#include <fb/font.h>
static const uint8_t font_helvR08_data[] = {
/* --- new character space (32) starting at offset 0x0000 --- */
	/*0000:*/	2, 1, 1, 0, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0005:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
/* --- new character exclam (33) starting at offset 0x0006 --- */
	/*0006:*/	2, 1, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*000b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*000c:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*000d:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*000e:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*000f:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*0010:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character quotedbl (34) starting at offset 0x0011 --- */
	/*0011:*/	3, 3, 3, 1, 3, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0016:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0017:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0018:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
/* --- new character numbersign (35) starting at offset 0x0019 --- */
	/*0019:*/	5, 5, 5, 0, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*001e:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
	/*001f:*/	0xf8,  /* #####... */
	/*0020:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
	/*0021:*/	0xf8,  /* #####... */
	/*0022:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
/* --- new character dollar (36) starting at offset 0x0023 --- */
	/*0023:*/	5, 4, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0028:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0029:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*002a:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*002b:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*002c:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*002d:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*002e:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character percent (37) starting at offset 0x002f --- */
	/*002f:*/	7, 6, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0034:*/	0xe8,  /* ###.#... */
	/*0035:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*0036:*/	0xd0,  /* ##.#.... */
	/*0037:*/	0x2c,  /* ..#.##.. */
	/*0038:*/	0x54,  /* .#.#.#.. */
	/*0039:*/	0x5c,  /* .#.###.. */
/* --- new character ampersand (38) starting at offset 0x003a --- */
	/*003a:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*003f:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0040:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0041:*/	0x48,  /* .#..#... */
	/*0042:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*0043:*/	0xb0,  /* #.##.... */
	/*0044:*/	0x58,  /* .#.##... */
/* --- new character quotesingle (39) starting at offset 0x0045 --- */
	/*0045:*/	2, 1, 2, 0, 6, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*004a:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*004b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character parenleft (40) starting at offset 0x004c --- */
	/*004c:*/	3, 2, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0051:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0052:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0053:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0054:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0055:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0056:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0057:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character parenright (41) starting at offset 0x0058 --- */
	/*0058:*/	3, 2, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*005d:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*005e:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*005f:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0060:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0061:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0062:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0063:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character asterisk (42) starting at offset 0x0064 --- */
	/*0064:*/	3, 3, 3, 1, 2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0069:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*006a:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*006b:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character plus (43) starting at offset 0x006c --- */
	/*006c:*/	5, 5, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0071:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0072:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0073:*/	0xf8,  /* #####... */
	/*0074:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0075:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
/* --- new character comma (44) starting at offset 0x0076 --- */
	/*0076:*/	2, 2, 3, 0, -2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*007b:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*007c:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*007d:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character hyphen (45) starting at offset 0x007e --- */
	/*007e:*/	3, 2, 1, 0, 2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0083:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
/* --- new character period (46) starting at offset 0x0084 --- */
	/*0084:*/	2, 1, 1, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0089:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character slash (47) starting at offset 0x008a --- */
	/*008a:*/	2, 2, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*008f:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0090:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0091:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0092:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0093:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0094:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0095:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character zero (48) starting at offset 0x0096 --- */
	/*0096:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*009b:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*009c:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*009d:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*009e:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*009f:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00a0:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character one (49) starting at offset 0x00a1 --- */
	/*00a1:*/	5, 2, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00a6:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00a7:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*00a8:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00a9:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00aa:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00ab:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character two (50) starting at offset 0x00ac --- */
	/*00ac:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00b1:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*00b2:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00b3:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*00b4:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00b5:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00b6:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
/* --- new character three (51) starting at offset 0x00b7 --- */
	/*00b7:*/	5, 3, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00bc:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*00bd:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00be:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*00bf:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00c0:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00c1:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
/* --- new character four (52) starting at offset 0x00c2 --- */
	/*00c2:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00c7:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00c8:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00c9:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*00ca:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*00cb:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00cc:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
/* --- new character five (53) starting at offset 0x00cd --- */
	/*00cd:*/	5, 3, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00d2:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*00d3:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*00d4:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*00d5:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00d6:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00d7:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
/* --- new character six (54) starting at offset 0x00d8 --- */
	/*00d8:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00dd:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*00de:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*00df:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*00e0:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00e1:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00e2:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character seven (55) starting at offset 0x00e3 --- */
	/*00e3:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00e8:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*00e9:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*00ea:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*00eb:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00ec:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*00ed:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character eight (56) starting at offset 0x00ee --- */
	/*00ee:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00f3:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*00f4:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00f5:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*00f6:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00f7:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*00f8:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character nine (57) starting at offset 0x00f9 --- */
	/*00f9:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*00fe:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*00ff:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0100:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0101:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0102:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*0103:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character colon (58) starting at offset 0x0104 --- */
	/*0104:*/	2, 1, 4, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0109:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*010a:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*010b:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*010c:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character semicolon (59) starting at offset 0x010d --- */
	/*010d:*/	2, 2, 6, 0, -2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0112:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0113:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*0114:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*0115:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0116:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0117:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character less (60) starting at offset 0x0118 --- */
	/*0118:*/	5, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*011d:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*011e:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*011f:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0120:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0121:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
/* --- new character equal (61) starting at offset 0x0122 --- */
	/*0122:*/	4, 3, 3, 1, 1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0127:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*0128:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*0129:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
/* --- new character greater (62) starting at offset 0x012a --- */
	/*012a:*/	5, 3, 5, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*012f:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0130:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0131:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0132:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0133:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character question (63) starting at offset 0x0134 --- */
	/*0134:*/	5, 3, 5, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0139:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*013a:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*013b:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*013c:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*013d:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character at (64) starting at offset 0x013e --- */
	/*013e:*/	9, 8, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0143:*/	0x3e,  /* ..#####. */
	/*0144:*/	0x41,  /* .#.....# */
	/*0145:*/	0x99,  /* #..##..# */
	/*0146:*/	0xa5,  /* #.#..#.# */
	/*0147:*/	0x9e,  /* #..####. */
	/*0148:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0149:*/	0x78,  /* .####... */
/* --- new character A (65) starting at offset 0x014a --- */
	/*014a:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*014f:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0150:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0151:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
	/*0152:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0153:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0154:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
/* --- new character B (66) starting at offset 0x0155 --- */
	/*0155:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*015a:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*015b:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*015c:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*015d:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*015e:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*015f:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
/* --- new character C (67) starting at offset 0x0160 --- */
	/*0160:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0165:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0166:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0167:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0168:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0169:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*016a:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
/* --- new character D (68) starting at offset 0x016b --- */
	/*016b:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0170:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*0171:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0172:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0173:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0174:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0175:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
/* --- new character E (69) starting at offset 0x0176 --- */
	/*0176:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*017b:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*017c:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*017d:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*017e:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*017f:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0180:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
/* --- new character F (70) starting at offset 0x0181 --- */
	/*0181:*/	5, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0186:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*0187:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0188:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*0189:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*018a:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*018b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character G (71) starting at offset 0x018c --- */
	/*018c:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0191:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0192:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0193:*/	0x98,  /* #..##... */
	/*0194:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0195:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0196:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
/* --- new character H (72) starting at offset 0x0197 --- */
	/*0197:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*019c:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*019d:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*019e:*/	0xf8,  /* #####... */
	/*019f:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01a0:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01a1:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
/* --- new character I (73) starting at offset 0x01a2 --- */
	/*01a2:*/	2, 1, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01a7:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01a8:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01a9:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01aa:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01ab:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01ac:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character J (74) starting at offset 0x01ad --- */
	/*01ad:*/	4, 3, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01b2:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*01b3:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*01b4:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*01b5:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*01b6:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*01b7:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character K (75) starting at offset 0x01b8 --- */
	/*01b8:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01bd:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*01be:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*01bf:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*01c0:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*01c1:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*01c2:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
/* --- new character L (76) starting at offset 0x01c3 --- */
	/*01c3:*/	5, 3, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01c8:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01c9:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01ca:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01cb:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01cc:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01cd:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
/* --- new character M (77) starting at offset 0x01ce --- */
	/*01ce:*/	7, 5, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01d3:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01d4:*/	0xd8,  /* ##.##... */
	/*01d5:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*01d6:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*01d7:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*01d8:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
/* --- new character N (78) starting at offset 0x01d9 --- */
	/*01d9:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01de:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01df:*/	0xc8,  /* ##..#... */
	/*01e0:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*01e1:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*01e2:*/	0x98,  /* #..##... */
	/*01e3:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
/* --- new character O (79) starting at offset 0x01e4 --- */
	/*01e4:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01e9:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*01ea:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01eb:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01ec:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01ed:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*01ee:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
/* --- new character P (80) starting at offset 0x01ef --- */
	/*01ef:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01f4:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*01f5:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*01f6:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*01f7:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*01f8:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*01f9:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character Q (81) starting at offset 0x01fa --- */
	/*01fa:*/	6, 5, 8, 1, -2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*01ff:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0200:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0201:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0202:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0203:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0204:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0205:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0206:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
/* --- new character R (82) starting at offset 0x0207 --- */
	/*0207:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*020c:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*020d:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*020e:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*020f:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*0210:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0211:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
/* --- new character S (83) starting at offset 0x0212 --- */
	/*0212:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0217:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0218:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0219:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*021a:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*021b:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*021c:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
/* --- new character T (84) starting at offset 0x021d --- */
	/*021d:*/	4, 3, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0222:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*0223:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0224:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0225:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0226:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0227:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character U (85) starting at offset 0x0228 --- */
	/*0228:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*022d:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*022e:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*022f:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0230:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0231:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
	/*0232:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
/* --- new character V (86) starting at offset 0x0233 --- */
	/*0233:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0238:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0239:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*023a:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*023b:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*023c:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*023d:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character W (87) starting at offset 0x023e --- */
	/*023e:*/	7, 7, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0243:*/	0x92,  /* #..#..#. */
	/*0244:*/	0x92,  /* #..#..#. */
	/*0245:*/	0x92,  /* #..#..#. */
	/*0246:*/	0x6c,  /* .##.##.. */
	/*0247:*/	0x48,  /* .#..#... */
	/*0248:*/	0x48,  /* .#..#... */
/* --- new character X (88) starting at offset 0x0249 --- */
	/*0249:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*024e:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*024f:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0250:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*0251:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*0252:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0253:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
/* --- new character Y (89) starting at offset 0x0254 --- */
	/*0254:*/	6, 5, 6, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0259:*/	0xc8,  /* ##..#... */
	/*025a:*/	0x48,  /* .#..#... */
	/*025b:*/	0x48,  /* .#..#... */
	/*025c:*/	0x30,  /* ..##.... */
	/*025d:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*025e:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
/* --- new character Z (90) starting at offset 0x025f --- */
	/*025f:*/	6, 4, 6, 2, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0264:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*0265:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*0266:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0267:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0268:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0269:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
/* --- new character bracketleft (91) starting at offset 0x026a --- */
	/*026a:*/	2, 2, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*026f:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*0270:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0271:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0272:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0273:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0274:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0275:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
/* --- new character backslash (92) starting at offset 0x0276 --- */
	/*0276:*/	2, 2, 7, 0, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*027b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*027c:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*027d:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*027e:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*027f:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0280:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0281:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character bracketright (93) starting at offset 0x0282 --- */
	/*0282:*/	2, 2, 7, 0, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0287:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*0288:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0289:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*028a:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*028b:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*028c:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*028d:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
/* --- new character asciicircum (94) starting at offset 0x028e --- */
	/*028e:*/	5, 5, 3, 0, 2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0293:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0294:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
	/*0295:*/	0x88,  /* #...#... */
/* --- new character underscore (95) starting at offset 0x0296 --- */
	/*0296:*/	5, 5, 1, 0, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*029b:*/	0xf8,  /* #####... */
/* --- new character grave (96) starting at offset 0x029c --- */
	/*029c:*/	3, 2, 2, 0, 6, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02a1:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02a2:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character a (97) starting at offset 0x02a3 --- */
	/*02a3:*/	4, 4, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02a8:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*02a9:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*02aa:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*02ab:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*02ac:*/	0xd0,  /* ##.#.... */
/* --- new character b (98) starting at offset 0x02ad --- */
	/*02ad:*/	5, 4, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02b2:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02b3:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02b4:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*02b5:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02b6:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02b7:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02b8:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
/* --- new character c (99) starting at offset 0x02b9 --- */
	/*02b9:*/	4, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02be:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*02bf:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02c0:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02c1:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02c2:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character d (100) starting at offset 0x02c3 --- */
	/*02c3:*/	5, 4, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02c8:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*02c9:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*02ca:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*02cb:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02cc:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02cd:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02ce:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
/* --- new character e (101) starting at offset 0x02cf --- */
	/*02cf:*/	4, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02d4:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*02d5:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*02d6:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*02d7:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02d8:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character f (102) starting at offset 0x02d9 --- */
	/*02d9:*/	4, 3, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02de:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*02df:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*02e0:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*02e1:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*02e2:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*02e3:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*02e4:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character g (103) starting at offset 0x02e5 --- */
	/*02e5:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02ea:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*02eb:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02ec:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02ed:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*02ee:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
	/*02ef:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character h (104) starting at offset 0x02f0 --- */
	/*02f0:*/	5, 4, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*02f5:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02f6:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*02f7:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*02f8:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02f9:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02fa:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*02fb:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
/* --- new character i (105) starting at offset 0x02fc --- */
	/*02fc:*/	2, 1, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0301:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0302:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*0303:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0304:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0305:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0306:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0307:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character j (106) starting at offset 0x0308 --- */
	/*0308:*/	2, 2, 9, 0, -2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*030d:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*030e:*/	0x00,  /* ........ */
	/*030f:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0310:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0311:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0312:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0313:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0314:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0315:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character k (107) starting at offset 0x0316 --- */
	/*0316:*/	4, 3, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*031b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*031c:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*031d:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*031e:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*031f:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*0320:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0321:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
/* --- new character l (108) starting at offset 0x0322 --- */
	/*0322:*/	2, 1, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0327:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0328:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0329:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*032a:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*032b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*032c:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*032d:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character m (109) starting at offset 0x032e --- */
	/*032e:*/	6, 5, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0333:*/	0xf0,  /* ####.... */
	/*0334:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*0335:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*0336:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*0337:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
/* --- new character n (110) starting at offset 0x0338 --- */
	/*0338:*/	5, 4, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*033d:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*033e:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*033f:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0340:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0341:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
/* --- new character o (111) starting at offset 0x0342 --- */
	/*0342:*/	5, 4, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0347:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*0348:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0349:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*034a:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*034b:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character p (112) starting at offset 0x034c --- */
	/*034c:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0351:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*0352:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0353:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0354:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0355:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*0356:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character q (113) starting at offset 0x0357 --- */
	/*0357:*/	5, 4, 6, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*035c:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*035d:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*035e:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*035f:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0360:*/	0x70,  /* .###.... */
	/*0361:*/	0x10,  /* ...#.... */
/* --- new character r (114) starting at offset 0x0362 --- */
	/*0362:*/	3, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0367:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0368:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*0369:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*036a:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*036b:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character s (115) starting at offset 0x036c --- */
	/*036c:*/	4, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0371:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*0372:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*0373:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*0374:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*0375:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
/* --- new character t (116) starting at offset 0x0376 --- */
	/*0376:*/	3, 3, 7, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*037b:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*037c:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*037d:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*037e:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*037f:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0380:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*0381:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character u (117) starting at offset 0x0382 --- */
	/*0382:*/	4, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0387:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0388:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0389:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*038a:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*038b:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
/* --- new character v (118) starting at offset 0x038c --- */
	/*038c:*/	5, 4, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*0391:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0392:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0393:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*0394:*/	0xa0,  /* #.#..... */
	/*0395:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
/* --- new character w (119) starting at offset 0x0396 --- */
	/*0396:*/	6, 5, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*039b:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*039c:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*039d:*/	0xa8,  /* #.#.#... */
	/*039e:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
	/*039f:*/	0x50,  /* .#.#.... */
/* --- new character x (120) starting at offset 0x03a0 --- */
	/*03a0:*/	5, 4, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03a5:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*03a6:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*03a7:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*03a8:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*03a9:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
/* --- new character y (121) starting at offset 0x03aa --- */
	/*03aa:*/	4, 4, 6, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03af:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*03b0:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*03b1:*/	0x90,  /* #..#.... */
	/*03b2:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*03b3:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03b4:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character z (122) starting at offset 0x03b5 --- */
	/*03b5:*/	4, 3, 5, 1, 0, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03ba:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
	/*03bb:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*03bc:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03bd:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03be:*/	0xe0,  /* ###..... */
/* --- new character braceleft (123) starting at offset 0x03bf --- */
	/*03bf:*/	2, 3, 7, 0, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03c4:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
	/*03c5:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03c6:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03c7:*/	0xc0,  /* ##...... */
	/*03c8:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03c9:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03ca:*/	0x20,  /* ..#..... */
/* --- new character bar (124) starting at offset 0x03cb --- */
	/*03cb:*/	2, 1, 7, 1, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03d0:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03d1:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03d2:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03d3:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03d4:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03d5:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03d6:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character braceright (125) starting at offset 0x03d7 --- */
	/*03d7:*/	2, 3, 7, 0, -1, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03dc:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
	/*03dd:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03de:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03df:*/	0x60,  /* .##..... */
	/*03e0:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03e1:*/	0x40,  /* .#...... */
	/*03e2:*/	0x80,  /* #....... */
/* --- new character asciitilde (126) starting at offset 0x03e3 --- */
	/*03e3:*/	6, 5, 2, 1, 2, /* width and bbox (w,h,x,y) */ 
	/*03e8:*/	0x48,  /* .#..#... */
	/*03e9:*/	0xb0,  /* #.##.... */
static const uint16_t font_helvR08_offsets[] = {
0x0000 /* space */,
	0x0006 /* exclam */,
	0x0011 /* quotedbl */,
	0x0019 /* numbersign */,
	0x0023 /* dollar */,
	0x002f /* percent */,
	0x003a /* ampersand */,
	0x0045 /* quotesingle */,
	0x004c /* parenleft */,
	0x0058 /* parenright */,
	0x0064 /* asterisk */,
	0x006c /* plus */,
	0x0076 /* comma */,
	0x007e /* hyphen */,
	0x0084 /* period */,
	0x008a /* slash */,
	0x0096 /* zero */,
	0x00a1 /* one */,
	0x00ac /* two */,
	0x00b7 /* three */,
	0x00c2 /* four */,
	0x00cd /* five */,
	0x00d8 /* six */,
	0x00e3 /* seven */,
	0x00ee /* eight */,
	0x00f9 /* nine */,
	0x0104 /* colon */,
	0x010d /* semicolon */,
	0x0118 /* less */,
	0x0122 /* equal */,
	0x012a /* greater */,
	0x0134 /* question */,
	0x013e /* at */,
	0x014a /* A */,
	0x0155 /* B */,
	0x0160 /* C */,
	0x016b /* D */,
	0x0176 /* E */,
	0x0181 /* F */,
	0x018c /* G */,
	0x0197 /* H */,
	0x01a2 /* I */,
	0x01ad /* J */,
	0x01b8 /* K */,
	0x01c3 /* L */,
	0x01ce /* M */,
	0x01d9 /* N */,
	0x01e4 /* O */,
	0x01ef /* P */,
	0x01fa /* Q */,
	0x0207 /* R */,
	0x0212 /* S */,
	0x021d /* T */,
	0x0228 /* U */,
	0x0233 /* V */,
	0x023e /* W */,
	0x0249 /* X */,
	0x0254 /* Y */,
	0x025f /* Z */,
	0x026a /* bracketleft */,
	0x0276 /* backslash */,
	0x0282 /* bracketright */,
	0x028e /* asciicircum */,
	0x0296 /* underscore */,
	0x029c /* grave */,
	0x02a3 /* a */,
	0x02ad /* b */,
	0x02b9 /* c */,
	0x02c3 /* d */,
	0x02cf /* e */,
	0x02d9 /* f */,
	0x02e5 /* g */,
	0x02f0 /* h */,
	0x02fc /* i */,
	0x0308 /* j */,
	0x0316 /* k */,
	0x0322 /* l */,
	0x032e /* m */,
	0x0338 /* n */,
	0x0342 /* o */,
	0x034c /* p */,
	0x0357 /* q */,
	0x0362 /* r */,
	0x036c /* s */,
	0x0376 /* t */,
	0x0382 /* u */,
	0x038c /* v */,
	0x0396 /* w */,
	0x03a0 /* x */,
	0x03aa /* y */,
	0x03b5 /* z */,
	0x03bf /* braceleft */,
	0x03cb /* bar */,
	0x03d7 /* braceright */,
	0x03e3 /* asciitilde */,
	0xffff /* (no glyph) */
const struct fb_font font_helvR08 = {
	.height = 10,
	.ascent = 8,
	.firstchar = 32, /* space */
	.lastchar = 127, /* ? */
	.chardata = font_helvR08_data,
	.charoffs = font_helvR08_offsets,