// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
//  File:               TCCIPsec_XFRM_Definitions.ttcn
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: IPsec XFRM Functions
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

module TCCIPsec_XFRM_Definitions{
  external function f_XFRM_add_sa(in SAAddInfo pl_sa_info) return XFRM_Result;
  external function f_XFRM_delete_sa(in SADelInfo pl_sa_info) return XFRM_Result;
  external function f_XFRM_flush_sa() return XFRM_Result;
  external function f_XFRM_add_policy(in SPAddInfo pl_pol_info) return XFRM_Result;
  external function f_XFRM_delete_policy(in SPDelInfo pl_pol_info) return XFRM_Result;
  external function f_XFRM_flush_policy() return XFRM_Result;
  external function f_XFRM_allocate_SPI(in AllocSPI_Info pl_AllocSPI_info, inout integer pl_spi) return XFRM_Result; 

//  Type: NetworkAddress
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a record for using IP addresses with port and prefix number.
//  Elements:
//    ip_address     -  An IPv4 or IPv6 address (string).
//                      Not valid address form can result an error in the database.
//                      For example not inserting the new database entry.
//    port_number    -  An integer used to specify a given port for the policies.
//    address_prefix -  An integer indivating the network prefix for the address.
type record NetworkAddress{
  charstring  ip_address,
  integer     port_number optional,
  integer     address_prefix optional

//  Type: TransportProtocol
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for selecting the Transport Protocol.
//    For default value, the ANY choice is used in the protocol.
type enumerated TransportProtocol{
  ANY    (0),
  TCP    (6),  //IPPROTO_TCP
  UDP    (17), //IPPROTO_UDP
  GRE    (47), //IPPROTO_GRE

//  Type: PolicyDirection
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the direction of a policy used on the packets.
type enumerated PolicyDirection{
  IN  (0),  //XFRM_POLICY_IN

//  Type: IPsecAlgorithms
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the encryption and authentication methods used in the Security 
//    Associations.
//  Elements:
//    auth  -  Defines an authentication method and the key used.
//    enc    -  Defines an encryption method and the key used.
//  Comment:
//    Using Encryption without authentication is strongly discouraged, because
//     it is insecure.
type record IPsecAlgorithms{
  Authentication  auth optional,
  Encryption      enc optional

//  Type: IPSecProtocol
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the IPSec protocol used.
//  Elements:
//    ESP  -  Encapsulating Security Payloads: it provides origin authenticity, 
//            integrity and confidentiality protection of packets.
//    AH   -  Authentication Header: It guarantees connectionless integrity and data
//            origin authentication of IP packets
//    COMP -  IP Payload Compression: a low level compression protocol for IP datagrams
//            Compression must be done before fragmenting or encrypting the packet.
type enumerated IPSecProtocol{
  AH(51),   //IPPROTO_AH

//  Type: IPSecKey
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a charstring or hexstring for the key used in ESP or AH.
type union IPSecKey{
  charstring  text,
  hexstring    hex

//  Type: Authentication
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the name of the authentication algorithm and the key used.
//  Elements:
//    name - An enumerated value for selecting the algorithm
//    key  - The used key for the authentication. It can be given in charstring
//           or hexstring value.
type record Authentication{
  AuthenticationAlgorithms name,
  IPSecKey                 key

//  Type: AuthenticationAlgorithms
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for selecting the authentication alogrithm.
//  Comment:
//    The key lengths are next to each possible algorithm.
type enumerated AuthenticationAlgorithms{
  NULL_AUTH    (0),
  HMAC_MD5     (1),    //key length: 128 bits 
  HMAC_SHA1    (2),    //key length: 160 bits 
  HMAC_SHA256  (3),    //key length: 256 bits
  HMAC_SHA384  (4),    //key length: 384 bits
  HMAC_SHA512  (5),    //key length: 512 bits
  HMAC_RMD160  (6)      //key length: 160 bits 

//  Type: Encryption
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the name of the encryption algorithm and the key used.
//  Elements:
//    name - An enumerated value for selecting the algorithm
//    key  - The used key for the encryption. It can be given in charstring
//           or hexstring value.
type record Encryption{
  EncryptionAlgorithms name,
  IPSecKey             key

//  Type: EncryptionAlgorithms
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for selecting the encryption alogrithm.
//  Comment:
//    The key lengths are next to each possible algorithm.
type enumerated EncryptionAlgorithms{
  NULL_ENCR    (0),
  CBC_AES      (1),    //key length: 128 bits 
  CBC_DES      (2),    //key length:   64 bits 
  CBC_3DES     (3),    //key length: 192 bits  
  CBC_CAST5    (4),    //key length: 40-128 bits
  CBC_BLOWFISH (5),    //key length: 40-448 bits
  CBC_SERPENT  (6),    //key length: 128-256 bits
  CBC_CAMELLIA (7),    //key length: 128-256 bits
  CBC_TWOFISH  (8)      //key length: 128-256 bits

//  Type: Mode
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for selecting the mode of the operation for the
//    transform protocol..
//  Comment:
//    BEET - Bound End-to-End Tunnel is for ESP only.
type enumerated Mode{
  BEET      (4)   //XFRM_MODE_BEET

//  Type: Share
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for selecting sharing mode.
//  Comment:
//    Should be ANY. In the current version, not used by the kernel, but required 
//    for forward compatibility..
type enumerated Share{
  ANY     (0),    //XFRM_SHARE_ANY: No limitations(default value)
  SESSION (1),    //XFRM_SHARE_SESSION: For this session only
  USER    (2),    //XFRM_SHARE_USER: For this user only
  UNIQUE  (3)     //XFRM_SHARE_UNIQUE: Use once

//  Type: Action
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for allowing/blocking traffic
type enumerated Action{

//  Type: Level
//  Purpose:
//    Defines an enumerated value for setting the level of the policy
//  Comment:
//    use       - Indicates, that the policy should be used if there is an
//                appropriate SA avaiable. (else the policy is bypassed)
//    required  -  The policy has to be used.
type enumerated Level{
  required (0),
  use      (1)

//  Type: Template
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a record for the policy template. The behavior of the policy can be 
//    described with the templates. For example, the use of AH or ESP can be set 
//    via the templates.
//  Elements:
//    ip_version - Specifies the IP version
//    src        - Source address of the tunnel. Ignored in other cases.
//    dst        - Destination of the tunnel. It may be zero for transport mode.
//    spi        - Security Parameter Index, it is used to select the appropriate SA.
//                 The default value of SPI can be zero.
//    reqid      - Association between the policies and the SAs.(If a policy matches 
//                 on a packet, then it will start searching for a matching SA based 
//                 on the reqid value.)
//    share      - Selects the share mode(Default value: ANY, probably not used by 
//                 the kernel, but it is required for forward compatibility.)
//    ipsec      - Defines the IPSec protocol used.
//    mode       - Transform mode.
//    level      - Sets the level of the policy.
type record Template{
  NetworkAddress src optional,
  NetworkAddress dst optional,
  integer        spi,
  integer        reqid optional,
  Share          share optional,
  IPSecProtocol  ipsec,
  Mode           mode,
  Level          level

//  Type: Template_List
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a list of Templates.
type set of Template Template_List;

//  Type: Limits
//  Purpose:
//    With the help of th is record, time, packet and byte limits can be set for
//    the policies and the SAs.
//  Comment:
//    soft vs hard: If the soft limit expire, then rekeying is required. If the 
//                  hard limit expires, the entry from the database will be deleted.
//  Elements:
//    byte_limit          - Defines a limit based on the sent/recieved bytes
//    packet_limit        - Defines a limit based on the sent/recieved packets
//    add_expires_seconds - Defines a limit based on the time elapsed since insertion/update
type record Limits{
  integer  soft_byte_limit optional,
  integer  hard_byte_limit optional,
  integer  soft_packet_limit optional,
  integer  hard_packet_limit optional,
  integer  soft_add_expires_seconds optional,
  integer  hard_add_expires_seconds optional,
  integer  soft_use_expires_seconds optional,
  integer  hard_use_expires_seconds optional

//  Type: Encap_type
//  Purpose:
//    Encapsulates packets with protocol espinudp or espinudp-non-ike
//  Comment:
//    It uses source port, destination port and original address.
type enumerated Encap_type{
  ESPINUDP          (2) //Default value should be this

//  Type: NAT_T
//  Purpose:
//    Enables the usage of Network Address Traversal for the IPsec tunnel
//  Elements:
//    encap_type - Defines encapsulation protocol
//    sport      - Source port --> "hole" in the wall
//    dport      - Destination port --> "hole" in the wall
//    oa         - Original Adress
type record NAT_T{
  Encap_type  encap_type,   //Default value should be ESPINUDP
  integer     sport,        //Default value should be 4500
  integer     dport,        //Default value should be 4500
  charstring  oa optional

//  Type: SAAdditionalInfo
//  Purpose:
//    Defines additional information regarding the Security Association creation.
//    These are not mandatory parameters for creating a valid SA.
//  Elements:
//    sel_src and sel_dst - Selector address that is used to identify if a packet
//                          requires IPsec related actions.
//    reqid               - Also serves as an identification between the SP and SA
//    limits              - Lifetime limits for the Security Association
type record SAAdditionalInfo{
  NetworkAddress    sel_src optional,
  NetworkAddress    sel_dst optional,
  integer           reqid optional,   //Policy<->SA connection, else selector
  Limits            limits optional

//  Type: SAAddInfo
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the basic information for creating a Security Assoctiation.
//  Elements:
//    update      - if set to true and the SA already exists, it will be updated/overwritten
//                  if not exists, it will be created.
//    protocol    - Defines the used transport protocol
//    ipsec       - Defines the type of IPsec usage
//    ipsec_agos  - Defines the algorithms and keys
//    mode        - IPsec mode (tunneling or transport)
//    spi         - Security Parameter Index
//    src         - Source address
//    dst         - Destination adress
//    nat_t       - Enable NAT
//    info        - Defines additional settings
type record SAAddInfo{
  boolean           update optional,
  TransportProtocol protocol,
  IPSecProtocol     ipsec,
  IPsecAlgorithms   ipsec_algos,
  Mode              mode,
  integer           spi,
  NetworkAddress    src,
  NetworkAddress    dst,
  NAT_T              nat_t optional,  
  SAAdditionalInfo  info optional

//  Type: SADelInfo
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the basic information toidentiy and remove a Security Assoctiation.
//  Elements:
//    protocol    - Defines the used transport protocol
//    spi         - Security Parameter Index
//    src         - Source address
//    dst         - Destination adress
type record SADelInfo{
  IPSecProtocol     proto,
  integer           spi,
  NetworkAddress    src,
  NetworkAddress    dst

//  Type: SPAdditionalInfo
//  Purpose:
//    Defines additional information regarding the Security Policy creation.
//    These are not mandatory parameters for creating a valid SP.
//  Elements:
//    share           - Defines the scope of the policy
//    priority        - Enables prioritization of SPs
//    policy_action   - Policy rule (ALLOW or BLOCK)
//    index           - Used for identification, similar to the selector
//    interface_index - Enables the usage of an SP only for a specific interface
//    limits          - Lifetime limits for the Security Policy  
type record SPAdditionalInfo{
  Share    share optional,
  integer priority optional,
  Action  policy_action optional,
  integer  index optional,
  integer  interface_index optional,
  Limits  limits optional

//  Type: SPAddInfo
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the basic information for creating a Security Policy.
//  Elements:
//    update    - if set to true and the SP already exists, it will be updated/overwritten
//                if not exists, it will be created.
//    protocol  - Defines the used transport protocol
//    src       - Source address
//    dst       - Destination adress
//    dir       - Direction of the traffic
//    tmpl      - Defines Templates for the SP that is used for idetification
//    info      - Defines additional settings
type record SPAddInfo{
  boolean           update optional,
  TransportProtocol protocol,
  NetworkAddress    src,
  NetworkAddress    dst,
  PolicyDirection   dir,
  Template_List      tmpl,
  SPAdditionalInfo  info optional

//  Type: SPDelInfo
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the basic information for identifying and removing a Security Policy.
//  Elements:
//    dir       - Direction of the traffic
//    protocol  - Defines the used transport protocol
//    src       - Source address
//    dst       - Destination adress
type record SPDelInfo{
  PolicyDirection   dir,
  TransportProtocol protocol,
  NetworkAddress    src,
  NetworkAddress    dst

//  Type: SPI_Range
//  Purpose:
//    Minimum and maximum value for SPI
type record SPI_Range{
  integer min,
  integer max

//  Type: AllocSPI_Info
//  Purpose:
//    Defines the basic information for allocating an SPI value.
//  Elements:
//    src       - Source address
//    dst       - Destination adress
//    protocol  - IPsec protocol
//    range     - Range of the SPI
type record AllocSPI_Info{
  charstring    src,
  charstring    dst,
  IPSecProtocol protocol,
  SPI_Range     range optional

//  Type: XFRM_Result
//  Purpose:
//    Serves as a return value for the TTCN-3 functions. It contains general result
//    and in case of an error, some description on the error.
//  Elements:
//    result  - If the execution is successful,the value is 0.
//    msg     - If error occurs before reaching the kernel or the error is in the
//              communications with the kernel, then this contains information on it.
//              If the reponse is negative, then it contains the message from the kernel.
type record XFRM_Result{
  integer result,
  charstring msg