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proactive command from SIM pendingNormal ending of the command - response data for SIM data downloadNormal ending of the command - response data availableSIM Application Toolkit is busy, command cannot be executed at presentMemory management - Command successful but after using an internal update retry X timesMemory management - Memory problemReferencing management - no EF selectedReferencing management - out of range (invalid address)Referencing management - file ID not found / pattern not foundReferencing management - file is inconsistent with the commandSecurity management - no CHV initializedSecurity management - access condition not fulfilledSecurity management - in contradiction with CHV statusSecurity management - in contradiction with invalidation statusSecurity management - unsuccessful CHV verification, no attempt leftSecurity management - increase cannot be performed, max value reachedApplication independent - incorrect parameter P3Application independent - incorrect parameter P1 or P2Application independent - unknown instruction codeApplication independent - wrong instruction classApplication independent - technical problem with no diagnostic givenstruct osim_card_app_profile3GPP USIMADF.USIMDF.PHONEBOOKDF.GSM-ACCESSDF.MexEDF.WLANDF.5GSDF.HNBDF.BCASTDF.ProSeDF.ACDCEF.5GS3GPPLOCI5GS 3GPP location informationEF.5GSN3GPPLOCI5GS non-3GPP location informationEF.5GS3GPPNSC5GS 3GPP Access NAS Security ContextEF.5GSN3GPPNSC5GS non-3GPP Access NAS Security ContextEF.5GAUTHKEYS5GS authentication keysEF.UAC_AICUAC Access Identities ConfigurationEF.SUCI_Calc_InfoSubscription Concealed Identifier Calculation InformationEF.OPL5G5GS Operator PLMN ListEF.NSINetwork Specific IdentifierEF.Routing_IndicatorRouting IndicatorEF.ACDC_LISTACDC ListEF.PROSE_MONProSe Monitoring ParametersEF.PROSE_ANNProSe Announcing ParametersEF.PROSEFUNCHPLMN ProSe FunctionEF.PROSE_RADIO_COMProSe Direct Communication Radio ParametersEF.PROSE_RADIO_MONProSe Direct Discovery Monitoring Radio ParametersEF.PROSE_RADIO_ANNProSe Direct Discovery Announcing Radio ParametersEF.PROSE_POLICYEF.PROSE_PLMNProSe PLMN ParametesEF.PROSE_GCEF.PSTProSe Service TableEF.PROSE_UIRCProSe UsageInformationReportingConfigurationEF.PROSE_GM_DISCOVERYProSe Group Member Discovery ParametersEF.PROSE_RELAYProSe Relay ParametersEF.PROSE_RELAY_DISCOVERYProSe Relay Discovery ParametersEF.ACSGLAllowed CSG ListsEF.CSGTCSG TypeEF.HNBNEF.OCSGLOperator CSG ListEF.OCSGTOperator CSG TypeEF.OHNBNOprator Home NodeB NameEF.PseudoPseudonymEF.UPLMNWLANUser controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN AccessEF.OPLMNWLANOperator controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN AccessEF.UWSIDLUser controlled WLAN Specific Identifier ListEF.OWSIDLOperator controlled WLAN Specific Identifier ListEF.WRIWLAN Reauthentication IdentityEF.HWSIDLHome I-WLAN Specific Identifier ListEF.WEPLMNPII-WLAN Equivalent HPLMN Presentation IndicationEF.WHPII-WLAN HPLMN Priority IndiationEF.WLRPLMNI-WLAN Last Registered PLMNEF.MexE-STMexE Service tableEF.TPRPKEF.LILanguage IndicationEF.KeysCiphering and Integrity KeysEF.KeysPSCiphering and Integrity Keys for Packet Switched domainEF.USTUSIM Service TableEF.PSLOCIPacet Switched location informationExtension 2Extension 3EF.ICIIncoming Calling InformationEF.OCIOutgoing Calling InformationEF.ICTIncoming Call TimerEF.OCTOutgoing Call TimerEF.EXT5Extension 5EF.CCP2Capability Configuration Parameters 2enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emptionEF.HiddenkeyKey for hidden phone book entriesBarred Dialling NumbersExtension 4EF.ESTEnhanced Services TableEF.ACLAccess Point Name Control ListDepersonalisation Control KeysEF.START-HFNInitialisation values for Hyperframe numberEF.THRESHOLDMaximum value of STARTEF.ARRAccess Rule ReferenceEF.NETPARNetwork ParametersMailbox Dialling NumbersExtension 6Mailbox IdentifierExtension 7Service Provider Display InformationExtension 8EF.VGCSCAVoice Group Call Service Ciphering AlgorithmEF.VBSCAVoice Broadcast Service Ciphering AlgorithmEF.GBABPGBA Bootstrapping parametersEF.MSKMBMS Serviec Key ListEF.MUKMBMS User KeyEF.GBANLGBA NAF ListEF.EHPLMNEquivalent HPLMNEF.EHPLMNPIEquivalent HPLMN Presentation IndicationEF.LRPLMNSILast RPLMN Selection IndicationEF.NAFKCANAF Key Centre AddressEF.SPNIService Provider Name IconEF.PNNIPLMN Network Name IconEF.NCP-IPNetwork Connectivity Parameters for USIM IP ConnectionsEF.EPSLOCIEPS location informationEF.EPSNSCEPS NAS Security ContextEF.UFCUSAT Facility ControlEF.NASCONFIGNon Access Stratum ConfigurationEF.UICCIARIUICC IARIEF.PWSPublic Warning SystemEF_FDNURIFixed Dialling Numbers URIEF_BDNURIBarred Dialling Numbers URIEF_SDNURIService Dialling Numbers URIEF_IWLIMEI(SV) White ListsEF_IPSIMEI(SV) Pairing StatusEF_IPDIMEI(SV) of Pairing DeviceEF_ePDGIdHome ePDG IdentifierEF_ePDGSelectionePDG Selection InformationEF_ePDGIdEmEmergency ePDG IdentifierEF_ePDGSelectionEmePDG Selection Information for Emergency ServicesEF_FromPreferredFrom PreferredEF_IMSConfigDataIMS Configuration DataEF_3GPPPSDATAOFF3GPP PS Data OffEF_3GPPPSDATAOFFservicelist3GPP PS Data Off Service ListEF_XCAPConfigDataXCAP Configuration DataEF_EARFCNListEARFCN list for MTC/NB-IOT UEsCiphering Key KcEF.invSCANSecurity management - Authentication error, incorrect MACSecurity management - Authentication error, security context not supportedSecurity management - Key freshness errorSecurity management - Authentication error, no memory space availableSecurity management - Authentication error, no memory space available in EF_MUK3GPP UICCcard_fs_uicc.c:250card_fs_uicc.c:258File control parametersFile sizeTotal size of filesFile descriptorFile identifierDF nameShort file identifierLifecycle status integerSecurity attributes (Referenced/Expanded)Security attributes (Compact)ProprietarySecurity attributes (Expanded)PIN Status DOEF.DIRApplication directoryPreferred LanguagesNormal ending of the command, extra info proactiveNormal ending of the command, extra info regarding transfer sessionNo information given, state of non volatile memory unchangedPart of returned data may be corruptedEnd of file/record reached before reading Le bytesSelected file invalidatedSelected file in termination stateMore data availableMore data available and proactive command pendingResponse data availableMore data expectedVerification falied, X retries remainingExecution - No information given, state of non-volatile memory unchangedExecution - No information given, state of non-volatile memory changedExecution - Memory problemChecking - Wrong lengthChecking - Command dependent errorChecking - Wrong parameter(s) P1-P2Checking - Instruction code not supported or validChecking - Class not supportedChecking - Technical problem, no precise diagnosticsFunction in CLA not supported - No information givenFunction in CLA not supported - Logical channel not supportedFunction in CLA not supportied - Secure messaging not supportedCommand not allowed - No information givenCommand not allowed - Command incompatible with file structureCommand not allowed - Security status not satisfiedCommand not allowed - Authentication/PIN method blockedCommand not allowed - Referenced data invalidatedCommand not allowed - Conditions of use not satisfiedCommand not allowed - Noe EF selectedCommand not allowed - secure channel - security not satisfiedWrong parameters - Incorrect parameters in the data fieldWrong parameters - Function not supportedWrong parameters - File not foundWrong parameters - Record not foundWrong parameters - Not enough memory spaceWrong parameters - Incorrect parameters P1 to P2Wrong parameters - Lc inconsistent with P1 ot P2Wrong parameters - Referenced data not foundApplication error - INCREASE cannot be performed, max value reachedApplication error - Authentication error, application specificApplication error - Security session or association expired3GPP ISIMADF.ISIMEF.IMPIIMS private user identityEF.DOMAINHome Network Domain NameEF.IMPUIMS public user identityAdministrative DataAccess Rule TLV data objectsEF.ISTISIM Service TableEF.P-CSCFP-CSCF AddressNAF Key Identifier TLV ObjectsSMS statusEF_WebRTCURIWebRTC URI 3GPP HPSIMADF.HPSIMEF.IMSTEF_ADTETRA SIMDF.TETRAcard_fs_tetra.c:261EF.ITSIITSIEF.ITSIDISITSI DisableEF.SCTSubscriber Class TableEF.PHASEEF.CCKCommon Cipher KeyEF.CCKLOCCCK location areasEF.SCKStatic Cipher KeysEF.GSSISEF.GRDSGroup related data for static GSSISEF.GSSIDDynamic GSSIsEF.GRDDEF.GCKGroup Cipher KeysEF.MGCKModified Group Cipher KeysEF.GINFOUser's group informationEF.SECSecurity settingsEF.FORBIDEF.PREFPreferred networksLocation InformationEF.DNWRKBroadcast network informationEF.NWTNetwork tableEF.GWTGateway tableEF.CMTCall Modifier TableEF.ADNGWTAbbreviated Dialling Number with GatewaysEF.ADNTETRAAbbreviated dialling numbers for TETRA networkEF.EXTAExtension AEF.FDNGWTFixed dialling numbers with GatewaysEF.GWTEXT2Gateway Extension2EF.FDNTETRAFixed dialling numbers for TETRA networkEF.EXTBExtension BEF.LNDGWTLast number dialled with GatewaysEF.LNDTETRALast numbers dialled for TETRA networkEF.SDNGWTService Dialling Numbers with gatewayEF.GWTEXT3Gateway Extension3EF.SDNTETRAService Dialling Nubers for TETRA networkEF.STXTStatus message textsEF.MSGTXTSDS-1 message textsEF.SDS123Status and SDS type 1, 2 and 3 message storageEF.SDS4Status and SDS type 4 message storageEF.MSGEXTMessage ExtensionEF.EADDREmergency addressesEF.EINFOEmergency call informationEF.DMOChDMO channel informationEF.MSChMS allocation of DMO channelsEF.KHList of Key HoldersEF.REPGATEDMO repeater and gateway listEF.PREF_LAPreferred location areasEF.LNDCompComposite LND fileEF.DFLTSTSTGGTStatus Default TargetEF.SDSMEM_STATUSSDS Memory StatusEF.WELCOMEWelcome MessageEF.SDSRSDS delivery reportEF.SDSPSDS parametersEF.DIALSCDialling schemes for TETRA networkEF.APNAPN tableEF.PNIPrivate Number InformationSecurity management - manipulation flag setSecurity management - SwMI authentication unsuccessfult9 9|ccl |a|^lK|`@lK|``lK|`L|]|_|_|_L|]L|]L|]cc  |^lK|`@lK|``lK|`L|]|_|_|_L|]L|]cc|acc|b|b|b|b/0poTi\i?oxiiFoiiAoiiEoii toj$jxo@jHj{o`jlj ~o|jj ojjojjojjPok ko,k4kPoLkTkotkkokkHokk ol$lPo8lDl@,oxll2oll<QollRoll Som$mTo@mHm@`o\mhm(Paomm(Pbommco$n0ndoDnPnodnlnonnonnonnonnoooo4ooTi\i?oxiiFoiiAoiiEoii xo@jHj{o `jlj $~o |jj ojjHokk ol$l Po8lDl so 0~<~;o|ee oAAo0BSdq| |6 (YPTo8 ( d  \5\$ooo o5666666666666666666666666666666666666hGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A(aeabi5TE ,L8$|6(Y$_6,Y[../sysdeps/arm/crti.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0[l(../sysdeps/arm/crtn.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0U%U%h, ../sysdeps/armcrti.SL8?/0////|60(YP, ../sysdeps/armcrtn.S6/,Y7L8p8|66(Y,Y66,Y0Y8(  \\5|6 6 L8 (Y 0Y |PPTX\HL8 KL8 Xh8 H|6 H(Y [H6 H,Y XHp8 p8 X8 H8 8 X8 XH 9 9 X`9 XTTHt9 t9 X9 XP'PXFH9 X<: HD: X: H: X ; H$; X; H; X; H; X\< H`< X> H > X> H> X? 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