUSY) { return ERR_BUSY; } return ERR_NONE; } /** * \brief flush usart rx ringbuf */ int32_t usart_async_flush_rx_buffer(struct usart_async_descriptor *const descr) { ASSERT(descr); return ringbuffer_flush(&descr->rx); } /** * \brief Retrieve the current driver version */ uint32_t usart_async_get_version(void) { return DRIVER_VERSION; } /* * \internal Write the given data to usart interface * * \param[in] descr The pointer to an io descriptor * \param[in] buf Data to write to usart * \param[in] length The number of bytes to write * * \return The number of bytes written. */ static int32_t usart_async_write(struct io_descriptor *const io_descr, const uint8_t *const buf, const uint16_t length) { struct usart_async_descriptor *descr = CONTAINER_OF(io_descr, struct usart_async_descriptor, io); ASSERT(descr && buf && length); if (descr->tx_por != descr->tx_buffer_length) { return ERR_NO_RESOURCE; } descr->tx_buffer = (uint8_t *)buf; descr->tx_buffer_length = length; descr->tx_por = 0; descr->stat = USART_ASYNC_STATUS_BUSY; _usart_async_enable_byte_sent_irq(&descr->device); return (int32_t)length; } /* * \internal Read data from usart interface * * \param[in] descr The pointer to an io descriptor * \param[in] buf A buffer to read data to * \param[in] length The size of a buffer * * \return The number of bytes read. */ static int32_t usart_async_read(struct io_descriptor *const io_descr, uint8_t *const buf, const uint16_t length) { uint16_t was_read = 0; uint32_t num; struct usart_async_descriptor *descr = CONTAINER_OF(io_descr, struct usart_async_descriptor, io); ASSERT(descr && buf && length); CRITICAL_SECTION_ENTER() num = ringbuffer_num(&descr->rx); CRITICAL_SECTION_LEAVE() while ((was_read < num) && (was_read < length)) { ringbuffer_get(&descr->rx, &buf[was_read++]); } return (int32_t)was_read; } /** * \brief Process "byte is sent" interrupt * * \param[in] device The pointer to device structure */ static void usart_process_byte_sent(struct _usart_async_device *device) { struct usart_async_descriptor *descr = CONTAINER_OF(device, struct usart_async_descriptor, device); if (descr->tx_por != descr->tx_buffer_length) { _usart_async_write_byte(&descr->device, descr->tx_buffer[descr->tx_por++]); _usart_async_enable_byte_sent_irq(&descr->device); } else { _usart_async_enable_tx_done_irq(&descr->device); } } /** * \brief Process completion of data sending * * \param[in] device The pointer to device structure */ static void usart_transmission_complete(struct _usart_async_device *device) { struct usart_async_descriptor *descr = CONTAINER_OF(device, struct usart_async_descriptor, device); descr->stat = 0; if (descr->usart_cb.tx_done) { descr->usart_cb.tx_done(descr); } } /** * \brief Process byte reception * * \param[in] device The pointer to device structure * \param[in] data Data read */ static void usart_fill_rx_buffer(struct _usart_async_device *device, uint8_t data) { struct usart_async_descriptor *descr = CONTAINER_OF(device, struct usart_async_descriptor, device); ringbuffer_put(&descr->rx, data); if (descr->usart_cb.rx_done) { descr->usart_cb.rx_done(descr); } } /** * \brief Process error interrupt * * \param[in] device The pointer to device structure */ static void usart_error(struct _usart_async_device *device) { struct usart_async_descriptor *descr = CONTAINER_OF(device, struct usart_async_descriptor, device); descr->stat = 0; if (descr->usart_cb.error) { descr->usart_cb.error(descr); } } //@}