òq^1Eru@@Z g g;*J,ܘ,Um sErv@@Z g g;*J,ܘ,Um sDDE4Ѧ@@* g g*;ܘ,J- m s@@y  gym2^_WOsmoHLRLINPipa.cconnected read/write ^_B E?@@i  gymA^_OsmoHLRLINPipa.cq172.18.10.103:9999 message received ^_B E@@@|  gy|m-^_OsmoHLRLMIipa.cID_ACK? -> ACK! ^_HHB E8t@@  g~'e2~tl s  gymj^aOsmoHLRLGLOBALtelnet_interface.cAccept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= ^ bB Ez*@@R  g'Fڻ-n s This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. "OsmoHLR> ^bDDB gE4*@@R g ڻ-'H&l slB EM@@f  gym6^l4OsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c0: MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00 ^[lB EN@@8  gymc^lPOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c0: 4d 53 43 2d 30 30 2d 30 30 2d 30 30 2d 30 30 2d 30 30 2d 30 30 00 ^vlB EO@@\  gym>^llOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c1: Osmocom TTCN-3 GSUP Simulator ^lB EP@@  gym{^lOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c1: 4f 73 6d 6f 63 6f 6d 20 54 54 43 4e 2d 33 20 47 53 55 50 20 53 69 6d 75 6c 61 74 6f 72 00 ^lB EQ@@w  gypm!^lOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c2: ^lB ER@@s  gysm$^lOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c2: 00 ^lB ES@@u  gypm!^lOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c3: ^mB ET@@q  gysm$^lOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c3: 00 ^ mB EU@@s  gypm!^mOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c4: ^3mB EV@@o  gysm$^m+OsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c4: 00 ^DmB EW@@q  gypm!^m=OsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c5: ^UmB EX@@m  gysm$^mNOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c5: 00 ^smB EY@@o  gypm!^mjOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c7: ^mB EZ@@k  gysm$^m~OsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c7: 00 ^mB E[@@h  gyum&^mOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c8: 0/1/2 ^mB E\@@Z  gym3^mOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c8: 30 2f 31 2f 32 00 ^mB E]@@,  gym`^mOsmoHLRMAINgsup_router.cZAdding GSUP route for MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00 via ^:tErx@@Z g g;*J-ܘ,Um sl= ^"Ery@@Z٬ g g;*J-ܘ,Um sl= ^"B E0@@%  g0.n s=s=Welcome to the OsmoHLR VTY interface Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 by Harald Welte, sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. "OsmoHLR> ^-DDB gE4@@+ g .l s=s=^KKB gE;@@+ g .l s=s=enable ^DDB E41@@&  g.l s=s=^UUB EE2@@&  g.l s=s=enable OsmoHLR# ^&WWB gEG@@+ g .l s=s=configure terminal ^giiB EY3@@&̬  g.l s=s=configure terminal OsmoHLR(config)# ^ĮHHB gE8@@+ g .l s=s=hlr ^^^B EN4@@&֬  g.l s=s=hlr OsmoHLR(config-hlr)# ^hhB gEX@@+q g .Ѐl s=s=subscriber-create-on-demand 3 cs+ps ^~~B En5@@&  g.̀m s=s=subscriber-create-on-demand 3 cs+ps OsmoHLR(config-hlr)# ^HHB gE8@@+ g .̳ l s=s=end ^+RRB EB6@@&  g .Ѐl s=s=end OsmoHLR# ^ DDB gE4*@@P g ڻ4'H7l s=s<^DDB E4u@@  g~'e2~ul s=s<^SSB gECHd@@ g '~~ue2l s=s= bB2C5V^DDB E4v@@  g~'e2~ul s=s=^9B Ea@@V  gym2^"OsmoHLRLINPipa.cconnected read/write ^YB Eb@@F  gymA^QOsmoHLRLINPipa.cq172.18.10.103:9999 message received ^::B E*c@@޿  gym^vOsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_req.cGSUP 345: MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00: IMSI-262423341053658 OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_SEND_AUTH_INFO_REQUEST: new request: {OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_SEND_AUTH_INFO_REQUEST: imsi="262423341053658"} ^B Ed@@2  gymS^OsmoHLRMAINhlr.cIMSI='262423341053658': Creating subscriber on demand ^G%B Ee@@,  gymX^%4OsmoHLRMAINhlr.cIMSI='262423341053658': Successfully assigned MSISDN='384' ^%B Ef@@>  gymE^%OsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 2G Auth Data ^%B Eg@@=  gymE^%OsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 3G Auth Data ^%``B EPh@@ޔ  gy  gym=^&ZOsmoHLRLINPipa.c172.18.10.103:9999 sending data ^-iiB gEY@@+n g .гl s= s=subscriber imsi 262423341053658 show ^X.B Eo@@5  gymE^.BOsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 2G Auth Data ^u.B Ep@@4  gymE^.mOsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 3G Auth Data ^.B E7@@&  g.m- s= s= subscriber imsi 262423341053658 show ID: 74 IMSI: 262423341053658 MSISDN: 384 OsmoHLR# ^n1iiB gEY@@+m g .l s= s= subscriber imsi 262423341053658 show ^1B Eq@@3  gymE^1OsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 2G Auth Data ^1B Er@@2  gymE^1OsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 3G Auth Data ^ 2B E8@@&  g.m- s= s= subscriber imsi 262423341053658 show ID: 74 IMSI: 262423341053658 MSISDN: 384 OsmoHLR# ^4iiB gEY@@+l g .l s= s= subscriber imsi 262423341053658 show ^}4B Es@@1  gymE^4rOsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 2G Auth Data ^4B Et@@0  gymE^4OsmoHLRAUCdb_auc.cIMSI='262423341053658': No 3G Auth Data ^4B E9@@&  g.?m- s= s= subscriber imsi 262423341053658 show ID: 74 IMSI: 262423341053658 MSISDN: 384 OsmoHLR# ^Y9VVB gEFHe@@ g '~~ue2l s= s= bB2C5V(^9B Eu@@B  gym2^9OsmoHLRLINPipa.cconnected read/write ^9B Ev@@2  gymA^9OsmoHLRLINPipa.cq172.18.10.103:9999 message received ^9IIB E9w@@ޜ  gy%m^9OsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_req.cGSUP 346: MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00: IMSI-262423341053658 OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_UPDATE_LOCATION_REQUEST: new request: {OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_UPDATE_LOCATION_REQUEST: imsi="262423341053658" cn_domain=PS} ^ :B Ex@@  gymY^:OsmoHLRLUfsm.clu(262423341053658)[0x555555888c00]{UNVALIDATED}: Allocated ^8:B E y@@ɬ  gym^:.OsmoHLRLGSUPlu_fsm.cGSUP 346: MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00: IMSI-262423341053658 OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_UPDATE_LOCATION_REQUEST: storing SGSN number = MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00 ^@B Ez@@  gym|^@OsmoHLRLUlu_fsm.clu(PS:IMSI-262423341053658)[0x555555888c00]{UNVALIDATED}: state_chg to WAIT_INSERT_DATA_RESULT ^@EEB E5{@@ޜ  gy!m^@OsmoHLRLGSUPlu_fsm.cGSUP 346: MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00: IMSI-262423341053658 OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_UPDATE_LOCATION_REQUEST: Tx response: {OSMO_GSUP_MSGT_INSERT_DATA_REQUEST: imsi="262423341053658" cn_domain=PS} ^AB E|@@;  gym2^@OsmoHLRLINPipa.cconnected read/write ^AB E}@@/  gym=^A OsmoHLRLINPipa.c172.18.10.103:9999 sending data ^$AddB ETx@@  g~'e2~u%l s= s= bB2C5V*(^EAB E~@@9  gym2^Al= ^=SDDB E4;@@&  g.gl s= s= ^ESDDB gE4@@+ g .gl s= s= ^!UDDB gE4*@@O g ڻ4'H7l s= s<^gUB E@@  gymc^UUOsmoHLRLGLOBALtelnet_interface.cClosing telnet connection r=<->l= ^|UDDB E4z-@@S  g'H7ڻ5l s= s= ^UDDB gE4*@@N g ڻ5'H8l s= s= ^YDDB gE4Hg@@ g '~~u4e2l s= s= ^qYB E@@'  gym2^YWOsmoHLRLINPipa.cconnected read/write ^YB E@@  gymA^YOsmoHLRLINPipa.cq172.18.10.103:9999 message received ^YB E@@   gymN^YOsmoHLRLINPipa.cz172.18.10.103:9999 connection closed with server ^YDDB E4z@@  g~'e2~u5l s= s= ^YDDB gE4Hh@@ g '~~u5e2l s= s= ^AZB E@@  gymA^Z.OsmoHLRLGSUPgsup_server.c8Lost GSUP client ^pZB E@@  gyma^ZaOsmoHLRMAINgsup_router.cqRemoving GSUP route for "MSC-00-00-00-00-00-00\0" (GSUP disconnect) ^[DDB gE4ע@@ g y_.Fl s= s<^1\B E@@  gymd^\OsmoHLRLCTRLcontrol_if.cclose()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= ^M\DDB E4¸@@ l  g.Fy`l s= s= ^[\DDB gE4ף@@ g y`.Gl s= s=