#!/usr/bin/env bash # Use 'local_test.sh' during development set -e -x readlink /opt/coverity/current export PATH=$PATH:/opt/coverity/current/bin base_dir="$HOME/osmo-ci/coverity" src_dir="$PWD/source-Osmocom" cov_dir="$src_dir/cov-int" rm -rf "$src_dir" ./prepare_source_Osmocom.sh export PATH="$base_dir/cov-analysis-linux64-8.5.0/bin/:$PATH" rm -rf "$cov_dir" cov-build --dir "$cov_dir" ./build_Osmocom.sh cd "$src_dir" rm -f Osmocom.tgz tar czf Osmocom.tgz cov-int # Don't leak the token to jenkins build logs, but still log the call: # First compose the call to echo, then run with token inserted by 'eval'. set +x curl_cmd='curl \ --form token="$token" \ --form email=holger@freyther.de --form file=@Osmocom.tgz \ --form version=Version --form description=AutoUpload \ https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=Osmocom' echo "$curl_cmd" token="$($base_dir/get_token.sh $base_dir/tokens.txt Osmocom)" if [ -z "$token" ]; then echo "TOKEN IS EMPTY" exit 1 fi eval "$curl_cmd"