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V` V VqUՋ application` V VUՋ` V` V` V VUՋ%Application specific attributes only` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋlibrary` Vt VUՋ!Library specific attributes only` V V+UՋ V`t V VUՋt V V` VА VUՋGlobal attributes only` V Vc,UՋ V V V` VP VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalq`0~ V VqUՋ[PATH]q` V@ VqUՋwrite`А V`O VUՋ0 VO V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V``O V0 VqUՋ terminal` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋWrite to terminal`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfile` V0~ VUՋ V~ V`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V@ V+UՋ V`` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋwrite`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`@ VP V+UՋ Vq`П VP V+UՋ Vq` V0 VqUՋmemory` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`P VТ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` VП Vc,UՋ0 V V`Т V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwrite`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ ViVb \t Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋUՋ`` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋrunning configuration` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ V V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋexit` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp VqUՋend` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋв V` V@ V+UՋ Vq`и V VqUՋshowVq` V VqUՋshow`p V` VUՋе V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`@ Vp V+UՋз Vq` VP V+UՋ@ Vq`` VP VqUՋpid` Vи VUՋ@ V0 V`P V VUՋDisplays the process ID`p Vй V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋP V V`п V0 V+UՋ V`й V@ V+UՋ V` V@ VUՋ` V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`@ VP V+UՋ Vq`м VP V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋuptime` V VUՋ V V`0 VP VUՋ/Displays how long the program has been running`P Vп V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`V@ Vм Vc,UՋ0 V V` V VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flagsq` V VqUՋshow`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`0 VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋversion` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋDisplays program version`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ0 V V` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋshow`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ online-help` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Online help`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V`V@ V@ VUՋ;Copy running config to startup config (same as write file)Ջ` V V+UՋp Vq` V0 VqUՋlist` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋPrint command list` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ [with-flags]` V VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ V0 Vc,UՋ V V` V2 V+UՋ3 Vq` V VqUՋexit` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode`2 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋhelp` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` V V+UՋ0 Vq`0 V@ VqUՋglobalq`p V` VqUՋshow` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V` V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ@ V` Vp Vc,UՋ V@ Vm,iVb \Ӡ1 Vc,UՋ`UՋUՋ UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋUՋUՋ`UՋ UՋUՋVՋ`` V0 V+UՋ Vq`` V0 VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ Show running system information`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V0 VUՋ V V`0 V VqUՋ application` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`0 V@ V+UՋ V`@ V@ Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋlibrary` V VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`@ V@ V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V`@ V@ VUՋGlobal attributes only` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋ<0-512>q` V VqUՋenable`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Turn on privileged mode command`@ V@ V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ V`0 V0 VqUՋ[expert-mode]` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋ.Enable the expert mode (show hidden commands)`@ V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ terminal`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet terminal line parameters` VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋlength` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ Set number of lines on a screen`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`P V0 V+UՋ V` V0 VUՋ0 V V` V VUՋ-Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)` VP V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ 0 V V0 Vq`0 V0 VqUՋlength`0 V@ VqUՋ terminal` V VUՋ V V`@ V@ VUՋSet terminal line parameters`0 V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`@ V0 VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V V+UՋp V`P V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ Set number of lines on a screen`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`0 VP Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋecho`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋEcho a message back to the vty` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ V`  V  VqUՋ .MESSAGE` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋThe message to echo`0 V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋdisable` V VUՋp V` V` Vp VUՋ!Turn off privileged mode command` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V` V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ configure`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Configuration from vty interface`` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V`p Vp VqUՋ [terminal]` V VUՋP VP V`p V` VUՋConfiguration terminal` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ` V V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋcopy`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋCopy configuration`@ VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`P V@ VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ  V  V`@ V VUՋCopy running config to... `P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ0 V` V@ VqUՋstartup-config` V VUՋ  V V` V V+UՋ` V` V Vc,UՋ 0 V V  Vq`@ V V+UՋ0 V` V VqUՋ shutdown`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"Request a shutdown of the program` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ  V`P V" V+UՋ# Vq`@4 V@6 VqUՋ<0-512>q`@ V  VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ Show running system information`" V V+UՋ Vq`0 V! V+UՋ V` V VqUՋstartup-config` V ! VUՋ V! V` V# VUՋ#Contentes of startup configuration` V0" V+UՋ" Vq`! V # V+UՋ! V` V0 Vc,UՋ V" V`0" V( V+UՋ( Vq` ! V$ VqUՋshow`# V$ VUՋ$ V$ V`$ V& VUՋ Show running system information`( V% V+UՋ& Vq` % V' V+UՋp$ Vq`$ V& VqUՋversion`& V' VUՋp& V`' V`& V* VUՋDisplays program version`% V( V+UՋp( Vq`' Vp* V+UՋ& V` # V % Vc,UՋ% V' VqŸ`b \4 Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋUՋUՋ`UՋ UՋUՋUՋ UՋVՋ@UՋ UՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋ`( V/ V+UՋ00 Vq`' V`+ VqUՋshow`* V+ VUՋP+ V@, V``+ V`- VUՋ Show running system information`/ V, V+UՋP- Vq`p, V. V+UՋ+ V`+ V- VqUՋ online-help``- V`. VUՋ- V. V`- V0 VUՋ Online help`, V`/ V+UՋ/ Vq`. VP0 V+UՋ@. V`p* Vp, Vc,UՋ, V@/ V``/ VP8 V+UՋ8 V``. VP1 VqUՋ terminal`0 V1 VUՋ01 V02 V`P1 VP3 VUՋSet terminal line parameters`P8 V2 V+UՋ@3 Vq``2 V4 V+UՋ1 Vq`1 V3 VqUՋlength`P3 V@4 VUՋ3 V4 V`3 V@ VUՋ Set number of lines on a screen`2 VP5 V+UՋ5 Vq`4 V`7 V+UՋ 4 V`7 V@ V+UՋ A V`@ V6 VUՋ V 7 V`@6 VP9 VUՋ-Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing)`P5 V7 V+UՋ@8 Vq``7 V5 V+UՋ6 V`P0 V`2 Vc,UՋ 2 V05 V7 Vq`< V> VqUՋlength`6 V9 VqUՋ terminal`P9 VP: VUՋ9 V: V`9 V; VUՋSet terminal line parameters`@ V`; V+UՋ; Vq`: VP= V+UՋ0: Vq`P: V@< VqUՋno`; V< VUՋ0< V = V`@< V8 VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults``; V= V+UՋ0> Vq`P= V? V+UՋ< V`P@ VF V+UՋG V`8 V@? VUՋ@9 V? V`> VA VUՋ Set number of lines on a screen`= VP@ V+UՋ@ Vq`? V@> V+UՋ ? V`5 V: Vc,UՋ @; V= V0@ Vq`T VR V+UՋS Vq`@? V0B VqUՋecho`A VB VUՋ B VC V`0B V0D VUՋEcho a message back to the vty`F VC V+UՋ D Vq`@C VE V+UՋB V`B VD VqUՋ .MESSAGE`0D V0E VUՋD VE V`D VG VUՋThe message to echo`C V0F V+UՋF Vq`E V G V+UՋE V`@> V@C Vc,UՋC VF V`0F VL V+UՋL V`0E V H VqUՋ hostname`G VH VUՋH VI V` H V J VUՋSet system's network name`L VI V+UՋJ Vq`0I VK V+UՋH Vq`H VJ VqUՋWORD` J VK VUՋJ VpK V`J VM VUՋThis system's network name`I V L V+UՋL Vq`K VM V+UՋJ V` G V0I Vc,UՋI VL V` L VU V+UՋpU Vq`K VN VqUՋno`M VN VUՋM VN V`N VP VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`U VO V+UՋO Vq`O VQ V+UՋ`N V`N VP VqUՋ hostname`P VQ VUՋ`P V`Q V`P VS VUՋReset system's network name`O VR V+UՋpR Vq`Q VT V+UՋP V`PA V_ V+UՋ`_ V`Q VS VqUՋ [HOSTNAME]`S VT VUՋ`S V`T V`S VV VUՋHost name of this router`R VPA V+UՋA V`M VO Vc,UՋ pO VQ VT Vq`Y V[ VqUՋX V`T VV VqUՋ password`V VW VUՋpV VpW V`V VX VUՋ(Assign the terminal connection password`_ V X V+UՋX Vq`W VZ V+UՋV Vq`W VY VqUՋ8`X VY VUՋX VY V`Y VU VUՋ(Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow` X V\ V+UՋ\ Vq`\ V] VqUՋWORDV`^ Ve V+UՋ`e V`U V\ VUՋV V`\ V`[ VZ VUՋdummy string `Z V^ Vc,UՋ`Y V[ V`Z V] VUՋZ V] V`] V` VUՋ The HIDDEN line password string`\ V^ V+UՋ^ Vq`^ V[ V+UՋ`] V`R VW Vc,UՋ X VpZ Vp^ Vq`pi Vpk VqUՋ8 V`] V` VqUՋ password`` Va VUՋ`` V`a V`` Vb VUՋ(Assign the terminal connection password`e Vb V+UՋpb Vq`a Vd V+UՋ` Vq`a Vb VqUՋLINE`b Vpc VUՋb Vc V`b Vf VUՋ*The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password`b Vd V+UՋd Vq`d Ve V+UՋPc V`[ Va Vc,UՋa Vpd V`d Vpm V+UՋm Vq`pc Vpf VqUՋenable`f Vf VUՋ`f VPg V`pf Vph VUՋ"Modify enable password parameters`pm Vh V+UՋ`h Vq`g Vj V+UՋf V`f Vh VqUՋ password`ph Vpi VUՋh Vi V`h V_ VUՋ%Assign the privileged level password`h Vj V+UՋj Vq`j Vl V+UՋPi V`n Vpn VUՋ`n Vn V`_ Vk VUՋ_ VPl V`pk Vn VUՋ(Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow`j Vn V+UՋPo Vq`pn Vpo VqUՋWORDV`e Vg Vc,UՋ g V`j Vl Vp Vq`k Vj VqUՋ`j Vm VUՋdummy string `l Vp Vc,UՋk VPk V`m Vo VUՋ`m VPp V`po Vs VUՋ$The HIDDEN 'enable' password string`n Vq V+UՋ`q Vq`p Vr V+UՋo V` Vp V+UՋ V@UՋq`  V  VqUՋUՋfileV` V VqUՋUՋnoՋ@UՋ`q VP{ V+UՋ{ Vq`@w V@y VqUՋLINEVq`o V@t VqUՋenable`s Vt VUՋ0t V u V`@t V@v VUՋ"Modify enable password parameters`P{ Vu V+UՋ0v Vq`Pu Vw V+UՋt V`t Vv VqUՋ password`@v V@w VUՋv Vw V`v V`s VUՋ%Assign the privileged level password`u VPx V+UՋx Vq`w V`z V+UՋ w V`z V V+UՋ V``s Vy VUՋs V z V`@y VP| VUՋ.The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' password`Px Vz V+UՋ@{ Vq``z Vx V+UՋy V`r VPu Vc,UՋ u V0x Vz Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ Vq`y V| VqUՋno`P| V@} VUՋ| V} V`| V~ VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` VP~ V+UՋ~ Vq`} V@ V+UՋ } Vq`@} V0 VqUՋenable`~ V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋ"Modify enable password parameters`P~ V V+UՋ Vq`@ V@ V+UՋ V`{ V V+UՋP V` V0 VqUՋ password` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ%Assign the privileged level password` V{ V+UՋ@| V`x V} Vc,UՋ 0~ V V Vq` V VqUՋdefaultq` V0 VqUՋbanner` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋSet banner string` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋmotd` V VUՋ Vp V` VP VUՋStrings for motd` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ V`P V VUՋ V V` V VUՋDefault string` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V`0 V0 Vc,UՋ V V` Vq`@ V0 VqUՋfileVq` V` VqUՋbanner` V VUՋP V@ V`` VP VUՋ Set banner` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋmotd`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋBanner for motd` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋBanner from a file`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V` Vc,UՋ V V V Vq` V VqUՋ[FILE]` V VUՋ Filename` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ Vq` VМ VqUՋmotdVq` V VqUՋno` Vp VUՋ VИ V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋP Vq`p V` VqUՋbanner` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋSet banner string` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` VН V+UՋ V`P VP V+UՋ V` VP VUՋp V V`М V VUՋStrings for motd` VP V+UՋ Vq`Н VP V+UՋ0 V` V Vc,UՋ ` V V0 Vq`0 V@ VqUՋ<0-512>q`P V0 VqUՋservice` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋSet up miscellaneous service`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ VУ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋterminal-length`0 V0 VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ*System wide terminal length configuration` VP V+UՋ Vq`У V` V+UՋ V` VЯ V+UՋ0 V`P V VUՋ V V`@ VP VUՋ1Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)`P V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`P V@ Vc,UՋ V0 V Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`Я VP V+UՋ Vq`Щ V@ V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋservice` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋSet up miscellaneous service`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ VP V+UՋ V` V` VqUՋ [<0-512>] V` V0 VqUՋterminal-length` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ*System wide terminal length configuration` V V+UՋ@ V` VЩ Vc,UՋ 0 V V V V`0 V VUՋ V@ V`` V VUՋ1Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control)` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V} UՋ/data` Vpd V+UՋ d Vq`V0 VP V VHՋenable9iVb \ 2 Vc,UՋUՋ@UՋUՋ@UՋUՋ@UՋ@"SՋ`pd Vp V+UՋ Vq`` Vp VqUՋglobal`p V0 V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋhelp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V` V V+UՋP V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V VqUՋlist` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋPrint command list` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ [with-flags]` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V Vc,UՋ Vp V` V VUՋWrite to configuration fileq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ` V` V Vc,UՋ V` V` V` V+UՋ Vq` V` VqUՋshow` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ Show running system information`` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`` V` VUՋ V V` VP VUՋList of VTY attributes` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ V` V` VUՋP V V`` V VqUՋ application`P VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`` Vp V+UՋ V`p Vp Vc,UՋ V@ V@ Vq`P V VqUՋlibrary` V@ VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`p Vp V+UՋ V`@ V VUՋ VP V`p V VUՋGlobal attributes only` V Vc,UՋ 0 V0 V V`c Vpd VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalq` V VqUՋ[PATH]q` V VqUՋwrite` VPs VUՋ Vs V`p V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`Ps V VqUՋ terminal` V VUՋ` V` V` Vp VUՋWrite to terminal` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋp V V` V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋwrite`p V VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V@ V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋfile`P V VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`` V V+UՋ@ V` V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists` V` V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V` Vc,UՋ V V@ Vq`` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V@ VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V` VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋmemory`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ0 V`0 Vp Vc,UՋ VP V`p V` V+UՋ Vq`P VP VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`` V V+UՋ` Vq` V` V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋ` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋshow`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`0 VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`@ V@ VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ V V`@ V0 VUՋrunning configuration`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`` V Vc,UՋ0 V V` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋexit`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ V0 V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋend` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwho` V VUՋp V` V` V` VUՋDisplay who is on vty` V V+UՋ` Vq` Vp V+UՋ V` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋwho`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋDisplay who is on vty` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 V`P V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp Vq`P V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋhistory` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ$Display the session command history` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ V V`  Vp V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`p V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` Vq` Vp VqUՋhistory` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ$Display the session command history` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋp V V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋline`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure a terminal line`@ Vp V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ@ Vq`` VP VqUՋvty` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋVirtual terminal`p V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋP V V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋservice`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet up miscellaneous service`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`0 V0 VqUՋ advanced-vty` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ#Enable advanced mode vty interface`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`  V VqUՋservice` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet up miscellaneous service`0 V V+UՋ Vq`  V  V+UՋp V`@ V! V+UՋ! V` V VqUՋ advanced-vty` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Enable advanced mode vty interface` V@ V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq`+ V- VqUՋmonitorq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`! V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋhistory` V VUՋp V` V` V" VUՋ$Display the session command history` V! V+UՋp! Vq` V" V+UՋ V` V  Vc,UՋ V V`! V' V+UՋ' V` V# VqUՋ terminal`" V# VUՋ" V# V`# V% VUՋSet terminal line parameters`' V$ V+UՋ$ Vq`$ V& V+UՋ`# Vq`# Vp% VqUՋmonitor`% V% VUՋ`% VP& V`p% V( VUՋ/Copy debug output to the current terminal line`$ V' V+UՋp' Vq`& V( V+UՋ% V`" V$ Vc,UՋp$ V& V`' V0 V+UՋ`0 V`% V) VqUՋ terminal`( V) VUՋ( V) V`) V+ VUՋSet terminal line parameters`0 V* V+UՋ* Vq`* V, V+UՋ`) Vq`) Vp+ VqUՋno`+ V+ VUՋ`+ VP, V`p+ V0 VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`* V- V+UՋ`- Vq`, V/ V+UՋ+ V`/ V0 V+UՋ0 V`0 Vp. VUՋ V. V`- V1 VUՋ/Copy debug output to the current terminal line`- V/ V+UՋ/ Vq`/ Vp- V+UՋP. V`( V* Vc,UՋ p* V, Vp/ Vq`p- V2 V+UՋ2 Vq`p. Vp1 VqUՋlogin`1 V1 VUՋ`1 VP2 V`p1 V`4 VUՋEnable password checking`0 V3 V+UՋ`3 Vq`2 Vp3 V+UՋ1 V`3 V@9 V+UՋ9 Vq`@A V@? V+UՋ@ Vq`1 V4 VqUՋno``4 VP5 VUՋ4 V5 V`4 V6 VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`@9 V`6 V+UՋ6 Vq`5 VP8 V+UՋ05 Vq`P5 V@7 VqUՋlogin`6 V7 VUՋ07 V 8 V`@7 V@: VUՋEnable password checking``6 V8 V+UՋ09 Vq`P8 V9 V+UՋ7 V`p3 V5 Vc,UՋ@6 V8 V`8 VA V+UՋ B Vq`7 V: VqUՋbind`@: V0; VUՋ: V; V`: V< VUՋ1Accept VTY telnet connections on local interface`A VP< V+UՋ< Vq`; VP> V+UՋ; Vq`0; V0= VqUՋA.B.C.D`< V= VUՋ = V> V`0= V? VUՋ0Local interface IP address (default:`P< V> V+UՋ0? Vq`P> V@A V+UՋ= V`3 VPB V+UՋB V`= V@@ VqUՋ [<0-65535>]`? V@ VUՋ @ V A V`@@ VB VUՋLocal TCP port number`> V3 V+UՋP4 V`9 V; Vc,UՋ 0< V> VA Vq`@? V@D V+UՋD Vq`@ V0C VqUՋctrl`B VC VUՋ C VD V`0C VG VUՋ Configure the Control Interface`PB VD V+UՋ E Vq`@D V0E V+UՋC V`D Vx V+UՋ x Vq`^ V_ VqUՋglobal`x VF V+UՋG Vq` F VH V+UՋI Vq`C VG VqUՋhelp`G VH VUՋpG V`H V`G VJ VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system`F V I V+UՋI Vq`H VJ V+UՋG V`O V`U V+UՋU V` I VpO V+UՋO Vq`H VK VqUՋlist`J VK VUՋJ VK V`K VL VUՋPrint command list`pO VL V+UՋL Vq`L VN V+UՋ`K V`K VpM VqUՋ [with-flags]`L VM VUՋPM VPN V`pM VP VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags`L VO V+UՋ`O Vq`N VI V+UՋM V`J VL Vc,UՋ`L VN V`j V b VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`M VP VqUՋshow`P VpQ VUՋP VQ V`P VR VUՋ Show running system information``U VR V+UՋR Vq`R VpT V+UՋPQ V`pQ VpS VqUՋvty-attributes`R VS VUՋPS VPT V`pS V`V VUՋList of VTY attributes`R VT V+UՋPU Vq`pT VU V+UՋS V`I VR Vc,UՋ`R VT V`T V] V+UՋ0^ Vq`S VV VqUՋshow``V VPW VUՋV VW V`V VX VUՋ Show running system information`] V`X V+UՋX Vq`W VPZ V+UՋ0W V`PW VPY VqUՋvty-attributes`X VY VUՋ0Y V0Z V`PY V[ VUՋList of VTY attributes``X VZ V+UՋ0[ Vq`PZ VP] V+UՋY V``^ V^ VUՋ^ V0_ V`Y V@\ VqUՋ application`[ V\ VUՋ \ V ] V`@\ V`^ VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`Z V` V+UՋ@a V`U VW Vc,UՋ @X VZ V] Vq`\ V@[ VqUՋlibrary`@[ VE VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`` Vf V+UՋ@g V`E V`` VUՋF V` V`_ Vb VUՋGlobal attributes only`P] V`_ Vc,UՋ \ V[ V@` V`& Vm VqUՋH Va Va Vq`O Vl VqUՋ[PATH]q``` Vc VqUՋwrite`b V VUՋb V` V`f Vd V+UՋ`d Vq`c Ve V+UՋ`c V` Vd VqUՋ terminal`pd Vpe VUՋd Ve V`d Vg VUՋWrite to terminal`d Vpf V+UՋf Vq`e V`g V+UՋPe V``_ Vc Vc,UՋc VPf V`pf Vn V+UՋPo Vq`pe VPh VqUՋwrite`g Vh VUՋ@h V0i V`Ph Vpj VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`n Vj V+UՋ`j Vq`i V`k V+UՋh Vq`h Vj VqUՋfile`pj VO VUՋj VPP V`j Vk V+UՋ@l Vq``k Vn V+UՋ@k V`n Vu V+UՋ`u V` b VPm VUՋb Vm V`l Vo VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists`k Vn V+UՋn Vq`n VPl V+UՋ0m V``g Vi Vc,UՋ i Vk V`n Vq`u Vw V+UՋx Vq`Pm V`p VqUՋwrite`o Vp VUՋPp V@q V``p Vr VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`u Vr V+UՋpr Vq`q Vt V+UՋp Vq`p Vr VqUՋmemory`r Vps VUՋr Vs V`r Vv VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`r Vt V+UՋt Vq`t Vu V+UՋPs V`Pl Vq Vc,UՋq Vpt V`t Vo V+UՋo Vq`ps Vpv VqUՋwrite`v Vv VUՋ`v VPw V`pv Vpz VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`o V x V+UՋx Vq`w Vy V+UՋv V`0E V F Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋ"SՋ` x VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq`v Vz VqUՋshow`pz V`{ VUՋz V{ V`z V| VUՋ Show running system information`P Vp| V+UՋ| Vq`{ V`~ V+UՋ@{ V``{ V`} VqUՋrunning-config`| V} VUՋ@} V@~ V``} VP VUՋrunning configuration`p| V~ V+UՋ@ Vq``~ V V+UՋ} V`y V{ Vc,UՋP| V~ V`~ Vz V+UՋ`z Vq`} V VqUՋexit`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode`z V` V+UՋ Vq` VЂ V+UՋ V`` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ђ VP V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋend` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`P VЅ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ V+UՋ V`Ѕ V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋbind`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ3Set bind address to listen for Control connections` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋA.B.C.D` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Local IP address (default`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V0 V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ [<0-65535>]` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋLocal TCP port number` V V+UՋ V`@ V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ cpu-sched` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ)Configure CPU Scheduler related settings`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`P V V+UՋ8@ VUՋq` V VqUՋglobal` V V+UՋ@ V` V V+UՋ  Vq`@ VP VqUՋglobal` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋhelp` Vp VUՋ VЖ V` V VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V`p VУ V+UՋ0 V` V V+UՋ@ Vq`p Vp VqUՋlist` V VUՋ` VP V`p V` VUՋPrint command list` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋЙ V` V VqUՋ [with-flags]`` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags` Vp V+UՋН Vq` V V+UՋ@ V` Vp Vc,UՋК VP V` V VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`` V` VqUՋshow` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ Show running system information`У V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`` V` VUՋ V V` VФ VUՋList of VTY attributes` V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ@ V` Vp Vc,UՋР V@ V`` V@ V+UՋ Vq`` V@ VqUՋshow`Ф V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋ Show running system information`@ VЦ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋList of VTY attributes`Ц V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`Ь V@ VUՋ0 V V`@ V VqUՋ application`0 V0 VUՋ V V` VЬ VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`@ VP V+UՋ V`P VP Vc,UՋ V V Vq`0 V VqUՋlibrary` V VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`P V V+UՋ` V` VЮ VUՋ V0 V`P V VUՋGlobal attributes only` VЭ Vc,UՋ  V V V`0 V VUՋ=Set CPU affinity mask on a thread with specified thread nameq`` V VqUՋ[PATH]q`Ю Vp VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋб V` V VqUՋ terminal` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋWrite to terminal` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V`Э V Vc,UՋ Vp V` V V+UՋp Vq` Vp VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋз Vq` V VqUՋfile` V` VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V V+UՋ V` Vp VUՋ Vм V` V VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋwrite` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋmemory` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V`p V Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋ@VՋVՋ`@ Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` Vq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`p V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ` V` V` Vp VUՋrunning configuration` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋp V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋexit`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ V` Vp V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ Vq`` VP VqUՋend` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`p V V+UՋP Vq`p V` V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋ<1-32>q` V VqUՋpolicy`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ1Set the scheduling policy to use for the process` V` V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ Vq`@ V@ VqUՋrr` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V VUՋ0Use the SCHED_RR real-time scheduling algorithm`` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`` V V+UՋ V` VP VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋ$Set the SCHED_RR real-time priority` V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`` V Vc,UՋ @ V V@ Vq`P V` VqUՋallV`P VP VqUՋ cpu-affinity` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P V` VUՋ0Set CPU affinity mask on a (group of) thread(s)` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋself`` VP VUՋ V V` V` VUՋ0Set CPU affinity mask on thread running the VTY` V V+UՋ Vq`0 Vp V+UՋ V`@ V VUՋ V V`` V VUՋ V@ V`` V VUՋ.Set CPU affinity mask on all process' threads` V0 VqUՋ THREADNAME V` V VqUՋ<0-4294967295>` V VUՋ` V` V` V VUՋ5Set CPU affinity mask on a thread with specified PID` V0 Vc,UՋ 0 V V V V` V VUՋ V@ V` V0 VqUՋ CPUHEXMASK` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋCPU affinity mask` Vp V+UՋ V`P Vp Vc,UՋ VP V V Vq` V VqUՋ[delay]` VP VUՋXIf set, delay applying the affinity mask now and let the app handle it at a later point`p V V+UՋP Vq`p V` V+UՋ@ V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋthreadsq` V VqUՋshow`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ V`@ V@ VqUՋ cpu-sched` V VUՋ V V`@ V VUՋShow Sched section information`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`P V0 V+UՋ V` V@ VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋ(Show information about running threads)` VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`` V Vc,UՋ 0 V V0 Vq`0 V0 VqUՋthreadsq`@ V0 VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ Show running system information`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ cpu-sched`0 V0 VUՋ V V` VP VUՋShow Sched section information` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` Vp V+UՋ V`P V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ(Show information about running threads)`@ V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`@ V@ Vc,UՋ V V Vq߶iVb \Ӡ1 Vc,UՋ`UՋUՋ UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋUՋUՋ`UՋ UՋUՋVՋ@UՋ UՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋq`0 V  VqUՋallVq` V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging`p V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp Vq` Vp VqUՋenable` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋEnables logging to this vty` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋp V V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlogging`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging`@ V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ@ Vq`` V@ VqUՋenable` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋEnables logging to this vty`` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ V V` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋlogging`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋdisable` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋDisables logging to this vty`0 V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋp V` V` Vp VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋdisable`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋDisables logging to this vty` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V` V Vc,UՋ VP V`p V  V+UՋ Vq`` VP VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋConfigure logging`  V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfilter`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋFilter log messages` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ!Do you want to log all messages?`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V`` VP Vc,UՋ  V V V ! Vq` V VqUՋ0` V! VUՋ-Only print messages matched by other filters` V0# V+UՋ# Vq`' Vp) VqUՋallVq` V " VqUՋ1`! V" VUՋ" V# V` " V0$ VUՋ%Bypass filter and print all messages` V# Vc,UՋ V" V`0# Vp+ V+UՋ+ Vq`" V$ VqUՋlogging`0$ V % VUՋ$ V% V`$ V& VUՋConfigure logging`p+ V & V+UՋ& Vq`% V( V+UՋ% Vq` % V' VqUՋfilter`& V' VUՋ& V' V`' V@! VUՋFilter log messages` & V( V+UՋ( Vq`( V* V+UՋ`' V`, Vp, VUՋ`, V, V`@! V) VUՋ! VP* V`p) V, VUՋ!Do you want to log all messages?`( V+ V+UՋ`+ Vq`* V- V+UՋ) V`# V% Vc,UՋ & V`( V* Vp- Vq`) V( VqUՋ0`( V. VUՋ-Only print messages matched by other filters`+ V/ V+UՋ/ Vq`3 V5 VqUՋ0 Vq`p, Vp. VqUՋ1`. V. VUՋ`. VP/ V`p. V0 VUՋ%Bypass filter and print all messages`- V0 Vc,UՋP) V. V`/ V7 V+UՋ@8 Vq`. V0 VqUՋlogging`0 Vp1 VUՋ0 V1 V`0 V2 VUՋConfigure logging`7 Vp2 V+UՋ2 Vq`1 Vp4 V+UՋP1 Vq`p1 VP3 VqUՋcolor`2 V3 VUՋ@3 V04 V`P3 V- VUՋ*Configure color-printing for log messages`p2 V4 V+UՋP5 Vq`p4 V6 V+UՋ3 V`p8 V8 VUՋ8 V@9 V`- V`6 VUՋ- V6 V`5 Vp8 VUՋ&Don't use color for printing messages`4 Vp9 V+UՋ9 Vq`= V? VqUՋ0 V`0 V1 Vc,UՋ P2 V4 VP7 Vq``6 V`5 VqUՋ1``5 Vp: VUՋ Use color for printing messages`6 V9 Vc,UՋ@6 V5 V`p9 VA V+UՋ0B Vq`8 V: VqUՋlogging`p: V`; VUՋ: V; V`: V< VUՋConfigure logging`A V`< V+UՋ< Vq`; V`> V+UՋ@; Vq``; V@= VqUՋcolor`< V= VUՋ0= V > V`@= Vp7 VUՋ*Configure color-printing for log messages``< V> V+UՋ@? Vq``> V@ V+UՋ= V``B VB VUՋB V0C V`p7 VP@ VUՋ7 V@ V`? V`B VUՋ&Don't use color for printing messages`> V`C V+UՋC Vq`G VI VqUՋ0 V`9 V; Vc,UՋ @< V> V@A Vq`P@ VP? VqUՋ1`P? V`D VUՋ Use color for printing messages`@ VC Vc,UՋ0@ V? V``C VK V+UՋ L Vq`B VD VqUՋlogging``D VPE VUՋD VE V`D VF VUՋConfigure logging`K VPF V+UՋF Vq`E VPH V+UՋ0E V`PE V@G VqUՋ timestamp`F VG VUՋ G V H V`@G V`A VUՋ#Configure log message timestamping`PF VH V+UՋ0I Vq`PH VJ V+UՋG V`PL VL VUՋL V M V``A V@J VUՋA VJ V`I VPL VUՋDon't prefix each log message`H V`M V+UՋM Vq`Q VS VqUՋ0 V`C VE Vc,UՋ 0F VH V0K Vq`@J V@I VqUՋ1`@I V`N VUՋ/Prefix each log message with current timestamp`J VM Vc,UՋ J VI V``M VU V+UՋ V Vq`L VN VqUՋlogging``N VPO VUՋN VO V`N VP VUՋConfigure logging`U VPP V+UՋP Vq`O VPR V+UՋ0O V`PO V@Q VqUՋ timestamp`P VQ VUՋ Q V R V`@Q VPK VUՋ#Configure log message timestamping`PP VR V+UՋ0S Vq`PR VT V+UՋQ V`PV VV VUՋV V W V`PK V@T VUՋK VT V`S VPV VUՋDon't prefix each log message`R V`W V+UՋW Vq`0_ V@a V+UՋ^ V`M VO Vc,UՋ 0P VR V0U Vq`@T V@S VqUՋ1`@S V`X VUՋ/Prefix each log message with current timestamp`T VW Vc,UՋ T VS V``W V_ V+UՋ` Vq`V VX VqUՋlogging``X VPY VUՋX VY V`X VZ VUՋConfigure logging`_ VPZ V+UՋZ Vq`Y V0\ V+UՋ0Y Vq`PY V0[ VqUՋprint`Z V[ VUՋ [ V\ V`0[ V] VUՋLog output settings`PZ V\ V+UՋ] Vq`0\ V0_ V+UՋ[ V`@` V` VUՋ` Va V`[ V ^ VqUՋextended-timestamp`] V^ VUՋ^ V_ V` ^ V@` VUՋ#Configure log message timestamping`\ VPU V+UՋU V`W VY Vc,UՋ 0Z V\ V_ Va Vq`^ V ] VqUՋ0` ] V0b VUՋDon't prefix each log message`PU Vc V+UՋ0d Vq`k Vm V+UՋj Vq`` Vb VqUՋ1`0b V c VUՋb Vc V`b Vd VUՋFPrefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn`@a VPd Vc,UՋ] Vc V`c V l V+UՋl Vq` c V@e VqUՋlogging`d Ve VUՋ0e V f V`@e V0g VUՋConfigure logging` l Vf V+UՋ g Vq`@f Vh V+UՋe Vq`e Vg VqUՋprint`0g V h VUՋg Vh V`g Vj VUՋLog output settings`f V i V+UՋi Vq`h Vk V+UՋh V`l V m VUՋm Vm V` h Vj VqUՋextended-timestamp`j Vk VUՋpj Vpk V`j Vl VUՋ#Configure log message timestamping` i Va V+UՋ b V`Pd V@f Vc,UՋ f Vi Vl Vn Vq`k Vi VqUՋ0`i Vn VUՋDon't prefix each log message`a V@p V+UՋp Vq`x V z V+UՋ`w Vq` m Vo VqUՋ1`n Vo VUՋo Vo V`o V@q VUՋFPrefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn`m Vp Vc,UՋi Vpo V`@p Vx V+UՋx Vq`o Vq VqUՋlogging`@q V0r VUՋq Vr V`q Vs VUՋConfigure logging`x V0s V+UՋs Vq`r Vu V+UՋr Vq`0r Vt VqUՋprint`s Vt VUՋt Vt V`t Vv VUՋLog output settings`0s Vu V+UՋu Vq`u Vx V+UՋpt V` y Vy VUՋy Vy V`t Vw VqUՋ thread-id`v Vw VUՋv Vw V`w V y VUՋ(Configure log message logging Thread ID`u V0n V+UՋn V`p Vr Vc,UՋ s Vpu Vpx Vz Vq`w Vv VqUՋ0`v V{ VUՋDon't prefix each log message`0n V| V+UՋ} Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq`y V{ VqUՋ1`{ V| VUՋp{ V`| V`{ V} VUՋ/Prefix each log message with current Thread ID` z V } Vc,UՋ`v V{ V`| V V+UՋP Vq`| V~ VqUՋlogging`} V~ VUՋ~ V~ V`~ V VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋp~ Vq`~ Vp VqUՋprint` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋLog output settings` V V+UՋP Vq`p Vp V+UՋЀ V` V VUՋ VP V` V` VqUՋ thread-id` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V VUՋ(Configure log message logging Thread ID` Vz V+UՋ{ V` } V Vc,UՋ p VЁ VЄ V Vq` V` VqUՋ0`` Vp VUՋDon't prefix each log message`z V V+UՋ` Vq` VВ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1`p V` VUՋЇ V V` V VUՋ/Prefix each log message with current Thread ID` V Vc,UՋ V@ V` V@ V+UՋ Vq`` Vp VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ` VP V`p V` VUՋConfigure logging`@ V V+UՋP Vq`p VЍ V+UՋЊ Vq` VЌ VqUՋprint`` VP VUՋ V V`Ќ V@ VUՋLog output settings` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ѝ V V+UՋ0 V`Б V@ VUՋ0 V V`P V VqUՋ category`@ V@ VUՋ V V` VБ VUՋConfigure log message`P V V+UՋ` V` Vp Vc,UՋ Ћ V0 V V0 Vq`@ V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋ1` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ5Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name`В V@ Vc,UՋ V VqdjVb \SBՋ 8 Vp VO V V8 V0 V !+++++++++++++++++`P V V+UՋ` Vq` V0 VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋLog output settings` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V` V` V VqUՋ category` V VUՋ` V` V` V VUՋConfigure log message` VP V+UՋ V`@ V0 Vc,UՋ V V V Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message`P V V+UՋp Vq`Ы V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋ1` Vp VUՋ VУ V` V VUՋ5Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name` V Vc,UՋ VP V` VP V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋp V` V` Vp VUՋConfigure logging`P V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint`p V` VUՋЧ V V` VP VUՋLog output settings` V` V+UՋ Vq` VЫ V+UՋ@ V` VP VUՋ@ V V`` VЪ VqUՋ category-hex`P VP VUՋ V V`Ъ V VUՋConfigure log message`` V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ V@ V0 V@ Vq`P VЩ VqUՋ0`Щ VЮ VUՋDon't prefix each log message` Vp V+UՋа Vq`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq`P V@ VqUՋ1`Ю V VUՋ0 V V`@ Vp VUՋEPrefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex ('<000b>')` V Vc,UՋ0 V V`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlogging`p V` VUՋб V V` Vг VUՋConfigure logging` V` V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ@ Vq`` V@ VqUՋprint`г V VUՋ0 V V`@ V VUՋLog output settings`` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ V`@ V VUՋ V V` V0 VqUՋ category-hex` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋConfigure log message` V` V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ @ V V V Vq` V0 VqUՋ0`0 V0 VUՋDon't prefix each log message`` Vм V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋlevelq` V VqUՋ1`0 V VUՋ V V` Vн VUՋEPrefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex ('<000b>')`@ VP Vc,UՋ V V`м V V+UՋ` Vq` V@ VqUՋlogging`н V VUՋ0 V V`@ V0 VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋLog output settings` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V` V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure log message` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V`P V@ Vc,UՋ V Vp V Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` V V+UՋp Vq`` VP VqUՋlevelq` V VqUՋ1` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ0Prefix each log message with the log level name` V Vc,UՋ VP V` V@ V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋp V` V` Vp VUՋConfigure logging`@ V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋLog output settings` V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ@ V` V@ VUՋ0 V V` V VUՋp V0 V`P V VUՋConfigure log message`` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V@ V V0 Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfileVq`@ V0 VqUՋ1` V VUՋ V V`0 VP VUՋ0Prefix each log message with the log level name` V Vc,UՋ0 V V`P V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlogging`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V VqUՋprint` V VUՋ V V` VP VUՋLog output settings`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋp V V`P V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋConfigure log message` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋDon't prefix each log messageq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋ[last]q` Vp VqUՋ1` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ6Prefix each log message with the source file and line` V` VUՋ V V` V VqUՋ basename` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋWPrefix each log message with the source file's basename (strip leading paths) and line` V@ Vc,UՋ p V V V` V VUՋjLog source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text.` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ V V Vp V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfileVq`` V@ VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V0 VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint`0 V VUՋ V V` V` VUՋLog output settings` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V`` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure log message` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` VP VUՋ'Set the logmask of this logging targetq` V VqUՋ0` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ[last]q` V` VqUՋ1` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ6Prefix each log message with the source file and line` VP VUՋ V V` V VqUՋ basename` V VUՋ` V` V` V VUՋWPrefix each log message with the source file's basename (strip leading paths) and line` V0 Vc,UՋ V V V` V VUՋjLog source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text.` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V@ Vc,UՋ@ V Vp V` V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋMASKVq`P V0 VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ set-log-mask` V VUՋ V` V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`0 V V+UՋp V`P V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ6List of logging categories to log, e.g. 'abc:mno:xyz'. Available log categories depend on the specific application, refer to the 'logging level' command. Optionally add individual log levels like 'abc,1:mno,3:xyz,5', where the level numbers are LOGL_DEBUG=1 LOGL_INFO=3 LOGL_NOTICE=5 LOGL_ERROR=7 LOGL_FATAL=8` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋMASKVq` V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` V VqUՋ set-log-mask` V VUՋ` V` V` V0 VUՋ'Set the logmask of this logging target` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V` V+UՋ V`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ6List of logging categories to log, e.g. 'abc:mno:xyz'. Available log categories depend on the specific application, refer to the 'logging level' command. Optionally add individual log levels like 'abc,1:mno,3:xyz,5', where the level numbers are LOGL_DEBUG=1 LOGL_INFO=3 LOGL_NOTICE=5 LOGL_ERROR=7 LOGL_FATAL=8` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V Vc,UՋ p V V Vq`` V` VqUՋlogVq` V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋp V` V` Vp VUՋConfigure logging`` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋset`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Decide which categories to output.` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V` VP VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋ V@ V`` V VUՋ Log commands`p V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ#Decide which categories to output.q` V VqUՋmask` V VUՋMask commands` VP V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ@ Vq`P V0 VqUՋMASK` V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋQ'set log mask' is deprecated, please refer to the docs of 'set-log-mask' instead`P V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ VP V V0 V V` V$ V+UՋ % Vq`P V VqUՋlogVq` Vp VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ` VP V`p V` VUՋConfigure logging`$ V V+UՋP Vq`p VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋset`` VP VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ0 V`@ V VUՋ V! V` V@ VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋ Log commands` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0! V+UՋ  V`P V` VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)Vq`@ V@ VqUՋmask`@ V " VUՋMask commands`@ V! V+UՋ" Vq`0! V# V+UՋ Vq` V" VqUՋMASK` " V# VUՋ" Vp# V`" V0 VUՋQ'set log mask' is deprecated, please refer to the docs of 'set-log-mask' instead`! VP$ V+UՋ$ Vq`# Vp% V+UՋ" V` Vp Vc,UՋ@ V V  V! V0$ V`P$ VЍ V+UՋ0 Vsl|oml@iVb \& VP& VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) `V V` VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)`` V@!6 V~OՋ)..`PR V`d VP( V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=3,shadow,ss=3)QБR Vd V`V VP`P VP VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)1p|dsp|pcu`n V V@ VV@) V) V V V) V! V@* V@* VWg) OV) V ~V) Vg   Vover ` V VUՋEPrefix each log message with category/subsystem nr in hex ('<000b>')isiVb \SBՋ 6 V(ԋ, V , V, V, V f` V VUՋQRelease any globally forced log level set with 'logging level force-all '|asciQ`b \& V. VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) `b \ӤEJgLEJgloUUXEJg= eth0aa`b \& V2 VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm ` V Vb V(Vp!I6I*4 _Vm Vc Vmi|lmib`b \& V`5 VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) iVb \9 Vp8 Vlogging level (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtpQ`b \SBՋP+e V ` V9 V9 V])9 V: V9 V&" @(@0`8@ @ @ @@@F@N@V@^@n@v@~@@`l V b V]V VUՋ V< V PAՋ< Vd= V= VVVgsup`b \& V= V+Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol `0E V0G VUՋOnce-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period.|lsccp`b \& V`B VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation !`b \ G V`F Vlogging level (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp`0z V09Z VG V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=5,shadow,ss=7)`09Z VEd VH V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=6,shadow,ss=0)1z VP V00`b \H) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol @1` ~ Vpg Vf V?BՋӼVӼVӼVf V0g Vb V0?ՋL VL VL VL VL V`- V0S V1UՋlogging level (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro|lns|lbssgp|lnsdata|lnssignal|liuup|lpfcp|lcsn1|lio) (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)`V| Vy VUՋ|Set the number of frames to be requested (PCU) in advance of current FN. Do not change this, unless you have a good reason!M (NM/OML) `b \ut Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer Remote SIM protocol GPRS NS layer GPRS BSSGP layer GPRS NS layer data PDU GPRS NS layer signal PDU Iu UP lay`V` Vz6 V0R VP V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=1,shadow,ss=1)`V0` Vp_ VR V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=6,ss=6)Q c Ve V c Vc V V@ VP0`L VP V'1UՋConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer Remote SIM protocol GPRS NS layer GPRS BSSGP layer GPRS NS layer data PDU GPRS NS layer signal PDU Iu UP layer libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocol libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codec libosmocore IO Subsystem Log debug messages and higher levels Log informational messages and higher levels Log noticeable messages and higher levels Log error messages and higher levels Log only fatal messages `V` V` VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)|paga+X Vc V`BՋ [ VhT V`T V``Vj V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified categoryl1p|dsp|pcuJjVb \/ VY!UՋHpc VR Vx] Vx] V`V V` VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalx|loop|abis`b \SBՋ c V8ԋp_ V 8_ Vy_ Vm_ V 0`Vp{ V} VUՋQRelease any globally forced log level set with 'logging level force-all '|asciQviVb \`V@  VmIBՋ\al|llapdViVb \& Vd VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm `Vm Vm V,UՋtEnable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP BCCH CCCH RACH AGCH PCH SDCCH TCH/F TCH/H PACCH PDTCH PTCCH CBCH SACCHmibiVb \& Vg VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) ` VP[ VUՋ V[ Vsl|oml|rq`` V V+UՋlsms|lctj VQiVb \SBՋ e V 6 Vkl Vml V]5hl Vl Vhl V2. @(@0@8@ @B@J@Z@b@j@r@z@ @@@F@N@V@^@n@v@~@@`V0 Vp) V  VЈVɼVɼV V V V VDh V V߲V0o VgsupiVb \& V0p V+Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol `V4 V6 VUՋOnce-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period.|lsccpiVb \& Vt VConfigure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation !iVb \Ӡy Vx Vlogging level (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp`l6 V0z Vz V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=5,shadow,ss=5)`y V G Vz V(bts=0,trx=0,ts=5,shadow,ss=6)1R V0H V00iVb \H) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol @1`VK V_ V?BՋͼVͼVͼV@f V_ Vb V0?Ջ~ V  V  V0 V0 Vq`0S V V1UՋlogging level (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro|lns|lbssgp|lnsdata|lnssignal|liuup|lpfcp|lcsn1|lio) everythingLayerq`P[ V` VqUՋntput SurslVq`# V VqUՋCS/VBS) logging`0 V VUՋme Multi V V Driver ` V VUՋrol InteConfigure loggingrary S`Ѝ V V+UՋl libosm Vling Sysq` V` V+UՋTP3 User Vq` Vj VqUՋGPRS NS levelGPQh_jVb \0 VЎ` VPa`V V V.aBՋ V?Ջ@ VP VP V`P V V'1UՋ=Configure logging Set the log level for a specified category A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer Remote SIM protocol GPRS NS layer GPRS BSSGP layer GPRS NS layer data PDU GPRS NS layer signal PDU Iu UP layer libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocol libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codec libosmocore IO Subsystem Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all' ` Vk V+UՋpk V`` V& VUՋntput Su V@' V` V`Y VUՋ VY V`k V V+UՋ,@ Vq`& VP VqUՋrllV`p% V Vc,UՋ ntput Su V V@ V Vq``Y V VqUՋoml`` VА VUՋ V0 V`` V VUՋ V V` V` VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq` VЎ VqUՋrr`Ў V` VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q`А VБ VqUՋmeas`` VP VUՋ V V`Б V VUՋRadio Measurement Processing`V{ V } VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq`P V VqUՋpag` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPaging Subsystemq` Vp VqUՋl1c` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q` V VqUՋl1p`p V` VUՋЖ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q`` VP VqUՋdsp` VИ VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq`( V VqUՋlglobal`P V@ VUՋР V V Vq`И V VqUՋpcu`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋPCU interfaceq`0 V VqUՋho` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Handoverq` V VqUՋtrx` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋTRX interfaceq` V VqUՋloop` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl loopsq` Vp VqUՋabis` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋrtp`p VЏ VUՋС V0 Vq`Џ VТ VqUՋosmux`` VP VUՋ V V`Т V VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q`P VP VqUՋasci` V( VUՋ@ V0) Vq`Vf Vph VUՋGlobally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the 'no logging level force-all' command. Note: any 'logging level ' commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released. V` VЦ VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq`@ V@ VqUՋllapd`Ц V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq` V VqUՋlinp`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq`0 V VqUՋlmux` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq` V VqUՋlmi`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq` V VqUՋlmib` V VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q` V VqUՋlsms`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q`0 V0 VqUՋlctrl` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋControl Interfaceq` V VqUՋlgtp`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq` V VqUՋlstats` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq` V VqUՋlgsup` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq` V VqUՋloap` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq` V VqUՋlss7` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q` V VqUՋlsccp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq` V VqUՋlsua` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq` V VqUՋlm3ua` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq` V Vc,UՋ V@ V V0 V0 V` VЕ V@ V V V V V` VР V@ V0 V V V V V V V V V V Vp V Vp V Vp V Vp V` V Vp V VP V V@ V V0 V VP Vq` V VqUՋlmgcp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` V VqUՋljibuf` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq` V VqUՋlrspro` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋRemote SIM protocolq` V VqUՋlns` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋGPRS NS layerq` V VqUՋlbssgp` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq`p V` VqUՋlnsdata` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU` V VqUՋ lnssignal`` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq`` V` VqUՋliuup` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ Iu UP layerq` V VqUՋlpfcp`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq`P V` VqUՋlcsn1` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq` V VqUՋlio` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystemq`p Vp VqUՋdebug` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels` V V+UՋ Vq`` V VqUՋnoticeq` V VqUՋinfo`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ` V` V` V0 VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels` V VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)q` V VqUՋerror` V0 VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq` V VqUՋfatal`0 V VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋLog only fatal messages` VP Vc,UՋ@ V@ V V` V V` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋrslVq` V VqUՋlogging`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋlevel` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ0 V V` V  V+UՋ,@ Vq` V VqUՋrllV`P V Vc,UՋ  V V V& Vq` V VqUՋoml` V VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)` V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)`@ V VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq` V VqUՋrr` V VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q`0 V0 VqUՋmeas` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋRadio Measurement Processing`Vx V@{ VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already existsq` V` VqUՋpag` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋPaging Subsystemq` V VqUՋl1c`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q`P V@ VqUՋl1p` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q` V VqUՋdsp`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq`0 V VqUՋlglobal` V@ VUՋ0 V V Vq`0 V VqUՋpcu` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPCU interfaceq` V VqUՋho` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ Handoverq` V VqUՋtrx` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋTRX interfaceq`p V` VqUՋloop` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋControl loopsq` V VqUՋabis`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq`P V@ VqUՋrtp` V0 VUՋ0 V Vq`0 V0 VqUՋosmux` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q` V VqUՋasci`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)q`V@V VW VUՋGlobally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the 'no logging level force-all' command. Note: any 'logging level ' commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released. V` V VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq`@ V@ VqUՋllapd` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq` V VqUՋlinp`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq`0 V VqUՋlmux` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq` V VqUՋlmi`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq`  V  VqUՋlmib` V VUՋ V V`  V@ VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q` V VqUՋlsms`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q`0 V0 VqUՋlctrl` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋControl Interfaceq` V VqUՋlgtp`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq`  V VqUՋlstats` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq` V VqUՋlgsup` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq` V VqUՋloap` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq` V VqUՋlss7` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q` V VqUՋlsccp` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq` V VqUՋlsua`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq` V VqUՋlm3ua` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq` V& Vc,UՋ V V V V V V0 V V Vp V VP V V0 V V V V V V V V V V V V Vp V Vp V Vp V Vp V` V Vp V VP V V@ V V0! V" VP$ Vq` V VqUՋlmgcp` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` V VqUՋljibuf`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq` V VqUՋlrspro` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋRemote SIM protocolq` V VqUՋlns` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋGPRS NS layerq` V VqUՋlbssgp` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq`p V` VqUՋlnsdata` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU` V VqUՋ lnssignal`` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq`` V` VqUՋliuup` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ Iu UP layerq` V VqUՋlpfcp`` VP! VUՋ V! V` V! VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq`P! V`" VqUՋlcsn1`! V" VUՋP" V@# V``" V# VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq`" V# VqUՋlio`# Vp$ VUՋ# V$ V`# V% VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystemq`p$ Vp% VqUՋdebug`% V% VUՋ`% VP& V`p% Vp' VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels`  V- V+UՋ. Vq``( V) VqUՋnoticeq`% V' VqUՋinfo`p' V`( VUՋ' V( V`' V' VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`0+ V+ VUՋ+ V, V`' V* VUՋ`' V`* V`) V0+ VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels` 4 V8 VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levelsq`* V) VqUՋerror`) V0, VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`+ V, VqUՋfatal`0, V - VUՋ, V- V`, V@/ VUՋLog only fatal messages`& VP. Vc,UՋ@% V@( V) V`) V- V`- V6 V+UՋp6 Vq`2 V4 VqUՋset-allq` - V/ VqUՋlogging`@/ V00 VUՋ/ V0 V`/ V1 VUՋConfigure logging`6 V01 V+UՋ1 Vq`0 V03 V+UՋ0 Vq`00 V2 VqUՋlevel`1 V2 VUՋ2 V2 V`2 V. VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`01 V3 V+UՋ4 Vq`03 V 5 V+UՋp2 V`6 V* VUՋ7 V+ V`. Vps VUՋ0/ Vs V`3 V5 V+UՋ6 Vq` 5 V7 V+UՋ5 V`P. V0 Vc,UՋ 1 V3 V5 Vp7 Vq`ps V 4 VqUՋdebug`5 V0> V+UՋ> Vq`8 V: VqUՋnoticeq`* Vp8 VqUՋinfo`8 V8 VUՋ`8 VP9 V`p8 V7 VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`; V0< VUՋ < V< V`7 V: VUՋ7 V: V`: V; VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`D VH VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levelsq`: V9 VqUՋerror`9 V< VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`0< V0= VqUՋfatal`< V= VUՋ = V> V`0= V? VUՋLog only fatal messages`7 V> Vc,UՋ@4 V8 Vp: V9 V= V`0> VF V+UՋG Vq` C V0E VqUՋset-allq`= V@@ VqUՋlogging`? V@ VUՋ0@ V A V`@@ V0B VUՋConfigure logging`F VA V+UՋ B Vq`@A VC V+UՋ@ Vq`@ VB VqUՋlevel`0B V C VUՋB VC V`B V`? VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`A V@D V+UՋD Vq`C VE V+UՋC V`0G V0; VUՋG V; V``? V@ VUՋ? VPA V`@D V0F V+UՋF Vq`E VG V+UՋE V`> V@A Vc,UՋ A V D VF VH Vq`@ VD VqUՋdebug`0F VN V+UՋ O Vq`I VJ VqUՋnoticeq`0; VI VqUՋinfo`H VI VUՋH VI V`I V H VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`PL VL VUՋL V M V` H V K VUՋH VK V`J VPL VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`@U V0Y VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levelsq` K V J VqUՋerror` J VPM VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`L VM VqUՋfatal`PM V@N VUՋM VN V`M V`P VUՋLog only fatal messages`G VpO Vc,UՋ@E V`I VK VJ V N V`N V@W V+UՋW Vq`V V@X V+UՋV Vq`@N VP VqUՋlogging``P VPQ VUՋP VQ V`P VR VUՋConfigure logging`@W VPR V+UՋR Vq`Q VPT V+UՋ0Q Vq`PQ V0S VqUՋlevel`R VS VUՋ S VT V`0S VU VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`PR VT V+UՋ0U Vq`PT VV V+UՋS V`W VK VUՋ0X V L V`S V@V VqUՋ force-all`U V VUՋ V V0 V`T VO V+UՋPP V`pO VQ Vc,UՋ 0R VT V W VX Vq` V@U VqUՋdebug`O V`_ V+UՋ_ Vq` Z V@[ VqUՋnoticeq`K VY VqUՋinfo`0Y V Z VUՋY VZ V`Y VX VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`\ V`] VUՋP] V] V`X V[ VUՋ Y V \ V`@[ V\ VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`e Vi VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levelsq`[ VZ VqUՋerror`Z V] VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq``] V`^ VqUՋfatal`] V^ VUՋP^ V@_ V``^ Va VUՋLog only fatal messages`@X V` Vc,UՋ@U VZ V[ V [ V^ V``_ Vg V+UՋ@h Vq``g Vh V+UՋ@g Vq`^ Vpa VqUՋlogging`a Va VUՋ`a VPb V`pa V`c VUՋConfigure logging`g Vb V+UՋPc Vq`pb Vd V+UՋa Vq`a Vc VqUՋlevel``c VPd VUՋc Vd V`c V`f VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`b Vpe V+UՋe Vq`d V`g V+UՋ0d V`ph V`\ VUՋh V\ V`Pd Vf VqUՋ force-all``f VФ VUՋf V0 V`pe V` V+UՋ` V`` Vpb Vc,UՋ b VPe Vg V@i Vq`Ф Ve VqUՋdebug`` Vp V+UՋ`p Vq`j Vk VqUՋnoticeq``\ V@j VqUՋinfo`i Vj VUՋ0j V k V`@j V`i VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`m Vn VUՋm V`n V``i V`l VUՋi Vl V`k Vm VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`t Vu VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaultsq``l V`k VqUՋerror``k Vn VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`n Vo VqUՋfatal`n Vo VUՋn Vo V`o Vt VUՋLog only fatal messages`h V s Vc,UՋ@@f Vj V@l Vk V`o Vq`b \SBՋ r VPr VOq Vgr Vr Vq VhA!+++++++++++++++++`p Vz V+UՋ@{ Vq`v Vx VqUՋlevelq`o Vt VqUՋno`t Vm VUՋpt V`m V`z Vu V+UՋu Vq`u V`w V+UՋt Vq`m V`v VqUՋlogging`u Vv VUՋPv V@w V``v Vs VUՋConfigure logging`u Vw V+UՋ@x Vq``w Vy V+UՋv V`Py Vp{ VqUՋ force-all V`s VPy VUՋt Vy V`x VPx VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`w Vpz V+UՋz Vq`y V{ V+UՋ0y V` s Vu Vc,UՋ `u Vw VPz VP| V`Px V@` VUՋx V` V`pz Vp| V+UՋ| Vq`{ V| V+UՋ{ V`p| V0 V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋlevelq`@` V@~ VqUՋno`} V~ VUՋ0~ V  V`@~ V@ VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`0 V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ~ Vq`~ V VqUՋlogging`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V`} VUՋConfigure logging` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ force-all V``} V VUՋ} V V` V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V@ V+UՋ V`| VP Vc,UՋ  V V V V` V- VUՋ V . V` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋrslVq`- V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlevel` Vp VUՋ VЋ V` V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` V VUՋp V V` V VUՋ V` V` V VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)` V V+UՋ,@ Vq` V VqUՋrllV`0 V Vc,UՋ Vp V Vp Vq` V VqUՋoml` V VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋp Vp V` V0 VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)` V0 VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq` V VqUՋrr` V0 VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q` V VqUՋmeas`0 V VUՋ V V` V` VUՋRadio Measurement Processing`Vu Vpv VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq` VЖ VqUՋpag`` VP VUՋ V V`Ж VЗ VUՋPaging Subsystemq`P V@ VqUՋl1c`З V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q` V VqUՋl1p`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q`0 V VqUՋdsp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq` V VqUՋlglobal` V VUՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋpcu` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋPCU interfaceq` V VqUՋho` Vp VUՋ VП V` V VUՋ Handoverq`p V` VqUՋtrx` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋTRX interfaceq` VС VqUՋloop`` VP VUՋ V V`С VТ VUՋControl loopsq`P V@ VqUՋabis`Т V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋrtp`@ V VUՋ V Vq` V VqUՋosmux`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q` V VqUՋasci` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)q^iVb \@0 Vc,UՋ V` V Vp V V0 V V V V VP V V0 V V V V V V V V Vp V V V Vp V V` V V` V V` V` V@ VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq` V VqUՋllapd`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq`0 V VqUՋlinp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋlmux` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq` V VqUՋlmi` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq` V VqUՋlmib` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q` V VqUՋlsms` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q` V VqUՋlctrl`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl Interfaceq` V VqUՋlgtp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq` V VqUՋlstats` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq` V VqUՋlgsup` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq` V VqUՋloap` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq` V VqUՋlss7` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q` V VqUՋlsccp` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq` V VqUՋlsua` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq` V VqUՋlm3ua` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq` V Vc,UՋ V` V Vp V V0 V V V V VP V V0 V V V V V V V V Vp V V V Vp V V` V V` V V` V V V` V VP V V0 V V0 V V0 V Vq` Vp VqUՋlmgcp` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` V VqUՋljibuf` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq` V VqUՋlrspro` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋRemote SIM protocolq` V VqUՋlns` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layerq`p V` VqUՋlbssgp` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq` V VqUՋlnsdata`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU`P VP VqUՋ lnssignal` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P V` VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq` V VqUՋliuup`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Iu UP layerq`P V@ VqUՋlpfcp` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V` VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq` V VqUՋlcsn1`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq`P V` VqUՋlio` V VUՋP V@ V`` Vp VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystem` V VqUՋ everything`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ2Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all'` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` VP V+UՋ Vq`@ VP VqUՋrslVq`p V` VqUՋlogging` V VUՋP V@ V`` VP VUՋConfigure logging`P V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlevel`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category` V` V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ V` VP VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋ V0 V`P V VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)`` V` V+UՋ,@ Vq`P V` VqUՋrllV` V` Vc,UՋ V@ V V@$ Vq` V VqUՋoml` V VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)` Vp VUՋ` V V` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)` V VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq` V VqUՋrr` V VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q`p Vp VqUՋmeas` V VUՋ` VP V`p V0 VUՋRadio Measurement Processing`Vo V q VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq` V VqUՋpag`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPaging Subsystemq` V VqUՋl1c` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q` V VqUՋl1p` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q` V VqUՋdsp` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq`p V` VqUՋlglobal` V VUՋp VP V Vq`p VP VqUՋpcu` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋPCU interfaceq` V VqUՋho`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Handoverq`@ V0 VqUՋtrx` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋTRX interfaceq` V VqUՋloop`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl loopsq` V VqUՋabis` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋrtp` Vp VUՋp V Vq`p Vp VqUՋosmux` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q` V VqUՋasci` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)qOjVb \@0 Vc,UՋ V0 V V@ V V Vp V VP V V V V Vp V V VP V V VP V V@ V VP V V@ V V0 V V0  V  V0  V`` V VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq` V VqUՋllapd` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq` V VqUՋlinp` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq`p V` VqUՋlmux` V VUՋP V@ V`` Vp VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq` V VqUՋlmi`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq`` V` VqUՋlmib` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q` V VqUՋlsms` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q`p Vp VqUՋlctrl` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋControl Interfaceq` V VqUՋlgtp`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq`` VP VqUՋlstats` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V` VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq` V VqUՋlgsup`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq`P VP VqUՋloap` V VUՋ@ V0  V`P V`  VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq` V  VqUՋlss7``  VP  VUՋ  V  V`  V  VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q`P  VP  VqUՋlsccp`  V  VUՋ@  V0  V`P  V`  VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq`  V  VqUՋlsua``  VP  VUՋ  V  V`  V  VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq`P  VP VqUՋlm3ua`  V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq`` V# Vc,UՋ V0 V V@ V V Vp V VP V V V V Vp V V VP V V VP V V@ V VP V V@ V V0 V V0  V  V0  V V V0 V V  V V V V Vp V  V! Vq` V@ VqUՋlmgcp` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V` VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` V VqUՋljibuf`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq`P VP VqUՋlrspro` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋRemote SIM protocolq` V VqUՋlns`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layerq`@ V0 VqUՋlbssgp` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq` V VqUՋlnsdata`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU`  V  VqUՋ lnssignal` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq` V VqUՋliuup`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Iu UP layerq`  V VqUՋlpfcp` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq` V VqUՋlcsn1`0 V  VUՋ V  V` V  VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq`  V0! VqUՋlio`  V! VUՋ ! V" V`0! V@" VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystem`! V" VqUՋ everything`@" V@# VUՋ" V# V`" V% VUՋ2Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all'`` V`$ V+UՋ$ Vq`# V$ V+UՋ # V``$ V - V+UՋ- Vq`) V + VqUՋallVq`@# V0& VqUՋlogging`% V& VUՋ & V' V`0& V ( VUՋConfigure logging` - V' V+UՋ( Vq`0' V) V+UՋ& Vq`& V( VqUՋlevel` ( V) VUՋ( Vp) V`( VP% VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`' V0* V+UՋ* Vq`) V0, V+UՋ( V`- V . VUՋ. V. V`P% V+ VUՋ% V, V` + V- VUՋ!Deprecated alias for 'force-all'`0* V, V+UՋ- Vq`0, V. V+UՋ+ V`$ V0' Vc,UՋ ' V* V, V/ Vq`+ V* VqUՋdebug`* V/ VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels`, V5 V+UՋ06 Vq`0 V1 VqUՋnoticeq` . V0 VqUՋinfo`/ V0 VUՋ0 V0 V`0 V0/ VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels``3 V3 VUՋ3 V04 V`0/ V02 VUՋ/ V2 V`1 V`3 VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`< V> VUՋ!Deprecated alias for 'force-all'q`02 V01 VqUՋerror`01 V`4 VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`3 V4 VqUՋfatal``4 VP5 VUՋ4 V5 V`4 Vp7 VUՋLog only fatal messages`. V6 Vc,UՋ@+ Vp0 V2 V1 V05 V`5 V@> V+UՋ> Vq`: V< VqUՋallVq`P5 V7 VqUՋlogging`p7 V`8 VUՋ7 V8 V`7 V9 VUՋConfigure logging`@> V`9 V+UՋ9 Vq`8 V`; V+UՋ@8 Vq``8 V@: VqUՋlevel`9 V: VUՋ0: V ; V`@: V7 VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category``9 V; V+UՋ@< Vq``; VP= V+UՋ: V`> V@? VUՋ0? V? V`7 V2 VUՋ`7 V03 V`; V= V+UՋ0> Vq`P= V? V+UՋ0= V`6 V8 Vc,UՋ @9 V; V= V0@ Vq`2 VP< VqUՋdebug`P< V@ VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels`= VF V+UՋPG Vq`A VB VqUՋnoticeq`@? V0A VqUՋinfo`@ VA VUՋ A VB V`0A VP@ VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`D VD VUՋD VPE V`P@ VPC VUՋ@ VC V`B VD VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`M VpM VUՋ!Deprecated alias for 'force-all'q`PC VPB VqUՋerror`PB VE VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`D VE VqUՋfatal`E VpF VUՋE VF V`E VH VUՋLog only fatal messages`? VG Vc,UՋ@< VA V0C VB VPF V`F V`O V+UՋO Vq`K VM VqUՋallVq`pF VI VqUՋlogging`H VI VUՋH VI V`I VJ VUՋConfigure logging``O VJ V+UՋJ Vq`J VL V+UՋ`I Vq`I V`K VqUՋlevel`J VK VUՋPK V@L V``K V H VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`J VM V+UՋ`M Vq`L VpN V+UՋK V`C VO VqUՋ everything V` H VC VUՋH VPD V`M VN V+UՋPO Vq`pN VQ V+UՋPN V`G VJ Vc,UՋ `J VL VN VpQ V`pM VpP VUՋM VP V`O VR VUՋ2Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all'`N VQ V+UՋQ Vq`Q VR V+UՋPP V`Q VPZ V+UՋZ Vq`@V VPX VqUՋallVq`pP V`S VqUՋlogging`R VS VUՋPS V@T V``S VPU VUՋConfigure logging`PZ VT V+UՋ@U Vq``T VV V+UՋS Vq`S VU VqUՋlevel`PU V@V VUՋU VV V`U VR VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`T V`W V+UՋW Vq`V V`Y V+UՋ V V`X VZ VqUՋ everything V`R VX VUՋR V0Y V`PX VW VUՋ!Deprecated alias for 'force-all'``W VY V+UՋ@Z Vq``Y V\ V+UՋX V`R V`T Vc,UՋ T V@W VY V`\ V`W V`[ VUՋ0X V[ V`Z V@r VUՋ2Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all'`Y V\ V+UՋ\ Vq`\ V ^ V+UՋ@[ Vq`_ VЋ VqUՋomlV`@ V VUՋLPrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs`\ V V+UՋ` Vl|rrA`b \& V_ VPrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) ` V\ VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)l1p`b \& V` V+Print a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) ` VP VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)u|ho|trx` 4 VViBՋh VP VRVEEE`q4qHgv `Vp V VUՋ9Arbitrary message to log on given category and log level|abis|rtp`b \a e  lpuef p m i lbio lik A-twna /NMA-di LRLero ceRaast siinysyentPHr itPHTrssCUfadoX acros Inub Re ercol `Vr Vp VUՋLPrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logsi|lglobal6iVb \& V`h VPrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family `V V VUՋ`As in P_CON_INTERVAL, in units of 2 SACCH periods (0.96 seconds) (default=0, every SACCH block)|lmux`b \& Vk VePrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex `V V VUՋjLog source file info at the end of a log line. If omitted, log source file info just before the log text.lmib|lsmsA`b \& V`o VPrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) q``[ Vr VqUՋlogp(rs`@r V@g VUՋi|lmib|lr Vg V`b \& Vs VPrint a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging `V V0 VUՋSend all stats even if they have not changed (i.e. force the flush)every N-th reporting interval. Set to 0 to disable regular flush (default).p|lss7`b \& Vx V~Print a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 `@Y V@[ VUՋOnce-off set all categories to the given log level. There is no single command to take back these changes -- each category is set to the given level, period.ua|lm3uaAjVb \0 V} Vlogp (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro|lns|lbssgp|lnsdata|lnssignal!`b \g Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation 0!`Vo Vp V,UՋConfigure logging Filter log messages L1 SAPI UNKNOWN AGCH BCCH CBCH FACCH/F FACCH/H FCCH IDLE NCH PACCH PAGCH PBCCH PCH PDTCH PNCH PPCH PRACH PTCCH RACH SACCH SCH SDCCH TCH/F TCH/H`b \Ӏ V Vlogp (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro|lns|lbssgp|lnsdata|lnssignal|liuup|lpfcp|lcsn1|lio) (debug|info|notice|error|fatal)) Layer (jVb \ace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer Remote SIM protocol GPRS NS layer GPRS BSSGP layer GPRS NS layer data PDU GPRS NS layer signaQ`Vp VR V,UՋNegate a command or set its defaults Configure logging Filter log messages L1 SAPI UNKNOWN AGCH BCCH CBCH FACCH/F FACCH/H FCCH IDLE NCH PACCH PAGCH PBCCH PCH PDTCH PNCH PPCH PRACH PTCCH RACH SACCH SCH SDCCH TCH/F TCH/Hup|lpfcp` V V+UՋ` Von all lq` V` V+UՋork Manas Vq`@g V VqUՋng Paginrslbsys`p V_ VUՋinterfacЉ V@` VA-bis In` V V+UՋ Call It,@ Vibrary-iq`P V` VqUՋe MultiprllV` V VUՋ V` Vface GPR`\ VP VUՋication P] V V-sigtran`Ћ V VUՋ(bosmo-siA-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)`` VЗ VUՋe Multip V0 Vyer data` V VUՋo-csn1 C@ V@ Votation `` V` VUՋ and higA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)sages and hQ`b \ V VP` VP V3UՋlogp (rsl|oml|rll|rr|meas|pag|l1c|l1p|dsp|pcu|ho|trx|loop|abis|rtp|osmux|asci|lglobal|llapd|linp|lmux|lmi|lmib|lsms|lctrl|lgtp|lstats|lgsup|loap|lss7|lsccp|lsua|lm3ua|lmgcp|ljibuf|lrspro|lns|lbssgp|lnsdata|lnssignal|liuup|lpfcp|lcsn1|lio) (debug|info|notice|error|fatal) .LOGMESSAGE` V  V3UՋ Print a message on all log outputs; useful for placing markers in test logs A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL) A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML) A-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL) Layer3 Radio Resource (RR) Radio Measurement Processing Paging Subsystem Layer 1 Control (MPH) Layer 1 Primitives (PH) DSP Trace Messages PCU interface Handover TRX interface Control loops A-bis Intput Subsystem Realtime Transfer Protocol Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing) ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS) Library-internal global log family LAPD in libosmogsm A-bis Intput Subsystem A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplex A-bis Input Driver for Signalling A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice) Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS) Control Interface GPRS GTP library Statistics messages and logging Generic Subscriber Update Protocol Osmocom Authentication Protocol libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7 libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementation libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptation libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptation libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocol libosmo-netif Jitter Buffer Remote SIM protocol GPRS NS layer GPRS BSSGP layer GPRS NS layer data PDU GPRS NS layer signal PDU Iu UP layer libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocol libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codec libosmocore IO Subsystem Log debug messages and higher levels Log informational messages and higher levels Log noticeable messages and higher levels Log error messages and higher levels Log only fatal messages Arbitrary message to log on given category and log level `p V VUՋe MultipRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq` V VqUՋrr` V` VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q`З VИ VqUՋmeas`` VP VUՋ V V`И V VUՋRadio Measurement Processingq`П V@ VqUՋe MultippcuVAjVb \EJgVEJgq`P V VqUՋpag` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPaging Subsystemq` Vp VqUՋl1c` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q` V VqUՋl1p`p V` VUՋН V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q`` VP VqUՋdsp` VП VUՋ@ V0 V`P V VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq`b V VqUՋe Multiplglobal`P VЬ VUՋ` V V0 V` V VUՋ@ V  V`@ V@ VUՋPCU interfaceq` V VqUՋho`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Handoverq`0 V  VqUՋtrx` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋTRX interfaceq` V VqUՋloop`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋControl loopsq` V VqUՋabis` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` Vp VqUՋrtp` VЖ VUՋ` V0 Vq`Ж V` VqUՋosmux` V VUՋP V@ V`` Vp VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q` V VqUՋasci`p Vb VUՋЪ Vpb Vq WjVb \@0 Vc,UՋe Multip@ V0 V V@ V0 V` VМ V@ V V V V V V` VШ V V@ V  V0 V V V V V V  V V V V V V V V` V` VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq`Ь VЭ VqUՋllapd`` VP VUՋ V V`Э VЮ VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq`P V@ VqUՋlinp`Ю V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋlmux`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq`0 V0 VqUՋlmi` V VUՋ  V V`0 V@ VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq` V VqUՋlmib`@ V0 VUՋ V V` Vд VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q`0 V@ VqUՋlsms`д V VUՋ0 V  V`@ VP VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q` V VqUՋlctrl`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl Interfaceq`@ V0 VqUՋlgtp` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq` V VqUՋlstats`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq`  V  VqUՋlgsup` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq` V VqUՋloap`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq`  V  VqUՋlss7` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q` V VqUՋlsccp`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq`  V  VqUՋlsua` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq` V VqUՋlm3ua`0 V  VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq`` V Vc,UՋe Multip@ V0 V V@ V0 V` VМ V@ V V V V V V` VШ V V@ V  V0 V V V V V V  V V V V V V V V V V V Vp V VP V VP V VP V Vq`  V VqUՋlmgcp`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` V  VqUՋljibuf` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq` V VqUՋlrspro`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋRemote SIM protocolq`  V VqUՋlns` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layerq` V VqUՋlbssgp` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq` V VqUՋlnsdata` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU`p Vp VqUՋ lnssignal` V VUՋP VP V`p V VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq` V VqUՋliuup` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Iu UP layerq`p V` VqUՋlpfcp` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq` V VqUՋlcsn1` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq`p V VqUՋlio` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystemq` V VqUՋdebug` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  VqUՋnotice` ^ V Vc,UՋ  V Vp VP Vq` VP VqUՋinfo`P V VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels` V@ VUՋ0 V V` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`  V` VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)q` V VqUՋerror` V VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`@ V@ VqUՋfatal` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V VUՋLog only fatal messages` V Vc,UՋ@` V V V V V` Vp VqUՋ .LOGMESSAGE` Vd VUՋP Vd V`@ Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`p V, V+UՋP- Vq`@ V VqUՋomlVq`d V@ VqUՋlogp` V`] VUՋ0 V] V`, V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq``] V  VqUՋrsl` V@ VUՋ V V`@ V V+UՋ,@ Vq` V VqUՋrllV`- V- VUՋ- VP. V`` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)`@ V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)` V@ VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq`  V  VqUՋrr`  V@ VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q` V VqUՋmeas`@ V0 VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋRadio Measurement Processing`V`4 V6 VUՋ9Arbitrary message to log on given category and log level Vq`0 V VqUՋpag`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋPaging Subsystemq`` VP VqUՋl1c` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q` V VqUՋl1p`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q`@ V0 VqUՋdsp` V VUՋ  V V`0 V  VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq` V VqUՋlglobal`0 V VUՋ V V  Vq` V VqUՋpcu`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋPCU interfaceq` V VqUՋho` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Handoverq` Vp VqUՋtrx` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋTRX interfaceq` V VqUՋloop`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl loopsq`` VP VqUՋabis` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋrtp`P V VUՋ V Vq` V VqUՋosmux`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q`0 V0 VqUՋasci` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)q jVb \@0 Vc,UՋ Vp V V V V@ V V  V V V` V V@ V V  V V V V  V V V V V  V  V  V  Vp V Vp V Vp V` VP VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq` V VqUՋllapd`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq`@ V0 VqUՋlinp` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋlmux`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq`  V  VqUՋlmi` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq` V VqUՋlmib`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q`  V0  VqUՋlsms` V  VUՋ  V  V`0  V@  VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q`  V  VqUՋlctrl`@  V0  VUՋ  V  V`  V  VUՋControl Interfaceq`0  V  VqUՋlgtp`  V  VUՋ  V  V`  V  VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq`  V  VqUՋlstats`  V VUՋ  Vp V`  V VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq` V VqUՋlgsup` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq` V VqUՋloap`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq` V VqUՋlss7` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q` V VqUՋlsccp`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq` V VqUՋlsua` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq` V VqUՋlm3ua`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq` V, Vc,UՋ Vp V V V V@ V V  V V V` V V@ V V  V V V V  V V V V V  V  V  V  Vp V Vp V Vp V V Vp V V` V  V@" V# V@% V& V@( V) Vq` V VqUՋlmgcp` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` V VqUՋljibuf` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq` V VqUՋlrspro`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋRemote SIM protocolq` V VqUՋlns` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋGPRS NS layerq` Vp  VqUՋlbssgp`  V  VUՋ`  VP! V`p  Vp! VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq`  V! VqUՋlnsdata`p! V`" VUՋ! V" V`! V" VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU``" V`# VqUՋ lnssignal`" V# VUՋ@# V@$ V``# Vp$ VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq`# V$ VqUՋliuup`p$ V`% VUՋ$ V% V`$ V% VUՋ Iu UP layerq``% VP& VqUՋlpfcp`% V& VUՋ@& V0' V`P& Vp' VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq`& V' VqUՋlcsn1`p' V`( VUՋ' V( V`' V) VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq``( Vp) VqUՋlio`) V) VUՋ`) VP* V`p) V* VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystemq`) V* VqUՋdebug`* Vp+ VUՋ* V+ V`* V- VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels` V03 V+UՋ3 Vq`- V/ VqUՋnotice` V Vc,UՋ  V V`, V@5 Vq`p+ V VqUՋinfo` V, VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`0 V01 VUՋ 1 V1 V`, V/ VUՋ, V/ V`/ V0 VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`07 V8 VUՋ Show running system informationq`/ V. VqUՋerror`. V1 VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`01 V02 VqUՋfatal`1 V2 VUՋ 2 V3 V`02 V3 VUՋLog only fatal messages`, V4 Vc,UՋ@P+ V Vp/ V. V2 V`2 V`4 VqUՋ .LOGMESSAGE`3 V VUՋ@4 V  V`03 V`5 V+UՋ5 Vq`4 V5 V+UՋ4 V``5 V= V+UՋ> Vq`9 V; VqUՋvtyVq` V07 VqUՋshow`6 V00 VUՋ 7 V0 V`= V08 V+UՋ8 Vq`7 V : V+UՋ7 Vq`00 V9 VqUՋlogging`8 V9 VUՋ9 V9 V`9 VP6 VUՋ#Show current logging configuration`08 V: V+UՋ; Vq` : V< V+UՋp9 V`0= VF V+UՋpF V`P6 V< VUՋ6 Vp< V`; V> VUՋ0Show current logging configuration for this vty`: V0= V+UՋ= Vq`< V; V+UՋ; V`5 V7 Vc,UՋ 8 V: V= Vq`B VD VqUՋvtyVq`< V? VqUՋshow`> V? VUՋ? V? V`? VA VUՋ Show running system information`F V@ V+UՋA Vq` @ VB V+UՋp? Vq`? VA VqUՋlogging`A VB VUՋpA V`B V`A V0> VUՋ#Show current logging configuration`@ VC V+UՋpC Vq`B V E V+UՋA V`E VK V+UՋPL V`0> VD VUՋ> VD V`D VG VUՋ0Show current logging configuration for this vty`C VE V+UՋF Vq` E VC V+UՋ`D V`; V @ Vc,UՋ @ VB VE Vq`k Vl VqUՋglobalq`D VG VqUՋshow`G VH VUՋpG V`H V`G VI VUՋ Show running system information`K VI V+UՋpI Vq`H VK V+UՋG Vq`H VI VqUՋalarms`I VpJ VUՋI VJ V`I VL VUՋ#Show current logging configuration`I VK V+UՋK Vq`K VpL V+UՋPJ V`C VH Vc,UՋH V`K V`K VQ V+UՋ0R Vq`pJ V`M VqUՋshow`L VM VUՋPM V@N V``M V`O VUՋ Show running system information`Q VN V+UՋPO Vq`pN VP V+UՋM Vq`M VO VqUՋalarms``O VPP VUՋO VP V`O VS VUՋ#Show current logging configuration`N V`Q V+UՋQ Vq`P VPR V+UՋ0P V`pL VpN Vc,UՋN V@Q V``Q V V+UՋ ` V` VPS V+UՋS Vq`R VPU V+UՋU Vq`PP V0T VqUՋhelp`S VT VUՋ T VU V`0T V@W VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system`PS VU V+UՋ0V Vq`PU VV V+UՋT V`[ Vb V+UՋpb V`U V \ V+UՋ\ Vq`T VW VqUՋlist`@W V0X VUՋW VX V`W VY VUՋPrint command list` \ V0Y V+UՋY Vq`X V0[ V+UՋX V`0X V Z VqUՋ [with-flags]`Y VZ VUՋZ V[ V` Z V0] VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags`0Y V[ V+UՋ\ Vq`0[ V@V V+UՋZ V`V VX Vc,UՋY V[ V`v Vn VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`Z V] VqUՋshow`0] V ^ VUՋ] V^ V`] V_ VUՋ Show running system information`b V0_ V+UՋ_ Vq`^ V a V+UՋ^ V` ^ V ` VqUՋvty-attributes`_ V` VUՋ` Va V` ` Vc VUՋList of VTY attributes`0_ Va V+UՋb Vq` a Vb V+UՋ` V`@V V^ Vc,UՋ_ Va V`a Vj V+UՋj Vq`` Vc VqUՋshow`c Vd VUՋpc V`d V`c Ve VUՋ Show running system information`j Ve V+UՋpe Vq`d Vg V+UՋc V`d Vf VqUՋvty-attributes`e Vf VUՋe Vf V`f Vph VUՋList of VTY attributes`e Vg V+UՋg Vq`g Vj V+UՋ`f V`k Vk VUՋpk Vk V`f Vh VqUՋ application`ph Vpi VUՋh Vi V`h Vk VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`g Vm V+UՋm V`b Vd Vc,UՋ d V`g V`j Vq`pi Vg VqUՋlibrary`g VF VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`m Vs V+UՋs V`F Vm VUՋG Vpm V`l V@o VUՋGlobal attributes only`j Vl Vc,UՋ Pi VPh Vl V`V V  VUՋFPrefix each log message with current timestamp with YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnnq`\ Vx VqUՋ[PATH]q`m Vo VqUՋwrite`@o V VUՋo V V`s Vp V+UՋq Vq`0p Vr V+UՋp V` Vq VqUՋ terminal` q V r VUՋq Vr V`q Vt VUՋWrite to terminal`p V s V+UՋs Vq`r Vt V+UՋr V`l V0p Vc,UՋp Vs V` s V@z V+UՋz Vq` r Vu VqUՋwrite`t V VUՋt V V`@z Vv V+UՋ`v Vq`u V`w V+UՋ`u Vq` Vv VqUՋfile`pv V\ VUՋv V] V`v Vw V+UՋ@x Vq``w VPy V+UՋ@w V`y V V+UՋ V`n V@ VUՋ0o V V`w Vy V+UՋ0z Vq`Py VPx V+UՋ0y V`t Vu Vc,UՋ u Vw Vy Vq`  V V+UՋ Vq`@ V{ VqUՋwrite`@{ V VUՋ{ V@ V` V| V+UՋ} Vq`0| V~ V+UՋ| Vq` V} VqUՋmemory` } V~ VUՋ} Vp~ V`} V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`| V0 V+UՋ Vq`~ V  V+UՋ} V`Px V0| Vc,UՋ| V V`0 Vz V+UՋ0{ Vq`~ V VqUՋwrite` V] VUՋ V^ V`z V V+UՋp Vq` Vp V+UՋp V` V@ V+UՋ V@UՋq` Vp VqUՋ`UՋlogging` V@ V+UՋ Vq` VЋ V+UՋ0 Vq`] VЄ VqUՋshow`` VP VUՋ V V`Є VІ VUՋ Show running system information`@ V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`P VP VqUՋrunning-config`І VЇ VUՋ0 V0 V`P V@ VUՋrunning configuration`` VЈ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`p V Vc,UՋ@ V V`Ј V V+UՋP Vq`Ї V VqUՋexit`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ћ V V+UՋ V`P V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋend` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ V` V` V+UՋ Vq`p V` VqUՋallVq` V VqUՋlogging`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋConfigure logging`` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfilter` Vp VUՋ VД V` V VUՋFilter log messages` Vp V+UՋЕ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V` V` VUՋP V V` V VUՋ V@ V`` V VUՋ!Do you want to log all messages?`p V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V`0 V Vc,UՋ  VP VЗ V` Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋ-Only print messages matched by other filters` Vp V+UՋМ Vq` VТ VqUՋ0 Vq`` V` VqUՋ1` V VUՋP V@ V`` Vp VUՋ%Bypass filter and print all messages` V Vc,UՋ@ V V`p VФ V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋlogging`p V` VUՋН V V` VП VUՋConfigure logging`Ф V` V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ Vq`` V@ VqUՋcolor`П V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V VUՋ*Configure color-printing for log messages`` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`` VХ VUՋ V0 V` VP VUՋ V V`Т V` VUՋ&Don't use color for printing messages` V` V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ0 V` V Vc,UՋ @ V V@ Vq`P VP VqUՋ1`P V` VUՋ Use color for printing messages` V Vc,UՋ0 V V`` V V+UՋ  Vq`Х VЧ VqUՋlogging`` VP VUՋ V V`Ч V VUՋConfigure logging` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ш VP V+UՋ0 V`P V@ VqUՋ timestamp` V VUՋ  V  V`@ V` VUՋ#Configure log message timestamping`P VЫ V+UՋ0 Vq`P VЭ V+UՋ V`P V VUՋ V  V`` V@ VUՋ V V` VP VUՋDon't prefix each log message`Ы V` V+UՋ Vq`0 V@ V+UՋ V` VШ Vc,UՋ 0 V V0 Vq`@ V@ VqUՋ1`@ V` VUՋ/Prefix each log message with current timestamp`Э V Vc,UՋ  V V`` V V+UՋ Vq` Vб VqUՋlogging`` VP VUՋ V V`б V VUՋConfigure logging` VP V+UՋ Vq`в V0 V+UՋ0 Vq`P V0 VqUՋprint` V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋLog output settings`P V V+UՋ Vq`0 V0 V+UՋ V`@ V VUՋ V V` V  VqUՋextended-timestamp` V VUՋ V V`  V@ VUՋ#Configure log message timestamping` VP V+UՋ V` Vв Vc,UՋ 0 V V V Vq` V  VqUՋ0`  V0 VUՋDon't prefix each log message`P V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋ1`0 V n VUՋ Vn V`@ V Vc,UՋ V V`  Vp V+UՋ Vq` n V VqUՋlogging`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋConfigure logging`p V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint` Vp VUՋ V V` V` VUՋLog output settings` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` Vp VUՋ` V V`p V VqUՋ thread-id`` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ(Configure log message logging Thread ID`p V V+UՋ  V` V Vc,UՋ  VP VP V` Vq`` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ  Vq`p V` VqUՋ1` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ/Prefix each log message with current Thread ID` V Vc,UՋ@ V Vq`PR VR Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋUՋUՋ@UՋR V` V VUՋ` VP V`p V` VUՋConfigure logging`@ V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint`` VP VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋLog output settings` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 V` V@ VUՋ0 V V`P V VqUՋ category`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure log message`P V V+UՋ V` Vp Vc,UՋ  V0 V  V0 Vq`@ V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` VP V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋp Vq`@ V0 VqUՋ1` V VUՋ  V V`0 VP VUՋ5Prefix each log message with category/subsystem name` V Vc,UՋ  V V`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlogging`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ  Vq`@ V  VqUՋprint` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋLog output settings`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V`  V VUՋ V V` V VqUՋ category-hex` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋConfigure log message` VP V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V Vp V Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message`P V V+UՋ` Vq`P V@ VqUՋlevelq` V VqUՋ1` V + VUՋp V+ V`  V Vc,UՋp V V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` + Vp VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ` VP V`p V` VUՋConfigure logging`0 V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprint`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋLog output settings` VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ0 V` V0 VUՋ  V V` V VUՋ V  V`@ V VUՋConfigure log message`P V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` Vp Vc,UՋ  V0 V V  Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfileVq`0 V  VqUՋ1` V VUՋ V V`  V@ VUՋ0Prefix each log message with the log level name` V Vc,UՋ  V V`@ V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlogging`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging`@ V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋprint` V VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋLog output settings`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` Vp VUՋ` V V`@ V VUՋ V` V` V VUՋConfigure log message` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ V@ VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)q` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋDon't prefix each log message` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋ[last]q`p V` VqUՋ1` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ6Prefix each log message with the source file and line` V n VUՋ Vn V` V VqUՋ basename` V VUՋ` V` V` V VUՋWPrefix each log message with the source file's basename (strip leading paths) and line` VP Vc,UՋ ` V V V` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ Vp V V` V V` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V@ VqUՋrslVq` n VP VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlevel`@ V0 VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ V VUՋ V V`p Vp VUՋ V V`P V6 V+UՋ,@ 7 Vq` V VqUՋrllV` VP Vc,UՋ  V0 V  VK Vq`p V VqUՋoml` V@ VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)``  V  VUՋ  V0  V`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V`  VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)` V` VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq`@ V@ VqUՋrr`@ V`  VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q`  V  VqUՋmeas``  VP  VUՋ  V  V`  V  VUՋRadio Measurement Processing` V VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already existsq`P  V  VqUՋpag`  V  VUՋ  V  V`  V VUՋPaging Subsystemq`  Vp VqUՋl1c` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q` V VqUՋl1p`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q`` VP VqUՋdsp` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq` V VqUՋlglobal`P V VUՋ V V@  Vq` V VqUՋpcu`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋPCU interfaceq`0 V  VqUՋho` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ Handoverq` V VqUՋtrx`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋTRX interfaceq` V VqUՋloop` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl loopsq` Vp VqUՋabis` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋrtp`p V VUՋ V0  Vq` V VqUՋosmux`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q`P VP VqUՋasci` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)q`VPj Vk VUՋGlobally force all logging categories to a specific level. This is released by the 'no logging level force-all' command. Note: any 'logging level ' commands will have no visible effect after this, until the forced level is released. V` Vp  VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq` V  VqUՋllapd`p  V`! VUՋ  V! V`  V! VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq``! VP" VqUՋlinp`! V" VUՋ@" V0# V`P" VP# VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq`" V# VqUՋlmux`P# V@$ VUՋ# V$ V`# V$ VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq`@$ V@% VqUՋlmi`$ V% VUՋ0% V & V`@% VP& VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq`% V& VqUՋlmib`P& V@' VUՋ& V' V`& V' VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q`@' VP( VqUՋlsms`' V( VUՋ@( V0) V`P( V`) VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q`( V) VqUՋlctrl``) VP* VUՋ) V* V`) V* VUՋControl Interfaceq`P* V@+ VqUՋlgtp`* V+ VUՋ0+ V , V`@+ V@, VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq`+ V, VqUՋlstats`@, V0- VUՋ, V- V`, V- VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq`0- V0. VqUՋlgsup`- V. VUՋ . V/ V`0. V@/ VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq`. V/ VqUՋloap`@/ V00 VUՋ/ V0 V`/ V0 VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq`00 V01 VqUՋlss7`0 V1 VUՋ 1 V2 V`01 V@2 VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q`1 V2 VqUՋlsccp`@2 V03 VUՋ2 V3 V`2 V3 VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq`03 V04 VqUՋlsua`3 V4 VUՋ 4 V5 V`04 V@5 VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq`4 V5 VqUՋlm3ua`@5 V06 VUՋ5 V6 V`5 V09 VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq` V K Vc,UՋ V  V  V V0  V`  V V@ V V V V V` V V@ V0 V V  V@! V" V $ V% V ' V( V0* V+ V- V. V0 V1 V3 V4 V6 V: V; V= V> V? V`A VB V`D VE V`G VH Vq`06 V9 VqUՋlmgcp`09 V : VUՋ9 V: V`9 V: VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq` : V0; VqUՋljibuf`: V; VUՋ ; V< V`0; V@< VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq`; V< VqUՋlrspro`@< V0= VUՋ< V= V`< V= VUՋRemote SIM protocolq`0= V > VqUՋlns`= V> VUՋ> V? V` > V ? VUՋGPRS NS layerq`> V? VqUՋlbssgp` ? V@ VUՋ? Vp@ V`? V@ VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq`@ VA VqUՋlnsdata`@ VA VUՋ@ VA V`A VB VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU`A VB VqUՋ lnssignal`B VC VUՋ`B V`C V`B VC VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq`C VD VqUՋliuup`C VD VUՋC VD V`D VE VUՋ Iu UP layerq`D VpE VqUՋlpfcp`E VE VUՋ`E VPF V`pE VF VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq`E VG VqUՋlcsn1`F VG VUՋF VG V`G V H VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq`G VH VqUՋlio` H VI VUՋH VpI V`H VI VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystemq`I VJ VqUՋdebug`I VJ VUՋJ VJ V`J VL VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels`6 V@R V+UՋR Vq`M V N VqUՋnoticeq`J VL VqUՋinfo`L VM VUՋpL V`M V`L VK VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`O V@P VUՋ0P VP V`K VN VUՋL VO V` N VO VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`X V\ VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levelsq`N VM VqUՋerror`M VP VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`@P V@Q VqUՋfatal`P VQ VUՋ0Q V R V`@Q VS VUՋLog only fatal messages` K VR Vc,UՋ@pJ VL VN VN VQ V`@R VZ V+UՋ[ Vq`0W V@Y VqUՋset-allq`Q VPT VqUՋlogging`S VT VUՋ@T V0U V`PT V@V VUՋConfigure logging`Z VU V+UՋ0V Vq`PU VW V+UՋT Vq`T VV VqUՋlevel`@V V0W VUՋV VW V`V VpS VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`U VPX V+UՋX Vq`W VY V+UՋW V`@[ V@O VUՋ[ VO V`pS V{ VUՋS V| V`PX V@Z V+UՋZ Vq`Y V[ V+UՋY V`R VPU Vc,UՋ U V0X V Z V\ Vq`{ VX VqUՋdebug`@Z Vb V+UՋ0c Vq`] V^ VqUՋnoticeq`@O V] VqUՋinfo`\ V] VUՋ] V] V`] V0\ VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels``` V` VUՋ` V0a V`0\ V0_ VUՋ\ V_ V`^ V`` VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`Pi V@m VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levelsq`0_ V0^ VqUՋerror`0^ V`a VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`` Va VqUՋfatal``a VPb VUՋa Vb V`a Vpd VUՋLog only fatal messages`[ Vc Vc,UՋ@ Y Vp] V_ V^ V0b V`b VPk V+UՋk Vq`j VPl V+UՋj Vq`Pb Vd VqUՋlogging`pd V`e VUՋd Ve V`d Vf VUՋConfigure logging`Pk V`f V+UՋf Vq`e V`h V+UՋ@e Vq``e V@g VqUՋlevel`f Vg VUՋ0g V h V`@g Vi VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category``f Vh V+UՋ@i Vq``h Vj V+UՋg V`k V_ VUՋ@l V0` V`g VPj VqUՋ force-all`i Vp VUՋ0j V V`h Vd V+UՋ`d V`c Ve Vc,UՋ @f Vh V0k Vl Vq`p VPi VqUՋdebug`d Vps V+UՋs Vq`0n VPo VqUՋnoticeq`_ Vm VqUՋinfo`@m V0n VUՋm Vn V`m Vl VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels`q Vpq VUՋ`q Vq V`l Vo VUՋ0m V0p V`Po Vq VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`u Vv VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaultsq`o Vn VqUՋerror`n Vr VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`pq Vpr VqUՋfatal`r Vr VUՋ`r VPs V`pr Vu VUՋLog only fatal messages`Pl V t Vc,UՋ@i Vn Vo V0o Vr V`ps V{ V+UՋ@| Vq`w Vy VqUՋlevelq`r Vu VqUՋno`u Vpp VUՋpu Vp V`{ Vv V+UՋv Vq`v V`x V+UՋu Vq`pp V`w VqUՋlogging`v Vw VUՋPw V@x V``w Vt VUՋConfigure logging`v Vx V+UՋ@y Vq``x Vz V+UՋw V`Pz Vp| VqUՋ force-all V`t VPz VUՋu Vz V`y VPy VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`x Vp{ V+UՋ{ Vq`z V} V+UՋ0z V` t Vv Vc,UՋ `v Vx VP{ V~ V`Py V| VUՋy VP} V`p| V VUՋQRelease any globally forced log level set with 'logging level force-all '`p{ V0~ V+UՋ~ Vq`} V~ V+UՋ| V`0~ V V+UՋP Vq` V VqUՋrslVq`| V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` Vq` V` VqUՋlevel` V VUՋP V@ V`` V  VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ VP V`  Vp VUՋ VЅ V` V VUՋ"A-bis Radio Siganlling Link (RSL)` V V+UՋ,@` Vq` V VqUՋrllV`~ V Vc,UՋ ` V V` V Vq`p Vp VqUՋoml`p V VUՋ(A-bis Network Management / O&M (NM/OML)` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Radio Link Layer (RLL)`  V VUՋRealtime Transfer Protocol Vq` V VqUՋrr` V VUՋLayer3 Radio Resource (RR)q` V VqUՋmeas` V VUՋ V V` VЍ VUՋRadio Measurement Processing`V V  VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq` V@ VqUՋpag`Ѝ V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋPaging Subsystemq` V VqUՋl1c`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋLayer 1 Control (MPH)q`0 V  VqUՋl1p` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋLayer 1 Primitives (PH)q` V VqUՋdsp`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋDSP Trace Messagesq` V VqUՋlglobal` V  VUՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋpcu` Vp VUՋ VЕ V` V VUՋPCU interfaceq`p V` VqUՋho` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ Handoverq` VЗ VqUՋtrx`` VP VUՋ V V`З VИ VUՋTRX interfaceq`P V@ VqUՋloop`И V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋControl loopsq` V VqUՋabis`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq`0 V  VqUՋrtp` V VUՋ Vp Vq` V VqUՋosmux` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ!Osmux (Osmocom RTP multiplexing)q` V VqUՋasci`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ,ASCI (Advanced Speech Call Items: VGCS/VBS)q`Vp V V9 GՋ V` V VUՋ#Library-internal global log familyq`  V  VqUՋllapd` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋLAPD in libosmogsmq` V VqUՋlinp`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋA-bis Intput Subsystemq` V VqUՋlmux` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ(A-bis B-Subchannel TRAU Frame Multiplexq` V VqUՋlmi` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ"A-bis Input Driver for Signallingq` V VqUՋlmib` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ*A-bis Input Driver for B-Channels (voice)q` V VqUՋlsms`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ#Layer3 Short Message Service (SMS)q` V VqUՋlctrl` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋControl Interfaceq` V VqUՋlgtp` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋGPRS GTP libraryq` V VqUՋlstats` Vp VUՋ VЮ V` V VUՋ Statistics messages and loggingq`p Vp VqUՋlgsup` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ#Generic Subscriber Update Protocolq` V VqUՋloap` Vp VUՋ Vб V` V VUՋ Osmocom Authentication Protocolq`p Vp VqUՋlss7` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran Signalling System 7q` V VqUՋlsccp` Vp VUՋ Vд V` V VUՋ$libosmo-sigtran SCCP Implementationq`p Vp VqUՋlsua` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran SCCP User Adaptationq` V VqUՋlm3ua` Vp VUՋ Vз V` Vp VUՋ%libosmo-sigtran MTP3 User Adaptationq` V Vc,UՋP VЄ V` V Vp V V V V VP V V0 V V V Vp V V` V V V` V V` V Vp V VP VЯ VP Vв VP Vе VP V@ Vм VP V V0 V V  V V V V0 Vq`p V VqUՋlmgcp`p V` VUՋк V V` V VUՋ,libosmo-mgcp Media Gateway Control Protocolq`` Vp VqUՋljibuf` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋlibosmo-netif Jitter Bufferq` V VqUՋlrspro` Vp VUՋ Vо V` V VUՋRemote SIM protocolq`p V` VqUՋlns` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋGPRS NS layerq` V VqUՋlbssgp`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS BSSGP layerq`P V@ VqUՋlnsdata` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋGPRS NS layer data PDU` V VqUՋ lnssignal`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋGPRS NS layer signal PDUq`@ V@ VqUՋliuup` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋ Iu UP layerq` V VqUՋlpfcp`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ0libosmo-pfcp Packet Forwarding Control Protocolq`0 V@ VqUՋlcsn1` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V` VUՋ.libosmo-csn1 Concrete Syntax Notation 1 codecq` V VqUՋlio`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋlibosmocore IO Subsystem`P V` VqUՋ everything` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V` VUՋ2Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all'` V V+UՋ` Vq` Vp V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋallVq` V VqUՋlogging`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 Vq`P V0 VqUՋlevel` V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`P V VUՋ V  V` V@ VUՋP V V` VP VUՋ!Deprecated alias for 'force-all'` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ  V`p V Vc,UՋ 0 V V0 V Vq`@ V@ VqUՋdebug`@ V@ VUՋ%Log debug messages and higher levels`P Vp V+UՋ Vq`0 VP VqUՋnoticeq` V VqUՋinfo`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ-Log informational messages and higher levels` Vp VUՋ` V V` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P V VUՋ*Log noticeable messages and higher levels`p V VUՋ!Deprecated alias for 'force-all'q` V VqUՋerror` V VUՋ%Log error messages and higher levelsq`p Vp VqUՋfatal` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋLog only fatal messages`P V  Vc,UՋ@ V V V0 V V`p V V+UՋ@ Vq`` Vp VqUՋallVq` V VqUՋlogging` V VUՋp V` V` Vp VUՋConfigure logging` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlevel`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Set the log level for a specified category` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ V`p Vp VqUՋ everything V` Vp VUՋ V V` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`  V Vc,UՋ  V` VP V V` V VUՋP VP V`p Vp VUՋ2Deprecated alias for 'no logging level force-all'`p V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlog`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging sub-system` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ Vq`` VP VqUՋstderr` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V VUՋ"Logging via STDERR of the process`p V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V` V+UՋ V` V@ V+UՋ V` VP VqUՋ[blocking-io]` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P V VUՋUse blocking, synchronous I/O` V V+UՋ` V` V Vc,UՋ P V V Vq`@ V@ VqUՋstderrq` VP VqUՋno` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`@ V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlog`P V@ VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋConfigure logging sub-system` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ  V` V V+UՋ V`p V VUՋ V  V`@ V@ VUՋ"Logging via STDERR of the process`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`P V` Vc,UՋ  V0 V Vq` V0 V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋlog`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure logging sub-system` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋfile` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋLogging to text file`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` V  VqUՋ[blocking-io]` V VqUՋ FILENAME` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Filename` V V+UՋ0 V` V Vc,UՋ  V Vp V V` V VUՋp V V`  V`r VUՋUse blocking, synchronous I/O` V V+UՋ Vq`0 Vpq V+UՋ Vq`t Vt Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ@UՋ UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ!SՋVՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ@UՋUՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋ UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋ`VVVՋ VGՋ``r V VUՋr Vp V` V  VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`p V  V+UՋ  Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq` V  VqUՋlog`  V  VUՋ  V  V`  Vq VUՋConfigure logging sub-system`  V  V+UՋ  Vq`  V  V+UՋ`  V`  V VqUՋ UՋFILENAME  V`q V  VUՋPr V`  V`  V  VUՋLogging to text file`  V V+UՋ` Vq`  V V+UՋ  V`pq V Vc,UՋ UՋ  Vp  V  V` V`  V VUՋ`  V V` V VUՋ Filename` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ  Vq` VP VqUՋlog` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋConfigure logging sub-system`P V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋalarms`P V@ VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋLogging alarms to osmo_strrb` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ  V`p V! V+UՋ" V`@ V VqUՋ <2-32700>`@ V@ VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ"Maximum number of messages to log`P Vp V+UՋ V` V` Vc,UՋ  V0 V0 Vq` V VqUՋalarmsq`@ V VqUՋno`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`! VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ  Vq`@ V0 VqUՋlog` V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋConfigure logging sub-system`P V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V  V+UՋ V`@! V * V+UՋ* V` V0  VUՋ@ V  V` V" VUՋLogging alarms to osmo_strrb` V@! V+UՋ! Vq`  V0 V+UՋ  V` V Vc,UՋ 0 V V ! Vq` + V0, VqUՋdaemonq`0  V # VqUՋlog`" V# VUՋ# V$ V` # V % VUՋConfigure logging sub-system` * V$ V+UՋ% Vq`0$ V& V+UՋ# Vq`# V% VqUՋsyslog` % V& VUՋ% Vp& V`% V( VUՋLogging via syslog`$ V' V+UՋp' Vq`& V) V+UՋ% V`* V + VUՋ+ V+ V`& V( VqUՋ authpriv`( V) VUՋ`( V`) V`( V* VUՋ)Security/authorization messages facility`' V6 V+UՋ 7 V`0 V0$ Vc,UՋ $ V& V* Vq`) V' VqUՋcron`' V@" VUՋ Clock daemon (cron/at) facility`- V@. VUՋ0. V. V`@" V, VUՋ" V- V`0, V- VUՋGeneral system daemon facility`8 V`: VUՋConfigure logging sub-systemVq`, V+ VqUՋftp`+ V. VUՋFtp daemon facilityq`@. V0/ VqUՋlpr`. V/ VUՋ / V0 V`0/ V0 VUՋLine printer facility`V` VЄ VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq`/ VP1 VqUՋmail`0 V1 VUՋ@1 V02 V`P1 VP2 VUՋMail facilityq`1 V2 VqUՋnews`P2 V@3 VUՋ2 V3 V`2 V3 VUՋNews facilityq`@3 V04 VqUՋuser`3 V4 VUՋ 4 V5 V`04 V05 VUՋGeneric facilityq`4 V5 VqUՋuucp`05 V 6 VUՋ5 V6 V`5 V8 VUՋUUCP facility`) V7 Vc,UՋ( V' V, V, V/ V1 V 3 V4 V6 V`6 V0? V+UՋ? Vq`P; V@= VqUՋlocalq` 6 V8 VqUՋlog`8 V@- VUՋ8 V- V`0? V9 V+UՋP: Vq`p9 V; V+UՋP9 Vq`@- V: VqUՋsyslog``: VP; VUՋ: V; V`: V8 VUՋLogging via syslog`9 VP< V+UՋ< Vq`; V@> V+UՋ0; V`? V0@ VUՋ @ V@ V`8 V= VUՋp8 V > V`@= V? VUՋSyslog LOCAL facility`P< V> V+UՋ ? Vq`@> V@ V+UՋ= V`7 Vp9 Vc,UՋ 9 V0< V> VA Vq`= V< VqUՋ<0-7>`< VB VUՋLocal facility number`> V0A V+UՋA Vq`@ VA V+UՋ = V`0A VI V+UՋ@J Vq`E VG VqUՋsyslogq`0@ VC VqUՋno`B VC VUՋB VC V`C VE VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`I VD V+UՋD Vq`D VF V+UՋ`C Vq`C VpE VqUՋlog`E VE VUՋ`E VPF V`pE V B VUՋConfigure logging sub-system`D VG V+UՋ`G Vq`F VH V+UՋE V`pI VR V+UՋR V` B VpH VUՋB VH V`G VJ VUՋLogging via syslog`G VpI V+UՋI Vq`H VpG V+UՋPH V`A VD Vc,UՋ pD VF VPI Vq`PN VPP VqUՋ[raw]q`pH VPK VqUՋlog`J VK VUՋ@K V0L V`PK VPM VUՋConfigure logging sub-system`R VL V+UՋ@M Vq``L VN V+UՋK V`K VM VqUՋsystemd-journal`PM VPN VUՋM VN V`M VpJ VUՋLogging to systemd-journal`L V`O V+UՋO Vq`N VQ V+UՋ0N V`R VZ V+UՋP[ V`pJ VP VUՋJ V0Q V`PP VS VUՋJOffload rendering of the meta information (location, category) to systemd``O VR V+UՋpR Vq`Q VO V+UՋP V`pG V`L Vc,UՋ L V@O VQ Vq`pZ V`X V+UՋY Vq`P VS VqUՋno`S VpT VUՋS VT V`S VU VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`Z VU V+UՋU Vq`U VpW V+UՋPT Vq`pT V`V VqUՋlog`U VV VUՋPV V@W V``V VX VUՋConfigure logging sub-system`U VW V+UՋPX Vq`pW VpZ V+UՋV V`S V`c V+UՋc V`V V`Y VqUՋsystemd-journal`X VY VUՋ@Y V@Z V``Y V[ VUՋLogging to systemd-journal`W VS V+UՋpS V`O VU Vc,UՋ `U VW VZ Vq`b V` V+UՋ b Vq`Y V`\ VqUՋlog`[ V\ VUՋP\ V@] V``\ V`^ VUՋConfigure logging sub-system``c V] V+UՋP^ Vq`p] V_ V+UՋ\ Vq`\ V^ VqUՋgsmtap``^ VP_ VUՋ^ V_ V`^ V@a VUՋLogging via GSMTAP`] VP` V+UՋ` Vq`_ Vb V+UՋ0_ V`[ Vk V+UՋl V`P_ Va VqUՋ [HOSTNAME]`@a V@b VUՋa Vb V`a V`d VUՋ8Host name to send the GSMTAP logging to (UDP port 4729)`P` V[ V+UՋ[ V``X Vp] Vc,UՋ ] V0` V@c Vq`g Vi VqUՋgsmtapq`@b Vd VqUՋno``d VPe VUՋd Ve V`d Vf VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`k V`f V+UՋf Vq`e VPh V+UՋ0e Vq`Pe V@g VqUՋlog`f Vg VUՋ0g V h V`@g Vc VUՋConfigure logging sub-system``f Vh V+UՋ0i Vq`Ph Vj V+UՋg V`@j V@l VqUՋ [HOSTNAME] V`c V@j VUՋPd Vj V`i V@i VUՋLogging via GSMTAP`h V@k V+UՋk Vq`j V`m V+UՋ j V`` Ve Vc,UՋ @f Vh V k Vm V`@i Vl VUՋi V m V`@l V@o VUՋ8Host name to send the GSMTAP logging to (UDP port 4729)`@k Vm V+UՋ@n Vq``m VPn V+UՋl V`m Vv V+UՋw Vq`w Vx VqUՋallVq`l Vo VqUՋshow`@o V0p VUՋo Vp V`o Vq VUՋ Show running system information`v V@q V+UՋq Vq`p V@s V+UՋp V`0p V0r VqUՋtalloc-context`q Vr VUՋr Vs V`0r Vt VUՋShow talloc memory hierarchy`@q Vs V+UՋ t Vq`@s V0v V+UՋr V`@w Vw VUՋw Vx V`r V0u VqUՋ application`t Vu VUՋu Vv V`0u V@w VUՋApplication's context`s Vy V+UՋ@z V`Pn Vp Vc,UՋ q Vs Vv V{ Vq`u V0t VqUՋglobal`0t Vn VUՋGlobal context (OTC_GLOBAL)`pz Vz VUՋz V@{ V`n V@y VUՋ0o Vy V`x Vpz VUՋ2All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled`0v Vp{ Vc,UՋ u Vt V y Vq`@y V@x VqUՋfull`@x V`| VUՋ'Display a full talloc memory hierarchy`y Vp V+UՋ Vq`P} V`~ VqUՋDEPTHq`z V| VqUՋbrief``| VP} VUՋ| V} V`| V{ VUՋ(Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy`p V V+UՋ@ V`{ V~ VUՋP| V@ V``~ Vp VUՋ%Specify required maximal depth value`p{ V} Vc,UՋ x V0} V~ Vq` V VqUՋallVq`~ V VqUՋshow`p V` VUՋЀ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` Vp V+UՋЂ Vq` Vp V+UՋ@ V`` V` VqUՋtalloc-context` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V VUՋShow talloc memory hierarchy`p V V+UՋP Vq`p V` V+UՋ V`p V VUՋЈ V@ V` V` VqUՋ application` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` Vp VUՋApplication's context` V V+UՋp V`} V Vc,UՋ P VЄ V V Vq` V` VqUՋglobal`` V VUՋGlobal context (OTC_GLOBAL)` V VUՋ Vp V` Vp VUՋ` VЊ V` V VUՋ2All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled`` V Vc,UՋ  V VP Vq`p Vp VqUՋfull`p V VUՋ'Display a full talloc memory hierarchy` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋDEPTHq` V VqUՋbrief` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ(Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy` VP V+UՋ V`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ%Specify required maximal depth value` V Vc,UՋ Љ V` V Vq` V  VqUՋallVq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`P V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp V` V VqUՋtalloc-context` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋShow talloc memory hierarchy` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ Vp V` V VqUՋ application` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋApplication's context`  V@ V+UՋ V`p VЧ VUՋ Chunk address (e.g. 0xdeadbeef)q` V VqUՋglobal` V0 VUՋGlobal context (OTC_GLOBAL)`М V@ VUՋ0 V V`0 V VUՋ V V`  VМ VUՋ2All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled` VН Vc,UՋ  V V Vq` V VqUՋfull` V VUՋ'Display a full talloc memory hierarchy`@ VС V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋDEPTHq`@ V0 VqUՋbrief` V VUՋ  V V`0 VP VUՋ(Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy`` VТ VUՋ V0 V`P V@ VUՋ V V` V` VUՋ%Specify required maximal depth value`Н V` Vc,UՋ  V V  Vq`@ V@ VqUՋtree`@ V VUՋ%Display only a specific memory chunk`С V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V` V  Vc,UՋ@ V V V0 V VP Vq`Т Vp VqUՋADDRESS` V VUՋ` Vp V` Vp V+UՋЦ Vq` V V+UՋХ V`p V V+UՋ Vq`@ VP VqUՋallVq` V@ VqUՋshow`Ч V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋ Show running system information` VЩ V+UՋ0 Vq`P VЫ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋtalloc-context`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V@ VUՋShow talloc memory hierarchy`Щ VP V+UՋ Vq`Ы V V+UՋ  V`Я V@ VUՋ0 V V`@ V VqUՋ application`@ V@ VUՋ V V` VЯ VUՋApplication's context`P Vp V+UՋв V` V VUՋ Chunk address (e.g. 0xdeadbeef)q`@ V VqUՋglobal` V` VUՋGlobal context (OTC_GLOBAL)` Vp VUՋ` Vг V`` Vб VUՋ V0 V`P V VUՋ2All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled` V Vc,UՋ  V  V Vq`б Vа VqUՋfull`а V VUՋ'Display a full talloc memory hierarchy`p V V+UՋ` Vq` V VqUՋDEPTHq`p V` VqUՋbrief` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ(Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy` V VUՋ V` V` Vp VUՋ Vз V` V VUՋ%Specify required maximal depth value` V Vc,UՋ 0 V VP Vq`p Vp VqUՋtree`p V0 VUՋ%Display only a specific memory chunk` V V+UՋp Vq` V  V+UՋж V` VP Vc,UՋ@ V0 V  V` V V Vq` V VqUՋADDRESS`0 V@ VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋallVq`@ Vp VqUՋshow` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋо V` V VqUՋtalloc-context`p Vp VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋShow talloc memory hierarchy` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` Vp VUՋ` V V`p V VqUՋ application`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋApplication's context` V V+UՋ V`  V VUՋ Show running system informationq`p V VqUՋglobal` V VUՋGlobal context (OTC_GLOBAL)`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ V` V` V0 VUՋ2All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled` V0 Vc,UՋ P VP V Vq` V VqUՋfull` V  VUՋ'Display a full talloc memory hierarchy` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V  VqUՋDEPTHq` V VqUՋbrief`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ(Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy` V0 VUՋ  V V` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ%Specify required maximal depth value`0 V Vc,UՋ ` V V Vq` V VqUՋfilter` V` VUՋ'Filter chunks using regular expression`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ V` VP V V  V0 Vq`0 V VqUՋREGEXP`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋRegular expression`@ VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 V`P V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋallVq`P V  VqUՋshow` Vp VUՋ V V` V  V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ V`p V VqUՋtalloc-context` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋShow talloc memory hierarchy`  V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp V`  V VUՋ V V` V VqUՋ application` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋApplication's context` V V+UՋ  V`@ V VUՋ Show running system informationq` V VqUՋglobal` V@ VUՋGlobal context (OTC_GLOBAL)`P V VUՋ V  V`@ V  VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ2All contexts, if NULL-context tracking is enabled` VP Vc,UՋ p Vp V Vq`  V  VqUՋfull`  V@ VUՋ'Display a full talloc memory hierarchy` VP V+UՋ Vq`0 V@ VqUՋDEPTHq` V VqUՋbrief`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ(Display a brief talloc memory hierarchy` VP VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V VUՋ%Specify required maximal depth value`P V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq` V VqUՋfilter` V VUՋ'Filter chunks using regular expression`P V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ  V` V Vc,UՋ@ V Vp V V@ VP Vq`P V VqUՋREGEXP` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋRegular expression`` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V`p V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp Vq`p V@ VqUՋshow` V VUՋ0 V V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq` V  VqUՋstats` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋShow statistical values`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V  V+UՋ V`` V V+UՋ` V` V VqUՋ [skip-zero]` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Skip items with total count zero` V` V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋstats` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋShow statistical values` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V`0 V  V+UՋ  V` Vp VqUՋ [skip-zero]` V VUՋP VP V`p V VUՋ!Skip items with total count zero` V0 V+UՋ V` V  Vc,UՋ  V V Vq`` VP VqUՋlevelq` Vp VqUՋshow` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ Show running system information`  V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋstats`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋShow statistical values` V` V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V` VP VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋ V0 V`P V VUՋSet the maximum group level`` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`  V VUՋ Show running system informationq` V VqUՋglobal` V VUՋShow global groups only` Vp V+UՋ Vq`  V@  V+UՋ`  Vq`P V0 VqUՋpeer` V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋ,Show global and network peer related groups` V  VqUՋ [skip-zero]V` VP VqUՋ subscriber` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P VP VUՋ)Show global, peer, and subscriber groups` V  Vc,UՋ 0 V V V`P V  VUՋ V  V`  V0  VUՋ!Skip items with total count zero`p VP V+UՋ V`p V Vc,UՋ@ V@ V V0 Vp  V`P V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlevelq`  V  VqUՋshow`0  VP VUՋ  V V`0 V  V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ  Vq`P V VqUՋstats` V VUՋp V` V` V  VUՋShow statistical values`  V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ VP V`  Vp VUՋ  V V` V VUՋSet the maximum group level` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V`@ V VUՋConfigure stats sub-system Vq`p Vp VqUՋglobal`p V` VUՋShow global groups only` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋpeer`` VP VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋ,Show global and network peer related groups`p V VqUՋ [skip-zero]V`P V VqUՋ subscriber`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ)Show global, peer, and subscriber groups`p V Vc,UՋ  V0 VP V` V  VUՋP V V` V VUՋ!Skip items with total count zero` V V+UՋP V`@  V  Vc,UՋ@  V V` V V V` V# V+UՋ$ Vq` V! VqUՋstatsdq`  V@ VqUՋstats` V VUՋ0 VP V`# V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@  V+UՋ V` V0 VqUՋ reporter` V VUՋ V  V`0 V` VUՋConfigure a stats reporter`@ V  V+UՋ ! Vq`@  V" V+UՋ V`@$ V$ VUՋ$ V% V`` V0" VUՋ V" V`! V@$ VUՋReport to a STATSD server`  V@# V+UՋ# Vq`" V0% V+UՋ" V` V Vc,UՋ  V  V # V% Vq`0" V0! VqUՋ[NAME]`0! V' VUՋName of the reporter`@# V% V+UՋ& Vq`0% V & V+UՋ! V`% V`3 V+UՋ3 Vq`. V0 V+UՋP- Vq`$ V' VqUՋno`' V( VUՋp' V`( V`' V) VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults``3 V) V+UՋp) Vq`( V+ V+UՋ' Vq`( V) VqUՋstats`) Vp* VUՋ) V* V`) Vp, VUՋConfigure stats sub-system`) V+ V+UՋ+ Vq`+ V. V+UՋP* V`/ V/ VUՋp/ V/ V`p* V, VqUՋ reporter`p, Vp- VUՋ, V- V`, V/ VUՋConfigure a stats reporter`+ V& V+UՋ' V`p5 V6 VUՋConfigure stats sub-system Vq`p- V+ VqUՋstatsd`+ V1 VUՋReport to a STATSD server`& V0 V+UՋ0 Vq`0 Vp2 V+UՋP, Vq`/ Vp1 VqUՋ[NAME]`1 V1 VUՋ`1 VP2 V`p1 V5 VUՋName of the reporter`0 V2 V+UՋP3 Vq`p2 V4 V+UՋ1 V` & V( Vc,UՋ@( V`+ V`. Vp0 V2 V`2 V; V+UՋ0< Vq`7 V9 VqUՋlogVq`1 Vp5 VqUՋstats`5 V. VUՋ`5 V. V`; Vp6 V+UՋ6 Vq`5 Vp8 V+UՋ5 V`. V`7 VqUՋ reporter`6 V7 VUՋ@7 V@8 V``7 V4 VUՋConfigure a stats reporter`p6 V8 V+UՋP9 Vq`p8 V: V+UՋ7 V``< V< VUՋ< V0= V`4 V`: VUՋ4 V: V`9 V`< VUՋReport to the logger`8 V`; V+UՋ; Vq`: VP= V+UՋ@: V`4 V5 Vc,UՋ P6 V8 V@; V= Vq``: V`9 VqUՋ[NAME]``9 V0? VUՋName of the reporter``; V= V+UՋ0> Vq`P= V@> V+UՋ9 V`= VpK V+UՋK Vq` F V H V+UՋpE Vq`< V? VqUՋno`0? V @ VUՋ? V@ V`? VA VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`pK V0A V+UՋA Vq`@ V C V+UՋ@ Vq` @ VB VqUՋstats`A VB VUՋB VB V`B VD VUՋConfigure stats sub-system`0A VC V+UՋD Vq` C V F V+UՋpB V`0G VG VUՋG VH V`B VE VqUՋ reporter`D VE VUՋD VE V`E V0G VUՋConfigure a stats reporter`C V> V+UՋ ? V`M VN VUՋConfigure stats sub-system Vq`E VD VqUՋlog`D VI VUՋReport to the logger`> VH V+UՋI Vq` H VJ V+UՋpD Vq`G VI VqUՋ[NAME]`I VJ VUՋpI V`J V`I VM VUՋName of the reporter`H VK V+UՋ`K Vq`J V L V+UՋI V`@> V@ Vc,UՋ@A VC VF VH VJ V`K VT V+UՋpT Vq`S VpQ V+UՋR Vq`J VM VqUՋstats`M VF VUՋpM VG V`T VN V+UՋN Vq`N VP V+UՋM V`F VpO VqUՋ interval`N VO VUՋPO VPP V`pO VQ VUՋSet the reporting interval`N VQ V+UՋ`Q Vq`P VS V+UՋO V`L V\ V+UՋ ] V`O VpR VqUՋ <0-65535>`Q VR VUՋPR VPS V`pR VU VUՋ8Interval in seconds (0 disables the reporting interval)`Q VL V+UՋM V` L VN Vc,UՋ `N VP VS Vq`@\ V Z V+UՋ[ V`R VU VqUՋ stats-tcp`U VV VUՋpU VpV V`U VW VUՋConfigure stats sub-system`\ V W V+UՋW Vq`V V0Y V+UՋU V`V VX VqUՋ interval`W VX VUՋW VX V`X VZ VUՋ*Set the tcp socket stats polling interval` W VY V+UՋZ Vq`0Y V@\ V+UՋpX V`T Ve V+UՋe V`X V [ VqUՋ <0-65535>`Z V[ VUՋ[ V\ V` [ V] VUՋ6Interval in seconds (0 disables the polling interval)`Y VT V+UՋU V`pQ VV Vc,UՋ W VY V\ Vq`e Vb V+UՋPd V`[ V@^ VqUՋ stats-tcp`] V^ VUՋ ^ V _ V`@^ V@` VUՋConfigure stats sub-system`e V_ V+UՋ0` Vq`P_ Vb V+UՋ^ V`^ V` VqUՋ batch-size`@` V@a VUՋ` Va V`` Vpc VUՋLSet the number of tcp sockets that are processed per stats polling interval`_ Vb V+UՋb Vq`b Ve V+UՋ a V`P] V` V+UՋ  V`@a Vc VqUՋ <1-65535>`pc Vpd VUՋc Vd V`c Vpg VUՋNumber of sockets per interval`b VP] V+UՋ] V` Z VP_ Vc,UՋ _ V`b V`e Vq`0 V@ VqUՋglobal`` Vg V+UՋ`g Vq`f Vi V+UՋ`i Vq`pd Vg VqUՋhelp`pg V`h VUՋg Vh V`g Vj VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system`g Vi V+UՋi Vq`i Vpj V+UՋ@h V``o Vu V+UՋ v V`i Vo V+UՋ0p Vq``h V`k VqUՋlist`j Vk VUՋPk V@l V``k VPm VUՋPrint command list`o Vl V+UՋ@m Vq``l Vn V+UՋk V`k Vm VqUՋ [with-flags]`Pm VPn VUՋm Vn V`m Vp VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags`l V`o V+UՋo Vq`n Vi V+UՋ0n V`pj V`l Vc,UՋl V@o V` V VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`Pn VPq VqUՋshow`p Vq VUՋ@q V0r V`Pq VPs VUՋ Show running system information`u Vr V+UՋ@s Vq``r Vt V+UՋq V`q Vs VqUՋvty-attributes`Ps VPt VUՋs Vt V`s Vv VUՋList of VTY attributes`r VPu V+UՋu Vq`t V@v V+UՋ0t V`i V`r Vc,UՋr V0u V`Pu V0~ V+UՋ~ Vq`Pt V0w VqUՋshow`v Vw VUՋ w Vx V`0w V0y VUՋ Show running system information`0~ Vx V+UՋ y Vq`@x Vz V+UՋw V`w Vy VqUՋvty-attributes`0y V0z VUՋy Vz V`y V | VUՋList of VTY attributes`x V0{ V+UՋ{ Vq`z V} V+UՋz V`~ V0 VUՋ  V V`0z V| VqUՋ application` | V } VUՋ| V} V`| V~ VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`0{ V@ V+UՋ V`@v V@x Vc,UՋ x V{ V~ Vq` } V{ VqUՋlibrary`{ Vf VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`@ V@ V+UՋ V`f V VUՋpf V  V`@ V VUՋGlobal attributes only`} V Vc,UՋ } V| V V`  V  VUՋ>Display information about a single named finite state machineq`Pp V VqUՋ[PATH]q` V` VqUՋwrite` V00 VUՋP V0 V`@ V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ V`00 VP VqUՋ terminal`Є VЅ VUՋ0 V0 V`P V@ VUՋWrite to terminal`` VІ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ V V`І V V+UՋP Vq`Ѕ V VqUՋwrite`@ V  VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq`  V VqUՋfile`  VPp VUՋ Vp V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ` V` V  VUՋ V@  V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ  Vp V` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`  V` VqUՋwrite` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋmemory` Vp VUՋ VВ V` V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` V Vc,UՋ Vp V` V V+UՋ Vq`p Vp VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋЕ V`p V@ V+UՋ V@UՋq`p V VqUՋ UՋno`  VP V+UՋ Vq`О V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋshow`p V` VUՋЙ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`P Vp V+UՋЛ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V`` V` VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` VP VUՋrunning configuration`p V V+UՋ@ Vq`` VО V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋP V V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V VqUՋexit`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` V` V+UՋ Vq` VС V+UՋ  V`` VP V+UՋ Vq`С VP V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋend` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`P VФ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ V+UՋ V`Ф V  V+UՋ Vq`P VP VqUՋpeerV` V VqUՋ local-ip`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Set the IP address to which we bind locally`  VP V+UՋ Vq`Ч V0 V+UՋ Vq`0 V0 VqUՋADDR` V VUՋ  V V`0 V  VUՋ IP Address`P V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V`@ VЧ Vc,UՋ0 V V` V  V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`  V  V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ local-ip` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ,Set the IP address to which we bind locally`  V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋp V` V VqUՋ remote-ip`  V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ.Set the remote IP address to which we connect` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`  V  VqUՋADDR` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ IP Address`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V` V V+UՋ` V` V VqUՋ remote-port` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋ(Set the remote port to which we connect` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ <1-65535>` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋRemote port number`  V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ Vp V` V V+UՋ@ Vq` Vp VqUՋmtu` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋSet the maximum packet size` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋо V` V VqUՋ <100-65535>`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Size in byte` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` V Vc,UՋ VP Vq`b Vf Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋUՋ`UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ` VP VUՋp V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`@ V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ VqUՋmtu` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋSet the maximum packet size`` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ V V` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋprefix`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet the item name prefix` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋPREFIX` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋThe prefix string`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V` V V+UՋP Vq` V VqUՋno` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋprefix` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet the item name prefix` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V` V Vc,UՋ V` V` V V+UՋ0 Vq`p V` VqUՋlevel` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋSet the maximum group level` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋglobal`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋReport global groups only` V V+UՋ Vq`p V V+UՋ V`p Vp Vc,UՋ V@ V` V VUՋ  V0 V`P V VUՋ.Report global and network peer related groups` V` V+UՋ V` Vp VqUՋ subscriber` V VUՋP VP V`p V  VUՋ+Report global, peer, and subscriber groups` Vp Vc,UՋ 0 V V Vq` V VqUՋenable`  V VUՋ Vp V` Vp VUՋEnable the reporter`` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋdisable`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋDisable the reporter` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ V`` V0 V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V`` V@ VqUՋ flush-period` V VUՋ  V  V`@ V@ VUՋConfigure stats sub-system`0 V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ <0-65535>`@ Vv VUՋ Vw V` V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ  V` VP Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq`v V VqUՋshow`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ V`  V  VqUՋ asciidoc` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋAsciidoc generation`0 V V+UՋ Vq`  V0 V+UՋ V`P V0 V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ counters` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ*Generate table of all registered counters` VP V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V  VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ Show running system information`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ asciidoc`  V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋAsciidoc generation` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ V V+UՋ V`  V VqUՋ counters` V VUՋp Vp V` V0 VUՋ*Generate table of all registered counters`  V@ V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ  V V Vq`  V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋshow`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ V`  V  VqUՋrate-counters` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋShow all rate counters`0 V V+UՋ Vq`  V  V+UՋ V` V  V+UՋp  V` V VqUՋ [skip-zero]` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Skip items with total count zero` V V+UՋ  V` V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq`  V  V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`  V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋp V` V VqUՋrate-counters` V VUՋp Vp V` V  VUՋShow all rate counters` V  V+UՋp  Vq` V  V+UՋ V`0 V V+UՋ@ V` V  VqUՋ [skip-zero]`  V  VUՋ`  V`  V`  V  VUՋ!Skip items with total count zero`  V0 V+UՋ V` V  Vc,UՋ  V V  Vq` V  VqUՋNAMEVq`  V  VqUՋstats`  V VUՋp  V` V`  Vp VUՋStats related commands` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋreport`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Manurally trigger reporting of stats` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V`  V Vc,UՋ VP V`p V V+UՋ Vq`` VP VqUՋstats` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋStats related commands` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋreset`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋReset all rate counter stats` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V`` VP Vc,UՋ V  V`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfsm`  V VUՋ Vp V` V  VUՋ-Show information 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V`% V* Vc,UՋ + V- V0 Vq`5 V7 VqUՋallVq`/ V2 VqUՋshow`1 V2 VUՋ2 V2 V`2 V4 VUՋ Show running system information` 9 V3 V+UՋ4 Vq` 3 V5 V+UՋp2 Vq`2 V4 VqUՋfsm`4 V5 VUՋp4 V`5 V`4 V01 VUՋ-Show information about finite state machines`3 V 6 V+UՋ6 Vq`5 V08 V+UՋ4 V`8 VA V+UՋA V`01 V7 VUՋ1 V7 V`7 V : VUՋ7Display a list of all registered finite state machines` 6 V8 V+UՋ9 Vq`08 V6 V+UՋp7 V`. V 3 Vc,UՋ 3 V6 V8 Vq`= V? VqUՋNAMEVq`7 V: VqUՋshow` : V; VUՋ: Vp; V`: V< VUՋ Show running system information`A V < V+UՋ< Vq`; V0> V+UՋ: V`; V= VqUՋfsm-state-graph`< V= VUՋ< V= V`= V9 VUՋ7Generate a state transition graph (using DOT language)` < V> V+UՋ? Vq`0> V@ V+UՋp= V` A VJ V+UՋ`J V`9 V @ VUՋ: V@ V`? VB VUՋ FSM name`> V A V+UՋA Vq`@ V ? 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V+UՋ V`0 V VqUՋvty-attributes` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V  Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋshow` VPp VUՋ Vp V` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋP V`Pp V VqUՋvty-attributes`` V` VUՋ V V` VP VUՋList of VTY attributes` V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ@ V`` V VUՋ V0 V`` V VqUՋ application`P VP VUՋ V V`` V V+UՋ@ V` Vp Vc,UՋ  V@ V Vq`P V VqUՋlibrary` V VUՋ!Library specific attributes only` V V+UՋ@ V` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋGlobal attributes only`P V` Vc,UՋ 0 V0 V@ V`` VП VUՋ<Apply a BTS-internal ECU to the uplink traffic frame streamq` V  VqUՋ[PATH]q`` V VqUՋwrite` V0 VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ` V`0 V VqUՋ terminal`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋWrite to terminal` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋP V`` V Vc,UՋ VP V`p V V+UՋ Vq`p VP VqUՋwrite` VP{ VUՋ@ V{ V` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`P{ V0 VqUՋfile` V VUՋ  V V`P V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`  V V+UՋP V`  VpL VUՋ VL V`0 V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`` V Vc,UՋ 0 V V Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq`pL V VqUՋwrite` V  VUՋ V  V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ` Vq`  V VqUՋmemory`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ@ V` V Vc,UՋ V` V` V  V+UՋ Vq`` V` VqUՋwrite` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`  V V+UՋp Vq` Vp V+UՋ V`n Vw V+UՋPx V@UՋq`pw Vy V+UՋVv V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋshow`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`@ V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`P VP VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P V@ VUՋrunning configuration`` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`p V Vc,UՋ@ V V` V V+UՋP Vq` V VqUՋexit`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`P V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋend` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ V` V  V+UՋP  Vq` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋbts`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋSelect a BTS to configure`  V  V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋBTS_NR` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ BTS Number`  V  V+UՋ  Vq`  Vp  V+UՋ` V`0 V Vc,UՋ V`  V`  V@ V+UՋ Vq` V`  VqUՋvty`  V  VUՋP  V@  V``  VP  VUՋConfigure the VTY`@ V  V+UՋ@  Vq``  V V+UՋ  V`  V  VqUՋ telnet-port`P  VP VUՋ  V V`  V@ VUՋSet the VTY telnet port`  VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 V` V V+UՋ V|abis)]`P V VqUՋ <0-65535>`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋTCP Port number`P V V+UՋ V`p  V`  Vc,UՋ  V0 V  V`@ V` V0 V show timer [(bts|abis)] [TNNNN]q` V V VShow running system information Show timers BTS process timers Abis (RSL) related timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. `` Vp V0 V6timer [(bts|abis)] [TNNNN] [(<0-2147483647>|default)]` V` V VConfigure or show timers BTS process timers Abis (RSL) related timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. New timer value Set to default timer value q` V VqUՋ[bts]q`p V VqUՋshow`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V` V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ VqUՋtimer` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V VUՋ Show timers`` V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`0 V VUՋ V  V` V0 VUՋP V V` V0 VUՋBTS process timers` V0  V+UՋ  Vq` V  VqUՋ[TNNNN]` V Vc,UՋ @ V V V" Vq`0 V0 VqUՋ[abis]`0 V0 VUՋAbis (RSL) related timers` V@" Vc,UՋ V V`0 V0! VUՋ V! V`  V $ VUՋT- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'.`0  V" V+UՋ # Vq`@" V0# V+UՋ! V`" V`+ V+UՋ+ Vq`' Vp) VqUՋ[bts]q`0! V$ VqUՋshow` $ V% VUՋ$ Vp% V`$ V& VUՋ Show running system information``+ V & V+UՋ& Vq`% V( V+UՋ$ Vq`% V' VqUՋtimer`& V' VUՋ& V' V`' V# VUՋ Show timers` & V( V+UՋ( Vq`( Vp* V+UՋ`' V`+ V`, VUՋP, V, V`# V) VUՋ$ VP* V`p) V+ VUՋBTS process timers`( V, V+UՋP- Vq``, Vp- VqUՋ[TNNNN]`0# V% Vc,UՋ & V`( V* V`/ Vq`) V( VqUՋ[abis]`( V* VUՋAbis (RSL) related timers`p* V/ Vc,UՋ) VP) V`* V- VUՋP+ VP. V`p- V0 VUՋT- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'.`, V/ V+UՋ/ Vq`/ V/ V+UՋ- V`/ V@: V+UՋ: Vq`@4 V06 VqUՋ[abis]q`- VP1 VqUՋtimer`0 V1 VUՋ@1 V02 V`P1 VP3 VUՋConfigure or show timers`@: V2 V+UՋ@3 Vq``2 V4 V+UՋ1 Vq`1 V3 VqUՋ[bts]`P3 V@4 VUՋ3 V4 V`3 Vp0 VUՋBTS process timers`2 V@7 V+UՋ7 Vq`6 V7 VqUՋ[TNNNN]`@8 V: VqUՋ[<0-2147483647>]`p0 V6 VUՋ0 V7 V`06 V@5 VUՋAbis (RSL) related timers`4 VP9 Vc,UՋ 4 V6 V`@5 V@8 VUՋ5 V8 V`7 V5 VUՋT- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'.`@7 V9 V+UՋ0: Vq`P9 V; V+UՋ 8 V`/ V`2 Vc,UՋ 2 V 5 V9 V0< V`5 VP; VUՋ6 V; V`: V< VUՋNew timer value`9 VP> V+UՋ> Vq` E V G VUՋSite ID`P; V@= VqUՋ [default]`< V= VUՋ = V > V`@= VP? VUՋSet to default timer value`; V> Vc,UՋ0; V= V`P> VF V+UՋF Vq`= V? VqUՋipa`P? V@@ VUՋ? V@ V`? VA VUՋip.access RSL commands`F V@A V+UՋA Vq`@ V0C V+UՋ @ Vq`@@ V B VqUՋunit-id`A VB VUՋB VC V` B VD VUՋSet the Unit ID of this BTS`@A VC V+UՋD Vq`0C VE V+UՋB V` G VG VUՋG VG V`B V E VqUՋ <0-65534>`D VP< VUՋE V< V`C V F V+UՋF Vq`E VH V+UՋE V`> V@ Vc,UՋ A VC VF V`H Vq`P< V D VqUՋ<0-255>q` D VI VUՋUnit ID` F VH V+UՋH Vq`H VH V+UՋD V`H V Q V+UՋQ Vq`@M V0O VqUՋA.B.C.Dq`G VPJ VqUՋoml`I VJ VUՋ@J V0K V`PJ V@L VUՋOML Parameters` Q VK V+UՋ0L Vq`PK VM V+UՋJ V`J VL VqUՋ remote-ip`@L V@M VUՋL VM V`L VpI VUՋOML IP Address`K V@N V+UՋN Vq`M V0P V+UՋ M V`P VpY V+UՋY V`pI VO VUՋI VP V`0O V R VUՋOML IP Address`@N VP V+UՋQ Vq`0P VN V+UՋO V`H VPK Vc,UՋ K V N VP Vq`X VZ V+UՋPX Vq`O VR VqUՋno` R VS VUՋR VpS V`R VT VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`pY V T V+UՋT Vq`S VV V+UՋR Vq`S VU VqUՋoml`T VU VUՋT VU V`U VpW VUՋOML Parameters` T VV V+UՋV Vq`V VX V+UՋ`U V`Z VpZ VUՋ`Z VZ V`U VW VqUՋ remote-ip`pW VpX VUՋW VX V`W VZ VUՋOML IP Address`V VQ V+UՋR V`N VS Vc,UՋ T V`V VPY VP[ Vq`pX VV VqUՋA.B.C.D`V V\ VUՋOML IP Address`Q Vp[ V+UՋ[ Vq`Z V[ V+UՋPW V`p[ V d V+UՋd Vq` ` V b VqUՋA.B.C.Dq`pZ V@] VqUՋrtp`\ V] VUՋ0] V ^ V`@] V0_ VUՋRTP parameters` d V^ V+UՋ _ Vq`@^ V` V+UՋ] Vq`] V_ VqUՋbind-ip`0_ V ` VUՋ_ V` V`_ V`\ VUՋRTP local bind IP Address`^ V0a V+UՋa Vq`` V0c V+UՋ` V`c Vpl V+UՋl V``\ Vb VUՋ\ Vc V` b V e VUՋRTP local bind IP Address`0a Vc V+UՋd Vq`0c Va V+UՋb V`[ V@^ Vc,UՋ ^ Va Vc Vq`k Vn V+UՋPk Vq`b Ve VqUՋrtp` e Vf VUՋe Vpf V`e Vg VUՋRTP parameters`pl Vg V+UՋpg Vq`f Vi V+UՋe V`f Vh VqUՋjitter-buffer`g Vh VUՋg Vh V`h Vpj VUՋRTP jitter buffer`g Vi V+UՋi Vq`i Vk V+UՋ`h V`pk Vm VqUՋ [adaptive] V`h Vj VqUՋ <0-10000>`pj Vpk VUՋj Vk V`j Vi VUՋJitter buffer in ms`i Vd V+UՋe V`a Vf Vc,UՋ f V`i VPl Vpn V`i Vm VUՋPj Vm V`m Vpp VUՋ%Enable adaptive RTP jitter buffering`d Vn V+UՋn Vq`n V V+UՋ`m V` V V+UՋ  V@UՋ` V VqUՋVuplink-power-targetVq`0 V@ V+UՋV` Vq`m Vp VqUՋrtp`pp V`q VUՋp Vq V`p Vr VUՋRTP parameters`w V`r V+UՋr Vq`q Vpt V+UՋ@q V``q VPs VqUՋ port-range`r Vs VUՋ0s V0t V`Ps Vu VUՋ1Range of local ports to use for RTP/RTCP traffic``r Vt V+UՋPu Vq`pt Vpw V+UՋs V`v Vx VqUՋ V<1-65534> V`s V`v VqUՋ <1-65534>`u Vv VUՋ@v V@w V``v V`u VUՋPort range start (inclusive)`t V V+UՋ` V` Vq Vc,UՋ V@r Vt Vw Vy V``u Vy VUՋu V`y V`x Vp{ VUՋPort range end (inclusive)` Vz V+UՋpz Vq`y Vz V+UՋx V`z V V+UՋ  Vq`~ V VqUՋ<0-63>q`y V{ VqUՋrtp`p{ V`| VUՋ{ V| V`{ V} VUՋRTP parameters` V`} V+UՋ} Vq`| VP V+UՋ@| Vq``| V@~ VqUՋip-dscp`} V~ VUՋ0~ V  V`@~ V{ VUՋ Specify DSCP for RTP/IP packets``} V V+UՋ0 Vq`P VЁ V+UՋ~ V`P V@ V+UՋ V`{ V@ VUՋ`{ V V` V VUՋ%The DSCP value (upper 6 bits of TOS)` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ё V@ V+UՋ  V`z V| Vc,UՋ @} V V0 Vq`  V0 VqUՋ<0-255>q`@ V0 VqUՋrtp` V VUՋ  V V`0 V  VUՋRTP parameters`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋsocket-priority`  V  VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ+Specify socket priority for RTP/IP packets` V@ V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ V`Њ V  V+UՋ V`P V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋ7The socket priority value (> 6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN)`@ VЊ V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`@ V0 Vc,UՋ  V  V Vq` V V+UՋP Vq` V VqUՋrtp`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋRTP parameters`  V0 V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V`0 V  VqUՋcontinuous-streaming` V VUՋ V V`  V  VUՋ&Always emit an RTP packet every 20 ms`0 V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`  V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋrtp` V VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋRTP parameters`  V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V`Ћ VО V+UՋ0 V` V VqUՋcontinuous-streaming`p Vp VUՋЗ VИ V` V VUՋ&Always emit an RTP packet every 20 ms` VЋ V+UՋ0 V` V Vc,UՋ  V` V` Vq`Ц V V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋrtp` Vp VUՋ VЛ V` V VUՋRTP parameters`О Vp V+UՋМ Vq` V V+UՋP V`p V` VqUՋinternal-uplink-ecu` Vp VUՋ@ V V`p V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋP V@ V`` VP V+UՋ Vq`p V@ VqUՋno`П V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`P VС V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋrtp`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V  VUՋRTP parameters`С V0 V+UՋ Vq` VЦ V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ V`0 V VqUՋinternal-uplink-ecu`  V  VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ<Apply a BTS-internal ECU to the uplink traffic frame stream`0 V V+UՋp V`P VP Vc,UՋ  V V0 Vq` V VqUՋrfc5993q`  V VqUՋrtp`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋRTP parameters` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ  V`@ V0 VqUՋ hr-format` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋHRv1 codec output format`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`0 V0 VqUՋ ts101318 V` V0 VUՋ@ V V` V0 VUՋ RFC 5993` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋGSM450` V Vc,UՋ  V V V`0 V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ TS 101 318` V Vc,UՋ V V`0 V V+UՋ` Vq` V VqUՋband`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Set the frequency band of this BTS` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`  V VqUՋ450` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋAlias for GSM450`0 V  V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ480V` V Vc,UՋ Vp V`0 V VUՋ V` Vq` V VUՋ450Mhz` V VUՋ VP V` Vp VUՋ Vй V` V VUՋAlias for GSM480` V@ VUՋText until the end of the lineq`p Vp VqUՋGSM480q`p V` VUՋ480Mhzq` Vл VqUՋ750`` VP VUՋ V V`л V VUՋAlias for GSM750`  V VUՋ>Set the nominal target Rx Level for uplink power control loopq`P V VqUՋGSM750` Vp VUՋ Vо Vq` V VUՋ750Mhzq`p VP VqUՋ810` Vп VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋAlias for GSM810q`п V VqUՋGSM810`P V@ VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋ810Mhzq`@ V  VqUՋ850` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋAlias for GSM850` V Vc,UՋp V VP Vи V0 VP V V  V V V@ V V V V VP Vq` V VqUՋGSM850` V VUՋp V` Vq` Vp VUՋ850Mhzq` V VqUՋ900`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋAlias for GSM900q`` VP VqUՋGSM900` V VUՋ@ V0 Vq`P V@ VUՋ900Mhzq` V VqUՋ1800`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋAlias for DCS1800q`0 V  VqUՋDCS1800` V VUՋ V Vq`  V VUՋ1800Mhzq` V VqUՋ1900` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋAlias for PCS1900q` V VqUՋPCS1900` Vp VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋ1900Mhz`  V@ V+UՋ Vq`P V0 V+UՋ V`p VP VqUՋ description` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P V` VUՋ.Save human-readable description of the object`@ V V+UՋP Vq`p VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ.TEXT`` V VUՋ VP V` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ0 V` Vp Vc,UՋ V V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`0 V0 VqUՋ description` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ!Remove description of the object`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V` V V+UՋ0 Vq` V VqUՋpaging`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋPaging related parameters` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`  V  VqUՋ queue-size` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ,Maximum length of BTS-internal paging queue`0 V V+UՋ  Vq`@ VP V+UՋ V`` VP V+UՋ V` V0 VqUՋ <1-1024>` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ,Maximum length of BTS-internal paging queue` V` V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq`@ V@ VqUՋ<0-60>q` V@ VqUՋpaging` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋPaging related parameters`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ lifetime`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V` VUՋ$Maximum lifetime of a paging record` VP V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ  V` V@ V+UՋ V`` V VUՋ V  V`@ VP VUՋ-Maximum lifetime of a paging record (secods)`P V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`0 VP Vc,UՋ  V0 V Vq` V VqUՋ<0-100>` V VqUՋagch-queue-mgmt`P VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋAGCH queue mgmt`@ VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 Vq`P V0 VqUՋdefault` V VUՋ  V V`0 V@ VUՋ)Reset clean parameters to default values`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ0 V V` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋagch-queue-mgmt`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋAGCH queue mgmt` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ  V`@ V0 VqUՋ threshold` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋThreshold to start cleanup`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`@ V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ@ V V` V@ VUՋ!in % of the maximum queue length` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V0 VUՋHigh water mark for cleanupVq`0 V0 VqUՋlow`0 V0 VUՋLow water mark for cleanup`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-100>`0 V  VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ!in % of the maximum queue length` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@  V V  V V V V  Vq`  V VqUՋhigh`P V VUՋ V V`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ  V` V VqUՋ <0-100000>`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!in % of the maximum queue length` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ V V+UՋp Vq`@ VP V+UՋ V`0 V  VqUՋuplink-power-target` Vм VUՋ V0 V` V  V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ V`м V VqUՋ <-110-0>` V VUՋ V V` Vo VUՋTarget uplink Rx level in dBm`  V V+UՋ Vq`  Vo V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ V Vq`0 V Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋVVV@VVV`VV VVV@VV VV@VV`V VVVV@VVV`VV VVV@VVV`VVV VV@VVV`VVݼV߼V`o V VUՋo V V` V VUՋ>Set the nominal target Rx Level for uplink power control loop` Vp V+UՋ`p V` V0 VqUՋ <-110-0>` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋTarget uplink Rx level in dBm`p V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V@ V+UՋ V`P V VUՋ V  V` V0 VqUՋ hysteresis` V VUՋ V V`0 VP VUՋTarget Rx Level hysteresis` V0 V+UՋ V`o V0 Vc,UՋ V V V Vq` V0 VqUՋ<1-25>`0 V0 VUՋTolerable deviation in dBm`0 V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ V+UՋ V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋewmaVq` V VqUՋno`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`0 V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`  V  VqUՋuplink-power-filtering` V VUՋ V V`  V0 VUՋ0Disable filtering for uplink power control loop`0 V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`@ V Vc,UՋ V V` V' V+UՋ0( V` V VqUՋuplink-power-filtering`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ2Configure filtering for uplink power control loop`' VP V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ Vq`0 V0 VqUՋalgo` V VUՋ  V V`0 V VUՋSelect the filtering algorithm`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ V! V+UՋ V`P# V# VUՋ# V $ V` V0! VUՋ  V! V` VP# VUՋ-Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA)` VP" V+UՋ" Vq`! V`$ V+UՋ! V`< V> VUՋ(Configure the PCU socket file/path nameq`0! V0 VqUՋbeta`0 VP% VUՋ.Smoothing factor (in %): beta = (100 - alpha)`P" V$ V+UՋ@% Vq``$ V& V+UՋ Vq`# V% VqUՋ<1-99>`P% V@& VUՋ% V& V`% Vp) VUՋ/1% - lowest smoothing, 99% - highest smoothing`$ V`' V+UՋ' Vq`& V( V+UՋ & V` V Vc,UՋ@0 V V0" V$ V@' V``' V. V+UՋ/ Vq`P VR VqUՋtoa256`@& V) VqUՋmin-qual-rach`p) Vp* VUՋ) V* V`) V, VUՋCSet the minimum link quality level of Access Bursts to be accepted`. V+ V+UՋ, Vq` + V- V+UՋP* V`p* V, VqUՋ <-100-100>`, V- VUՋp, Vp- V`, V/ VUՋGC/I (Carrier-to-Interference) ratio in centiBels (10e-2 B or 10e-1 dB)`+ V@. V+UՋ. Vq`- V0/ V+UՋ, V`( V + Vc,UՋ+ V . V`@. V4 V+UՋP5 V`- V00 VqUՋmin-qual-norm`/ V0 VUՋ0 V1 V`00 VP2 VUՋCSet the minimum link quality level of Normal Bursts to be accepted`4 V1 V+UՋ@2 Vq``1 V4 V+UՋ0 V`0 V2 VqUՋ <-100-100>`P2 VP3 VUՋ2 V3 V`2 V5 VUՋGC/I (Carrier-to-Interference) ratio in centiBels (10e-2 B or 10e-1 dB)`1 V4 V+UՋ4 Vq`4 Vp5 V+UՋ03 V`0/ V`1 Vc,UՋ1 V`4 V`4 V; V+UՋp; V`P3 Vp6 VqUՋmax-ber10k-rach`5 V6 VUՋP6 VP7 V`p6 V8 VUՋ,Set the maximum BER for valid RACH requests`; V8 V+UՋp8 Vq`7 V : V+UՋ6 V`6 V9 VqUՋ <0-10000>`8 V9 VUՋ8 V9 V`9 V< VUՋ,BER in 1/10000 units (0=no BER; 100=1% BER)`8 V: V+UՋ; Vq` : V; V+UՋ`9 V`p5 V7 Vc,UՋ7 V: V`: V`@ V+UՋ@ V`9 V< VqUՋ pcu-socket`< V" VUՋp< V # V``@ V= V+UՋ= Vq`= Vp? V+UՋ< Vq`" Vp> VqUՋPATH`> V> VUՋ`> VP? V`p> V`A VUՋUNIX socket path`= V? V+UՋP@ Vq`p? V@ V+UՋ> V`; V= Vc,UՋp= V? V`? V`F V+UՋF V`> VA VqUՋpcu-socket-wqueue-length``A VpB VUՋA VB V`A VC VUՋ&Configure the PCU socket queue length``F VC V+UՋC Vq`C VpE V+UՋPB V`pB VpD VqUՋ<1-2147483647>`C VD VUՋPD VPE V`pD V`G VUՋ Queue length`C VE V+UՋPF Vq`pE VF V+UՋD V`@ VC Vc,UՋ`C VE V`E VpL V+UՋL V`D VG VqUՋsupp-meas-info``G V`H VUՋG VH V`G VI VUՋ1Configure the RSL Supplementary Measurement Info`pL VI V+UՋI Vq`I VK V+UՋ@H Vq``H V`J VqUՋtoa256`I VJ VUՋPJ V@K V``J VpM VUՋ)Report the TOA in 1/256th symbol periods`I VL V+UՋ`L Vq`K VL V+UՋJ V`F VI Vc,UՋ`I VK V`L VU V+UՋ`U Vq`J VM VqUՋno`pM V`N VUՋM VN V`M VO VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`U VpO V+UՋO Vq`N VQ V+UՋ@N V``N V`P VqUՋsupp-meas-info`O VP VUՋ@P V@Q V``P V) VUՋ1Configure the RSL Supplementary Measurement Info`pO VR V+UՋ`R Vq`Q VT V+UՋP V`T V] V+UՋ^ V`) VpS VUՋ`) VS V`R VV VUՋ)Report the TOA in 1/256th symbol periods`R VT V+UՋT Vq`T VpR V+UՋPS V`L VN Vc,UՋ PO VQ VpT Vq`Y V[ VqUՋ<1-60>q`pS VpV VqUՋsmscb`V VV VUՋ`V VPW V`pV VX VUՋ0SMSCB (SMS Cell Broadcast) / CBCH configuration`] VX V+UՋpX Vq`W V Z V+UՋV V`V VY VqUՋqueue-max-length`X VY VUՋX VY V`Y VU VUՋ)Maximum length of the SMSCB (CBCH) queue`X VZ V+UՋ[ Vq` Z V\ V+UՋ`Y V`0] V0f V+UՋf V`U V\ VUՋU Vp\ V`[ V^ VUՋ0Length in count of messages/pages (default: 15)`Z V0] V+UՋ] Vq`\ V[ V+UՋ[ V`pR VW Vc,UՋ W VZ V] Vq` b V d VqUՋ<1-30>q`\ V_ VqUՋsmscb`^ V_ VUՋ_ V_ V`_ V a VUՋ0SMSCB (SMS Cell Broadcast) / CBCH configuration`0f V` V+UՋa Vq`0` Vb V+UՋp_ V`_ Va VqUՋqueue-target-length` a V b VUՋa Vb V`a V0^ VUՋ(Target length of the SMSCB (CBCH) queue`` V0c V+UՋc Vq`b V@e V+UՋb V`e Vn V+UՋo V`0^ Vd VUՋ^ Ve V` d V0g VUՋ/Length in count of messages/pages (default: 2)`0c Ve V+UՋ f Vq`@e Vc V+UՋd V`[ V0` Vc,UՋ ` Vc Ve Vq`j Vl VqUՋ<0-30>q`d Vg VqUՋsmscb`0g V h VUՋg Vh V`g Vi VUՋ0SMSCB (SMS Cell Broadcast) / CBCH configuration`n V@i V+UՋi Vq`h V@k V+UՋh V` h V0j VqUՋqueue-hysteresis`i Vj VUՋj Vk V`0j Vf VUՋ%Hysteresis of the SMSCB (CBCH) queue`@i Vk V+UՋ l Vq`@k Vm V+UՋj V`@n Vt V+UՋ0u V`f V0m VUՋ g Vm V`l Vo VUՋ(In count of messages/pages (default: 2)`k V@n V+UՋn Vq`m V0l V+UՋm V`c Vh Vc,UՋ i Vk V n Vq` V V+UՋ V`0m V0p VqUՋgsmtap-remote-host`o Vp VUՋp Vq V`0p V@r VUՋ2Enable GSMTAP Um logging (see also 'gsmtap-sapi')`t Vq V+UՋ0r Vq`Pq Vs V+UՋp V`p Vr VqUՋ [HOSTNAME]`@r V@s VUՋr Vs V`r Vu VUՋ7Remote IP address or hostname ('localhost' if omitted)`q V`t V+UՋt Vq`s VPu V+UՋ s V`0l VPq Vc,UՋq V@t V``t Vz V+UՋ { Vq`@s V@v VqUՋno`u Vv VUՋ0v V w V`@v V@x VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`z Vw V+UՋ0x Vq`Pw Vy V+UՋv V`v Vx VqUՋgsmtap-remote-host`@x V@y VUՋx Vy V`x V{ VUՋDisable GSMTAP Um logging`w VPz V+UՋz Vq`y V@{ V+UՋ y V`Pu VPw Vc,UՋw V0z V`Pz V V+UՋ@ V`@y V@| VqUՋgsmtap-local-host`{ V| VUՋ | V } V`@| V`~ VUՋAEnable local bind for GSMTAP Um logging (see also 'gsmtap-sapi')` V} V+UՋP~ Vq`p} V V+UՋ| V`| V~ VqUՋ HOSTNAME``~ V` VUՋ~ V V`~ V VUՋLocal IP address or hostname`} Vp V+UՋЀ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V`@{ Vp} Vc,UՋ} VP V`p V V+UՋ@ Vq`` VP VqUՋno` VЂ VUՋ@ V0 V`P VP VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`Ђ VЄ VqUՋgsmtap-local-host`P VP VUՋ V V`Є V VUՋ)Disable local bind for GSMTAP Um logging` Vp V+UՋІ Vq` V` V+UՋ0 V`` V` Vc,UՋ VP V`p V V+UՋP V`P V` VqUՋ gsmtap-sapi` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` Vp VUՋ5Enable/disable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ enable-all`p Vp VUՋЊ VЋ V` Vp VUՋ(Enable all kinds of messages (all SAPI)` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋccchV`` V Vc,UՋ V` V`p V VqUՋ disable-all`p Vp VUՋЍ VЎ V` V VUՋ)Disable all kinds of messages (all SAPI)` V Vc,UՋP VP V` V V+UՋ V`p V VqUՋ gsmtap-sapi` V VUՋp Vp V` V0 VUՋ-Enable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP` V@o V+UՋo Vq` V VqUՋbcch`0 V VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋBCCH`@o V` V+UՋ  Vq` Vp VqUՋrachV`V V Vc,UՋ V V` V VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋCCCH` V` VUՋP V V` V VUՋp VP Vq`p V VUՋRACH`0 V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaultsq` V VqUՋagchq` VИ VUՋAGCHq`` V@ VqUՋpch`И V VUՋ0 V Vq`@ V VUՋPCH` V VUՋBDisable generation of GSMTAP frames for RLP (non-transparent CSD)q` VP VqUՋsdcch` VЛ VUՋ@ V0 Vq`P V@ VUՋSDCCHq`Л V VqUՋtch/f`@ V0 VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋTCH/Fq`0 V VqUՋtch/h` V VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋTCH/Hq` Vp VqUՋpacch` V VUՋ` VP Vq`p VP VUՋPACCH` VЦ Vc,UՋ V` VЖ VP V V V Vp VП V V V V@ Vq` V VqUՋpdtch`P V@ VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋPDTCHq`@ V VqUՋptcch` V VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋPTCCHq` V VqUՋcbch` V VUՋp V` Vq` Vp VUՋCBCHq` V VqUՋsacch`p V` VUՋХ V Vq` V VUՋSACCH`` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋbcchVq`` V0 VqUՋno` V` VUՋ V V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V`` V VqUՋ gsmtap-sapi` V VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ.Disable sending of UL/DL messages over GSMTAP`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V`P V0 VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋBCCH` Vp V+UՋ к Vq` V VqUՋrachV`Ц V Vc,UՋ  V V Vq`0 V0 VqUՋccchq`0 V VUՋCCCH` Vp VUՋ` Vв V` V VUՋ V` Vq` V VUՋRACH` V0 VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaultsq` V VqUՋagchq` V VUՋAGCHq`p VP VqUՋpch` Vг VUՋ@ V0 Vq`P V VUՋPCH`VP V VUՋAEnable generation of GSMTAP frames for RLP (non-transparent CSD)q`г V` VqUՋsdcch` V VUՋP V@ Vq`` VP VUՋSDCCHq` V VqUՋtch/f`P V@ VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋTCH/Fq`@ V VqUՋtch/h` V VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋTCH/Hq` V VqUՋpacch` V VUՋp V` Vq` V` VUՋPACCH` V Vc,UՋ V V V` V V V V V V0 V V VP Vq` Vл VqUՋpdtch`` VP VUՋ V Vq`л V VUՋPDTCHq`P V0 VqUՋptcch` V VUՋ V Vq`0 V VUՋPTCCHq` V VqUՋcbch` V VUՋ Vp Vq` V VUՋCBCHq` V VqUՋsacch` Vp VUՋ V Vq` V VUՋSACCH`p VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`p VP VqUՋ gsmtap-rlp` V@ VUՋ0 V V`P VP V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ V`@ V@ VqUՋ [skip-null]` V VUՋ V V`@ VP VUՋ2Skip the generation of GSMTAP for RLP NULL frames`P V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ0 V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋno`P Vp VUՋ Vб V` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ V`p V VqUՋ gsmtap-rlp`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V@ Vc,UՋ V V` V` V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋosmux` V VUՋ Vp V` V` VUՋConfigure Osmux`` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V2 V+UՋ 3 Vq` V0 VqUՋglobal`2 V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋP Vq` V VqUՋhelp`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ0 V`P V V+UՋ V`p V V+UՋ Vq`P VP VqUՋlist` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋPrint command list` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ [with-flags]`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags` VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`` VP Vc,UՋ V0 V` Vp VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`@ V@ VqUՋshow` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V@ VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` VP Vc,UՋ V V`@ V V+UՋ Vq`@ V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V` V VqUՋ application` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋ%Application specific attributes only` V0 V+UՋ V`0 V0 Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋlibrary` V VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`0 V V+UՋ@ V` V VUՋ` V V`0 V VUՋGlobal attributes only` V Vc,UՋ V V V`] V _ VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalq`@ V VqUՋ[PATH]q` VP VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P Vp VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ terminal`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋWrite to terminal` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋP V` V Vc,UՋ VP V`p V V+UՋP Vq`p VP VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P Vp VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋ` Vq` V` V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfile`p V@ VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ@ V` V V+UՋ` V`p VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists` V V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`` V Vc,UՋ V V` Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`P V` VqUՋwrite` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋmemory` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V`P V Vc,UՋ Vp V` V V+UՋ Vq`p Vp VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`1 Vp8 V+UՋ8 V@UՋq`5 V7 V+UՋ޼V4 V`  VP V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋshow`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`P Vp V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ@ V`` V` VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` VP VUՋrunning configuration`p V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋP V V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V VqUՋexit`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋend` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V@ V+UՋ V` V V+UՋP Vq` Vp VqUՋon Vq` V VqUՋuse`0 V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure Osmux usage` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`  V VqUՋoff` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋNever use Osmux`  V  V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋonlyV`@ V Vc,UՋ V` V` V VUՋ  VP V`p V VUՋ(Use Osmux if requested by BSC (default)`  V V+UՋP V` V VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ0Always use Osmux, reject non-Osmux BSC requests` V Vc,UՋ ` V V` Vq`p# Vp% V+UՋ" V` V VqUՋ local-ip`  V  VUՋ V V` V VUՋIP information` V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`  V VqUՋA.B.C.D` V VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋIPv4 Address to bind to`  V V+UՋP! Vq`7 V8 VqUՋoffV` V Vc,UՋ V` V` V VqUՋ X:X::X:X`p Vp VUՋ V V` V! VUՋIPv6 Address to bind to` Vp! Vc,UՋ` VP V` V`& V+UՋ& V`p Vp" VqUՋ local-port`! V" VUՋP" VP# V`p" V# VUՋ Osmux port``& V V+UՋ V`" Vp$ VqUՋ <1-65535>`# V$ VUՋP$ VP% V`p$ V`' VUՋ UDP port` V% V+UՋP& Vq`p% V& V+UՋ$ V`Vp! Vp# Vc,UՋ# V% V`% V@, V+UՋ, V`$ V' VqUՋ batch-factor``' V`( VUՋ' V( V`' V) VUՋBatching factor`@, V`) V+UՋ) Vq`( VP+ V+UՋ@( Vq``( V@* VqUՋ<1-8>`) V* VUՋ0* V + V`@* V@- VUՋ Number of messages in the batch``) V+ V+UՋ0, Vq`P+ V, V+UՋ* V`& V( Vc,UՋ@) V+ V`+ V 2 V+UՋ2 V`* V- VqUՋ batch-size`@- V@. VUՋ- V. V`- V/ VUՋ Batch size` 2 V@/ V+UՋ/ Vq`. V01 V+UՋ . V`@. V00 VqUՋ <1-65535>`/ V0 VUՋ0 V1 V`00 V4 VUՋBatch size in bytes`@/ V1 V+UՋ2 Vq`01 V V+UՋ0 V`, V. Vc,UՋ / V1 Vq` Vp Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋ`ݼVݼV ޼V޼V޼V@߼V`0 V4 VqUՋdummy-padding`4 V5 VUՋp4 Vp5 V`4 V6 VUՋDummy padding`p8 V V+UՋp Vq`5 V6 VqUՋon`6 V7 VUՋp6 V`7 V`6 V VUՋEnable dummy padding` V: V+UՋ`: Vq`Y VZ VqUՋglobal` V5 Vc,UՋ5 V7 V` Vp9 VUՋ V9 V`8 V; VUՋ Disable dummy padding (default)`7 V: Vc,UՋ6 VP9 V`: V? V+UՋ0@ Vq`p9 Vp; VqUՋtrx`; V; VUՋ`; VP< V`p; Vp= VUՋSelect a TRX to configure`? V= V+UՋ`= Vq`< V> V+UՋ; Vq`; V= VqUՋ<0-254>`p= V`> VUՋ= V> V`= VA VUՋ TRX number`= V`? V+UՋ? Vq`> VP@ V+UՋ@> V`: V< Vc,UՋ< V@? V``? V V+UՋ p V` VPA V+UՋA Vq`@ VPC V+UՋC Vq``> V0B VqUՋhelp`A VB VUՋ B VC V`0B V@E VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system`PA VC V+UՋ0D Vq`PC VD V+UՋB V`I VP V+UՋpP V`C V J V+UՋJ Vq`B VE VqUՋlist`@E V0F VUՋE VF V`E VG VUՋPrint command list` J V0G V+UՋG Vq`F V0I V+UՋF V`0F V H VqUՋ [with-flags]`G VH VUՋH VI V` H V0K VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags`0G VI V+UՋJ Vq`0I V@D V+UՋH V`D VF Vc,UՋG VI V`e V\ VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`H VK VqUՋshow`0K V L VUՋK VL V`K VM VUՋ Show running system information`P V0M V+UՋM Vq`L V O V+UՋL V` L V N VqUՋvty-attributes`M VN VUՋN VO V` N VQ VUՋList of VTY attributes`0M VO V+UՋP Vq` O VP V+UՋN V`@D VL Vc,UՋM VO V`O VX V+UՋX Vq`N VQ VqUՋshow`Q VR VUՋpQ V`R V`Q VS VUՋ Show running system information`X VS V+UՋpS Vq`R VU V+UՋQ V`R VT VqUՋvty-attributes`S VT VUՋS VT V`T VpV VUՋList of VTY attributes`S VU V+UՋU Vq`U VX V+UՋ`T V`Y VY VUՋpY VY V`T VV VqUՋ application`pV VpW VUՋV VW V`V VY VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`U V[ V+UՋ[ V`P VR Vc,UՋ R V`U V`X Vq`pW VU VqUՋlibrary`U V8 VUՋ!Library specific attributes only`[ Va V+UՋa V`8 V[ VUՋ`8 Vp[ V`Z V@] VUՋGlobal attributes only`X VZ Vc,UՋ PW VPV VZ V` Vp VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalq`J Vg VqUՋ[PATH]q`[ V] VqUՋwrite`@] V VUՋ] V V`a V^ V+UՋ_ Vq`0^ V` V+UՋ^ V` V_ VqUՋ terminal` _ V ` VUՋ_ V` V`_ Vb VUՋWrite to terminal`^ V a V+UՋa Vq`` Vb V+UՋ` V`Z V0^ Vc,UՋ^ Va V` a Vi V+UՋj Vq` ` Vc VqUՋwrite`b Vc VUՋb Vc V`c V e VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`i Vd V+UՋe Vq`0d Vf V+UՋ`c Vq`c Ve VqUՋfile` e VJ VUՋe VK V`d Vf V+UՋf Vq`f Vh V+UՋe V`0i Vo V+UՋp V`\ Vh VUՋ0] V`h V`g Vj VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists`f V0i V+UՋi Vq`h Vg V+UՋg V`b V0d Vc,UՋ d Vpf Vi Vq`0p VPr V+UՋr Vq`h Vk VqUՋwrite`j Vk VUՋk Vk V`k V0m VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`o Vl V+UՋ m Vq`@l Vn V+UՋpk Vq`k Vm VqUՋmemory`0m V n VUՋm Vn V`m Vp VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`l V@o V+UՋo Vq`n V0p V+UՋn V`g V@l Vc,UՋl V o V`@o V0j V+UՋj Vq` n V q VqUՋwrite`p Vq VUՋq Vr V` q V u VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`0j Vr V+UՋ0s Vq`Pr V0t V+UՋq V` V V+UՋ` V@UՋq` V V+UՋ@V` V`r Vz V+UՋ`z Vq`z V| V+UՋ| Vq`q Vu VqUՋshow` u Vv VUՋu Vpv V`u Vw VUՋ Show running system information`z V w V+UՋw Vq`v Vy V+UՋu V`v Vx VqUՋrunning-config`w Vx VUՋw Vx V`x V{ VUՋrunning configuration` w Vy V+UՋy Vq`y Vz V+UՋpx V`0t Vv Vc,UՋw Vpy V`y Vt V+UՋu Vq`x Vp{ VqUՋexit`{ V{ VUՋ`{ VP| V`p{ Vp~ VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode`t V} V+UՋp} Vq`| V} V+UՋ{ V`} V~ V+UՋ`~ Vq`} V V+UՋ` Vq`{ V~ VqUՋend`p~ V` VUՋ~ V V`~ V VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`~ V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋdB V`` V` VqUՋ user-gain` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V VUՋMInform BTS about additional, user-provided gain or attenuation at TRX output` V V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ<-100000-100000>` V VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋ7Value of user-provided external gain(+)/attenuation(-)` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋp V` V VUՋ V V`p V VUՋЁ V V` V VUՋUnit is dB (decibels)` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VUՋValue` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋmdB` V0 VUՋ4Unit is mdB (milli-decibels, or rather 1/10000 bel)` V Vc,UՋ V V`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ power-ramp`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋPower-Ramp settings` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`0 V VqUՋ max-initial` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋMaximum initial power`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋp V V` V VqUՋ<-10000-100000>` V VUՋ V V` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ  V V V` Vq` V VqUՋdBm` V VUՋUnit is dB (decibels)` V V+UՋ Vq`` V` V+UՋ Vq` V` VqUՋmdBm` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ4Unit is mdB (milli-decibels, or rather 1/10000 bel)` V Vc,UՋp V V` V V+UՋ@ V` V VqUՋ power-ramp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPower-Ramp settings` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ` V` Vp VqUՋ step-size` V VUՋP VP V`p V VUՋPower increase by step` V V+UՋP Vq`p V` V+UՋЛ V`p V VUՋР V@ V` V` VqUՋ <1-100000>` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` Vp VUՋ Step size` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ ` VМ V V Vq` V` VqUՋdB`` VP VUՋUnit is dB (decibels)` V V+UՋ@ Vq`P V@ VqUՋ<1-100>q` V VqUՋmdB`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ4Unit is mdB (milli-decibels, or rather 1/10000 bel)`` V` Vc,UՋ V V` V0 V+UՋ V`@ V` VqUՋ power-ramp` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` VP VUՋPower-Ramp settings`0 V V+UՋ@ Vq`` VШ V+UՋ V` VЧ VqUՋstep-interval`P VP VUՋ V V`Ч V VUՋPower increase by step` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ш V@ V+UՋ0 V` V V+UՋp V` V VUՋ@ V V`@ V0 VUՋStep time in seconds`P V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`` V` Vc,UՋ V0 V Vq` V VqUՋosmoV` V VqUՋms-power-control`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Mobile Station Power Level Control` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋdsp` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋHandled by DSP`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-31>` V Vc,UՋ V V` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋHandled by OsmoBTS` V@s Vc,UՋ V Vq`P@ V@ Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋV VVV@VVVོV@V` V VqUՋ ta-control` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"Timing Advance Control Parameters` Vs V+UՋ t V` V VqUՋ interval` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet TA control loop interval`s V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` V` V+UՋ V` Vj VUՋ Vj V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@s V Vc,UՋ p V Vp Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq`j Vp VqUՋphy` V VUՋ` VP V`p V VUՋ)Configure PHY Link+Instance for this TRX`` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋн Vq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` Vp VUՋ V V` V` VUՋPHY Link number` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` V` VUՋP V V`p V VqUՋ instance`` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ PHY instance`p V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ VP V@ V@ Vq`` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋPHY Instance number` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ@ V`` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋtrxVq`` V0 VqUՋbts` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋBTS related commands` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-0>` V VUՋ Vp V` VP VUՋ BTS number` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ VP V`P V VUՋ V V` V VUՋTRX related commands` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ` V`P V VUՋ!Primary logical channel commandsq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V` VUՋ TRX number` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋts`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋtimeslot related commands` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 V`V V VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already existsq`P V VqUՋ<0-7>` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋtimeslot number`` Vp V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP Vq`p VP VqUՋlchan` V VUՋ@ VP V`p VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-7>` V@ VqUՋ shadow-lchan` V VUՋ V V`@ VP VUՋ Shadow logical channel commands` V Vc,UՋ V V`P VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋlogical channel number`P VP V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ0 Vq`P V0 VqUՋrtp` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ RTP settings`P V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ V V` V V@ VP V0 V0 V V Vp V` V VqUՋjitter-buffer` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋJitter buffer` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ <0-10000>` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋSize of jitter buffer in (ms)` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V` V+UՋ  Vq`@ V0 VqUՋtrxVq` V` VqUՋbts` V VUՋP V@ V`` VP VUՋBTS related commands`` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-0>`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ BTS number` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋTRX related commands`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ!Primary logical channel commandsq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋ TRX number` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋts` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋtimeslot related commands` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V`VP V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq` V VqUՋ<0-7>` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋtimeslot number` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlchan` V VUՋp V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-7>` Vp VqUՋ shadow-lchan` V VUՋP VP V`p V VUՋ Shadow logical channel commands` V Vc,UՋ V V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋlogical channel number` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ` V` Vp VqUՋ loopback` V VUՋP VP V`p V@ VUՋ Set loopback` V V+UՋP Vq`p VP V+UՋ V` V` Vc,UՋ V V V Vp V V` V` V V` V V+UՋ  Vq` V VqUՋ<0-0>q` V VqUՋno`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋbts` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋBTS related commands`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` V VUՋp V V` V VUՋ0 Vp V` V VUՋ BTS number` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V`p V VUՋtimeslot related commands Vq` V VqUՋtrx` V VUՋTRX related commands` V V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋp Vq` V` VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ TRX number` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V`V Vp VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq` Vp VqUՋts` V VUՋ` V V` Vp V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP VqUՋ<0-7>` V VUՋ@ V0 V`P V@ VUՋtimeslot number`p V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋlchan`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ!Primary logical channel commands` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-7>`0 V0 VqUՋ shadow-lchan` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋ Shadow logical channel commands` V Vc,UՋ V V`@ V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋlogical channel number`@ V@ V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ  V`P V Vc,UՋ  V V V` V VP V V  V  V V`@ V  VqUՋ loopback` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ Set loopback`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ V` Vp2 V+UՋ 2 Vq`P V@ VqUՋtrxVq` Vp VqUՋbts` V VUՋ` VP V`p V` VUՋBTS related commands`p2 V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-0>`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ BTS number` VP V+UՋ Vq` V@! V+UՋ0 V`" V0# VUՋ # V# V` V VUՋ V ! V`@ V" VUՋTRX related commands`P V! V+UՋ " Vq`@! V# V+UՋ V`* V, VUՋ!Primary logical channel commandsq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V$ VUՋ TRX number`! V0$ V+UՋ$ Vq`# V & V+UՋ Vq`0# V% VqUՋts`$ V% VUՋ% V% V`% V' VUՋtimeslot related commands`0$ V& V+UՋ' Vq` & V0) V+UՋp% V`Vpr Vq VUՋ;Use infinite timeout (DANGEROUS: only use during testing!) Vq`% V0( VqUՋ<0-7>`' V( VUՋ ( V) V`0( V * VUՋtimeslot number`& V) V+UՋ* Vq`0) V+ V+UՋ( Vq`( V* VqUՋlchan` * V0" VUՋ* V" V`) V- V+UՋ- Vq`- V. VqUՋ<0-7>`0" V, VqUՋ shadow-lchan`, V- VUՋ`, V`- V`, V+ VUՋ Shadow logical channel commands`+ V/ Vc,UՋ* V, V`+ V. VUՋ+ V. V`. V0 VUՋlogical channel number`- V/ V+UՋ/ Vq`/ V1 V+UՋp. V`. V0 VqUՋbs-power-ctrl`0 V1 VUՋ`0 V`1 V`0 V`3 VUՋBS power control`/ V4 V+UՋ@5 Vq``4 V`5 VqUՋmodeV` Vp Vc,UՋ V0 V! V$ V& V) Vp+ Vp/ V1 V6 V@9 V`1 V3 VqUՋms-power-ctrl``3 V`4 VUՋ3 V4 V`3 V2 VUՋMS power control`1 Vp6 Vc,UՋ0 V@4 V`2 V5 VUՋ`2 V@6 V``5 V`7 VUՋChange power control mode`4 V6 V+UՋP7 Vq`p6 V8 V+UՋ5 Vq`5 V7 VqUՋstatic``7 VP8 VUՋ7 V8 V`7 V9 VUՋDisable the power control loop`6 VP; V+UՋ; Vq`? VA VqUՋtrxVq`P8 V@: VqUՋdynamic`9 V: VUՋ0: V ; V`@: VP< VUՋEnable the power control loop`8 V; Vc,UՋ08 V: V`P; VS V+UՋ  T Vq`: V< VqUՋbts`P< V@= VUՋ< V= V`< V> VUՋBTS related commands`S V@> V+UՋ> Vq`= V @ V+UՋ = Vq`@= V ? VqUՋ<0-0>`> V? VUՋ? V@ V` ? V`9 VUՋ BTS number`@> V@ V+UՋA Vq` @ VB V+UՋ? V`D VD VUՋpD VD V``9 VB VUՋ9 VpB V`A VD VUՋTRX related commands`@ VC V+UՋpC Vq`B VE V+UՋA V`K VPM VUՋ!Primary logical channel commandsq`B VA VqUՋ<0-255>`A VE VUՋ TRX number`C VE V+UՋE Vq`E VpG V+UՋpA Vq`D V`F VqUՋts`E VF VUՋPF V@G V``F VI VUՋtimeslot related commands`E VG V+UՋPH Vq`pG VJ V+UՋF V`Vpm Vq VUՋGUse value provided by BSC via A-bis OML (Connection Failure Criterion)q`F VI VqUՋ<0-7>`I VJ VUՋpI V`J V`I VpK VUՋtimeslot number`G VK V+UՋ`K Vq`J V`L V+UՋI Vq`J VK VqUՋlchan`pK VC VUՋK VC V`K VN V+UՋ@O Vq`PN V`O VqUՋ<0-7>`C VM VqUՋ shadow-lchan`PM VPN VUՋM VN V`M VL VUՋ Shadow logical channel commands``L V`P Vc,UՋ@L V0N V`L VO VUՋ@M V@P V``O VPQ VUՋlogical channel number`N VP V+UՋ@Q Vq``P VR V+UՋO V`O VQ VqUՋbs-power-ctrl`PQ VPR VUՋQ VR V`Q VT VUՋBS power control`P V0V V+UՋV Vq`U VV VqUՋvalue`; V= Vc,UՋ > V@ VB V`E VG VJ VL VP V0S V X VZ V^ V`PR V0U VqUՋms-power-ctrl`T VU VUՋU VV V`0U VPS VUՋMS power control`R VW Vc,UՋ0R VU V`PS V0W VUՋS VW V`V VX VUՋChange current power value`0V V@X V+UՋX Vq`W V@Z V+UՋW Vq`0W V Y VqUՋcurrent`X VY VUՋY VZ V` Y V0[ VUՋ2Current value (for both dynamic and static modes)`@X V\ V+UՋ] Vq` \ V0] VqUՋ<0-255>q`Y V[ VqUՋmax`0[ V \ VUՋ[ V\ V`[ VZ VUՋ&Maximum value (for dynamic mode only)`@Z VP^ Vc,UՋY V\ V`Z V] VUՋ [ V^ V`0] V0` VUՋ-BS power reduction (in dB) or MS power level`\ V^ V+UՋ0_ Vq`P^ V@_ V+UՋ] V`^ Vg V+UՋh Vq`c Ve VqUՋ<0-255>q`] V` VqUՋtest`0` V a VUՋ` Va V`` Vb VUՋVarious testing commands`g V0b V+UՋb Vq`a VPd V+UՋa V` a V0c VqUՋsend-failure-event-report`b Vc VUՋc Vd V`0c V_ VUՋ0Send a test OML failure event report to the BSC`0b Vd V+UՋ0e Vq`Pd Vf V+UՋc V`@g Vp V+UՋ`p V`_ V@f VUՋ ` Vf V`e Vh VUՋ BTS Number`d V@g V+UՋg Vq`f V@e V+UՋ f V`@_ Va Vc,UՋ b Vd V g Vq`o Vq V+UՋn Vq`@f V i VqUՋbts`h Vi VUՋi Vj V` i Vk VUՋBTS Specific Commands`p Vj V+UՋk Vq` j Vl V+UՋi Vq`i Vk VqUՋ<0-0>`k Vl VUՋpk V`l V`k Vm VUՋ BTS Number`j Vm V+UՋ`m Vq`l Vo V+UՋk V`p V`H VUՋp VH V`l Vpn VqUՋradio-link-timeout`m Vn VUՋPn VPo V`pn Vp VUՋ%Manually override Radio Link Timeout`m V@h V+UՋh V`@e V j Vc,UՋ j Vl Vo V`q Vq`n Vpm VqUՋoml`@h Vt V+UՋt Vq`' Vps VqUՋ<4-64>``H Vpr VqUՋ infinite`q V' VUՋPr Vp' V`t V| V+UՋ0} V`q Vs VUՋq VPt V`ps Vu VUՋNumber of lost SACCH blocks`q Vr Vc,UՋ m Vr Vs Vq`P| Vp~ V+UՋ{ Vq`s Vu VqUՋbts`u Vpv VUՋu Vv V`u Vw VUՋBTS Specific Commands`| Vpw V+UՋw Vq`v VPy V+UՋPv Vq`pv VPx VqUՋ<0-0>`w Vx VUՋ@x V0y V`Px Vz VUՋ BTS Number`pw Vy V+UՋ0z Vq`Py VP| V+UՋx V``} V} VUՋ} V0~ V`x V@{ VqUՋ c0-power-red`z V{ VUՋ { V | V`@{ V`} VUՋ'BCCH carrier power reduction operation`y Vu V+UՋpu V`r Vv Vc,UՋ Pw Vy V| V~ Vq`{ V@z VqUՋ<0-6>`@z VP VUՋ1Power reduction value (in dB, even numbers only)`u V~ V+UՋP Vq`p~ V` V+UՋz V`~ V V+UՋ Vq`О V VqUՋglobalq`} V VqUՋphy`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋSelect a PHY to configure` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ё V0 V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ PHY number`P V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V`` VЁ Vc,UՋ0 V V` V[ V+UՋ \ V`[ V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋhelp` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V` V+UՋ V` Vp V+UՋЏ Vq` V VqUՋlist` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPrint command list`p V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` Vp VqUՋ [with-flags]` V VUՋP VP V`p V VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋЍ V` V Vc,UՋ` V V`0 V VUՋWrite to configuration fileq` V VqUՋshow` Vp VUՋ VБ V` V VUՋ Show running system information`` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V`p Vp VqUՋvty-attributes` V VUՋP VP V`p V` VUՋList of VTY attributes` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋГ V` V Vc,UՋ` VД V` VН V+UՋ0 Vq` VЖ VqUՋshow`` VP VUՋ V V`Ж VИ VUՋ Show running system information`Н V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`P VP VqUՋvty-attributes`И VЙ VUՋ0 V0 V`P V VUՋList of VTY attributes`` VК V+UՋ0 Vq`P VP V+UՋ V`` VО VUՋ V0 V`Й V@ VqUՋ application` V VUՋ V V`@ V` VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`К V V+UՋ@ V` V Vc,UՋ @ V V Vq` V@ VqUՋlibrary`@ V VUՋ!Library specific attributes only` V V+UՋ@ V` V` VUՋ@ V V` V VUՋGlobal attributes only`P V` Vc,UՋ V V@ V`@ V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalq` V VqUՋ[PATH]q`` V VqUՋwrite` VP VUՋ V V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ` V`P V VqUՋ terminal`p Vp VUՋФ VХ V` V VUՋWrite to terminal` Vp V+UՋЦ Vq` V` V+UՋP V`` V Vc,UՋ VP V`p V V+UՋ Vq`p VP VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ@ V` V` VP V+UՋ Vq`Ш V V+UՋ Vq` V0 VqUՋfile` V VUՋ VP V`P V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋP V` V VUՋ V0 V`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`` VШ Vc,UՋ 0 V V Vq`p V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwrite` V \ VUՋ V\ V` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ` Vq` \ V VqUՋmemory`p V` VUՋа V V` V VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ@ V` V Vc,UՋ V` V` V V+UՋ Vq`` V` VqUՋwrite` V VUՋP V@ V`` V` VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V V+UՋp Vq` Vp V+UՋ V`Z Vd V+UՋpd V@UՋq`Y V] VqUՋ`Vno` V@ V+UՋ Vq` Vп V+UՋ0 Vq` Vи VqUՋshow`` VP VUՋ V V`и Vк VUՋ Show running system information`@ V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ0 V`P VP VqUՋrunning-config`к Vл VUՋ0 V0 V`P V@ VUՋrunning configuration`` Vм V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`p V Vc,UՋ@ V V`м V V+UՋP Vq`л V VqUՋexit`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode` VP V+UՋ Vq`п V V+UՋ V`P V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋend` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`@ V V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ` Vq`p Vp VqUՋ<0-255>` V VqUՋ instance` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Select a PHY instance to configure` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋPHY Instance number`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V`0 V Vc,UՋ Vp V` V` V+UՋ Vq` Vp VqUՋno` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ instance`p Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Select a PHY instance to remove` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP V` V` V+UՋ V` V VUՋ VP V`p VP VUՋPHY Instance number` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V` V Vq` V VqUՋglobal`` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋhelp`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system` V` V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ V`@ V V+UՋ V`` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V@ VqUՋlist` V VUՋ0 V V`@ V0 VUՋPrint command list` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ [with-flags]`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`P V@ Vc,UՋ V V` V` VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`0 V0 VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋvty-attributes`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V@ Vc,UՋ V V`0 V V+UՋp Vq`0 V VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` V VqUՋvty-attributes` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋList of VTY attributes` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ Vp V` V VqUՋ application` V VUՋ` V` V` V VUՋ%Application specific attributes only` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋlibrary` V VUՋ!Library specific attributes only` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋP V V` V VUՋGlobal attributes only` V Vc,UՋ V V V`: V; VUՋ>Manually set (force) the nominal transmit output power in dBmq`0 V VqUՋ[PATH]q` V@ VqUՋwrite` Vp VUՋ0 VС V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V`p V0 VqUՋ terminal` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋWrite to terminal`@ V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ V V` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwrite` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`0 V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋfile` V0 VUՋ V V`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V@ V+UՋ V`` V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists` V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋp V` V Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋwrite`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`@ VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ Vq` V0 VqUՋmemory` V VUՋ V V`0 V@ VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ0 V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋwrite`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ VИiVb \`` V<Ջؚ VH VH VSgH0;Ջ` V5 V V VT V` V`` V V+UՋ Vq` V  V+UՋ Vq`0 V  VqUՋshow` V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋ Show running system information` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V` V VqUՋrunning-config` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋrunning configuration` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V0 Vc,UՋ V V` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋexit` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode`@ V V+UՋ Vq`  V V+UՋ` V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp VqUՋend` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V` V` V+UՋ Vq`/ V1 VqUՋ<0-255>q` V VqUՋshow`p V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`` Vp V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋ@ V`` V` VqUՋ transceiver` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V` VUՋ'Display information about transceivers`p V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋP V V` VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋshow`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋ Show running system information`P V` V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ0 V`P VP VqUՋ transceiver` V VUՋ0 V0 V`P VP VUՋ'Display information about transceivers`` V V+UՋ@ Vq`` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ@ V V` V@% V+UՋ% Vq` V VqUՋshow`P V@! VUՋ V! V` V" VUՋ Show running system information`@% VP" V+UՋ" Vq`! VP$ V+UՋ ! Vq`@! V0# VqUՋphy`" V# VUՋ # V$ V`0# V@& VUՋ-Display information about the available PHYs`P" V$ V+UՋ0% Vq`P$ V% V+UՋ# V` V! Vc,UՋ0" V$ V`$ V0+ V+UՋ+ Vq`# V& VqUՋshow`@& V0' VUՋ& V' V`& V( VUՋ Show running system information`0+ V@( V+UՋ( Vq`' V@* V+UՋ' Vq`0' V ) VqUՋphy`( V) VUՋ) V* V` ) V0, VUՋ-Display information about the available PHYs`@( V* V+UՋ + Vq`@* V+ V+UՋ) V`% V' Vc,UՋ ( V* V`* V`8 V+UՋ8 Vq`) V, VqUՋtest`0, V - VUՋ, V- V`, V. VUՋVarious testing commands``8 V0. V+UՋ. Vq`- V00 V+UՋ- V` - V / VqUՋsend-trxc-cmd`. V/ VUՋ/ V0 V` / V VUՋSend an arbitrary TRX command`0. V0 V+UՋ1 Vq`00 V2 V+UՋ/ V` 4 V4 VUՋ4 V4 V` V 2 VUՋ` V2 V`1 V 4 VUՋTransceiver number`0 V 3 V+UՋ3 Vq`2 V5 V+UՋ2 V`? V`A VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaultsq` 2 V 1 VqUՋCMD` 1 V6 VUՋ TRXC command` 3 V5 V+UՋ5 Vq`5 Vp7 V+UՋ1 Vq`4 Vp6 VqUՋ[.ARGS]`6 V6 VUՋ`6 VP7 V`p6 V: VUՋTRXC command arguments`5 V7 V+UՋP8 Vq`p7 V9 V+UՋ6 V`+ V- Vc,UՋ@. V0 V3 Vp5 V7 V`7 V> V+UՋ> Vq`@L VJ V+UՋ`K V`6 V: VqUՋnominal-tx-power`: V VUՋ`: V V`> V; V+UՋ; Vq`; V= V+UՋ: V` Vp< VqUՋ <-10-100>`; V< VUՋP< VP= V`p< V? VUՋ+Nominal transmit output power level in dBm`; V> V+UՋp> Vq`= V? V+UՋ< V`9 V; Vc,UՋ`; V= V`> VD V+UՋpD Vq`< V? VqUՋno`? V3 VUՋ? V3 V`D V@ V+UՋPA Vq`p@ V C V+UՋP@ V`3 VA VqUՋnominal-tx-power``A V`B VUՋA VB V`A VE VUՋVManually set (force) the nominal transmit output power; ask the TRX instead (default)`@ VC V+UՋD Vq` C VD V+UՋ@B V`? Vp@ Vc,UՋ@ VC V`C VL V+UՋ M Vq``B VE VqUՋosmotrx`E VF VUՋpE V`F V`E VG VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`L VG V+UՋpG Vq`F VI V+UՋE V`F VH VqUՋms-power-loop`G VH VUՋG VH V`H VJ VUՋEnable MS power control loop`G VI V+UՋI Vq`I V@L V+UՋ`H V`9 V0U V+UՋU V`H VK VqUՋ <-127-127>`J VK VUՋJ VK V`K VM VUՋRTarget RSSI value (transceiver specific, should be 6dB or more above noise floor)`I V9 V+UՋ9 V`D VF Vc,UՋ F VpI VL Vq`T VR V+UՋT Vq`K V0N VqUՋno`M VN VUՋ N VO V`0N V0P VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`0U VO V+UՋ P Vq`@O VQ V+UՋN Vq`N VP VqUՋosmotrx`0P V Q VUՋP VQ V`P V S VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`O V0R V+UՋR Vq`Q VT V+UՋQ V`PM V [ V+UՋ[ V` Q VS VqUՋms-power-loop` S V T VUՋS VT V`S V0V VUՋDisable MS power control loop`0R VPM V+UՋM V`J V@O Vc,UՋ O VR VU Vq`c Va V+UՋb Vq` T VV VqUՋosmotrx`0V V W VUՋV VW V`V VX VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` [ V0X V+UՋX Vq`W V0Z V+UՋW V` W V Y VqUՋtiming-advance-loop`X VY VUՋY VZ V` Y V VUՋ#Enable timing advance control loop`0X VZ V+UՋ[ Vq`0Z V V+UՋY V`R VW Vc,UՋX VZ Vq` V Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋVVVV`VVżVV¼V@ļVļV`żVżV ƼV` V] VUՋ` V] V`] V_ VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`d V^ V+UՋ_ Vq` ^ V` V+UՋp] Vq`] V_ VqUՋosmotrx`_ V` VUՋp_ V`` V`_ Vb VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`^ Va V+UՋpa Vq`` Vc V+UՋ_ V`U Vpl V+UՋl V`` Vb VqUՋtiming-advance-loop`b Vc VUՋ`b V`c V`b Ve VUՋ$Disable timing advance control loop`a VU V+UՋ V V` V ^ Vc,UՋ ^ V` Vc Vq`h Vj VqUՋlocalq`c Ve VqUՋosmotrx`e Vf VUՋpe V`f V`e Vg VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`pl Vg V+UՋpg Vq`f Vi V+UՋe V`f Vh VqUՋ base-port`g Vh VUՋg Vh V`h Vd VUՋSet base UDP port number`g Vi V+UՋi Vq`i Vk V+UՋ`h V`m Vpm VUՋ`m Vm V`d Vk VUՋe V`k V`j Vm VUՋLocal UDP port`i Vm V+UՋPn Vq`o Vpp V+UՋPo V`a Vf Vc,UՋ f Vpi Vk VPp Vq`k Vj VqUՋremote`j Vpn VUՋRemote UDP port`k Vo Vc,UՋj V`j V`pm Vn VqUՋ <0-65535>`pn Vpo VUՋn Vo V`n V`q VUՋUDP base port number`m Vl V+UՋ`l V`l Vx V+UՋPy Vq`t Vw VqUՋ<0-30>q`po Vq VqUՋosmotrx``q VPr VUՋq Vr V`q Vs VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`x V`s V+UՋs Vq`r Vu V+UՋ0r V`Pr VPt VqUՋ fn-advance`s Vt VUՋ0t V0u V`Pt Vp VUՋSSet the number of frames to be transmitted to transceiver in advance of current FN``s Vv V+UՋpv Vq`u Vx V+UՋt V`x V V+UՋ V`p Vw VUՋPq Vw V`w Vy VUՋAdvance in frames`v Vx V+UՋx Vq`x Vv V+UՋ`w V`pp Vr Vc,UՋ @s Vu V`x Vq`PN V~ VqUՋ<0-30>q`w V`z VqUՋosmotrx`y Vz VUՋPz V@{ V``z V`| VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V{ V+UՋP| Vq`p{ V`} V+UՋz V`z V| VqUՋ rts-advance``| VPN VUՋ| VN V`{ V} V+UՋ@~ Vq``} V V+UՋ@} V`P V0 V+UՋ V`y VP VUՋy V V`~ V VUՋAdvance in frames`} VP V+UՋ Vq` VP~ V+UՋ0 V`v Vp{ Vc,UՋ { V} V0 Vq` V VqUՋHOSTVq`P V0 VqUՋosmotrx` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋip`0 V VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ Set local and remote IP address` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` Vp V+UՋБ V`P V VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ-IP address (for both OsmoBtsTrx and OsmoTRX)`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`P~ V@ Vc,UՋ V V Vq` V VqUՋlocalq` V VqUՋosmotrx`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`p V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋip` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet IP address`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` Vp VUՋ` VВ V` V VUՋ V` V` V VUՋLocal IP address (BTS)` V V+UՋ` Vq`p V VqUՋA.B.C.D` V Vc,UՋ  Vp V V Vq` V VqUՋremote` V VUՋRemote IP address (OsmoTRX)` V Vc,UՋ V` V` V VUՋ` V` V` V` VUՋ IP address` V V+UՋ` Vq` Vp V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ Vq` V` V+UՋ Vq` VЖ VqUՋosmotrx`` VP VUՋ V V`Ж VИ VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V` V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ0 V`P VP VqUՋlegacy-setbsic`И VЙ VUՋ0 V0 V`P V VUՋJUse SETBSIC to configure transceiver (use ONLY with OpenBTS Transceiver!)`` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ V`p V Vc,UՋ@ V V` V V+UՋ` Vq`Й V VqUՋno` Vp VUՋ VН V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V V+UՋ Vq` Vp V+UՋP Vq`p V` VqUՋosmotrx` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ V` V` VqUՋlegacy-setbsic` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V VUՋ0Disable Legacy SETBSIC to configure transceiver` V V+UՋP V` V Vc,UՋ ` VР V Vq`p V VqUՋlatestq` Vp VqUՋosmotrx` V VUՋ` VP V`p Vp VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋХ V` V VqUՋtrxd-max-version`p Vp VUՋЧ VШ V` V VUՋ6Set maximum TRXD format version to negotiate with TRX` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ V` V` V VUՋ3Use latest supported TRXD format version (default)` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-50>`` V Vc,UՋ Vp V Vq` V VqUՋ<0-15>` V VUՋ#Maximum TRXD format version number` V Vc,UՋ V` V` Vp V+UՋж Vq` V VqUՋosmotrx` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration`p V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋrx-gain` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋSet the receiver gain in dB` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ` V` V V+UՋp V` V VUՋ V` V` Vp VUՋ Gain in dB` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ Vp V Vq` V VqUՋomlVq` V VqUՋosmotrx`p V` VUՋз V V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` Vp V+UՋй Vq` Vp V+UՋ@ V`` V` VqUՋtx-attenuation` V VUՋ@ V@ V`` V VUՋ Set the transmitter attenuation`p V V+UՋP Vq`p V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ Vp V` V` VUՋ` V V` V VUՋIUse NM_ATT_RF_MAXPOWR_R (max power reduction) from BSC via OML (default)` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋrx-gain` V Vc,UՋ P Vл V Vq`` V` VqUՋ<0-50>`` V VUՋ2Fixed attenuation in dB, overriding OML (default)` V0 Vc,UՋ@ V V` V V+UՋp Vq` V VqUՋno` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋosmotrx` V VUՋ Vp V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ 0 V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋUnset the receiver gain in dB` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V`0 V0 Vc,UՋ V V Vq`p V` VqUՋ0 V` V VqUՋ slotmask` V VUՋp Vp V` V VUՋSet the supported slots` V V+UՋp Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1` Vp VUՋ V V` V VUՋTS0 supported` V` V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1 V`` V VUՋ V0 V` V VUՋ V@ V`` Vp VUՋTS0 unsupported` V Vc,UՋP V V`p V` VUՋ V V` V` VUՋTS1 supported`` VP V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1 V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configurationq`` V VqUՋ0` V` VUՋTS1 unsupported` V Vc,UՋ@ V@ V`` VP VUՋ V V` V VUՋTS2 supported`P V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1 Vq`P V0 VqUՋ0` V VUՋ V V`0 VP VUՋTS2 unsupported` V Vc,UՋ0 V V`P V0 VUՋ V V` VP VUՋTS3 supported`0 V V+UՋ Vq`@ V@ VqUՋ1 V`: V; VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminalVq`0 V VqUՋ0`P V@ VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋTS3 unsupported` V@ Vc,UՋ V V`0 V VUՋ V V`@ V0 VUՋTS4 supported` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1 Vq` V VqUՋ0`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋTS4 unsupported`@ V Vc,UՋ V V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋTS5 supported` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1 Vq` V VqUՋ0` V VUՋp V` V` V VUՋTS5 unsupported` V Vc,UՋ V V` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋTS6 supported` V` V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ1 Vq` V` VqUՋ0` V VUՋP V@ V`` V VUՋTS6 unsupported` V Vc,UՋ` V V` V` VUՋ V V` V VUՋTS7 supported`` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋon V` V Vc,UՋ VP V@ V0 V V V V` V@ Vq`` V0 VqUՋ0` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋTS7 unsupported` V Vc,UՋ@ V V`0 V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋosmotrx`0 V VUՋ V0 V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋpower` V VUՋp V` V` V` VUՋChange TRX state` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V`p VP VUՋ V`` Vp VUՋ V V` Vp VUՋTurn it ON or OFF` V V+UՋ@ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-63>` V Vc,UՋ V VP Vq`p Vp VqUՋoff` V Vc,UՋP V Vq` V` Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋ`¼V¼V üVV@V VüVVüV` V V+UՋ0 Vq`p V VqUՋosmotrx`P V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` VP V+UՋ Vq` VP V+UՋ Vq`@ V0 VqUՋmaxdly` V VUՋ V V`0 Vp VUՋ4Set the maximum acceptable delay of an Access Burst`P V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ V`` V0 V+UՋ V`p V@ VUՋ V V` V VUՋ7Delay in GSMK symbol periods (approx. 550m per symbol)` V` V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ 0 V V@ Vq`0 V0 VqUՋmaxdlyq`@ V@ VqUՋno` V VUՋ0 V  V`@ V@ VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`0 V V+UՋ0 Vq`P V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋosmotrx`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V` VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V V+UՋ  V`` V VUՋ V V`0 V0 VUՋ'Unset the maximum delay of GSM symbols`@ V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`@ VP Vc,UՋ  V  V Vq` V VqUՋ<0-63>q` V VqUՋosmotrx`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V@ V+UՋ V` V VqUՋ maxdlynb` V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ3Set the maximum acceptable delay of a Normal Burst`0 V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ V`P V0 V+UՋ V` V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋ7Delay in GMSK symbol periods (approx. 550m per symbol)` VP V+UՋ Vq` V0 V+UՋ V` V Vc,UՋ  V V0 Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V0 VqUՋno` V VUՋ  V V`0 V0 VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`0 V V+UՋ  Vq`@ V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋosmotrx`0 V  VUՋ V V` V  VUՋ"OsmoTRX Transceiver configuration` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`P V V+UՋ  V`  V VqUՋ maxdlynb`  V  VUՋ V V` V0 VUՋ'Unset the maximum delay of GSM symbols`0 VP V+UՋ V`0 V@ Vc,UՋ  V V Vq` V V+UՋ  V`  V VqUՋ e1_input`0 V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure E1/T1/J1 TDM input` V@ V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`@ VА V+UՋ 0 Vq`P6 V`7 VqUՋglobal`А V  V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋhelp` V VUՋ V V` V" VUՋ+Description of the interactive help system`  V V+UՋ! Vq` V! V+UՋ` V`& V, V+UՋ@- V` V& V+UՋP' Vq` V" VqUՋlist`" V# VUՋp" V`# V`" Vp$ VUՋPrint command list`& V$ V+UՋ`$ Vq`# V& V+UՋ" V`# V$ VqUՋ [with-flags]`p$ Vp% VUՋ$ V% V`$ V( VUՋ#Also print the VTY attribute flags`$ V& V+UՋ& Vq`& V! V+UՋP% V`! V# Vc,UՋ# V`& V``B V9 VUՋWrite to configuration fileq`p% Vp( VqUՋshow`( V( VUՋ`( VP) V`p( Vp* VUՋ Show running system information`, V* V+UՋ`* Vq`) V+ V+UՋ( V`( V* VqUՋvty-attributes`p* Vp+ VUՋ* V+ V`* V- VUՋList of VTY attributes`* Vp, V+UՋ, Vq`+ V`- V+UՋP+ V`! V) Vc,UՋ) VP, V`p, VP5 V+UՋ5 Vq`p+ VP. VqUՋshow`- V. VUՋ@. V0/ V`P. VP0 VUՋ Show running system information`P5 V/ V+UՋ@0 Vq``/ V1 V+UՋ. V`. V0 VqUՋvty-attributes`P0 VP1 VUՋ0 V1 V`0 V@3 VUՋList of VTY attributes`/ VP2 V+UՋ2 Vq`1 V4 V+UՋ01 V`5 VP6 VUՋ@6 V6 V`P1 V3 VqUՋ application`@3 V@4 VUՋ3 V4 V`3 V5 VUՋ%Application specific attributes only`P2 V`8 V+UՋ8 V``- V`/ Vc,UՋ / V02 V05 Vq`@4 V2 VqUՋlibrary`2 V0 VUՋ!Library specific attributes only``8 V`> V+UՋ> V`0 V7 VUՋ V@8 V``7 V: VUՋGlobal attributes only`4 V6 Vc,UՋ 4 V 3 V7 V`p V VUՋ9socket priority value to use (>6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN)UՋq`p' VPD VqUՋ[PATH]q`7 V: VqUՋwrite`: V VUՋp: V V``> V; V+UՋ; Vq`; Vp= V+UՋ: V` Vp< VqUՋ terminal`; V< VUՋP< VP= V`p< V`? VUՋWrite to terminal`; V= V+UՋP> Vq`p= V> V+UՋ< V`6 V; Vc,UՋ`; V= V`= VpF V+UՋF Vq`< V? VqUՋwrite``? VP@ VUՋ? V@ V`? VA VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`pF VA V+UՋA Vq`A VB V+UՋ0@ Vq`P@ V`B VqUՋfile`A Vp' VUՋPB V' V`A V`C V+UՋC Vq`B VE V+UՋB V`F VL V+UՋL V`9 VD VUՋ: V0E V`PD VpG VUՋ@Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists``C VF V+UՋ`F Vq`E VC V+UՋD V`> VA Vc,UՋ `A V@C VE Vq`M V O V+UՋO Vq`D VG VqUՋwrite`pG V`H VUՋG VH V`G VJ VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`L VI V+UՋI Vq`I VK V+UՋ@H Vq``H VpJ VqUՋmemory`J VJ VUՋ`J VPK V`pJ VM VUՋ5Write configuration to the file (same as write file)`I VL V+UՋpL Vq`K VM V+UՋJ V`C VI Vc,UՋpI VK V`L VG V+UՋ`G Vq`J VM VqUՋwrite`M VpN VUՋM VN V`M VQ VUՋ<Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal`G VO V+UՋP Vq` O VQ V+UՋPN V` V V+UՋP V@UՋq` V VqUՋ@GՋportV`O VV V+UՋ0W Vq`PW V`Y V+UՋY Vq`pN V`R VqUՋshow`Q VR VUՋPR V@S V``R V`T VUՋ Show running system information`V VS V+UՋPT Vq`pS VU V+UՋR V`R VT VqUՋrunning-config``T V`U VUՋT VU V`T VW VUՋrunning configuration`S V`V V+UՋV Vq`U VPW V+UՋ@U V`Q VpS Vc,UՋS V@V V``V VQ V+UՋQ Vq``U V@X VqUՋexit`W VX VUՋ0X V Y V`@X V@[ VUՋ,Exit current mode and down to previous mode`Q VY V+UՋ@Z Vq``Y VPZ V+UՋX V`Y VZ V+UՋ0[ Vq`PZ V\ V+UՋ0] Vq`X V[ VqUՋend`@[ V0\ VUՋ[ V\ V`[ V^ VUՋ,End current mode and change to enable mode.`Z VP] V+UՋ] Vq`\ V] V+UՋ\ V`P] Vf V+UՋ`f Vq`b Vc VqUՋpcapVq`0\ V _ VqUՋe1_line`^ V_ VUՋ_ V` V` _ Va VUՋConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line`f V` V+UՋa Vq` ` Vb V+UՋ_ Vq`_ Va VqUՋ<0-255>`a Vb VUՋpa V`b V`a V@^ VUՋ Line Number`` Vc V+UՋ`c Vq`b Ve V+UՋa V`f Vg VUՋf V`g V`@^ Vpd VUՋ^ Vd V`c Vf VUՋ.Setup a pcap recording of E1 traffic for line`c Ve V+UՋe Vq`e Vg V+UՋPd V`] V ` Vc,UՋ ` Vb Vpe Vg Vq`pd Vpc VqUՋ.FILE`pc Vpi VUՋ Filename to save the packets to`e Vh V+UՋph Vq`g Vh V+UՋc V`h Vp V+UՋq Vq`l Vn VqUՋ<0-255>q`g Vi VqUՋno`pi V`j VUՋi Vj V`i Vk VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`p Vpk V+UՋk Vq`j VPm V+UՋ@j Vq``j VPl VqUՋe1_line`k Vl VUՋ@l V0m V`Pl Vi VUՋConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line`pk Vm V+UՋ0n Vq`Pm Vo V+UՋl V`@q Vq VUՋq Vr V`i V@o VUՋ`i Vo V`n V@q VUՋ Line Number`m V@p V+UՋp Vq`o VPr V+UՋ o V`h Vj Vc,UՋ Pk Vm V p Vr Vq`@o V@n VqUՋpcap`@n V0t VUՋ.Disable pcap recording of E1 traffic for line`@p Vr V+UՋ0s Vq`Pr V@s V+UՋn V`r V`x V+UՋx Vq` V VqUՋdriverq`q Vt VqUՋpcap`0t V u VUՋt Vu Vq`t Vv VUՋLegacy``x Vv V+UՋpv Vq`u Vpw V+UՋu Vq` u Vv VqUՋ.FILE`v V`y VUՋv V`v Vw V+UՋPx Vq`pw Vx V+UՋPw V`@s Vu Vc,UՋu Vw V`w V} V+UՋ~ Vq`v Vy VqUՋno``y VPz VUՋy Vz V`y V{ VUՋ%Negate a command or set its defaults`} V`{ V+UՋ{ Vq`z V| V+UՋ0z Vq`Pz V@| VqUՋpcap`{ V~ VUՋ0| V``{ V@} V+UՋ} Vq`| V0~ V+UՋ| V`x Vz Vc,UՋ@{ V } V`@} V V+UՋP Vq`@| V  VqUՋe1_line`~ V VUՋ V V`  V VUՋConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋp V` V` Vs VUՋ Line Number` V V+UՋ` Vq` V V+UՋ V` V VUՋ VP V`s Vp VUՋ t VЄ V` V VUՋSet driver for this line` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋP V`0~ V Vc,UՋ V V` V Vq`p Vp VqUՋmisdn`p Vp VUՋ&mISDN supported E1 Card (kernel LAPD)` V V+UՋ Vq`p V VqUՋdahdi` V VqUՋ misdn_lapd`p Vp VUՋЈ VЉ V` V VUՋ)mISDN supported E1 Card (userspace LAPD)`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋ` Vp V` V0 VUՋDAHDI supported E1/T1/J1 Card` V VUՋ#Set physical port/span/card numberq` V VqUՋe1d` V0 VUՋ osmo-e1d supported E1 interfaceq` V VqUՋipa`0 V VUՋ V V` VP VUՋIPA TCP/IP input` VP Vc,UՋ@Ѓ VP V Vp V V0 V` VЏ VqUՋ unixsocket`P VP VUՋ V V`Џ V@ VUՋUnix socket inputq` V Vc,UՋUՋUՋ@UՋUՋUՋ UՋ`UՋUՋ@UՋ@UՋUՋGՋ GՋGՋ`GՋ@GՋGՋGՋ@GՋGՋ GՋGՋ`GՋGՋGՋGՋ@GՋGՋq`P V VqUՋe1_line`@ V0 VUՋ V V` V VUՋConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ Vq`0 V VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋ V V` VP VUՋ Line Number`0 V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋp V` V VUՋ@GՋ VP V`P V VUՋP V V` V V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`P V Vc,UՋ @GՋ Vp V` V Vq` V VqUՋ<0-255>` V` VUՋE1/T1 Port/Span/Card number` V V+UՋ` Vq` Vp V+UՋ` V` V V+UՋ Vq` V VqUՋsocketq` VМ VqUՋe1_line`` VP VUՋ V V`М V VUՋConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line` VP V+UՋ Vq`Н V0 V+UՋ0 Vq`P V0 VqUՋ<0-255>` V VUՋ V V`0 V VUՋ Line Number`P V V+UՋ Vq`0 V V+UՋ V`0 V VUՋ V V` V VUՋP V V` V0 VUՋSet socket path for unixsocket` V0 V+UՋ Vq` V V+UՋ V`p VН Vc,UՋ 0 V V V Vq` V 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