# osmo_gsm_tester: specifics for running an iperf3 client and server # # Copyright (C) 2018 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Pau Espin Pedrol <pespin@sysmocom.de> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import json from ..core import log, util, config, process, remote from ..core import schema from . import pcap_recorder, run_node def on_register_schemas(): schema_types = { 'iperf3_protocol': IPerf3Client.validate_protocol, } schema.register_schema_types(schema_types) config_schema = { 'time': schema.DURATION, 'protocol': 'iperf3_protocol', 'packet_length' : schema.UINT, } schema.register_config_schema('iperf3cli', config_schema) def iperf3_result_to_json(log_obj, data): try: # Drop non-interesting self-generated output before json: if not data.startswith('{\n'): data = "{\n" + data.split("\n{\n")[1] # Sometimes iperf3 provides 2 dictionaries, the 2nd one being an error about being interrupted (by us). # json parser doesn't support (raises exception) parsing several dictionaries at a time (not a valid json object). # We are only interested in the first dictionary, the regular results one: data = data.split("\n}")[0] + "\n}" j = json.loads(data) return j except Exception as e: log_obj.log('failed parsing iperf3 output: "%s"' % data) raise e def print_result_node_udp(result, node_str): try: sum = result['end']['sum'] print("Result %s:" % node_str) print("\tSUM: %d KB, %d kbps, %d seconds %d/%d lost" % (sum['bytes']/1000, sum['bits_per_second']/1000, sum['seconds'], sum['lost_packets'], sum['packets'])) except Exception as e: print("Exception while using iperf3 %s results: %r" % (node_str, repr(result))) raise e def print_result_node_tcp(result, node_str): try: sent = result['end']['sum_sent'] recv = result['end']['sum_received'] print("Result %s:" % node_str) print("\tSEND: %d KB, %d kbps, %d seconds (%s retrans)" % (sent['bytes']/1000, sent['bits_per_second']/1000, sent['seconds'], str(sent.get('retransmits', 'unknown')))) print("\tRECV: %d KB, %d kbps, %d seconds" % (recv['bytes']/1000, recv['bits_per_second']/1000, recv['seconds'])) except Exception as e: print("Exception while using iperf3 %s results: %r" % (node_str, repr(result))) raise e def get_received_mbps(result, isUdp=True): try: recv = result['end']['sum' if isUdp else 'sum_received'] return recv['bits_per_second']/1e6 except Exception as e: print("Exception while using iperf3 results: %r" % (repr(result))) raise e class IPerf3Server(log.Origin): DEFAULT_SRV_PORT = 5003 LOGFILE = 'iperf3_srv.json' REMOTE_DIR = '/tmp' def __init__(self, testenv, ip_address): super().__init__(log.C_RUN, 'iperf3-srv_%s' % ip_address.get('addr')) self.run_dir = None self.process = None self._run_node = None self.testenv = testenv self.ip_address = ip_address self._port = IPerf3Server.DEFAULT_SRV_PORT self.log_file = None self.rem_host = None self.remote_log_file = None self.log_copied = False self.logfile_supported = False # some older versions of iperf doesn't support --logfile arg def cleanup(self): if self.process is None: return if self.runs_locally() or not self.logfile_supported or self.log_copied: return # copy back files (may not exist, for instance if there was an early error of process): try: self.rem_host.scpfrom('scp-back-log', self.remote_log_file, self.log_file) self.log_copied = True except Exception as e: self.log(repr(e)) def runs_locally(self): locally = not self._run_node or self._run_node.is_local() return locally def start(self): self.log('Starting iperf3-srv') self.log_copied = False self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.testenv.test().get_run_dir().new_dir(self.name())) self.log_file = self.run_dir.new_child(IPerf3Server.LOGFILE) if self.runs_locally(): self.start_locally() else: self.start_remotely() def start_remotely(self): self.rem_host = remote.RemoteHost(self.run_dir, self._run_node.ssh_user(), self._run_node.ssh_addr()) remote_prefix_dir = util.Dir(IPerf3Server.REMOTE_DIR) remote_run_dir = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child('srv-' + str(self))) self.remote_log_file = remote_run_dir.child(IPerf3Server.LOGFILE) self.rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(remote_run_dir) args = ('iperf3', '-s', '-B', self.addr(), '-p', str(self._port), '-J') if self.logfile_supported: args += ('--logfile', self.remote_log_file,) self.process = self.rem_host.RemoteProcess(self.name(), args) self.testenv.remember_to_stop(self.process) self.process.launch() def start_locally(self): pcap_recorder.PcapRecorder(self.testenv, self.run_dir.new_dir('pcap'), None, 'host %s and port not 22' % self.addr()) args = ('iperf3', '-s', '-B', self.addr(), '-p', str(self._port), '-J') if self.logfile_supported: args += ('--logfile', os.path.abspath(self.log_file),) self.process = process.Process(self.name(), self.run_dir, args, env={}) self.testenv.remember_to_stop(self.process) self.process.launch() def set_run_node(self, run_node): self._run_node = run_node def set_port(self, port): self._port = port def stop(self): self.testenv.stop_process(self.process) def get_results(self): if self.logfile_supported: if not self.runs_locally() and not self.log_copied: self.rem_host.scpfrom('scp-back-log', self.remote_log_file, self.log_file) self.log_copied = True with open(self.log_file) as f: return iperf3_result_to_json(self, f.read()) else: return iperf3_result_to_json(self, self.process.get_stdout()) def print_results(self, client_was_udp): if client_was_udp: print_result_node_udp(self.get_results(), 'server') else: print_result_node_tcp(self.get_results(), 'server') def get_received_mbps(self, client_was_udp): return get_received_mbps(self.get_results(), client_was_udp) def addr(self): return self.ip_address.get('addr') def port(self): return self._port def __str__(self): return "%s:%u" %(self.addr(), self.port()) def running(self): return not self.process.terminated() def create_client(self): return IPerf3Client(self.testenv, self) class IPerf3Client(log.Origin): REMOTE_DIR = '/tmp' LOGFILE = 'iperf3_cli.json' PROTO_TCP = "tcp" PROTO_UDP = "udp" DIR_UL = "ul" DIR_DL = "dl" DIR_BI = "bi" @classmethod def validate_protocol(cls, val): return val in (cls.PROTO_TCP, cls.PROTO_UDP) def __init__(self, testenv, iperf3srv): super().__init__(log.C_RUN, 'iperf3-cli_%s' % iperf3srv.addr()) self.run_dir = None self.process = None self._run_node = None self.server = iperf3srv self.testenv = testenv self._proto = None self._time_sec = None self.log_file = None self.rem_host = None self.remote_log_file = None self.log_copied = False self.logfile_supported = False # some older versions of iperf doesn't support --logfile arg self.is_android_ue = False def runs_locally(self): locally = not self._run_node or self._run_node.is_local() return locally def prepare_test_proc(self, dir=None, netns=None, time_sec=None, proto=None, bitrate=0, tos=None): values = config.get_defaults('iperf3cli') config.overlay(values, self.testenv.suite().config().get('iperf3cli', {})) if dir is None: dir = self.DIR_UL if time_sec is None: time_sec_str = values.get('time', time_sec) # Convert duration to seconds if isinstance(time_sec_str, str) and time_sec_str.endswith('h'): time_sec = int(time_sec_str[:-1]) * 3600 elif isinstance(time_sec_str, str) and time_sec_str.endswith('m'): time_sec = int(time_sec_str[:-1]) * 60 else: time_sec = int(time_sec_str) assert(time_sec) self._time_sec = time_sec if proto is None: proto = values.get('protocol', IPerf3Client.PROTO_TCP) self._proto = proto self.log('Preparing iperf3-client connecting to %s:%d (proto=%s,time=%ds)' % (self.server.addr(), self.server.port(), self._proto, time_sec)) self.log_copied = False self.run_dir = util.Dir(self.testenv.test().get_run_dir().new_dir(self.name())) self.log_file = self.run_dir.new_child(IPerf3Client.LOGFILE) popen_args = ('iperf3', '-c', self.server.addr(), '-p', str(self.server.port()), '-J', '-t', str(time_sec)) if dir == IPerf3Client.DIR_DL: popen_args += ('-R',) elif dir == IPerf3Client.DIR_BI: popen_args += ('--bidir',) if proto == IPerf3Client.PROTO_UDP: popen_args += ('-u', '-b', str(bitrate)) # Add the buffer length. if values.get('packet_length'): packet_length = str(values.get('packet_length')) popen_args += ('-l', packet_length) if tos is not None: popen_args += ('-S', str(tos)) if self.runs_locally(): proc = self.prepare_test_proc_locally(netns, popen_args) else: proc = self.prepare_test_proc_remotely(netns, popen_args) proc.set_default_wait_timeout(time_sec + 120) # leave extra time for remote run, ctrl conn establishment, buffer draining, etc. return proc def prepare_test_proc_remotely(self, netns, popen_args): self.rem_host = remote.RemoteHost(self.run_dir, self._run_node.ssh_user(), self._run_node.ssh_addr(), None, self._run_node.ssh_port()) remote_prefix_dir = util.Dir(IPerf3Client.REMOTE_DIR) remote_run_dir = util.Dir(remote_prefix_dir.child('cli-' + str(self))) self.remote_log_file = remote_run_dir.child(IPerf3Client.LOGFILE) self.rem_host.recreate_remote_dir(remote_run_dir) if self.logfile_supported: popen_args += ('--logfile', self.remote_log_file,) if netns: self.process = self.rem_host.RemoteNetNSProcess(self.name(), netns, popen_args, env={}) else: self.process = self.rem_host.RemoteProcess(self.name(), popen_args, env={}) return self.process def prepare_test_proc_locally(self, netns, popen_args): pcap_recorder.PcapRecorder(self.testenv, self.run_dir.new_dir('pcap'), None, 'host %s and port not 22' % self.server.addr(), netns) if self.logfile_supported: popen_args += ('--logfile', os.path.abspath(self.log_file),) if netns: self.process = process.NetNSProcess(self.name(), self.run_dir, netns, popen_args, env={}) elif self._run_node.adb_serial_id(): self.process = process.AdbProcess(self.name(), self.run_dir, self._run_node.adb_serial_id(), popen_args, env={}) else: self.process = process.Process(self.name(), self.run_dir, popen_args, env={}) return self.process def run_test_sync(self, netns=None): self.prepare_test_proc(netns) self.process.launch_sync() return self.get_results() def get_results(self): if self.logfile_supported: if not self.runs_locally() and not self.log_copied: self.rem_host.scpfrom('scp-back-log', self.remote_log_file, self.log_file) self.log_copied = True with open(self.log_file) as f: return iperf3_result_to_json(self, f.read()) else: return iperf3_result_to_json(self, self.process.get_stdout()) def print_results(self): if self.proto() == self.PROTO_UDP: print_result_node_udp(self.get_results(), 'client') else: print_result_node_tcp(self.get_results(), 'client') def get_received_mbps(self): if self.proto() == self.PROTO_UDP: return get_received_mbps(self.get_results(), isUdp=True) else: return get_received_mbps(self.get_results(), isUdp=False) def set_run_node(self, run_node): self._run_node = run_node def proto(self): return self._proto def time_sec(self): return self._time_sec def __str__(self): # FIXME: somehow differentiate between several clients connected to same server? return "%s:%u" %(self.server.addr(), self.server.port()) # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4