/* Minimal implementation of RFC 4666 - MTP3 User Adaptation Layer */ /* (C) 2015-2017 by Harald Welte * All Rights Reserved * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "xua_msg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "xua_as_fsm.h" #include "xua_asp_fsm.h" #include "xua_internal.h" #include "ss7_as.h" #include "ss7_asp.h" #include "ss7_internal.h" #define M3UA_MSGB_SIZE 1500 /*********************************************************************** * Protocol Definition (string tables, mandatory IE checking) ***********************************************************************/ /* Section 3.8.1 */ const struct value_string m3ua_err_names[] = { { M3UA_ERR_INVALID_VERSION, "Invalid Version" }, { M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_CLASS, "Unsupported Message Class" }, { M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE, "Unsupported Message Type" }, { M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_TRAF_MOD_TYP, "Unsupported Traffic Mode Type" }, { M3UA_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG, "Unexpected Message" }, { M3UA_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERR, "Protocol Error" }, { M3UA_ERR_INVAL_STREAM_ID, "Invalid Stream Identifier" }, { M3UA_ERR_REFUSED_MGMT_BLOCKING, "Refused - Management Blocking" }, { M3UA_ERR_ASP_ID_REQD, "ASP Identifier Required" }, { M3UA_ERR_INVAL_ASP_ID, "Invalid ASP Identifier" }, { M3UA_ERR_INVAL_PARAM_VAL, "Invalid Parameter Value" }, { M3UA_ERR_PARAM_FIELD_ERR, "Parameter Field Error" }, { M3UA_ERR_UNEXP_PARAM, "Unexpected Parameter" }, { M3UA_ERR_DEST_STATUS_UNKN, "Destination Status Unknown" }, { M3UA_ERR_INVAL_NET_APPEAR, "Invalid Network Appearance" }, { M3UA_ERR_MISSING_PARAM, "Missing Parameter" }, { M3UA_ERR_INVAL_ROUT_CTX, "Invalid Routing Context" }, { M3UA_ERR_NO_CONFGD_AS_FOR_ASP,"No Configured AS for ASP" }, { SUA_ERR_SUBSYS_STATUS_UNKN, "Subsystem Status Unknown" }, { SUA_ERR_INVAL_LOADSH_LEVEL, "Invalid loadsharing level" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct value_string m3ua_ntfy_type_names[] = { { M3UA_NOTIFY_T_STATCHG, "State Change" }, { M3UA_NOTIFY_T_OTHER, "Other" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct value_string m3ua_ntfy_stchg_names[] = { { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_RESERVED, "Reserved" }, { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_AS_INACT, "AS Inactive" }, { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_AS_ACT, "AS Active" }, { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_AS_PEND, "AS Pending" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct value_string m3ua_ntfy_other_names[] = { { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_OT_INS_RES, "Insufficient ASP Resources active in AS" }, { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_OT_ALT_ASP_ACT, "Alternative ASP Active" }, { M3UA_NOTIFY_I_OT_ASP_FAILURE, "ASP Failure" }, { 0, NULL } }; const char *m3ua_ntfy_info_name(uint16_t ntfy_status_type, uint16_t ntfy_status_info) { switch (ntfy_status_type) { case M3UA_NOTIFY_T_STATCHG: return get_value_string(m3ua_ntfy_stchg_names, ntfy_status_info); case M3UA_NOTIFY_T_OTHER: return get_value_string(m3ua_ntfy_other_names, ntfy_status_info); default: break; } return "NULL"; } static const struct value_string m3ua_iei_names[] = { { M3UA_IEI_INFO_STRING, "INFO String" }, { M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, "Routing Context" }, { M3UA_IEI_DIAG_INFO, "Diagnostic Info" }, { M3UA_IEI_HEARDBT_DATA, "Heartbeat Data" }, { M3UA_IEI_TRAF_MODE_TYP, "Traffic Mode Type" }, { M3UA_IEI_ERR_CODE, "Error Code" }, { M3UA_IEI_STATUS, "Status" }, { M3UA_IEI_ASP_ID, "ASP Identifier" }, { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, "Affected Point Code" }, { M3UA_IEI_CORR_ID, "Correlation Id" }, { M3UA_IEI_NET_APPEAR, "Network Appearance" }, { M3UA_IEI_USER_CAUSE, "User/Cause" }, { M3UA_IEI_CONG_IND, "Congestion Indication" }, { M3UA_IEI_CONC_DEST, "Concerned Destination" }, { M3UA_IEI_ROUT_KEY, "Routing Key" }, { M3UA_IEI_REG_RESULT, "Registration Result" }, { M3UA_IEI_DEREG_RESULT, "De-Registration Result" }, { M3UA_IEI_LOC_RKEY_ID, "Local Routing-Key Identifier" }, { M3UA_IEI_DEST_PC, "Destination Point Code" }, { M3UA_IEI_SVC_IND, "Service Indicators" }, { M3UA_IEI_ORIG_PC, "Originating Point Code List" }, { M3UA_IEI_PROT_DATA, "Protocol Data" }, { M3UA_IEI_REG_STATUS, "Registration Status" }, { M3UA_IEI_DEREG_STATUS, "De-Registration Status" }, { 0, NULL } }; #define MAND_IES(msgt, ies) [msgt] = (ies) /* XFER */ static const uint16_t data_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_PROT_DATA, 0 }; static const struct value_string m3ua_xfer_msgt_names[] = { { M3UA_XFER_DATA, "DATA" }, { 0, NULL } }; static const struct xua_msg_class msg_class_xfer = { .name = "XFER", .msgt_names = m3ua_xfer_msgt_names, .mand_ies = { MAND_IES(M3UA_XFER_DATA, data_mand_ies), }, }; /* SNM */ static const uint16_t duna_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, 0 }; static const uint16_t dava_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, 0 }; static const uint16_t daud_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, 0 }; static const uint16_t scon_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, 0 }; static const uint16_t dupu_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, M3UA_IEI_USER_CAUSE, 0 }; static const uint16_t drst_mand_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, 0 }; static const struct value_string m3ua_snm_msgt_names[] = { { M3UA_SNM_DUNA, "DUNA" }, { M3UA_SNM_DAVA, "DAVA" }, { M3UA_SNM_DAUD, "DAUD" }, { M3UA_SNM_SCON, "SCON" }, { M3UA_SNM_DUPU, "DUPU" }, { M3UA_SNM_DRST, "DRST" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct xua_msg_class m3ua_msg_class_snm = { .name = "SNM", .msgt_names = m3ua_snm_msgt_names, .mand_ies = { MAND_IES(M3UA_SNM_DUNA, duna_mand_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_SNM_DAVA, dava_mand_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_SNM_DAUD, daud_mand_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_SNM_SCON, scon_mand_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_SNM_DUPU, dupu_mand_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_SNM_DRST, drst_mand_ies), }, }; /* ASPSM */ static const struct value_string m3ua_aspsm_msgt_names[] = { { M3UA_ASPSM_UP, "UP" }, { M3UA_ASPSM_DOWN, "DOWN" }, { M3UA_ASPSM_BEAT, "BEAT" }, { M3UA_ASPSM_UP_ACK, "UP-ACK" }, { M3UA_ASPSM_DOWN_ACK, "DOWN-ACK" }, { M3UA_ASPSM_BEAT_ACK, "BEAT-ACK" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct xua_msg_class m3ua_msg_class_aspsm = { .name = "ASPSM", .msgt_names = m3ua_aspsm_msgt_names, }; /* ASPTM */ const struct value_string m3ua_asptm_msgt_names[] = { { M3UA_ASPTM_ACTIVE, "ACTIVE" }, { M3UA_ASPTM_INACTIVE, "INACTIVE" }, { M3UA_ASPTM_ACTIVE_ACK,"ACTIVE-ACK" }, { M3UA_ASPTM_INACTIVE_ACK, "INACTIVE-ACK" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct xua_msg_class m3ua_msg_class_asptm = { .name = "ASPTM", .msgt_names = m3ua_asptm_msgt_names, .iei_names = m3ua_iei_names, }; /* MGMT */ static const uint16_t err_req_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_ERR_CODE, 0 }; static const uint16_t ntfy_req_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_STATUS, 0 }; static const struct value_string m3ua_mgmt_msgt_names[] = { { M3UA_MGMT_ERR, "ERROR" }, { M3UA_MGMT_NTFY, "NOTIFY" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct xua_msg_class m3ua_msg_class_mgmt = { .name = "MGMT", .msgt_names = m3ua_mgmt_msgt_names, .iei_names = m3ua_iei_names, .mand_ies = { MAND_IES(M3UA_MGMT_ERR, err_req_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_MGMT_NTFY, ntfy_req_ies), }, }; /* RKM */ static const uint16_t reg_req_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_ROUT_KEY, 0 }; static const uint16_t reg_rsp_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_REG_RESULT, 0 }; static const uint16_t dereg_req_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, 0 }; static const uint16_t dereg_rsp_ies[] = { M3UA_IEI_DEREG_RESULT, 0 }; static const struct value_string m3ua_rkm_msgt_names[] = { { M3UA_RKM_REG_REQ, "REG-REQ" }, { M3UA_RKM_REG_RSP, "REG-RESP" }, { M3UA_RKM_DEREG_REQ, "DEREG-REQ" }, { M3UA_RKM_DEREG_RSP, "DEREG-RESP" }, { 0, NULL } }; const struct xua_msg_class m3ua_msg_class_rkm = { .name = "RKM", .msgt_names = m3ua_rkm_msgt_names, .iei_names = m3ua_iei_names, .mand_ies = { MAND_IES(M3UA_RKM_REG_REQ, reg_req_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_RKM_REG_RSP, reg_rsp_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_RKM_DEREG_REQ, dereg_req_ies), MAND_IES(M3UA_RKM_DEREG_RSP, dereg_rsp_ies), }, }; /* M3UA dialect of XUA, MGMT,XFER,SNM,ASPSM,ASPTM,RKM */ const struct xua_dialect xua_dialect_m3ua = { .name = "M3UA", .ppid = M3UA_PPID, .port = M3UA_PORT, .log_subsys = DLM3UA, .class = { [M3UA_MSGC_MGMT] = &m3ua_msg_class_mgmt, [M3UA_MSGC_XFER] = &msg_class_xfer, [M3UA_MSGC_SNM] = &m3ua_msg_class_snm, [M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM] = &m3ua_msg_class_aspsm, [M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM] = &m3ua_msg_class_asptm, [M3UA_MSGC_RKM] = &m3ua_msg_class_rkm, }, }; /* convert osmo_mtp_transfer_param to m3ua_data_hdr */ void mtp_xfer_param_to_m3ua_dh(struct m3ua_data_hdr *mdh, const struct osmo_mtp_transfer_param *param) { mdh->opc = htonl(param->opc); mdh->dpc = htonl(param->dpc); mdh->si = param->sio & 0xF; mdh->ni = (param->sio >> 6) & 0x3; mdh->mp = (param->sio >> 4) & 0x3; mdh->sls = param->sls; } /* convert m3ua_data_hdr to osmo_mtp_transfer_param */ void m3ua_dh_to_xfer_param(struct osmo_mtp_transfer_param *param, const struct m3ua_data_hdr *mdh) { param->opc = ntohl(mdh->opc); param->dpc = ntohl(mdh->dpc); param->sls = mdh->sls; /* re-construct SIO */ param->sio = (mdh->si & 0xF) | (mdh->mp & 0x3 << 4) | (mdh->ni & 0x3 << 6); } struct msgb *m3ua_msgb_alloc(const char *name) { if (!name) name = "M3UA"; return msgb_alloc_headroom(M3UA_MSG_SIZE+M3UA_MSG_HEADROOM, M3UA_MSG_HEADROOM, name); } struct xua_msg *m3ua_xfer_from_data(const struct m3ua_data_hdr *data_hdr, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int data_len) { struct xua_msg *xua = xua_msg_alloc(); struct xua_msg_part *data_part; xua->hdr = XUA_HDR(M3UA_MSGC_XFER, M3UA_XFER_DATA); /* Network Appearance: Optional */ /* Routing Context: Conditional */ /* Protocol Data: Mandatory */ data_part = talloc_zero(xua, struct xua_msg_part); OSMO_ASSERT(data_part); data_part->tag = M3UA_IEI_PROT_DATA; data_part->len = sizeof(*data_hdr) + data_len; data_part->dat = talloc_size(data_part, data_part->len); OSMO_ASSERT(data_part->dat); memcpy(data_part->dat, data_hdr, sizeof(*data_hdr)); memcpy(data_part->dat+sizeof(*data_hdr), data, data_len); llist_add_tail(&data_part->entry, &xua->headers); /* Correlation Id: Optional */ return xua; } /*********************************************************************** * ERROR generation ***********************************************************************/ static struct xua_msg *m3ua_gen_error(uint32_t err_code) { struct xua_msg *xua = xua_msg_alloc(); if (!xua) { LOGP(DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "Failed to allocate M3UA MGMT error message.\n"); return NULL; } xua->hdr = XUA_HDR(M3UA_MSGC_MGMT, M3UA_MGMT_ERR); xua->hdr.version = M3UA_VERSION; xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_ERR_CODE, err_code); return xua; } static struct xua_msg *m3ua_gen_error_msg(uint32_t err_code, struct msgb *msg) { struct xua_msg *err = m3ua_gen_error(err_code); struct xua_msg *xua; struct xua_msg_part *na_ie; unsigned int len_max_40; if (!err) return NULL; switch (err_code) { case M3UA_ERR_INVAL_NET_APPEAR: /* Include NA IE in Error message. */ xua = xua_from_msg(M3UA_VERSION, msgb_length(msg), msgb_data(msg)); na_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_NET_APPEAR); xua_msg_add_data(err, M3UA_IEI_NET_APPEAR, na_ie->len, na_ie->dat); xua_msg_free(xua); break; default: len_max_40 = msgb_length(msg); if (len_max_40 > 40) len_max_40 = 40; xua_msg_add_data(err, M3UA_IEI_DIAG_INFO, len_max_40, msgb_data(msg)); } return err; } /*********************************************************************** * NOTIFY generation ***********************************************************************/ /* RFC4666 Ch. 3.8.2. Notify */ struct xua_msg *m3ua_encode_notify(const struct osmo_xlm_prim_notify *npar) { struct xua_msg *xua = xua_msg_alloc(); uint32_t status; xua->hdr = XUA_HDR(M3UA_MSGC_MGMT, M3UA_MGMT_NTFY); status = M3UA_NOTIFY(htons(npar->status_type), htons(npar->status_info)); /* cannot use xua_msg_add_u32() as it does endian conversion */ xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_STATUS, sizeof(status), (uint8_t *) &status); /* Conditional: ASP Identifier */ if (npar->presence & NOTIFY_PAR_P_ASP_ID) xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_ASP_ID, npar->asp_id); /* Optional Routing Context */ if (npar->presence & NOTIFY_PAR_P_ROUTE_CTX) xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, npar->route_ctx); /* Optional: Info String */ if (npar->info_string) xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_INFO_STRING, strlen(npar->info_string)+1, (uint8_t *) npar->info_string); return xua; } /* RFC4666 Ch. 3.8.2. Notify */ int m3ua_decode_notify(struct osmo_xlm_prim_notify *npar, void *ctx, const struct xua_msg *xua) { struct xua_msg_part *info_ie, *aspid_ie, *status_ie, *rctx_ie; uint32_t status; /* cannot use xua_msg_get_u32() as it does endian conversion */ status_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_STATUS); if (!status_ie) { LOGP(DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "M3UA NOTIFY without Status IE\n"); return -1; } status = *(uint32_t *) status_ie->dat; aspid_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_ASP_ID); rctx_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX); info_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_INFO_STRING); npar->presence = 0; npar->status_type = ntohs(status & 0xffff); npar->status_info = ntohs(status >> 16); if (aspid_ie) { npar->asp_id = xua_msg_part_get_u32(aspid_ie); npar->presence |= NOTIFY_PAR_P_ASP_ID; } if (rctx_ie) { npar->route_ctx = xua_msg_part_get_u32(rctx_ie); npar->presence |= NOTIFY_PAR_P_ROUTE_CTX; } if (info_ie) { npar->info_string = talloc_size(ctx, info_ie->len); memcpy(npar->info_string, info_ie->dat, info_ie->len); } else npar->info_string = NULL; return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * Transmitting M3UA messages to SCTP ***********************************************************************/ /* Convert M3UA from xua_msg to msgb and set PPID/stream */ static struct msgb *m3ua_to_msg(struct xua_msg *xua) { struct msgb *msg = xua_to_msg(M3UA_VERSION, xua); if (!msg) { LOGP(DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "Error encoding M3UA Msg\n"); return NULL; } if (xua->hdr.msg_class == M3UA_MSGC_XFER) { /* TODO: M3UA RFC says that multiple different streams within the SCTP association * *may* be used, for example, by using the SLS value. Not required but makes sense. */ msgb_sctp_stream(msg) = 1; } else msgb_sctp_stream(msg) = 0; msgb_sctp_ppid(msg) = M3UA_PPID; return msg; } /* transmit given xua_msg via given ASP */ static int m3ua_tx_xua_asp(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { struct msgb *msg = m3ua_to_msg(xua); OSMO_ASSERT(asp->cfg.proto == OSMO_SS7_ASP_PROT_M3UA); if (!msg) return -1; return osmo_ss7_asp_send(asp, msg); } /*! \brief Send a given xUA message via a given M3UA Application Server * \param[in] as Application Server through which to send \ref xua * \param[in] xua xUA message to be sent * \return 0 on success; negative on error */ int m3ua_tx_xua_as(struct osmo_ss7_as *as, struct xua_msg *xua) { struct msgb *msg; int rc; OSMO_ASSERT(as->cfg.proto == OSMO_SS7_ASP_PROT_M3UA); /* Add RC for this AS */ if (as->cfg.routing_key.context) xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, as->cfg.routing_key.context); msg = m3ua_to_msg(xua); if (!msg) { LOGPAS(as, DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "Error encoding M3UA Msg\n"); return -1; } /* send the msg to the AS for transmission. The AS FSM might * (depending on its state) enqueue it before transmission */ rc = osmo_fsm_inst_dispatch(as->fi, XUA_AS_E_TRANSFER_REQ, msg); if (rc < 0) msgb_free(msg); return rc; } /*********************************************************************** * Receiving M3UA messages from SCTP ***********************************************************************/ /* obtain the destination point code from a M3UA message in XUA fmt * */ struct m3ua_data_hdr *data_hdr_from_m3ua(struct xua_msg *xua) { struct xua_msg_part *data_ie; struct m3ua_data_hdr *data_hdr; if (xua->hdr.msg_class != M3UA_MSGC_XFER || xua->hdr.msg_type != M3UA_XFER_DATA) return NULL; data_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_PROT_DATA); if (!data_ie) return NULL; data_hdr = (struct m3ua_data_hdr *) data_ie->dat; return data_hdr; } static int m3ua_rx_xfer(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { struct xua_msg_part *na_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_NET_APPEAR); struct xua_msg_part *rctx_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX); struct m3ua_data_hdr *dh; struct osmo_ss7_as *as; int rc; LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_DEBUG, "m3ua_rx_xfer\n"); if (xua->hdr.msg_type != M3UA_XFER_DATA) { LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "%s(): unsupported message type: %s\n", __func__, get_value_string(m3ua_xfer_msgt_names, xua->hdr.msg_type)); return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE; } /* Reject unsupported Network Appearance IE. */ if (na_ie) { uint32_t na = xua_msg_part_get_u32(na_ie); LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unsupported 'Network Appearance' IE '0x%08x' in message type '%s', sending 'Error'.\n", na, get_value_string(m3ua_xfer_msgt_names, xua->hdr.msg_type)); if (na_ie->len != 4) return M3UA_ERR_PARAM_FIELD_ERR; return M3UA_ERR_INVAL_NET_APPEAR; } rc = xua_find_as_for_asp(&as, asp, rctx_ie); if (rc) return rc; rate_ctr_inc2(as->ctrg, SS7_AS_CTR_RX_MSU_TOTAL); /* FIXME: check for AS state == ACTIVE */ /* store the MTP-level information in the xua_msg for use by * higher layer protocols */ dh = data_hdr_from_m3ua(xua); OSMO_ASSERT(dh); m3ua_dh_to_xfer_param(&xua->mtp, dh); LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_DEBUG, "%s(): M3UA data header: opc=%u=%s dpc=%u=%s\n", __func__, xua->mtp.opc, osmo_ss7_pointcode_print(asp->inst, xua->mtp.opc), xua->mtp.dpc, osmo_ss7_pointcode_print2(asp->inst, xua->mtp.dpc)); if (rctx_ie) { /* remove ROUTE_CTX as in the routing case we want to add a new * routing context on the outbound side */ xua_msg_free_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX); } return m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(asp->inst, xua); /* xua will be freed by caller m3ua_rx_msg() */ } static int m3ua_rx_mgmt_err(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { uint32_t err_code = xua_msg_get_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_ERR_CODE); struct osmo_xlm_prim *prim; LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "Received MGMT_ERR '%s': %s\n", get_value_string(m3ua_err_names, err_code), xua_msg_dump(xua, &xua_dialect_m3ua)); /* report this to layer manager */ prim = xua_xlm_prim_alloc(OSMO_XLM_PRIM_M_ERROR, PRIM_OP_INDICATION); prim->u.error.code = err_code; xua_asp_send_xlm_prim(asp, prim); /* NEVER return != 0 here, as we cannot respont to an ERR * message with another ERR! */ return 0; } static int m3ua_rx_mgmt_ntfy(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { struct osmo_xlm_prim_notify ntfy; const char *type_name, *info_name; struct osmo_xlm_prim *prim; m3ua_decode_notify(&ntfy, asp, xua); type_name = get_value_string(m3ua_ntfy_type_names, ntfy.status_type); info_name = m3ua_ntfy_info_name(ntfy.status_type, ntfy.status_info); LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received NOTIFY Type %s:%s (%s)\n", type_name, info_name, ntfy.info_string ? ntfy.info_string : ""); /* report this to layer manager */ prim = xua_xlm_prim_alloc(OSMO_XLM_PRIM_M_NOTIFY, PRIM_OP_INDICATION); prim->u.notify = ntfy; xua_asp_send_xlm_prim(asp,prim); if (ntfy.info_string) talloc_free(ntfy.info_string); return 0; } static int m3ua_rx_mgmt(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { switch (xua->hdr.msg_type) { case M3UA_MGMT_ERR: return m3ua_rx_mgmt_err(asp, xua); case M3UA_MGMT_NTFY: return m3ua_rx_mgmt_ntfy(asp, xua); default: return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE; } } /* map from M3UA ASPSM/ASPTM to xua_asp_fsm event */ static const struct xua_msg_event_map m3ua_aspxm_map[] = { { M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, M3UA_ASPSM_UP, XUA_ASP_E_ASPSM_ASPUP }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, M3UA_ASPSM_DOWN, XUA_ASP_E_ASPSM_ASPDN }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, M3UA_ASPSM_BEAT, XUA_ASP_E_ASPSM_BEAT }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, M3UA_ASPSM_UP_ACK, XUA_ASP_E_ASPSM_ASPUP_ACK }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, M3UA_ASPSM_DOWN_ACK, XUA_ASP_E_ASPSM_ASPDN_ACK }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM, M3UA_ASPSM_BEAT_ACK, XUA_ASP_E_ASPSM_BEAT_ACK }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, M3UA_ASPTM_ACTIVE, XUA_ASP_E_ASPTM_ASPAC }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, M3UA_ASPTM_INACTIVE, XUA_ASP_E_ASPTM_ASPIA }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, M3UA_ASPTM_ACTIVE_ACK, XUA_ASP_E_ASPTM_ASPAC_ACK }, { M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM, M3UA_ASPTM_INACTIVE_ACK, XUA_ASP_E_ASPTM_ASPIA_ACK }, }; static int m3ua_rx_asp(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { int event; /* map from the M3UA message class and message type to the XUA * ASP FSM event number */ event = xua_msg_event_map(xua, m3ua_aspxm_map, ARRAY_SIZE(m3ua_aspxm_map)); if (event < 0) return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE; /* deliver that event to the ASP FSM */ if (osmo_fsm_inst_dispatch(asp->fi, event, xua) < 0) return M3UA_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG; return 0; } static int m3ua_rx_snm(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua); /*! \brief process M3UA message received from socket * \param[in] asp Application Server Process receiving \ref msg * \param[in] msg received message buffer * \returns 0 on success; negative on error */ int m3ua_rx_msg(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct msgb *msg) { struct xua_msg *xua = NULL, *err = NULL; int rc = 0; OSMO_ASSERT(asp->cfg.proto == OSMO_SS7_ASP_PROT_M3UA); /* caller owns msg memory, we shall neither free it here nor * keep references beyond the execution of this function and its * callees */ xua = xua_from_msg(M3UA_VERSION, msgb_length(msg), msgb_data(msg)); if (!xua) { struct xua_common_hdr *hdr = (struct xua_common_hdr *) msg->data; LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to parse incoming " "M3UA message\n"); if (hdr->version != M3UA_VERSION) err = m3ua_gen_error_msg(M3UA_ERR_INVALID_VERSION, msg); else err = m3ua_gen_error_msg(M3UA_ERR_PARAM_FIELD_ERR, msg); goto out; } LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_DEBUG, "Received M3UA Message (%s)\n", xua_hdr_dump(xua, &xua_dialect_m3ua)); if (!xua_dialect_check_all_mand_ies(&xua_dialect_m3ua, xua)) { err = m3ua_gen_error_msg(M3UA_ERR_MISSING_PARAM, msg); goto out; } /* TODO: check if any AS configured in ASP */ /* TODO: check for valid routing context */ switch (xua->hdr.msg_class) { case M3UA_MSGC_XFER: /* The DATA message MUST NOT be sent on stream 0. */ if (msgb_sctp_stream(msg) == 0) { rc = M3UA_ERR_INVAL_STREAM_ID; break; } rc = m3ua_rx_xfer(asp, xua); break; case M3UA_MSGC_ASPSM: case M3UA_MSGC_ASPTM: rc = m3ua_rx_asp(asp, xua); break; case M3UA_MSGC_MGMT: rc = m3ua_rx_mgmt(asp, xua); break; case M3UA_MSGC_RKM: rc = m3ua_rx_rkm(asp, xua); break; case M3UA_MSGC_SNM: rc = m3ua_rx_snm(asp, xua); break; default: LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received unknown M3UA " "Message Class %u\n", xua->hdr.msg_class); err = m3ua_gen_error_msg(M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_CLASS, msg); break; } if (rc > 0) err = m3ua_gen_error_msg(rc, msg); out: if (err) { m3ua_tx_xua_asp(asp, err); xua_msg_free(err); } xua_msg_free(xua); return rc; } /*********************************************************************** * SSNM msg generation ***********************************************************************/ /* 3.4.1 Destination Unavailable (DUNA) */ static struct xua_msg *m3ua_encode_duna(const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, const uint32_t *aff_pc, unsigned int num_aff_pc, const char *info_string) { struct xua_msg *xua = xua_msg_alloc(); xua->hdr = XUA_HDR(M3UA_MSGC_SNM, M3UA_SNM_DUNA); xua->hdr.version = M3UA_VERSION; if (rctx && num_rctx) xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, num_rctx * sizeof(*rctx), (const uint8_t *)rctx); xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, num_aff_pc * sizeof(*aff_pc), (const uint8_t *) aff_pc); if (info_string) { xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_INFO_STRING, strlen(info_string)+1, (const uint8_t *) info_string); } return xua; } /* 3.4.2 Destination Available (DAVA) */ static struct xua_msg *m3ua_encode_dava(const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, const uint32_t *aff_pc, unsigned int num_aff_pc, const char *info_string) { /* encoding is exactly identical to DUNA */ struct xua_msg *xua = m3ua_encode_duna(rctx, num_rctx, aff_pc, num_aff_pc, info_string); if (xua) xua->hdr.msg_type = M3UA_SNM_DAVA; return xua; } #if 0 /* not used so far */ /* 3.4.3 Destination Available (DAUD) */ static struct xua_msg *m3ua_encode_daud(const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, const uint32_t *aff_pc, unsigned int num_aff_pc, const char *info_string) { /* encoding is exactly identical to DUNA */ struct xua_msg *xua = m3ua_encode_duna(rctx, num_rctx, aff_pc, num_aff_pc, info_string); if (xua) xua->hdr.msg_type = M3UA_SNM_DAUD; return xua; } #endif /* 3.4.5 Destination User Part Unavailable (DUPU) */ static struct xua_msg *m3ua_encode_dupu(const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, uint32_t dpc, uint16_t user, uint16_t cause, const char *info_string) { struct xua_msg *xua = xua_msg_alloc(); uint32_t user_cause = (cause << 16) | user; xua->hdr = XUA_HDR(M3UA_MSGC_SNM, M3UA_SNM_DUPU); xua->hdr.version = M3UA_VERSION; if (rctx && num_rctx) xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, num_rctx * sizeof(*rctx), (const uint8_t *)rctx); xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, dpc); xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_USER_CAUSE, user_cause); if (info_string) { xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_INFO_STRING, strlen(info_string)+1, (const uint8_t *) info_string); } return xua; } /*! Transmit SSNM DUNA/DAVA message indicating [un]availability of certain point code[s] * \param[in] asp ASP through which to transmit message. Must be ACTIVE. * \param[in] rctx array of Routing Contexts in network byte order. * \param[in] num_rctx number of rctx * \param[in] aff_pc array of 'Affected Point Code' in network byte order. * \param[in] num_aff_pc number of aff_pc * \param[in] info_string optional information string (can be NULL). * \param[in] available are aff_pc now available (true) or unavailable (false) */ void m3ua_tx_snm_available(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, const uint32_t *aff_pc, unsigned int num_aff_pc, const char *info_string, bool available) { struct xua_msg *xua; if (available) xua = m3ua_encode_dava(rctx, num_rctx, aff_pc, num_aff_pc, info_string); else xua = m3ua_encode_duna(rctx, num_rctx, aff_pc, num_aff_pc, info_string); m3ua_tx_xua_asp(asp, xua); xua_msg_free(xua); } /*! Transmit SSNM SCON message indicating congestion * \param[in] asp ASP through which to transmit message. Must be ACTIVE. * \param[in] rctx array of Routing Contexts in network byte order. * \param[in] num_rctx number of rctx * \param[in] aff_pc array of 'Affected Point Code' in network byte order. * \param[in] num_aff_pc number of aff_pc * \param[in] concerned_dpc optional concerned DPC (can be NULL) * \param[in] cong_level optional congestion level (can be NULL) * \param[in] info_string optional information string (can be NULL). */ void m3ua_tx_snm_congestion(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, const uint32_t *aff_pc, unsigned int num_aff_pc, const uint32_t *concerned_dpc, const uint8_t *cong_level, const char *info_string) { struct xua_msg *xua = xua_msg_alloc(); xua->hdr = XUA_HDR(M3UA_MSGC_SNM, M3UA_SNM_SCON); xua->hdr.version = M3UA_VERSION; if (rctx && num_rctx) xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX, num_rctx * sizeof(*rctx), (const uint8_t *)rctx); xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_AFFECTED_PC, num_aff_pc * sizeof(*aff_pc), (const uint8_t *) aff_pc); if (concerned_dpc) xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_CONC_DEST, *concerned_dpc & 0xffffff); if (cong_level) xua_msg_add_u32(xua, M3UA_IEI_CONG_IND, *cong_level & 0xff); if (info_string) xua_msg_add_data(xua, M3UA_IEI_INFO_STRING, strlen(info_string)+1, (const uint8_t *) info_string); m3ua_tx_xua_asp(asp, xua); xua_msg_free(xua); } /*! Transmit SSNM DUPU message indicating user unavailability. * \param[in] asp ASP through which to transmit message. Must be ACTIVE. * \param[in] rctx array of Routing Contexts in network byte order. * \param[in] num_rctx number of rctx * \param[in] dpc affected point code * \param[in] user the user (SI) that is unavailable * \param[in] cause the cause of the user unavailability * \param[in] info_string optional information string (can be NULL). */ void m3ua_tx_dupu(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, const uint32_t *rctx, unsigned int num_rctx, uint32_t dpc, uint16_t user, uint16_t cause, const char *info_str) { struct xua_msg *xua = m3ua_encode_dupu(rctx, num_rctx, dpc, user, cause, info_str); m3ua_tx_xua_asp(asp, xua); xua_msg_free(xua); } /* received SNM message on ASP side */ static int m3ua_rx_snm_asp(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { struct osmo_ss7_as *as = NULL; struct xua_msg_part *rctx_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_ROUTE_CTX); int rc; rc = xua_find_as_for_asp(&as, asp, rctx_ie); if (rc) return rc; /* report those up the stack so both other ASPs and local SCCP users can be notified */ switch (xua->hdr.msg_type) { case M3UA_SNM_DUNA: xua_snm_rx_duna(asp, as, xua); break; case M3UA_SNM_DAVA: xua_snm_rx_dava(asp, as, xua); break; case M3UA_SNM_DUPU: xua_snm_rx_dupu(asp, as, xua); break; case M3UA_SNM_SCON: xua_snm_rx_scon(asp, as, xua); break; case M3UA_SNM_DRST: LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "Received unsupported M3UA SNM message type %u\n", xua->hdr.msg_type); /* silently ignore those to not confuse the sender */ break; case M3UA_SNM_DAUD: /* RFC states only permitted in ASP->SG direction, not reverse. But some * equipment still sends it to us as ASP ?!? */ if (asp->cfg.quirks & OSMO_SS7_ASP_QUIRK_DAUD_IN_ASP) { LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "quirk daud_in_asp active: Accepting DAUD " "despite being in ASP role\n"); xua_snm_rx_daud(asp, xua); } else { LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "DAUD not permitted in ASP role\n"); return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE; } break; default: return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE; } return 0; } /* received SNM message on SG side */ static int m3ua_rx_snm_sg(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { switch (xua->hdr.msg_type) { case M3UA_SNM_DAUD: /* Audit: ASP inquires about availability of Point Codes */ xua_snm_rx_daud(asp, xua); break; default: return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_TYPE; } return 0; } static int m3ua_rx_snm(struct osmo_ss7_asp *asp, struct xua_msg *xua) { struct xua_msg_part *na_ie = xua_msg_find_tag(xua, M3UA_IEI_NET_APPEAR); /* SNM only permitted in ACTIVE state */ if (asp->fi->state != XUA_ASP_S_ACTIVE) { if (asp->fi->state == XUA_ASP_S_INACTIVE && asp->cfg.quirks & OSMO_SS7_ASP_QUIRK_SNM_INACTIVE) { LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "quirk snm_inactive active: " "Accepting SNM in state %s\n", osmo_fsm_inst_state_name(asp->fi)); } else { LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_ERROR, "Rx M3UA SNM not permitted " "while ASP in state %s\n", osmo_fsm_inst_state_name(asp->fi)); return M3UA_ERR_UNEXPECTED_MSG; } } /* Reject unsupported Network Appearance IE. */ if (na_ie) { uint32_t na = xua_msg_part_get_u32(na_ie); LOGPASP(asp, DLM3UA, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unsupported 'Network Appearance' IE '0x%08x' in message type '%s', sending 'Error'.\n", na, get_value_string(m3ua_xfer_msgt_names, xua->hdr.msg_type)); if (na_ie->len != 4) return M3UA_ERR_PARAM_FIELD_ERR; return M3UA_ERR_INVAL_NET_APPEAR; } switch (asp->cfg.role) { case OSMO_SS7_ASP_ROLE_SG: return m3ua_rx_snm_sg(asp, xua); case OSMO_SS7_ASP_ROLE_ASP: return m3ua_rx_snm_asp(asp, xua); default: return M3UA_ERR_UNSUPP_MSG_CLASS; } }