Passed (from sms_sysmo)
Standard Output
---------------------------------------------- trial-2063 sms:sysmo ---------------------------------------------- 14:46:01.757527 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 14:46:01.768237 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x bts (candidates: 1) 14:46:01.890972 tst using LAC 3937 14:46:02.006615 tst using RAC 112 14:46:02.123628 tst using CellId 3937 14:46:02.238228 tst using BVCI 3938 14:46:02.260653 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 14:46:02.271180 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 14:46:02.281699 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 14:46:02.292083 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 14:46:02.302438 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x ip_address (candidates: 6) 14:46:02.312846 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2) 14:46:02.425541 tst sms:sysmo: Using 1 x modem (candidates: 2) 14:46:02.622362 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Starting osmo-hlr 14:46:04.212742 run create_hlr_db(pid=7180): Launched 14:46:04.383137 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False 14:46:05.405645 run create_hlr_db(pid=7180): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:05.801043 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host')(pid=7182): Launched 14:46:06.100448 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=7183): Launched 14:46:06.210769 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5: Starting osmo-stp 14:46:08.666616 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7184): Launched 14:46:08.965070 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5(pid=7185): Launched 14:46:09.071298 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6: Starting osmo-msc 14:46:14.246433 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7186): Launched 14:46:14.543240 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6(pid=7187): Launched 14:46:17.702210 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3: Starting osmo-mgw 14:46:19.376118 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7188): Launched 14:46:19.673781 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3(pid=7189): Launched 14:46:19.780777 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4: Starting osmo-mgw 14:46:20.288978 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7190): Launched 14:46:20.585728 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4(pid=7191): Launched 14:46:20.692406 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7: Starting osmo-bsc 14:46:24.997664 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7192): Launched 14:46:25.296508 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7(pid=7193): Launched 14:46:31.554241 run osmo-bts-sysmo: Starting sysmoBTS to connect to osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7 14:46:32.445047 run rm-remote-dir(pid=7194): Launched 14:46:34.630688 run rm-remote-dir(pid=7194): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:34.948204 run mk-remote-dir(pid=7195): Launched 14:46:36.131855 run mk-remote-dir(pid=7195): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:36.405761 run scp-inst-to-remote(pid=7196): Launched 14:46:48.610764 run scp-inst-to-remote(pid=7196): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:48.943527 run mk-remote-dir(pid=7198): Launched 14:46:50.136659 run mk-remote-dir(pid=7198): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:50.421289 run scp-cfg-to-remote(pid=7199): Launched 14:46:51.612922 run scp-cfg-to-remote(pid=7199): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:51.942420 run reload-dsp-firmware(pid=7201): Launched 14:46:54.132044 run reload-dsp-firmware(pid=7201): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:46:54.452087 run osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=7202): Launched 14:46:58.685295 tst using MSISDN 3936 14:46:58.859975 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered True 14:47:02.320270 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {algo=1, algo_str='comp128v1', imsi='901700000015252', msisdn='3936', subscriber_id=1} 14:47:02.449468 tst using MSISDN 3937 14:47:02.622871 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered True 14:47:06.096824 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2: Add subscriber {algo=1, algo_str='comp128v1', imsi='901700000015253', msisdn='3937', subscriber_id=2} 14:47:06.358329 bus /sierra_2: Setting Online False 14:47:07.548859 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False 14:47:13.202805 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered True 14:47:14.566275 bus /sierra_2: Setting Online True 14:47:17.145491 tst /sierra_2: Connect to ('901', '70') 14:47:17.458617 bus /sierra_3: Setting Online False 14:47:18.649047 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 14:47:24.332178 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered True 14:47:25.714036 bus /sierra_3: Setting Online True 14:47:28.203092 tst /sierra_3: Connect to ('901', '70') 14:47:28.359542 tst /sierra_2: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_06.03.32.04 r28324 CNSHZ-AR-BUILD 2015/05/25 01:09:15', Serial: '356853054228053' 14:47:28.472494 tst /sierra_3: Manufacturer: 'Sierra Wireless, Incorporated', Model: 'MC7304', Revision: 'SWI9X15C_06.03.32.04 r28324 CNSHZ-AR-BUILD 2015/05/25 01:09:15', Serial: '356853054229028' 14:47:28.652945 tst waiting for modems to attach... 14:47:30.770029 tst /sierra_2: Already registered with network ('901', '70') 14:47:43.835253 tst /sierra_3: Already registered with network ('901', '70') 14:47:49.154888 tst /sierra_2: sending sms to MSISDN 3937 {sms='message nr. 1, from /sierra_2, to /sierra_3, from 3936, to 3937'} 14:47:55.549038 tst /sierra_3: Incoming SMS: 'message nr. 1, from /sierra_2, to /sierra_3, from 3936, to 3937' 14:47:56.290624 tst /sierra_3: SMS received as expected: 'message nr. 1, from /sierra_2, to /sierra_3, from 3936, to 3937' 14:47:56.409753 tst Test passed (114.6 sec) 14:47:56.455641 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host')(pid=7182): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.495854 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=7183): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.539653 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7184): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.581561 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5(pid=7185): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.631706 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7186): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.676925 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6(pid=7187): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.721483 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7188): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.773588 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3(pid=7189): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.817214 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7190): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.861780 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4(pid=7191): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.907939 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7192): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.952583 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7(pid=7193): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:56.996740 run osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=7202): Terminating (SIGTERM) 14:47:57.007316 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7182 died... 14:47:57.065091 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host')(pid=7182): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.075275 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7183 died... 14:47:57.133828 run osmo-hlr_10.42.42.2(pid=7183): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.145782 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7184 died... 14:47:57.204381 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7184): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.215108 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7185 died... 14:47:57.272848 run osmo-stp_10.42.42.5(pid=7185): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.283684 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7186 died... 14:47:57.341811 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7186): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.352638 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7187 died... 14:47:57.409004 run osmo-msc_10.42.42.6(pid=7187): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.419726 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7188 died... 14:47:57.476941 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7188): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.487241 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7189 died... 14:47:57.544184 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.3(pid=7189): Terminated {rc=15} 14:47:57.554272 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7190 died... 14:47:57.611632 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7190): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.621777 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7191 died... 14:47:57.678452 run osmo-mgw_10.42.42.4(pid=7191): Terminated {rc=15} 14:47:57.689127 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7192 died... 14:47:57.745878 run pcap-recorder_any(filters='host and port not 22')(pid=7192): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.756514 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7193 died... 14:47:57.813174 run osmo-bsc_10.42.42.7(pid=7193): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:57.823810 --- ParallelTerminationStrategy: PID 7202 died... 14:47:57.881091 run osmo-bts-sysmo(pid=7202): Terminated: ok {rc=0} 14:47:58.010507 bus /sierra_3: Setting Online False 14:47:59.143321 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 14:48:09.956245 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 14:48:11.058038 bus /sierra_3: Setting Powered False 14:48:12.213639 bus /sierra_2: Setting Online False 14:48:13.340264 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False 14:48:19.947650 bus /sierra_2: Setting Powered False