* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
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//  File:               TCCEnv.cc
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: Environment Handling Functions.
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "memory.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "TCCEnv_Functions.hh"

namespace TCCEnv__Functions {

//  Function: f__GetEnv
//  Purpose:
//    Return the environment variable specified via p_env_name
//  Parameters:
//    p__env__name - *in* *charstring* - name of the environment variable
//  Return Value:
//    charstring - value of the environment variable
//  Errors:
//    - 
//  Detailed description:
//    -
CHARSTRING f__GetEnv(const CHARSTRING& p__env__name)
  const char *val = getenv((const char *)p__env__name);
  if(!val)return CHARSTRING("");
  else return CHARSTRING(val);

//  Function: f__PutEnv
//  Purpose:
//    Set the environment variable p_env_name to p_env_value.
//  Parameters:
//    p__env__name - *in* *charstring* - name of the environment variable
//    p__env__value - *in* *charstring* - value of the environment variable
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - true if set of environment variable was successful, false else
//  Errors:
//    - 
//  Detailed description:
//    -
BOOLEAN f__PutEnv(const CHARSTRING& p__env__name,
  const CHARSTRING& p__env__value)
  if(p__env__name.lengthof()) {
    char *env = 
        mprintf("%s=%s", (const char*)p__env__name, (const char*)p__env__value);    
    int result = putenv(env);
    if(result) {
      TTCN_warning("putenv failed with error code %d.", result);
      return BOOLEAN(FALSE);
  return BOOLEAN(TRUE);

/*INTEGER f__UnsetEnv(const CHARSTRING& p__env__name)
  return INTEGER(unsetenv((const char *)p__env__name));
