FROM debian:stretch ENV BINUTILS_SRC= ENV NEWLIB_SRC= ENV GCC_SRC= ENV PREFIX=/usr/local # Install build tools and dependencies RUN apt update && apt install -y \ build-essential \ libmpfr-dev \ libmpc-dev \ libgmp3-dev \ zlib1g-dev \ zlibc \ texinfo \ bison \ flex \ curl \ patch \ file \ python2.7-minimal \ autoconf \ libtool \ git # Stage 0: Download and patch the source code RUN curl -SL ${BINUTILS_SRC} | tar -xj -C /usr/src && \ curl -SL ${NEWLIB_SRC} | tar -xz -C /usr/src && \ curl -SL ${GCC_SRC} | tar -xj -C /usr/src COPY patches/ /usr/src/patches RUN for patch in /usr/src/patches/gcc-*.patch; do \ patch -d /usr/src/gcc-* -p1 < $patch; \ done # Stage 1: Build and install binutils RUN mkdir -p /home/build/binutils && cd /home/build/binutils \ && /usr/src/binutils-*/configure \ CFLAGS="-w" \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --disable-werror \ --target=arm-none-eabi \ --enable-interwork \ --enable-threads=posix \ --enable-multilib \ --with-float=soft \ && make all install # Stage 2: Build and install GCC (compiler only) RUN mkdir -p /home/build/gcc && cd /home/build/gcc \ && HDR_PATH=$(realpath /usr/src/newlib-*/newlib/libc/include) \ && /usr/src/gcc-*/configure \ CFLAGS="-w" \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --disable-shared \ --disable-werror \ --target=arm-none-eabi \ --enable-interwork \ --enable-multilib \ --with-float=soft \ --enable-languages="c,c++" \ --with-newlib \ --with-headers=$HDR_PATH \ --with-system-zlib \ && make all-gcc install-gcc # Stage 3: Build and install newlib RUN mkdir -p /home/build/newlib && cd /home/build/newlib \ && /usr/src/newlib-*/configure \ CFLAGS="-w" \ --prefix=${PREFIX} \ --disable-werror \ --target=arm-none-eabi \ --enable-interwork \ --enable-multilib \ --with-float=soft \ && make all install # Stage 4: Build and install the rest of GCC RUN cd /home/build/gcc && make all install