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When you need help,%sanytime at the command line please press '?'.%s%sIf nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must backup%s until entering a '?' shows the available options.%sTwo styles of help are provided:%s1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a%scommand argument (e.g. 'show ?') and describes each possible%sargument.%s2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered%s and you want to know what arguments match the input%s (e.g. 'show me?'.)%s%sThis command applies on ASP restart Global attributes:%s %c %s%s Library specific attributes:%s (no attributes)%s Application specific attributes:%s%s %s (%s).%shostname %s%spassword 8 %s%senable password 8 %s%spassword %s%senable password %s%sservice advanced-vty%sservice password-encryption%sservice terminal-length %d%sbanner motd file %s%sno banner motd%scommand.c:2458command.c:2460command.c:4290command.c:3795command.c:3799command.c:3663command.c:4269config_file_sav.savconfig_file_tmpcommand.c:3404%s.XXXXXXcommand.c:3413command.c:3414! ! %s (%s) configuration saved from vty !! command.c:3439command.c:3440command.c:3449command.c:3450command.c:3456command.c:3457command.c:3464command.c:3465command.c:3471command.c:3472"'&command.c:606 %s %s %s %s %s %scommand.c:757 %s %scommand.c:782command.c:783 %s %scommand.c:790Shutdown requested from telnet command.c%s is shutting down. Bye!%s%s has been running for %s%s %s %s %s%s%s %s Common Commands%s These commands are available on all VTY nodes. They are listed here only once, to unclutter the VTY reference.%s %s%s string)cmd_make_descvecA.B.C.Dcommand.c:1928command.c:1662A.B.C.D/Mcommand.c:2338complete-lcdstrcommand.c:2389struct vty_parent_nodecommand.c:2689command.c:2884command.c:2953command.c:2977command.c:2991../../include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127Configuration is not consistent%sCan't save to configuration file, using vtysh.%sCan't open configuration file %s.%sCan't unlink backup configuration file %s.%sCan't backup old configuration file %s.%sCan't unlink configuration file %s.%sCan't save configuration file %s.%sCan't chmod configuration file %s: %s (%d).%sConfiguration saved to %s%scommand.c:3550command.c:4379command.c:4400cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] != rafc[j]cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] >= 'A'cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] <= 'Z'cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] != cmd_lib_attr_letters[j]no banner motdNegate a command or set its defaults Set banner string Strings for motd banner motd defaultSet banner string Strings for motd Default string banner motd file [FILE]Set banner Banner for motd Banner from a file Filename echo .MESSAGEEcho a message back to the vty The message to echo no service terminal-length [<0-512>]Negate a command or set its defaults Set up miscellaneous service System wide terminal length configuration Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control) service terminal-length <0-512>Set up miscellaneous service System wide terminal length configuration Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control) terminal no lengthSet terminal line parameters Negate a command or set its defaults Set number of lines on a screen terminal length <0-512>Set terminal line parameters Set number of lines on a screen Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing) no enable passwordNegate a command or set its defaults Modify enable password parameters Assign the privileged level password enable password LINEModify enable password parameters Assign the privileged level password The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' password enable password (8|) WORDModify enable password parameters Assign the privileged level password Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow dummy string The HIDDEN 'enable' password string password LINEAssign the terminal connection password The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password password (8|) WORDAssign the terminal connection password Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow dummy string The HIDDEN line password string no hostname [HOSTNAME]Negate a command or set its defaults Reset system's network name Host name of this router hostname WORDSet system's network name This system's network name show startup-configShow running system information Contentes of startup configuration show running-configShow running system information running configuration write terminalWrite running configuration to memory, network, or terminal Write to terminal copy running-config startup-configCopy configuration Copy running config to... Copy running config to startup config (same as write file) write memoryWrite running configuration to memory, network, or terminal Write configuration to the file (same as write file) writeWrite running configuration to memory, network, or terminal write file [PATH]Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal Write to configuration file Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists list [with-flags]Print command list Also print the VTY attribute flags show vty-attributes (application|library|global)Show running system information List of VTY attributes Application specific attributes only Library specific attributes only Global attributes only show vty-attributesShow running system information List of VTY attributes Description of the interactive help system show uptimeShow running system information Displays how long the program has been running show pidShow running system information Displays the process ID show online-helpShow running system information Online help show versionShow running system information Displays program version shutdownRequest a shutdown of the program endEnd current mode and change to enable mode.exitExit current mode and down to previous mode Turn off privileged mode command enable [expert-mode]Turn on privileged mode command Enable the expert mode (show hidden commands) configure [terminal]Configuration from vty interface Configuration terminal all commands except deprecated and hiddenall commands including hidden, excluding deprecatedhidden commands onlyexperthiddenThis command applies on IPA link establishmentThis command applies on E1 line updateThis command is deprecatedThis command is hidden (check expert mode)This command applies immediatelyThis command applies on VTY node exit%s(config)# %s# Password: %s> "vty.c:505vty.c:1671/usr/local/etcchdir failedgetcwd failedsave_cwdstruct vtyvty_new->bufvty.c:140vty.c:290vty.c:312 %-*s %s%sdescribe_foldvty.c:1154*%svty[%d] %sline vty%s no login%s login%s127.0.0.1 bind %s %d%s bind %s%s%dd %dh %dm %dsvty.c:237vty.c:249vty.c:257Welcome to the %s VTY interface%s%sMOTD file not found%sRFC 1073 violation detected: telnet NAWS option should send %d characters, but we received %lu[2J%c%s%c%s[H%% Bad passwords, too many failures!%s%% Bad enable passwords, too many failures!%sWarning...%s%% Ambiguous command.%s%% Unknown command.%s%% Command incomplete.%svty.c:605vty.c:1085vty.c:1092%-10s vty.c:1099%% There is no matched command.%s %-s%sAmbiguous command. There is no such command. Inconsistent indentation -- leading whitespace must match adjacent lines, and indentation must reflect child node levels. A mix of tabs and spaces is allowed, but their sequence must not change within a child block. Error occurred during reading the below line: %s Vty password is not set.%s%sUser Access Verification%s%svty_vectorvty_commandAttribute flag character '%c' is reserved for globals! Please fix. Attribute flag letter '%c' is reserved for libraries! Please fix. Found duplicate flag letter '%c' in application specific attributes (index %u vs %u)! Please fix. %s(config-line)# show historyShow running system information Display the session command history terminal no monitorSet terminal line parameters Negate a command or set its defaults Copy debug output to the current terminal line terminal monitorSet terminal line parameters Copy debug output to the current terminal line no service advanced-vtyNegate a command or set its defaults Set up miscellaneous service Enable advanced mode vty interface service advanced-vtySet up miscellaneous service Enable advanced mode vty interface bind A.B.C.D [<0-65535>]Accept VTY telnet connections on local interface Local interface IP address (default: Local TCP port number no loginNegate a command or set its defaults Enable password checking loginEnable password checking line vtyConfigure a terminal line Virtual terminal whoDisplay who is on vty struct _vectorvector_init:indexvector.c:52vector.c:60vector.c:65vector.c:70vector.c:71vector_copy:indexvector.c:87vector.c:102 %s%s: %8llu (%llu/s %llu/m %llu/h %llu/d)%s %s%s: %8lu%s%s%s (%d)('%s') %s%s: %8i %s%sutils.cp >= fmt%c%*s%*lluutils.c:197%s%s:%s%sUngrouped counters:%sutils.c:386telnet_connectionCannot bind telnet at %s %d telnet_interface.cAvailable via telnet %s %d r=NULL<->l=NULLtelnet accept failed Accept()ed new telnet connection %s struct telnet_connectiontelnet_interface.c:203couldn't create VTY telnet_interface.c:212Closing telnet connection %s telnet_interface.c:146telnet_interface.c:150telnet_interface.c:275gen_logging_level_cmd_strsgen_vty_logp_cmd_strs%% Ignoring deprecated '%s'%s%% systemd-journal logging is not available in this build of libosmocore%s%% Ignoring deprecated logging level 'everything' keyword%s %% Unable to find GSMTAP log target for %s%s%% No such log file '%s'%s%% Unable to create GSMTAP log for %s%s%% Unable to create osmo_strrb (size %u)%s%% Unable to create file '%s'%sblocking-io raw lastlog stderr%slog stderr blocking-io%slog syslog %s%slog file %s%slog file %s blocking-io%slog alarms %zu%slog gsmtap %s%slog systemd-journal%s%s logging filter all %u%s logging color %u%s logging print category-hex %d%s logging print category %d%s logging print thread-id %d%s logging print extended-timestamp 1%s logging timestamp %u%s logging print level 1%s logging print file %s%s%s%% Invalid log level %u for 'force-all'%s logging level force-all %s%s%% Invalid log level %u for %s%s logging level %s%% Invalid level '%s'%s%% Invalid category '%s'%slogging_vty.c%s %% vty->index_sub == NULL%slogging_vty.c:606%% No syslog target found%s%% No osmo_strrb target found%s%% No stderr logging active%s%% Unable to open syslog%s%% Unable to create stderr log%s%% No alarms, run 'log alarms <2-32700>'%s%% Showing %i alarms%s%% %s%s|cmd->string == NULLcmd->doc == NULLlogging level (Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category ) %svty_log_level_cmd_strvty_log_level_doc_strlogging_vty.c:627%% Logging already enabled.%s%% Logging was not enabled.%sOnOffEnabledDisabled Global Loglevel: %s%s Use color: %s, Print Timestamp: %s%s Log Level specific information:%s %-10s %-10s %-8s %s%s Log Filter 'ALL': %s%slogging_vty.c:508struct cmd_elementcmdlogging level %s (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)Set the log level for a specified category Deprecated Category Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all' everythinglogp (Print a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs .LOGMESSAGEArbitrary message to log on given category and log level vty_logp_cmd_strvty_logp_doc_strno log alarmsNegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging sub-system Logging alarms to osmo_strrb log alarms <2-32700>Configure logging sub-system Logging alarms to osmo_strrb Maximum number of messages to log no log file FILENAMENegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging sub-system Logging to text file Filename log file FILENAME [blocking-io]Configure logging sub-system Logging to text file Filename Use blocking, synchronous I/O no log stderrNegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging sub-system Logging via STDERR of the process log stderr [blocking-io]Configure logging sub-system Logging via STDERR of the process Use blocking, synchronous I/O no log gsmtap [HOSTNAME]Negate a command or set its defaults Configure logging sub-system Logging via GSMTAP Host name to send the GSMTAP logging to (UDP port 4729) log gsmtap [HOSTNAME]Configure logging sub-system Logging via GSMTAP Host name to send the GSMTAP logging to (UDP port 4729) no log systemd-journalNegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging sub-system Logging to systemd-journal log systemd-journal [raw]Configure logging sub-system Logging to systemd-journal Offload rendering of the meta information (location, category) to systemd no log syslogNegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging sub-system Logging via syslog log syslog (authpriv|cron|daemon|ftp|lpr|mail|news|user|uucp)Configure logging sub-system Logging via syslog Security/authorization messages facility Clock daemon (cron/at) facility General system daemon facility Ftp daemon facility Line printer facility Mail facility News facility Generic facility UUCP facility authprivcrondaemonftplprmailnewsuseruucplocal 0local 1local 2local 3local 4local 5local 6local 7log syslog local <0-7>Configure logging sub-system Logging via syslog Syslog LOCAL facility Local facility number %s(config-log)# no descriptionNegate a command or set its defaults Remove description of the object description .TEXTSave human-readable description of the object Text until the end of the line show alarmsShow running system information Show current logging configuration Show the contents of the logging ringbuffer show logging vtyShow running system information Show current logging configuration Show current logging configuration for this vty logging disableConfigure logging Disables logging to this vty logging set log mask MASKConfigure logging Decide which categories to output. Log commands Mask commands 'set log mask' is deprecated, please refer to the docs of 'set-log-mask' instead logging set-log-mask MASKConfigure logging Set the logmask of this logging target List of logging categories to log, e.g. 'abc:mno:xyz'. Available log categories depend on the specific application, refer to the 'logging level' command. Optionally add individual log levels like 'abc,1:mno,3:xyz,5', where the level numbers are LOGL_DEBUG=1 LOGL_INFO=3 LOGL_NOTICE=5 LOGL_ERROR=7 LOGL_FATAL=8 logging level all everythingConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category Deprecated alias for 'force-all' Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all' logging level all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category Deprecated alias for 'force-all' Log debug messages and higher levels Log informational messages and higher levels Log noticeable messages and higher levels Log error messages and higher levels Log only fatal messages no logging level force-allNegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category Release any globally forced log level set with 'logging level force-all ' logging level force-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category Globally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the 'no logging level force-all' command. Note: any 'logging level ' commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released. Log debug messages and higher levels Log informational messages and higher levels Log noticeable messages and higher levels Log error messages and higher levels Log only fatal messages logging level set-all (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category Once-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period. Log debug messages and higher levels Log informational messages and higher levels Log noticeable messages and higher levels Log error messages and higher levels Log only fatal messages logging print file (0|1|basename) [last]Configure logging Log output settings Configure log message Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with the source file and line Prefix each log message with the source file's basename (strip leading paths) and line Log source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text. basenamelogging print level (0|1)Configure logging Log output settings Configure log message Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with the log level name logging print category-hex (0|1)Configure logging Log output settings Configure log message Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex ('<000b>') logging print category (0|1)Configure logging Log output settings Configure log message Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name logging print thread-id (0|1)Configure logging Log output settings Configure log message logging Thread ID Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with current Thread ID logging print extended-timestamp (0|1)Configure logging Log output settings Configure log message timestamping Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn logging timestamp (0|1)Configure logging Configure log message timestamping Don't prefix each log message Prefix each log message with current timestamp logging color (0|1)Configure logging Configure color-printing for log messages Don't use color for printing messages Use color for printing messages logging filter all (0|1)Configure logging Filter log messages Do you want to log all messages? Only print messages matched by other filters Bypass filter and print all messages logging enableConfigure logging Enables logging to this vty %s %u (%s)%25n: %10c (%S/s %M/m %H/h %D/d) %d// osmo_stat_item_group table %s%s.%s - %s%s[options="header"]%s|===%s| Name | Reference | Description | Unit%sstats_vty.c:572stats_vty.c:573| %s | <<%s_%s>> | %s%sstats_vty.c:500stats_vty.c:501stats_vty.c:502| %s | <> | %s%sstats_vty.c:465stats_vty.c:466| %s | <<%s_%s>> | %s | %s%sstats_vty.c:548stats_vty.c:549stats_vty.c:550stats_vty.c:551// rate_ctr_group table %s%s| Name | Reference | Description%sstats_vty.c:522stats_vty.c:523// autogenerated by show asciidoc counters%sThese counters and their description are based on %s %s (%s).%s%s=== Rate Counters%s%s// generating tables for rate_ctr_group%s=== Osmo Stat Items%s%s// generating tables for osmo_stat_items%s// there are no ungrouped osmo_counters%s=== Osmo Counters%s%s// generating tables for osmo_counters%s// ungrouped osmo_counters%s.ungrouped osmo counters%sstatsdlogstats interval %d%sstats-tcp interval %d%sstats-tcp batch-size %d%sstats reporter %s remote-ip %s%s remote-port %d%s local-ip %s%s mtu %d%s level %s%s prefix %s%s no prefix%s flush-period %d%s enable%s disable%s%% Unable to set interval: %s%s%% There is no such log reporter with name '%s'%s%% There is no such statsd reporter with name '%s'%sstats_vty.csrep%% Unable to set force flush period: %s%s%% Unable to set %s: %s%sprefix stringremote addresslocal addressmturemote port%% Unable to disable the reporter: %s%s%% Unable to enable the reporter: %s%s%% Unable to set level: %s%s%% Unable to create log reporter%s%% Unable to create statsd reporter%sstats resetStats related commands Reset all rate counter stats stats reportStats related commands Manurally trigger reporting of stats show rate-counters [skip-zero]Show running system information Show all rate counters Skip items with total count zero show asciidoc countersShow running system information Asciidoc generation Generate table of all registered counters show stats level (global|peer|subscriber) [skip-zero]Show running system information Show statistical values Set the maximum group level Show global groups only Show global and network peer related groups Show global, peer, and subscriber groups Skip items with total count zero show stats [skip-zero]Show running system information Show statistical values Skip items with total count zero stats-tcp batch-size <1-65535>Configure stats sub-system Set the number of tcp sockets that are processed per stats polling interval Number of sockets per interval stats-tcp interval <0-65535>Configure stats sub-system Set the tcp socket stats polling interval Interval in seconds (0 disables the polling interval) stats interval <0-65535>Configure stats sub-system Set the reporting interval Interval in seconds (0 disables the reporting interval) no stats reporter log [NAME]Negate a command or set its defaults Configure stats sub-system Configure a stats reporter Report to the logger Name of the reporter stats reporter log [NAME]Configure stats sub-system Configure a stats reporter Report to the logger Name of the reporter no stats reporter statsd [NAME]Negate a command or set its defaults Configure stats sub-system Configure a stats reporter Report to a STATSD server Name of the reporter stats reporter statsd [NAME]Configure stats sub-system Configure a stats reporter Report to a STATSD server Name of the reporter flush-period <0-65535>Configure stats sub-system Send all stats even if they have not changed (i.e. force the flush)every N-th reporting interval. Set to 0 to disable regular flush (default). 0 to disable regular flush (default), 1 to flush every time, 2 to flush every 2nd time, etc Disable the reporter Enable the reporter level (global|peer|subscriber)Set the maximum group level Report global groups only Report global and network peer related groups Report global, peer, and subscriber groups no prefixNegate a command or set its defaults Set the item name prefix prefix PREFIXSet the item name prefix The prefix string no mtuNegate a command or set its defaults Set the maximum packet size mtu <100-65535>Set the maximum packet size Size in byte remote-port <1-65535>Set the remote port to which we connect Remote port number remote-ip ADDRSet the remote IP address to which we connect IP Address no local-ipNegate a command or set its defaults Set the IP address to which we bind locally local-ip ADDRSet the IP address to which we bind locally IP Address globalpeersubscriber%s(config-stats)# Error: FSM with name '%s' doesn't exist!%sdigraph "%s" {%s "%s"; # out_state_mask=0x%08x%s "%s" -> "%s";%s}%s%sFSM Name: '%s', Log Subsys: '%s'%s%s Event %02u (0x%08x): '%s'%s%s No event names are defined for this FSM! Please fix!%s%s Number of States: %u%s%s State %-20s InEvtMask: 0x%08x, OutStateMask: 0x%08x%s%sFSM Instance Name: '%s', ID: '%s'%s%s Log-Level: '%s', State: '%s'%s%s Timer: %u%s%s Parent: '%s', Term-Event: '%s'%s%s Child: '%s'%sshow fsm-instances NAMEShow running system information Show information about finite state machine instances Display a list of all FSM instances of the named finite state machineshow fsm-instances allShow running system information Show information about finite state machine instances Display a list of all FSM instances of all finite state machineshow fsm-state-graph NAMEShow running system information Generate a state transition graph (using DOT language) FSM name show fsm NAMEShow running system information Show information about finite state machines Display information about a single named finite state machine show fsm allShow running system information Show information about finite state machines Display a list of all registered finite state machines full %*sreference to: %s%s%stalloc report on '%s' (total %6zu bytes in %3zu blocks)%s%*s%-30s contains %6zu bytes in %3zu blocks (ref %zu) %p%sappInvalid expression%s%pInvalid chunk address%sshow talloc-context (application|global|all) (full|brief|DEPTH) tree ADDRESSShow running system information Show talloc memory hierarchy Application's context Global context (OTC_GLOBAL) All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled Display a full talloc memory hierarchy Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy Specify required maximal depth value Display only a specific memory chunk Chunk address (e.g. 0xdeadbeef) show talloc-context (application|global|all) (full|brief|DEPTH) filter REGEXPShow running system information Show talloc memory hierarchy Application's context Global context (OTC_GLOBAL) All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled Display a full talloc memory hierarchy Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy Specify required maximal depth value Filter chunks using regular expression Regular expression show talloc-context (application|global|all) (full|brief|DEPTH)Show running system information Show talloc memory hierarchy Application's context Global context (OTC_GLOBAL) All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled Display a full talloc memory hierarchy Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy Specify required maximal depth value Setting SCHED_RR priority %d cpu_sched_vty.cSetting SCHED_RR priority %d failed: %s %% Failed setting SCHED_RR priority %d%ssysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF) failed: %s Thread list for PID %lu:%s/proc/%ld/task%% Failed opening dir%s%s/proc/%ld/task/%ld/comm TID: %lu, NAME: '%s', cpu-affinity: %s%sSetting CPU affinity mask for tid %lu to: %s self%% Failed parsing target thread %s%s%% It makes no sense to delay applying cpu-affinity on tid %lu%s%% It makes no sense to delay applying cpu-affinity on all threads%s%% Failed parsing CPU Affinity Mask %s%s%% Failed setting sched CPU Affinity Mask %s: %s%scpu_sched_vty.c:447struct cpu_affinity_it delaycpu-sched%s policy rr %d%sERROR cpu-affinity %s %s%s%s!sched_vty_optsstruct sched_vty_optsSetting cpu-affinity mask impossible: no opts! Setting cpu-affinity mask %s failed: %s show cpu-sched threadsShow running system information Show Sched section information Show information about running threads) cpu-schedConfigure CPU Scheduler related settingspolicy rr <1-32>Set the scheduling policy to use for the process Use the SCHED_RR real-time scheduling algorithm Set the SCHED_RR real-time priority cpu-affinity (self|all|<0-4294967295>|THREADNAME) CPUHEXMASK [delay]Set CPU affinity mask on a (group of) thread(s) Set CPU affinity mask on thread running the VTY Set CPU affinity mask on all process' threads Set CPU affinity mask on a thread with specified PID Set CPU affinity mask on a thread with specified thread name CPU affinity mask If set, delay applying the affinity mask now and let the app handle it at a later point %s(config-cpu-sched)# [(%% Error: no timers found%s%% Invalid T timer argument (should be 'T1234' or 'X1234'): '%s'%s%% No such timer: %c%u%s%% Timer %c%u value %lu is out of range %s%s%% Error: no such timer%s%c%u = %lu %s (default: %lu, range: %s%% Error: no such timers%s%s: %% Error: ambiguous timer group match%s%c%u %lu%stdef_vty.c!global_tdef_groups[TNNNN]show timerT- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. Show running system information Show timers [TNNNN] [(<0-2147483647>|default)]timerT- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. New timer value Set to default timer value Configure or show timers %stimer %s DYNAMIC]ZZ\]lȦD @#.=MW PO  o "  G09op8oo5o\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O\O$fԻX`fx<H8ȿlؿxd4LeеD$d8@PDh @TXr\\̷`<`T r̶|8eijrܳ q0 @XePdlнhl|dhDlHt|enableauth-enable$viewauthX\  @,@XThPl 8 PHX08@ (08@HPX,L><(ItHXH@GXhG GF8PF\EdE0EECL%4 ClB@8`BTB 8`BX1$t?88p 7(5|)&T(4(6`6x44DH%$4P'&=D`3XTedm48dThl |c,b\b< ]\x(hg$gxi<iLTighDgtk4jjhe4XLPhtPx$O0Ht\ sl @,o\xwv|P | p { h}t}<XGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A?aeabi5Cortex-A15 A   "*,D,\$PO$_XOģ[../sysdeps/arm/crti.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0[l(../sysdeps/arm/crtn.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0U%U%h, ../sysdeps/armcrti.S\?/0////PO0P, ../sysdeps/armcrtn.SXO/ģ7\\POXOģXO\Oģȣ5p809GPO \O Z  ȣ  $;R\ U\ b\ RPO R eRXO Rģ R4d 4dD xdh bd Rd d  e e( b0e R8e 8e4 b`e Rle le (fP b h Rdh >dh bh Rh Jh b l Rl Zl$ llL zl bm Rm m  bp Rq q bq Rq q\ br R r  rx btr Rr rT br Rr rt b R> bH> RL> L> b> R> bh? 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