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ipv6 link-local %sshutdown%s default-apn %s%s echo-interval %u%s %sshutdown ggsn%sstruct ggsn_ctx/tmpshow ggsn [NAME]show pdp-context ggsn NAMEno shutdownno g-pdu tx-sequence-numbersno (ip|ipv6) dns <0-1>ipv6 dns <0-1> X:X::X:Xip dns <0-1> A.B.C.Dno ipv6 link-localipv6 link-local X:X::X:X/Mno ipv6 ifconfigipv6 ifconfig X:X::X:X/Mno ip ifconfigip ifconfig A.B.C.D/Mno ipdown-scriptipdown-script PATHno ipup-scriptipup-script PATHtun-device NAMEgtpu-mode (tun|kernel-gtp)no type-support (v4|v6|v4v6)kernel-gtpv4v4v6%s(config-ggsn-apn)# no echo-intervalecho-interval <1-36000>show sgsnno shutdown ggsnno default-apndefault-apn NAMEno apn NAMEAPN Configuration APN Name gtp state-dir PATHgtp user-ip A.B.C.Dgtp control-ip A.B.C.Dgtp bind-ip A.B.C.Dno ggsn NAME%s(config-ggsn)# %% Failed to start APN, tun-device is not configured%s%% Failed to start APN, check log for details%s%% 3GPP TS 29.060 section states interval should not be lower than 60 seconds, use this value for testing purposes only!%s%s Echo Requests in-flight: %u%s%% static IP addresses currently not yet supported%s%% Failed to start GGSN, check log for details%s%% Failed to create state-dir: %s%s/usr/include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127IMSI: %s, NSAPI: %u, MSISDN: %s%s, Primary, Num Secondaries: %d%s%s End-User Address (IPv4): %s%s End-User Address (IPv6): %s%s Transmit GTP Sequence Number for G-PDU: %s%s%% No APN of name '%s' found%s%% APN %s still active, please shutdown first%s%% GGSN %s is still active, please shutdown first%s%% GGSN %s still has APNs configured, please remove first%s%% No PDP context found for IP '%s'%s%% No such PDP context found%s no g-pdu tx-sequence-numbers%sShow running system information Display information on the GGSN show pdp-context ggsn NAME ap APNShow running system information Show PDP Context Information Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) GGSN Name Filter by APN APN name show pdp-context ggsn NAME apn APNShow running system information Show PDP Context Information Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) GGSN Name show pdp-context ggsn NAME ipv4 A.B.C.DShow running system information Display information on PDP Context Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) GGSN Name IPv4 address type IP address show pdp-context ggsn NAME imsi IMSI [<0-15>]Show running system information Display information on PDP Context Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) GGSN Name PDP contexts for given IMSI PDP context for given NSAPI Negate a command or set its defaults Remove the APN from administrative shutdown Put the APN in administrative shutdown Negate a command or set its defaults G-PDU Configuration Disable transmission of G-PDU sequence numbers G-PDU Configuration Enable transmission of G-PDU sequence numbers Negate a command or set its defaults IP information IPv6 Information Disable DNS Server primary/secondary DNS IPv6 Information Configure DNS Server primary/secondary DNS IP address of DNS Sever IP information Configure DNS Server primary/secondary DNS IP address of DNS Sever Negate a command or set its defaults IPv6 Information GGSN-based interface configuration IPv6 Information GGSN-based interface configuration IPv6 Link-local Adress/Prefix-Length IPv6 Information GGSN-based interface configuration IPv6 Adress/Prefix-Length ipv6 prefix (static|dynamic) X:X::X:X/MIPv6 Information Prefix (Network/Netmask) IPv6 Address/Prefix-Length Negate a command or set its defaults IP information GGSN-based interface configuration IP information GGSN-based interface configuration IPv4 Adress/Prefix-Length ip prefix (static|dynamic) A.B.C.D/MIP information Prefix (Network/Netmask) IPv4 Adress/Prefix-Length Negate a command or set its defaults Disable ip-down script Configure name/path of ip-down script File/Path name of ip-down script Negate a command or set its defaults Disable ip-up script Configure name/path of ip-up script File/Path name of ip-up script Configure tun device name TUN device nameSet the Mode for this APN (tun or Linux Kernel GTP) GTP-U in userspace using TUN device GTP-U in kernel using Linux Kernel GTP Negate a command or set its defaults Disable support for PDP Type IPv4(-only) PDP Type IPv6(-only) PDP Type IPv4v6 (dual-stack) PDP Type Enable support for PDP Type IPv4(-only) PDP Type IPv6(-only) PDP Type IPv4v6 (dual-stack) PDP Type Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) GGSN Number Negate a command or set its defaults Send an echo request to this static GGSN every interval. Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) GGSN Number Send an echo request to this static GGSN every interval Interval between echo requests in seconds Negate a command or set its defaults Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) Remove the GGSN from administrative shutdown Put the GGSN in administrative shutdown Gateway GPRS Support NODE (GGSN) Negate a command or set its defaults Remove default-APN to be used if no other APN matches Set a default-APN to be used if no other APN matches APN Name Negate a command or set its defaults Remove APN Configuration APN Name GTP Parameters Set the directory for the GTP State file Local Directory GTP Parameters Set the IP address states as local IP in GTP-U messages IPv4 Address GTP Parameters Set the IP address states as local IP in GTP-C messages IPv4 Address GTP Parameters Set the IP address for the local GTP bind IPv4 Address Negate a command or set its defaults Remove the named Gateway GPRS Support Node GGSN Name (has only local significance) Configure the Gateway GPRS Support Node GGSN Name (has only local significance) Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Harald Welte Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Holger Hans Peter Freyther Copyright (C) 2012-2017 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Mondru AB License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  TUN(%s): non-IPv%u packet received TUN(%s): APN(%s) Rx DL data packet for IP address outside pool of managed addresses: %s <- %s TUN(%s): APN(%s) Rx DL data packet for PDP(%s:%u): %s <- %s TUN(%s): APN(%s) Rx DL data packet for IP address with no associated PDP Ctx: %s <- %s libgtp EOF (type=%u, pdp=%p, cbp=%p) PDP(%s:%u): Packet received on APN(%s): forwarding to tun %s PDP(%s:%u): Packet from MS IPv6 with unassigned EUA: %s PDP(%s:%u): Packet from MS using unassigned src IPv6: %s PDP(%s:%u): Packet from MS IPv4 with unassigned EUA: %s PDP(%s:%u): Packet from MS using unassigned src IPv4: %s PDP(%s:%u): Packet from MS is neither IPv4 nor IPv6: %s PDP(%s:%u): Failed to create and send TRAP %s PDP(%s:%u): Deleting PDP context PDP(%s:%u): Cannot find/free IP Pool member PDP(%s:%u): Deleting PDP context: without private structure! PDP(%s:%u): Cannot delete tunnel from kernel:%s PDP(%s:%u): Processing create PDP context request for APN '%s' PDP(%s:%u): Unknown APN '%s', rejecting PDP(%s:%u): Static IP addresses not supported: %s PDP(%s:%u): Cannot decode EUA from MS/SGSN: %s PDP(%s:%u): Failed to store APN '%s' PDP(%s:%u): Cannot add tunnel to kernel: %s PDP(%s:%u): Maybe your kernel does not support GTP-U with IPv6 yet? PDP(%s:%u): Failed parsing gsnrc (len=%u) to discover SGSN PDP(%s:%u): Successful PDP Context Creation: APN=%s(%s), TEIC=%u, IPv4=%s, IPv6=%s PDP(%s:%u): Cannot allocate IP address from pool (full!) PDP(%s:%u): APN doesn't support requested EUA / AF type GGSN(%s): Received Recovery IE for unknown SGSN (no PDP contexts active) PDP(%s:%u): Sending DELETE PDP CTX due to shutdown APN(%s): Closing TUN device %s tun interface has no link-local IP assignedAPN(%s): Opening TUN device %s APN(%s): Failed to configure tun device APN(%s): Opened TUN device %s APN(%s): Opening Kernel GTP device %s APN(%s): Failed to configure Kernel GTP device APN(%s): Unknown GTPU Mode %d APN(%s): Setting tun IP address %s APN(%s): Failed to set tun IPv4 address %s: %s APN(%s): Setting tun IPv6 address %s APN(%s): Failed to set tun IPv6 address %s: %s. Ensure you have ipv6 support and not used the disable_ipv6 sysctl? APN(%s): Setting tun IPv6 link-local address %s APN(%s): Failed to set tun IPv6 link-local address %s: %s. Ensure you have ipv6 support and not used the disable_ipv6 sysctl? APN(%s): Running ip-up script %s APN(%s): Cannot obtain IPv6 link-local address of interface: %s APN(%s): Creating IPv4 pool %s APN(%s): Failed obtaining IPv4 tun IPs APN(%s): Failed to create IPv4 pool APN(%s): Creating IPv6 pool %s APN(%s): Failed obtaining IPv6 tun IPs APN(%s): Failed to create IPv6 pool APN(%s): Successfully started GGSN(%s): Failed to create GTP: %s GGSN(%s): Successfully started ggsn.cggsn.c:153ggsn.c:156ggsn.c:162APN(%s): Blacklist tun IP %s Assert failed %s %s:%d what & OSMO_FD_READ%s,%simsi-rem-ipggsn.c:379nonestruct pdp_priv_timsi-ass-ipAPN(%s): Stopping APN(%s): Running %s APN(%s): Releasing IPv4 pool APN(%s): Releasing IPv6 pool APN(%s): Starting APN(%s): Skipping APN start ggsn.c:298ggsn.c:302ggsn.c:315ggsn.c:319GGSN(%s): Starting GGSN rc == 0SGSN(%s) Dropped %u PDP contexts SGSN(%s): Delaying delete, still %u echo messages queued SGSN(%s): Rx Echo Request timed out! SGSN(%s): SGSN recovery (%u->%u) pdp=%p, releasing all%s PDP contexts sgsn.cSGSN(%s): Tx Echo Request SGSN(%s): Deleting SGSN sgsn.c:22SGSN(%s): Rx Echo Response sgsn.c:73SGSN(%s): Discovered otherPDP(%s:%u): PCO PAP PeerId = %s, ACKing msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) PDP(%s:%u): Unsupported PAP PCO Code %u, ignoring PDP(%s:%u): Invalid PAP AuthenticateReq: %s, ignoring PDP(%s:%u): Invalid PAP PCO Length: %s, ignoring PDP(%s:%u): PCO Protocol 0x%04x PDP(%s:%u): IPCP but no IPv4 type ?!? PDP(%s:%u): Malformed IPCP, ignoring PDP(%s:%u): MS requested IPv6 DNS, but APN has none configured PDP(%s:%u): MS requested IPv4 DNS, but APN has none configured PDP(%s:%u): Unknown/Unimplemented PCO Protocol 0x%04x: %s pco.cWelcome to OsmoGGSN 1.12.0PCO.resp#! DIPIP Pool and other groupsDTUNTunnel interfaceDGGSNDSGSNSGSN EmulatorDICMP6ICMPv6msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) Ignoring non-ICMP to all-routers mcast Invalid Router Solicitation: %s IPv6 RSicmpv6.cmsgPacket too short: %u bytes Short ICMPv6 packet: %s ICMPv6 type 133 but code %d IPv6 RAUnknown ICMPv6 type %u :in46_addr.cUNDEFINED%s/%uin->l <= sizeof(dst->v6)UNDEFINED!Wippool_printaddr Firstdyn %td Lastdyn %td Firststat %td Laststat %td Listsize %u ippool.cBad address Prefixlen is not an int Perfixlen too big Static out of range IP address allready in use Address not in use Could not free IP address Unit %d inuse %d prev %td next %td addr %s ippool_hashdel: Tried to delete member not in hash table Empty prefix length specified Failed to allocate memory for ippool Failed to allocate memory for members in ippool Failed to allocate memory for hash members in ippool addr blacklisted from pool: %s Static IP address not allowed Dynamic IP address not allowed No more IP addresses available MS requested unsupported PDP context type Could not allocate IP address errno=%d/%s socket() failed netdev.cioctl(SIOCDELRT) failed ioctl(SIOCADDRT) failed ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) failed ioctl(SIOCSIFADDR) failed ioctl(SIOCSIFDSTADDR) failed ioctl(SIOCSIFNETMASK) failed Unable to get ifindex for %s errno=%d/%s bind() failed getsockname() failed Wrong address length %d Wrong address family %d errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCDELRT) failed errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCADDRT) failed errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS) failed errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCSIFADDR) failed errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCSIFADDR): Address already exists errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCSIFDSTADDR) failed errno=%d/%s ioctl(SIOCSIFNETMASK) failed Error getting ifindex for %s ioctl(SIOCSIFADDR): Address already exists errno=%d/%s Unable to get ifindex for %s errno=%d/%s getsockname() failed errno=%d/%s sendmsg() failed, returned %d sendmsg() failed, returned %d  errno=%d/%s calloc() failed tun.c/dev/net/tunerrno=%d/%s open() failed errno=%d/%s ioctl() failed GTP kernel configured errno=%d/%s close() failed errno=%d/%s read() failed TUN(%s): write() failed %s %s %s %sError executing command %s errno=%d/%s could not disable checksum on %s could not disable checksum on %s cannot create GTP tunnel device: %s errno=%d/%s TUN(%s): write() failed TUN(%s): short write() %d < %u errno=%d/%s Error executing command %s cannot create genetlink socket cannot lookup GTP genetlink ID Initialized GTP kernel mode (genl ID is %d) PDP(%s:%u): %s %s v%u TEID %lx EUA=(%s,%s) SGSN=%s gtp-kernel.cgtp_kernel_tunnel_delgtp_kernel_tunnel_add;x0H  84XHx\p8h Lh8Xx8,XHX D 8p X 8$ xL t X  XT   x x`   x \  D (@xxH#8%$8&,(- h- .h2HAHBPCGVZ[h\h]__ aTaha|chcc c XeHj8w8xHyPyd~ 8 4TxX(<XHȈx , h\ p x(!x!!ș<""(###($ثP%d%x%%%%X$&س&&'H''hP(xh((Ⱥ(H)H)))D*******zRx "zRx $FJ w?;*3$"D@8\Ig H DM \AB H O I b F HfBIB I(H0E8IP 8C0A(B BBBA    4MH \ p  ID  A TID  A ID  A ,jBJD E ABH (iAFG0Q CAA (4@iAFG0Q CAA `$Ab|$Ab A^A\A\(AAD S AAE $,IAAD ~CA(@TBIA }CBHl$BGI I(D0H8L` 8A0A(B BBBA 4SBBA A(D0@(C ABB0BAD G0k  AABC 0$@lAAD Q CAE DFA(X|oAAD V AAB 0tAAD T CAB LFA4 BAD R FBG rABDtBBI I(D0D8G@8A0A(B BBB$8 =AAD rCA$`$=AAD rCA$<=AAD rCA TWAD I CA WAD I CA WAD I CA H<BBB E(A0D8OT 8A0A(B BBBC 0hBAD G0k  AABC HxBBE A(A0z (A BBBD m(F BBB<BEB D(A0O (A BBBD H(\BBE B(A0A8D@{ 8C0A(B BBBH HtABBE B(H0A8D@ 8C0A(B BBBK HMBBB B(A0D8K@ 8D0A(B BBBH ` ^BBB B(A0A8KP 8F0A(B BBBG [ 8A0A(B BBBC LpBBE A(H0 (D BBBB t (A EBBB HTBBD H(D0k (C ABBI |(F ABBH BBB B(A0H8D` 8D0A(B BBBK TX LYBE I(H0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBA 4 JBHA q ABA FABH ,BEH D(D0m (D ABBC |(D ABB4 ?As D F4T JBAE t ABA FABH BFD D(D0h (D ABBK m(D ABB( | QAOK 1CA BBB B(D0D8JSZLFFAI_ 8A0A(B BBBF VGHKTCFB KIAI uKIA\_JXA]G[AT |BBI B(D0D8D@ 8C0A(B BBBI HSPKHA@d8 BED C(F0_ (D ABBL U (C ABBK a8N@SHFPI0S8I@[8A0T FBBB B(A0A8D 8G0A(B BBBG } 8F0A(B BBBD  FBAH `K]BnXPAKa 8K0A(B BBBG cF^AKKGA\Z FIAE T ABAE N HBAE xPHBrF_AoMMApMNA$ DG E K E K E  =\t4@}BBB A(G0S r J n A i 0A(A BBBC { H \ C a K P H K |HuJBB A(A0 (C BBBG `8R@I8B0P8R@H8B0R8T@H8A08K@QHHPK08F@^8A0,HBIB B(H0A8J) 8C0A(B BBBI ~LTHKwI_A^KQHKtKQHKcI]AdLLEKIAAKLRFKqF_BZZJHK|^MAvF^BkPHAINEHBN\THAmOIBwSBAKqF^AlISHKlRHBl`+BBB B(A0A8D@H 8K0A(B BBBF a 8F0A(B BBBA fHDPhHA@4d+AAG B DAH b(P0H(A h,JAD  ABE |(C0i(B (E0F(B N(C0h(A L(C0h(A s(O0](B 0BBA A(D` (A ABBC w hKpN hCphhA`thCphhA`YhCphhA`thCpihB`rhCpihB`thOp]hB` hCpYhA`KhOp]hB`JhOp\hA`rhEpFhB`LhOpKhA`chQpLhB`chOpKhA`ahSpKhA`chQpLhB` hKpE IhBpAxC\`L hGpAxCB M hBpAxCE KhOp]hA`FhPp[hA`BhKp\hB`]hKp\hB`mhLpJhB`\hRpYhB`\@>TAA ABIH l(C0i(B z(C0h(A (Q0K(B ,AHED fABFT$BLBFB B(D0C8G` 8D0A(B BBBE BhNp\hA`<|BBAE G@z  AABK YHIP`HA@LCAAG@r KAI t AAJ ]HKP^HA@cHIP`HA@ ED EAG0 AF  DL Z8I@`8A0f8I@`8A0h