ELF>@@HG@tDH HHDL1HHH5IDtLLHLDHHL H APH5P1XZH@H HHDL1HHH5IfLHLDHH H5L APHP1Y^HAVIAUIATUHSHH5HHH5HtN;i{d{ 1HLHHHxA HLHHxAEt/AEHHLLH5HLD1HD[]A\A]A^H5HAuHuFHLHHxAqHLHHxAKfLd$HLLAULHH H5LHD1qAVIH5AUATUSHHHiIHHH5IHSH3LLHŻu M8$uDH8$uH[]A\A]A^H=ҹLH=1LH8$tff.AVAUATUSHH5HHiL!LiHt0HLt$HLL1HL$LLHtAHD[]A\A]A^fDHLl$(HLHxAąCHLHLHH5HLD1f1HPSHHH H5HHD17fDCH LHH5HHD1H LHHH5HD1UHfSHHH1HQHL$0D$$$D$D$tH[]fDHHt$@HHxt̋EHT$HHH H5HHD1UHfSHHH1HQHL$0D$$$D$D$tH[]fDHHt$@HHxt̋EHT$HHH H5HHD1AVAUATUSHH5HHiL!LiH HHvNKHHH5H HD1AHD[]A\A]A^HILLHLuHLl$HLHxAąuvCHLLHHH5HLD1HLHHxFL9@1YfCH LHH5HHD1SHHH H5HHD1H LHHH5HD1RUSHHHHQH1HH_tH[]f.HHt$HxH HT$ŋCHHDȅu!HH51H[]@H5H1wfAUE1ATIUHSHHD$HtH5HE1ADHUHHLHIH HxHD$PLL$T$^_(q~(KHH5H߅H HD1t-CHT$HH H5HHD1H[]A\A]D1HT$yfHHH51Hff.HHHQH1HHH11HAWAVAUATUSHxHT$HtNHLl$0Lt$̈́tMLLSHH5H߅HHD1Hx[]A\A]A^A_ILL|$LL LHH1LH5LLLrH5H1T$0Q;wruF@ECHHH5HHD1Hx[]A\A]A^A_fDH H5H1D$0fDAH H1IH5H%T$0HIH%k<)ȉD$0IAųH H1IH5H+T$0HIH+i)ȉ‰T$0AE.H H1IH5H0T$0HIH0iʀQ)ȉ‰T$0H5H1f.AUL-ATLL%UHSHHGHVH5IE1ELHSIÈ{uH1H5HEH HHHDȀ{(tHS(1H5H{8{Ht.DUHHSHHH H5EHD1{ht.DMHHShHH H5EHD1t1DEHH HHH5EHD1t(}HH H5HHD1t(uHH HH5HD1t(MHH5HH HD1u(UHH5HHHD1t(EHH5HHHD1u(EHH5HHHD1t(EHH5HHHD1H1H5HH1HH5{tfHH&HxLl$pIHsLE1LƒtItUt@EH H5HHHD1H[]A\A]f.D$D$t<$v5EHHH5HHD11LHD$pt5]HHHH5HD11LH|$trD$EtiDML%HMELEH5HHL1DUH|$EIDH5HHH1|$tDD$pEUHL%I݅MEH5HHL1IM$H$MEH5HHL1uH|$x$IE$HH5HHI؅HHE1$H51HH$HEH5HHHD1Lc8L]Subscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Set or update subscriber data Set UMTS authentication data (3G, and 2G with UMTS AKA) Use XOR-3G algorithm Set Encryption Key K K as 32 hexadecimal characters Set IND bit length IND bit length value (default: 5) subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT update aud3g (milenage|tuak) k K (op|opc) OP_C [ind-bitlen] [<0-28>]Subscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Set or update subscriber data Set UMTS authentication data (3G, and 2G with UMTS AKA) Use Milenage algorithm Use TUAK algorithm Set Encryption Key K K as 32/64 hexadecimal characters Set OP key Set OPC key OP or OPC as 32/64 hexadecimal characters Set IND bit length IND bit length value (default: 5) subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT update aud3g noneSubscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Set or update subscriber data Set UMTS authentication data (3G, and 2G with UMTS AKA) Delete 3G authentication data subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT update aud2g (comp128v1|comp128v2|comp128v3|xor-2g) ki KISubscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Set or update subscriber data Set 2G authentication data Use COMP128v1 algorithm Use COMP128v2 algorithm Use COMP128v3 algorithm Use XOR-2G algorithm Set Ki Encryption Key Ki as 32 hexadecimal characters subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT update aud2g noneSubscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Set or update subscriber data Set 2G authentication data Delete 2G authentication data subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT update msisdn (none|MSISDN)Subscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Set or update subscriber data Set MSISDN (phone number) of the subscriber Remove MSISDN (phone number) New MSISDN (phone number) subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT deleteSubscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Delete subscriber from database Subscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI IMSI/MSISDN/ID of the subscriber Create subscriber by IMSI Show running system information Show subscriber information Show Subscribers Ordered by Last Seen Time show subscribers (cs|ps) (on|off)Show running system information Show subscriber information Filter Subscribers by CS Network Access Mode Filter Subscribers by PS Network Access Mode Authorised Not Authorised show subscribers (imei|imsi|msisdn) FILTERShow running system information Show all subscribers (with filter possibility) Filter Subscribers by IMEI Filter Subscribers by IMSI Filter Subscribers by MSISDN String to match in imei, imsi or msisdn Show running system information Show all subscribers (with filter possibility) Show summary of all subscribers show subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENTShow running system information Show subscriber information Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber subscriber (imsi|msisdn|id|imei) IDENT showSubscriber management commands Identify subscriber by IMSI Identify subscriber by MSISDN (phone number) Identify subscriber by database ID Identify subscriber by IMEI IMSI/MSISDN/ID/IMEI of the subscriber Show subscriber information M>z:?intV&V(b*i,H-:HHH@" *:w*"_Atm8 A A A A  AAAAA  H(_0i*(: 1 3A 6  7  8  9  : ( ; 0 < 8 = @ @ H A P B X D` Fh HAp IAt J x Mb Np O Q Y  [ \ ] ^  _ . `A b (B +(: : .6 06 06i 4cCi r/vtyH <' >  Afd DA G; JA MA P, buf S(cp VA0 YA4max \A8 _1@hp bA eA i l oV r9cDiac yV |V A . 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KIosmo_panicsize_tsa_familyLOG_FLT_BSC_SUBSCRtm_hoursockaddr_in6index_subsubscriber_aud2gGMM_CAUSE_IMPL_DETACHEDL_CS7_RTABLE_NODEtailshow_subscriber_order_last_seen_cmdlocal_attach_max_ages_addreuse_list_IO_codecvtipaccess_unitLOG_FLT_GB_NSVCGMM_CAUSE_SMS_VIA_GPRS_IN_RAOSMO_AUTH_ALG_XOR_2Gsin_familyRESERVED2_NODElchanVTY_SHELL_SERVsin_addrstmt_idxGMM_CAUSE_ROAMING_NOTALLOWEDhlr_smscipa_server_linkmslookupdomain_suffixOSMO_AUTH_ALG_XOR_3Gdscposmo_hexdump_nospctime_tsubscriber_aud3gsubscr_create_on_demand_modesb_lensin6_addrop_opcdb_subscr_get_by_imeiDB_STMT_SEL_FILTER_MSISDNL_CPU_SCHED_NODEDB_STMT_SEL_ALLrunningdb_get_auth_dataconfigquery_addr_lockLOG_CTX_L1_SAPItlv_p_entry_IO_save_endsubscriber_delete_cmdtypeosmo_hlr_subscriber_update_notify_IO_save_baseparent_nodesVTY_MOREresult_timeout_millisecondsDB_STMT_AUC_BY_IMSIshow_subscriber_cmdSUBSCR_COD_MODE_DISABLEDconnatollselfvty_typebufsize_chaink_lenalg_strss_familydata_lenGMM_CAUSE_GSM_AUTH_UNACCEPT_cur_columnL_CS7_AS_NODEstrcasecmp__uint8_tOSMO_AUTH_TYPE_GSMLOG_CTX_VLR_SUBSCRatoidatebufshow_lsmaxlen_opcRESERVED6_NODE_LOG_CTX_COUNTlong intsubscriber_nam_cmdosmo_msisdn_str_validminlen__ss_alignDB_STMT_UPD_VLR_BY_IDbind_addrrouteswhensubscriber_no_aud2g_cmdsockaddr_insubscriber_msisdn_cmd_IO_markersubscriber_create_cmddump_summary_table_vtysgsn_numberproxygmtime_rlocal_site_servicesGMM_CAUSE_CONGESTIONauth_algo_parseheadread_cbCONFIG_NODElog_ctx_indexosmo_mslookup_client_method__u6_addr16show_subscriber_all_cmdGMM_CAUSE_IE_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPLhindexeuse_defaultCFG_STATS_NODEdb_subscr_update_aud_by_idsigned charGMM_CAUSE_SYNC_FAILuint8_tsubscriber_imei_IO_FILEmonitorfuncosmo_mslookup_clientGMM_CAUSE_MSGT_NOTEXIST_NOTIMPL_IO_wide_dataLOG_CTX_GB_NSVCsub_auth_data_strDB_STMT_UPD_PURGE_PS_BY_IMSIdb_subscrs_getapn_enc_lenunsigned charpdp_infos_freeres_listGMM_CAUSE_NET_FAILsin_portprivgsup_bind_addrperiodic_lu_timerctrlstrtollheaderDB_STMT_SEL_ALL_ORDER_LAST_SEENsin6_scope_idsubscr_dump_full_vty_Boolalgoosmo_sub_auth_data2GMM_CAUSE_NO_PDP_ACTIVATEDflagsGMM_CAUSE_MSC_TEMP_NOTREACHpdp_charg_enc_lenGMM_CAUSE_MSG_INCOMP_P_STATEcharsin6GMM_CAUSE_IMEI_NOT_ACCEPTEDlast_lu_seensgsn_via_proxyqos_enc_lenctrl_handletx_queueVTY_NORMAL_IO_lock_t__uint16_tnode_typeLOG_CTX_GB_BVClong long unsigned intlinesL_CS7_ASP_NODEL_CS7_SCCPADDR_NODEattrDB_STMT_AUC_UPD_SQNtm_minL_NS_BIND_NODE_IO_read_ptrOSMO_AUTH_ALG_NONEsubconfigumtssin6_portstrcmpOSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v1OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v2OSMO_AUTH_ALG_COMP128v3no_proxy_reject_causeDB_STMT_SUBSCR_CREATEshow_subscriber_filtered_cmdswversionnodesqlite3sin_zerotrx_idunit_nameosmo_strlcpy_markersexpert_modefileussd_routesms_purged_psis_hexkey_validalg_typesmsc_defaultosmo_imei_str_validsupports_csosmo_gsup_connshow_subscriber_order_last_seenbufferGMM_CAUSE_IMSI_UNKNOWNtlv_parsedin_addr_tL_NS_NODEe1inp_linetm_secRESERVED8_NODEdb_subscr_get_by_id_offsetserverLOG_FLT_ALLnam_psindexsgsn_addressDB_STMT_UPD_NAM_PS_BY_IMSIGMM_CAUSE_ILLEGAL_ME_LAST_OSMOVTY_NODEenabledLOG_FLT_VLR_SUBSCRsubscriber_aud3g_cmdSUBSCR_COD_MODE_NO_MSISDNGMM_CAUSE_ILLEGAL_MSlmsi__uint64_tcmd_elementtm_wdayls_textDB_STMT_IND_ADDlong unsigned intDB_STMT_SEL_BY_IMEIDB_STMT_AUC_2G_INSERTgsup_unit_nameRESERVED1_NODEstatus_flags2DB_STMT_SEL_BY_MSISDNpeer_namesubscriber_no_aud2g_IO_read_baseopc_is_opimeiLOG_FLT_GB_BVClinelog_filter_indexsubscr_create_on_demandlinkactiveGNU C11 12.2.0 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g -O2 -std=gnu11 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables_unused2gsm48_gmm_causeGMM_CAUSE_COND_IE_ERRCFG_LOG_NODEGMM_CAUSE_NO_SUIT_CELL_IN_LADB_STMT_SEL_FILTER_IMEIpdp_type_nrosmo_auth_alg_nameosmo_gsup_pdp_infosubscriber_no_aud3gargcdb_context_old_offsetDEBUG_NODEaud3gGMM_CAUSE_GPRS_NOTALLOWEDsmsc_listpdp_charg_encaud2gAUTH_NODEstmtindentget_subscr_by_argvosmo_is_hexstr__uint32_tL_CS7_XUA_NODE__u6_addr8get_datestrlong long 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