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There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. %s%s threshold warning %d%s threshold critical %d%sno %spa-off%s %sbts-service-off%s %sslave-off%sconnecteddisconnectedmasterslaveON OFFONBTS Control Interface: %s%sTemperature control state: %s%sCurrent Temperatures%s Digital: %f Celsius%s RF: %f Celsius%s sysmoBTS 2050 is %s%s sysmoBTS 2050 PA: %d Celsius%sPower Status%s Main Supply :(ON) [(24.00)Vdc, %4.2f A]%s Master SF : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A]%s Slave SF : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A]%s Power Amp : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A]%s PA Bias : %s [%6.2f Vdc, ---- A]%s%%Failed to start calibration.%ssysmobts-mgr%slimits rflimits digitallimits boardlimits paactions normal %spa-on%s %sbts-service-on%s %sslave-on%sactions warnactions criticalFailed to parse the config file: '%s' trx 0 calibrate-clockTransceiver commands Transceiver 0 Calibrate clock against GPS PPS show managerShow running system information Display information about the managerno slave-offNegate a command or set its defaults Power-off secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 slave-offPower-off secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 no bts-service-offNegate a command or set its defaults Stop the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service bts-service-offStop the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service no pa-offNegate a command or set its defaults Do not switch off the Power Amplifier pa-offSwitch the Power Amplifier off no slave-onNegate a command or set its defaults Power-on secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 slave-onPower-on secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 no bts-service-onNegate a command or set its defaults Start the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service bts-service-onStart the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service no pa-onNegate a command or set its defaults Switch the Power Amplifier on pa-onSwitch the Power Amplifier on Configure Actions Critical Actions Configure Actions Warning Actions Configure Actions Normal Actions threshold critical <0-200>Threshold to reach Severe level Range threshold warning <0-200>Threshold to reach Warning level Range Configure Limits Power Amplifier Configure Limits Board Configure Limits Digital Configure Limits RF sysmobts-mgrConfigure sysmobts-mgr %s(limit-pa)# %s(limit-board)# %s(limit-digital)# %s(limit-rf)# %s(action-critical)# %s(action-warn)# %s(action-normal)# %s(sysmobts-mgr)# 1.9.0GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,D@$@,P?X$LV|$h$x$$ $0$Tl(@lPZPkpuz,HLP`x,D\| %<+.0@0Od]hcPtz( $ < T l ! 5<+;++E([((tP(x((((( TP(xT-(>(U(iDT|(T(<T(T (4(\('(A(^(v($Tx(T(++  %1D[ry  lsysmobts_mgr_vty.c$ago_to_parentcfg_mgrconfig_write_dummycfg_limit_rf.LANCHOR0cfg_limit_digitalcfg_limit_boardcfg_limit_pacfg_action_normalcfg_action_warncfg_action_criticalcfg_action_pa_offcfg_no_action_pa_offcfg_action_bts_srv_offcfg_no_action_bts_srv_offcfg_action_slave_offcfg_no_action_slave_offregister_action.LANCHOR1write_temp_limit.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4write_action.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9show_mgr.LC11.LC10.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC12.LC13.LC22.LC23.LC15.LC16.LC24.LC25.LC14.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC29$dcfg_limit_warningcfg_limit_critcalibrate_trx.LC30config_write_mgr.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC41cfg_no_action_slave_oncfg_action_pa_oncfg_no_action_pa_oncfg_action_bts_srv_oncfg_no_action_bts_srv_oncfg_action_slave_on.LC42copyrightcfg_action_pa_off_cmdcfg_no_action_pa_off_cmdcfg_action_bts_srv_off_cmdcfg_no_action_bts_srv_off_cmdcfg_action_slave_off_cmdcfg_no_action_slave_off_cmdvty_infoshow_mgr_cmdcalibrate_trx_cmdmgr_nodecfg_mgr_cmdlimit_rf_nodecfg_limit_rf_cmdcfg_thresh_warning_cmdcfg_thresh_crit_cmdlimit_digital_nodecfg_limit_digital_cmdlimit_board_nodecfg_limit_board_cmdlimit_pa_nodecfg_limit_pa_cmdact_norm_nodecfg_action_normal_cmdcfg_action_pa_on_cmdcfg_no_action_pa_on_cmdcfg_action_bts_srv_on_cmdcfg_no_action_bts_srv_on_cmdcfg_action_slave_on_cmdcfg_no_action_slave_on_cmdact_warn_nodecfg_action_warn_cmdact_crit_nodecfg_action_critical_cmds_mgrinstall_elementvty_outsysmobts_mgr_temp_get_statesysmobts_temp_getis_sbts2050is_sbts2050_mastersbts2050_uc_check_tempsbts2050_uc_get_statusstrtolsysmobts_mgr_calib_runsysmobts_mgr_vty_initinstall_element_veinstall_nodesysmobts_mgr_parse_configvty_read_config_filestderrfprintfX+ `, |+ , + , + , + , + , 0+ 8, +, $0LX+\+`,h,x+,+,+,++ ,,(+8,<+ @H+!L, T,!`+"l,"x+#,#+$,$++ +, ,, +&,,&@+'D+(L,'P,(`lt+)|,)+*,*++,+ +,,,8<HP+-X,-\+.`,.d+/l,/+0,0+1,1+2,2+0,0+3,3 +4 ,4<D+5H+6P,5T,6+7,7+8,8(0+9<,9d+ , ++ ,$+?(,0,?<X+A`+d+h,l,t+ x,A, + +B,B+!, ,!+C,C+D,D+E ,E +F + ,F$ ,8 @ +GH ,Gd p +H ,H  +I ,I  +J ,J +K ,K + + , ,    +@ ,@     ( 4 @ L X d t             0 @ P ` t   + ,  + +R , ,R zz(z,0zPzTXzxz|zzzzzzzSz%zz>zzPzTXz|zz zz<zz =$zHzz zzz z@zz zz zz4z8M<z\z`NdzzOzzPzzQzzLz(zxz|zzzz.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.rel.data.bss.rodata.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4  @/ )H % @6 /d4d+<2 K0>TPdpPB  (89t