Passed (from sms_sysmo)
Standard Output
---------------------------------------------- trial-2061 sms:sysmo ---------------------------------------------- 11:47:04.470569 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 11:47:04.481893 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x bts (candidates: 1) 11:47:05.074817 tst using LAC 3013 11:47:05.194454 tst using RAC 208 11:47:05.309116 tst using CellId 3013 11:47:05.422946 tst using BVCI 3014 11:47:05.444669 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 11:47:05.455316 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 11:47:05.465851 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 11:47:05.476115 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 11:47:05.486520 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 11:47:05.496768 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2) 11:47:05.675434 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2) 11:47:05.883196 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Starting osmo-hlr 11:47:07.467499 run create_hlr_db(pid=3161): Launched 11:47:08.654220 run create_hlr_db(pid=3161): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:08.979695 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host')(pid=3163): Launched 11:47:09.296154 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=3164): Launched 11:47:09.411138 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5: Starting osmo-stp 11:47:11.883437 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3165): Launched 11:47:12.198053 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5(pid=3166): Launched 11:47:12.312157 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6: Starting osmo-msc 11:47:17.411907 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3167): Launched 11:47:17.727684 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6(pid=3168): Launched 11:47:20.899109 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3: Starting osmo-mgw 11:47:22.512533 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3169): Launched 11:47:22.828968 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3(pid=3170): Launched 11:47:22.942724 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4: Starting osmo-mgw 11:47:23.453010 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3171): Launched 11:47:23.770156 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4(pid=3172): Launched 11:47:23.885161 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7: Starting osmo-bsc 11:47:27.899518 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3173): Launched 11:47:28.227639 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7(pid=3174): Launched 11:47:34.501405 run osmo-bts-sysmo: Starting sysmoBTS to connect to osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7 11:47:35.405593 run rm-remote-dir(pid=3175): Launched 11:47:37.603795 run rm-remote-dir(pid=3175): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:37.944920 run mk-remote-dir(pid=3176): Launched 11:47:39.139625 run mk-remote-dir(pid=3176): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:39.426382 run scp-inst-to-remote(pid=3177): Launched 11:47:50.635815 run scp-inst-to-remote(pid=3177): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:50.971766 run mk-remote-dir(pid=3243): Launched 11:47:52.165545 run mk-remote-dir(pid=3243): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:52.451894 run scp-cfg-to-remote(pid=3244): Launched 11:47:53.645585 run scp-cfg-to-remote(pid=3244): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:53.977548 run reload-dsp-firmware(pid=3246): Launched 11:47:56.169585 run reload-dsp-firmware(pid=3246): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:47:56.495093 run osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=3247): Launched 11:48:00.744638 tst using MSISDN 3642 11:48:00.920829 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered True 11:48:04.396302 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {algo=1, algo_str='comp128v1', imsi='901700000015252', msisdn='3642', subscriber_id=1} 11:48:04.559534 tst using MSISDN 3643 11:48:04.733446 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered True 11:48:08.201467 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {algo=1, algo_str='comp128v1', imsi='901700000015253', msisdn='3643', subscriber_id=2} 11:48:08.472822 bus /sierra_2: Setting Online False 11:48:09.662503 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False 11:48:15.334790 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered True 11:48:16.694681 bus /sierra_2: Setting Online True 11:48:19.265287 tst /sierra_2: Connect to ('901', '70') 11:48:19.567229 bus /sierra_3: Setting Online False 11:48:20.755826 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 11:48:26.426216 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered True 11:48:27.779311 bus /sierra_3: Setting Online True 11:48:30.259071 tst /sierra_3: Connect to ('901', '70') 11:48:30.433824 tst /sierra_2: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_06.03.32.04 r28324 CNSHZ-AR-BUILD 2015/05/25 01:09:15', Serial: '356853054228053' 11:48:30.550617 tst /sierra_3: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_06.03.32.04 r28324 CNSHZ-AR-BUILD 2015/05/25 01:09:15', Serial: '356853054229028' 11:48:30.733436 tst waiting for modems to attach... 11:48:34.312559 tst /sierra_2: Already registered with network ('901', '70') 11:48:46.216768 tst /sierra_3: Already registered with network ('901', '70') 11:48:51.152344 tst /sierra_2: sending sms to MSISDN 3643 {sms='message nr. 1, from /sierra_2, to /sierra_3, from 3642, to 3643'} 11:48:57.587570 tst /sierra_3: Incoming SMS: 'message nr. 1, from /sierra_2, to /sierra_3, from 3642, to 3643' 11:48:58.288820 tst /sierra_3: SMS received as expected: 'message nr. 1, from /sierra_2, to /sierra_3, from 3642, to 3643' 11:48:58.415588 tst Test passed (113.9 sec) 11:48:58.463072 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host')(pid=3163): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.504843 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=3164): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.549784 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3165): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.593573 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5(pid=3166): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.657053 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3167): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.704840 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6(pid=3168): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.753009 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3169): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.796860 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3(pid=3170): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.851015 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3171): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.894746 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4(pid=3172): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.948811 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3173): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:58.992039 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7(pid=3174): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:59.034291 run osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=3247): Terminating (SIGTERM) 11:48:59.044748 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3163 died... 11:48:59.101344 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host')(pid=3163): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.111265 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3164 died... 11:48:59.169554 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=3164): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.180120 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3165 died... 11:48:59.238058 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3165): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.248631 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3166 died... 11:48:59.306350 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5(pid=3166): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.316881 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3167 died... 11:48:59.374573 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3167): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.384582 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3168 died... 11:48:59.440992 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6(pid=3168): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.450878 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3169 died... 11:48:59.507455 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3169): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.517380 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3170 died... 11:48:59.573987 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3(pid=3170): Terminated {rc=15} 11:48:59.583916 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3171 died... 11:48:59.640446 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3171): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.650430 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3172 died... 11:48:59.706897 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4(pid=3172): Terminated {rc=15} 11:48:59.716724 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3173 died... 11:48:59.773198 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=3173): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.783182 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3174 died... 11:48:59.839623 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7(pid=3174): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:48:59.849482 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 3247 died... 11:48:59.906021 run osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=3247): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 11:49:00.032947 bus /sierra_3: Setting Online False 11:49:01.167140 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 11:49:12.046864 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 11:49:13.153173 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 11:49:14.302721 bus /sierra_2: Setting Online False 11:49:15.434846 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False 11:49:22.051247 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False