ELF>@@UHH H}uHUHHu7HUEIAHH>HHǸN t;uEPL A>HH¾ H UHH H}HuHUM};}}t}HHu-HHGHHǸ L AGHH¾ HHu4HEIHHJHHǸl UHuL AJHH¾ HHHu-HHMHHǸ L AMHH¾ HHu0EAHHPHHǸZ tGHEPL APHH¾ H UHHH}HEHHEHUHH0H}HuHUHMH}tHUHEHHE}HHu1HEIHHgHHǸN t;HuL AgHH¾ HHEЉHU؋uHEAHE}HHuGH}tHEHUAIHHmHHǸ` tMH}tHEHURPL AmHH¾ HHEHUHH0H}HuHUH}tHUHEHHE}HHu1HEIHH}HHǸN t;HuL A}HH¾ HHU؋uHEAHE}HHuGH}tHEHUAIHHHHǸ` tMH}tHEHURPL AHH¾ HHEHDUHH0H}HuUH}tHUHEHHE}HHu1HEIHHHHǸN t;HuL AHH¾ HU܋MHEHE}HHuGH}tHEHUAIHHHHǸ` tMH}tHEHURPL AHH¾ HHEHUHH0H}HuHUH}tHUHEHHE}HHu1HEIHHHHǸN t;HuL AHH¾ HHU؋MHEHE}HHuGH}tHEHUAIHHHHǸ` tMH}tHEHURPL AHH¾ HHEHUHH0H}uHUHMHEHEHEHHHHHt-HHHHHHǸHEHHƿHUHUHH0H}HEEHEH@HMHUIHH4H5HE}HHu1HEIHHHHǸP t=HEHPL AHH¾ HHEHHEHHHu HEHHHHHu8HEL IHHHHǸT tAHEHRPL AHH¾ HHEHEHEHHH} }};},HHu3EAHHHHǸ hHEPL AHH¾ H'HHu0EAHHHHǸO tHHǸP t=HEHPL A>HH¾ HHEHH]UHHHHu 'EHUHHHE} vHH@HE}HHuFHH@HUIAHHVHHǸ_ tLHH@HPEPL AVHH¾ HHHHHHUHH@H}HuHUEEHHHEHHHEHEHEH@HUHuIйHE}HHu8HUHEIIHHkHHǸO tHEHE}eHEHHHu4HEHIHHHHǸS t@HEHHPL AHH¾ HHEHUHH H}HHu HH@@HEHEHHHEH HHHEHE}eHEHhHHu4HEHIHHHHǸS t@HEHHPL AHH¾ HHEHUHH H}HHHt-HHHHHHǸHH@HHEH}t HEu HUHEH HH#HUHEH HH HEHE}eHEHHHu1HEIHHHHǸN t;HuL AHH¾ HHEHKUHH H}HHHt-HHHHHHǸHH@PHEHUHEH HH[HEHE}eHEHHHu1HEIHHHHǸN t;HuL AHH¾ HHEH UHH0H}HuHHHt-HHHHHHǸHH@XHEHEHEH;E~ HUHEH HHHEHE}eHEHAHHu1HEIHHHHǸN t;HuL AHH¾ HHEHUHH0H}HHHt-HHHHHHǸHH@`HEHUHEH HHHEHE}dtHEH4HEHHEHEHHUHEHHUHH HHHt-HHHHHHǸHH@hHEHEHE}du=HEHHEHEHHEHUHEHHHEHloc_update_type:attachReceived Location Update (IMSI Attach) requests.loc_update_type:normalReceived Location Update (LAC change) requests.loc_update_type:periodicReceived (periodic) Location Update requests.loc_update_type:detachReceived IMSI Detach indications.loc_update_resp:failedRejected Location Update requests.loc_update_resp:completedSuccessful Location Update procedures.cm_service_request:rejectedRejected CM Service Requests.cm_service_request:acceptedAccepted CM Service Requests.paging_resp:rejectedRejected Paging Responses.paging_resp:acceptedAccepted Paging Responses.cm_re_establish_request:rejectedRejected CM Re-Establishing Requests.cm_re_establish_request:acceptedAccepted CM Re-Establishing Requests.sms:submittedTotal MO SMS received from the MS.sms:no_receiverFailed MO SMS delivery attempts (no receiver found).sms:deliveredTotal MT SMS delivery attempts.sms:rp_err_memFailed MT SMS delivery attempts (no memory).sms:rp_err_otherFailed MT SMS delivery attempts (other reason).sms:deliver_unknown_errorFailed MO SMS delivery attempts (other reason).call:mo_setupReceived MO SETUP messages (MO call establishment).call:mo_connect_ackReceived MO CONNECT messages (MO call establishment).call:mt_setupSent MT SETUP messages (MT call establishment).call:mt_connectSent MT CONNECT messages (MT call establishment).call:activeCalls that ever reached the active state.call:completeCalls terminated by DISCONNECT message after reaching the active state.call:incompleteCalls terminated by any other reason after reaching the active state.nc_ss:mo_requestsReceived MS-initiated call independent SS/USSD requests.nc_ss:mo_establishedEstablished MS-initiated call independent SS/USSD sessions.nc_ss:mt_requestsReceived network-initiated call independent SS/USSD requests.nc_ss:mt_establishedEstablished network-initiated call independent SS/USSD sessions.bssmap:cipher_mode_rejectNumber of CIPHER MODE REJECT messages processed by BSSMAP layerbssmap:cipher_mode_completeNumber of CIPHER MODE COMPLETE messages processed by BSSMAP layermscmobile switching centermsc.active_callsCurrently active calls msc.active_nc_ssCurrently active SS/USSD sessionsnetnetwork statisticsCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Meta (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, key TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL)INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Meta (key, value) VALUES ('revision', 6)CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Subscriber (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, imsi NUMERIC UNIQUE NOT NULL, name TEXT, extension TEXT UNIQUE, authorized INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tmsi TEXT UNIQUE, lac INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, expire_lu TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL)CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS AuthToken (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, subscriber_id INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, token TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL)CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Equipment (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, name TEXT, classmark1 NUMERIC, classmark2 BLOB, classmark3 BLOB, imei NUMERIC UNIQUE NOT NULL)CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS EquipmentWatch (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, subscriber_id NUMERIC NOT NULL, equipment_id NUMERIC NOT NULL, UNIQUE (subscriber_id, equipment_id) )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS SMS (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, sent TIMESTAMP, deliver_attempts INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, valid_until TIMESTAMP, reply_path_req INTEGER NOT NULL, status_rep_req INTEGER NOT NULL, is_report INTEGER NOT NULL, msg_ref INTEGER NOT NULL, protocol_id INTEGER NOT NULL, data_coding_scheme INTEGER NOT NULL, ud_hdr_ind INTEGER NOT NULL, src_addr TEXT NOT NULL, src_ton INTEGER NOT NULL, src_npi INTEGER NOT NULL, dest_addr TEXT NOT NULL, dest_ton INTEGER NOT NULL, dest_npi INTEGER NOT NULL, user_data BLOB, header BLOB, text TEXT )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS VLR (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, subscriber_id NUMERIC UNIQUE NOT NULL, last_bts NUMERIC NOT NULL )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ApduBlobs (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, apdu_id_flags INTEGER NOT NULL, subscriber_id INTEGER NOT NULL, apdu BLOB )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Counters (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, value INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS RateCounters (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, value INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, idx INTEGER NOT NULL )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS AuthKeys (subscriber_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, algorithm_id INTEGER NOT NULL, a3a8_ki BLOB )CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS AuthLastTuples (subscriber_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, issued TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, use_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, key_seq INTEGER NOT NULL, rand BLOB NOT NULL, sres BLOB NOT NULL, kc BLOB NOT NULL )INSERT INTO SMS (created, valid_until, reply_path_req, status_rep_req, is_report, msg_ref, protocol_id, data_coding_scheme, ud_hdr_ind, user_data, text, dest_addr, dest_ton, dest_npi, src_addr, src_ton, src_npi) VALUES (datetime($created, 'unixepoch'), datetime($valid_until, 'unixepoch'), $reply_path_req, $status_rep_req, $is_report, $msg_ref, $protocol_id, $data_coding_scheme, $ud_hdr_ind, $user_data, $text, $dest_addr, $dest_ton, $dest_npi, $src_addr, $src_ton, $src_npi)SELECT id,strftime('%s',created),sent,deliver_attempts,strftime('%s', valid_until),reply_path_req,status_rep_req,is_report,msg_ref,protocol_id,data_coding_scheme,ud_hdr_ind,src_addr,src_ton,src_npi,dest_addr,dest_ton,dest_npi,user_data,header,text FROM SMS WHERE SMS.id = $idSELECT id,strftime('%s',created),sent,deliver_attempts,strftime('%s', valid_until),reply_path_req,status_rep_req,is_report,msg_ref,protocol_id,data_coding_scheme,ud_hdr_ind,src_addr,src_ton,src_npi,dest_addr,dest_ton,dest_npi,user_data,header,text FROM SMS WHERE sent IS NULL AND id >= $id AND deliver_attempts <= $attempts ORDER BY id LIMIT 1SELECT id,strftime('%s',created),sent,deliver_attempts,strftime('%s', valid_until),reply_path_req,status_rep_req,is_report,msg_ref,protocol_id,data_coding_scheme,ud_hdr_ind,src_addr,src_ton,src_npi,dest_addr,dest_ton,dest_npi,user_data,header,text FROM SMS WHERE sent IS NULL AND dest_addr = $dest_addr AND deliver_attempts <= $attempts ORDER BY id LIMIT 1SELECT id,strftime('%s',created),sent,deliver_attempts,strftime('%s', valid_until),reply_path_req,status_rep_req,is_report,msg_ref,protocol_id,data_coding_scheme,ud_hdr_ind,src_addr,src_ton,src_npi,dest_addr,dest_ton,dest_npi,user_data,header,text FROM SMS WHERE sent IS NULL AND dest_addr > $dest_addr AND deliver_attempts <= $attempts ORDER BY dest_addr, id LIMIT 1UPDATE SMS SET sent = datetime('now') WHERE id = $idUPDATE SMS SET deliver_attempts = deliver_attempts + 1 WHERE id = $idDELETE FROM SMS WHERE src_addr=$src_addr OR dest_addr=$dest_addrDELETE FROM SMS WHERE id = $id AND sent is NOT NULLDELETE FROM SMS WHERE id = $idSELECT strftime('%s', valid_until) FROM SMS WHERE id = $idSELECT id, strftime('%s', valid_until) FROM SMS ORDER BY valid_until LIMIT 1SQLITE3: (%d) %s db.cOpened database %s Closed database Unknown %d Error composing SQL, cannot bind parameter '%s' #1Error binding blob to SQL parameter %s: %d Error binding text to SQL parameter %s: %d Error binding int64 to SQL parameter %s: %d value!strcmp(names[0], "value")Assert failed %s %s:%d SELECT value FROM Meta WHERE key = 'revision'Cannot execute SELECT value from META: %s 6db.c:466Detected DB Revision %s, expected %s db.c:473You must use osmo-msc 1.1.0 to 1.8.0 to upgrade database schema from '%u' to '5', sorry The storage format of BINARY data in the database has changed. In order to deliver any pending SMS in your database, you must manually convert your database from '%u' to '6'. Alternatively you can use a fresh, blank database with this version of osmo-msc, sorry. Invalid database schema revision '%d'. struct db_contextg_dbcInit database connection to '%s' using SQLite3 lib version %s SQLite3 compiled with '%s' ENABLE_SQLLOGUnable to set SQLite3 error log callback Unable to set SQLite3 SQL log callback Not setting SQL log callback: SQLite3 compiled without support for it Unable to open DB; rc =%d db.c:553Unable to enable SQLite3 extended result codes PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL; PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;Unable to set Write-Ahead Logging: %s PRAGMA secure_delete=0;Unable to disable SECURE_DELETE: %s Couldn't close database: (rc=%d) %s db.c:602SQL error during SQL statement '%s': %s Failed to create some table. Database schema revision invalid, please update your database schema Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s' $created$valid_until$reply_path_req$status_rep_req$is_report$msg_ref$protocol_id$data_coding_scheme$ud_hdr_ind$user_data$text$dest_addr$dest_ton$dest_npi$src_addr$src_ton$src_npiCannot create SMS: SQL error: (%d) %s Stored SMS id=%llu in DB SMS TP-UD length %u is too big, truncating to %zu SMS text length %u is too big, truncating to %zu SMS-receiver$id$attemptsFailed to mark SMS %llu as sent. Failed to inc deliver attempts for SMS %llu. Failed to delete SMS for %s Failed to delete SMS %llu. GCC: (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0zRx AC  <{AC v \'AC b |AC  AC  AC  AC  AC  AC   <AC E `GAC B 5AC 0 AC  iAC d AC  AC   AC  @AC  `-AC ( AC  #AC  #AC  wAC r AAC <  gAC b @AC   `AC   ( @B` QWhd`m{1'X,  Q5!..-gAOYio ,9FSX`m| G (Ji5:Gavg$ 3%!&->H'_0(#uS)#v*w+A.j/db.cmsc_ctr_descriptionmsc_ctrg_descmsc_stat_item_descriptionmsc_statg_descg_dbccreate_stmtsstmt_sqlsql3_error_log_cbsql3_sql_log_cbdb_remove_resetdb_bind_blobdb_bind_textdb_bind_intdb_bind_int64db_rev_exec_cbcheck_db_revisiondb_run_statementsparse_tp_ud_from_resultsms_from_resultdelete_expired_smsosmo_log_infologp_stublog_check_levellogp2osmo_log_backtracesqlite3_clear_bindingssqlite3_resetsqlite3_bind_parameter_indexsqlite3_bind_blobsqlite3_bind_textsqlite3_bind_intsqlite3_bind_int64strcmposmo_panictalloc_strdupsqlite3_execsqlite3_free_talloc_freeatoidb_init_talloc_zerosqlite3_configsqlite3_libversionsqlite3_compileoption_getsqlite3_opensqlite3_extended_result_codesdb_finisqlite3_finalizesqlite3_closesqlite3_errmsgdb_preparesqlite3_prepare_v2db_sms_storetimesqlite3_stepsqlite3_last_insert_rowidsqlite3_column_bytessqlite3_column_blobmemcpysqlite3_column_textosmo_strlcpysms_allocsqlite3_column_int64sqlite3_column_int_vlr_subscr_find_by_msisdndb_sms_getdb_sms_get_next_unsentdb_sms_get_unsent_for_subscrdb_sms_get_next_unsent_rr_msisdndb_sms_mark_delivereddb_sms_inc_deliver_attemptsdb_sms_delete_by_msisdndb_sms_delete_sent_message_by_iddb_sms_delete_expired_message_by_iddb_sms_delete_oldest_expired_message/CPas&:I[r~))!-5BVe-w>>E Q!"LL !N#b{}} V"qLL$1J}Zn{}$"?RLfsL%}2?Ph}t"  L+ 8 I [ Lm   &  }    . }: L c   '   2 ( )T L\ *p  |    |   + " '1 < ,M ] g {        -  ,* < P ] q      D  D*AVhL |L t /")CM W2d(s0z1 1 %)>2Tg {  '20BN bo 0,!1@,!Rir~T!T!3*!>K\o!!,4!%0!BY`|!*,","*+1MS"U*i|l"l"+4G6Xd7x8"8")0";,B*"(":Qa+ 2(  "+<G"Yp # # 'G |Rl: |T# |T#&Ys} 2(<z##"#F#j#####/#M#k$ $$!$+$ 4$$=DP\8lD$8D$ >2k$FSd{k$?$  1 E $W n  @ A ? !$!!!2!F!$X!o!!B!C!D!E"E "Et"F"F"F"F"F#F%#FB#F\#Fv#B#C##$#G#F $F#$BJ$Cz$$$ $2$($$%$=I%c%m% w%2%(%%%%%%=-&G&Q& [&2h&(o&&$&%&=^'x'' '2'(''$'%'=?(U(r(%(=((%((()%)1)b)x))%)=))<%)**+*<%=*T**** *2*(**!$+$++=K+^+j%r++++j%+++, , *,27,(>,U,%l,=,,%,,,,%, -A-[-e- o-2|-(--<-%-=-.%.'.8.J.%\.s.... .2.(..%/=A/Eu/// /2/(//=/E/EI` (08@H8P[Xx`hpx(CXx(K`Hh (08@&H8PhXx`hpx8H,@~8X (@H` h x 0   (  ( 0 8@HP X`H0(X Xx @`1X,  @d QJ!$g$D3%d&H'0(S)v*+$.-D.dj/.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rela.text.data.bss.rodata.rela.data.rel.ro.local.rela.data.rel.local.comment.note.GNU-stack.rela.eh_frame @$0@i6&d0,h01h0%> V 9@VX Q@Xf0Y oYY@  ] d