rate_ctr.c:86 validating counter group 0x5640107b74e0(iucs) with 3 counters rate_ctr.c:86 validating counter group 0x5640107b74c0(iups) with 3 counters 20250219141427219 DLSS7 INFO 0: Creating SS7 Instance (osmo_ss7_instance.c:64) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 INFO 0: Creating Route Table system (osmo_ss7_route_table.c:40) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP NOTICE 0x564010a908e0 cfg: pfcp remote-addr (hnbgw_vty.c:916) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7560(msc) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7560(msc) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-1) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7560(msc) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-2) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7560(msc) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-3) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7540(sgsn) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-0) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7540(sgsn) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-1) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7540(sgsn) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-2) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7540(sgsn) with 15 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-3) allocated (cnlink.c:94) 20250219141427220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:97) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL NOTICE Available via telnet 4261 (telnet_interface.c:88) 20250219141427220 DLCTRL NOTICE CTRL at 4262 (control_if.c:1026) 20250219141427220 DHNBAP NOTICE Using RNC-Id 23 (osmo_hnbgw_main.c:300) 20250219141427220 DMAIN NOTICE Listening for Iuh at 29169 (osmo_hnbgw_main.c:303) 20250219141427220 DMGW NOTICE No MGW pool configured, using MGW configuration in VTY node 'mgcp' (hnbgw.c:881) 20250219141427220 DLMGCP NOTICE MGW(mgw) MGCP client: using endpoint domain '@mgw' (mgcp_client.c:944) 20250219141427220 DLMGCP INFO MGW(mgw) MGW connection: r=<->l= (mgcp_client.c:999) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP DEBUG 0x564010a908e0 cfg: pfcp remote-addr (hnbgw_pfcp.c:98) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP NOTICE PFCP endpoint: recovery timestamp = 0xeb6065c3 (1739974467 seconds since UNIX epoch, which is 3948963267 seconds since NTP era 0; IETF RFC 5905) (pfcp_endpoint.c:147) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer[0x564010c030c0]{disabled}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{disabled}: State change to wait_assoc_setup_resp (no timeout) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:131) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP NOTICE pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: Associating with (pfcp_cp_peer.c:196) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP INFO pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: <-tx- PFCP seq-1 ASSOC_SETUP_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141427220 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) remote-addr is 'msc-naught', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427220 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) cs7 instance 0 has no configured SCCP instance yet (hnbgw_cn.c:872) 20250219141427220 DLSCCP NOTICE msc-0: Using SS7 instance 0, pc:0.23.5 (sccp_user.c:572) 20250219141427220 DLSCCP NOTICE msc-0: Creating AS instance (sccp_user.c:579) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x7ff0248019a0(sigtran_as) with 2 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_DOWN}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 INFO 0: as-as-clnt-msc-0: Created AS (osmo_ss7_instance.c:315) 20250219141427220 DLSCCP NOTICE msc-0: Using AS instance as-clnt-msc-0 (sccp_user.c:590) 20250219141427220 DLSCCP NOTICE msc-0: Creating default route (sccp_user.c:596) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 INFO 0: Creating route: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0 via AS 'as-clnt-msc-0' (osmo_ss7_route.c:127) 20250219141427220 DLSCCP NOTICE msc-0: No unassociated ASP for m3ua, creating new ASP asp-clnt-msc-0 (sccp_user.c:635) 20250219141427220 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x7ff0248019e0(sigtran_asp) with 3 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 INFO 0: as-as-clnt-msc-0: Adding ASP asp-clnt-msc-0 to AS (osmo_ss7_as.c:123) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427220 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Restarting ASP asp-clnt-msc-0, r=localhost:2905<->l=localhost:0 (osmo_ss7_asp.c:623) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_DOWN}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP NOTICE msc-0: Using ASP instance asp-clnt-msc-0 (sccp_user.c:705) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 NOTICE 0: Creating SCCP instance (osmo_ss7_instance.c:158) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP INFO Binding user 'SCCP Management' to SSN=1 PC=(no PC) (sccp_user.c:113) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG registering user=SCCP for SI 3 with priv 0x564010c22e40 (osmo_ss7_user.c:88) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) created SCCP instance on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:892) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) binding OsmoHNBGW user to cs7 instance 0, local PC 189 = 0.23.5 (hnbgw_cn.c:900) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP INFO Binding user 'OsmoHNBGW' to SSN=142 PC=0.23.5 (sccp_user.c:113) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.23.4 msc-0 msc-naught (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-1) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-1) remote-addr is 'msc-one', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-1) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.0.2 msc-1 msc-one (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-2) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-2) remote-addr is 'msc-two', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-2) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.0.3 msc-2 msc-two (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-3) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-3) remote-addr is 'msc-three', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (msc-3) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.0.4 msc-3 msc-three (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-0) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-0) remote-addr is 'sgsn-naught', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-0) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.23.1 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-1) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-1) remote-addr is 'sgsn-one', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-1) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.1.2 sgsn-1 sgsn-one (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-2) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-2) remote-addr is 'sgsn-two', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-2) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.1.3 sgsn-2 sgsn-two (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-3) no SCCP instance selected yet (hnbgw_cn.c:830) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-3) remote-addr is 'sgsn-three', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219141427221 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-3) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219141427221 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.1.4 sgsn-3 sgsn-three (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141427221 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141427221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 ERROR Unable to route HMRT message: the AS as-clnt-msc-0 is down (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:238) 20250219141427221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141427221 DLIO DEBUG iofd(asp-clnt-msc-0) Socket connected or failed. (osmo_io_uring.c:335) 20250219141427221 DLINP INFO CLICONN(asp-clnt-msc-0,r=::1:2905<->l=::1:58495){CONNECTING} connection established (stream_cli.c:440) 20250219141427221 DLINP INFO sizes of 'struct sctp_event_subscribe': compile-time 14, kernel: 14 (stream.c:94) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Client connected (r=::1:2905<->l=::1:58495) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:937) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{IDLE}: Received primitive M-SCTP_ESTABLISH.indication (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:400) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{IDLE}: Received Event SCTP-ESTABLISH.ind (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:407) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{IDLE}: State change to WAIT_ASP_UP (T1, 20s) (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:181) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_DOWN}: Received Event M-ASP_UP.req (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:182) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 8 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141427221 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (ASPSM:UP-ACK) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_DOWN}: Received Event ASPSM-ASP_UP_ACK (m3ua.c:714) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_DOWN}: T(ack) stopped (xua_asp_fsm.c:383) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_DOWN}: State change to ASP_INACTIVE (no timeout) (xua_asp_fsm.c:442) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_DOWN}: Received Event ASPAS-ASP_INACTIVE.ind (xua_asp_fsm.c:368) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_DOWN}: State change to AS_INACTIVE (no timeout) (xua_as_fsm.c:331) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_ASP_UP}: Received primitive M-ASP_UP.confirm (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:400) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_ASP_UP}: Received Event ASP-UP.conf (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:407) 20250219141427221 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_ASP_UP}: State change to WAIT_NOTIFY (T2, 2s) (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:193) 20250219141429054 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141429056 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141429063 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141429222 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_NOTIFY}: Timeout of T2 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141429222 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_NOTIFY}: State change to RKM_REG (T4, 10s) (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:223) 20250219141429222 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received XUA Layer Manager Primitive: M-RK_REG.request) (xua_rkm.c:573) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 36 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141429223 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (RKM:REG-RESP) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received RKM REG RES rctx=7 status=SUCCESS (xua_rkm.c:448) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{RKM_REG}: Received primitive M-RK_REG.confirm (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:400) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{RKM_REG}: Received Event RKM_REG.conf (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:407) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{RKM_REG}: State change to WAIT_NOTIFY (T3, 20s) (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:298) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141429223 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (MGMT:NOTIFY) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141429223 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received NOTIFY Type State Change:AS Inactive () (m3ua.c:660) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_NOTIFY}: Received primitive M-NOTIFY.indication (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:400) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_NOTIFY}: Received Event NOTIFY.ind (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:407) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{WAIT_NOTIFY}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:262) 20250219141429223 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_INACTIVE}: Received Event M-ASP_ACTIVE.req (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:263) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 16 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141429224 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (ASPTM:ACTIVE-ACK) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_INACTIVE}: Received Event ASPTM-ASP_AC_ACK (m3ua.c:714) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_INACTIVE}: T(ack) stopped (xua_asp_fsm.c:383) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_ASP(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010bfd610]{ASP_INACTIVE}: State change to ASP_ACTIVE (no timeout) (xua_asp_fsm.c:508) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_INACTIVE}: Received Event ASPAS-ASP_ACTIVE.ind (xua_asp_fsm.c:368) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_INACTIVE}: State change to AS_ACTIVE (no timeout) (xua_as_fsm.c:415) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{ACTIVE}: Received primitive M-ASP_ACTIVE.confirm (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:400) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 NOTICE xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{ACTIVE}: Ignoring primitive M-ASP_ACTIVE.confirm (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:403) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141429224 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (MGMT:NOTIFY) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141429224 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received NOTIFY Type State Change:AS Active () (m3ua.c:660) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{ACTIVE}: Received primitive M-NOTIFY.indication (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:400) 20250219141429224 DLSS7 DEBUG xua_default_lm(asp-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c21560]{ACTIVE}: Received Event NOTIFY.ind (xua_default_lm_fsm.c:407) 20250219141430221 DLPFCP INFO pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: <-tx- PFCP seq-1 ASSOC_SETUP_REQ: re-sending (2 attempts remaining after this) (pfcp_endpoint.c:185) 20250219141430241 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP INFO pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: -rx-> PFCP seq-1 ASSOC_SETUP_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_RX_ASSOC_SETUP_RESP (pfcp_cp_peer.c:229) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{wait_assoc_setup_resp}: State change to associated (no timeout) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:242) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP NOTICE pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Associated with UPF (pfcp_cp_peer.c:253) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP NOTICE PFCP Peer associated: true (hnbgw_pfcp.c:82) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: -rx-> PFCP seq-1 ASSOC_SETUP_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: <-tx- PFCP seq-1 ASSOC_SETUP_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: -rx-> PFCP seq-1 ASSOC_SETUP_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141430242 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141430280 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430280 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430281 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430281 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430282 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430282 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430282 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430282 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430282 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430282 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430283 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141430283 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141430283 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430283 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430283 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430283 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430283 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430283 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430283 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430283 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430283 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430283 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430283 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430283 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430284 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430284 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430284 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430284 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430284 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430284 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430284 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430284 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430285 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430285 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430285 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430285 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430285 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430285 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430285 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430321 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430321 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430321 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430321 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430322 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430322 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430322 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430322 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430322 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430322 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430322 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430322 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430322 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430322 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141430322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430323 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430323 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430323 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430323 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430323 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430323 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430323 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430323 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430323 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430323 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430324 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430324 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430324 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430324 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430324 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430324 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430324 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430524 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141430524 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141430524 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141430524 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141430524 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141430524 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141430524 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141430524 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141430524 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141430524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430525 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430525 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430525 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430525 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430525 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430525 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430525 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430525 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430525 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430525 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430548 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141430548 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141430548 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141430548 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141430548 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141430548 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141430548 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141430548 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141430548 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141430548 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141430549 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141430549 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141430549 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141430549 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141430550 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430550 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141430550 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141430550 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141430550 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141430550 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141430550 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141430814 DLINP INFO asp-clnt-msc-0 NOTIFICATION PEER_ADDR_CHANGE flags=0x0 ADDR_CONFIRMED [fd00::bcac:43ff:fe55:9ecc]:2905 err=None (stream.c:265) 20250219141430814 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 296 (flags=0x80) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141430814 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xUA CLNT SCTP NOTIFICATION 32770 flags=0x0 (osmo_ss7_asp.c:772) 20250219141430814 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xUA CLNT SCTP_PEER_ADDR_CHANGE: ADDR_CONFIRMED [fd00::bcac:43ff:fe55:9ecc]:2905 err=None (osmo_ss7_asp.c:788) 20250219141431070 DLINP INFO asp-clnt-msc-0 NOTIFICATION PEER_ADDR_CHANGE flags=0x0 ADDR_CONFIRMED [fe80::bcac:43ff:fe55:9ecc]:2905 err=None (stream.c:265) 20250219141431070 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 296 (flags=0x80) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431070 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xUA CLNT SCTP NOTIFICATION 32770 flags=0x0 (osmo_ss7_asp.c:772) 20250219141431070 DLSS7 INFO 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xUA CLNT SCTP_PEER_ADDR_CHANGE: ADDR_CONFIRMED [fe80::bcac:43ff:fe55:9ecc]:2905 err=None (osmo_ss7_asp.c:788) 20250219141431319 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431320 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141431320 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141431320 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431320 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141431320 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141431320 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141431320 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141431320 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141431320 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141431320 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141431320 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141431320 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141431321 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431321 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141431321 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141431321 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141431321 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431321 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431321 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431321 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141431321 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141431321 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141431321 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141431353 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431353 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141431353 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141431353 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141431353 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141431353 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431353 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431353 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141431353 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431354 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141431354 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141431354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141431354 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141431354 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141431354 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141431354 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431354 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141431354 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141431354 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141431354 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141431354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141431354 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141431357 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431357 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141431357 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141431357 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141431357 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141431357 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141431357 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431357 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141431357 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141431357 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141431357 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141431366 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141431366 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141431366 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141431366 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141431366 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7be0(hnb) with 60 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141431366 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141431366 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141431366 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141431366 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141431366 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141431378 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141431379 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141431380 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141431381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141431381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141431381 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141431381 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141431381 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141431490 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141431522 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431522 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141431522 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141431522 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431522 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141431522 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431522 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141431522 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141431522 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141431522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141431522 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141431522 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141431522 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141431522 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141431522 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431522 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141431522 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141431522 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141431522 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141431522 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141431522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141431522 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141431992 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141435096 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141435101 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141435103 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141435170 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141435170 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141435180 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435180 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435180 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435181 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435181 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141435181 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435181 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435181 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435181 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435181 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435181 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435182 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435182 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435182 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435182 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435182 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435182 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435182 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435198 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435198 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435198 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435198 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435198 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435198 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435198 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141435198 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435199 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435199 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435199 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435199 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435199 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435199 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435199 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435199 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435199 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435408 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141435408 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141435408 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141435408 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141435408 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141435408 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141435408 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141435408 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141435408 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141435408 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435409 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435409 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435409 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435409 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435409 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435410 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435410 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435410 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435410 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141435421 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141435421 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141435421 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141435421 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141435421 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141435421 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141435421 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141435421 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141435421 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141435421 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141435422 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141435422 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141435422 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141435423 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141435423 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435423 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141435423 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141435423 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141435423 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141435423 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141435423 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141436212 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141436212 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141436212 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436212 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141436212 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141436212 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141436212 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141436212 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141436212 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141436212 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141436212 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141436212 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141436213 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141436213 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141436213 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141436213 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141436213 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436213 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436213 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436213 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141436213 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141436213 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141436213 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141436219 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141436219 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141436219 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436219 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141436219 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141436219 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141436219 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141436219 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141436219 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141436219 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141436219 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141436219 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141436220 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141436220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141436220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141436220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141436220 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141436220 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141436220 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436220 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141436220 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141436220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141436220 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141436221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141436221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141436221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141436221 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141436221 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141436221 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141436221 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141436221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141436221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141436226 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141436226 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141436226 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141436226 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141436226 DHNBAP ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-1) rejecting HNB-REGISTER-REQ with duplicate cell identity 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:552) 20250219141436226 DHNBAP ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Rejecting HNB Register Request cause=radio(HNB parameter mismatch) (hnbgw_hnbap.c:104) 20250219141436226 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141436226 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 12 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141436226 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141436230 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141436230 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141436231 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141436232 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141436232 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141436232 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141436232 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141436232 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141436289 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141436414 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141436415 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141436415 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141436415 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436415 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141436415 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436415 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141436415 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141436415 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141436415 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141436415 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141436415 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141436415 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141436415 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141436415 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436415 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141436415 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141436415 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141436415 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141436415 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141436415 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141436415 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141436791 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141439903 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141439908 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141439911 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141439970 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439970 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439970 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439970 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439971 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141439971 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141439971 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439971 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439971 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439971 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439971 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439971 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439971 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439971 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439971 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439971 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439972 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439972 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439972 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439972 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439972 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439972 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439987 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439987 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439987 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439987 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141439987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439988 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439988 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439988 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439988 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439988 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439988 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141439988 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141439988 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141439988 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141439988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141440195 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141440196 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141440196 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141440196 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141440196 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141440196 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141440196 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141440196 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141440196 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141440196 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141440197 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141440197 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141440197 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141440197 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141440197 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440197 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440197 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141440197 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141440197 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141440197 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141440197 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141440208 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141440208 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141440208 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141440208 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141440208 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141440208 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141440208 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141440208 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141440208 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141440208 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141440209 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141440209 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141440209 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141440209 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141440210 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440210 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141440210 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141440210 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141440210 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141440210 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141440210 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141441001 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141441001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141441001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141441001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141441001 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141441001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441001 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141441001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441002 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141441002 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141441002 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141441002 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141441002 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141441002 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141441002 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441002 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141441002 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141441002 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141441002 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141441002 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141441002 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141441003 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141441003 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141441003 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141441003 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141441003 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441003 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441003 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441003 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141441003 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141441003 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141441003 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141441013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141441013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141441013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441013 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141441013 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141441013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141441013 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141441013 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141441013 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141441013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141441013 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141441013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141441013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141441013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141441013 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141441013 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441013 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141441013 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141441013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141441013 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141441015 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141441015 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141441015 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141441015 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141441015 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141441015 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141441015 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141441015 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141441015 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141441018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141441018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141441018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141441018 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141441018 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (re-connecting) (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141441018 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141441018 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141441018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141441018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141441025 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141441026 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141441028 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141441029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141441029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141441029 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141441029 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141441029 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141441085 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141441207 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141441207 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141441207 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141441207 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441207 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141441207 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441207 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141441207 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141441207 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141441207 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141441207 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141441207 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141441207 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141441207 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141441208 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441208 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141441208 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141441208 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141441208 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141441208 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141441208 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141441208 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141441588 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141444708 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141444713 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141444716 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141444784 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444784 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444784 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444784 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444785 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444785 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444785 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444785 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444785 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141444785 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444786 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444786 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444786 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444786 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444786 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444786 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444786 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444786 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444786 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444786 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444803 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444803 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444803 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444803 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444803 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444803 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444803 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141444803 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141444804 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444804 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444804 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444804 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444804 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444804 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444804 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444804 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444804 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444804 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444804 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444805 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444805 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444805 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444805 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141444805 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141444805 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141444805 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141444805 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141444828 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141444828 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141444828 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141444828 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141444828 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141444828 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141444828 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141444828 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141444828 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141445013 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141445013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141445013 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141445013 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445013 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141445013 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445013 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141445013 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141445013 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141445013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141445014 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141445014 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141445014 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141445014 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141445014 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445015 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141445015 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141445015 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141445015 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141445015 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141445023 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141445023 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141445023 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141445023 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445023 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141445023 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445023 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141445023 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141445023 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141445023 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141445025 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141445025 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141445025 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141445025 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141445025 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445025 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141445025 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141445025 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141445025 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141445025 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141445812 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141445812 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141445812 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445812 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141445812 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141445812 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141445812 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141445812 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141445812 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141445812 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141445812 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141445812 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141445814 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141445814 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141445814 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141445814 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141445814 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445814 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445814 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445814 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141445814 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141445814 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141445814 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141445827 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141445827 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141445827 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141445827 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141445827 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141445827 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445827 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445828 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445828 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141445828 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141445828 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141445828 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141445828 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141445828 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141445828 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445828 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141445828 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141445828 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141445828 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141445828 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141445828 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141445831 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141445831 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141445831 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141445831 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141445831 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141445831 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141445831 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141445831 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141445831 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141445831 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141445831 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141445839 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 291927181 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141445840 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 291927181 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141445845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141445845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141445845 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141445845 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141445845 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141446851 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 921821745 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141446851 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 921821745 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141451864 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 990633787 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141451864 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: ERROR 990633787 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established Counter group with given name and index not found (control_if.c:477) 20250219141452899 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 525900356 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141452899 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: ERROR 525900356 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established Counter group with given name and index not found (control_if.c:477) 20250219141452901 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141452901 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141452914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141452914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141452914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141452914 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141452914 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7be0(hnb) with 60 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141452914 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141452914 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141452914 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141452914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141452914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141452917 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 614988715 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141452917 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 614988715 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141453922 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141453922 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141453922 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141453922 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141453922 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141453929 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 392489780 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141453929 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 392489780 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141459943 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 678941318 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141459943 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: ERROR 678941318 rate_ctr.abs.hnb.0.iuh:established Counter group with given name and index not found (control_if.c:477) 20250219141459957 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141459958 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141459961 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141459965 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141459965 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141459965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141459965 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141459965 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141459965 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141459965 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141459965 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141459965 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141459965 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141459965 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141459965 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141459965 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141459965 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141459965 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141459965 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141459965 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141459965 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141459965 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141459965 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141459965 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141459965 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141500061 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141500564 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141503673 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141503677 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141503683 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141503741 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503741 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503741 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503741 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503741 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503741 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503741 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503741 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503741 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141503741 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503743 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503743 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503743 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503743 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503743 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503743 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503743 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503743 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503743 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503759 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503759 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503759 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503759 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503759 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503759 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503759 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141503759 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503760 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503760 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503760 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503760 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503760 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503760 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503761 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503761 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503761 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503761 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503761 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141503783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141503783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141503783 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141503783 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7be0(hnb) with 60 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141503783 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141503783 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141503783 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141503783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141503783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141503970 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141503970 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141503970 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141503970 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141503970 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141503970 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141503970 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141503970 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141503970 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141503970 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503971 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503971 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503971 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503971 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141503983 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141503983 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141503983 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141503983 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141503983 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141503983 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141503983 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141503983 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141503983 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141503983 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141503984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141503984 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141503984 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141503984 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141503984 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141503984 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141503984 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141503984 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141503984 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141503985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141504771 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141504771 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141504771 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141504771 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141504771 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504771 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504771 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504772 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141504772 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141504772 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141504772 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141504772 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141504772 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141504772 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504772 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141504772 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141504772 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141504772 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141504772 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141504772 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141504774 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141504774 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141504774 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141504774 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141504774 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504774 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504774 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504774 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141504774 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141504774 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141504774 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141504783 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141504783 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141504783 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504783 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141504783 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141504783 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141504783 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141504783 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141504783 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141504783 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141504783 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141504783 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141504785 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141504785 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141504785 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141504785 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141504785 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141504785 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141504785 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504785 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141504785 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141504785 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141504785 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141504789 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141504789 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141504789 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 30 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141504789 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_UERegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:374) (hnbap_decoder.c:374) 20250219141504789 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) UE-REGISTER-REQ ID_type=1 imsi=262420000000001 cause=1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:636) 20250219141504789 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141504789 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 27 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141504797 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141504798 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141504800 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141504801 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141504801 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141504801 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141504801 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141504801 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141504887 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141504974 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141504974 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141504974 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141504974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504974 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141504974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504974 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141504974 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141504974 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141504974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141504974 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141504974 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141504974 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141504974 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141504974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504974 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141504974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141504974 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141504974 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141504974 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141504974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141504974 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141505390 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141508503 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141508508 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141508514 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141508586 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508586 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508587 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508587 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508587 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508587 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508587 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141508587 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141508587 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508587 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508588 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508588 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508588 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508588 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508588 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508588 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508588 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508588 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508588 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508604 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508604 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508604 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508604 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508605 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508605 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141508605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508606 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508606 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508606 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508606 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508606 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508606 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508606 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508606 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508606 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508628 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141508628 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141508628 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141508628 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141508628 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141508628 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141508628 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141508628 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141508628 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141508813 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141508813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141508813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141508813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141508813 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141508813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141508813 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141508813 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141508813 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141508813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508814 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508814 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508814 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508814 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508814 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508815 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508815 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508815 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508815 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508815 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141508825 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141508825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141508825 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141508825 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141508825 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141508825 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141508825 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141508825 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141508825 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141508825 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141508826 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141508826 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141508826 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141508826 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141508826 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141508826 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141508826 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141508826 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141508826 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141508826 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141509613 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141509613 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141509613 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141509613 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141509613 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509613 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509613 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509614 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141509614 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141509614 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141509614 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141509614 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141509614 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141509614 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509614 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141509614 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141509614 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141509614 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141509614 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141509614 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141509617 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141509617 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141509617 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141509617 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141509617 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509617 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509617 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509617 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141509617 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141509617 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141509617 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141509628 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141509628 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141509628 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509628 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141509628 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141509628 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141509628 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141509628 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141509628 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141509628 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141509629 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141509629 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141509630 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141509630 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141509630 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141509630 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141509630 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141509631 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141509631 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509631 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141509631 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141509631 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141509631 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141509634 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141509634 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141509634 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 32 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141509634 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_UERegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:374) (hnbap_decoder.c:374) 20250219141509634 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNBAP register with TMSI 42000023 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:394) 20250219141509634 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141509634 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 29 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141509642 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141509643 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141509645 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141509646 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141509646 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141509646 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141509647 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141509647 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141509734 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141509822 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141509822 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141509822 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141509822 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509822 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141509822 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509822 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141509822 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141509822 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141509822 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141509822 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141509822 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141509822 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141509822 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141509822 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509822 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141509822 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141509822 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141509822 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141509822 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141509822 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141509822 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141510236 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141513367 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141513372 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141513382 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141513460 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513460 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513460 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513460 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513460 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513460 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513460 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513460 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513461 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141513461 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513462 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513462 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513462 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513462 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513462 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513462 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513462 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513462 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513462 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513476 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513476 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513476 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513476 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513476 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513476 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513476 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141513476 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513477 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513477 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513477 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513477 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513477 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513477 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513477 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513477 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513477 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513680 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141513680 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141513680 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141513680 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141513680 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141513680 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141513680 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141513680 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141513680 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141513680 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513681 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513681 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513681 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513681 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513681 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513681 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513681 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513682 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513682 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513682 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513682 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141513691 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141513691 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141513691 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141513691 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141513691 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141513691 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141513691 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141513691 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141513691 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141513691 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141513692 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141513692 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141513692 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141513692 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141513692 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513692 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141513692 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141513692 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141513692 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141513692 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141513692 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141514490 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141514490 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141514490 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141514490 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141514490 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514490 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514490 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141514490 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141514490 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141514490 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141514490 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141514490 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141514490 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514490 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514491 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141514491 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141514491 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141514491 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141514491 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141514491 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141514492 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141514492 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141514492 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141514492 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141514492 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514492 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514492 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514493 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514493 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514493 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141514493 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141514493 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141514493 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141514498 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141514498 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141514498 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514498 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141514498 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141514498 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141514498 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141514498 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141514498 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141514498 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141514498 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141514498 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141514499 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141514499 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141514499 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141514499 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141514499 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141514499 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141514499 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514499 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141514499 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141514499 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141514499 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141514500 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141514500 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141514500 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 30 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141514500 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_UERegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:374) (hnbap_decoder.c:374) 20250219141514500 DHNBAP DEBUG ( ) REJ UE_Id IMSI 262420000000001 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:283) 20250219141514500 DHNBAP ERROR ( ) Rejecting UE Register Request cause=radio(HNB not registered) (hnbgw_hnbap.c:295) 20250219141514500 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141514500 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 25 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141514507 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141514509 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141514511 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141514512 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141514512 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141514512 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141514512 DMAIN NOTICE ( ) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141514512 DMAIN INFO (disconnected ) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141514601 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141514694 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141514694 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141514694 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141514694 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514694 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141514695 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514695 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141514695 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141514695 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141514695 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141514695 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141514695 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141514695 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141514695 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141514695 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514695 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141514695 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141514695 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141514695 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141514695 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141514695 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141514695 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141515103 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141518213 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141518218 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141518221 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141518275 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518275 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518275 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518275 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518275 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518275 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518276 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518276 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518276 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141518276 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518277 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518277 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518277 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518277 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518277 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518277 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518277 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518277 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518277 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518294 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518295 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518295 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518295 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518295 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518295 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141518295 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518296 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518296 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518296 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518296 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518296 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518296 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518296 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518296 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518297 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518297 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518297 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518297 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518297 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518297 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518297 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518297 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518297 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518297 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518297 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518320 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141518320 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141518320 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141518320 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141518320 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7be0(hnb) with 60 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141518320 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141518320 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141518320 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141518320 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141518320 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141518504 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141518504 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141518504 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141518505 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141518505 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141518505 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141518505 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141518505 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141518505 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141518505 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518506 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518506 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518506 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518506 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518506 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518506 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518506 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518506 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518506 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518506 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518506 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141518519 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141518519 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141518520 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141518520 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141518520 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141518520 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141518520 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141518520 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141518520 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141518520 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141518521 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141518521 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141518521 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141518521 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141518521 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518521 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141518521 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141518521 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141518521 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141518521 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141518521 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141519309 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141519309 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141519309 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141519309 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141519309 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141519309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141519309 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141519309 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141519309 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141519309 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141519309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141519309 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141519310 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141519310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141519310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141519310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141519310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141519310 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519310 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519310 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519311 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141519311 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141519311 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141519311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141519311 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141519322 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141519322 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141519322 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141519322 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141519322 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141519322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141519322 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141519322 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141519322 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141519322 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141519322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141519322 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141519323 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141519323 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141519323 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141519323 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141519323 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141519323 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141519323 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141519323 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141519323 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141519323 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141519323 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141519343 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141520388 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141520388 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141520389 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141520389 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141520389 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xeac8a7, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141520389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08500]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141520389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141520389 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15386791 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141520389 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141520389 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141520389 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15386791 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141520389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141520389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141520389 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-15386791 <-> SCCP-1 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141520389 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15386791 SCCP-1 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141520389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141520389 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141520389 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141520389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141520389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141520389 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141520389 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141520389 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141520389 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000001), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000010004f400300010a0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141520389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141520389 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141520389 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141520389 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141520389 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141520389 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141520389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141520389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141520400 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141520400 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141520400 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141520400 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141520400 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141520400 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000001), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00a6ef0b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141520400 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 1 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141520400 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141520400 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141520400 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141520400 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141520400 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=1, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141520400 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141520400 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141520406 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141520407 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141520410 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141520414 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141520414 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141520414 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141520414 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141520414 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141520414 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141520414 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141520414 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141520414 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141520414 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141520414 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141520415 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141520415 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141520415 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141520415 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141520415 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141520415 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141520415 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141520415 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141520415 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141520415 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141520415 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141520415 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141520415 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141520415 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141520415 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00a6ef0b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000001), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141520415 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141520415 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141520415 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141520415 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141520416 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141520416 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141520416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141520416 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141520416 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141520416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141520416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141520416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141520416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15386791)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141520416 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141520416 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141520416 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-1)[0x564010c0b0f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141520416 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15386791 SCCP-1 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141520416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141520416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141520416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141520416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141520416 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141520417 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141520417 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141520417 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141520520 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141521023 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141524122 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141524126 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141524130 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141524201 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524201 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524201 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524201 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524202 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524202 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524202 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141524202 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141524202 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524202 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524203 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524203 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524203 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524203 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524203 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524203 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524203 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524203 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524203 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524203 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524216 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524216 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524217 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524217 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524217 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141524217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524218 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524218 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524218 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524218 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524218 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524218 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524218 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524218 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524218 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141524240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141524240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141524240 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141524240 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141524240 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141524240 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141524240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141524240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141524427 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141524428 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141524428 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141524428 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141524428 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141524428 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141524428 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141524428 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141524428 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141524428 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524429 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524429 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524429 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524429 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524429 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524429 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524429 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524429 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524430 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141524436 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141524436 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141524436 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141524436 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141524436 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141524436 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141524436 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141524436 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141524436 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141524436 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141524437 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141524437 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141524437 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141524437 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141524437 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524437 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141524437 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141524437 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141524437 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141524437 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141524437 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141525229 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141525229 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141525229 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141525229 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141525229 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525230 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141525230 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141525230 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141525230 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141525230 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141525230 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141525230 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141525230 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525230 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141525230 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141525230 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141525230 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141525231 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141525231 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141525233 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141525233 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141525233 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141525233 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141525233 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525233 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525233 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141525233 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141525234 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141525234 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141525234 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141525242 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141525243 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141525243 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141525243 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141525243 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141525243 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141525243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141525243 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141525243 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141525243 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141525243 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141525243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141525243 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141525246 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141525246 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141525246 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141525246 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141525246 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141525246 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141525246 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141525246 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141525246 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141525246 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141525246 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141525266 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141526296 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141526296 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141526296 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141526296 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141526296 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x755958, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141526296 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08500]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141526296 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141526296 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7690584 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141526296 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141526296 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141526297 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000002 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141526297 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7690584 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000002: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141526297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141526297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141526297 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-7690584 <-> SCCP-2 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141526297 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7690584 SCCP-2 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141526297 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141526297 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141526297 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141526297 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141526297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141526297 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141526297 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141526297 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141526297 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000002000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300018f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141526297 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141526297 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141526297 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141526297 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141526297 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141526297 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141526297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141526297 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141526308 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141526308 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141526308 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141526308 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141526308 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141526308 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fb0ea9) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141526308 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 2 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141526308 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141526308 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141526308 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141526308 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141526308 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=2, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141526308 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141526308 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141526314 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141526314 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141526318 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141526321 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141526321 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141526321 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141526321 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141526321 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141526321 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141526321 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141526321 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141526321 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141526321 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141526321 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141526322 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141526322 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141526322 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141526322 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141526322 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141526322 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141526322 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141526322 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141526322 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141526322 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141526322 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141526322 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141526322 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141526322 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141526322 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fb0ea9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141526322 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141526322 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141526322 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141526322 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141526322 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141526322 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141526322 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141526322 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141526323 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141526323 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141526323 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141526323 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141526323 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7690584)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141526323 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141526323 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141526323 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-2)[0x564010c0b0f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141526323 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7690584 SCCP-2 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141526323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141526323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141526323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141526323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141526323 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141526323 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141526323 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141526329 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141526424 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141526927 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141530054 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141530058 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141530061 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141530138 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530138 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530138 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530138 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530138 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530138 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530139 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530139 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530139 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530139 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530139 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530139 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530139 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530139 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530139 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530139 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141530139 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530140 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530140 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530140 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530140 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530140 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530140 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530140 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530160 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530160 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530161 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530161 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530161 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530161 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530161 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141530161 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530162 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530162 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530162 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530162 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530162 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530162 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530162 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530162 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530162 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530162 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530162 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530163 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530163 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530163 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530163 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530163 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530163 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530163 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530163 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530163 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530164 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530164 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530164 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530164 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530164 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530164 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141530193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141530193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141530193 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141530193 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141530193 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141530193 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141530193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141530193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141530370 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141530370 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141530370 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141530370 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141530370 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141530370 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141530370 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141530370 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141530370 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141530370 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530371 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530371 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530371 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530371 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530371 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530371 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530372 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530372 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530372 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530372 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530387 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141530388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141530388 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141530388 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141530388 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141530388 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141530388 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141530388 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141530388 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141530388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141530389 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141530389 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141530389 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141530389 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141530389 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141530389 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530389 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530389 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530389 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530389 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141530416 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141530416 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00a6ef0b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000001), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141530416 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141530416 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141530416 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141530416 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141530425 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141530425 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141530425 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141530425 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141530425 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141530425 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000001), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00a6ef0b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141530425 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 1 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141530425 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141530425 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141530425 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141530425 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141530425 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(1)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141531171 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141531171 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141531171 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141531171 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141531171 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531171 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531171 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141531171 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141531171 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141531171 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141531172 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141531172 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141531172 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141531172 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531172 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531172 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141531172 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141531172 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141531172 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141531172 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141531172 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141531174 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141531174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141531174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141531174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141531174 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141531174 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531174 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531174 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141531174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531175 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141531175 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141531175 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141531175 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141531175 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141531194 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141531194 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141531194 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141531194 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141531194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531194 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531194 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141531194 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141531194 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141531194 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141531194 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141531194 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141531194 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141531195 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531195 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531195 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141531195 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141531195 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141531195 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141531195 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141531195 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141531198 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141531198 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141531198 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141531198 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141531198 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141531198 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141531198 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141531198 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141531198 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141531198 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141531198 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141531232 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141532294 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141532294 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141532294 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141532294 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141532294 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe0e526, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141532294 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c05110]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141532294 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141532294 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14738726 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141532294 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141532294 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141532294 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14738726 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141532294 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141532294 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141532294 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14738726 <-> SCCP-3 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141532294 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14738726 SCCP-3 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141532294 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141532294 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141532294 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141532294 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141532294 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141532294 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141532294 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141532294 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141532294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000003), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141532294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141532294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141532294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141532294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141532294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141532295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141532295 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141532295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141532295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141532295 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141532295 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141532295 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141532295 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141532295 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141532295 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141532295 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141532310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141532310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141532310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000003), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00decb01) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141532310 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 3 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141532310 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141532310 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141532310 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141532310 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00decb01), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000010004f40030001e60056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141532310 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141532310 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141532310 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141532310 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=3, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141532310 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141532310 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141532339 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141532340 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141532344 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141532347 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141532347 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141532347 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141532347 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141532347 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141532347 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141532347 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141532347 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141532347 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141532347 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141532347 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141532347 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141532347 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141532347 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141532347 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141532347 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141532348 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141532348 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141532348 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141532348 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141532348 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141532348 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141532348 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00decb01), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000003), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141532348 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141532348 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141532348 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141532348 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141532348 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141532348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141532348 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141532348 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141532348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141532348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141532348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141532348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14738726)[0x564010c05110]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141532348 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-3)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141532348 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14738726 SCCP-3 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141532348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141532349 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141532349 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141532349 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141532349 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141532349 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141532349 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141532351 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141532438 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141532940 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141536043 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141536047 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141536050 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141536115 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536115 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536116 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536116 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536116 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536116 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536116 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536116 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536116 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141536116 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141536117 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536117 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536117 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536117 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536117 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536117 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536117 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536117 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536117 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536117 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536117 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536117 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536117 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536117 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536117 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536118 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536118 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536118 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536118 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536118 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536118 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536133 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536133 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536133 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536133 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536133 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536133 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536133 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141536133 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536134 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536134 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536134 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536134 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536134 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536134 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536135 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536135 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536135 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536135 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536135 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536135 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536135 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536135 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536158 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141536158 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141536158 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141536158 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141536158 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141536158 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141536158 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141536158 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141536158 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141536323 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141536323 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fb0ea9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141536323 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536323 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536323 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536323 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536342 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141536342 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141536342 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141536342 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141536342 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141536342 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141536342 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141536342 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141536342 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141536342 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536344 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536344 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536344 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536344 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536344 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536344 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536344 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536344 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536344 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536344 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141536355 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141536355 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141536355 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141536355 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141536355 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141536355 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141536355 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141536355 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141536355 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141536355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141536356 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141536356 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141536356 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141536356 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141536356 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141536356 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141536356 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141536356 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141536356 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141536356 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141537146 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141537146 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141537146 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141537146 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141537146 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537146 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141537146 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141537146 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141537146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141537146 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141537146 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141537146 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141537146 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537147 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537147 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537147 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537147 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141537147 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141537147 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141537147 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141537147 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141537147 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141537151 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141537151 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141537151 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141537151 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141537151 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537151 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537151 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141537151 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141537151 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141537151 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141537151 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141537158 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141537158 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141537158 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141537158 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141537158 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141537158 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141537158 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141537158 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141537158 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141537158 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141537158 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141537158 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141537160 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141537160 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141537160 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141537160 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141537160 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141537160 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141537160 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141537160 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141537160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141537160 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141537160 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141537174 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141538212 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141538212 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141538212 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141538212 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141538212 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x24ca33, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141538212 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c05110]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141538212 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141538212 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2411059 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141538212 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141538212 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141538212 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000002 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141538212 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2411059 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000002: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141538212 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141538212 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141538212 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2411059 <-> SCCP-4 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141538212 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2411059 SCCP-4 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141538212 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141538212 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141538212 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141538212 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141538212 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141538212 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141538212 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141538212 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141538212 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000004), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141538212 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141538212 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141538212 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141538212 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141538212 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141538212 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141538212 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141538212 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141538220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141538220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141538220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000004), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00df1a9d) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141538220 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 4 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141538220 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141538220 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141538220 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141538220 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df1a9d), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000002000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000e30056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141538220 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141538221 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141538221 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141538221 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=4, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141538221 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141538221 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141538248 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141538248 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141538252 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141538264 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141538264 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141538264 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141538264 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141538264 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141538264 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141538264 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141538264 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141538265 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141538265 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141538265 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141538265 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141538265 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141538265 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141538265 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141538265 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141538265 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141538265 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141538265 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141538265 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141538265 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141538265 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141538265 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141538265 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141538265 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141538265 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df1a9d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000004), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141538265 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141538265 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141538265 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141538265 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141538265 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141538265 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141538265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141538265 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141538265 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141538265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141538265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141538265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141538266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2411059)[0x564010c05110]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141538266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141538266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141538266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-4)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141538266 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2411059 SCCP-4 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141538266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141538266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141538266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141538266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141538266 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141538266 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141538266 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141538269 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141538347 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141538849 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141541970 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141541973 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141541978 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141542045 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542045 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542046 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542046 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542046 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542046 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141542046 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542047 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542047 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542047 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542047 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542047 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542047 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542047 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542047 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542047 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542047 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542048 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542048 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542048 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542048 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542048 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542048 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542048 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542048 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542048 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542048 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542060 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542060 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542060 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542060 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542061 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542061 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542061 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141542061 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542062 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542062 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542062 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542062 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542062 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542062 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542062 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542062 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141542083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141542083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141542083 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141542083 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141542083 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141542083 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141542083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141542083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141542270 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141542270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141542270 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141542270 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141542270 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141542270 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141542270 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141542270 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141542271 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141542271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542272 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542272 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542272 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542272 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542272 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542272 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542272 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542282 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141542282 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141542282 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141542282 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141542282 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141542282 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141542282 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141542282 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141542282 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141542282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141542283 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141542283 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141542283 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141542283 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141542283 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542283 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141542283 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542283 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542283 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542283 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542284 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141542349 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141542349 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00decb01), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000003), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141542349 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141542349 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141542349 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141542349 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141542358 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141542358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141542358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141542358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141542358 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141542358 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000003), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00decb01) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141542358 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 3 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141542358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141542358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141542358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141542358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141542358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(3)[0x564010c08500]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141543073 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141543073 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141543073 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141543073 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141543073 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543073 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543073 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141543073 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141543074 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141543074 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141543074 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141543074 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141543074 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141543074 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543074 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543074 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141543074 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141543074 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141543074 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141543074 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141543074 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141543077 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141543077 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141543077 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141543077 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141543077 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543077 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543077 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141543077 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141543077 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141543077 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141543077 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141543081 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141543081 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141543081 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141543081 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141543081 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141543081 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141543081 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141543081 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141543081 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141543081 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141543081 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141543081 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141543082 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141543082 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141543082 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141543082 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141543082 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141543082 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141543082 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141543082 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141543082 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141543082 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141543082 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141543102 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141544150 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141544150 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141544150 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141544150 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141544150 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe9da98, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141544150 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08500]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141544150 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141544150 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15325848 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141544150 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141544150 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141544150 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15325848 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141544150 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c05110]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141544150 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141544150 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-15325848 <-> SCCP-5 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141544150 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15325848 SCCP-5 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141544150 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141544150 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141544150 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141544150 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141544150 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141544150 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141544150 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141544150 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141544150 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030003820056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141544150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141544150 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141544150 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141544150 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141544150 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141544150 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141544150 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141544150 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141544172 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141544172 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141544172 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141544172 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141544172 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141544172 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00966652) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141544172 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 5 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141544172 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141544173 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141544173 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544173 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141544173 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=5, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141544173 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141544173 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141544375 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 64 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141544375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141544375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141544375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141544375 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141544375 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=22,D=001440120000010010400b0a29bdd51c048d33fb21dc) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141544375 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 5 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141544375 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141544375 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544375 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141544375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141544375 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Direct Transfer) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141544375 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_DirectTransferIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3772) (ranap_decoder.c:3772) 20250219141544375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Direct Transfer (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141544375 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141544375 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 46 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141544375 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141544375 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 46 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141544395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141544395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141544395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 46 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141544395 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141544395 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xe9da98) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141544395 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15325848 SCCP-5 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 22 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141544395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141544395 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Direct Transfer) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141544395 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_DirectTransferIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3772) (ranap_decoder.c:3772) 20250219141544395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Direct Transfer (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141544395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141544395 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141544395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141544395 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00966652), PART(T=Data,L=22,D=001440120000010010400b0a4a3cfe1b8e5ce954de60) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141544395 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141544395 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141544395 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141544395 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141544414 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141544414 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141544414 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141544414 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141544414 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141544414 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=20,D=000f401000000100174009500262420000000003) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141544414 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 5 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141544414 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141544414 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544414 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141544414 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141544414 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Common ID) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141544414 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_CommonID_IEs (ranap_decoder.c:3266) (ranap_decoder.c:3266) 20250219141544414 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Common ID (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141544414 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141544414 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 44 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141544414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141544414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 44 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141544430 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141544431 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141544434 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141544435 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141544435 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141544436 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141544436 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141544436 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141544436 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219141544436 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219141544436 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141544436 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141544436 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141544436 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00966652), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141544436 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141544436 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141544436 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141544436 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141544436 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141544436 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141544436 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141544436 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141544436 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15325848)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141544436 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141544436 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141544436 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-5)[0x564010c05110]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141544436 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15325848 SCCP-5 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141544438 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141544438 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141544438 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141544438 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544438 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141544438 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544438 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141544438 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141544438 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141544438 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141544438 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141544439 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141544439 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141544439 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141544439 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544439 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141544439 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141544440 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141544440 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141544440 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141544440 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141544440 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141544442 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141544533 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141545035 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141546324 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141546324 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fb0ea9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141546324 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141546324 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141546325 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141546325 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548148 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141548152 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141548155 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141548223 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548223 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548223 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548223 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548223 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141548223 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548224 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548224 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548224 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548224 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548224 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548224 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548224 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548224 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548225 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548225 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548225 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548225 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548225 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548225 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548225 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548225 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548225 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548225 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548225 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548225 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548225 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548241 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548241 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548241 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548241 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141548241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548242 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548242 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548242 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548242 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548242 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548242 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548242 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548243 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548243 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548243 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548243 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548243 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548243 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548243 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548243 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548264 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141548265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141548265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141548265 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141548265 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141548265 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141548265 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141548265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141548265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141548266 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141548266 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df1a9d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000004), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141548266 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548266 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548266 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548266 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548454 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141548454 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141548454 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141548454 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141548454 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141548454 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141548454 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141548454 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141548454 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141548454 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548456 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548456 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548456 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548456 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548456 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548456 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548456 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548456 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548456 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548456 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141548461 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141548462 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141548462 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141548462 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141548462 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141548462 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141548462 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141548462 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141548462 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141548462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141548463 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141548463 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141548463 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141548463 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141548463 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548463 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141548463 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141548463 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141548463 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141548463 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141548463 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141549253 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141549253 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141549253 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141549253 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141549254 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141549254 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141549254 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141549254 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141549254 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141549254 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141549254 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141549254 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141549254 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141549257 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141549257 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141549257 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141549257 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141549257 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549257 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549257 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549258 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549258 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549258 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549258 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549258 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549258 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549258 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141549258 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141549258 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141549258 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141549258 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141549270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141549270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141549270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141549270 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141549270 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141549270 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141549270 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141549270 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141549270 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141549270 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141549270 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141549270 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141549271 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141549271 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141549271 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141549271 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141549271 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141549271 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141549271 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141549271 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141549271 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141549271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141549271 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141549290 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141550337 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141550337 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141550337 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141550337 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141550337 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xd441c6, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141550337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08500]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141550337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141550337 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13910470 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141550337 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141550337 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141550337 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000004 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141550337 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13910470 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141550337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c05110]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141550337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141550337 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13910470 <-> SCCP-6 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141550337 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13910470 SCCP-6 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141550337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141550337 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141550337 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141550337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141550337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141550337 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141550337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141550337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141550337 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000004000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000440056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141550337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141550337 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141550337 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141550337 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141550337 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141550337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141550337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141550337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141550358 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141550358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141550358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141550358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141550358 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141550358 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009bb839) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141550358 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 6 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141550358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141550358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141550358 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550358 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141550358 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=6, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141550358 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141550358 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141550558 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 64 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141550558 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141550558 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141550559 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141550559 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141550559 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=22,D=001440120000010010400b0a2bb8b2283dd41186cbcf) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141550559 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 6 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141550559 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141550559 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550559 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141550559 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141550559 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Direct Transfer) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141550559 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_DirectTransferIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3772) (ranap_decoder.c:3772) 20250219141550559 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Direct Transfer (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141550559 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141550559 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 46 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141550559 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141550559 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 46 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141550585 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141550585 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141550585 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 46 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141550585 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141550585 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xd441c6) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141550585 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13910470 SCCP-6 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 22 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141550585 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141550585 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Direct Transfer) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141550585 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_DirectTransferIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3772) (ranap_decoder.c:3772) 20250219141550585 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Direct Transfer (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141550585 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141550585 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141550585 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141550585 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009bb839), PART(T=Data,L=22,D=001440120000010010400b0a6fa1089210d74626b902) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141550585 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141550585 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141550585 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141550585 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141550607 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141550607 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141550607 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141550607 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141550607 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141550607 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=20,D=000f401000000100174009500262420000000004) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141550607 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 6 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141550607 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141550607 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550607 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141550607 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141550607 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Common ID) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141550607 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_CommonID_IEs (ranap_decoder.c:3266) (ranap_decoder.c:3266) 20250219141550607 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Common ID (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141550607 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141550607 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 44 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141550607 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141550607 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 44 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141550623 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141550624 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141550629 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141550630 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141550630 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141550630 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141550630 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141550630 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141550630 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219141550630 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219141550630 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141550630 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141550630 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141550630 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009bb839), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141550630 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141550630 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141550630 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141550630 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141550631 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141550631 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141550631 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141550631 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141550631 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13910470)[0x564010c08500]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141550631 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141550631 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141550631 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-6)[0x564010c05110]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141550631 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13910470 SCCP-6 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141550633 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141550633 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141550633 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141550633 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550633 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141550633 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550633 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141550633 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141550633 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141550633 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141550633 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141550633 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141550633 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141550633 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141550633 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550633 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141550633 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141550633 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141550633 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141550633 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141550633 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141550633 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141550637 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141550721 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141551224 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141554335 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141554340 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141554343 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141554409 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554409 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554410 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554410 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141554410 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141554410 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554410 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554410 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554410 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554410 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554410 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554410 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554410 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554410 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554410 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554412 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554412 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554412 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554412 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554412 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554412 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554412 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554412 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554428 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554428 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554428 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554428 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554428 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554428 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554428 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141554428 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554429 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554429 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554429 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554429 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554429 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554429 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554429 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554429 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554429 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554430 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554430 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554430 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554430 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554430 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554430 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554430 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554430 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554437 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141554437 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00966652), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141554437 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554437 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554437 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554437 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141554453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141554453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141554453 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141554453 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141554453 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141554453 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141554453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141554453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141554636 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141554636 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141554636 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141554636 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141554636 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141554636 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141554636 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141554636 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141554636 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141554637 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554638 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554638 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554638 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554638 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554638 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554638 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554638 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554638 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554639 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554639 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554639 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141554648 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141554648 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141554648 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141554648 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141554648 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141554648 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141554648 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141554648 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141554648 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141554648 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141554650 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141554650 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141554650 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141554650 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141554650 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141554650 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141554650 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141554650 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141554650 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141554650 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141555432 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141555432 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141555432 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141555432 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141555432 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141555432 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141555432 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141555432 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141555432 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141555432 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141555432 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141555433 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141555433 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141555433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141555433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141555433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141555433 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555433 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555433 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141555433 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141555433 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141555433 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141555433 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141555448 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141555448 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141555448 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141555449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141555449 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141555449 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141555449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141555449 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141555449 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141555449 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141555449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141555449 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141555449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141555449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141555449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141555449 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141555449 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141555449 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141555449 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141555449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141555449 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141555485 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141556325 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141556325 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fb0ea9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141556325 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141556325 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141556325 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141556325 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141556331 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141556331 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141556331 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141556331 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141556331 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141556331 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fb0ea9) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141556331 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 2 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141556331 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141556331 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141556331 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141556331 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141556331 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(2)[0x564010c09170]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556527 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141556527 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141556527 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141556527 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141556527 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x17635, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141556527 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c09170]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556527 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141556527 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-95797 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141556527 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141556527 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141556527 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-95797 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141556527 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c08500]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556527 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141556527 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-95797 <-> SCCP-7 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141556527 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-95797 SCCP-7 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141556527 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141556527 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141556527 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141556527 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141556527 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141556527 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141556527 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556527 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141556527 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000007), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030001a70056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141556527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141556527 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141556527 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141556527 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141556527 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141556527 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141556527 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141556527 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141556546 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141556546 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141556546 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141556546 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141556546 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141556546 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000007), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b4f7be) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141556546 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 7 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141556546 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141556546 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141556546 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141556546 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141556546 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=7, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141556546 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141556546 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141556750 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141556750 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141556750 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141556750 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141556751 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141556751 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000007), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141556751 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 7 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141556751 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141556751 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141556751 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141556751 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141556751 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141556751 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141556751 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141556751 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141556751 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141556751 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556751 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141556751 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141556751 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141556751 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141556752 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141556752 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=197 'CRCX 1 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 176351'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141556752 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 197 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141556752 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141556752 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141556782 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 1 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141556783 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556783 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141556783 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141556783 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141556783 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141556783 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141556783 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141556783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141556783 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141556811 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141556811 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141556811 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141556811 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141556812 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x17635) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141556812 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-95797 SCCP-7 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141556812 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141556812 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141556812 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141556812 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141556812 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141556812 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141556812 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141556812 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141556812 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=211 'MDCX 2 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 176351'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 211 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141556812 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141556830 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 2 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141556830 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141556830 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141556830 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141556830 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141556830 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556831 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141556831 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141556831 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/3@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=201 'CRCX 3 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 176351'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 201 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141556831 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 3 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556843 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141556843 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141556843 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141556843 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141556843 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141556843 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141556843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141556844 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141556844 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b4f7be), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141556844 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141556844 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141556844 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141556844 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141556844 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141556867 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141556867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141556867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141556867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141556867 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141556867 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000007), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141556867 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 7 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141556867 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141556867 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141556867 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141556867 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141556867 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141556867 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141556867 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141556867 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141556867 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141556867 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=55 'DLCX 4 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 176351'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 55 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=55 'DLCX 5 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 176351'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141556867 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 55 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141556868 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141556868 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141556868 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141556868 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0dd50]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556868 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141556868 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141556868 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-95797-0)[0x564010c0d2f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556868 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141556868 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141556868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141556868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141556871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 4 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141556871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141556871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141556871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141556871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c0ef40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 5 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141556872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141556872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141556872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141556872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c0de80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141556875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141556875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141556875 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141556875 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x17635,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141556875 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-95797 SCCP-7 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141556875 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141556875 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141556875 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141556875 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141556875 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141556875 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141556875 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141556875 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b4f7be), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141556875 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141556875 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141556875 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141556875 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141556875 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141556875 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141556875 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141556877 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141556877 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141556877 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141556877 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141556877 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141556877 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000007), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b4f7be), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141556877 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 7 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141556877 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141556877 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141556877 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141556877 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=7 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141556877 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141556878 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141556878 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141556878 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141556878 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-95797)[0x564010c09170]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556878 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141556878 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141556878 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-7)[0x564010c08500]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141556878 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-95797 SCCP-7 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141556878 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b4f7be), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000007) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141556878 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141556878 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141556878 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141556878 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141556878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141556878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141556878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141556878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(7)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141558266 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141558266 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df1a9d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000004), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141558266 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141558266 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141558266 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141558266 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141558273 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141558273 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141558273 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141558274 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141558274 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141558274 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000004), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00df1a9d) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141558274 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 4 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141558274 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141558274 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141558274 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141558274 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141558274 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(4)[0x564010c0b0f0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141558892 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141558893 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141558897 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141558898 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141558898 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141558898 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141558898 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141558898 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141558901 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141558901 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141558901 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141558901 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141558901 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141558902 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141558902 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141558902 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141558902 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141558902 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141558902 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141558902 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141558902 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141558902 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141558902 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141558902 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141558902 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141558902 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141558902 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141558902 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141558902 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141558902 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141558906 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141558992 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141559495 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141600632 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141600632 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009bb839), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141600632 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141600632 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141600632 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141600632 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602580 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141602585 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141602588 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141602654 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602654 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602654 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602654 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602654 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602654 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602654 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602654 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602655 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141602655 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602656 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602656 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602656 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602656 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602656 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602656 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602656 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602656 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602656 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602656 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602672 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602672 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602672 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602672 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602673 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602673 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602673 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141602673 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602674 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602674 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602674 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602674 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602674 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602674 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602674 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602674 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602674 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602696 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141602696 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141602696 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141602696 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141602697 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141602697 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141602697 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141602697 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141602697 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141602877 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141602877 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141602877 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141602877 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141602878 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141602878 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141602878 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141602878 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141602878 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141602878 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602879 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602879 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602879 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602879 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602879 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602879 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602879 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602879 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602879 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602879 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602879 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141602895 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141602895 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141602895 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141602895 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141602895 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141602895 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141602895 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141602895 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141602895 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141602895 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141602896 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141602896 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141602896 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141602896 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141602896 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602896 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141602896 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141602896 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141602896 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141602896 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141602896 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141603679 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141603679 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141603679 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141603679 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141603679 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141603679 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141603679 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141603679 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141603679 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141603679 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141603680 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141603680 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141603680 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141603680 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141603680 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141603680 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141603680 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603680 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603680 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141603680 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141603680 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141603680 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141603680 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141603699 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141603699 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141603699 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141603699 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141603699 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603699 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603699 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141603700 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141603700 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141603700 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141603700 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141603700 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141603700 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141603700 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603700 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141603700 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141603700 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141603700 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141603700 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141603700 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141603702 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141603702 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141603702 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141603702 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141603702 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141603702 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141603702 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141603702 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141603702 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141603702 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141603702 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141604438 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141604438 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00966652), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141604438 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141604438 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141604438 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141604438 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141604444 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141604444 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141604444 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141604444 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141604444 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141604444 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000005), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00966652) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141604444 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 5 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141604444 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141604444 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141604444 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141604444 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141604444 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(5)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141604731 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604754 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604769 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604780 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604788 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604802 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604816 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604829 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604840 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604849 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604856 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604863 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604870 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604877 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604884 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141604891 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141605765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605765 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605765 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x9203b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c09170]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605765 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-598075 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605765 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605765 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-598075 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000000: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605765 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c08500]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605765 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605765 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-598075 <-> SCCP-8 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605765 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-598075 SCCP-8 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605765 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605765 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605765 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605765 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605765 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605765 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000008), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000000004f400300001e0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605765 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605765 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605765 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605765 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605765 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605765 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605778 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141605778 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141605778 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141605778 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141605778 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141605778 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000008), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0004a7d8) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141605778 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 8 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141605778 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141605778 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141605778 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141605778 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141605778 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=8, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141605778 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141605778 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141605966 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605966 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605966 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605966 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605966 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x7c8b8f, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605966 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0de80]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605966 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605966 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8162191 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605966 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605966 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605966 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8162191 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605966 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0ef40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605967 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605967 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-8162191 <-> SCCP-9 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605967 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8162191 SCCP-9 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605967 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605967 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605967 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605967 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000009), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000010004f40030001dd0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605967 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605967 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605967 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605967 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605967 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605967 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605967 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605967 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605967 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605967 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xaaffb9, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d2f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605967 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11206585 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605967 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605967 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605967 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11206585 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000002: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605967 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c16cb0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605967 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605967 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-11206585 <-> SCCP-10 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605967 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11206585 SCCP-10 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605967 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605967 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605967 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605967 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605967 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000020004f40030003db0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605968 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605968 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605968 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141605968 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141605968 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141605968 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141605968 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000008), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141605968 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 8 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141605968 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141605968 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141605968 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141605968 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141605968 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141605968 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141605968 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141605968 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141605968 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141605968 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605968 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141605968 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141605968 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=197 'CRCX 6 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9203b1'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 197 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141605968 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141605969 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605969 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605969 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605969 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605969 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xf815d5, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c16af0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605969 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16258517 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605969 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16258517 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605969 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c14b00]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605969 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605969 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16258517 <-> SCCP-11 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605969 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16258517 SCCP-11 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605969 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605969 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605969 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605969 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605969 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030001590056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605969 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605969 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605969 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605969 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605969 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605969 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605969 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605969 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605969 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605969 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605969 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x9ed758, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c13ea0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605969 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10409816 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605969 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10409816 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605969 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1f260]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605969 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605969 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-10409816 <-> SCCP-12 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605969 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10409816 SCCP-12 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605969 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605969 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605970 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605970 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605970 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605970 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605970 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000040004f400300004d0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605970 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605970 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605970 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605970 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605970 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605970 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605970 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605970 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605970 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605970 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605970 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605970 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x23ccc6, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605970 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c13fd0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605970 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605970 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2346182 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605970 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605970 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605970 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2346182 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000005: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c11dd0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605970 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2346182 <-> SCCP-13 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605970 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2346182 SCCP-13 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605970 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605970 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605970 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605970 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605970 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605971 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000050004f40030002da0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605971 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605971 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605971 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605971 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605971 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605971 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605971 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605971 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605971 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605971 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605971 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605971 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x48fbd5, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605971 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c178d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605971 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605971 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4783061 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605971 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605971 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605971 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4783061 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000006: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605971 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fb50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605971 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605971 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-4783061 <-> SCCP-14 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605971 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4783061 SCCP-14 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605971 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605971 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605971 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605971 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605971 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605971 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000060004f400300002c0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605972 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605972 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605972 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605972 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605972 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x4af92e, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c26a90]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605972 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4913454 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605972 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4913454 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000007: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1f880]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605972 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-4913454 <-> SCCP-15 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605972 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4913454 SCCP-15 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000070004f40030002200056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605972 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605972 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605972 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605972 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605972 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x2a53e8, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1f9b0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605972 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2773992 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605972 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2773992 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000008: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c27940]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605972 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2773992 <-> SCCP-16 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605972 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2773992 SCCP-16 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605972 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000010), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000080004f40030003010056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605972 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605972 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605972 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605972 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x192dfa, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c26c40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1650170 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1650170 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000009: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c28670]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1650170 <-> SCCP-17 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1650170 SCCP-17 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000011), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000090004f40030000430056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe4dfdf, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c28850]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14999519 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14999519 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000010: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c28f60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14999519 <-> SCCP-18 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14999519 SCCP-18 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000012), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000001004f40030000a50056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xa051a, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c284e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-656666 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-656666 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000011: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c294f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-656666 <-> SCCP-19 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-656666 SCCP-19 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000013), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000011004f40030001bc0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xd34621, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2ad50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13846049 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13846049 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000012: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2a960]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13846049 <-> SCCP-20 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13846049 SCCP-20 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000014), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000021004f40030002100056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x1bb484, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c29e80]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1815684 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1815684 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000013: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2ab70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1815684 <-> SCCP-21 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1815684 SCCP-21 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000015), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000031004f400300024a0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x1b5c71, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2b870]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1793137 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1793137 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000014: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2b9a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1793137 <-> SCCP-22 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1793137 SCCP-22 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000016), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000041004f400300025f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141605973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141605973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x48b358, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2c7b0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4764504 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4764504 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000015: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2d3b0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141605973 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-4764504 <-> SCCP-23 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141605973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4764504 SCCP-23 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141605973 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000017), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000051004f400300006e0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141605973 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141605973 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141605973 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141605973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141605988 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141605988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141605988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141605988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141605988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141605988 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000009), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009d9cc5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141605988 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 9 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141605988 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141605988 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141605988 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141605988 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141605988 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=9, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141605988 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141605988 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606018 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 6 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606019 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606019 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606019 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606019 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606019 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606019 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606019 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606019 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606019 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606032 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606032 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606032 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606032 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606032 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x9203b) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606032 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-598075 SCCP-8 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606032 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606032 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606032 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606032 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606032 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606032 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606032 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606032 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606032 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=211 'MDCX 7 rtpbridge/0@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9203b1'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 211 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606032 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 7 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606040 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606040 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606040 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/0@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=201 'CRCX 8 rtpbridge/0@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9203b1'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 201 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606040 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 8 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606050 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/0@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/0@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606050 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606050 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606050 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606050 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606050 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606050 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606050 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606050 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0004a7d8), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606050 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606050 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606050 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606050 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00d2900a) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 10 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=10, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00108555) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 11 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=11, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fd98a2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 12 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=12, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00533652) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 13 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=13, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000c2b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 14 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=14, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606052 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606052 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606052 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00eacb21) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 15 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=15, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606052 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606052 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606052 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000010), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=004a5c92) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 16 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606052 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=16, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606052 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000011), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b7799c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 17 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=17, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000012), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=003304bd) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 18 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=18, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606053 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000013), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00df2c85) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 19 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606053 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=19, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606053 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000014), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=007c0b72) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 20 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=20, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000015), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005cf1bf) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 21 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=21, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606054 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000016), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0070d833) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 22 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=22, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606055 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606055 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606055 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606055 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606055 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000017), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b570f5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 23 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=23, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141606055 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606055 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606055 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606055 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606055 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000009), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 9 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606055 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606055 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606055 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606055 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606055 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606055 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606055 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606055 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606055 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606055 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606055 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606055 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606055 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606055 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606055 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=199 'CRCX 9 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 7c8b8f'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 199 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606056 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 9 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606068 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606068 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606068 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606068 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606068 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606068 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606068 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606068 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606068 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606075 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606075 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606075 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606075 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606075 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x7c8b8f) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606075 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8162191 SCCP-9 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606075 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606075 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606075 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606075 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606075 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606075 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606075 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606075 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606075 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 10 rtpbridge/1@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 7c8b8'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606075 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 10 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606084 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606084 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606084 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/1@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 11 rtpbridge/1@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 7c8b8'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606084 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 11 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/1@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/1@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606091 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606091 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606091 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606091 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009d9cc5), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606091 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606091 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606091 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606091 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000a), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606091 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 10 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606091 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606091 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606091 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606091 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606091 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606091 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606091 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606091 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606091 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606091 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606091 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 12 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: aaffb'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606091 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 12 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606098 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606098 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606098 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606098 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606098 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606098 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606098 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606098 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606098 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606103 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606103 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xaaffb9) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606103 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11206585 SCCP-10 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606103 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606103 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606103 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606103 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606103 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606103 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606103 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 13 rtpbridge/2@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: aaffb'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606103 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 13 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606110 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606110 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606110 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/2@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 14 rtpbridge/2@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: aaffb'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 14 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606115 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/2@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/2@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606115 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606115 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606115 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606115 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606115 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606115 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606115 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606115 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d2900a), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606115 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606115 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606115 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606115 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606115 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606116 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606116 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606116 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606116 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606116 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606116 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000b), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606116 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 11 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606116 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606116 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606116 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606116 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606116 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606116 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606116 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606116 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606116 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606116 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606116 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606116 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606116 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 15 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: f815d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606116 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 15 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606122 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606122 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606122 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606122 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606122 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606122 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606122 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606122 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606122 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606127 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606127 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606127 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606127 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606127 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xf815d5) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606127 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16258517 SCCP-11 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606127 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606127 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606127 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606127 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606127 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606127 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606127 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606127 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606127 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 16 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: f815d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606127 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 16 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606132 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606132 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606132 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/3@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 17 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: f815d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606132 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 17 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606137 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606137 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606137 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606137 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00108555), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606137 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606137 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606137 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606137 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000c), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606137 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 12 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606137 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606137 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606137 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606137 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606137 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606137 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606137 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606137 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606137 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606137 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606137 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 18 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9ed75'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606137 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 18 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606143 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606143 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606143 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606143 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606143 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606143 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606143 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606143 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606143 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606147 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606147 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606147 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606147 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606147 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x9ed758) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606147 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10409816 SCCP-12 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606147 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606147 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606147 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606147 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606147 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606147 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 19 rtpbridge/4@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9ed75'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 19 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606154 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606154 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606154 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/4@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 20 rtpbridge/4@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9ed75'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606154 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 20 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606159 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606159 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606159 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606159 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606159 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606159 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606159 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606159 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606159 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fd98a2), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606159 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606159 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606159 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606160 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606160 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606160 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606160 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606160 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606160 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606160 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000d), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606160 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 13 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606160 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606160 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606160 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606160 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606160 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606160 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 21 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 23ccc'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606171 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 21 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606171 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606172 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606172 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606172 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606172 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606172 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606172 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606172 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606172 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606177 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606177 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606177 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606177 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606177 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x23ccc6) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606177 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2346182 SCCP-13 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606177 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606177 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606177 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606177 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606177 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606177 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606177 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606177 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606177 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 22 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 23ccc'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606177 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 22 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606185 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606186 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606186 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606186 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/5@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 23 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 23ccc'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606186 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 23 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606195 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606195 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606195 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606195 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606195 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606195 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606195 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606195 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606195 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00533652), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606195 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606195 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606195 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606195 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606196 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606196 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606196 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606196 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606196 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606196 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606196 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000e), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606196 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 14 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606196 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606196 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606196 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606196 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606196 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606196 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606196 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606196 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606196 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606196 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606196 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606196 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606196 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 24 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48fbd'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606196 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606219 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 24 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606220 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606220 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606220 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606220 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606220 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606220 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606220 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606220 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606220 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606231 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606231 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606231 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606231 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606231 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x48fbd5) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606231 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4783061 SCCP-14 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606231 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606231 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606231 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606231 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606231 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606231 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606231 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606231 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606231 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 25 rtpbridge/6@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48fbd'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606231 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 25 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606240 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606241 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606241 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606241 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/6@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 26 rtpbridge/6@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48fbd'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606241 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 26 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606255 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/6@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/6@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606255 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606255 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606255 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606255 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606255 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606255 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606255 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606255 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000c2b), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606255 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606255 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606255 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606255 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606255 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606256 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606256 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606256 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606256 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606256 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606256 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000f), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606256 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 15 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606256 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606256 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606256 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606256 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606256 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606256 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606256 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606256 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606256 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606256 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606256 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606256 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606256 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 27 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4af92'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606256 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 27 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606271 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606271 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606271 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606271 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606271 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606271 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606271 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606271 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606281 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606281 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x4af92e) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606281 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4913454 SCCP-15 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606281 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606281 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606281 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606281 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606281 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606281 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606281 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 28 rtpbridge/7@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4af92'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606281 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 28 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606290 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606290 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606290 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/7@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 29 rtpbridge/7@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4af92'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606290 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 29 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/7@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/7@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606309 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606309 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606309 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606309 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606309 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606309 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606309 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606309 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00eacb21), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606309 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606309 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606309 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606309 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606310 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606310 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606310 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606310 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000010), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606310 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 16 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606310 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606310 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606310 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606310 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606310 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606310 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606310 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606310 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606310 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606311 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606311 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606311 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606311 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 30 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 2a53e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606311 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 30 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606340 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606340 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606340 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606340 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606340 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606340 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606340 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606340 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606340 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606348 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606348 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x2a53e8) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606348 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2773992 SCCP-16 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606348 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606348 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606348 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606348 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606348 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606348 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606348 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606348 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 31 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 2a53e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606348 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 31 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606353 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606353 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606353 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/8@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 32 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 2a53e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606353 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 32 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606360 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606360 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606360 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606360 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606360 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606360 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606360 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606360 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606360 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004a5c92), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606360 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606360 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606360 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606360 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606360 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606361 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606361 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606361 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606361 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606361 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606361 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000011), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606361 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 17 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606361 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606361 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606361 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606361 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606361 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606361 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606361 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606361 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606361 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606361 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606361 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606361 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606361 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 33 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 192df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606361 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 33 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606377 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606378 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606378 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606378 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606378 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606378 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606378 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606378 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606378 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606378 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606378 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606378 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606378 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606378 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606385 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606385 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x192dfa) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606385 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1650170 SCCP-17 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606385 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606385 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606385 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606385 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606385 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606385 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 34 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 192df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606385 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 34 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606391 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606391 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606391 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/9@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 35 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 192df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606391 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 35 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606396 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606396 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606396 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606396 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606396 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606396 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606396 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606396 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606396 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b7799c), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606396 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606396 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606396 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606396 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606396 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606397 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606397 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606397 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606397 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606397 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000012), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606397 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 18 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606397 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606397 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606397 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606397 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606397 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606397 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606397 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606397 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606397 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606397 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606397 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606397 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 36 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e4dfd'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606397 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 36 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606409 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606409 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606409 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606409 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606409 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606409 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606409 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606409 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606409 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606416 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606416 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606416 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xe4dfdf) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606416 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14999519 SCCP-18 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606416 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606416 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606416 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606416 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606416 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606416 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606416 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606416 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 37 rtpbridge/10@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e4df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606416 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 37 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606425 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606425 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606425 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/10@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 38 rtpbridge/10@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e4df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606425 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 38 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606432 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/10@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/10@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606433 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606433 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606433 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606433 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003304bd), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606433 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000013), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606433 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 19 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606433 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606433 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606433 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606433 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606433 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606433 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606433 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606433 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606433 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606433 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606433 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=198 'CRCX 39 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: a051a'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 198 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606433 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 39 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606441 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606441 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606441 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606441 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606441 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606441 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606441 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606441 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606441 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606446 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606446 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606446 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606446 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606446 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xa051a) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606446 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-656666 SCCP-19 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606446 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606446 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606446 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606446 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606446 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606446 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=213 'MDCX 40 rtpbridge/11@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: a051'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 213 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 40 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606457 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606457 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606457 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/11@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=203 'CRCX 41 rtpbridge/11@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: a051'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 203 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606457 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 41 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606468 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/11@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/11@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606468 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606468 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606468 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606468 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606468 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606468 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606468 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df2c85), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606468 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606468 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606468 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606468 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606468 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606469 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606469 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606469 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606469 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606469 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606469 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000014), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606469 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 20 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606469 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606469 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606469 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606469 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606469 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606469 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606469 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606469 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606469 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606469 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606469 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606469 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606469 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 42 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d3462'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606469 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 42 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606478 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606478 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606478 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606478 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606478 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606478 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606478 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606478 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606482 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606482 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606482 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606482 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606482 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xd34621) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606482 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13846049 SCCP-20 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606482 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606482 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606482 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606482 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606482 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606482 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606482 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606482 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606482 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 43 rtpbridge/12@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d346'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606482 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 43 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606489 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606489 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606489 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/12@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 44 rtpbridge/12@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d346'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606489 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 44 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606495 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/12@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/12@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606495 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606495 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606495 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606495 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606495 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606495 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606495 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606495 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007c0b72), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606495 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606495 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606495 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606495 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606495 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606496 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606496 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606496 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606496 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606496 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606496 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000015), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606496 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 21 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606496 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606496 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606496 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606496 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606496 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606496 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606496 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606496 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606496 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606496 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606496 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606496 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606496 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 45 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1bb48'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606496 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 45 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606503 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606503 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606503 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606503 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606503 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606503 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606503 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606503 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606503 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606507 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606507 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x1bb484) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606507 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1815684 SCCP-21 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606507 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 46 rtpbridge/13@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1bb4'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 46 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606513 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606513 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606513 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/13@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 47 rtpbridge/13@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1bb4'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606513 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 47 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/13@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/13@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606518 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606518 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606518 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606518 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005cf1bf), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606518 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606518 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606518 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606518 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000016), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606518 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 22 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606518 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606518 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606518 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606518 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606518 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606518 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606518 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606518 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606518 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606518 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606518 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 48 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1b5c7'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606518 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 48 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606530 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606531 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606531 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606531 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606531 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606531 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606531 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606531 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606531 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606531 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606531 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606535 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606535 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606535 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606535 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606535 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x1b5c71) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606535 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1793137 SCCP-22 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606536 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606536 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606536 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606536 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606536 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606536 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606536 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606536 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606536 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 49 rtpbridge/14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1b5c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606536 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 49 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606540 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606540 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606540 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/14@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 50 rtpbridge/14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1b5c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606540 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 50 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/14@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/14@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606545 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606545 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606545 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606545 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0070d833), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141606545 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141606545 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141606545 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141606545 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000017), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141606545 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 23 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141606545 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141606545 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141606545 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141606545 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141606545 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141606545 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141606545 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141606545 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606545 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141606545 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141606545 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 51 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48b35'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606545 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 51 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606555 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606555 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606555 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141606555 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141606555 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141606555 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141606555 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141606555 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606555 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141606559 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141606559 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141606559 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141606559 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141606559 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x48b358) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141606559 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4764504 SCCP-23 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141606559 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141606559 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141606559 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141606559 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141606559 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606559 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141606559 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141606559 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606559 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 52 rtpbridge/15@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48b3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606559 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 52 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606565 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606565 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141606565 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/15@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 53 rtpbridge/15@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48b3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141606565 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 53 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606570 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/15@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/15@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141606570 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141606570 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141606570 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141606570 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141606570 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141606570 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141606570 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141606570 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b570f5), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141606570 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141606570 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141606570 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141606570 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141606570 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141608078 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608078 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608078 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608078 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608078 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608078 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000008), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608078 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 8 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608078 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608078 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608078 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608078 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608079 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608079 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608079 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608079 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608079 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608079 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=56 'DLCX 54 rtpbridge/0@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9203b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 56 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=56 'DLCX 55 rtpbridge/0@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9203b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 56 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608079 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15d70]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608079 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608079 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608079 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-598075-0)[0x564010c15c40]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608079 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608079 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608079 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608079 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 54 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 55 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608109 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608109 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608109 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608109 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608109 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x9203b,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608109 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-598075 SCCP-8 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608109 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608109 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608109 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608109 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608109 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608109 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608109 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608109 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0004a7d8), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608109 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608109 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608109 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608109 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608109 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608109 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608109 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608110 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608110 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608110 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608110 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608110 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608110 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000009), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608110 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 9 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608110 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608110 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608110 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608110 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608110 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608110 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608110 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608110 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608110 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608110 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 56 rtpbridge/1@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 7c8b8'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608110 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 57 rtpbridge/1@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 7c8b8'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608111 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608111 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608111 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608111 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608111 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c2d200]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608111 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608111 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608111 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8162191-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608111 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608111 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608111 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608111 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608126 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 56 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608126 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608126 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608126 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608126 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 57 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608127 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1ea10]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608132 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608132 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608132 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608132 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608132 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x7c8b8f,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608132 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8162191 SCCP-9 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608133 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608133 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608133 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608133 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608133 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608133 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608133 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009d9cc5), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608133 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608133 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608133 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608133 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608133 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608133 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608133 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000008), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0004a7d8), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608133 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 8 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608133 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608133 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608133 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608133 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=8 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608134 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608134 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608134 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-598075)[0x564010c09170]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-8)[0x564010c08500]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-598075 SCCP-8 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0004a7d8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000008) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(8)[0x564010c05110]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608134 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608134 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608134 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608134 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000a), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 10 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608134 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608134 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608134 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608134 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608134 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608134 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608134 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 58 rtpbridge/2@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: aaffb'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 59 rtpbridge/2@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: aaffb'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608134 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c1ee00]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608134 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-11206585-0)[0x564010c37d10]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608134 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608134 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608134 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608135 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608142 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608142 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608142 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000009), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009d9cc5), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 9 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=9 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608142 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608142 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608142 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8162191)[0x564010c0de80]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608142 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-9)[0x564010c0ef40]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608142 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8162191 SCCP-9 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009d9cc5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000009) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608142 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608142 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(9)[0x564010c0dd50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608147 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608147 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608147 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608147 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608147 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608147 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000b), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608147 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 11 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608147 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608147 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608147 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608147 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608147 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608147 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608147 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 60 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: f815d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 61 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: f815d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608147 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c405d0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608147 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-16258517-0)[0x564010c40300]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608147 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608147 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608147 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608147 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 58 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c379c0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 59 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608163 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37870]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608164 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 60 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608164 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608164 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608164 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608164 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c46f40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608165 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 61 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608165 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608165 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608165 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608165 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2ee20]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608167 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608167 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608167 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608167 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608167 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xaaffb9,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608167 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11206585 SCCP-10 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608167 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608167 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608167 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608167 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608167 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608167 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608167 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608167 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d2900a), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608167 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608167 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608167 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608167 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608167 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608167 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608167 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608168 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608168 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608168 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608168 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608168 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608168 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000c), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608168 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 12 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608168 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608168 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608168 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608168 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608168 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608168 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608168 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608168 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608168 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608168 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 62 rtpbridge/4@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9ed75'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 63 rtpbridge/4@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 9ed75'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608168 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c49420]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608168 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608168 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608168 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-10409816-0)[0x564010c48d90]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608168 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608168 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608168 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608168 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608170 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608170 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608170 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608170 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608170 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xf815d5,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608170 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16258517 SCCP-11 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608170 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608170 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608170 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608170 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608170 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608170 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608170 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608170 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00108555), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608170 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608170 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608170 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608170 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608170 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608170 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608170 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608175 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608175 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608175 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608175 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608175 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608175 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00d2900a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608175 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 10 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608175 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608175 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608175 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608175 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=10 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608175 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608175 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608175 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608175 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608175 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11206585)[0x564010c0d2f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608175 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608175 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608176 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-10)[0x564010c16cb0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608176 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11206585 SCCP-10 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608176 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d2900a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000a) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608176 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608176 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608176 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608176 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608176 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608176 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608176 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608176 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(10)[0x564010c172a0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608177 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608177 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608177 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608177 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608177 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608177 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00108555), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608177 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 11 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608177 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608177 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608177 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608177 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=11 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608177 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608177 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608177 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608177 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608178 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16258517)[0x564010c16af0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608178 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608178 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608178 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-11)[0x564010c14b00]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608178 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16258517 SCCP-11 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608178 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00108555), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000b) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608178 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608178 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608178 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608178 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608178 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608178 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608178 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608178 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(11)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608184 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 62 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608184 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608184 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608184 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608184 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c4fcf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 63 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608185 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c37160]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608206 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608206 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608206 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000d), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608206 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 13 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608206 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608206 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608206 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608206 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608206 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608206 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608206 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608206 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608206 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 64 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 23ccc'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 65 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 23ccc'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608206 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ca0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608206 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608206 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608206 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2346182-0)[0x564010c51ad0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608206 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608206 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608206 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608206 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608206 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608206 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608206 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608206 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608207 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x9ed758,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608207 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10409816 SCCP-12 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608207 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608207 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608207 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608207 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608207 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608207 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608207 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608207 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fd98a2), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608207 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608207 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608207 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608207 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608207 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608207 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608207 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608215 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608215 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608215 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fd98a2), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608215 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 12 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608215 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608216 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=12 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608216 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608216 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608216 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10409816)[0x564010c13ea0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608216 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-12)[0x564010c1f260]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608216 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10409816 SCCP-12 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608216 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fd98a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000c) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608216 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608216 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608216 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608216 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608216 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608216 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608216 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608216 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(12)[0x564010c177a0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608224 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 64 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608224 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608224 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608224 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608224 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c58860]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608225 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 65 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608225 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608225 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608225 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608225 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c47cf0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608273 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608273 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608273 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608273 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608273 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608273 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000e), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608273 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 14 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608273 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608273 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608273 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608273 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608273 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608273 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608273 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608273 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608273 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608273 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 66 rtpbridge/6@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48fbd'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 67 rtpbridge/6@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48fbd'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608273 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5ad70]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608274 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608274 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608274 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4783061-0)[0x564010c5a6e0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608274 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608274 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608274 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608274 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608274 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608274 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608274 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608274 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608274 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x23ccc6,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608274 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2346182 SCCP-13 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608274 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608274 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608274 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608274 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608274 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608274 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608274 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608274 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00533652), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608274 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608274 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608274 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608274 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608274 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608274 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608274 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608283 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608283 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608283 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608283 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608283 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608283 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00533652), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608283 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 13 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608283 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608283 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=13 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608283 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608283 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608283 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2346182)[0x564010c13fd0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608283 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-13)[0x564010c11dd0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608283 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2346182 SCCP-13 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608283 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00533652), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000d) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608283 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608284 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608284 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608284 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608284 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608284 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608284 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608284 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(13)[0x564010c1f750]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 66 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608290 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c61640]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608291 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 67 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608291 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608291 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608291 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608291 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c48490]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608326 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608326 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608326 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608326 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608326 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608326 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000f), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608326 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 15 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608326 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608326 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608326 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608326 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608326 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608326 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608326 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608326 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608326 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608326 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 68 rtpbridge/7@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4af92'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 69 rtpbridge/7@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 4af92'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608326 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608327 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608327 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608327 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63a70]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608327 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608327 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608327 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4913454-0)[0x564010c63940]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608327 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608327 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608327 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608327 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608327 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608327 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608327 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608327 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608327 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x48fbd5,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608327 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4783061 SCCP-14 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608327 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608327 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608327 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608327 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608327 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608327 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608327 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608327 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000c2b), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608327 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608327 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608327 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608327 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608327 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608327 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608327 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608337 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608337 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608337 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000c2b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608337 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 14 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608337 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=14 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4783061)[0x564010c178d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-14)[0x564010c1fb50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608337 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4783061 SCCP-14 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000c2b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000e) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608337 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608338 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608338 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608338 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608338 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(14)[0x564010c26960]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 68 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c6a340]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 69 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608342 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c62150]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608369 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608369 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608369 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000010), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608369 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 16 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608369 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608369 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608369 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608369 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608369 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608369 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608369 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608369 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608369 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608369 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 70 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 2a53e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 71 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 2a53e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608369 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c7b0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608369 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608369 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608369 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2773992-0)[0x564010c6c080]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608369 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608369 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608369 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608369 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x4af92e,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608369 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4913454 SCCP-15 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608369 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608369 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608369 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608369 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608369 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608369 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608369 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00eacb21), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608369 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608369 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608370 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608370 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000000f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00eacb21), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 15 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=15 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608375 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608375 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608375 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4913454)[0x564010c26a90]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608375 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-15)[0x564010c1f880]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608375 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4913454 SCCP-15 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00eacb21), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000000f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608375 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608375 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(15)[0x564010c27420]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 70 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c73080]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 71 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608377 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c6bb30]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608401 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608401 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608401 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000011), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608401 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 17 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608401 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608401 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608401 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608401 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608401 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608401 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608401 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608401 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608401 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608401 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 72 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 192df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 73 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 192df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608401 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c754b0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608401 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608401 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608401 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1650170-0)[0x564010c6b790]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608401 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608401 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608401 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608401 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608401 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608401 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608401 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608401 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608401 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x2a53e8,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608401 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2773992 SCCP-16 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608401 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608401 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608401 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608401 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608401 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608401 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608401 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004a5c92), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608401 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608401 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608401 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608401 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608404 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608404 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608404 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000010), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=004a5c92), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 16 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=16 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608404 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608404 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608404 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2773992)[0x564010c1f9b0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608404 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-16)[0x564010c27940]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608404 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2773992 SCCP-16 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004a5c92), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000010) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608404 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608404 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(16)[0x564010c280c0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 72 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c7bd80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 73 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608406 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c73b90]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608445 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608445 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608445 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608445 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608445 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000012), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 18 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608446 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608446 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608446 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608446 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608446 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608446 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608446 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 74 rtpbridge/10@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e4df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 75 rtpbridge/10@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e4df'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608446 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c7ca70]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608446 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14999519-0)[0x564010c75010]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608446 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608446 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608447 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608447 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x192dfa,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608447 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1650170 SCCP-17 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608447 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608447 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608447 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608447 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608447 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608447 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608447 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608447 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b7799c), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608447 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608447 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608447 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608447 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608447 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608448 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608448 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608457 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608457 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608457 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000011), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b7799c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608457 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 17 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608457 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=17 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608457 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608457 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608457 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1650170)[0x564010c26c40]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608457 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-17)[0x564010c28670]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608457 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1650170 SCCP-17 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b7799c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000011) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608457 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(17)[0x564010c28e30]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 74 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c84a80]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 75 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608464 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c7c890]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608478 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608478 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608478 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608478 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608478 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608478 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000013), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608478 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 19 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608478 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608478 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608478 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608478 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608478 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608478 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608478 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608478 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608478 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608478 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608478 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 76 rtpbridge/11@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: a051'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608478 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 77 rtpbridge/11@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: a051'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608479 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c59fd0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608479 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608479 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608479 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-656666-0)[0x564010c868f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608479 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608479 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608479 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608479 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608479 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608479 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608479 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608479 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608479 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xe4dfdf,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608479 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14999519 SCCP-18 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608479 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608479 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608479 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608479 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608479 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608479 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608479 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608479 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003304bd), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608479 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608479 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608479 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608479 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608480 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608480 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608480 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608488 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608488 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608488 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608488 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608488 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608488 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000012), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=003304bd), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608488 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 18 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608488 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608488 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=18 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608488 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608488 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608488 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14999519)[0x564010c28850]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608488 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-18)[0x564010c28f60]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608488 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14999519 SCCP-18 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608489 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003304bd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000012) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608489 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608489 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608489 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608489 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608489 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608489 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608489 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608489 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(18)[0x564010c29b10]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 76 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608496 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c8d680]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608497 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 77 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608497 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608497 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608497 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608497 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c74ca0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608506 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608506 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608506 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608506 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608506 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608506 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000014), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608506 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 20 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608506 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608506 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608506 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608506 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608506 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608506 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608506 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608506 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608506 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 78 rtpbridge/12@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d346'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 79 rtpbridge/12@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d346'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608506 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c7dd20]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13846049-0)[0x564010c8f4f0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608507 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608507 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608507 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608507 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xa051a,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608507 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-656666 SCCP-19 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608507 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608507 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608507 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df2c85), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608516 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608516 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608516 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000013), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00df2c85), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 19 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=19 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608516 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608516 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608516 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-656666)[0x564010c284e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608516 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-19)[0x564010c294f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608516 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-656666 SCCP-19 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df2c85), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000013) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608516 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608516 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(19)[0x564010c2a830]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 78 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c96280]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 79 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608523 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86400]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608529 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608529 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608529 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608529 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608529 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608529 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000015), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608529 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 21 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608529 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608529 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608529 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608529 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608529 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608529 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608529 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608529 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608529 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608529 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 80 rtpbridge/13@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1bb4'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 81 rtpbridge/13@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1bb4'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608529 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c987a0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608529 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608529 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608529 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1815684-0)[0x564010c981b0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608529 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608529 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608529 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608529 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608529 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608530 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608530 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608530 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608530 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xd34621,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608530 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13846049 SCCP-20 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608530 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608530 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608530 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608530 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608530 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608530 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608530 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608530 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007c0b72), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608530 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608530 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608530 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608530 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608530 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608530 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608530 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608539 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608539 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608539 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000014), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=007c0b72), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 20 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=20 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608539 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608539 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608539 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13846049)[0x564010c2ad50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608539 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-20)[0x564010c2a960]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608539 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13846049 SCCP-20 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007c0b72), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000014) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608539 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608539 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(20)[0x564010c2b500]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 80 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608545 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9f070]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 81 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c86530]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608553 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608553 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608553 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608553 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608553 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608553 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000016), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608553 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 22 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608553 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608553 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608553 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608553 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608553 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608553 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608553 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608553 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608553 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608553 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 82 rtpbridge/14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1b5c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 83 rtpbridge/14@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 1b5c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608553 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010ca1300]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608553 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608553 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608553 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-1793137-0)[0x564010c8f030]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608553 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608553 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608553 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608553 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608554 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608554 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608554 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608554 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608554 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x1bb484,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608554 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1815684 SCCP-21 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608554 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608554 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608554 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608554 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608554 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608554 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608554 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608554 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005cf1bf), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608554 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608554 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608554 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608554 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608554 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608554 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608554 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608561 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608561 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608561 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000015), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005cf1bf), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 21 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=21 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608561 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608561 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608561 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1815684)[0x564010c29e80]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608561 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-21)[0x564010c2ab70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608561 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1815684 SCCP-21 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005cf1bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000015) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608561 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608561 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(21)[0x564010c2c190]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 82 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c9fd60]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 83 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608569 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c97030]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608579 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608579 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608579 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000017), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608579 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 23 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608579 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608579 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608579 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608579 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141608579 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141608580 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141608580 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141608580 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141608580 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141608580 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 84 rtpbridge/15@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48b3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 85 rtpbridge/15@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 48b3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608580 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9d70]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608580 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141608580 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141608580 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-4764504-0)[0x564010ca9b60]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608580 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141608580 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141608580 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608580 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141608580 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608580 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608580 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608580 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608580 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x1b5c71,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608580 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1793137 SCCP-22 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608580 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608580 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608580 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608580 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608580 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608580 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608580 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608580 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0070d833), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608580 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608580 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608580 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608580 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608580 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608580 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608580 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608588 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608588 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608588 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000016), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0070d833), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 22 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=22 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608588 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608588 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608588 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1793137)[0x564010c2b870]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608588 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-22)[0x564010c2b9a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608588 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1793137 SCCP-22 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0070d833), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000016) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608588 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608588 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(22)[0x564010c2ce90]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 84 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010cb09d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 85 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141608598 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010ca0600]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608782 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141608782 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141608782 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141608782 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141608782 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x48b358,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141608782 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4764504 SCCP-23 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141608782 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141608782 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141608782 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141608782 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141608782 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141608782 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141608782 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141608782 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b570f5), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608782 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608783 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608783 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608783 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608783 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141608783 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141608783 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141608795 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141608795 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141608795 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000017), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b570f5), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 23 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=23 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141608795 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608795 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141608795 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4764504)[0x564010c2c7b0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141608795 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-23)[0x564010c2d3b0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141608795 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4764504 SCCP-23 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b570f5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000017) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141608795 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141608795 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(23)[0x564010c2dc40]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141610632 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141610633 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009bb839), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141610633 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141610633 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141610633 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141610633 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141610640 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141610640 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141610640 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141610640 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141610640 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141610641 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000006), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009bb839) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141610641 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 6 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141610641 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141610641 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141610641 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141610641 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141610641 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(6)[0x564010c0d8a0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141610806 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610806 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141610814 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610816 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141610816 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141610817 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141610817 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141610817 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141610819 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141610819 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141610819 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141610819 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141610819 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141610819 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141610819 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141610819 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141610819 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141610819 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141610819 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141610819 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141610819 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141610819 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141610819 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141610819 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141610819 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141610819 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141610819 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141610819 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141610819 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141610819 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141610827 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610829 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610829 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610829 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610830 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610830 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610830 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610831 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610831 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610832 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610832 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610832 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610832 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610832 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610832 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141610847 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141611042 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141611544 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141614671 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141614675 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141614679 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141614745 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614745 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614745 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614745 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614745 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141614745 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614747 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614747 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614747 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614747 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614747 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614747 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614747 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614747 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614747 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614765 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614765 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614765 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614766 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141614766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614767 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614767 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614767 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614767 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614767 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614767 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614767 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614767 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614767 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614767 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614791 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141614791 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141614791 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141614791 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141614791 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141614791 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141614791 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141614791 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141614791 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141614974 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141614974 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141614974 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141614974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141614974 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141614974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141614974 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141614974 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141614974 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141614974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614975 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614975 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614975 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614975 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614975 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614975 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614976 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614976 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614976 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141614988 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141614988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141614988 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141614988 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141614988 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141614988 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141614988 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141614988 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141614988 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141614988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141614990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141614990 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141614990 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141614990 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141614990 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141614990 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141614990 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141614990 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141614990 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141614990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141615778 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141615778 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141615778 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141615778 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141615778 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615778 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615778 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141615778 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141615778 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141615778 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141615779 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141615779 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141615779 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141615779 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141615779 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141615779 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141615779 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141615779 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615779 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615779 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141615779 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141615779 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141615779 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141615779 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141615787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141615787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141615787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141615787 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141615787 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141615787 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141615787 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141615787 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141615787 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141615787 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141615787 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141615787 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141615789 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141615789 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141615789 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141615789 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141615789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141615789 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615789 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141615790 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141615790 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141615790 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141615790 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141615790 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141615790 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141615823 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141616873 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141616873 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141616873 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141616873 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141616873 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xd489d8, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141616873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141616873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141616873 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13928920 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141616873 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141616873 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141616873 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13928920 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000005: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141616873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141616873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141616873 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13928920 <-> SCCP-24 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141616873 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13928920 SCCP-24 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141616874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141616874 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141616874 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141616874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141616874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141616874 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141616874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141616874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141616874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000050004f400300000a0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141616874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141616874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141616874 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141616874 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141616874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141616874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141616874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141616874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141616891 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141616891 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141616891 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141616891 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141616891 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141616891 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fbaa9c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141616891 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 24 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141616891 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141616891 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141616891 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141616891 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141616891 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=24, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141616891 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141616891 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141617095 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141617095 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141617095 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141617095 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141617095 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141617095 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141617095 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 24 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141617095 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141617095 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141617095 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141617095 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141617095 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141617095 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141617095 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141617095 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141617095 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141617095 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141617095 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141617095 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141617095 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 86 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d489d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141617095 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 86 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141617130 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617130 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141617130 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141617130 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141617130 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141617130 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141617130 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141617130 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141617130 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141617159 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141617159 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141617159 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141617159 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141617159 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xd489d8) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141617159 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13928920 SCCP-24 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141617159 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141617160 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141617160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141617160 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141617160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141617160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141617160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141617160 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141617160 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 87 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d489d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141617160 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 87 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617172 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141617172 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141617172 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/5@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 88 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d489d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141617172 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 88 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617180 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/5@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/5@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141617180 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141617180 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141617180 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141617180 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141617180 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141617180 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141617180 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141617180 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fbaa9c), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141617180 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141617180 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141617180 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141617180 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141617180 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141617197 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141617197 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141617197 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141617197 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141617197 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141617197 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=21,D=000000110000010029400a0000010028400305c880) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141617197 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 24 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141617197 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141617197 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141617197 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141617197 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141617197 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141617197 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141617197 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141617197 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs (ranap_common.c:617) (ranap_common.c:617) 20250219141617197 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs (ranap_common.c:617) (ranap_common.c:617) 20250219141617197 DMGW NOTICE mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: MSC asked to release RAB-ID 23 (mgw_fsm.c:792) 20250219141617197 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding unmodified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:725) 20250219141617197 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:726) 20250219141617197 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 45 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141617197 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:733) 20250219141617197 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 89 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d489d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 90 rtpbridge/5@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: d489d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141617197 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141617197 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141617197 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141617197 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-13928920-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141617197 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141617197 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 45 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 89 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 90 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141617200 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c15c40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141617243 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141617250 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141617251 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141617251 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141617251 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141617251 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141617251 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141617251 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141617251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219141617251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219141617251 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141617251 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141617251 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141617251 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fbaa9c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141617251 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141617251 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141617251 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141617251 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141617251 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141617251 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141617251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141617251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141617251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13928920)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141617251 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141617251 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141617251 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-24)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141617251 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13928920 SCCP-24 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141617252 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141617252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141617252 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141617252 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141617252 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141617252 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141617252 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141617252 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141617252 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141617252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141617252 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141617252 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141617252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141617252 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141617252 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141617252 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141617252 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141617252 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141617252 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141617252 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141617252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141617252 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141617254 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141617294 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141617797 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141620894 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141620898 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141620901 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141620987 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141620987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141620988 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141620988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141620988 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141620988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141620988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141620988 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141620989 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141620989 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141620989 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141620989 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141620989 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141620989 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141620989 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141620989 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141620989 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141620989 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141620989 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141620989 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141620989 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141620990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141620990 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141620990 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141620990 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141620990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141620990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141620990 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141620990 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141620990 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141620990 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141620990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141621010 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141621010 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141621010 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141621010 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141621010 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141621010 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141621011 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141621011 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141621012 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141621012 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141621012 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141621012 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141621012 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141621012 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141621012 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141621012 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141621012 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141621012 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141621037 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141621037 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141621037 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141621037 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141621037 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141621037 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141621037 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141621037 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141621037 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141621220 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141621220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141621220 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141621220 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141621220 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141621220 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141621220 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141621220 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141621220 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141621220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141621221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141621221 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141621221 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141621221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141621221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141621221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141621221 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141621222 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141621222 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141621234 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141621234 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141621234 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141621234 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141621234 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141621234 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141621234 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141621234 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141621234 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141621234 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141621235 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141621235 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141621235 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141621235 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141621235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141621235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141621235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141621235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141621235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141621235 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141622021 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141622021 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141622021 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141622021 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141622021 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141622021 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141622021 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141622021 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141622021 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141622021 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141622021 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141622021 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141622022 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141622022 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141622022 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141622022 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141622022 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622022 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622022 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141622022 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141622022 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141622022 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141622022 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141622034 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141622034 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141622034 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141622034 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141622034 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622035 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141622035 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141622035 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141622035 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141622035 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141622035 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141622035 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141622035 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622035 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141622035 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141622035 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141622035 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141622035 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141622035 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141622036 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141622036 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141622036 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141622036 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141622036 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141622036 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141622036 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141622036 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141622036 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141622036 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141622036 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141622064 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141623096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141623096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141623096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141623096 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141623096 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe494ec, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141623096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141623097 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14980332 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141623097 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141623097 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141623097 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14980332 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000008: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141623097 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623097 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141623097 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14980332 <-> SCCP-25 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141623097 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14980332 SCCP-25 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141623097 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141623097 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141623097 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141623097 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141623097 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141623097 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141623097 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623097 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141623097 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000080004f40030003dd0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141623097 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141623097 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141623097 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141623097 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141623097 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141623097 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141623097 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141623097 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141623102 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141623102 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141623102 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141623102 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141623102 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141623102 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141623102 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 25 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141623102 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141623102 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141623102 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623102 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141623102 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=25, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141623102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141623102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141623303 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141623303 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141623303 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141623303 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141623303 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141623303 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141623303 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 25 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141623303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141623303 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623303 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141623303 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141623303 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141623303 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141623303 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141623303 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141623303 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141623303 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623303 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141623303 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141623303 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 91 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e494e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141623303 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 91 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141623335 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623335 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141623335 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141623335 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141623335 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141623335 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141623335 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141623335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141623335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141623349 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141623349 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141623349 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141623349 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141623349 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xe494ec) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141623349 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14980332 SCCP-25 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141623349 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141623349 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141623349 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141623349 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141623349 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141623349 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141623349 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141623349 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141623349 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=214 'MDCX 92 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e494e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 214 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141623349 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 92 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623368 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141623368 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141623368 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/8@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=204 'CRCX 93 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e494e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 204 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141623368 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 93 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623381 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/8@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/8@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141623381 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141623381 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141623381 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141623381 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141623381 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141623381 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141623381 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141623381 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141623381 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141623381 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141623381 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141623381 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141623381 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141623402 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141623402 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141623402 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141623402 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141623402 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141623402 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=21,D=000000110000010029400a0000010028400305c2d0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141623402 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 25 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141623402 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141623402 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623402 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141623402 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141623402 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141623402 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141623402 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141623402 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs (ranap_common.c:617) (ranap_common.c:617) 20250219141623402 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_ReleaseItemIEs (ranap_common.c:617) (ranap_common.c:617) 20250219141623402 DMGW NOTICE mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: MSC asked to release RAB-ID 23 (mgw_fsm.c:792) 20250219141623402 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding unmodified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:725) 20250219141623402 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:726) 20250219141623402 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 45 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141623402 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:733) 20250219141623402 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 94 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e494e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 95 rtpbridge/8@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: e494e'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141623402 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141623402 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141623402 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141623402 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-14980332-0)[0x564010c15d70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141623402 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141623402 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 45 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 94 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 95 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141623404 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141623443 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141623450 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141623451 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141623451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141623451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141623451 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141623451 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141623451 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141623451 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219141623451 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219141623451 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141623451 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141623451 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141623451 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141623451 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141623451 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141623451 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141623451 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141623452 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141623452 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141623452 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141623452 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141623452 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14980332)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141623452 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141623452 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141623452 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-25)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141623452 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14980332 SCCP-25 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141623453 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141623453 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141623453 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141623453 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623453 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141623453 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623453 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141623453 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141623453 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141623453 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141623453 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141623453 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141623453 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141623453 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141623453 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623453 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141623453 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141623453 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141623453 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141623453 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141623453 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141623453 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141623454 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141623512 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141624014 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141627120 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141627124 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141627127 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141627191 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627191 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627191 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627191 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627192 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627192 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627192 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141627192 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141627192 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627192 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627192 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627192 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627192 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627192 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627192 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627192 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627192 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627192 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627192 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627192 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627192 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627192 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627192 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627193 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627193 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627193 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627193 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627193 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627193 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627193 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627193 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627193 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627193 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627193 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627193 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627193 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627194 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627194 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627194 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627194 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627194 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627194 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627194 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627194 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627194 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627194 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627194 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627212 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627212 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627212 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627212 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627213 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627213 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627213 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141627213 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627214 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627214 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627214 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627214 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627214 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627214 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627214 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627214 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627214 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627214 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627239 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141627239 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141627239 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141627239 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141627239 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141627239 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141627239 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141627239 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141627239 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141627251 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141627251 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fbaa9c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141627251 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627251 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627251 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627251 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627421 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141627421 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141627421 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141627421 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141627421 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141627421 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141627421 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141627421 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141627421 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141627421 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627422 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627422 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627422 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627422 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627422 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627422 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627422 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627422 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627422 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627423 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141627433 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141627433 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141627433 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141627433 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141627433 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141627433 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141627433 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141627433 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141627433 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141627433 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141627434 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141627434 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141627434 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141627434 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141627434 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627434 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141627434 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141627434 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141627434 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141627434 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141627434 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141628223 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141628223 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141628223 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141628223 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141628223 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628223 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141628223 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141628223 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141628223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141628223 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141628223 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141628223 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141628223 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628224 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141628224 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141628224 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141628224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141628224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141628224 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141628226 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141628226 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141628226 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141628226 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141628226 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141628226 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628226 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628226 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628227 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141628227 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141628227 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141628227 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141628227 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141628235 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141628235 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141628235 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141628235 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141628235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141628235 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628235 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628235 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141628235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141628236 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141628236 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141628236 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141628236 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141628236 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141628236 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141628236 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628236 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141628236 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141628236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141628236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141628236 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141628236 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141628238 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141628238 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141628238 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141628238 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141628238 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141628238 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141628238 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141628238 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141628238 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141628238 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141628238 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141628254 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141629284 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141629285 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141629285 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141629285 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141629285 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x8782b6, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141629285 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141629285 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141629285 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8880822 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141629285 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141629285 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141629285 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8880822 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141629285 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141629285 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141629285 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-8880822 <-> SCCP-26 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141629285 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8880822 SCCP-26 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141629285 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141629285 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141629285 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141629285 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141629285 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141629285 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141629285 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141629285 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141629285 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000040004f40030003d20056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141629285 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141629285 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141629285 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141629285 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141629285 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141629285 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141629285 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141629285 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141629304 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141629304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141629304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141629304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141629304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141629304 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=004db8bc) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141629304 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 26 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141629304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141629304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141629304 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141629304 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141629304 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=26, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141629304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141629304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141629506 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141629507 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141629507 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141629507 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141629507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141629507 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001a), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141629507 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 26 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141629507 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141629507 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141629507 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141629507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141629507 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141629507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141629507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141629507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141629507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141629507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141629507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141629507 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141629507 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 96 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 8782b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141629507 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 96 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141629546 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/4@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/4@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141629546 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141629546 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141629546 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141629546 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141629546 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141629546 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141629546 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141629546 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141629563 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141629563 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141629563 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 45 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141629563 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141629563 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x8782b6) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141629563 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8880822 SCCP-26 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 21 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141629563 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141629563 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141629563 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141629563 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141629563 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:594) (ranap_common.c:594) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141629563 DRANAP DEBUG RANAP RAB AssignmentResponse did not contain a setup-or-modified list! (ranap_rab_ass.c:148) 20250219141629563 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_FailedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:594) (ranap_common.c:594) 20250219141629563 DMGW ERROR mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: The RAB-AssignmentResponse contains a RAB-FailedList, RAB-Assignment (23) failed. (mgw_fsm.c:299) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding unmodified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:305) 20250219141629563 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:311) 20250219141629563 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141629563 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141629563 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004db8bc), PART(T=Data,L=21,D=600000110000010023400a0000010022400305c2d0) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141629563 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141629563 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141629563 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141629563 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:319) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=57 'DLCX 97 rtpbridge/4@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 8782b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 57 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141629563 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141629563 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-8880822-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141629582 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 97 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141629582 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141629582 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141629582 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141629582 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c15d70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141629587 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141629595 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141629596 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141629597 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141629597 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141629597 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141629597 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141629597 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141629597 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141629597 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141629597 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141629597 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141629598 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141629598 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141629598 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141629598 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141629598 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141629598 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141629598 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141629598 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141629598 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141629598 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141629598 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141629598 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141629598 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141629598 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141629598 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004db8bc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141629598 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141629598 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141629598 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141629598 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141629598 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141629598 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141629598 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141629598 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141629598 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141629598 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141629598 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141629598 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8880822)[0x564010c1ea10]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141629598 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-26)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141629598 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8880822 SCCP-26 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141629598 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141629598 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141629598 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141629598 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141629598 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141629599 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141629599 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141629654 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141630156 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141633252 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141633257 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141633261 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141633331 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633331 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633331 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633331 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633332 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633332 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633332 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141633332 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141633332 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633332 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633333 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633333 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633333 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633333 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633333 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633333 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633333 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633333 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633333 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633333 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633334 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633334 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633334 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633334 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633334 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633334 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633334 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633334 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633353 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633353 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633353 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633353 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141633353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633354 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633354 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633354 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633354 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633354 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633354 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633354 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633354 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633355 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633355 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633355 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633355 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633355 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633355 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633355 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141633381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141633381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141633381 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141633381 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141633381 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141633381 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141633381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141633381 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141633453 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141633453 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141633453 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633453 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633453 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633453 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633561 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141633561 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141633561 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141633562 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141633562 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141633562 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141633562 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141633562 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141633562 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141633562 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633563 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633563 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633563 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633563 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633563 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633563 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633563 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633563 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633563 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633563 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633563 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141633578 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141633578 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141633578 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141633578 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141633578 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141633578 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141633578 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141633578 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141633578 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141633578 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141633579 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141633579 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141633579 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141633579 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141633579 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141633579 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141633579 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141633579 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141633579 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141633580 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141634354 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141634354 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141634354 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141634354 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141634354 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141634354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141634354 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141634354 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141634354 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141634354 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141634354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141634354 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141634356 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141634356 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141634356 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141634356 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141634356 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634356 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634356 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141634356 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141634356 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141634356 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141634356 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141634384 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141634384 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141634385 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141634385 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141634385 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141634385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141634385 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141634385 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141634385 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141634385 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141634385 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141634385 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141634385 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141634388 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141634388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141634388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141634388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141634388 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141634388 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141634388 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141634388 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141634388 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141634388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141634388 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141634410 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141635458 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141635458 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141635458 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141635458 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141635458 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x35e2d3, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141635458 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141635458 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141635458 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3531475 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141635458 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141635458 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141635458 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3531475 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000006: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141635458 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141635458 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141635458 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3531475 <-> SCCP-27 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141635458 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3531475 SCCP-27 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141635458 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141635458 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141635458 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141635458 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141635458 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141635458 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141635458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141635458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141635458 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000060004f400300037d0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141635458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141635458 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141635458 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141635458 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141635458 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141635458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141635458 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141635458 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141635473 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141635473 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141635473 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141635473 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141635473 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141635473 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=000badc4) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141635473 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 27 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141635473 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141635473 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141635473 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141635473 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141635473 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=27, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141635473 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141635473 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141635674 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141635675 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141635675 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141635675 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141635675 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141635675 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001b), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141635675 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 27 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141635675 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141635675 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141635675 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141635675 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141635675 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141635675 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141635675 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141635675 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141635675 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141635675 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141635675 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141635675 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141635675 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 98 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 35e2d'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141635675 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141637252 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141637252 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fbaa9c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141637252 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141637252 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141637252 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141637252 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141637256 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141637256 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141637256 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141637256 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141637256 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141637256 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000018), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fbaa9c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141637256 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 24 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141637256 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141637256 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141637256 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141637256 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141637256 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(24)[0x564010c06190]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639600 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141639600 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004db8bc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141639600 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141639600 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141639600 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141639600 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141639606 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141639606 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141639606 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141639606 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141639606 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141639606 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=004db8bc) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141639606 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 26 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141639606 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141639606 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141639606 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141639606 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141639606 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(26)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Timeout of T1 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:526) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Removing from parent mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_fsm.c:526) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Canceled transaction 98 (mgcp_client.c:1252) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:526) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c2e070]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:526) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI in use: 0, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:925) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:925) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:925) 20250219141639676 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639676 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:925) 20250219141639677 DMGW ERROR mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Media gateway failed (mgw_fsm.c:590) 20250219141639677 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_FAILURE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:591) 20250219141639677 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:67) 20250219141639677 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141639677 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141639677 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000badc4), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000b40080000010004400111) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141639677 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141639677 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141639677 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141639677 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141639677 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_FAILURE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_ERROR) (mgw_fsm.c:575) 20250219141639677 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_FAILURE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:575) 20250219141639677 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-3531475-0)[0x564010c149d0]{MGW_ST_FAILURE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639706 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141639706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141639706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141639706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141639706 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141639706 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001b), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141639706 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 27 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141639706 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141639706 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141639706 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141639706 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141639706 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141639706 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141639706 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141639706 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141639706 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141639706 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141639706 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141639735 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141639735 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141639735 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141639735 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141639735 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x35e2d3,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141639735 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3531475 SCCP-27 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141639735 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141639735 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141639735 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141639735 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141639735 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141639735 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141639735 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141639735 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000badc4), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141639735 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141639735 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141639736 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141639736 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141639736 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141639736 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141639736 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141639747 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141639747 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141639747 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141639748 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=000badc4), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 27 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=27 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141639748 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141639748 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141639748 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3531475)[0x564010c1ea10]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141639748 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-27)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141639748 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3531475 SCCP-27 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000badc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001b) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141639748 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141639748 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(27)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141641759 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141641760 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141641764 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141641765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141641765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141641765 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141641765 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141641765 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141641768 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141641768 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141641768 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141641768 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141641768 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141641768 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141641768 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141641768 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141641768 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141641768 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141641768 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141641768 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141641768 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141641768 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141641768 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141641768 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141641768 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141641768 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141641768 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141641769 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141641769 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141641769 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141641770 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141641861 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141642363 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141643453 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141643453 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141643453 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141643453 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141643453 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141643453 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645470 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141645474 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141645478 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141645541 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645541 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645542 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645542 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645542 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645542 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645542 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645542 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645542 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141645542 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141645543 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645543 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645543 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645543 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645543 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645543 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645543 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645543 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645543 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645543 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645543 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645543 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645543 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645543 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645543 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645544 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645544 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645544 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645544 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645544 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645558 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645558 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645558 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645558 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645558 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645558 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645558 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141645558 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645559 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645559 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645559 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645559 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645559 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645559 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645559 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645559 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645559 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645559 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645584 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141645584 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141645584 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141645584 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141645584 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141645584 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141645584 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141645584 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141645584 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141645769 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141645769 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141645769 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141645769 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141645769 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141645769 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141645769 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141645769 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141645769 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141645769 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645770 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645770 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645770 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645770 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645770 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645770 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645770 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645770 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645770 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645770 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645770 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141645781 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141645781 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141645781 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141645781 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141645781 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141645781 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141645781 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141645781 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141645781 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141645781 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141645782 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141645782 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141645782 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141645782 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141645782 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141645782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645783 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141645783 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141645783 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141645783 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141645783 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141645783 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141646570 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141646571 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141646571 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141646571 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141646571 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141646571 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141646571 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141646571 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141646571 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141646571 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141646571 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141646571 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141646571 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141646572 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141646572 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141646572 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141646572 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141646572 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646572 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646572 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141646572 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141646572 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141646572 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141646572 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141646579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141646579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141646579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141646579 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141646579 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141646579 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141646579 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141646579 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141646579 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141646579 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141646579 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141646579 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141646579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141646579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141646579 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141646580 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141646580 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141646580 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141646580 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141646580 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141646580 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141646580 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141646611 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141647649 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141647650 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141647650 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141647650 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141647650 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x257c4f, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141647650 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647650 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141647650 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141647650 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141647650 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141647650 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141647650 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647650 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141647650 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2456655 <-> SCCP-28 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141647650 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-28 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141647650 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141647650 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141647650 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141647650 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141647650 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141647650 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141647650 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647650 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141647650 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030000eb0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141647650 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141647650 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141647650 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141647650 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141647650 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141647650 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141647650 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141647650 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141647668 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141647668 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141647668 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141647668 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141647668 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141647668 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00972994) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141647668 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 28 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141647668 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141647668 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141647668 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141647668 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141647668 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=28, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141647668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141647668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141647871 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141647871 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141647871 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141647871 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141647871 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141647871 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001c), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141647871 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 28 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141647871 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141647871 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141647871 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141647871 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141647871 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141647871 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141647871 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141647871 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141647871 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141647871 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647871 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141647871 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141647871 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141647871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141647871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141647871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141647871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141647871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=200 'CRCX 99 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 257c4'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 200 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141647872 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 99 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141647916 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647916 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141647916 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141647916 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141647916 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141647916 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141647916 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141647916 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141647916 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141647945 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141647945 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141647945 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141647945 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141647945 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x257c4f) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141647945 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-28 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141647945 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141647945 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141647945 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141647945 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141647945 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141647945 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141647945 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141647945 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141647945 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 100 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 257c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141647945 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 100 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141647970 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647970 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141647970 DMGW INFO mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Local MGW IuUP IP address changed to during MDCX. Modifying RAB on HNB. (mgw_fsm.c:420) 20250219141647970 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:426) 20250219141647970 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141647971 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141647971 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141647971 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141647971 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141647971 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141647975 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141647975 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141647975 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141647975 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141647975 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x257c4f) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141647975 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-28 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141647975 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141647975 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141647975 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141647975 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141647975 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141647975 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141647975 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141647975 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141647975 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received with unchanged IuUP attributes, skipping MDCX... (mgw_fsm.c:344) 20250219141647975 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141647975 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141647975 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141647975 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141647975 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141647975 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141647975 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/3@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 101 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 257c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141647976 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141647998 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 101 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647999 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141647999 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141647999 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141647999 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141647999 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141647999 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141647999 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141647999 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141647999 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00972994), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141647999 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141647999 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141647999 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141647999 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141647999 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141648041 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141648041 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141648041 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141648041 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141648041 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141648041 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001c), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141648041 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 28 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141648041 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141648041 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141648041 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141648041 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141648041 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141648041 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141648041 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141648041 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141648041 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141648041 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 102 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 257c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 103 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 257c'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141648041 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c149d0]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141648041 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141648041 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141648041 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-2456655-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141648041 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141648041 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141648041 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141648041 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 102 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c25800]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 103 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141648044 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c06190]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141648047 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141648047 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141648047 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141648047 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141648047 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x257c4f,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141648047 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-28 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141648047 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141648047 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141648047 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141648047 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141648047 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141648047 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141648047 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141648047 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00972994), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141648047 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141648047 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141648047 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141648047 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141648047 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141648047 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141648047 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141648049 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141648049 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141648049 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00972994), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 28 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=28 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141648049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141648049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141648049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2456655)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141648049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-28)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141648049 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2456655 SCCP-28 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00972994), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001c) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141648049 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141648049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(28)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141650060 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141650060 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141650064 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141650066 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141650066 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141650066 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141650066 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141650066 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141650069 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141650069 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141650069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141650069 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141650069 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141650069 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141650069 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141650069 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141650069 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141650069 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141650069 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141650069 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141650069 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141650069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141650069 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141650069 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141650069 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141650069 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141650069 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141650069 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141650069 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141650069 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141650072 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141650174 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141650677 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141653454 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141653454 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141653454 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653454 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653454 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653454 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653768 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141653772 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141653776 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141653841 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653841 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653841 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653842 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653842 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141653842 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653843 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653843 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653843 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653843 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653843 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653858 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653858 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653858 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653858 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653859 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653859 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653859 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141653859 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653860 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653860 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653860 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653860 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653860 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653860 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141653860 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141653860 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141653860 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141653860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141653881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141653881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141653881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141653881 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141653881 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141653881 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141653881 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141653881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141653881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141654069 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141654069 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141654069 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141654069 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654069 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141654069 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654069 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141654069 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141654069 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141654069 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141654070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141654070 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141654070 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141654070 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141654070 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654070 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141654070 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141654070 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141654070 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141654070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141654078 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141654078 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141654078 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141654078 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654078 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141654078 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654078 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141654078 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141654078 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141654078 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141654079 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141654079 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141654079 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141654079 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141654079 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654079 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654079 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141654079 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141654079 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141654079 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141654079 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141654872 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141654872 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141654872 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654872 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141654872 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141654872 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141654872 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141654872 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141654872 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141654872 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141654872 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141654872 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141654875 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141654875 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141654875 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141654875 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141654875 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654875 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654875 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654875 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141654875 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141654875 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141654875 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141654882 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141654882 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141654882 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654882 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141654882 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141654882 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141654882 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141654882 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141654882 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141654882 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141654882 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141654882 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141654884 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141654884 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141654884 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141654884 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141654884 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141654884 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654885 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141654885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141654885 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141654885 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141654885 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141654885 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141654885 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141654914 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141655962 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141655962 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141655962 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141655962 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141655962 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xc47a88, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141655962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141655962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141655962 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12876424 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141655962 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141655962 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141655962 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12876424 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000005: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141655962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141655962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141655962 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12876424 <-> SCCP-29 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141655962 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12876424 SCCP-29 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141655962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141655962 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141655962 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141655962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141655962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141655962 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141655962 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141655962 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141655962 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000050004f40030002870056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141655962 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141655962 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141655962 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141655962 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141655962 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141655962 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141655962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141655962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141655980 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141655980 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141655980 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141655980 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141655980 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141655980 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00034c56) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141655980 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 29 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141655980 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141655980 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141655980 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141655980 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141655980 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=29, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141655980 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141655980 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141656162 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141656162 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141656162 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 37 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141656162 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141656162 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xc47a88) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141656162 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12876424 SCCP-29 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 13 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141656162 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141656162 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release Request) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141656162 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2571) (ranap_decoder.c:2571) 20250219141656162 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release Request (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141656162 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141656162 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141656162 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141656162 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00034c56), PART(T=Data,L=13,D=000b40090000010004400209c0) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141656162 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141656163 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141656163 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141656163 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141656185 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141656185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141656185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141656185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141656185 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141656185 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001d), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=13,D=000100090000010004400209c0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141656185 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 29 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141656185 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141656185 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141656185 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141656185 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141656185 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141656185 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141656185 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141656185 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141656185 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 37 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141656185 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141656185 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 37 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141656213 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141656213 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141656213 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141656213 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141656213 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xc47a88,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141656213 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12876424 SCCP-29 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141656213 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141656213 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141656213 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141656213 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141656213 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141656213 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141656213 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141656213 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00034c56), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141656213 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141656213 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141656213 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141656213 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141656213 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141656213 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141656213 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141656225 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141656225 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141656225 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141656225 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141656225 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141656225 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00034c56), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141656225 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 29 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141656225 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141656225 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=29 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141656225 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141656225 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141656225 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12876424)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141656225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-29)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141656225 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12876424 SCCP-29 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141656225 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00034c56), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001d) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141656225 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141656225 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141656226 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141656226 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141656226 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141656226 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141656226 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141656226 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(29)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141658237 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141658237 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141658240 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141658241 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141658241 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141658241 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141658241 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141658242 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141658242 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141658242 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141658242 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141658242 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141658242 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141658242 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141658242 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141658242 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141658242 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141658242 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141658242 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141658242 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141658242 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141658242 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141658242 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141658242 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141658242 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141658242 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141658242 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141658242 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141658242 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141658242 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141658243 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141658284 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141658786 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141701892 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141701897 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141701902 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141701982 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701983 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701983 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701983 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141701983 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141701983 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701983 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701983 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701983 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701984 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701984 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701984 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701984 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701984 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701984 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701984 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701984 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701984 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701984 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701984 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701984 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701985 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701985 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701985 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701985 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701985 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701998 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701998 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701998 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701998 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701998 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701998 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701998 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141701998 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701999 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701999 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701999 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701999 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701999 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701999 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141701999 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141701999 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141701999 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141701999 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141702020 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141702020 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141702020 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141702020 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141702020 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141702020 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141702020 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141702020 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141702020 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141702209 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141702210 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141702210 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141702210 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141702210 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141702210 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141702210 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141702210 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141702210 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141702210 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141702211 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141702211 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141702211 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141702211 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141702211 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702211 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141702211 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141702211 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141702211 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141702212 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141702221 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141702221 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141702221 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141702221 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141702221 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141702221 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141702221 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141702221 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141702221 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141702221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141702222 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141702222 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141702222 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141702222 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141702222 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141702222 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141702222 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141702222 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141702222 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141702222 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141703001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141703001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141703001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141703001 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141703001 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141703001 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141703001 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141703001 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141703001 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141703001 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141703001 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141703001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141703001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141703001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703001 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703001 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141703001 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141703001 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141703001 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141703001 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141703014 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141703014 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141703014 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141703014 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141703014 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141703014 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141703014 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141703014 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141703014 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141703014 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141703014 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141703014 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141703015 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141703015 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141703015 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141703015 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141703015 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141703015 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141703015 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141703015 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141703015 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141703015 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141703015 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141703031 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141703455 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141703455 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141703455 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141703455 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141703455 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141703455 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141703457 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141703457 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141703457 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141703457 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141703457 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141703457 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000019), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00c034eb) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141703457 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 25 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141703457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141703457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141703457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141703457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141703457 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(25)[0x564010c15c40]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141704060 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141704060 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141704060 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141704060 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141704060 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x353d53, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141704060 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141704060 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141704060 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3489107 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141704060 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141704060 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141704060 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000006 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141704060 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3489107 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000006: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141704060 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141704060 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141704060 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3489107 <-> SCCP-30 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141704060 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3489107 SCCP-30 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141704060 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141704061 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141704061 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141704061 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141704061 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141704061 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141704061 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141704061 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141704061 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000006000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000c60056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141704061 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141704061 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141704061 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141704061 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141704061 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141704061 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141704061 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141704061 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141704066 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141704066 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141704066 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141704066 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141704066 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141704066 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00beff39) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141704066 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 30 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141704066 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141704066 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141704066 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141704066 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141704066 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=30, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141704066 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141704066 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141704266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141704266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141704266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 37 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141704266 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141704266 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x353d53) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141704266 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3489107 SCCP-30 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 13 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141704266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141704266 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release Request) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141704266 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2571) (ranap_decoder.c:2571) 20250219141704266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release Request (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141704266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141704266 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141704266 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141704266 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00beff39), PART(T=Data,L=13,D=000b40090000010004400209c0) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141704266 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141704266 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141704266 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141704266 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141704281 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141704281 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141704281 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141704281 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141704281 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141704281 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001e), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=13,D=000100090000010004400209c0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141704281 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 30 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141704281 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141704281 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141704281 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141704281 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141704281 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141704281 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141704281 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141704281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141704281 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 37 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141704281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141704281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 37 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141704297 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141704297 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141704297 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141704297 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141704297 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x353d53,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141704297 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3489107 SCCP-30 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141704297 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141704297 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141704297 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141704297 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141704297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141704297 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141704297 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141704297 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00beff39), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141704297 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141704297 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141704297 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141704297 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141704297 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141704297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141704297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141704304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141704304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141704304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00beff39), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 30 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=30 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141704304 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141704304 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141704304 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3489107)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141704304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-30)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141704304 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3489107 SCCP-30 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00beff39), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001e) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141704304 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141704304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(30)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141706305 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141706305 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141706306 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141706306 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141706306 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141706306 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141706306 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141706306 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141706307 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141706307 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141706307 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141706307 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141706307 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141706307 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141706307 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141706307 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141706307 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141706307 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141706307 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141706307 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141706307 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141706307 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141706307 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141706307 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141706307 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141706307 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141706307 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141706307 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141706307 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141706307 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141706308 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141706363 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141706864 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141709945 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141709948 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141709950 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141710018 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710018 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710019 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710019 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141710019 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141710019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710019 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710019 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710019 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710019 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710019 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710019 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710019 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710019 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710019 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710020 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710020 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710020 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710020 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710020 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710020 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710020 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710020 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710020 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710020 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710020 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710020 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710021 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710021 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710021 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710021 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710021 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710021 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710021 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710021 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710021 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710021 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710021 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710037 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710037 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710037 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710037 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710037 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710037 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710037 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141710037 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710038 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710038 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710038 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710038 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710039 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710039 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710039 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710039 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710039 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710039 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710039 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710064 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141710064 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141710064 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141710064 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141710064 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141710064 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141710064 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141710064 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141710064 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141710250 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141710250 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141710250 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141710250 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141710250 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141710250 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141710250 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141710250 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141710250 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141710250 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710251 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710251 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710251 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710251 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710251 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710251 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710251 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710252 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710252 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710252 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141710263 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141710263 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141710263 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141710263 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141710263 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141710263 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141710263 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141710263 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141710263 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141710263 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141710264 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141710264 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141710264 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141710264 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141710264 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710264 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141710264 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141710264 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141710264 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141710264 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141710264 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141711054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141711054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141711054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141711054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141711054 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141711054 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141711054 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141711054 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141711054 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141711054 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141711054 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141711054 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141711056 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141711056 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141711056 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141711056 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141711056 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711056 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711056 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141711056 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141711056 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141711056 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141711056 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141711062 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141711062 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141711062 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141711062 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141711062 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141711062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141711062 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141711062 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141711062 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141711062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141711062 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141711062 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141711063 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141711063 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141711063 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141711063 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141711063 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141711063 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141711063 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141711063 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141711063 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141711063 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141711063 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141711079 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141712096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141712096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141712096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141712096 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141712096 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xdee9e9, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141712096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141712096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141712096 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14608873 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141712096 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141712096 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141712096 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14608873 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000007: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141712096 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141712096 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141712096 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14608873 <-> SCCP-31 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141712096 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14608873 SCCP-31 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141712096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141712096 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141712096 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141712096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141712096 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141712096 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141712096 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141712096 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141712096 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000001f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000070004f40030000440056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141712096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141712096 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141712096 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141712096 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141712096 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141712096 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141712096 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141712096 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141712103 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141712103 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141712103 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141712103 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141712103 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141712103 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COREF,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000001f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000202) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COREF for local reference 31 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_REFUSED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=31 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Refusal Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:349) 20250219141712103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141712103 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141712103 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141712103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141712103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141712103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141712103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14608873)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141712103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-31)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141712103 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14608873 SCCP-31 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1090) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141712103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(31)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141712103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141712103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141712111 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141712112 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141712114 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141712114 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141712114 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141712114 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141712114 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141712114 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141712116 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141712116 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141712116 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141712116 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141712116 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141712116 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141712116 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141712116 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141712116 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141712116 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141712116 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141712116 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141712116 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141712116 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141712116 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141712116 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141712116 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141712116 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141712116 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141712116 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141712116 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141712116 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141712119 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141712170 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141712671 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141715728 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141715731 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141715733 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141715800 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715800 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715800 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715800 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715800 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715800 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715800 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715800 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715801 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141715801 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715802 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715802 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715802 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715802 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715802 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715802 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715802 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715802 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715802 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715817 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715817 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715817 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715817 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141715817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715818 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715818 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715818 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715818 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715818 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715818 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141715818 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141715818 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141715818 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141715818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141715818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715819 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141715819 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141715819 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141715819 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141715819 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141715819 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141715843 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141715843 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141715843 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141715843 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141715843 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141715843 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141715843 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141715843 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141715843 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141716028 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141716028 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141716028 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141716028 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716028 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141716028 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716028 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141716028 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141716028 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141716028 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141716029 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141716029 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141716029 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141716029 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141716029 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716029 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716029 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141716029 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141716029 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141716029 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141716030 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141716041 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141716041 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141716041 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141716041 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716041 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141716041 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716041 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141716041 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141716041 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141716041 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141716043 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141716043 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141716043 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141716043 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141716043 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716043 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141716043 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141716043 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141716043 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141716043 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141716833 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141716833 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141716833 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716833 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141716833 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141716833 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141716833 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141716833 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141716833 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141716833 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141716833 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141716833 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141716835 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141716835 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141716836 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141716836 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141716836 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716836 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716836 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716836 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141716836 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141716836 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141716836 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141716839 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141716839 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141716839 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141716839 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141716839 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716839 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716839 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716840 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141716840 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141716840 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141716840 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141716840 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141716840 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141716840 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716840 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141716840 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141716840 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141716840 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141716840 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141716840 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141716841 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141716841 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141716841 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141716841 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141716841 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141716841 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141716841 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141716841 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141716841 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141716841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141716841 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141716857 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141717884 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141717884 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141717884 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141717884 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141717884 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xfee531, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141717884 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141717884 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141717884 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16704817 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141717884 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141717884 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141717884 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000008 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141717884 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16704817 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000008: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141717884 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141717884 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141717884 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16704817 <-> SCCP-32 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141717884 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16704817 SCCP-32 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141717884 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141717884 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141717884 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141717884 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141717884 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141717884 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141717884 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141717884 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141717884 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000020), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000008000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000e60056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141717884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141717884 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141717884 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141717884 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141717884 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141717884 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141717884 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141717884 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141717892 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141717892 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141717892 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141717892 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141717892 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141717892 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COREF,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000020), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000202) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COREF for local reference 32 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_REFUSED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=32 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Refusal Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:349) 20250219141717892 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141717892 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141717892 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141717892 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141717892 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141717892 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141717892 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16704817)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141717892 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-32)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141717892 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16704817 SCCP-32 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1090) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141717892 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(32)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141717892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141717892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141717899 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141717899 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141717901 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141717901 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141717901 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141717901 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141717901 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141717901 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141717903 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141717903 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141717904 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141717904 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141717904 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141717904 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141717904 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141717904 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141717904 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141717904 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141717904 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141717904 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141717904 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141717904 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141717904 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141717904 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141717904 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141717904 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141717904 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141717904 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141717904 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141717904 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141717905 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141717962 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141718464 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141721548 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141721552 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141721556 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141721625 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721625 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721625 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721626 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721626 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721626 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721626 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721626 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721626 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721626 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721627 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721627 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721627 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141721627 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721627 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721627 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721627 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721627 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721627 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721627 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721643 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721643 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721643 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721643 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721643 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721643 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721643 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141721643 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721645 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721645 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721645 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721645 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721645 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721645 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721645 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721645 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721645 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141721669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141721669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141721669 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141721669 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141721669 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141721669 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141721669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141721669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141721849 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141721849 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141721849 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141721849 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141721849 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141721849 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141721849 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141721849 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141721849 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141721849 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721850 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721851 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721851 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721851 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721851 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721851 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721851 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721851 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721851 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721851 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141721863 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141721863 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141721863 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141721863 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141721863 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141721863 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141721863 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141721863 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141721863 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141721863 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141721864 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141721864 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141721864 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141721864 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141721864 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721864 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141721864 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141721864 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141721864 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141721864 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141721864 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141722645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141722645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141722645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141722645 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141722645 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141722645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141722645 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141722645 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141722645 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141722645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141722645 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141722645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141722645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141722645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722645 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722645 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141722645 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141722645 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141722645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141722645 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141722662 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141722662 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141722662 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141722662 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141722662 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141722662 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141722662 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141722662 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141722662 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141722662 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141722662 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141722662 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141722663 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141722663 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141722663 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141722663 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141722663 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141722663 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141722663 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141722663 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141722663 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141722663 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141722663 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141722682 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141723700 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141723700 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141723700 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141723700 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141723700 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x40a141, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141723700 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141723700 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141723700 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4235585 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141723700 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141723700 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141723700 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000006 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141723700 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4235585 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000006: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141723700 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141723700 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141723700 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-4235585 <-> SCCP-33 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141723700 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4235585 SCCP-33 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141723700 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141723700 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141723700 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141723700 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141723700 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141723700 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141723700 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141723700 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141723700 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000021), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000006000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002bf0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141723700 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141723700 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141723700 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141723700 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141723700 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141723700 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141723700 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141723700 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141723902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141723902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141723902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 24 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141723902 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141723902 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x40a141,cause=misc(unspecified)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141723902 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4235585 SCCP-33 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Disconnect with 0 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141723902 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141723902 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141723902 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141724709 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141724709 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141724709 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000021), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00bfb649) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 33 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=33, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bfb649), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000021), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141724709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141724709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:364) 20250219141724709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141724709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141724709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4235585)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141724709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-33)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141724709 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4235585 SCCP-33 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141724710 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141724710 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141724710 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141724710 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141724710 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141724710 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000021), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00bfb649) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141724710 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 33 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141724710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141724710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141724710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141724710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141724710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(33)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141725725 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141725727 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141725730 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141725732 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141725732 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141725732 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141725732 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141725732 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141725734 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141725734 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141725734 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141725734 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141725734 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141725734 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141725734 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141725734 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141725734 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141725734 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141725734 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141725735 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141725735 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141725735 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141725735 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141725735 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141725735 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141725735 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141725735 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141725735 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141725735 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141725735 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141725737 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141725832 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141726334 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141729428 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141729432 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141729435 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141729505 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729505 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729505 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729505 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729505 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729505 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729505 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729505 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729505 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141729505 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729507 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729507 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729507 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729507 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729507 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729507 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729507 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729507 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729507 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729522 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729522 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729522 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729522 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141729522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729523 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729523 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729523 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729523 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729523 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729523 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729523 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729523 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729523 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729523 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729523 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729523 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729523 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729523 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729524 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729524 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729524 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729524 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729524 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729548 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141729548 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141729548 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141729548 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141729548 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141729548 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141729548 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141729548 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141729548 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141729733 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141729733 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141729733 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141729733 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141729733 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141729733 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141729733 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141729733 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141729733 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141729733 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729735 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729735 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729735 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729735 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729735 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729735 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729735 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729735 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729735 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729735 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729735 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141729749 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141729749 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141729749 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141729749 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141729749 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141729749 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141729749 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141729749 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141729749 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141729749 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141729750 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141729750 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141729750 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141729750 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141729750 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141729750 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729750 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729750 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729750 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729750 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729751 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729751 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141729751 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729751 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141729751 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141729751 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141729751 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141729751 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141729751 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141730529 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141730530 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141730530 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141730530 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141730530 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141730530 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141730530 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141730530 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141730530 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141730530 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141730530 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141730530 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141730530 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141730531 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141730531 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141730531 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141730531 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141730532 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730532 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730532 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141730532 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141730532 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141730532 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141730532 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141730541 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141730541 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141730541 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141730541 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141730541 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730541 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730541 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141730541 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141730541 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141730541 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141730541 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141730541 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141730541 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141730542 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141730542 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141730542 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141730542 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141730542 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141730542 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141730542 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141730542 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141730542 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141730542 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141730542 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141730560 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141731588 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141731588 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141731589 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141731589 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141731589 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x8ef14b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141731589 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141731589 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141731589 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9367883 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141731589 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141731589 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141731589 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9367883 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000006: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141731589 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141731589 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141731589 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-9367883 <-> SCCP-34 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141731589 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9367883 SCCP-34 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141731589 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141731589 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141731589 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141731589 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141731589 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141731589 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141731589 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141731589 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141731589 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000022), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000060004f400300024f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141731589 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141731589 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141731589 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141731589 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141731589 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141731589 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141731589 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141731589 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141731794 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141731794 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141731794 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 24 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141731794 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141731794 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x8ef14b,cause=misc(unspecified)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141731794 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9367883 SCCP-34 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Disconnect with 0 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141731794 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141731794 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141731794 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141732616 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141732616 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141732616 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000022), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00d2afd2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 34 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141732616 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141732616 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=34, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141732616 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141732616 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d2afd2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000022), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141732616 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141732616 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141732616 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:364) 20250219141732617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141732617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141732617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9367883)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141732617 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141732617 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141732617 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-34)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141732617 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9367883 SCCP-34 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141732621 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141732621 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141732621 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141732621 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141732621 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141732621 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000022), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00d2afd2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141732621 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 34 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141732621 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141732621 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141732621 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141732621 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141732621 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(34)[0x564010c15d70]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141733635 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141733635 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141733640 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141733641 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141733641 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141733641 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141733641 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141733641 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141733643 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141733644 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141733644 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141733644 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141733644 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141733644 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141733644 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141733644 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141733644 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141733644 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141733644 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141733645 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141733645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141733645 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141733645 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141733645 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141733645 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141733645 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141733645 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141733645 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141733645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141733645 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141733648 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141733743 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141734246 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141737375 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141737380 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141737383 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141737449 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737449 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737450 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737450 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737450 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737450 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737450 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141737450 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737451 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737451 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737451 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737451 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737451 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737451 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737451 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737451 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737451 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737466 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737466 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737466 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737466 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737467 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737467 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737467 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141737467 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737468 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737468 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737468 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737468 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737468 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737468 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737468 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737468 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737468 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737468 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737469 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737469 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737469 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737469 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737469 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737469 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737469 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737469 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737469 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737469 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737491 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141737491 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141737491 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141737491 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141737491 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141737491 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141737491 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141737491 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141737491 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141737670 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141737670 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141737670 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141737670 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141737670 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141737670 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141737670 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141737670 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141737670 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141737670 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737671 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737671 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737671 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737671 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737671 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737671 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737671 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737671 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737671 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737671 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737671 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141737691 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141737691 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141737691 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141737691 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141737691 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141737691 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141737691 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141737691 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141737691 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141737691 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141737692 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141737692 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141737692 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141737692 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141737692 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737693 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141737693 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141737693 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141737693 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141737693 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141737693 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141738482 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141738482 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141738482 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141738482 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141738482 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738482 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738482 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141738483 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141738483 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141738483 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141738483 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141738483 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141738483 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141738483 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738483 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141738483 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141738483 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141738483 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141738483 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141738483 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141738487 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141738487 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141738487 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141738487 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141738487 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738487 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738487 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141738487 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141738488 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141738488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141738488 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141738491 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141738491 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141738491 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141738491 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141738491 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141738491 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141738491 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141738491 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141738491 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141738491 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141738491 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141738491 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141738493 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141738493 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141738493 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141738493 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141738493 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141738493 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141738493 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141738493 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141738493 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141738493 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141738493 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141738516 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141739565 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141739565 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141739565 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141739565 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141739565 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x720bc2, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141739565 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739565 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141739565 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141739565 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141739565 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141739565 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000009: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141739565 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739565 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141739565 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-7474114 <-> SCCP-35 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141739565 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-35 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141739565 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141739565 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141739565 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141739565 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141739565 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141739565 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141739565 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739565 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141739565 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000023), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000090004f40030002e40056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141739565 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141739565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141739565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141739565 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141739565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141739566 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141739566 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141739566 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141739566 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141739566 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141739566 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141739566 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141739566 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141739566 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141739566 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141739566 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141739583 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141739583 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141739583 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141739583 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141739583 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141739583 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000023), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009653c2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141739583 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 35 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141739583 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141739583 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141739583 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141739583 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141739583 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=35, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141739583 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141739583 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141739787 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141739787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141739787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141739787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141739787 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141739787 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000023), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141739787 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 35 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141739787 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141739787 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141739787 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141739787 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141739787 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141739787 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141739787 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141739787 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141739787 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141739787 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739787 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219141739787 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219141739788 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=201 'CRCX 104 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 720b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 201 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141739788 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 104 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141739822 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739822 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141739822 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219141739822 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141739822 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219141739822 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219141739822 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141739822 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141739822 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141739854 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141739854 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141739854 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141739854 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141739854 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x720bc2) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141739854 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-35 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141739854 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141739854 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141739854 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141739854 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141739854 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141739854 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219141739854 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219141739854 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141739854 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 105 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 720b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141739854 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141739870 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 105 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141739870 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739871 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141739871 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219141739871 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800] (fsm.c:486) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/9@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 106 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 720b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219141739871 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 106 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739882 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/9@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/9@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219141739882 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219141739882 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141739882 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219141739882 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219141739882 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219141739882 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141739882 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141739882 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009653c2), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141739882 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141739882 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141739882 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141739882 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141739882 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219141740054 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141740054 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141740054 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 37 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141740054 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141740054 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x720bc2) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141740054 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-35 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 13 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141740054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141740054 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release Request) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141740054 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2571) (ranap_decoder.c:2571) 20250219141740054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release Request (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141740054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141740054 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141740054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141740054 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009653c2), PART(T=Data,L=13,D=000b4009000001000440020000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141740054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141740054 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141740054 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141740055 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141740258 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141740258 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141740258 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 24 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141740258 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141740258 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x720bc2,cause=misc(unspecified)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141740258 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-35 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Disconnect with 0 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141740258 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141740258 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141740258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141740258 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141740258 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141740258 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009653c2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000023), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141740258 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141740258 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141740258 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141740258 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141740258 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141740258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:400) 20250219141740258 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141740258 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141740258 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7474114)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141740258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141740258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141740258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-35)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141740258 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219141740258 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219141740258 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 107 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 720b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 108 rtpbridge/9@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 720b'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141740258 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c25800]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141740258 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219141740258 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219141740258 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-7474114-0)[0x564010c06190]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141740258 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7474114 SCCP-35 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141740260 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141740260 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141740260 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141740260 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141740260 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141740260 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000023), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009653c2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141740260 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 35 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141740260 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141740260 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141740260 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141740260 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141740260 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(35)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 107 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010c149d0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 108 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219141740264 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c2dd70]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141741269 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141741270 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141741272 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141741273 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141741273 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141741273 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141741273 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141741273 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141741274 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141741274 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141741274 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141741274 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141741274 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141741274 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141741274 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141741274 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141741274 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141741274 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141741274 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141741275 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141741275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141741275 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141741275 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141741275 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141741275 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141741275 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141741275 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141741275 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141741275 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141741275 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141741280 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141741357 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141741858 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141744897 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141744899 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141744902 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141744973 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744973 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744973 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744973 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744974 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141744974 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141744974 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744974 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744975 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744975 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744975 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744975 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744975 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744975 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744975 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744975 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744975 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744992 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744992 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744992 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744992 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744993 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744993 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744993 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141744993 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744994 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744994 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744994 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744994 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744994 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744994 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141744994 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141744994 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141744994 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141744994 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744994 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141744995 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141744995 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141744995 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141744995 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141744995 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141745022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141745022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141745022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141745022 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141745022 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141745022 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141745022 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141745022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141745022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141745204 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141745204 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141745204 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141745204 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141745204 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141745204 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141745204 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141745204 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141745204 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141745204 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141745206 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141745206 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141745206 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141745206 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141745206 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745206 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141745206 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141745206 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141745206 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141745206 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141745219 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141745219 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141745219 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141745219 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141745219 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141745219 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141745219 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141745219 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141745219 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141745219 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141745220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141745220 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141745221 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141745221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141745221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141745221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141745221 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141745221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141745221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141745995 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141745995 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141745995 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141745995 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141745995 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141745995 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141745995 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141745995 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141745995 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141745995 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141745995 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141745995 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141745995 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141745995 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141745995 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141745995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745996 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141745996 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141745996 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141745996 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141745996 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141745996 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141746013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141746013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141746013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141746013 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141746013 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141746013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141746013 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141746013 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141746013 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141746013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141746013 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141746013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141746013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141746013 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141746013 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141746013 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141746013 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141746013 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141746013 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141746013 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141746033 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141747049 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141747049 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141747049 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141747049 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141747049 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x67157d, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141747049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141747049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141747049 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141747049 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141747049 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141747049 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000009 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141747049 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000009: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141747049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c149d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141747049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141747049 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6755709 <-> SCCP-36 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141747049 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-36 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141747049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141747049 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141747049 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141747049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141747049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141747049 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141747049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141747049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141747049 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000024), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000009000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000f00056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141747049 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141747049 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141747049 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141747049 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141747049 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141747049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141747049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141747049 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141747054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141747054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141747054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141747054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141747054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141747054 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000024), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009c98de) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141747054 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 36 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141747054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141747054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141747054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141747054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141747054 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=36, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141747054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141747054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141747258 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141747258 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141747258 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141747258 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141747258 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141747258 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000024), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141747258 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 36 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141747258 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141747258 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141747258 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141747258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141747258 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141747258 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141747258 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141747258 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141747258 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141747258 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c15d70]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141747258 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141747258 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c2e070]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141747258 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141747258 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141747258 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-2 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141747258 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141747258 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-2 SEID-0x1 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141747267 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141747267 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141747267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141747267 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141747267 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141747267 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141747267 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-2 SEID-0x1 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-2 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-2 SEID-0x1 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141747267 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141747267 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141747267 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141747277 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141747277 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141747277 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141747277 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141747277 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x67157d) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141747277 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-36 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141747277 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141747277 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141747277 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141747277 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141747277 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141747277 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c15d70]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141747277 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141747277 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141747277 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141747277 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141747277 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141747277 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-3 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141747277 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141747277 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-3 SEID-0x1 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141747281 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141747281 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141747281 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141747281 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141747281 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141747281 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141747281 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141747281 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009c98de), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141747281 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141747281 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141747281 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141747281 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141747281 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141747281 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141747281 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-3 SEID-0x1 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-3 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-3 SEID-0x1 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141747281 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141747478 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141747478 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141747478 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 37 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141747478 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141747478 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x67157d) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141747478 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-36 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 13 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141747478 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141747478 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release Request) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141747478 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2571) (ranap_decoder.c:2571) 20250219141747478 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release Request (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141747478 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141747478 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141747478 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141747478 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009c98de), PART(T=Data,L=13,D=000b4009000001000440020000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141747478 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141747478 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141747478 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141747478 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141747682 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141747682 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141747682 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 24 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141747682 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141747682 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x67157d,cause=misc(unspecified)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141747682 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-36 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Disconnect with 0 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141747682 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141747682 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141747682 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141747682 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141747682 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141747682 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009c98de), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000024), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141747682 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141747682 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141747682 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141747682 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141747683 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141747683 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:400) 20250219141747683 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141747683 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141747683 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6755709)[0x564010c2dd70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141747683 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141747683 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141747683 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-36)[0x564010c149d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141747683 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141747683 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141747683 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141747683 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-4 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141747683 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141747683 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6755709 SCCP-36 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141747689 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141747690 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141747690 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141747690 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141747690 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141747690 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000024), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009c98de) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141747690 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 36 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141747690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141747690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141747690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141747690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141747690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(36)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-4 SEID-0x1 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-4 SEID-0x1 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-4 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-4 SEID-0x1 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6755709-RAB-23)[0x564010c2e070]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141747690 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141748695 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141748695 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141748696 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141748696 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141748696 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141748696 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141748697 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141748697 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141748697 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141748697 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141748697 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141748697 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141748697 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141748697 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141748697 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141748697 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141748697 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141748697 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141748697 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141748706 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141748706 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141748706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141748706 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141748706 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141748706 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141748706 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141748706 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141748706 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141748706 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141748706 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141748706 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141748746 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141749247 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141752290 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141752293 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141752296 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141752370 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752370 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752371 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752371 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752371 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752371 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752371 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752371 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752371 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141752371 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752372 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752372 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752372 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752372 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752372 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752372 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752372 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752372 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752372 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752372 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752373 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752373 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752373 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752373 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752373 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752373 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752373 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752373 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752373 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752388 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752388 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752388 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752388 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141752388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752390 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752390 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752390 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752390 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752390 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752390 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752390 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752390 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752390 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141752414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141752414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141752414 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141752414 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141752414 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141752414 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141752414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141752414 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141752593 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141752593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141752593 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141752593 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141752593 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141752593 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141752593 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141752593 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141752593 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141752593 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752594 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752594 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752594 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752594 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752594 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752594 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752594 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752594 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752594 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752594 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141752610 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141752610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141752610 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141752610 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141752610 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141752610 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141752610 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141752610 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141752610 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141752610 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141752611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141752611 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141752611 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141752611 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141752611 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141752611 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141752611 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141752611 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141752611 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141752611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141753391 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141753391 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141753391 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141753391 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141753391 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141753391 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141753391 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141753391 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141753391 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141753391 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141753391 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141753391 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141753392 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141753392 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141753392 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141753392 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141753392 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753392 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753392 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141753392 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141753392 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141753392 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141753392 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141753408 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141753408 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141753408 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141753408 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141753408 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141753408 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141753408 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141753408 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141753408 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141753408 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141753408 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141753408 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141753410 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141753410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141753410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141753410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141753410 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141753410 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141753410 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141753410 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141753410 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141753410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141753410 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141754428 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141755445 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141755445 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141755445 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141755445 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141755445 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x978e40, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141755445 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141755445 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141755445 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9932352 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141755445 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141755445 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141755445 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000007 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141755445 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9932352 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000007: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141755445 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141755445 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141755445 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-9932352 <-> SCCP-37 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141755445 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9932352 SCCP-37 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141755445 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141755445 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141755445 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141755445 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141755445 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141755445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141755445 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141755445 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141755445 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000025), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000007000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300004f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141755445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141755445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141755445 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141755445 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141755445 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141755445 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141755445 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141755445 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141755450 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141755450 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141755450 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141755450 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141755450 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141755450 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000025), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=002ce573) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141755450 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 37 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141755450 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141755450 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141755450 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141755450 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141755450 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=37, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141755450 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141755450 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141755654 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141755654 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141755654 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141755654 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141755654 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141755654 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000025), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141755654 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 37 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141755654 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141755654 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141755654 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141755654 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141755654 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141755654 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141755654 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141755654 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141755654 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141755654 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c149d0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141755654 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141755654 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c15d70]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141755654 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141755654 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141755654 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-5 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141755654 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141755654 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-5 SEID-0x2 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141755667 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141755667 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141755667 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141755667 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141755667 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141755667 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141755667 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-5 SEID-0x2 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-5 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-5 SEID-0x2 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141755667 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141755667 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141755667 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141755687 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141755687 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141755687 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141755687 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141755687 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x978e40) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141755687 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9932352 SCCP-37 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141755687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141755687 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141755687 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141755687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141755687 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141755687 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c149d0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141755687 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141755687 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141755687 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141755687 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141755687 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141755687 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-6 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141755687 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141755687 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-6 SEID-0x2 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141755694 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141755694 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141755694 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141755694 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141755694 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141755694 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141755694 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141755694 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ce573), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141755694 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141755694 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141755694 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141755694 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141755694 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141755694 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141755694 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c149d0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-6 SEID-0x2 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-6 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-6 SEID-0x2 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141755694 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141757707 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141757707 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141757707 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141757707 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141757707 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141757707 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000025), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141757707 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 37 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141757707 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141757707 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141757707 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141757707 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141757707 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141757707 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141757707 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141757707 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141757707 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141757707 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141757707 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-7 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141757707 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141757707 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141757707 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141757707 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141757707 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-7 SEID-0x2 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-7 SEID-0x2 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-7 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-7 SEID-0x2 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9932352-RAB-23)[0x564010c15d70]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141757710 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141757715 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141757715 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141757715 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141757715 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141757715 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x978e40,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141757715 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9932352 SCCP-37 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141757715 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141757715 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141757715 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141757715 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141757715 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141757715 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141757715 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141757715 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ce573), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141757715 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141757715 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141757715 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141757715 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141757715 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141757715 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141757715 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141757718 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141757718 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141757718 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000025), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=002ce573), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 37 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=37 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141757718 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141757718 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141757718 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9932352)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141757718 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-37)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141757718 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9932352 SCCP-37 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ce573), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000025) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141757718 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141757718 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(37)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141759722 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141759722 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141759723 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141759723 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141759723 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141759723 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141759723 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141759723 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141759724 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141759724 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141759724 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141759724 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141759724 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141759724 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141759724 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141759724 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141759724 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141759724 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141759724 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141759725 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141759725 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141759725 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141759725 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141759725 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141759725 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141759725 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141759725 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141759725 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141759725 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141759725 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141759725 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141759783 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141800284 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141803348 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141803352 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141803355 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141803427 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803427 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803427 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803427 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803427 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803427 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803427 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803427 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803428 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141803428 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803429 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803429 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803429 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803429 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803429 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803429 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803429 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803429 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803429 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803429 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803444 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803444 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803444 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803444 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803444 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803444 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803444 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141803444 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803445 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803445 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803445 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803445 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803445 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803469 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141803469 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141803469 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141803469 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141803469 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141803469 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141803469 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141803469 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141803469 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141803645 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141803645 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141803645 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141803645 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141803645 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141803645 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141803645 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141803645 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141803645 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141803645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803646 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803646 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803646 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803646 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803646 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803646 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803646 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803646 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803646 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803646 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141803660 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141803660 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141803660 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141803660 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141803660 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141803660 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141803660 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141803660 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141803660 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141803660 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141803661 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141803661 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141803661 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141803661 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141803661 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803662 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141803662 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141803662 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141803662 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141803662 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141803662 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141804448 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141804448 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141804448 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141804448 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141804448 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141804448 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804448 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804448 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141804448 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141804449 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141804449 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141804449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141804449 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141804449 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141804449 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141804449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141804449 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141804449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141804449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141804449 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804449 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804449 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141804449 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141804449 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141804449 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141804449 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141804469 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141804469 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141804470 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141804470 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141804470 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141804470 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141804470 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141804470 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141804470 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141804470 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141804470 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141804470 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141804470 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141804472 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141804472 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141804472 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141804472 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141804472 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141804472 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141804472 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141804472 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141804472 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141804472 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141804472 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141805482 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805491 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805498 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805507 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805515 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805524 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805532 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805540 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805549 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805558 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805567 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805577 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805585 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805595 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805604 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141805613 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141806499 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806499 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806499 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806499 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806499 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x7c2ae2, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806499 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806499 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806499 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8137442 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806499 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806499 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806499 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000000 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806499 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8137442 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000000: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806499 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806499 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806499 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-8137442 <-> SCCP-38 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806499 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8137442 SCCP-38 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806499 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806499 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806499 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806499 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806499 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806499 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806499 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806499 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806499 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000026), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000000000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000170056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806499 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806499 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806499 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806499 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806499 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806499 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806499 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806499 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806505 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806505 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806505 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806505 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806505 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806505 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000026), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=003fa901) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806505 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 38 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806505 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806505 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806505 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806505 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806505 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=38, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806702 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806702 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806702 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806702 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806702 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x5675e, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806702 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806702 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806702 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-354142 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806702 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806702 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806703 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000001 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806703 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-354142 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806703 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c149d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806703 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806703 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-354142 <-> SCCP-39 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806703 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-354142 SCCP-39 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806703 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806703 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806703 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806703 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806703 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806703 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806703 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806703 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806703 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000027), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000001000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001ca0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806703 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806703 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806703 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806703 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806703 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806703 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806703 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806703 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806703 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806703 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806703 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806703 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806703 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x198528, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806703 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c06190]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806703 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806703 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1672488 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806703 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806703 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806703 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000002 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806703 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1672488 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000002: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806703 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c147a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806703 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806703 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1672488 <-> SCCP-40 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806704 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1672488 SCCP-40 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806704 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806704 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806704 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806704 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000028), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000002000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001440056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806704 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806704 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806704 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806704 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806704 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806704 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806704 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806704 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806704 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806704 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xf87194, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806704 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16282004 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806704 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806704 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806704 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000003 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806704 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16282004 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806704 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806704 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806704 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16282004 <-> SCCP-41 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806704 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16282004 SCCP-41 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806704 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806704 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806704 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806704 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806704 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806704 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000029), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000003000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000030056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806705 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806705 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806705 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806705 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806705 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806705 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806705 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806705 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000026), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806705 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 38 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806705 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806705 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806705 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806705 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806705 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806705 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806705 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806705 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806705 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806705 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2dc30]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806705 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806705 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1fc40]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806705 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806706 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806706 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-8 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806706 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806706 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806706 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806706 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806706 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806706 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806706 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x9f81fa, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806706 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d7a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806706 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806706 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10453498 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806706 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806706 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806706 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000004 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806706 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10453498 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806706 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1ebd0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806706 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806706 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-10453498 <-> SCCP-42 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806706 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10453498 SCCP-42 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806706 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806706 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806707 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806707 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806707 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806707 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806707 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806707 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806707 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000004000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002460056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806707 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806707 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806707 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806707 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806707 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806707 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806707 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806707 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806707 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806707 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806707 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806707 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xb406d6, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0e420]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11798230 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806708 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806708 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000005 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806708 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11798230 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000005: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806708 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0d250]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806708 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806708 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-11798230 <-> SCCP-43 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11798230 SCCP-43 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806708 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806708 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806708 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806708 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806708 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806708 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806708 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000005000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300035f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806708 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806708 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806708 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806708 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806708 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806708 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806708 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806708 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806708 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806708 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806708 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xb7e75b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12052315 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806708 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806708 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000006 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806708 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12052315 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000006: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806708 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0a5d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806708 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806708 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12052315 <-> SCCP-44 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806708 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12052315 SCCP-44 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806708 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000006000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300019b0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x618ebe, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0ae10]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393534 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000007 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393534 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000007: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2f420]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6393534 <-> SCCP-45 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393534 SCCP-45 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000007000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300023e0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xbcdbb, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d380]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-773563 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000008 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-773563 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000008: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c059b0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-773563 <-> SCCP-46 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-773563 SCCP-46 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000008000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002600056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x3b4ab7, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c137e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3885751 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000009 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3885751 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000009: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0a700]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3885751 <-> SCCP-47 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3885751 SCCP-47 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000009000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002c10056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xeab50d, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c268d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15381773 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000010 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15381773 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000010: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0aa00]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-15381773 <-> SCCP-48 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15381773 SCCP-48 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000030), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000000100f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300030e0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x53525e, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1f750]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5460574 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000011 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5460574 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000011: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1f880]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5460574 <-> SCCP-49 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5460574 SCCP-49 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000031), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000001100f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300023c0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x151acd, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0aff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1383117 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000012 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1383117 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000012: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0f9f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1383117 <-> SCCP-50 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1383117 SCCP-50 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000032), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000002100f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001a70056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806709 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806709 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x8a3408, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0fe10]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9057288 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000013 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806709 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9057288 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000013: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2bce0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806709 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-9057288 <-> SCCP-51 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806709 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9057288 SCCP-51 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806709 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806709 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806709 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806709 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806709 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000033), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000003100f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030003a20056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806709 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806710 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806710 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806710 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806710 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x1ce8c4, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c12a30]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1894596 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000014 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806710 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1894596 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000014: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2be90]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806710 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1894596 <-> SCCP-52 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1894596 SCCP-52 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000034), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000004100f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001630056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806710 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806710 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806710 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806710 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x645164, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2cae0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6574436 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000015 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219141806710 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6574436 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000015: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c18570]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141806710 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6574436 <-> SCCP-53 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141806710 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6574436 SCCP-53 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141806710 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000035), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000005100f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030003e00056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806710 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806710 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141806710 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141806710 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141806722 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806722 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806722 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806722 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806722 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806722 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000027), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0019f127) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806722 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 39 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806722 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806723 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806723 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806723 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806723 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=39, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806723 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806723 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806737 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806737 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-8 SEID-0x3 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806737 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806738 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806738 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806738 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806738 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806738 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806738 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806738 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-8 SEID-0x3 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-8 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-8 SEID-0x3 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806738 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806738 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806738 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806765 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806765 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x7c2ae2) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806765 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8137442 SCCP-38 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806765 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806765 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806765 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2dc30]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806765 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806765 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806765 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806765 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806765 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-9 SEID-0x3e8 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806765 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806765 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-9 SEID-0x3 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806774 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806774 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806774 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806774 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806774 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806774 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806774 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806774 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003fa901), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806774 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806774 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806774 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806774 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806774 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806774 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806774 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c2dc30]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-9 SEID-0x3 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-9 SEID-0x3e8 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-9 SEID-0x3 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806774 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000028), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00bc47f6) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 40 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=40, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000029), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ed6c66) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 41 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=41, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f2449f) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 42 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=42, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=000ae10f) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 43 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=43, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0047b066) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 44 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=44, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0070bc68) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 45 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=45, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0022521b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 46 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=46, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00efc42b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 47 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=47, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000030), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00226781) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 48 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=48, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806775 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806775 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806775 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000031), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=008b90f9) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 49 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806775 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=49, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000032), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00c1083e) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 50 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=50, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000033), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fddc97) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 51 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=51, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000034), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0034dab7) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 52 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=52, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000035), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00bcd88f) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 53 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=53, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141806776 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806776 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806776 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000027), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 39 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806776 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806777 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806777 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806777 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806777 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806777 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806777 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806777 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806777 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806777 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806777 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806777 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c305f0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806777 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806777 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806777 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-10 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806777 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806777 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806787 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806787 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-10 SEID-0x4 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806787 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806787 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806787 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806787 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806787 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806787 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806787 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806787 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806787 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806788 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-10 SEID-0x4 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806788 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-10 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806788 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806788 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-10 SEID-0x4 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806788 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806788 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806788 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806788 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806795 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806795 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806795 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806795 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806795 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x5675e) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806795 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-354142 SCCP-39 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806795 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806795 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806795 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806795 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806795 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806795 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806795 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806795 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806795 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806795 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806795 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806795 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-11 SEID-0x3e9 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806795 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806795 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-11 SEID-0x4 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806798 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806798 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806798 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806798 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0019f127), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-11 SEID-0x4 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-11 SEID-0x3e9 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-11 SEID-0x4 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806798 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000028), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806798 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 40 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806798 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806798 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806798 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806798 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806798 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806798 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806798 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c26a00]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806798 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806799 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-12 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806799 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806799 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806802 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806802 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-12 SEID-0x5 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806802 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806802 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806802 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806802 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806802 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806802 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806803 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806803 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-12 SEID-0x5 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-12 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-12 SEID-0x5 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806803 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806803 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806803 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806807 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806807 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806807 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806807 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806807 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x198528) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806807 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1672488 SCCP-40 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806807 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806807 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806807 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806807 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806807 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806807 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806807 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806807 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806807 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806807 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-13 SEID-0x3ea SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806807 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806807 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-13 SEID-0x5 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806809 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806809 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806809 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806809 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806809 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806809 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806809 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bc47f6), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806809 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806809 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806809 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-13 SEID-0x5 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-13 SEID-0x3ea SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-13 SEID-0x5 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806809 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806810 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000029), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806810 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 41 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806810 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806810 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806810 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806810 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806810 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806810 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806810 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806810 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806810 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806810 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806810 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806810 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c19250]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806810 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806810 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806810 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-14 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806810 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806810 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-14 SEID-0x6 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806814 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806814 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806814 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806814 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806814 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806814 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-14 SEID-0x6 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-14 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-14 SEID-0x6 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806814 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806814 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806814 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806819 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806819 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806819 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806819 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806819 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xf87194) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806819 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16282004 SCCP-41 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806819 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806819 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806819 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806819 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806819 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806819 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806819 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806819 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806819 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806819 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806819 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806819 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-15 SEID-0x3eb SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806819 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806819 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-15 SEID-0x6 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806821 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806821 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806821 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806821 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ed6c66), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-15 SEID-0x6 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-15 SEID-0x3eb SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-15 SEID-0x6 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806821 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806821 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806821 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806821 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002a), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806821 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 42 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806821 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806821 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806821 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806821 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806821 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806821 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1a020]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-16 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806821 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806821 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-16 SEID-0x7 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806824 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806824 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806824 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806824 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806824 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806824 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806824 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-16 SEID-0x7 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-16 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-16 SEID-0x7 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806824 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806824 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806824 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806829 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806829 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806829 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806829 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806829 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x9f81fa) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806829 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10453498 SCCP-42 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806829 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806829 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806829 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806829 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806829 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806829 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806829 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806829 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806829 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806829 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806829 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806829 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-17 SEID-0x3ec SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806829 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806829 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-17 SEID-0x7 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806831 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806831 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806831 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806831 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806831 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806831 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806831 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806831 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f2449f), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806831 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806831 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806831 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806831 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806831 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806831 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806831 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-17 SEID-0x7 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-17 SEID-0x3ec SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-17 SEID-0x7 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806831 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806832 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806832 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806832 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806832 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806832 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806832 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002b), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806832 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 43 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806832 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806832 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806832 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806832 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806832 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806832 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806832 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806832 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806832 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806832 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806832 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806832 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c27ce0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806832 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806832 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806832 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-18 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806832 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806832 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-18 SEID-0x8 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806836 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806836 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806836 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806836 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806836 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806836 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806836 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-18 SEID-0x8 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-18 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-18 SEID-0x8 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806836 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806836 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806836 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806840 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806840 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806840 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806840 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806840 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xb406d6) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806840 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11798230 SCCP-43 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806840 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806840 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806840 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806840 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806840 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806840 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806840 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806840 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806840 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806840 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806840 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806840 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-19 SEID-0x3ed SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806840 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806840 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-19 SEID-0x8 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806842 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806842 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806842 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806842 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806842 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806842 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806842 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806842 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000ae10f), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806842 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806842 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806842 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806842 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806842 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806842 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806842 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-19 SEID-0x8 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-19 SEID-0x3ed SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-19 SEID-0x8 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806842 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806843 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806843 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002c), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 44 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806843 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806843 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806843 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806843 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806843 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806843 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806843 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806843 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806843 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806843 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806843 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806843 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1e6a0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806843 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806843 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806843 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-20 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806843 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806843 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-20 SEID-0x9 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806847 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806847 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806847 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806847 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806847 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806847 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806847 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-20 SEID-0x9 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-20 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-20 SEID-0x9 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806847 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806847 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806847 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806851 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806851 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806851 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806851 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806851 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xb7e75b) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806851 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12052315 SCCP-44 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806851 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806851 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806851 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806851 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806851 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806851 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806851 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806851 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806851 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806851 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806851 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806851 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-21 SEID-0x3ee SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806851 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806851 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806853 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806853 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-21 SEID-0x9 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806853 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806853 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806853 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806853 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806853 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806853 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806853 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806853 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806853 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806853 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047b066), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806853 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806853 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806853 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806853 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-21 SEID-0x9 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-21 SEID-0x3ee SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-21 SEID-0x9 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806854 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806854 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806854 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806854 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806854 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806854 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002d), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806854 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 45 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806854 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806854 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806854 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806854 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806854 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806854 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c189e0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-22 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806854 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806854 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-22 SEID-0xa SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806857 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806857 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806857 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806857 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806857 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806857 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806857 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-22 SEID-0xa SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-22 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-22 SEID-0xa SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806857 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806857 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806857 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806861 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806861 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806861 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806861 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806861 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x618ebe) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806861 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393534 SCCP-45 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806861 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806861 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806861 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806861 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806861 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806861 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806861 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806861 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806861 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806861 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806861 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806861 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-23 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806861 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806861 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-23 SEID-0xa SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806863 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806863 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806863 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806863 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806863 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806863 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806863 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806863 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0070bc68), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806863 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806863 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806863 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806863 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806863 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806863 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806863 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-23 SEID-0xa SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-23 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-23 SEID-0xa SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806863 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806864 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806864 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806864 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806864 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806864 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806864 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002e), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806864 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 46 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806864 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806864 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806864 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806864 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806864 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806864 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806864 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806864 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806864 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806864 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806864 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806864 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c27e10]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806864 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806864 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806864 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-24 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806864 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806864 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-24 SEID-0xb SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806868 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806868 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806868 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806868 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806868 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806868 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806868 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-24 SEID-0xb SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-24 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-24 SEID-0xb SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806868 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806872 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806872 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806872 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806872 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806872 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xbcdbb) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806872 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-773563 SCCP-46 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806872 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806872 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806872 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806872 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806872 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806872 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806872 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806872 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806872 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806872 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-25 SEID-0x3f0 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806872 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806872 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-25 SEID-0xb SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806874 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806874 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806874 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806874 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806874 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0022521b), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806874 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806874 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806874 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806874 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806874 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-25 SEID-0xb SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-25 SEID-0x3f0 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-25 SEID-0xb SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806874 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806875 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806875 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806875 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806875 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806875 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806875 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002f), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806875 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 47 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806875 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806875 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806875 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806875 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806875 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806875 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806875 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806875 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806875 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806875 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806875 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806875 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c0d100]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806875 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806875 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806875 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-26 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806875 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806875 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806878 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806878 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-26 SEID-0xc SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806878 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806878 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806878 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806879 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806879 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806879 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806879 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806879 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-26 SEID-0xc SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-26 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-26 SEID-0xc SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806879 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806879 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806879 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806883 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806883 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806883 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806883 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806883 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x3b4ab7) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806883 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3885751 SCCP-47 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806883 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806883 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806883 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806883 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806883 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806883 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806883 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806883 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806883 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806883 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806883 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806883 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-27 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806883 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806883 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-27 SEID-0xc SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806885 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806885 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806885 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806885 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806885 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806885 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806885 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806885 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00efc42b), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806885 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806885 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806885 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806885 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806885 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806885 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806885 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-27 SEID-0xc SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-27 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-27 SEID-0xc SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806885 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806886 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806886 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806886 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806886 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806886 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806886 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000030), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806886 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 48 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806886 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806886 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806886 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806886 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806886 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806886 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806886 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806886 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806886 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806886 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806886 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806886 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1c200]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806886 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806886 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806886 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-28 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806886 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806886 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-28 SEID-0xd SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806890 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806890 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806890 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806890 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806890 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806890 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806890 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-28 SEID-0xd SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-28 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-28 SEID-0xd SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806890 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806890 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806890 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806894 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806894 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0xeab50d) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806894 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15381773 SCCP-48 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806894 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806894 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806894 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806894 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806894 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806894 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806894 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806894 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806894 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806894 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-29 SEID-0x3f2 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806894 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806894 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-29 SEID-0xd SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806897 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806897 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806897 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806897 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806897 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806897 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806897 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806897 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00226781), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806897 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806897 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806897 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806897 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806897 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806897 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806897 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-29 SEID-0xd SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-29 SEID-0x3f2 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-29 SEID-0xd SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806897 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806898 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806898 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806898 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806898 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806898 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806898 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000031), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806898 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 49 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806898 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806898 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806898 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806898 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806898 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806898 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806898 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806898 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806898 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806898 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806898 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806898 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c30720]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806898 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806898 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806898 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-30 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806898 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806898 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-30 SEID-0xe SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806902 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806902 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806902 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806902 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806902 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806902 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806902 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-30 SEID-0xe SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-30 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-30 SEID-0xe SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806902 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806907 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806907 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806907 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806907 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806907 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x53525e) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806907 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5460574 SCCP-49 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806907 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806907 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806907 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806907 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806907 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806907 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806907 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806907 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806907 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806907 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806907 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806907 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-31 SEID-0x3f3 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806907 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806907 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806909 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806909 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-31 SEID-0xe SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806909 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806909 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806909 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806909 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806909 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806909 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806909 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806909 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806909 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806909 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=008b90f9), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806909 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806909 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806909 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806909 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-31 SEID-0xe SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-31 SEID-0x3f3 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-31 SEID-0xe SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806910 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806910 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806910 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806910 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806910 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806910 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000032), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806910 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 50 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806910 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806910 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806910 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806910 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806910 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806910 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1d1b0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-32 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806910 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806910 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-32 SEID-0xf SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806913 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806913 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806913 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806913 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806913 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806913 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806913 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-32 SEID-0xf SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-32 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806913 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-32 SEID-0xf SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806914 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806914 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806919 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806919 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806919 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806919 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806919 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x151acd) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806919 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1383117 SCCP-50 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806919 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806919 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806919 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806919 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806919 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806919 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806919 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806919 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806919 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806919 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806919 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806919 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-33 SEID-0x3f4 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806919 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806919 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-33 SEID-0xf SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806921 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806921 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806921 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806921 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c1083e), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-33 SEID-0xf SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-33 SEID-0x3f4 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-33 SEID-0xf SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806921 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806921 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806921 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806921 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000033), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806921 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 51 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806921 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806921 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806921 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806921 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806921 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806921 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1c330]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-34 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806921 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806921 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-34 SEID-0x10 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806925 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806925 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806925 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806925 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806925 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806925 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806925 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-34 SEID-0x10 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-34 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-34 SEID-0x10 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806925 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806925 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806925 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806930 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806930 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806930 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806930 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806930 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x8a3408) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806930 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9057288 SCCP-51 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806930 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806930 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806930 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806930 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806930 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806930 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806930 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806930 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806930 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806930 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806930 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806930 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-35 SEID-0x3f5 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806930 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806930 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-35 SEID-0x10 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806932 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806932 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806932 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806932 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fddc97), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-35 SEID-0x10 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-35 SEID-0x3f5 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-35 SEID-0x10 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806932 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806932 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806932 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806932 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000034), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806932 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 52 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806932 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806932 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806932 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806932 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806932 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806932 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c1e0e0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-36 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806932 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806932 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-36 SEID-0x11 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806936 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806936 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806936 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806936 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806936 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806936 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806936 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-36 SEID-0x11 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-36 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-36 SEID-0x11 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806936 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806936 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806936 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806941 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806941 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806941 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806941 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806941 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x1ce8c4) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806941 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1894596 SCCP-52 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806941 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806941 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806941 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806941 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806941 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806941 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806941 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806941 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806941 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806941 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806941 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806941 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-37 SEID-0x3f6 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806941 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806941 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-37 SEID-0x11 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806943 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806943 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806943 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806943 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806943 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806943 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806943 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0034dab7), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806943 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806943 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806943 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-37 SEID-0x11 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-37 SEID-0x3f6 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-37 SEID-0x11 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806943 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141806943 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141806943 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141806943 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141806943 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000035), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f000001000000000000000000000000000010101010400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141806943 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 53 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141806943 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141806944 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141806944 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141806944 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141806944 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141806944 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219141806944 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141806944 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806944 DMAIN DEBUG RAB Assignment: setting up GTP tunnel mapping via UPF (context_map_sccp.c:242) 20250219141806944 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806944 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806944 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab[0x564010c315a0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806944 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{RX_CORE_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:194) 20250219141806944 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806944 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-38 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806944 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806944 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:262) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-38 SEID-0x12 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_EST_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:357) 20250219141806948 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_LOCAL_F_TEIDS_RX (ps_rab_fsm.c:445) 20250219141806948 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219141806948 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:364) 20250219141806948 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141806948 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806948 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:368) 20250219141806948 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_LOCAL_F_TEIDS}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_EST_RESP}: State change to WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:449) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-38 SEID-0x12 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: <-tx- PFCP seq-38 SEID-0x0 SESSION_EST_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: -rx-> PFCP seq-38 SEID-0x12 SESSION_EST_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806948 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141806948 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806948 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141806952 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141806952 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141806952 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141806952 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219141806952 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x645164) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219141806952 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6574436 SCCP-53 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141806952 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219141806952 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219141806952 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219141806952 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141806952 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806952 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141806952 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: PS RAB-AssignmentResponse received, updating RABs (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:444) 20250219141806952 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806952 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_RX_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID (ps_rab_fsm.c:472) 20250219141806952 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_ACCESS_REMOTE_F_TEID}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:488) 20250219141806952 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806953 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-39 SEID-0x3f7 SESSION_MOD_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141806953 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141806953 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{RX_RAB_ASS_MSG}: State change to WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:476) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-39 SEID-0x12 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_MOD_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:566) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_MOD_RESP}: State change to ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:607) 20250219141806955 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event PS_RAB_ASS_EV_RAB_ESTABLISHED (ps_rab_fsm.c:614) 20250219141806955 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219141806955 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Re-encoding RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse: RAB 23: RUA sent F-TEID; replacing with (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:565) 20250219141806955 DRANAP NOTICE ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Sending RANAP PS RAB-AssignmentResponse with mapped GTP info (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:604) 20250219141806955 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:606) 20250219141806955 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141806955 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141806955 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bcd88f), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f000002000000000000000000000000000022002200) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141806955 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141806955 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141806955 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141806955 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141806955 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806955 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_ass_fsm.c:613) 20250219141806955 DRANAP DEBUG ps_rab_ass(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2fdf0]{WAIT_RABS_ESTABLISHED}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-39 SEID-0x12 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{ESTABLISHED}: <-tx- PFCP seq-39 SEID-0x3f7 SESSION_MOD_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{ESTABLISHED}: -rx-> PFCP seq-39 SEID-0x12 SESSION_MOD_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141806955 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808794 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808794 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808794 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808794 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808794 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808794 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000026), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808794 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 38 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808794 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808794 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808794 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808794 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808794 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808794 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808794 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808794 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808794 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808794 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808794 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-40 SEID-0x3e8 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808794 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808794 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808794 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808794 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808794 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-40 SEID-0x3 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-40 SEID-0x3 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-40 SEID-0x3e8 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-40 SEID-0x3 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-8137442-RAB-23)[0x564010c1fc40]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808797 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808801 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808801 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808801 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808801 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808801 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x7c2ae2,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808801 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8137442 SCCP-38 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808801 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808801 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808801 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808801 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808801 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808801 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808801 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808801 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003fa901), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808801 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808801 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808801 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808801 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808801 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808801 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808801 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808803 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808803 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808803 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808803 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808803 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808803 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000027), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808803 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 39 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808803 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808803 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808803 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808803 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808803 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808803 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808803 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808803 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808803 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808803 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808803 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-41 SEID-0x3e9 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808803 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808803 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808803 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808803 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808803 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-41 SEID-0x4 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-41 SEID-0x4 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-41 SEID-0x3e9 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-41 SEID-0x4 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-354142-RAB-23)[0x564010c305f0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808805 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808806 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808806 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808806 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808806 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808806 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x5675e,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808807 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-354142 SCCP-39 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808807 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808807 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0019f127), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808807 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808807 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808807 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000026), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=003fa901), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 38 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=38 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808807 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8137442)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808807 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-38)[0x564010c2e070]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808807 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8137442 SCCP-38 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000000: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003fa901), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000026) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808807 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(38)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808808 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808808 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808808 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000027), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0019f127), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 39 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=39 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808808 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808808 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808808 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-354142)[0x564010c15d70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808808 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-39)[0x564010c149d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808808 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-354142 SCCP-39 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0019f127), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000027) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808808 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808808 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(39)[0x564010c25800]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808813 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808813 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808813 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000028), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808813 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 40 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808813 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808813 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808813 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808813 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808813 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808813 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808813 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808813 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808813 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808813 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-42 SEID-0x3ea SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808814 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808814 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808814 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808814 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-42 SEID-0x5 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-42 SEID-0x5 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-42 SEID-0x3ea SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-42 SEID-0x5 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1672488-RAB-23)[0x564010c26a00]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808815 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808816 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808816 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808816 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808816 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808816 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x198528,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808816 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1672488 SCCP-40 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808816 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808816 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808816 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808816 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808816 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808816 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808816 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808816 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bc47f6), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808816 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808816 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808816 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808816 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808816 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808816 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808816 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808818 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808818 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808818 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000028), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00bc47f6), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 40 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=40 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808818 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808818 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808818 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1672488)[0x564010c06190]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808818 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-40)[0x564010c147a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808818 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1672488 SCCP-40 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000002: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bc47f6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000028) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(40)[0x564010c16d80]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808824 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808824 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808824 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808824 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808824 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808824 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000029), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808824 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 41 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808824 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808824 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808824 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808824 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808824 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808824 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808824 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808824 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808824 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808824 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808824 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-43 SEID-0x3eb SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808824 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808824 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808824 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808824 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808824 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-43 SEID-0x6 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-43 SEID-0x6 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-43 SEID-0x3eb SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-43 SEID-0x6 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-16282004-RAB-23)[0x564010c19250]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808825 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808827 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808827 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808827 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808827 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808827 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xf87194,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808827 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16282004 SCCP-41 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808827 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808827 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808827 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808827 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808827 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808827 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808827 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808827 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ed6c66), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808827 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808827 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808827 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808827 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808827 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808827 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808827 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808828 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808828 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808828 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000029), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ed6c66), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 41 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=41 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808828 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808828 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808828 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16282004)[0x564010c0d8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808828 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-41)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808828 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16282004 SCCP-41 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ed6c66), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000029) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808828 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808828 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(41)[0x564010c1ea10]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808833 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808833 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808833 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808834 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808834 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808834 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002a), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808834 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 42 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808834 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808834 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808834 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808834 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808834 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808834 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808834 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808834 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808834 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808834 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808834 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-44 SEID-0x3ec SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808834 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808834 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808834 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808834 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808834 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-44 SEID-0x7 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-44 SEID-0x7 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-44 SEID-0x3ec SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-44 SEID-0x7 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-10453498-RAB-23)[0x564010c1a020]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808835 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808837 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808837 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x9f81fa,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808837 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10453498 SCCP-42 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808837 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808837 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808837 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808837 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808837 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808837 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808837 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808837 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f2449f), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808837 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808837 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808837 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808837 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808837 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808837 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808837 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808839 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808839 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808839 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f2449f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 42 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=42 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808839 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808839 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808839 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-10453498)[0x564010c0d7a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808839 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-42)[0x564010c1ebd0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808839 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10453498 SCCP-42 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f2449f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002a) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808839 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808839 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(42)[0x564010c05f50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808846 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808846 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808846 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808846 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808846 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808846 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002b), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808846 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 43 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808846 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808846 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808846 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808846 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808846 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808846 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808846 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808846 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808846 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808846 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808846 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-45 SEID-0x3ed SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808846 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808846 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808846 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808846 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808846 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-45 SEID-0x8 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-45 SEID-0x8 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-45 SEID-0x3ed SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-45 SEID-0x8 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-11798230-RAB-23)[0x564010c27ce0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808848 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808849 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808849 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808849 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808849 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808849 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xb406d6,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808849 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11798230 SCCP-43 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808849 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808849 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808849 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808849 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808849 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808849 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808849 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808849 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000ae10f), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808849 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808849 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808849 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808849 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808849 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808849 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808849 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808851 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808851 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808851 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=000ae10f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 43 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=43 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808851 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808851 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808851 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-11798230)[0x564010c0e420]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808851 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-43)[0x564010c0d250]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808851 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11798230 SCCP-43 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000005: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000ae10f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002b) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808851 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808851 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(43)[0x564010c2f2f0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808858 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808858 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808858 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808858 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808858 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808858 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002c), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808858 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 44 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808858 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808858 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808858 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808858 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808858 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808858 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808858 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808858 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808858 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808858 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808858 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-46 SEID-0x3ee SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808858 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808858 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808858 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808858 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808858 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-46 SEID-0x9 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-46 SEID-0x9 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-46 SEID-0x3ee SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-46 SEID-0x9 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-12052315-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e6a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808859 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808860 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808860 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808860 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808860 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808860 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xb7e75b,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808860 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12052315 SCCP-44 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808860 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808860 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808860 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808860 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808860 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808860 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808860 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808860 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047b066), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808860 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808860 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808860 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808860 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808860 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808860 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808860 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808862 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808862 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808862 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0047b066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 44 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=44 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808862 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808862 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808862 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12052315)[0x564010c0d600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808862 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-44)[0x564010c0a5d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808862 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12052315 SCCP-44 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000006: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047b066), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002c) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808862 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808862 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(44)[0x564010c1fa50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808867 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808867 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808867 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002d), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808867 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 45 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808867 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808867 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808867 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808867 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808867 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808867 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808867 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808867 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808867 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808867 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808867 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-47 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808867 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808867 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808867 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808867 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808867 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-47 SEID-0xa SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-47 SEID-0xa SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-47 SEID-0x3ef SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-47 SEID-0xa SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6393534-RAB-23)[0x564010c189e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808869 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808870 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808870 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808870 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808870 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808870 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x618ebe,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808870 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393534 SCCP-45 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808870 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808870 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808870 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808870 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808870 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808870 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808870 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808870 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0070bc68), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808870 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808870 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808870 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808870 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808870 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808870 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808870 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808872 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808872 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808872 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0070bc68), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 45 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=45 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393534)[0x564010c0ae10]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-45)[0x564010c2f420]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808872 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393534 SCCP-45 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000007: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0070bc68), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002d) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808872 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(45)[0x564010c2e990]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808878 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808879 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808879 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808879 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808879 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808879 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002e), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808879 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 46 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808879 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808879 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808879 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808879 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808879 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808879 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808879 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808879 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808879 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808879 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808879 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-48 SEID-0x3f0 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808879 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808879 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808879 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808879 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808879 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-48 SEID-0xb SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-48 SEID-0xb SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-48 SEID-0x3f0 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-48 SEID-0xb SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-773563-RAB-23)[0x564010c27e10]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808880 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808881 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808881 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808881 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xbcdbb,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808881 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-773563 SCCP-46 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808881 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808881 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808881 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808881 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808881 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808881 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808881 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808881 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0022521b), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808881 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808881 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808881 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808881 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808881 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808881 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808881 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808883 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808883 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808883 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0022521b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 46 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=46 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808883 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808883 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808883 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-773563)[0x564010c0d380]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808883 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-46)[0x564010c059b0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808883 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-773563 SCCP-46 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000008: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0022521b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002e) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808883 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808883 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(46)[0x564010c2efb0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808890 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808890 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808890 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808890 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808890 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808890 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002f), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808890 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 47 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808890 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808890 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808890 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808890 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808890 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808890 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808890 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808890 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808890 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808890 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808890 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-49 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808890 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808890 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808890 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808890 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808890 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-49 SEID-0xc SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-49 SEID-0xc SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-49 SEID-0x3f1 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-49 SEID-0xc SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-3885751-RAB-23)[0x564010c0d100]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808891 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808893 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808893 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808893 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808893 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808893 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x3b4ab7,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808893 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3885751 SCCP-47 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808893 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808893 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808893 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808893 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808893 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808893 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808893 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808893 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00efc42b), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808893 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808893 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808893 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808893 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808893 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808893 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808893 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808895 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808895 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808895 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000002f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00efc42b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 47 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=47 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808895 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808895 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808895 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3885751)[0x564010c137e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808895 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-47)[0x564010c0a700]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808895 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3885751 SCCP-47 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000009: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00efc42b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000002f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808895 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808895 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(47)[0x564010c12ec0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808902 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808902 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808902 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808902 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808902 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808902 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000030), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808902 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 48 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808902 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808902 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808902 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808902 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808902 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808902 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808902 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808902 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808902 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808902 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808902 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-50 SEID-0x3f2 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808902 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808902 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808902 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808902 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-50 SEID-0xd SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-50 SEID-0xd SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-50 SEID-0x3f2 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-50 SEID-0xd SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-15381773-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c200]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808903 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808905 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808905 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808905 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808905 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808905 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0xeab50d,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808905 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15381773 SCCP-48 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808905 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808905 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808905 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808905 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808905 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808905 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808905 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808905 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00226781), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808905 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808905 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808905 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808905 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808905 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808905 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808905 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808907 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808907 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808907 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000030), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00226781), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 48 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=48 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808907 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808907 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808907 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15381773)[0x564010c268d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808907 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-48)[0x564010c0aa00]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808907 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15381773 SCCP-48 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000010: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00226781), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000030) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808907 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808907 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(48)[0x564010c26f20]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808914 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808914 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808914 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808914 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808914 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808914 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000031), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808914 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 49 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808914 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808914 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808914 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808914 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808914 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808914 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808914 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808914 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808914 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808914 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808914 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-51 SEID-0x3f3 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808914 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808914 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808914 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808914 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-51 SEID-0xe SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-51 SEID-0xe SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-51 SEID-0x3f3 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-51 SEID-0xe SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-5460574-RAB-23)[0x564010c30720]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808915 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808916 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808916 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808916 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808916 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808916 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x53525e,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808916 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5460574 SCCP-49 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808916 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808916 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808916 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808916 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808916 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808916 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808916 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808916 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=008b90f9), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808916 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808916 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808916 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808916 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808916 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808916 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808916 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808918 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808918 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808918 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000031), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=008b90f9), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 49 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=49 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808918 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808918 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808918 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5460574)[0x564010c1f750]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808918 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-49)[0x564010c1f880]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808918 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5460574 SCCP-49 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000011: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=008b90f9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000031) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808918 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808918 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(49)[0x564010c0f440]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808924 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808924 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808924 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808924 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808924 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808924 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000032), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808924 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 50 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808924 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808924 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808924 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808924 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808924 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808924 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808924 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808924 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808924 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808924 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808924 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-52 SEID-0x3f4 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808924 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808924 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808924 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808924 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808924 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-52 SEID-0xf SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-52 SEID-0xf SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-52 SEID-0x3f4 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-52 SEID-0xf SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1383117-RAB-23)[0x564010c1d1b0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808926 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808927 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808927 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808927 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808927 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808927 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x151acd,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808927 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1383117 SCCP-50 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808927 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808927 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808927 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808927 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808927 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808927 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808927 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808927 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c1083e), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808927 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808927 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808927 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808927 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808928 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808928 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808928 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808929 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808929 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808929 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000032), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00c1083e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 50 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=50 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808929 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808929 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808929 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1383117)[0x564010c0aff0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808929 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-50)[0x564010c0f9f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808929 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1383117 SCCP-50 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000012: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c1083e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000032) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808929 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808929 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(50)[0x564010c2bbb0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808936 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808936 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808936 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808936 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808936 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808936 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000033), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808936 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 51 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808936 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808936 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808936 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808936 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808936 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808936 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808936 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808936 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808936 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808936 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808936 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-53 SEID-0x3f5 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808936 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808936 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808936 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808936 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808936 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-53 SEID-0x10 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-53 SEID-0x10 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-53 SEID-0x3f5 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-53 SEID-0x10 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-9057288-RAB-23)[0x564010c1c330]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808937 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808939 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808939 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808939 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808939 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808939 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x8a3408,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808939 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9057288 SCCP-51 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808939 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808939 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808939 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808939 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808939 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808939 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808939 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808939 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fddc97), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808939 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808939 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808939 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808939 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808939 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808939 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808939 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808940 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808940 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808940 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808940 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808940 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808940 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000033), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00fddc97), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808940 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 51 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808940 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808940 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=51 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808940 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808940 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808940 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-9057288)[0x564010c0fe10]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808940 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-51)[0x564010c2bce0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808940 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9057288 SCCP-51 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000013: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808940 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00fddc97), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000033) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808940 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808940 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808941 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808941 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808941 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808941 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808941 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808941 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(51)[0x564010c2c660]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808947 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808947 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808947 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808947 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808947 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808947 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000034), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808947 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 52 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808947 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808947 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808947 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808947 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808947 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808947 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808948 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808948 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808948 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808948 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808948 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-54 SEID-0x3f6 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808948 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808948 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808948 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808948 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808948 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-54 SEID-0x11 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-54 SEID-0x11 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-54 SEID-0x3f6 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-54 SEID-0x11 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-1894596-RAB-23)[0x564010c1e0e0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808949 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808951 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808951 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808951 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808951 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808951 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x1ce8c4,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808951 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1894596 SCCP-52 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808951 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808951 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808951 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808951 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808951 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808951 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808951 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808951 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0034dab7), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808951 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808951 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808951 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808951 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808951 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808951 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808951 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808952 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808952 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808952 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000034), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0034dab7), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 52 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=52 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808952 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808952 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808952 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1894596)[0x564010c12a30]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808952 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-52)[0x564010c2be90]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808952 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1894596 SCCP-52 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000014: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0034dab7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000034) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808952 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808952 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(52)[0x564010c18440]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808959 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808959 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808959 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808959 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808959 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808959 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000035), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808959 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 53 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808959 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808959 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808959 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808959 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219141808959 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219141808959 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141808959 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219141808959 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{ESTABLISHED}: RAB release, deleting PFCP session (ps_rab_fsm.c:725) 20250219141808959 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{ESTABLISHED}: State change to WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:726) 20250219141808959 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPtx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808959 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: <-tx- PFCP seq-55 SEID-0x3f7 SESSION_DEL_REQ: sending (pfcp_endpoint.c:258) 20250219141808959 DLPFCP DEBUG retransmit unanswered Requests 3 x 3000ms; keep sent Responses for 10000ms (pfcp_endpoint.c:279) 20250219141808959 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219141808959 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=ps) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219141808959 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808959 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: + PFCPrx: now used by 2 (PFCPtx,PFCPrx) (pfcp_cp_peer.c:416) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP INFO ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: -rx-> PFCP seq-55 SEID-0x12 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): received (pfcp_endpoint.c:420) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_PFCP_DEL_RESP (ps_rab_fsm.c:645) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_PFCP_DEL_RESP}: State change to WAIT_USE_COUNT (no timeout) (ps_rab_fsm.c:657) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-55 SEID-0x12 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): response handled by m->resp_cb(), not dispatching to rx_msg_cb() (pfcp_endpoint.c:428) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: <-tx- PFCP seq-55 SEID-0x3f7 SESSION_DEL_REQ: discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPtx: now used by 1 (PFCPrx) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: -rx-> PFCP seq-55 SEID-0x12 SESSION_DEL_RESP: Request accepted (success): discarding (pfcp_msg.c:456) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Received Event PS_RAB_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (ps_rab_fsm.c:668) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Freeing instance (ps_rab_fsm.c:684) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG ps_rab(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-RUA-6574436-RAB-23)[0x564010c315a0]{WAIT_USE_COUNT}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: - PFCPrx: now used by 0 (-) (pfcp_msg.c:464) 20250219141808961 DLPFCP DEBUG pfcp_cp_peer(127-0-0-1:8805)[0x564010c030c0]{associated}: Received Event PFCP_CP_PEER_EV_USE_COUNT_ZERO (pfcp_cp_peer.c:90) 20250219141808962 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141808962 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141808962 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141808962 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219141808962 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x645164,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219141808962 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6574436 SCCP-53 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141808962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219141808962 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219141808962 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219141808962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141808962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141808962 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141808962 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141808962 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bcd88f), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808962 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808962 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808962 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808962 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808962 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219141808962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141808962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141808964 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141808964 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141808964 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000035), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00bcd88f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 53 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=53 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219141808964 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808964 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141808964 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6574436)[0x564010c2cae0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141808964 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-53)[0x564010c18570]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141808964 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6574436 SCCP-53 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000015: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00bcd88f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000035) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141808964 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141808964 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(53)[0x564010c18ef0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141810968 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141810968 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810970 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810970 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141810970 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141810970 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141810970 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141810970 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141810971 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141810971 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141810971 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141810971 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141810971 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141810971 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141810971 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141810971 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141810971 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141810971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141810971 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141810971 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141810971 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141810971 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141810971 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141810971 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141810971 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141810971 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141810971 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141810971 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141810971 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141810971 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810974 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810975 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810975 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141810975 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141811154 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141811656 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141814713 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141814715 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141814718 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141814778 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141814778 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141814787 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814787 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814787 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814787 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814788 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141814788 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141814788 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814788 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814788 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814788 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814789 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814789 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814789 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814789 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814789 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814789 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814789 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814789 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814789 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814807 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814807 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814807 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814807 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814807 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814807 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814807 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141814807 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814809 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814809 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814809 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814809 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814809 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814809 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141814809 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141814809 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141814809 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141814809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141814833 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141814833 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141814833 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141814833 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141814833 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141814833 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141814833 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141814833 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141814833 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141814837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141814837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141814837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141814837 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141814837 DLGLOBAL ERROR counter group 'hnb' already exists for index 0, instead using index 1. This is a software bug that needs fixing. (rate_ctr.c:221) 20250219141814837 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7be0(hnb) with 60 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219141814837 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141814837 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141814837 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141814837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141814837 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141815005 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141815005 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141815005 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141815005 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815005 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141815005 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815005 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141815005 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141815005 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141815005 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141815006 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141815006 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141815006 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141815006 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141815006 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815006 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815006 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141815006 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141815006 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141815006 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141815006 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141815023 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141815023 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141815023 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141815023 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815023 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141815023 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815023 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141815023 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141815023 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141815023 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141815024 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141815024 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141815024 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141815024 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141815024 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815024 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141815024 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141815024 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141815024 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141815024 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141815809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141815809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141815809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815809 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141815809 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141815809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141815809 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141815809 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141815809 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141815809 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141815809 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141815809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141815809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141815809 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815809 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815809 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815810 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815810 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815810 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141815810 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141815810 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141815810 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141815825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141815825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141815825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815825 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141815825 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141815825 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141815825 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141815825 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141815825 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141815825 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141815825 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141815825 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141815826 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141815826 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141815826 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141815826 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141815826 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141815826 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141815826 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141815826 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141815826 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141815826 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141815826 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141815840 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 739609022 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815840 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 739609022 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815841 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 440854239 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815841 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 440854239 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815842 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 441405030 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815842 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 441405030 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815843 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 318743508 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815843 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 318743508 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815844 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 246262734 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815844 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 246262734 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815844 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 137901271 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815844 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 137901271 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815845 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 270435008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815845 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 270435008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815846 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 788346502 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815846 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 788346502 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815847 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 128998025 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815847 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 128998025 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815848 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 827143268 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815848 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 827143268 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815849 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 126561322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815849 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 126561322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815850 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 384368198 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815850 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 384368198 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815850 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 449958233 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815850 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 449958233 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815851 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 438930944 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815851 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 438930944 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815852 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 446730701 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815852 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 446730701 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815853 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 86084645 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815853 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 86084645 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815854 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 146718906 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815854 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 146718906 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815855 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 425903062 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815855 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 425903062 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815855 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 520765330 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815855 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 520765330 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815856 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 622360309 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141815856 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 622360309 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141815869 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141816907 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141816907 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141816907 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141816907 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141816908 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xfc6620, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141816908 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c25800]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141816908 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141816908 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16541216 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141816908 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141816908 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141816908 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16541216 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141816908 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141816908 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141816908 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16541216 <-> SCCP-54 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141816908 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16541216 SCCP-54 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141816908 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141816908 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141816908 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141816908 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141816908 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141816908 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141816908 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141816908 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141816908 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000040004f40030001ec0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141816908 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141816908 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141816908 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141816908 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141816908 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141816908 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141816908 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141816909 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141816923 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141816923 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141816923 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141816923 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141816923 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141816923 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141816923 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 54 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141816924 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141816924 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141816924 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141816924 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141816924 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=54, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141816924 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141816924 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141816925 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 283850407 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816925 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 283850407 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816927 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 152606280 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816928 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 152606280 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816930 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 111227072 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816930 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 111227072 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816932 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 855684402 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816932 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 855684402 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816934 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 426212688 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816934 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 426212688 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816937 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 755632019 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816937 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 755632019 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816939 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 225003222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816939 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 225003222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816941 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 485634717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816941 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 485634717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816944 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 466449809 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816944 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 466449809 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816946 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 216607863 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816946 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 216607863 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816949 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 934333675 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816949 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 934333675 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816951 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 422066071 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816951 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 422066071 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816953 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 669197773 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816953 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 669197773 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816955 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 551836644 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816955 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 551836644 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816957 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 157027880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816957 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 157027880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816959 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 836942858 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816959 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 836942858 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816960 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 531013438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816960 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 531013438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816962 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 923381019 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816962 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 923381019 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816964 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 354952396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816964 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 354952396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816966 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 686985715 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141816966 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 686985715 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141816981 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141818002 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141818002 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141818002 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141818002 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141818002 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xf483e4, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141818002 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141818002 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141818002 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16024548 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141818002 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141818002 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141818002 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141818002 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16024548 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141818002 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141818002 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141818002 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16024548 <-> SCCP-55 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141818002 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16024548 SCCP-55 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141818002 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141818002 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141818002 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141818002 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141818002 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141818002 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141818002 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141818002 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141818002 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111005240103505902082926240000000040004f400300010e0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141818002 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141818002 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141818002 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141818002 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141818002 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141818002 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141818002 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141818002 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141818006 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141818006 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141818006 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141818006 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141818006 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141818006 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=003db563) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141818006 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 55 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141818006 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141818006 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141818006 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141818006 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141818006 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=55, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141818006 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141818006 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141818007 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 214258786 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818007 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 214258786 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818009 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 12040017 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818009 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 12040017 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818011 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 247883468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818011 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 247883468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818013 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 338367657 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818013 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 338367657 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818015 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 763844961 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818015 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 763844961 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818018 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 106870460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818018 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 106870460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818020 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 318243928 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818020 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 318243928 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818023 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 802889378 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818023 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 802889378 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818025 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 426043212 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818025 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 426043212 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818028 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 923048362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818028 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 923048362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818031 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 822635777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818031 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 822635777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818033 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 811067977 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818033 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 811067977 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818035 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 173935042 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818035 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 173935042 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818037 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 469166456 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818038 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 469166456 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818040 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 496584037 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818040 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 496584037 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818042 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 936440676 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818042 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 936440676 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818045 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 579523102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818045 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 579523102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818047 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 197534529 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818047 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 197534529 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818049 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 916173691 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818049 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 916173691 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818051 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 582121022 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141818051 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 582121022 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141818072 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141819083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141819083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141819083 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141819083 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141819083 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xd6e8ed, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141819083 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141819083 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141819083 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14084333 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141819083 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141819083 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141819083 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14084333 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141819083 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141819083 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141819083 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14084333 <-> SCCP-56 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141819083 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14084333 SCCP-56 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141819083 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141819083 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141819083 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141819083 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141819083 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141819083 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141819083 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141819083 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141819083 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902082926240000000040004f40030002820056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141819083 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141819083 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141819083 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141819083 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141819083 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141819083 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141819083 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141819083 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141819087 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141819087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141819087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141819087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141819087 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141819087 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=000495e7) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141819087 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 56 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141819087 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141819087 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141819087 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141819087 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141819087 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=56, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141819087 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141819087 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141819089 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 797742168 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819089 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 797742168 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 3 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819090 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 533372566 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819090 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 533372566 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819091 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 159468216 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819091 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 159468216 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819092 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 332146523 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819092 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 332146523 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819093 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 418794277 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819093 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 418794277 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819094 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 615813521 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819094 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 615813521 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819095 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 256988694 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819095 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 256988694 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819096 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 475664912 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819096 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 475664912 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819097 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 453927214 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819097 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 453927214 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819097 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 165210123 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819097 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 165210123 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819098 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 696831945 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819098 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 696831945 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819099 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 181992322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819099 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 181992322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819100 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 857819000 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819100 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 857819000 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819101 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 428577052 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819101 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 428577052 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819101 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 265223423 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819101 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 265223423 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819102 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 52626357 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819102 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 52626357 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819103 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 99913544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819103 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 99913544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819104 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 525869443 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819104 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 525869443 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819104 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 30500566 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819104 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 30500566 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819105 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 120156943 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141819105 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 120156943 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141819116 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141820144 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141820144 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141820144 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 96 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141820144 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141820144 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x7088cc, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141820144 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010b90820]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141820144 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141820144 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7375052 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141820144 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141820144 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141820144 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7375052 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141820144 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141820144 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141820144 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-7375052 <-> SCCP-57 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141820144 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7375052 SCCP-57 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 67 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141820145 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141820145 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141820145 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141820145 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141820145 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141820145 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141820145 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141820145 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141820145 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=67,D=0013403f0000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400d0c050152082926240000000040004f40030000ad0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141820145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141820145 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141820145 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141820145 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141820145 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141820145 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141820145 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141820145 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141820154 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141820154 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141820154 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141820154 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141820154 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141820154 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141820154 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 57 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141820154 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141820154 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141820154 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141820154 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141820154 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=57, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141820154 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141820154 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141820155 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 829551796 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820155 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 829551796 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 4 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820159 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 825934932 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820159 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 825934932 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820163 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 647496178 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820163 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 647496178 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820165 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 355190965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820165 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 355190965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820168 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 957090131 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820168 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 957090131 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820171 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 487710874 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820171 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 487710874 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820174 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 836238965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820174 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 836238965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820176 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 546179314 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820176 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 546179314 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820179 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 815688149 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820179 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 815688149 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820181 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 380390528 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820181 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 380390528 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820183 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 734093563 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820183 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 734093563 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820185 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 363818879 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820185 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 363818879 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820189 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 887142453 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820189 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 887142453 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820192 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 207652859 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820192 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 207652859 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820197 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 528343488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820197 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 528343488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820200 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 578152589 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820200 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 578152589 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820204 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 504980954 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820204 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 504980954 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820207 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 955402476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820207 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 955402476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820210 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 242735068 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820210 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 242735068 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820212 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 909283506 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141820213 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 909283506 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141820223 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141820225 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141820227 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141820229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141820229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141820229 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141820229 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141820229 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141820232 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141820232 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141820232 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141820232 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141820232 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141820232 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141820232 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141820232 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141820232 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141820232 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141820232 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141820232 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141820232 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141820232 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141820232 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141820232 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141820232 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141820232 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141820232 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141820232 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141820233 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141820233 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141820233 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141820233 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141820233 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141820233 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141820233 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141820233 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141820233 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141820233 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141820233 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141820233 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141820234 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141820234 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16541216)[0x564010c25800]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820234 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820234 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820234 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-54)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820234 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16541216 SCCP-54 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141820234 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141820234 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141820234 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141820234 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141820234 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141820234 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141820234 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141820234 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141820234 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141820234 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141820234 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141820234 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141820234 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16024548)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-55)[0x564010c2dd70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820235 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16024548 SCCP-55 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141820235 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141820235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141820235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141820235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141820235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141820235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141820235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141820235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141820235 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141820235 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14084333)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-56)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820235 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14084333 SCCP-56 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141820235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141820235 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141820236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141820236 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141820236 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141820236 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141820236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141820236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141820236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141820236 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141820236 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141820236 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141820236 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141820236 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141820236 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820236 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141820236 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7375052)[0x564010b90820]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820236 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820236 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141820236 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-57)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141820236 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7375052 SCCP-57 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141820238 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141820238 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141820239 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141820240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141820240 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141820241 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141820241 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141820242 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141820242 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141820246 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141820247 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141820326 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141820828 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141823916 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141823919 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141823923 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141824007 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141824007 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141824016 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824016 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824016 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824016 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824017 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824017 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824017 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141824017 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141824017 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824017 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824018 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824018 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824018 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824018 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824018 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824018 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824018 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824018 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824018 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824018 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824019 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824019 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824019 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824019 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824019 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824019 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824049 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824049 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824049 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824049 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824049 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824049 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824049 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141824049 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824050 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824050 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824050 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824050 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824050 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824050 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824050 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824050 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824050 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824101 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141824101 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141824101 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141824101 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141824101 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141824101 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141824101 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141824101 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141824101 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141824110 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141824110 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141824110 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141824110 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141824110 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141824110 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141824110 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141824110 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141824110 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141824239 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141824239 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141824239 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141824239 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824239 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141824239 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824239 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141824239 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141824239 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141824239 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824240 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824240 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824240 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824240 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824240 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824240 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824240 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824240 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824240 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824240 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824240 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824249 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141824249 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141824249 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141824249 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824249 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141824249 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824249 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141824249 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141824249 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141824249 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824250 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824250 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824250 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824250 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824250 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824250 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824250 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824250 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824250 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824250 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824250 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824267 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141824267 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141824267 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141824267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824267 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141824267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824267 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141824267 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141824267 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141824267 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824268 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824268 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824268 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824268 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824268 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824268 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824268 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824268 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824268 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824268 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141824281 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141824281 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141824281 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141824281 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824281 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141824281 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141824281 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141824281 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141824281 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141824281 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141824282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141824282 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141824282 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141824282 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141824282 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824282 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141824282 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141824283 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141824283 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141824283 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141824283 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141825051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825051 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141825051 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141825051 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141825051 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141825051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141825051 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141825052 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141825052 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141825052 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141825052 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141825052 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141825054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825054 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825054 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825054 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141825054 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141825054 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825057 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825057 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825057 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825057 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825057 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141825057 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141825057 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141825057 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141825057 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141825057 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141825057 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141825057 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141825058 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825058 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825058 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825058 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825058 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825058 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825058 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825058 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825058 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141825058 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141825058 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825070 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825070 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141825070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141825070 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141825070 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141825070 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141825070 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141825070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141825070 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141825071 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825071 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825071 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825071 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825071 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825071 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141825071 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141825071 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825087 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825087 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141825087 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141825087 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141825087 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141825087 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141825087 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141825087 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141825087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141825087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141825087 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141825087 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141825087 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141825087 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141825087 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141825087 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141825087 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141826116 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 979705342 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826116 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 979705342 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826117 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 423478613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826117 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 423478613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826120 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 100473788 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826120 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 100473788 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826122 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 537683216 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826122 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 537683216 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826123 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 122740793 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826123 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 122740793 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826126 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 312757593 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826127 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 312757593 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826129 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 410727721 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826129 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 410727721 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826132 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 331853936 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826132 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 331853936 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826135 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 635486602 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826135 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 635486602 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826138 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 403659736 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826138 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 403659736 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826139 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 417872997 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826140 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 417872997 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826142 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 762607659 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826142 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 762607659 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826144 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 424668141 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826144 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 424668141 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826146 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 412795735 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826147 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 412795735 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826148 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 712494885 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826148 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 712494885 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826150 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 652764372 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826150 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 652764372 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826151 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 715146100 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826151 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 715146100 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826153 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 585194447 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826153 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 585194447 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826154 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 334823860 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826154 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 334823860 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826155 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 345065671 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141826155 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 345065671 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141826170 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141827210 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141827211 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141827211 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141827211 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141827211 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x23a63c, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141827211 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141827211 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141827211 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2336316 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141827211 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141827211 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141827211 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2336316 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141827211 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141827211 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141827211 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2336316 <-> SCCP-58 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141827211 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2336316 SCCP-58 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141827211 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141827211 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141827211 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141827211 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141827211 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141827211 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141827211 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141827211 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141827211 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030002d00056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141827211 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141827211 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141827211 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141827211 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141827211 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141827211 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141827211 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141827211 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141827225 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141827225 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141827225 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141827225 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141827225 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141827225 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141827225 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 58 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141827225 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141827225 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141827225 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141827225 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141827225 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=58, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141827225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141827225 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141827225 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 674345449 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827225 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 674345449 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827228 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 851909339 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827228 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 851909339 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827229 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 990214059 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827229 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 990214059 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827231 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 44465542 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827231 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 44465542 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827232 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 400892192 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827232 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 400892192 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827233 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 409609935 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827233 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 409609935 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827234 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 532470773 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827234 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 532470773 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827234 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 184117124 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827234 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 184117124 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827235 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 748576585 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827235 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 748576585 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827236 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 952728364 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827236 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 952728364 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827236 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 564090382 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827236 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 564090382 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827237 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 861341258 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827237 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 861341258 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827238 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 53940084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827238 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 53940084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827238 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 577786920 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827238 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 577786920 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827239 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 634577593 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827239 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 634577593 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827240 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 57120318 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827240 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 57120318 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827240 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 40931264 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827240 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 40931264 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827241 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 892595909 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827241 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 892595909 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827242 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 329484730 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827242 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 329484730 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827243 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 869059224 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141827243 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 869059224 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141827254 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141828265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141828265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141828265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141828265 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141828265 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xd3b997, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141828265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141828265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141828265 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13875607 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141828265 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141828265 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141828265 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141828265 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13875607 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141828265 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141828265 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141828265 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13875607 <-> SCCP-59 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141828265 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13875607 SCCP-59 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141828265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141828265 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141828265 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141828265 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141828265 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141828265 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141828265 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141828265 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141828265 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111005240103505902082926240000000030004f40030000190056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141828265 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141828265 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141828265 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141828265 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141828265 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141828265 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141828266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141828266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141828274 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141828275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141828275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141828275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141828275 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141828275 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141828275 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 59 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141828275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141828275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141828275 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141828275 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141828275 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=59, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141828275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141828275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141828275 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 567608107 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828275 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 567608107 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828276 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 610016389 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828277 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 610016389 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828278 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 697167035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828278 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 697167035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828280 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 13146121 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828280 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 13146121 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828281 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 191897241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828281 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 191897241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828283 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 553484765 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828283 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 553484765 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828285 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 971444352 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828285 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 971444352 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828287 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 412018428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828287 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 412018428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828288 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 510393252 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828289 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 510393252 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828290 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 920704208 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828290 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 920704208 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828292 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 147523619 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828292 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 147523619 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828294 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 376480344 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828294 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 376480344 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828296 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 990821795 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828296 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 990821795 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828298 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 455390807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828298 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 455390807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828299 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 82858918 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828299 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 82858918 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828301 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 292559241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828301 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 292559241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828303 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 23825507 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828303 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 23825507 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828305 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 688831149 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828305 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 688831149 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828306 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 61071307 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828306 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 61071307 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828308 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 647615563 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141828308 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 647615563 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141828327 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141829337 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141829337 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141829337 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141829337 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141829337 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x4002bc, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141829337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141829337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141829337 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4195004 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141829337 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141829337 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141829337 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4195004 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141829337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c25840]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141829337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141829337 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-4195004 <-> SCCP-60 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141829337 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4195004 SCCP-60 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141829337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141829337 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141829337 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141829337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141829337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141829337 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141829337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141829337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141829337 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902082926240000000030004f40030001aa0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141829337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141829337 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141829337 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141829337 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141829337 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141829337 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141829337 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141829337 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141829339 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141829339 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141829339 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141829339 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141829339 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141829339 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0063551c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141829339 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 60 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141829339 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141829339 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141829339 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829339 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141829339 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=60, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141829339 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141829339 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141829340 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 367418088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829340 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 367418088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829342 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 629657770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829342 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 629657770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829343 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 184643070 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829343 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 184643070 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829345 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 27606321 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829345 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 27606321 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829346 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 668659292 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829346 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 668659292 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829347 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 358124468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829347 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 358124468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829349 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 180295219 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829349 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 180295219 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829350 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 155132201 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829350 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 155132201 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829351 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 741110718 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829351 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 741110718 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829353 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 489590831 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829353 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 489590831 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829354 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 326557375 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829354 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 326557375 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829355 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 688593564 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829355 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 688593564 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829357 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 54160897 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829357 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 54160897 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829358 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 957038014 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829358 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 957038014 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829360 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 708622592 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829360 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 708622592 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829361 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 860160917 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829361 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 860160917 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829363 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 724107257 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829363 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 724107257 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829364 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 151776148 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829364 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 151776148 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829365 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 944774749 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829365 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 944774749 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829367 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 186493441 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141829367 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 186493441 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141829371 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141829371 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141829372 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141829373 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141829373 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141829373 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141829373 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141829373 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141829375 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141829375 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141829375 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141829375 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829375 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141829375 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829375 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141829375 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141829375 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141829376 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141829376 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141829376 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141829376 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141829376 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141829377 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141829377 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141829378 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141829378 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141829379 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141829380 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141829381 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141829381 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141829382 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141829382 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141829382 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141829382 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141829382 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141829383 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13875607)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141829383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141829383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141829383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-59)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141829383 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13875607 SCCP-59 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141829383 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141829383 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141829383 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141829384 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829384 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141829384 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829384 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141829384 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141829384 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141829384 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141829384 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141829384 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141829384 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141829385 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141829385 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829385 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141829385 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829385 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141829385 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141829385 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141829385 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141829386 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141829386 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141829386 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141829386 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141829386 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829386 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141829386 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141829387 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141829387 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141829387 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141829387 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141829387 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141829387 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141829388 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141829388 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141829388 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141829388 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141829389 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141829389 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141829389 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141829390 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141829391 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141829391 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141829392 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141829392 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141829392 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141829393 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141829393 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141829393 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2336316)[0x564010c1e8e0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141829393 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141829394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141829394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-58)[0x564010bacff0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141829394 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2336316 SCCP-58 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141829394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141829394 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141829395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141829395 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141829395 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141829396 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141829396 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141829396 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141829396 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141829397 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141829397 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141829397 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141829397 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141829398 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141829398 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141829398 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141829398 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-4195004)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141829399 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141829399 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141829399 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-60)[0x564010c25840]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141829399 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4195004 SCCP-60 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141829400 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141829401 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141829401 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141829402 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141829402 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141829403 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141829403 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141829403 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141829404 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141829407 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141829541 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141830143 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141830234 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141830234 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141830234 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141830234 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141830234 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141830234 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141830235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141830235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141830235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141830236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141830236 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141830236 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141830236 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141830236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141830236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833198 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141833201 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141833205 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141833283 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141833283 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141833292 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833292 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833292 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833292 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833292 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833292 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833292 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141833292 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141833293 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833293 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833294 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833294 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833294 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833294 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833294 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833294 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833294 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833294 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833324 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833324 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833325 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833325 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833325 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141833325 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833326 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833326 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833326 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833326 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833326 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833326 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833326 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833326 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833326 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833326 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833327 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833327 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833327 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833327 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141833368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141833368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141833368 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141833368 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141833368 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141833368 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141833368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141833368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141833372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141833372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141833372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141833372 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141833372 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141833372 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141833372 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141833372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141833372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141833510 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141833510 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141833510 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141833510 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833510 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141833510 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833510 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141833510 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141833510 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141833510 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833511 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833511 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833511 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833511 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833511 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833511 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833511 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833511 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833511 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833511 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833511 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833522 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141833522 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141833522 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141833522 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833522 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141833522 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833522 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141833522 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141833522 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141833522 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833523 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833523 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833523 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833523 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833523 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833523 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833523 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833523 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833523 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833523 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833543 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141833543 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141833543 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141833543 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833543 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141833543 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833543 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141833543 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141833543 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141833543 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833544 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833544 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833544 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833544 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833544 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833544 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833544 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833544 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141833555 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141833555 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141833555 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141833555 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833555 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141833555 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141833555 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141833555 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141833555 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141833555 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141833557 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141833557 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141833557 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141833557 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141833557 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141833557 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141833557 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141833557 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141833557 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141833557 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834312 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834312 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834312 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834312 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834312 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141834312 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141834312 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141834312 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141834312 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141834312 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141834312 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141834312 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141834313 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834313 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834313 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834313 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834313 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834313 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141834313 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141834313 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834323 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834323 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834323 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834323 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834323 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141834323 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141834323 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141834323 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141834323 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141834323 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141834323 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141834323 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141834324 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834324 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834324 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834324 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834324 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834324 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834324 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834324 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834324 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141834324 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141834324 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834344 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834344 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834344 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834344 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834344 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141834344 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141834344 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141834344 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141834344 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141834344 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141834344 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141834344 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141834345 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834345 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834345 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834345 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834345 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834345 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834345 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834345 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834345 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141834345 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141834345 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834357 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834357 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834357 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834357 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834357 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141834357 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141834357 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141834357 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141834357 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141834357 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141834357 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141834357 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141834358 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141834358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141834358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141834358 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141834358 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141834358 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141834358 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141834358 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141834358 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141834358 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141834358 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141835378 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 683561540 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835378 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 683561540 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835381 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 280637468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835381 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 280637468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835384 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 642038266 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835384 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 642038266 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835386 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 323982465 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835386 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 323982465 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835387 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 962561832 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835387 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 962561832 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835390 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 822249611 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835390 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 822249611 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835392 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 893745163 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835392 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 893745163 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835395 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 441372035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835395 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 441372035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835397 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 773142953 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835397 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 773142953 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835399 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 12012912 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835399 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 12012912 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835402 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 837349317 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835402 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 837349317 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835408 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 57296132 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835408 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 57296132 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835411 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 746438838 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835411 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 746438838 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835415 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 48730270 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835415 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 48730270 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835418 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 53761044 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835419 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 53761044 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835422 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 550697703 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835422 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 550697703 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835425 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 915199314 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835425 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 915199314 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835428 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 749975926 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835428 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 749975926 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835431 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 339784116 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835431 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 339784116 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835435 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 529133949 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141835435 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 529133949 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141835473 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141836517 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141836517 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141836517 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141836517 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141836517 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xbee5b5, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141836517 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141836517 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141836517 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12510645 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141836517 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141836517 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141836517 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12510645 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42000023: TMSI-0x42000023 NRI(10bit)=0x0=0: this is a NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1055) 20250219141836517 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12510645 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42000023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141836517 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141836517 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141836517 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12510645 <-> SCCP-61 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141836517 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12510645 SCCP-61 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42000023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141836517 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141836517 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141836517 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141836517 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141836517 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141836517 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141836517 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141836517 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141836518 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442000023004f40030002600056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141836518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141836518 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141836518 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141836518 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141836518 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141836518 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141836518 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141836518 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141836533 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141836533 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141836533 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141836533 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141836533 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141836533 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141836533 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 61 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141836533 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141836533 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141836533 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141836533 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141836533 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=61, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141836533 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141836533 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141836534 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 193122942 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836534 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 193122942 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836537 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 655138623 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836537 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 655138623 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836541 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 446320782 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836541 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 446320782 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836546 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 708829905 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836546 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 708829905 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836549 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 797486376 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836549 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 797486376 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836553 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 632898180 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836553 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 632898180 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836556 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 761747145 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836556 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 761747145 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836558 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 8722938 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836558 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 8722938 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836560 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 741412694 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836560 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 741412694 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836563 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 260435525 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836563 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 260435525 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836565 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 200742429 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836565 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 200742429 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836567 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 57290021 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836567 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 57290021 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836569 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 305613747 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836569 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 305613747 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836571 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 266258088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836571 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 266258088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836574 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 425077748 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836574 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 425077748 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836576 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 803782476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836576 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 803782476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836579 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 7988516 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836579 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 7988516 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836581 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 481151101 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836581 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 481151101 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836583 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 487219713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836583 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 487219713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836585 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 861911132 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141836585 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 861911132 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141836612 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141837621 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141837621 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141837621 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141837621 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141837621 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xa2416e, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141837621 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141837621 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141837621 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10633582 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141837621 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141837621 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141837621 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10633582 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42000023: TMSI-0x42000023 NRI(10bit)=0x0=0: this is a NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1055) 20250219141837621 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10633582 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42000023: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141837621 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141837621 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141837621 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-10633582 <-> SCCP-62 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141837621 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10633582 SCCP-62 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42000023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141837621 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141837621 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141837621 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141837621 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141837621 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141837621 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141837621 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141837622 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141837622 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442000023004f40030001870056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141837622 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141837622 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141837622 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141837622 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141837622 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141837622 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141837622 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141837622 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141837627 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141837627 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141837627 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141837627 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141837627 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141837627 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141837627 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 62 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141837627 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141837627 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141837627 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141837627 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141837627 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=62, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141837627 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141837627 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141837627 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 340181999 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837627 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 340181999 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837628 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 594053865 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837628 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 594053865 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837629 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 763683899 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837629 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 763683899 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837630 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 265066373 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837630 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 265066373 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837631 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 631332643 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837631 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 631332643 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837632 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 929699388 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837632 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 929699388 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837632 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 570140361 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837632 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 570140361 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837633 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 647393107 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837633 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 647393107 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837634 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 218416926 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837634 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 218416926 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837635 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 16517484 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837635 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 16517484 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837636 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 546371541 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837636 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 546371541 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837637 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 707764613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837637 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 707764613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837638 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 427737109 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837638 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 427737109 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837638 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 466268096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837638 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 466268096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837639 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 794038349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837639 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 794038349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837640 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 676872876 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837640 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 676872876 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837641 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 12484439 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837641 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 12484439 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837642 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 80413925 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837642 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 80413925 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837643 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 166094078 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837643 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 166094078 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837643 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 951517507 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141837643 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 951517507 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141837655 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141838677 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141838677 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141838677 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141838677 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141838677 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x7e2c90, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141838677 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141838677 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141838677 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8268944 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141838677 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141838677 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141838677 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8268944 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42000023: TMSI-0x42000023 NRI(10bit)=0x0=0: this is a NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1055) 20250219141838677 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8268944 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42000023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141838677 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141838677 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141838677 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-8268944 <-> SCCP-63 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141838677 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8268944 SCCP-63 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42000023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141838677 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141838677 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141838677 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141838677 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141838677 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141838677 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141838677 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141838677 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141838677 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442000023004f40030002160056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141838677 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141838678 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141838678 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141838678 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141838678 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141838678 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141838678 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141838678 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141838678 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141838683 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141838683 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141838683 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141838683 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141838683 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141838683 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00baea33) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141838683 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 63 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141838683 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141838683 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141838683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141838683 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141838683 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=63, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141838683 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141838683 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141838684 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 393752042 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838684 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 393752042 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838687 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 5613726 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838687 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 5613726 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838691 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 886559205 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838691 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 886559205 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838695 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 835528053 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838695 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 835528053 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838699 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 665942437 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838699 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 665942437 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838703 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 184199976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838703 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 184199976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838706 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 950895548 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838706 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 950895548 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838710 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 221386267 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838710 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 221386267 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838713 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 461294534 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838713 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 461294534 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838717 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 136661396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838717 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 136661396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838720 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 809712354 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838720 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 809712354 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838723 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 558847128 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838723 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 558847128 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838725 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 721687690 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838726 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 721687690 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838728 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 559456913 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838728 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 559456913 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838731 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 327533896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838731 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 327533896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838733 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 650786335 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838733 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 650786335 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838735 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 237185049 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838735 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 237185049 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838736 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 763310946 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838736 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 763310946 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838738 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 642803289 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838738 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 642803289 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838739 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 820903625 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141838739 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 820903625 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141838746 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141838747 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141838749 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141838750 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141838750 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141838750 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141838750 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141838750 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141838753 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141838753 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141838753 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141838753 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141838753 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141838753 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141838753 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141838753 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141838753 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141838754 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141838754 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141838754 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141838754 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141838754 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141838754 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141838754 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141838754 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141838754 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141838754 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141838754 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141838754 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141838754 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141838754 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141838754 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141838754 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141838754 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141838754 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141838754 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10633582)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141838755 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141838755 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141838755 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-62)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141838755 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10633582 SCCP-62 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42000023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141838755 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141838755 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141838755 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141838755 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141838755 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141838755 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141838755 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141838755 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141838755 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141838755 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141838755 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141838755 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141838755 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141838755 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141838755 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141838756 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141838756 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141838756 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141838756 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141838756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141838756 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141838756 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141838756 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141838756 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141838757 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141838757 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141838757 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141838757 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12510645)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141838758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141838758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141838758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-61)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141838759 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12510645 SCCP-61 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42000023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141838759 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141838759 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141838759 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141838760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141838760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141838760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141838760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141838760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141838760 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141838760 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141838760 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141838760 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141838760 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141838760 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141838760 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141838760 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141838760 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-8268944)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141838760 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141838760 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141838760 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-63)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141838760 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8268944 SCCP-63 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42000023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141838760 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141838760 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141838761 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141838761 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141838761 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141838762 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141838762 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141838762 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141838762 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141838763 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141838928 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141839381 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141839381 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141839381 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141839381 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141839381 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141839381 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141839390 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141839391 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141839391 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141839391 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141839391 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141839391 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141839397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141839397 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141839397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141839397 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141839397 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141839397 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141839531 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141840235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141840235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141840235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141840235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141840236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141840236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141840237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141840237 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141840237 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141840237 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141840237 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141840237 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842639 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141842644 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141842647 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141842721 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141842721 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141842730 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842730 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842730 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842730 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842730 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842730 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842730 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842730 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842730 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141842730 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842731 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842731 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842731 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842731 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842731 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842731 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842731 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842731 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842731 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842732 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842732 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842732 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842732 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842732 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842732 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842732 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842758 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842758 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842758 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141842758 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842758 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842758 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141842759 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842759 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842759 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141842759 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842760 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842760 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842760 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842760 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842760 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842760 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842760 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842760 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842760 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141842798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141842798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141842798 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141842798 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141842798 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141842798 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141842798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141842798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141842804 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141842804 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141842804 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141842804 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141842804 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141842804 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141842804 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141842804 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141842804 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141842959 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141842959 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141842959 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141842959 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842959 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141842959 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842959 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141842959 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141842959 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141842959 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842960 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842960 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842960 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842961 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842961 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842961 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842961 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842961 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842961 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842961 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842961 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842963 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141842963 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141842963 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141842963 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842963 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141842963 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842963 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141842963 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141842963 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141842963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842965 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842965 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842965 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842965 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842965 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842965 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842965 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842965 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842965 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842965 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842965 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842980 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141842981 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141842981 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141842981 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842981 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141842981 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842981 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141842981 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141842984 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141842984 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141842984 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141842984 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842984 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141842984 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842985 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141842985 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141842985 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141842985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842986 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842986 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842986 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842986 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842986 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842986 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842986 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842986 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141842990 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141842990 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141842991 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141842991 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842991 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141842991 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842991 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141842991 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141842994 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141842994 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141842994 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141842994 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842994 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141842994 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141842994 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141842994 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141842994 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141842994 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141842995 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141842995 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141842995 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141842995 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141842995 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842995 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141842996 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141842996 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141842996 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141842996 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141842996 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843761 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843761 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843761 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843761 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843761 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141843761 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141843761 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141843761 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141843761 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141843761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141843762 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141843762 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141843762 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843763 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843763 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843763 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843763 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843763 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843763 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843763 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843763 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141843763 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141843763 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843765 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843765 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843765 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843765 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141843765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141843765 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141843765 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141843765 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141843765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141843765 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843765 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843765 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843765 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843765 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843765 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843765 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843765 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141843765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141843765 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843782 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843782 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843782 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843782 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843782 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141843782 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141843782 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141843782 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141843782 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141843782 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141843782 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141843782 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141843784 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843784 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843784 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843784 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843784 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843784 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843784 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843784 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843784 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141843784 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141843784 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843789 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843789 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843789 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843789 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843789 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141843789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141843789 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141843789 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141843789 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141843789 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141843789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141843789 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141843790 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141843790 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141843790 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141843790 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141843790 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141843790 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141843790 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141843790 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141843790 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141843790 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141843790 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141844818 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 713322256 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844818 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 713322256 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844824 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 338589732 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844824 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 338589732 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844827 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 99753228 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844827 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 99753228 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844831 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 350623574 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844831 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 350623574 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844835 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 985908824 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844835 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 985908824 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844838 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 439280538 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844838 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 439280538 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844840 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 520184676 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844840 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 520184676 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844842 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 336439700 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844842 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 336439700 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844844 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 59290488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844844 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 59290488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844846 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 142145588 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844846 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 142145588 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844848 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 717590013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844848 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 717590013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844849 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 231595253 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844849 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 231595253 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844851 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 461331295 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844851 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 461331295 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844852 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 656870697 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844852 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 656870697 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844853 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 288095247 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844853 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 288095247 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844854 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 132445605 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844854 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 132445605 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844855 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 289954497 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844855 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 289954497 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844856 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 706458986 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844856 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 706458986 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844857 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 124336071 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844857 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 124336071 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844858 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 111672297 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141844858 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 111672297 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141844869 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141845899 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141845899 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141845899 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141845899 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141845899 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xacfbc, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141845899 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141845899 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141845899 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-708540 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141845899 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141845899 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141845899 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-708540 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: TMSI-0x42004023 NRI(10bit)=0x1=1: this is a NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1055) 20250219141845899 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-708540 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: TMSI-0x42004023 NRI(10bit)=0x1=1: NRI matches msc 0, but this NRI is also configured as NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1075) 20250219141845899 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-708540 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141845899 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141845899 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141845899 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-708540 <-> SCCP-64 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141845899 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-708540 SCCP-64 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42004023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141845899 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141845899 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141845899 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141845899 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141845899 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141845899 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141845899 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141845899 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141845899 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442004023004f400300015b0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141845899 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141845899 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141845899 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141845899 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141845899 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141845900 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141845900 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141845900 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141845906 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141845906 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141845906 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141845906 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141845906 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141845906 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=001d6675) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141845906 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 64 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141845906 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141845906 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141845906 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141845906 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141845906 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=64, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141845906 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141845906 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141845906 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 861021513 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845906 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 861021513 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845907 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 185132566 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845907 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 185132566 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845908 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 198068976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845908 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 198068976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845909 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 945003271 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845909 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 945003271 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845910 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 579403483 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845910 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 579403483 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845911 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 289320084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845911 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 289320084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845912 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 81871319 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845912 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 81871319 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845913 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 557007698 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845913 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 557007698 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845914 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 919295759 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845914 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 919295759 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845916 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 888086998 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845916 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 888086998 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845917 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 177158134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845917 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 177158134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845919 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 158496248 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845919 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 158496248 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845920 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 435780865 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845920 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 435780865 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845921 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 286546541 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845921 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 286546541 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845922 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 205935695 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845922 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 205935695 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845923 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 245000575 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845923 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 245000575 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845924 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 459439587 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845924 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 459439587 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845925 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 840037539 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845925 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 840037539 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845926 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 154983577 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845926 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 154983577 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845927 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 471733013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141845927 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 471733013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141845952 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141846983 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141846983 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141846983 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141846983 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141846983 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x6af230, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141846983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141846983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141846983 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7008816 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141846983 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141846983 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141846983 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7008816 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: TMSI-0x42004023 NRI(10bit)=0x1=1: this is a NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1055) 20250219141846983 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7008816 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: TMSI-0x42004023 NRI(10bit)=0x1=1: NRI matches msc 0, but this NRI is also configured as NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1075) 20250219141846983 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7008816 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141846983 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141846983 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141846983 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-7008816 <-> SCCP-65 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141846983 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7008816 SCCP-65 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42004023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141846983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141846983 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141846983 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141846983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141846983 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141846983 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141846983 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141846983 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141846983 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442004023004f40030001790056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141846983 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141846983 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141846983 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141846983 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141846983 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141846983 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141846983 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141846983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141847005 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141847005 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141847005 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141847005 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141847005 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141847005 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b59380) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141847005 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 65 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141847005 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141847005 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141847005 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141847005 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141847005 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=65, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141847005 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141847005 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141847006 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 529940395 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847006 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 529940395 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847011 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 984864393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847011 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 984864393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847015 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 169971016 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847015 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 169971016 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847018 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 526211425 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847018 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 526211425 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847022 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 641867931 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847022 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 641867931 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847026 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 294783436 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847026 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 294783436 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847029 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 661211085 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847029 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 661211085 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847033 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 15263345 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847033 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 15263345 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847035 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 218328551 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847035 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 218328551 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847038 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 736953843 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847038 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 736953843 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847040 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 8781900 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847040 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 8781900 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847042 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 80458863 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847042 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 80458863 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847044 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 558869337 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847044 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 558869337 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847045 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 65130184 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847045 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 65130184 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847047 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 272254042 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847047 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 272254042 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847049 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 87237001 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847049 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 87237001 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847050 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 391922091 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847050 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 391922091 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847052 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 544994684 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847052 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 544994684 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847053 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 318924942 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847053 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 318924942 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847054 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 965962274 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141847054 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 965962274 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141847080 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141848107 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141848107 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141848107 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141848107 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141848107 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xb425c1, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141848107 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bfdb80]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141848107 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141848107 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11806145 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141848107 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141848107 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141848107 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11806145 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: TMSI-0x42004023 NRI(10bit)=0x1=1: this is a NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1055) 20250219141848107 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11806145 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: TMSI-0x42004023 NRI(10bit)=0x1=1: NRI matches msc 0, but this NRI is also configured as NULL-NRI (hnbgw_cn.c:1075) 20250219141848107 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11806145 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42004023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141848107 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141848107 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141848107 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-11806145 <-> SCCP-66 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141848107 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11806145 SCCP-66 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42004023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141848107 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141848107 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141848107 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141848107 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141848107 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141848107 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141848107 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141848107 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141848107 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442004023004f40030003660056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141848107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141848107 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848107 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848107 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848107 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848107 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141848107 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141848107 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141848113 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141848113 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141848113 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141848113 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141848113 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141848113 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141848113 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 66 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141848113 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141848113 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141848113 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848113 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141848113 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=66, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141848113 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141848113 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141848115 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 65717502 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848115 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 65717502 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848118 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 108462612 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848118 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 108462612 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848121 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 869656609 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848121 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 869656609 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848125 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 256945967 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848125 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 256945967 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848129 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 704491810 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848129 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 704491810 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848133 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 114155798 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848133 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 114155798 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848137 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 103353089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848137 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 103353089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848141 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 877209282 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848141 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 877209282 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848145 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 7017713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848145 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 7017713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848148 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 142961590 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848148 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 142961590 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848152 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 650845025 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848152 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 650845025 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848155 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 596195708 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848155 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 596195708 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848158 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 670252680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848158 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 670252680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848160 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 435609709 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848160 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 435609709 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848163 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 835453583 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848163 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 835453583 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848165 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 857589240 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848165 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 857589240 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848166 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 228361814 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848166 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 228361814 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848168 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 189485828 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848168 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 189485828 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848169 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 102094088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848169 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 102094088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848171 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 150683485 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141848171 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 150683485 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141848176 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141848177 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141848179 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141848180 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141848180 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141848180 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141848180 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141848180 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141848182 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141848182 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141848183 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141848183 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848183 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141848183 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848183 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141848183 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141848183 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141848183 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141848183 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141848183 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141848183 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141848183 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141848183 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848183 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141848183 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848183 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141848183 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141848183 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141848183 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141848183 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141848183 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141848184 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141848184 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141848184 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848185 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141848185 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848185 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141848185 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141848185 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141848185 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141848185 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141848185 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141848185 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141848185 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141848185 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848185 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848185 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848185 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848185 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848186 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141848187 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141848187 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141848187 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141848187 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141848187 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141848187 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141848187 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141848187 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-708540)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141848187 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141848187 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141848188 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-64)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141848188 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-708540 SCCP-64 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42004023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141848188 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141848188 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141848188 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141848188 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848188 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848188 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848188 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848188 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848188 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141848188 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141848188 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141848188 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141848188 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141848188 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141848188 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141848188 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141848188 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11806145)[0x564010bfdb80]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141848188 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141848188 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141848188 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-66)[0x564010c08d60]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141848188 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11806145 SCCP-66 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42004023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141848188 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141848188 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141848189 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141848189 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848189 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141848189 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141848189 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141848189 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141848189 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141848189 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141848189 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141848189 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848189 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848189 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848189 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848189 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848189 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141848189 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141848189 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141848189 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141848189 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141848189 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141848189 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141848189 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7008816)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141848189 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-65)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141848189 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7008816 SCCP-65 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42004023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141848190 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141848190 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141848190 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141848190 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141848190 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141848190 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141848190 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141848190 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141848191 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141848191 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141848376 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141848755 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141848755 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848755 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848755 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848755 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848755 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141848756 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848756 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848756 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848756 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848757 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848761 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141848761 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141848761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141848761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141848761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141848761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141848979 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141849382 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141849382 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141849382 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141849382 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141849382 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141849382 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141849392 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141849392 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141849392 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141849392 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141849392 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141849392 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141849398 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141849398 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141849398 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141849398 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141849398 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141849398 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141850236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141850236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141850236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141850236 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141850237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141850237 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141850237 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141850237 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141850237 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141850237 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852062 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141852065 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141852068 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141852145 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141852145 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141852154 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852154 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852154 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852154 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852155 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852155 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852155 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852155 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852155 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141852155 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852156 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852156 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852156 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852156 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852156 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852156 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852156 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852156 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852157 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852157 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852157 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852157 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852157 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852157 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852157 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852184 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852184 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852185 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852185 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852185 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852185 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852185 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141852185 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852186 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852186 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852186 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852186 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852186 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852186 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852186 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852186 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852187 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852187 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852187 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852187 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852187 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852187 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852187 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852225 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141852225 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141852225 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141852225 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141852225 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141852225 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141852225 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141852225 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141852225 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141852229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141852229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141852229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141852229 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141852229 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141852229 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141852229 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141852229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141852229 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141852371 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141852371 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141852371 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141852371 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852371 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141852371 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852371 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141852371 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141852371 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141852371 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852372 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852372 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852372 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852372 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852372 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852372 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852372 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852372 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852372 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852372 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852384 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141852384 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141852384 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141852384 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852384 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141852384 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852384 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141852384 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141852384 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141852384 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852385 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852385 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852385 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852385 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852385 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852385 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852385 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852385 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852385 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852385 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852402 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141852402 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141852402 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141852402 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852402 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141852402 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852402 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141852402 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141852402 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141852402 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852404 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852404 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852404 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852404 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852404 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852404 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852404 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852404 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852404 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852404 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852404 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141852416 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141852416 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141852416 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141852416 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852416 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141852416 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141852416 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141852416 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141852416 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141852416 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141852417 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141852417 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141852417 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141852417 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141852417 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852417 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141852417 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141852417 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141852417 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141852417 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141852417 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853174 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853174 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141853174 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141853174 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141853174 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141853174 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141853174 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141853174 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853174 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853174 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853174 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853174 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141853174 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141853174 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853186 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853186 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853186 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853186 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853186 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141853186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141853186 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141853186 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141853186 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141853186 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141853187 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141853187 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141853187 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853187 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853187 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853187 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853187 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853187 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853187 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853187 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853187 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141853187 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141853187 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853205 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853205 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853205 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853205 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853205 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141853205 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141853205 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141853205 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141853205 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141853205 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141853205 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141853205 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141853206 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853206 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853206 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853206 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853206 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853206 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141853206 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141853206 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853217 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853217 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141853217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141853217 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141853217 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141853217 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141853217 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141853217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141853217 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141853218 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141853218 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141853218 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141853218 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141853218 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141853218 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141853218 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141853218 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141853218 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141853218 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141853218 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141854234 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 343415422 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854234 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 343415422 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854236 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 876069799 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854236 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 876069799 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854237 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 544674230 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854237 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 544674230 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854238 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 184428818 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854238 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 184428818 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854239 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 249345648 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854239 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 249345648 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854240 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 199668797 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854240 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 199668797 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854241 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 462620725 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854241 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 462620725 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854243 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 831168705 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854243 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 831168705 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854244 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 166964824 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854244 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 166964824 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854245 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 746505466 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854245 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 746505466 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854247 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 890643611 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854247 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 890643611 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854248 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 85248410 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854248 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 85248410 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854250 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 241067354 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854250 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 241067354 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854251 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 237467580 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854251 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 237467580 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854252 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 74873439 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854252 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 74873439 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854254 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 498251120 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854254 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 498251120 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854255 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 905010886 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854255 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 905010886 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854257 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 461693597 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854257 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 461693597 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854258 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 275035036 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854258 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 275035036 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854259 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 260704467 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141854259 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 260704467 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141854272 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141855314 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141855314 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141855314 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141855314 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141855314 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x96af0b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141855314 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141855314 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141855314 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9875211 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141855314 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141855314 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141855314 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9875211 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42FA0023: TMSI-0x42FA0023 NRI(10bit)=0x3e8=1000: No msc found for this NRI, doing round-robin (hnbgw_cn.c:1112) 20250219141855314 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9875211 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42FA0023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141855314 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141855314 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141855314 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-9875211 <-> SCCP-67 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141855314 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9875211 SCCP-67 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42FA0023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141855314 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141855314 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141855314 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141855314 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141855314 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141855314 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141855314 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141855314 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141855314 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442fa0023004f40030003d00056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141855314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141855314 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141855314 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141855314 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141855314 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141855314 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141855314 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141855314 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141855324 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141855324 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141855324 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141855324 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141855324 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141855324 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141855324 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 67 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141855324 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141855324 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141855324 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141855324 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141855324 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=67, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141855324 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141855324 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141855324 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 22478426 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855325 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 22478426 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855327 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 955766557 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855327 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 955766557 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855329 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 835837222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855329 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 835837222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855330 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 169581137 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855330 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 169581137 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855332 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 765680679 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855332 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 765680679 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855333 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 430593017 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855333 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 430593017 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855334 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 678609584 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855334 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 678609584 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855335 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 773827143 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855335 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 773827143 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855336 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 430967348 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855336 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 430967348 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855337 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 770083722 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855337 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 770083722 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855338 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 535173556 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855338 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 535173556 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855339 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 728404505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855339 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 728404505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855340 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 618039166 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855340 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 618039166 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855341 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 352651861 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855341 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 352651861 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855343 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 384650470 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855343 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 384650470 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855344 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 180442641 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855344 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 180442641 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855345 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 496760526 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855345 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 496760526 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855345 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 784206118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855345 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 784206118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855346 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 605273333 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855346 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 605273333 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855347 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 378141088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141855347 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 378141088 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141855359 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141856383 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141856383 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141856383 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141856383 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141856383 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x504622, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141856383 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141856383 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141856383 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5260834 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141856383 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141856383 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141856383 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141856383 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5260834 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42C00023: TMSI-0x42C00023 NRI(10bit)=0x300=768: No msc found for this NRI, doing round-robin (hnbgw_cn.c:1112) 20250219141856383 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5260834 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42C00023: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141856383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141856383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141856383 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5260834 <-> SCCP-68 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141856383 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5260834 SCCP-68 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42C00023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141856383 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141856383 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141856383 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141856383 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141856383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141856383 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141856383 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141856383 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141856383 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0524010350590205f442c00023004f40030003960056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141856383 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141856383 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141856383 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141856383 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141856383 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141856383 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141856383 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141856383 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141856394 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141856394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141856394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141856394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141856394 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141856394 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141856394 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 68 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141856394 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141856394 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141856394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141856394 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141856394 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=68, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141856394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141856394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141856395 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 143977650 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856395 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 143977650 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856396 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 97290374 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856396 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 97290374 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856398 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 664873576 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856398 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 664873576 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856399 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 263709610 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856399 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 263709610 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856400 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 121485021 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856400 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 121485021 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856401 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 130445610 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856401 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 130445610 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856402 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 699738739 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856402 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 699738739 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856403 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 758772785 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856403 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 758772785 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856404 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 727553996 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856404 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 727553996 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856405 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 687350349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856405 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 687350349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856406 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 378041758 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856406 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 378041758 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856408 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 307267315 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856408 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 307267315 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856409 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 914992326 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856409 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 914992326 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856410 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 206769035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856410 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 206769035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856411 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 326073918 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856411 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 326073918 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856412 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 564440399 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856412 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 564440399 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856413 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 796970978 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856413 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 796970978 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856414 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 382021564 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856414 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 382021564 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856415 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 127336777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856415 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 127336777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856417 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 864779038 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141856417 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 864779038 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141856429 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141857453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141857453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141857453 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141857453 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141857453 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xdbb7ea, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141857453 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141857453 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141857453 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14399466 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141857453 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141857453 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141857453 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14399466 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42CCC023: TMSI-0x42CCC023 NRI(10bit)=0x333=819: No msc found for this NRI, doing round-robin (hnbgw_cn.c:1112) 20250219141857453 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14399466 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42CCC023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141857453 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c096b0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141857453 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141857453 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14399466 <-> SCCP-69 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141857453 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14399466 SCCP-69 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42CCC023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141857453 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141857453 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141857453 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141857453 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141857453 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141857453 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141857453 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141857453 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141857453 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0627000350590205f442ccc023004f40030002f70056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141857453 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141857453 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141857453 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141857453 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141857453 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141857453 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141857453 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141857453 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141857458 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141857458 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141857458 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141857458 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141857458 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141857458 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00154d33) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141857458 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 69 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141857458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141857458 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141857458 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857458 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141857458 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=69, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141857458 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141857458 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141857460 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 106735057 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857460 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 106735057 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857461 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 446760869 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857461 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 446760869 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857463 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 304750202 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857463 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 304750202 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857465 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 820365752 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857465 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 820365752 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857467 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 678568645 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857467 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 678568645 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857468 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 65847191 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857468 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 65847191 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857470 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 292416505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857470 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 292416505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857473 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 197827418 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857473 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 197827418 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857475 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 944918223 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857475 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 944918223 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857477 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 150989696 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857477 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 150989696 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857479 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 942394239 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857479 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 942394239 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857481 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 391402388 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857481 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 391402388 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857482 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 504741908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857482 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 504741908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857484 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 241120254 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857484 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 241120254 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857485 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 1249786 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857485 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 1249786 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857486 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 857550864 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857486 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 857550864 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857487 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 247414076 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857487 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 247414076 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857488 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 866480505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857488 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 866480505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857489 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 422806189 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857489 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 422806189 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857490 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 729567538 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141857490 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 729567538 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141857493 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141857493 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141857496 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141857496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141857496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141857496 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141857496 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141857496 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141857500 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141857500 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141857500 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141857500 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857500 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141857500 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857500 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141857500 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141857500 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141857500 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141857500 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141857500 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141857500 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141857500 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141857500 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141857500 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141857500 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141857500 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141857500 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141857501 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141857501 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141857501 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141857501 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141857501 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141857501 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141857501 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141857501 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141857501 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5260834)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141857501 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141857501 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141857501 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-68)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141857501 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5260834 SCCP-68 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42C00023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141857501 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141857501 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141857502 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141857502 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857502 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141857502 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857502 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141857502 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141857502 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141857502 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141857502 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141857502 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141857502 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141857502 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141857502 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857502 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141857502 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857502 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141857502 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141857502 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141857502 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141857502 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141857503 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141857503 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141857503 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141857503 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141857503 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141857503 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141857503 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141857503 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141857504 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141857504 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141857504 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141857504 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141857504 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141857505 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141857505 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141857505 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141857505 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-9875211)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141857505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141857505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141857505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-67)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141857505 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-9875211 SCCP-67 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42FA0023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141857505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141857506 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141857506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141857506 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141857506 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141857506 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141857507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141857507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141857507 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141857507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141857507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141857507 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141857507 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141857507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141857507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141857507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141857507 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14399466)[0x564010c149a0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141857507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141857507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141857507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-69)[0x564010c096b0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141857507 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14399466 SCCP-69 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42CCC023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141857508 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141857508 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141857508 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141857508 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857509 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141857509 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141857509 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141857509 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141857509 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141857510 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141857510 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141857510 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141857510 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141857510 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141857511 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141857511 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141857511 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141857512 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141857519 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141857522 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141857527 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141857713 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141858187 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141858187 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141858187 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141858187 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141858187 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141858187 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141858189 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141858189 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141858189 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141858189 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141858189 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141858189 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141858190 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141858190 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141858190 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141858190 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141858190 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141858190 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141858315 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141858756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141858756 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141858756 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141858756 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141858756 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141858756 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141858757 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141858757 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141858757 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141858757 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141858757 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141858758 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141858762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141858762 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141858762 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141858762 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141858762 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141858762 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141859383 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141859383 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141859383 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141859383 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141859383 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141859383 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141859392 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141859392 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141859392 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141859392 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141859392 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141859392 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141859399 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141859399 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141859399 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141859399 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141859400 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141859400 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141900237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141900237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141900237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141900237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141900237 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141900238 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141900238 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141900238 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901395 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141901400 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141901405 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141901485 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141901485 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141901495 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901495 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901495 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901495 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901495 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901495 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901495 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141901495 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141901495 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901495 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901497 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901497 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901497 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901497 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901497 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901497 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901497 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901497 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901497 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901497 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901527 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901527 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901527 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901527 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901527 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901527 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901527 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141901527 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901529 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901529 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901529 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901529 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901529 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901529 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901529 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901529 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901529 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901529 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901569 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141901569 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141901569 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141901569 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141901569 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141901569 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141901569 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141901569 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141901569 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141901573 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141901573 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141901573 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141901573 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141901573 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141901573 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141901573 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141901573 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141901573 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141901729 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141901729 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141901729 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141901729 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901729 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141901729 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901729 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141901729 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141901729 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141901729 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901730 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901730 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901730 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901730 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901730 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901730 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901730 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901731 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901731 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901731 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901731 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901735 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141901735 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141901735 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141901735 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901735 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141901735 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901735 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141901735 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141901735 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141901735 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901736 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901736 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901736 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901736 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901736 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901736 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901736 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901736 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901736 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901736 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901737 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901737 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901737 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901737 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901737 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901737 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901755 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141901755 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141901755 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141901755 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901755 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141901755 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901755 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141901755 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141901755 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141901755 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901756 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901756 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901756 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901757 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901757 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901757 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901757 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901757 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901757 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901757 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901757 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141901763 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141901763 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141901763 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141901763 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901763 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141901763 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141901764 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141901764 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141901764 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141901764 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141901765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141901765 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141901765 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141901765 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141901765 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901765 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141901765 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141901765 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141901765 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141901765 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141901765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141902530 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902530 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902530 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902530 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902530 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902530 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902530 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902530 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141902530 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141902530 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141902530 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141902530 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141902530 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902530 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902531 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902531 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902531 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141902531 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141902531 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141902531 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141902531 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141902531 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141902532 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902532 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902532 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902532 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902532 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902532 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902532 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902532 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902532 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141902532 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141902532 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902535 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902535 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902535 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902535 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902535 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141902535 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141902535 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141902535 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141902535 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141902535 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141902536 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141902536 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141902538 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902538 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902538 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902538 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902538 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902538 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902538 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902539 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902539 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902539 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141902539 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141902539 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902557 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902557 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902557 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902557 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902557 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141902557 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141902557 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141902557 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141902557 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141902557 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141902557 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902557 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902557 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902557 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902557 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902557 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902558 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902558 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902558 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141902558 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141902558 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902564 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902564 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902564 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902564 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902564 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141902564 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141902564 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141902564 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141902564 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141902564 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141902564 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141902564 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141902565 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141902565 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141902565 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141902565 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141902565 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141902565 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141902565 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141902565 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141902565 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141902565 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141902565 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141903582 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 120924080 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903582 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 120924080 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903587 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 70619381 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903588 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 70619381 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903591 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 115774349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903591 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 115774349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903593 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 228101008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903594 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 228101008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903596 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 863917914 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903597 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 863917914 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903599 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 591117343 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903599 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 591117343 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903602 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 801578127 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903602 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 801578127 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903606 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 672097614 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903606 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 672097614 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903609 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 623294977 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903609 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 623294977 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903612 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 15150082 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903612 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 15150082 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903615 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 845280089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903615 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 845280089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903619 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 30666388 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903619 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 30666388 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903624 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 603700549 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903624 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 603700549 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903630 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 833552191 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903630 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 833552191 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903636 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 557329748 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903636 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 557329748 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903640 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 71142209 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903640 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 71142209 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903644 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 677805401 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903644 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 677805401 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903647 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 206876708 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903647 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 206876708 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903650 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 961769630 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903650 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 961769630 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903653 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 569852473 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141903653 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 569852473 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141903686 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141904723 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141904723 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141904723 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141904723 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141904723 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x32addf, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141904723 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c115e0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141904723 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141904723 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321311 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141904723 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141904723 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141904723 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321311 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42800023: TMSI-0x42800023 NRI(10bit)=0x200=512: NRI matches msc 2, but this msc is currently not connected (hnbgw_cn.c:1065) 20250219141904723 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321311 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42800023: TMSI-0x42800023 NRI(10bit)=0x200=512: No msc found for this NRI, doing round-robin (hnbgw_cn.c:1112) 20250219141904723 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321311 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42800023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141904724 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141904724 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141904724 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3321311 <-> SCCP-70 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141904724 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321311 SCCP-70 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42800023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141904724 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141904724 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141904724 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141904724 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141904724 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141904724 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141904724 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141904724 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141904724 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442800023004f40030003390056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141904724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141904724 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141904724 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141904724 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141904724 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141904724 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141904724 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141904724 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141904738 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141904738 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141904738 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141904738 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141904738 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141904738 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141904738 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 70 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141904738 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141904738 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141904738 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141904738 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141904738 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=70, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141904738 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141904738 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141904739 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 180045887 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904739 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 180045887 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904741 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 743991222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904741 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 743991222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904743 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 112307555 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904743 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 112307555 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904745 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 291509306 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904745 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 291509306 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904748 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 555153866 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904748 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 555153866 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904750 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 837703470 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904750 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 837703470 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904752 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 461901205 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904752 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 461901205 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904754 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 965190484 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904754 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 965190484 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904756 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 187039362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904756 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 187039362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904757 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 399156206 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904757 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 399156206 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904759 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 704512900 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904759 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 704512900 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904763 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 10811146 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904763 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 10811146 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904766 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 901247942 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904766 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 901247942 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904771 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 212669878 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904771 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 212669878 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904773 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 655063894 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904773 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 655063894 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904774 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 649864413 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904774 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 649864413 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904776 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 862425178 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904776 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 862425178 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904778 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 544106781 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904778 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 544106781 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904782 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 756131702 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904782 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 756131702 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904784 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 925443084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141904784 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 925443084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141904804 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141905817 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141905817 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141905817 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141905817 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141905817 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xbef564, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141905817 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141905817 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141905817 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12514660 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141905817 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141905817 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141905817 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141905817 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12514660 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42BFC023: TMSI-0x42BFC023 NRI(10bit)=0x2ff=767: NRI matches msc 2, but this msc is currently not connected (hnbgw_cn.c:1065) 20250219141905817 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12514660 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42BFC023: TMSI-0x42BFC023 NRI(10bit)=0x2ff=767: No msc found for this NRI, doing round-robin (hnbgw_cn.c:1112) 20250219141905817 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12514660 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42BFC023: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141905817 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141905817 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141905817 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12514660 <-> SCCP-71 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141905817 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12514660 SCCP-71 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42BFC023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141905817 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141905817 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141905817 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141905817 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141905817 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141905817 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141905817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141905817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141905817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0524010350590205f442bfc023004f400300007a0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141905817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141905817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141905817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141905817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141905817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141905817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141905817 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141905817 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141905825 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141905825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141905825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141905825 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141905825 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141905825 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141905825 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 71 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141905825 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141905825 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141905825 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141905825 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141905825 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=71, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141905825 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141905825 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141905826 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 230147760 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905826 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 230147760 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905827 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 713837680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905827 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 713837680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905829 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 607062788 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905829 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 607062788 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905830 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 343215893 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905830 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 343215893 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905831 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 186307462 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905831 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 186307462 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905833 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 848678635 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905833 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 848678635 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905835 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 252494581 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905835 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 252494581 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905837 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 693838862 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905837 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 693838862 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905839 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 313851013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905839 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 313851013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905840 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 925689822 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905840 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 925689822 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905842 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 60626118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905842 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 60626118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905843 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 503282339 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905843 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 503282339 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905844 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 966610696 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905844 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 966610696 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905846 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 546842470 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905846 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 546842470 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905847 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 76574668 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905847 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 76574668 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905848 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 116633718 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905848 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 116633718 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905849 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 137713204 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905849 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 137713204 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905849 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 907058157 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905849 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 907058157 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905850 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 677237667 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905850 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 677237667 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905851 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 132061500 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141905851 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 132061500 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141905864 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141906889 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141906889 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141906889 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141906889 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141906889 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe1c135, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141906889 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141906889 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141906889 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14795061 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141906889 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141906889 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141906889 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14795061 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42BB8023: TMSI-0x42BB8023 NRI(10bit)=0x2ee=750: NRI matches msc 2, but this msc is currently not connected (hnbgw_cn.c:1065) 20250219141906889 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14795061 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42BB8023: TMSI-0x42BB8023 NRI(10bit)=0x2ee=750: No msc found for this NRI, doing round-robin (hnbgw_cn.c:1112) 20250219141906889 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14795061 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42BB8023: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141906889 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141906889 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141906890 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14795061 <-> SCCP-72 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141906890 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14795061 SCCP-72 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42BB8023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141906890 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141906890 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141906890 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141906890 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141906890 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141906890 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141906890 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141906890 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141906890 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0627000350590205f442bb8023004f40030001e10056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141906890 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141906890 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141906890 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141906890 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141906890 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141906890 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141906890 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141906890 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141906899 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141906899 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141906899 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141906899 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141906899 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141906899 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141906899 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 72 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141906899 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141906899 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141906899 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906899 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141906899 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=72, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141906899 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141906899 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141906903 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 342453919 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906903 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 342453919 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906906 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 30195073 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906906 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 30195073 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906909 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 776769276 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906909 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 776769276 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906913 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 284391728 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906913 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 284391728 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906917 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 34830102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906917 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 34830102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906920 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 417505217 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906920 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 417505217 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906923 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 13610175 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906924 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 13610175 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906926 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 851535049 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906926 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 851535049 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906929 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 20016635 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906929 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 20016635 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906931 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 312720113 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906931 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 312720113 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906933 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 274125384 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906933 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 274125384 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906936 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 184240908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906936 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 184240908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906937 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 210166672 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906937 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 210166672 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906939 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 836769880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906939 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 836769880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 3 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906940 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 705107236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906940 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 705107236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906942 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 818233251 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906942 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 818233251 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906944 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 52718593 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906944 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 52718593 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906946 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 466737129 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906946 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 466737129 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906948 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 980036710 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906948 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 980036710 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906950 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 580023807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141906950 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 580023807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141906960 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141906960 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141906964 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141906964 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141906964 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141906965 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141906965 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141906965 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141906969 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141906970 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141906970 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141906970 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906970 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141906970 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906970 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141906970 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141906970 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141906970 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141906970 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141906973 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141906973 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141906973 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141906974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906974 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141906974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906974 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141906975 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141906975 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141906975 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141906975 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141906975 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141906976 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141906976 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141906976 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141906976 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141906977 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141906977 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141906977 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141906978 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141906979 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141906980 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141906981 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141906982 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141906983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141906983 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141906984 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141906984 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12514660)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141906984 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141906985 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141906985 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-71)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141906985 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12514660 SCCP-71 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42BFC023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141906985 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141906986 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141906986 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141906986 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906987 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141906987 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906987 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141906987 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141906988 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141906988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141906988 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141906989 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141906989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141906989 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141906990 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906990 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141906991 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141906991 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141906992 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141906993 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141906993 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141906994 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141906994 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141906995 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141906995 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141906995 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141906995 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141906995 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141906996 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141906996 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141906997 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141906997 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141906997 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141906998 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141906998 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141906998 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141906998 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141906998 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141906998 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321311)[0x564010c115e0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141906999 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141907000 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141907000 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-70)[0x564010c08d60]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141907001 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321311 SCCP-70 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42800023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141907001 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141907001 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141907002 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141907002 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141907003 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141907003 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141907004 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141907004 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141907004 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141907005 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141907005 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141907006 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141907006 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141907006 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141907007 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141907007 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141907008 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-14795061)[0x564010c149a0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141907008 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141907008 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141907009 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-72)[0x564010c1ebc0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141907009 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14795061 SCCP-72 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42BB8023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141907011 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141907012 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141907012 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141907012 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141907013 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141907013 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141907014 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141907014 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141907014 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141907014 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141907179 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141907501 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141907501 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141907501 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141907501 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141907501 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141907501 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141907505 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141907505 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141907505 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141907505 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141907505 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141907505 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141907507 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141907507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141907507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141907507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141907507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141907508 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141907881 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141908189 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141908189 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141908189 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141908191 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141908191 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141908191 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141908191 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141908191 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141908191 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141908757 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141908757 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141908757 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141908757 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141908757 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141908757 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141908759 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141908759 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141908759 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141908759 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141908759 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141908759 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141908763 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141908763 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141908763 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141908763 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141908763 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141908763 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141909384 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141909384 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141909384 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141909384 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141909384 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141909384 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141909393 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141909393 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141909393 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141909393 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141909393 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141909393 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141909400 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141909400 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141909400 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141909400 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141909400 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141909400 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141910238 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141910238 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141910238 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141910238 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141910238 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141910937 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141910940 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141910945 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141911080 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141911080 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141911093 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911093 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911093 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911093 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911093 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911093 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911094 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911094 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911094 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141911094 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141911094 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911094 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911094 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911094 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911094 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911094 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911094 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911094 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911094 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911094 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911094 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911095 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911095 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911095 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911095 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911095 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911095 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911095 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911095 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911095 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911095 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911096 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911096 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911096 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911096 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911096 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911096 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911096 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911096 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911096 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911096 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911096 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911096 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911137 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911137 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911137 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911137 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911137 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911137 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911138 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141911138 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911139 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911139 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911139 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911139 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911139 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911139 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911139 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911139 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911139 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911139 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141911193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141911193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141911193 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141911193 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141911193 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141911193 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141911193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141911193 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141911200 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141911200 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141911200 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141911200 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141911200 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141911200 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141911200 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141911200 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141911200 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141911316 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141911316 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141911316 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141911316 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911316 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141911316 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911316 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141911316 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141911316 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141911316 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911317 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911317 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911317 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911317 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911317 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911317 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911317 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911317 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911317 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911317 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911336 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141911336 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141911336 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141911336 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911336 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141911336 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911336 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141911336 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141911336 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141911336 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911337 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911337 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911337 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911337 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911337 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911337 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911337 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911337 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911337 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911337 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911337 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911362 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141911362 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141911362 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141911362 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911362 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141911362 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911362 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141911362 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141911362 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141911362 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911364 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911364 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911364 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911364 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911364 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911364 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911364 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911364 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911364 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911364 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141911379 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141911379 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141911379 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141911379 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911379 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141911379 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141911379 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141911379 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141911379 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141911379 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141911380 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141911380 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141911380 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141911381 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141911381 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141911381 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141911381 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141911381 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141911381 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141911381 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912121 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912121 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912121 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912121 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912121 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141912121 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141912121 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141912121 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141912121 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141912121 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141912121 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141912121 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141912122 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912123 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912123 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912123 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912123 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912123 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912123 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912123 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912123 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141912123 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141912123 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141912140 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912140 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912140 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912140 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912140 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912140 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912140 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912140 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912140 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141912140 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141912141 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141912141 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141912141 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141912141 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141912141 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912141 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912141 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912141 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912141 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912141 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912141 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912141 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141912141 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141912141 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912173 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912173 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912173 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912173 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912173 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141912173 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141912173 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141912173 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141912173 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141912173 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141912173 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141912173 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141912175 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912175 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912175 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912175 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912175 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912175 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912175 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912175 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912175 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141912175 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141912175 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912184 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912184 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912184 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912184 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912184 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141912184 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141912184 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141912184 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141912184 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141912184 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141912184 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141912184 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141912185 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141912185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141912185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141912185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141912185 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141912185 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141912185 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141912185 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141912186 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141912186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141912186 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141913209 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 173452023 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913209 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 173452023 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913212 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 479593393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913212 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 479593393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913215 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 64883818 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913215 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 64883818 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913217 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 486317927 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913217 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 486317927 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913219 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 490380160 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913219 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 490380160 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913221 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 757459037 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913221 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 757459037 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913223 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 606388636 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913223 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 606388636 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913224 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 72202855 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913224 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 72202855 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913226 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 832313096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913226 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 832313096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913227 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 16758112 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913227 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 16758112 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913229 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 612287339 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913229 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 612287339 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913230 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 868145623 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913230 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 868145623 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913231 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 684584199 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913231 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 684584199 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913233 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 833778369 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913233 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 833778369 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913234 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 864863005 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913234 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 864863005 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913236 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 265469660 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913236 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 265469660 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913238 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 839068024 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913238 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 839068024 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913240 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 684746746 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913240 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 684746746 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913242 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 615161842 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913242 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 615161842 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913244 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 534320767 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141913244 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 534320767 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141913260 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141914275 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141914275 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141914275 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141914275 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141914275 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x5649fa, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141914275 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141914275 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141914275 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5655034 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141914275 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141914275 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141914275 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5655034 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42400023: TMSI-0x42400023 NRI(10bit)=0x100=256: NRI match selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219141914275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141914275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141914275 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5655034 <-> SCCP-73 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141914275 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5655034 SCCP-73 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42400023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141914275 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141914275 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141914275 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141914275 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141914275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141914275 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141914275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141914275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141914275 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442400023004f400300006f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141914275 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141914275 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141914275 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141914275 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141914275 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141914275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141914275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141914275 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141914280 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141914280 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141914280 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141914280 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141914280 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141914280 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00121144) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141914280 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 73 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141914280 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141914280 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141914280 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141914280 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141914280 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=73, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141914280 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141914280 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141914281 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 588850016 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914281 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 588850016 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914281 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 874323269 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914281 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 874323269 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914282 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 659244762 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914282 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 659244762 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914284 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 959625975 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914284 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 959625975 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914285 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 405051703 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914285 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 405051703 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914286 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 395453671 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914286 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 395453671 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914287 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 10575960 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914287 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 10575960 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914288 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 497383090 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914288 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 497383090 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914289 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 783587667 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914289 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 783587667 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914289 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 834680070 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914289 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 834680070 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914290 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 703198308 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914290 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 703198308 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914291 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 612775231 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914291 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 612775231 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914292 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 684296678 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914292 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 684296678 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914293 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 719428091 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914293 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 719428091 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914293 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 39334473 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914293 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 39334473 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914294 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 435637713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914294 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 435637713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914295 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 48216784 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914295 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 48216784 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914296 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 627179908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914296 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 627179908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914296 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 373413018 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914296 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 373413018 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914297 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 326960310 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141914297 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 326960310 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141914309 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141915317 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141915317 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141915317 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141915317 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141915317 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x54cdb1, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141915317 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141915317 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141915317 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5557681 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141915317 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141915317 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141915317 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141915317 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5557681 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42410023: TMSI-0x42410023 NRI(10bit)=0x104=260: NRI match selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219141915317 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141915317 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141915317 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5557681 <-> SCCP-74 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141915317 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5557681 SCCP-74 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42410023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141915317 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141915317 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141915317 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141915317 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141915317 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141915317 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141915317 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141915317 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141915317 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0524010350590205f442410023004f400300001a0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141915317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141915317 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141915317 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141915317 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141915317 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141915317 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141915317 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141915317 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141915320 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141915320 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141915320 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141915320 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141915320 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141915320 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009952a2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141915320 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 74 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141915320 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141915320 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141915320 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141915320 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141915320 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=74, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141915320 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141915320 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141915320 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 296209007 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915320 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 296209007 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915321 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 462455188 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915321 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 462455188 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915322 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 680386544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915322 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 680386544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915322 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 335034725 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915322 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 335034725 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915323 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 423911051 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915323 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 423911051 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915324 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 215631083 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915324 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 215631083 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915325 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 761063040 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915325 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 761063040 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915326 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 121230015 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915326 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 121230015 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915326 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 346830493 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915326 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 346830493 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915327 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 275605534 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915327 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 275605534 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915328 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 357445355 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915328 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 357445355 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915329 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 759786488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915329 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 759786488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915329 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 93422481 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915329 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 93422481 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915330 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 49096950 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915330 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 49096950 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915331 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 366366525 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915331 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 366366525 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915332 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 526777572 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915332 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 526777572 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915332 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 925715428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915332 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 925715428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915333 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 354903290 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915333 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 354903290 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915334 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 392158137 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915334 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 392158137 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915334 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 39572317 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141915334 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 39572317 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141915345 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141916357 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141916357 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141916357 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141916357 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141916357 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x595866, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141916357 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141916357 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141916357 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5855334 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141916357 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141916357 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141916357 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5855334 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x427FC023: TMSI-0x427FC023 NRI(10bit)=0x1ff=511: NRI match selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219141916357 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141916357 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141916357 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5855334 <-> SCCP-75 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141916357 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5855334 SCCP-75 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x427FC023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141916357 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141916357 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141916357 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141916357 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141916357 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141916357 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141916357 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141916357 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141916357 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0627000350590205f4427fc023004f40030000ae0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141916357 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141916357 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141916357 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141916358 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141916358 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141916358 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141916358 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141916358 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141916361 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141916361 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141916361 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141916361 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141916361 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141916361 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141916361 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 75 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141916361 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141916361 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141916361 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916361 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141916361 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=75, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141916361 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141916361 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141916363 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 427828281 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916363 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 427828281 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916364 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 728795035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916364 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 728795035 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916366 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 890119615 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916366 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 890119615 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916368 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 177473084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916368 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 177473084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916369 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 462913438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916369 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 462913438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916371 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 562452894 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916371 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 562452894 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916373 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 411961241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916373 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 411961241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 3 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916375 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 458370465 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916375 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 458370465 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916376 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 515717672 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916376 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 515717672 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916378 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 123686886 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916378 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 123686886 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916379 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 32810514 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916379 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 32810514 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916380 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 994134052 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916380 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 994134052 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916382 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 403781559 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916382 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 403781559 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916382 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 717448619 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916382 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 717448619 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916383 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 2992460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916383 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 2992460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916385 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 761768378 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916385 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 761768378 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916386 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 247688020 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916386 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 247688020 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916386 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 839771464 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916386 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 839771464 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916388 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 367086727 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916388 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 367086727 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916389 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 601417517 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141916389 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 601417517 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141916392 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141916392 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141916393 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141916393 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141916393 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141916393 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141916393 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141916393 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141916394 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141916394 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141916394 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141916394 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141916394 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141916394 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141916394 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141916394 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141916394 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141916394 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141916394 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141916394 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141916394 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00121144), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141916394 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141916394 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141916394 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141916394 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141916394 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141916394 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141916394 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141916394 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5655034)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-73)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141916394 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5655034 SCCP-73 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42400023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141916394 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141916394 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141916395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009952a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141916395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141916395 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141916395 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5557681)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-74)[0x564010c1ebc0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141916395 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5557681 SCCP-74 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42410023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141916395 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141916395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141916395 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141916395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141916395 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141916395 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141916395 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5855334)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141916395 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-75)[0x564010c149a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141916395 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5855334 SCCP-75 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x427FC023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141916395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141916395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141916395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141916395 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141916395 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141916395 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141916395 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141916396 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141916400 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141916418 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141916585 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141916978 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141916978 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141916978 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141916978 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141916978 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141916978 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141916998 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141916998 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141916998 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141916998 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141916998 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141916998 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141917005 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141917005 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141917005 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141917005 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141917005 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141917005 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141917289 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141917502 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141917502 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141917503 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141917503 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141917503 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141917503 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141917506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141917506 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141917506 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141917506 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141917506 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141917506 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141917508 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141917508 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141917508 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141917508 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141917508 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141917509 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141918190 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141918190 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141918190 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141918190 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141918190 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141918190 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141918191 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141918191 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141918191 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141918191 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141918191 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141918191 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141918192 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141918192 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141918192 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141918192 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141918192 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141918192 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141918758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141918758 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141918758 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141918758 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141918758 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141918758 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141918760 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141918760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141918760 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141918760 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141918760 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141918760 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141918764 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141918764 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141918764 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141918764 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141918764 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141918764 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141919385 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141919385 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141919385 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141919385 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141919385 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141919385 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141919394 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141919394 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141919394 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141919395 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141919395 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141919395 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141919401 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141919401 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141919401 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141919401 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141919401 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141919401 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920239 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00873b9e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000036), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920239 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=003db563), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000037), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920239 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000495e7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000038), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920239 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00174b7b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000039), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920239 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920392 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141920396 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141920399 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141920478 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141920478 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141920486 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920486 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920487 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920487 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920487 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920487 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920487 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920487 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920487 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141920487 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920488 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920488 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920488 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920488 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920488 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920488 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920488 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920488 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920489 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920489 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920489 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920489 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920489 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920489 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920489 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920489 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920489 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920489 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920489 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920489 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920544 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920544 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920545 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920545 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920545 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141920545 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920546 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920546 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920546 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920546 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920546 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920546 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920546 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920546 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920546 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920546 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920547 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920547 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920547 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920547 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920547 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920610 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141920610 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141920610 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141920610 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141920610 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141920610 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141920611 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141920611 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141920611 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141920619 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141920619 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141920619 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141920619 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141920619 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141920619 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141920619 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141920619 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141920619 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141920713 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141920713 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141920713 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141920713 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920713 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141920713 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920713 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141920714 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141920714 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141920714 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920715 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920715 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920715 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920715 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920715 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920715 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920715 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920715 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920715 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920715 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920715 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920721 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141920721 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141920721 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141920721 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920721 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141920721 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920721 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141920721 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141920721 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141920721 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920722 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920722 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920722 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920722 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920722 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920722 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920722 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920722 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920722 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920722 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920722 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920746 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141920746 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141920746 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141920746 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920746 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141920746 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920746 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141920746 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141920746 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141920746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920747 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920747 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920747 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920747 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920747 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920748 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920748 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920748 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920748 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920748 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920748 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920772 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141920772 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141920772 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141920772 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920772 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141920772 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920772 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141920772 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141920772 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141920772 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920774 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920774 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920774 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920774 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920774 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920774 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920774 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920774 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920774 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920774 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920774 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920786 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141920787 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141920787 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141920787 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920787 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141920787 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920787 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141920787 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141920787 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141920787 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920788 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920788 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920788 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920788 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920788 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920788 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920788 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920788 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920789 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920789 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920789 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141920803 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141920803 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141920803 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141920803 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920803 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141920803 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141920803 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141920803 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141920803 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141920803 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141920804 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141920804 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141920804 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141920804 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141920804 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920804 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141920804 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141920804 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141920804 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141920804 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141920804 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141921517 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921517 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921517 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921517 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921517 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921517 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921517 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921517 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141921517 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141921517 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141921517 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141921517 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141921517 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921518 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921518 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921518 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141921518 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141921518 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141921518 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141921518 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141921518 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141921519 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921520 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921520 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921520 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921520 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921520 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921520 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921520 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921520 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141921520 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141921520 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921524 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921524 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921524 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921524 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921524 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141921524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141921524 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141921524 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141921524 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141921524 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141921524 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141921524 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141921525 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921525 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921525 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921525 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921525 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921525 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921525 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921525 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921525 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141921525 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141921525 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921546 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921546 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921546 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921546 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921546 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141921546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141921546 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141921546 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141921546 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141921546 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141921546 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141921546 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141921547 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921547 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921547 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921547 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921547 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921547 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921547 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921547 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921547 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141921547 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141921547 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921580 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921580 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921580 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921580 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921580 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141921580 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141921580 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141921580 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141921580 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141921580 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141921580 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141921580 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141921583 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921583 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921583 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921583 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921583 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921583 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921583 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921583 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921584 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921584 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921584 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141921584 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141921584 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921588 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921588 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921588 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921588 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921588 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141921588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141921588 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141921588 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141921588 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141921588 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141921588 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141921588 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141921591 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921591 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921591 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921591 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921591 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921591 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921591 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921591 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921591 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141921591 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141921591 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921602 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921602 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921602 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921602 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921602 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141921602 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141921602 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141921602 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141921602 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141921602 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141921602 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141921602 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141921603 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141921603 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141921603 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141921603 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141921603 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141921603 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141921603 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141921603 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141921603 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141921603 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141921603 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141922632 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 616230580 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922632 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 616230580 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922633 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 867210389 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922633 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 867210389 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922634 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 101004223 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922634 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 101004223 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922637 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 313777175 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922637 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 313777175 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922640 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 521194771 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922640 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 521194771 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922642 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 384685597 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922642 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 384685597 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922644 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 186845154 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922644 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 186845154 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922647 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 447352368 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922647 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 447352368 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922648 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 68342993 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922648 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 68342993 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922650 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 45538542 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922650 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 45538542 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922652 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 688737766 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922652 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 688737766 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922653 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 275488430 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922653 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 275488430 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922655 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 690688557 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922655 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 690688557 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922656 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 771278531 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922656 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 771278531 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922658 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 348076314 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922658 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 348076314 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922659 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 392550285 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922659 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 392550285 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922661 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 49495961 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922661 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 49495961 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922662 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 75217006 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922662 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 75217006 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922665 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 887921587 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922665 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 887921587 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922668 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 314500330 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141922668 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 314500330 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141922711 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141923767 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141923767 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141923767 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141923767 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141923767 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x242c1d, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141923767 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141923767 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141923767 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2370589 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141923767 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141923767 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141923768 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2370589 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42800023: TMSI-0x42800023 NRI(10bit)=0x200=512: NRI match selects msc 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219141923768 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141923768 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141923768 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2370589 <-> SCCP-76 msc-2 msc-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141923768 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2370589 SCCP-76 msc-2 MI=TMSI-0x42800023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141923768 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141923768 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141923768 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141923768 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141923768 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141923768 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141923768 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141923768 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141923768 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442800023004f40030003360056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141923768 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141923768 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141923768 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141923768 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141923768 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141923768 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141923768 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141923768 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141923781 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141923781 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141923781 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141923781 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141923781 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141923781 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141923781 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 76 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141923781 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141923781 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141923781 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141923781 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141923781 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=76, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141923781 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141923781 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141923781 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 702118855 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923781 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 702118855 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923784 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 733680347 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923784 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 733680347 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923788 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 608655418 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923788 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 608655418 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923791 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 342512091 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923791 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 342512091 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923795 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 623934887 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923795 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 623934887 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923798 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 678549215 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923798 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 678549215 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923802 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 823440006 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923802 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 823440006 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923805 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 6205316 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923805 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 6205316 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923808 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 619030757 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923808 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 619030757 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923811 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 683726638 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923811 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 683726638 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923813 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 779971919 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923813 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 779971919 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923815 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 303033889 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923815 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 303033889 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923816 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 229134483 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923816 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 229134483 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923818 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 369321418 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923818 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 369321418 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923819 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 327421160 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923819 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 327421160 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923821 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 523383723 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923821 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 523383723 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923822 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 265151077 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923822 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 265151077 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923823 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 264600636 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923823 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 264600636 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923824 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 172997075 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923824 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 172997075 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923825 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 573325293 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141923825 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 573325293 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141923853 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141924882 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141924882 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141924882 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141924882 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141924882 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xa50dae, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141924882 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141924882 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141924882 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10816942 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141924882 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141924882 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141924882 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141924882 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10816942 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42A98023: TMSI-0x42A98023 NRI(10bit)=0x2a6=678: NRI match selects msc 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219141924882 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141924882 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141924882 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-10816942 <-> SCCP-77 msc-2 msc-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141924882 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10816942 SCCP-77 msc-2 MI=TMSI-0x42A98023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141924882 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141924882 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141924882 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141924882 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141924882 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141924882 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141924882 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141924882 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141924882 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0524010350590205f442a98023004f40030001230056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141924882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141924882 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141924882 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141924882 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141924882 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141924882 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141924882 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141924882 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141924889 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141924889 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141924889 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141924889 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141924889 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141924889 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00682421) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141924889 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 77 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141924889 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141924889 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141924889 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141924889 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141924889 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=77, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141924889 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141924889 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141924892 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 816231601 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924892 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 816231601 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924895 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 860496775 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924895 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 860496775 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924899 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 812433864 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924899 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 812433864 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924903 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 618912656 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924903 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 618912656 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924907 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 849114322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924907 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 849114322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924910 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 889564410 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924910 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 889564410 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924913 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 514148962 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924913 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 514148962 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924916 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 387963999 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924916 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 387963999 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924918 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 313030982 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924918 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 313030982 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924920 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 607768300 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924920 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 607768300 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924921 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 997141896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924921 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 997141896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924923 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 802523585 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924923 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 802523585 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924925 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 984539528 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924925 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 984539528 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924926 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 151527666 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924926 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 151527666 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924927 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 951063304 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924927 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 951063304 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924928 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 643714772 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924928 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 643714772 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924929 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 410317910 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924929 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 410317910 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924930 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 907664250 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924930 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 907664250 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924931 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 196950106 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924931 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 196950106 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924932 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 841925977 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141924932 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 841925977 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141924944 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141925973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141925973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141925973 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141925973 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141925973 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x679105, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141925973 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15a30]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141925974 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141925974 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6787333 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141925974 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141925974 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141925974 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6787333 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141925974 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141925974 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141925974 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6787333 <-> SCCP-78 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141925974 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6787333 SCCP-78 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141925974 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141925974 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141925974 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141925974 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141925974 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141925974 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141925974 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141925974 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141925974 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000010004f40030003a80056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141925974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141925974 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141925974 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141925974 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141925974 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141925974 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141925974 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141925974 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141925994 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141925994 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141925994 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141925994 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141925994 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141925994 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141925994 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 78 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141925994 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141925994 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141925994 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141925994 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141925994 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=78, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141925994 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141925994 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141925995 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 778393102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141925995 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 778393102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141925999 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 500428564 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141925999 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 500428564 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926002 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 308092655 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926002 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 308092655 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926005 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 659253540 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926005 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 659253540 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926007 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 788002711 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926007 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 788002711 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926010 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 966727278 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926010 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 966727278 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926012 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 960881975 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926012 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 960881975 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926015 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 615290139 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926015 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 615290139 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926017 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 114034200 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926017 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 114034200 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926019 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 565606577 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926019 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 565606577 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926021 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 137595192 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926021 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 137595192 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926023 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 421413870 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926023 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 421413870 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926024 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 569803827 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926024 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 569803827 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926025 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 989938921 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926025 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 989938921 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926027 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 428748766 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926027 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 428748766 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926028 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 810448866 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926028 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 810448866 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926029 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 534599308 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926029 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 534599308 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926030 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 75284134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926030 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 75284134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926031 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 657115836 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926031 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 657115836 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926033 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 438045952 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141926033 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 438045952 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141926041 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141926042 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141926044 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141926046 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141926046 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141926046 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141926046 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141926046 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141926050 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141926050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141926050 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141926050 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926050 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141926050 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926050 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141926050 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141926050 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141926050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141926050 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141926051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141926052 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141926052 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141926052 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926052 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141926052 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926053 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141926053 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141926053 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141926053 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141926053 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141926053 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141926053 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141926053 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141926053 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926053 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926053 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926053 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926053 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926054 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141926054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141926054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141926054 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141926054 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141926054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141926054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141926055 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141926055 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2370589)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141926055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141926055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141926055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-76)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141926055 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2370589 SCCP-76 msc-2 MI=TMSI-0x42800023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141926055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141926055 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141926055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141926055 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00682421), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926055 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926055 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926055 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141926055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141926055 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141926055 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141926056 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141926056 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141926056 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141926056 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141926056 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10816942)[0x564010c141f0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141926056 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141926056 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141926056 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-77)[0x564010c149a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141926056 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10816942 SCCP-77 msc-2 MI=TMSI-0x42A98023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141926056 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141926056 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141926056 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141926056 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926056 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141926056 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926056 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141926056 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141926057 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141926057 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141926057 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141926057 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141926057 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141926057 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=11 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141926057 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141926057 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141926057 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141926057 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141926057 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141926057 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141926057 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141926057 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141926057 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141926057 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141926057 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141926057 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141926057 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141926057 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926057 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926058 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141926058 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141926058 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141926058 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141926058 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141926058 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141926058 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141926058 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141926058 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6787333)[0x564010c15a30]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141926058 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141926058 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141926058 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-78)[0x564010c0edd0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141926058 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6787333 SCCP-78 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141926058 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141926058 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141926058 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141926059 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141926059 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141926059 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141926059 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141926059 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141926059 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141926059 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141926280 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141926396 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926396 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009952a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926396 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00121144), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926396 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926980 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141926980 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926980 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926980 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926980 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926980 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141926984 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141926999 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141926999 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141926999 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141926999 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141926999 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141926999 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141927007 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141927007 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141927007 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141927007 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141927007 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141927007 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141927504 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141927504 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141927504 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141927504 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141927504 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141927504 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141927507 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141927507 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141927507 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141927507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141927507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141927507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141927509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141927509 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141927510 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141927510 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141927510 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141927510 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141928191 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141928191 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141928191 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141928191 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141928192 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141928192 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141928193 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141928193 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141928193 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141928193 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141928193 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141928193 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141928759 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141928759 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141928759 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141928759 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141928759 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141928759 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141928761 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141928761 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141928761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141928761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141928761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141928761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141928765 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141928765 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141928765 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141928765 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141928765 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141928765 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141929386 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141929386 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=007a03bf), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141929386 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141929386 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141929386 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141929386 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141929395 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141929395 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d7451d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141929395 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141929395 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141929395 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141929395 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141929401 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141929401 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0063551c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141929401 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141929401 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141929401 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141929401 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930046 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141930048 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141930052 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141930134 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141930134 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141930144 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930144 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930144 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930144 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930144 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141930144 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141930144 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930144 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930145 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930145 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930145 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930145 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930145 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930145 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930145 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930145 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930145 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930145 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930145 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930145 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930145 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930146 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930146 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930146 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930146 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930146 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930146 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930146 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930146 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930163 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930163 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930163 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930163 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930164 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141930164 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930165 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930165 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930165 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930165 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930165 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930165 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930165 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930165 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930165 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930192 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141930192 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141930192 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141930192 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141930192 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141930192 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141930192 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141930192 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141930192 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141930196 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141930196 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141930196 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141930196 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141930196 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141930196 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141930196 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141930196 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141930196 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141930235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141930235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141930235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(54)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(55)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930236 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(56)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141930237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141930237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141930237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141930237 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(57)[0x564010b8e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141930363 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141930363 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141930363 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141930363 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141930363 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141930363 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141930363 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141930363 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141930363 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141930363 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930364 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930364 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930364 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930364 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930364 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930364 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930364 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930364 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930364 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930364 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141930380 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141930380 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141930380 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141930380 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141930380 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141930380 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141930380 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141930380 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141930380 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141930380 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141930381 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141930381 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141930381 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141930381 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141930381 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930381 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141930381 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141930381 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141930381 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141930381 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141930381 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141931166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141931166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141931166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141931166 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141931166 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141931166 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141931166 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141931166 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141931166 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141931166 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141931166 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141931166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141931166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141931166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931166 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931166 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141931166 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141931166 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141931166 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141931166 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141931182 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141931182 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141931182 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141931182 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141931182 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141931182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141931182 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141931182 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141931182 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141931182 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141931182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141931182 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141931183 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141931183 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141931183 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141931183 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141931183 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141931183 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141931183 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141931183 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141931183 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141931183 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141931183 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141931201 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 714419893 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931201 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 714419893 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931203 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 583963669 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931203 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 583963669 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931204 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 849668425 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931204 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 849668425 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931204 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 798044441 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931204 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 798044441 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931205 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 326949438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931205 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 326949438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931206 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 173545182 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931206 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 173545182 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931207 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 884147089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931207 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 884147089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931207 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 810003930 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931207 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 810003930 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931208 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 12402233 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931208 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 12402233 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931209 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 667122525 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931209 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 667122525 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931210 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 180312487 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931210 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 180312487 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931210 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 410328181 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931210 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 410328181 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931211 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 165439898 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931211 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 165439898 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931212 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 365262449 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931212 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 365262449 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931213 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 639341711 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931213 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 639341711 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931213 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 403898335 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931213 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 403898335 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931214 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 416625631 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931214 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 416625631 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931215 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 584057908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931215 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 584057908 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931216 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 693985199 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931216 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 693985199 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931216 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 608542384 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141931216 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 608542384 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141931228 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141932250 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141932250 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141932250 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141932250 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141932250 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x70e70c, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141932250 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141932250 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7399180)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141932250 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7399180 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141932250 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141932250 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141932250 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7399180 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Failed to select IuCS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219141932250 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7399180)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141932250 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7399180)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141932250 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7399180)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141932250 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7399180 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141932250 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuCS: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219141932250 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219141932250 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141932250 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141932250 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141932266 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141933281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141933281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141933281 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141933281 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141933281 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe8170b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141933281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141933281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15210251)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141933281 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15210251 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141933281 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141933281 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141933281 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219141933281 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15210251 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Failed to select IuCS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219141933281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15210251)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141933281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15210251)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141933281 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15210251)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141933281 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15210251 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141933281 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuCS: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219141933281 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219141933282 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141933282 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141933282 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141933323 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141934335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141934335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141934335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141934335 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141934335 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xce14d5, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141934335 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141934335 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13505749)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141934335 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13505749 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141934335 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141934335 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141934335 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13505749 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Failed to select IuCS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219141934335 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13505749)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141934335 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13505749)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141934335 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13505749)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141934335 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13505749 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141934335 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuCS: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219141934335 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219141934335 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141934335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141934335 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141934356 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141935371 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141935371 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141935371 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 96 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141935371 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141935372 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xa60a14, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141935372 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141935372 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10881556)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141935372 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10881556 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141935372 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141935372 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141935372 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10881556 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Failed to select IuCS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219141935372 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10881556)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141935372 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10881556)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141935372 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-10881556)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141935372 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-10881556 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141935372 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuCS: rx RUA Connect with 67 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219141935372 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219141935372 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141935372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141935372 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141935383 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141935383 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141935384 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141935385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141935385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141935385 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141935385 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141935386 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141935387 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141935387 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141935387 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141935387 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141935387 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141935389 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141935389 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141935389 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141935389 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141935389 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141935389 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141935389 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141935389 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141935389 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141935389 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141935389 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141935389 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141935389 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141935389 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141935389 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141935389 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141935389 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141935389 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141935389 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141935389 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141935389 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141935389 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141935390 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141935390 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141935390 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141935390 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141935440 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141936055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141936055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00682421), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936055 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936056 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936056 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141936059 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141936059 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936059 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936059 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936059 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936059 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141936143 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141936396 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141936396 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00121144), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936396 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936396 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936396 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936396 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141936397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009952a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141936397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936397 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141936981 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141936981 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141936981 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141936981 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141936981 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141936981 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141937001 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141937001 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141937001 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141937001 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141937001 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141937001 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141937007 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141937007 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141937007 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141937007 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141937007 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141937007 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141937505 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141937505 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141937505 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141937505 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141937505 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141937505 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141937508 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141937508 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141937508 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141937508 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141937508 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141937508 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141937511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141937511 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141937511 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141937511 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141937511 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141937511 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141938192 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141938192 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141938192 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141938192 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141938192 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141938193 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141938193 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141938193 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141938193 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141938193 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141938193 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141938193 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141938194 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141938194 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141938194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141938194 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141938194 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141938194 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141938760 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141938760 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084cbf7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141938761 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141938761 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141938761 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141938761 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141938762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141938762 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cd77a9), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141938762 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141938762 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141938762 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141938762 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141938765 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141938766 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00baea33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000003f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141938766 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141938766 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141938766 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141938766 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939256 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141939260 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141939263 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141939343 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141939343 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141939353 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939353 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939353 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939354 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939354 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939354 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939354 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939354 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939354 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939354 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939354 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939354 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939354 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141939354 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141939355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939355 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939355 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939355 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939355 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939355 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939355 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939355 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939355 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939356 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939356 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939356 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939356 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939356 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939356 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939356 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939356 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939382 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141939382 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141939382 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141939382 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141939382 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(59)[0x564010b90820]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141939391 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141939391 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141939391 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141939391 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141939391 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(58)[0x564010c2dd70]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141939397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141939397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141939397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141939397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141939397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(60)[0x564010c0b960]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141939399 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939399 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939399 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939399 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939399 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939399 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939399 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141939399 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939400 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939400 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939400 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939400 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939400 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939400 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939400 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939400 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939400 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939400 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141939447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141939447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141939447 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141939447 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141939447 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141939447 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141939447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141939447 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141939451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141939451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141939451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141939451 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141939451 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141939451 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141939451 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141939451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141939451 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141939581 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141939581 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141939581 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141939581 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939581 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141939581 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939581 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141939581 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141939581 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141939581 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939582 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939582 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939582 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939582 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939582 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939582 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939582 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939582 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939582 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939583 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939591 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141939591 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141939591 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141939591 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939591 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141939591 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939591 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141939591 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141939591 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141939591 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939592 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939592 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939592 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939592 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939592 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939592 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939592 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939592 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939592 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939592 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939592 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939602 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141939602 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141939602 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141939602 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939602 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141939602 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939602 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141939602 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141939602 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141939602 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939603 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939603 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939603 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939603 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939603 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939603 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939603 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939603 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939603 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939603 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939603 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939621 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141939621 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141939621 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141939621 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939622 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141939622 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939622 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141939622 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141939622 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141939622 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939623 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939623 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939623 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939623 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939623 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939623 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939623 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939623 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939623 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939623 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939623 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939630 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141939630 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141939630 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141939630 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939630 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141939630 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939630 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141939630 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141939630 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141939630 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939631 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939631 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939631 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939631 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939631 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939631 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939631 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939631 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939631 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939631 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939631 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141939644 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141939644 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141939644 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141939644 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939644 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141939644 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141939644 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141939644 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141939644 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141939644 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141939645 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141939645 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141939645 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141939645 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141939645 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141939645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939645 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939645 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141939646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141939646 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141939646 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141939646 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141939646 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141939646 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141940385 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940385 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940385 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940385 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940385 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940385 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940385 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940385 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141940386 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141940386 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141940386 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141940386 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141940386 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940386 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940386 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141940386 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141940386 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141940386 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141940386 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141940386 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141940388 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940388 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940388 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940388 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940388 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940388 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940388 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141940388 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141940388 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940389 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940389 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940389 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940389 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940389 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141940389 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141940389 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141940389 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141940389 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141940389 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141940389 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141940389 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141940390 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940390 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940390 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940390 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940390 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940390 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940390 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940390 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940390 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141940390 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141940390 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141940409 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940409 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940409 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940409 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940409 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940409 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940409 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940409 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141940409 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141940409 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141940409 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141940409 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141940409 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940409 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940410 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940410 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940410 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141940410 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141940410 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141940410 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141940410 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141940410 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141940413 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940413 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940413 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940413 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940413 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940413 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940413 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940413 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940413 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141940413 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141940413 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940420 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940420 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940420 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940420 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940420 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141940420 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141940420 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141940420 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141940420 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141940420 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141940421 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141940421 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141940422 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940422 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940422 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940422 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940422 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940422 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940422 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940422 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940423 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141940423 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141940423 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940432 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940432 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940432 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940432 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940432 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141940432 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141940432 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141940432 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141940432 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141940432 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141940432 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141940432 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141940436 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940436 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940436 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940436 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940436 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940436 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940436 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940436 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940436 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141940436 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141940436 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940445 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940445 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940445 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940445 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940445 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141940445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141940445 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141940445 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141940445 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141940445 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141940445 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141940445 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141940446 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141940446 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141940446 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141940446 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141940446 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141940446 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141940446 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141940446 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141940446 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141940446 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141940446 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141941463 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 307542626 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941463 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 307542626 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941470 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 589419770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941470 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 589419770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941474 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 570803468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941474 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 570803468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941479 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 443928316 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941479 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 443928316 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941483 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 246130115 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941483 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 246130115 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941486 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 148658187 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941486 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 148658187 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941489 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 161884099 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941489 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 161884099 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941492 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 438197025 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941492 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 438197025 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941496 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 745041528 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941496 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 745041528 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941500 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 849386380 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941500 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 849386380 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941504 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 786835592 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941504 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 786835592 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941508 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 48112124 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941508 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 48112124 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941511 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 181252189 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941511 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 181252189 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941515 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 713706736 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941515 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 713706736 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941518 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 736520717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941518 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 736520717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941521 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 427313580 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941521 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 427313580 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941524 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 309233627 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941524 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 309233627 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941526 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 536367670 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941526 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 536367670 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941528 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 499494907 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941528 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 499494907 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941530 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 955023240 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141941530 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 955023240 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141941549 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141942582 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141942582 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141942582 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141942582 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141942582 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xf49123, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141942582 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141942582 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141942582 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16027939 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141942582 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141942582 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141942582 DRUA INFO LU from other PLMN: old LAI=999-99 my PLMN=001-01 (hnbgw_l3.c:199) 20250219141942582 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16027939 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): TMSI-0x42410023 NRI(10bit)=0x104=260: This Complete Layer 3 message indicates a switch from another PLMN. Ignoring the NRI. (hnbgw_cn.c:1047) 20250219141942582 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16027939 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219141942582 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141942582 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141942582 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16027939 <-> SCCP-79 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141942582 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16027939 SCCP-79 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141942582 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141942582 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141942582 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141942582 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141942582 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141942582 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141942582 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141942582 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141942582 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080299f999172a5205f442410023004f40030002280056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141942582 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141942582 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141942582 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141942583 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141942583 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141942583 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141942583 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141942583 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141942600 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141942600 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141942600 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141942600 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141942600 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141942600 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141942600 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 79 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141942600 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141942600 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141942600 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141942600 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141942600 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=79, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141942600 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141942600 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141942602 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 484958997 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942602 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 484958997 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942606 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 920249976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942606 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 920249976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942610 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 20352084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942610 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 20352084 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942614 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 461596570 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942614 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 461596570 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942618 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 964309356 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942618 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 964309356 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942622 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 182148565 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942622 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 182148565 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942627 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 623882611 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942627 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 623882611 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942631 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 321904490 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942631 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 321904490 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942635 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 987833269 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942635 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 987833269 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942638 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 987495584 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942638 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 987495584 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942641 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 218734417 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942642 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 218734417 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942644 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 968252484 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942644 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 968252484 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942647 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 740336368 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942647 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 740336368 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942649 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 347815698 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942649 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 347815698 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942651 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 506430923 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942651 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 506430923 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942652 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 147641668 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942652 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 147641668 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942654 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 154654348 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942654 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 154654348 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942655 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 32327854 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942655 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 32327854 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942657 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 318370613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942657 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 318370613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942658 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 818760974 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141942658 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 818760974 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141942691 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141943725 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141943725 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141943725 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141943725 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141943725 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x6c0f91, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141943725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141943725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141943725 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7081873 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141943726 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141943726 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141943726 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7081873 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x428AC023: TMSI-0x428AC023 NRI(10bit)=0x22b=555: NRI match selects msc 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219141943726 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141943726 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141943726 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-7081873 <-> SCCP-80 msc-2 msc-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141943726 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7081873 SCCP-80 msc-2 MI=TMSI-0x428AC023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141943726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141943726 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141943726 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141943726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141943726 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141943726 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141943726 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141943726 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141943726 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f4428ac023004f40030002510056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141943726 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141943726 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141943726 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141943726 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141943726 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141943726 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141943727 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141943727 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141943741 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141943742 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141943742 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141943742 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141943742 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141943742 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00476118) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141943742 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 80 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141943742 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141943742 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141943742 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943742 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141943742 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=80, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141943742 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141943742 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141943742 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 819993318 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943743 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 819993318 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943747 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 381449806 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943747 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 381449806 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943751 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 318995148 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943751 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 318995148 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943755 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 261162807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943755 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 261162807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943759 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 769151522 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943759 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 769151522 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943763 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 644393780 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943763 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 644393780 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943766 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 246658669 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943767 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 246658669 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943770 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 878568817 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943770 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 878568817 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943772 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 158062322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943772 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 158062322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943775 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 965761809 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943775 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 965761809 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943777 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 652640757 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943777 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 652640757 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943779 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 678939390 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943779 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 678939390 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943781 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 99683285 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943781 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 99683285 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943782 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 699657114 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943782 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 699657114 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943784 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 912078584 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943784 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 912078584 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943785 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 762630170 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943785 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 762630170 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943786 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 25390069 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943786 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 25390069 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943788 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 3277741 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943788 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 3277741 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943789 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 673168919 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943789 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 673168919 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943790 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 624072875 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141943790 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 624072875 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141943795 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141943796 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141943797 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141943798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141943798 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141943798 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141943798 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141943798 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141943800 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141943801 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141943801 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141943801 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943801 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141943801 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943801 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141943801 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141943801 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141943801 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141943801 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141943801 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141943802 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141943802 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141943802 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943802 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141943802 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943802 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141943802 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141943802 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141943802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141943802 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141943802 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219141943802 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141943802 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141943803 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141943803 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141943803 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141943803 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141943803 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141943804 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141943811 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141943811 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219141943812 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219141943812 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219141943812 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219141943813 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141943813 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141943813 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-16027939)[0x564010c305f0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141943814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141943814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141943814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-79)[0x564010c24450]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141943815 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16027939 SCCP-79 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141943815 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141943815 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141943815 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141943816 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943816 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141943816 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141943816 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141943817 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141943817 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141943817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141943817 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141943830 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141943830 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141943830 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141943831 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141943831 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141943831 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141943831 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141943831 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141943831 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219141943832 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219141943832 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141943832 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141943832 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141943832 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141943832 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141943832 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141943833 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141943833 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141943833 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141943833 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141943833 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141943833 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141943833 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-7081873)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141943833 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141943834 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141943834 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-80)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141943834 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7081873 SCCP-80 msc-2 MI=TMSI-0x428AC023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141943836 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141944008 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141944712 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141946057 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00682421), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141946057 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946057 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141946060 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946060 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946060 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946060 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946060 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946060 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141946397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009952a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141946397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00121144), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141946397 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946397 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141946982 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141946982 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141946982 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141946982 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141946982 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141946982 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947001 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141947001 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141947002 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947002 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947002 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947002 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947008 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141947008 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141947008 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947008 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947008 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947008 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947505 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141947505 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141947505 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947506 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947506 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947506 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141947509 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141947509 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947509 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947509 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947509 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141947511 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141947511 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947511 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947511 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947511 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947805 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141947810 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141947816 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141947921 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141947921 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141947932 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947932 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947932 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947932 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947932 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141947933 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947933 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947933 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141947933 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141947933 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141947933 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947933 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947934 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947934 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947934 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947934 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947934 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947934 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947934 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947934 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947934 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947984 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947984 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947984 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947984 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141947984 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141947984 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947986 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947986 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947986 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947986 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947986 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947986 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141947986 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141947986 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141947986 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141947986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141948013 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141948013 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141948013 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141948013 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141948013 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141948013 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141948013 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141948013 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141948013 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141948018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141948018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141948018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141948018 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141948018 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141948018 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141948018 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141948018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141948018 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141948166 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948166 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948167 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141948167 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948167 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141948167 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948167 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948167 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141948167 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141948167 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141948168 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141948168 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141948168 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141948168 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948168 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948168 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948168 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948168 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948168 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948168 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948168 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141948174 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948174 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948174 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141948174 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948174 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141948174 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948174 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948174 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141948178 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948178 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141948178 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948178 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141948178 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948178 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948178 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141948178 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141948178 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141948179 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141948179 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141948179 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141948179 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948179 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948179 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948179 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948179 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948179 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948179 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948179 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141948189 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948189 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948189 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141948190 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948190 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141948190 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948190 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948190 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141948194 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=001d6675), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948194 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948194 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00b59380), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948194 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948194 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948195 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141948195 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948195 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141948195 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948195 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948195 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141948195 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141948195 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141948196 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141948196 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141948196 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141948196 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948196 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948196 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948196 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948196 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948196 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948196 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948196 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141948200 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948200 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948200 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948200 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948200 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948200 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000040), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=001d6675) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948200 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 64 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141948200 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141948200 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141948200 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948200 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948200 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(64)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141948201 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948201 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948201 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948201 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948201 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948201 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000041), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00b59380) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948201 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 65 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141948201 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141948201 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141948201 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948201 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948201 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(65)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141948206 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948206 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948206 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948206 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141948206 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141948206 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141948206 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948206 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948206 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000042), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005bedd0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 66 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(66)[0x564010c0eca0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141948207 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141948207 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141948207 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141948207 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948207 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948207 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948207 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948207 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948207 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948207 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948207 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141948756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141948756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141948756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948756 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(62)[0x564010c25840]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141948758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141948758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141948758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(61)[0x564010c1e8e0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141948762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219141948762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219141948762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141948762 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(63)[0x564010c29aa0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141948967 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948967 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948967 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948967 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948967 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948967 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948967 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948967 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948968 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948968 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141948968 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141948968 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141948968 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141948968 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948968 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948968 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948968 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948968 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948968 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948968 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141948968 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141948972 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948972 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948972 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948972 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948972 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948972 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948972 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948972 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948972 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141948972 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141948972 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948974 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948974 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948974 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948974 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948974 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141948974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141948974 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141948974 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141948974 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948974 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948974 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141948974 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141948976 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948976 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948976 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948976 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948976 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948976 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948976 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948976 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948976 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141948976 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141948976 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948987 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948987 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948987 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948987 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948987 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141948987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141948987 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141948987 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141948987 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141948987 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141948987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141948987 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141948988 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141948988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141948988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141948988 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141948988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141948988 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141948988 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141948988 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141948988 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141948988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141948988 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141949007 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141949007 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141949007 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141949007 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141949007 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141949007 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949007 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141949007 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141949007 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141949007 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141949007 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141949008 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141949008 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141949008 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949008 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949008 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141949008 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141949008 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141949008 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141949008 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141949008 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141949009 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141949009 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141949009 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141949009 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141949009 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141949009 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141949009 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141949009 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141949009 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141949009 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141949009 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141950024 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 836386267 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950024 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 836386267 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950027 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 302096770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950027 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 302096770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950029 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 42134118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950029 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 42134118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950030 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 730076422 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950030 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 730076422 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950032 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 160054 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950032 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 160054 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950036 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 132292796 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950036 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 132292796 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950038 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 661653161 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950038 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 661653161 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950041 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 938845095 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950041 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 938845095 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950042 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 825067757 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950042 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 825067757 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950046 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 712822150 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950046 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 712822150 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950047 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 341354033 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950047 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 341354033 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950049 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 383011663 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950049 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 383011663 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950050 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 572123245 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950050 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 572123245 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950052 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 836115705 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950052 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 836115705 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950054 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 185466542 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950054 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 185466542 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950059 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 955902125 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950059 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 955902125 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950062 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 593135529 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950062 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 593135529 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950064 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 589803010 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950064 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 589803010 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950065 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 782306397 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950065 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 782306397 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950067 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 454421880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141950067 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 454421880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141950083 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141951092 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 76 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141951092 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141951092 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141951092 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141951092 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141951092 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=25,D=000e40150000020003400100001740095000010100000021f3) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141951092 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141951092 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141951092 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_PagingIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3121) (ranap_decoder.c:3121) 20250219141951092 DCN DEBUG ranap MI 00 01 01 00 00 00 21 f3 = 001010000000123 (hnbgw_cn.c:189) 20250219141951092 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) Decoded Paging: CS IMSI-001010000000123 - (hnbgw_cn.c:238) 20250219141951092 DCN INFO (msc-0) Rx Paging from CN for IMSI-001010000000123 NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:167) 20250219141951092 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA payload of 37 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:85) 20250219141951092 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) transmitting RUA payload of 37 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:85) 20250219141951092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141951092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 37 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141951092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141951092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 37 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141952100 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141952100 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141952100 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141952100 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219141952100 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x1d42d2, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219141952100 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c14750]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141952100 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219141952100 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1917650 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219141952100 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141952100 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141952100 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1917650 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-001010000000123: CN link paging record selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1015) 20250219141952100 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141952100 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219141952100 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1917650 <-> SCCP-81 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219141952100 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1917650 SCCP-81 msc-0 MI=IMSI-001010000000123: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219141952100 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219141952100 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219141952100 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219141952100 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219141952100 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219141952100 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141952100 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219141952100 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141952100 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902080910100000001032004f400300034a0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141952100 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141952100 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141952100 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141952100 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141952100 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141952100 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219141952100 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219141952100 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219141952104 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141952104 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141952104 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141952104 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141952104 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141952104 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141952104 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 81 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141952104 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141952104 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219141952104 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141952104 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141952104 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=81, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219141952104 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219141952104 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219141953106 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 693247934 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953106 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 693247934 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953107 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 536378436 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953107 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 536378436 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953107 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 663325907 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953107 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 663325907 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953108 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 565047211 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953108 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 565047211 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953109 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 841280561 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953109 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 841280561 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953110 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 965650956 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953110 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 965650956 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953110 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 586278469 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953110 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 586278469 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953111 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 752963404 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953111 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 752963404 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953112 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 960712793 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953112 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 960712793 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953113 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 98690739 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953113 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 98690739 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953113 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 714215972 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953113 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 714215972 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953114 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 832776163 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953114 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 832776163 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953115 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 98537603 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953115 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 98537603 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953116 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 599211019 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953116 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 599211019 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953116 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 699420482 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953116 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 699420482 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953117 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 495916371 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953117 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 495916371 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953118 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 247767129 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953118 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 247767129 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953118 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 45149055 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953119 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 45149055 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953119 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 305836164 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953119 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 305836164 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953120 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 446656428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141953120 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 446656428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141953124 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219141953124 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141953124 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141953125 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141953125 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141953125 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141953125 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141953125 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141953125 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219141953125 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219141953125 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219141953125 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141953125 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219141953125 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141953125 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141953125 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141953125 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141953125 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141953125 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219141953125 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219141953125 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219141953125 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219141953125 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-1917650)[0x564010c14750]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141953125 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219141953125 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219141953125 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-81)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141953125 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1917650 SCCP-81 msc-0 MI=IMSI-001010000000123: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219141953125 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141953125 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141953125 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219141953125 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219141953125 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219141953126 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141953126 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141953126 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141953126 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141953126 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141953126 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141953126 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141953126 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141953126 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141953126 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141953126 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141953126 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141953126 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141953126 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141953126 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141953126 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141953126 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141953126 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141953126 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141953126 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141953126 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141953126 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141953126 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219141953126 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219141953126 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141953126 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141953200 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141953801 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219141953804 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141953804 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141953804 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141953804 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141953804 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141953804 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141953834 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219141953834 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141953834 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141953834 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141953834 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141953834 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956057 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956058 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00682421), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956058 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956061 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956061 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956061 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956061 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956061 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956061 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956398 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956398 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00121144), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956398 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009952a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956398 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956842 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141956845 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219141956849 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219141956925 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141956925 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141956934 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956934 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956934 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219141956935 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956935 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956935 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956935 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956935 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956935 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956935 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219141956935 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219141956936 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956936 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956936 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956936 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956936 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956936 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956936 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956936 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956936 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956936 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956937 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956937 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956937 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956937 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956937 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956980 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956980 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956980 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956980 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956980 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956980 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956980 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219141956980 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141956981 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956981 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956981 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956981 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956981 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956981 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956981 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956981 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956981 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956982 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956982 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956982 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956982 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141956982 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141956982 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956982 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141956982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141956983 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141956983 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141956983 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141956983 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141956983 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141956983 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957002 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141957002 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141957002 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957002 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957002 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957002 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957007 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141957007 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141957007 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141957007 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141957008 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141957008 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141957008 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141957008 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141957008 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141957009 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141957009 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141957009 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957009 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957009 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957009 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957012 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141957012 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219141957012 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219141957012 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219141957012 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219141957012 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219141957012 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219141957012 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219141957012 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219141957152 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957152 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957152 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219141957152 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957152 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141957152 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957152 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957152 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141957153 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957153 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957153 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141957153 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957153 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141957153 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957153 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957153 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141957153 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141957153 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141957154 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141957154 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141957154 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141957154 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957154 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957154 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957154 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957154 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957154 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957154 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957154 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141957164 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957164 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957164 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141957164 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957164 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141957164 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957164 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957164 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141957164 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141957164 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141957165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141957165 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141957165 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141957165 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957165 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957165 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957165 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957165 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957165 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957165 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957165 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141957178 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957178 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957178 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141957178 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957178 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141957178 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957178 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957178 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141957178 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141957178 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141957179 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141957179 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141957179 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141957179 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957179 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957180 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957180 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957180 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957180 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141957198 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957198 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957198 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219141957198 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957198 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219141957198 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957198 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957198 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219141957198 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219141957198 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219141957199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219141957199 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219141957199 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219141957199 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957199 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957199 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957199 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957199 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957199 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219141957506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141957506 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141957506 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957506 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957506 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957506 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957509 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957509 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957509 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957509 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000044), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005f9f0c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 68 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141957509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(68)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141957511 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957511 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957511 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957511 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957511 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957511 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000043), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005a1e8e) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957511 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 67 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141957511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141957511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141957511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141957511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141957511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(67)[0x564010bfdb80]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141957512 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219141957512 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00154d33), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219141957512 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957512 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957512 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957512 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957513 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957513 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957513 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957513 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957513 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957513 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000045), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00154d33) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957513 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 69 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219141957513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219141957513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219141957513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141957513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219141957513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(69)[0x564010c111b0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219141957954 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957954 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957954 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957954 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957954 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957954 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957954 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957954 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957954 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141957954 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141957954 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141957954 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141957954 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957954 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957955 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141957955 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957955 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957955 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957955 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957955 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141957955 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141957955 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957966 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957966 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957966 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957966 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957966 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141957966 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141957966 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141957966 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141957966 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957966 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957966 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141957966 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141957967 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957967 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957967 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957967 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957967 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957967 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957967 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957967 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957967 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141957967 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141957967 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957981 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957981 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957981 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957981 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957981 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141957981 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141957981 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141957981 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141957981 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141957981 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141957981 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141957981 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141957982 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141957982 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141957982 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141957982 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141957982 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141957982 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141957982 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141957982 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141957982 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141957982 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141957982 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141958000 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141958000 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141958000 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141958000 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141958000 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219141958000 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219141958000 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219141958000 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219141958000 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219141958000 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219141958000 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219141958000 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219141958001 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219141958001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219141958001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219141958001 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219141958001 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219141958001 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219141958001 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219141958001 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219141958001 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219141958001 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219141958001 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219141959017 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 579420476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959017 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 579420476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959019 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 787257481 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959019 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 787257481 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959019 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 717086980 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959019 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 717086980 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959020 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 147704061 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959020 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 147704061 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959021 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 667111062 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959021 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 667111062 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959022 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 915591068 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959022 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 915591068 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959023 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 591076615 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959023 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 591076615 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959023 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 200758351 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959023 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 200758351 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959024 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 572013511 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959024 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 572013511 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959025 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 244049168 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959025 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 244049168 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959026 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 994791123 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959026 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 994791123 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959026 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 439235776 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959026 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 439235776 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959027 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 386844076 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959027 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 386844076 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959028 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 571770774 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959028 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 571770774 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959028 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 78926544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959028 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 78926544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959029 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 926985562 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959029 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 926985562 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959030 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 632124377 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959030 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 632124377 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959030 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 249775256 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959030 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 249775256 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959031 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 56297975 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959031 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 56297975 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959032 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 30419730 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219141959032 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 30419730 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219141959042 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142000050 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 84 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142000050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142000050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142000050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142000050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142000050 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=34,D=000e401e0000030003400100001740095000010100000021f40040400500424b0023) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142000050 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142000050 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142000050 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_PagingIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3121) (ranap_decoder.c:3121) 20250219142000050 DCN DEBUG ranap MI 00 01 01 00 00 00 21 f4 = 001010000000124 (hnbgw_cn.c:189) 20250219142000050 DCN DEBUG ranap temp UE ID = TMSI-0x424B0023 (hnbgw_cn.c:216) 20250219142000050 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) Decoded Paging: CS IMSI-001010000000124 TMSI-0x424B0023 (hnbgw_cn.c:238) 20250219142000050 DCN INFO (msc-0) Rx Paging from CN for IMSI-001010000000124 TMSI-0x424B0023 (hnbgw_cn.c:167) 20250219142000050 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA payload of 46 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:85) 20250219142000050 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) transmitting RUA payload of 46 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:85) 20250219142000050 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142000050 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 46 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142000050 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142000050 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 46 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142001092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142001092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142001092 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 97 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142001092 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142001093 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x20e999, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142001093 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142001093 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142001093 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2156953 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142001093 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142001093 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142001093 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2156953 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x424B0023: CN link paging record selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1015) 20250219142001093 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c14750]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142001093 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142001093 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2156953 <-> SCCP-82 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142001093 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2156953 SCCP-82 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x424B0023: rx RUA Connect with 68 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142001093 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142001093 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142001093 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142001093 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142001093 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142001093 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142001093 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142001093 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142001093 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=68,D=001340400000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d0627000350590205f4424b0023004f40030003b40056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142001093 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142001093 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142001093 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142001093 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142001094 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142001094 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142001094 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142001094 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142001114 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142001115 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142001115 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142001115 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142001115 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142001115 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00094363) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142001115 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 82 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142001115 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142001115 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142001115 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142001115 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142001115 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=82, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142001115 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142001115 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142002116 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 741523882 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002116 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 741523882 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002119 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 430848714 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002119 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 430848714 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002122 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 383373036 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002122 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 383373036 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002127 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 858746622 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002127 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 858746622 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002132 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 152397089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002132 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 152397089 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002138 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 138788271 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002138 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 138788271 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002141 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 606095558 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002141 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 606095558 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002146 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 67514681 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002146 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 67514681 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002151 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 866416230 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002151 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 866416230 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002156 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 166391777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002156 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 166391777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002161 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 924605043 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002161 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 924605043 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002163 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 288423468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002163 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 288423468 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002165 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 485488259 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002165 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 485488259 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002167 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 609860783 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002167 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 609860783 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002170 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 607351395 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002170 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 607351395 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002173 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 879003434 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002173 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 879003434 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002176 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 249243615 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002176 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 249243615 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002178 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 54071953 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002178 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 54071953 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002180 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 276560856 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002180 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 276560856 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002186 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 532444729 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142002186 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 532444729 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142002195 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142002195 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142002199 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142002201 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142002201 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142002201 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142002202 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142002202 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142002202 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142002202 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142002202 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142002202 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142002202 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142002202 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142002202 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142002202 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142002202 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142002202 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142002202 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142002202 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142002202 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142002202 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142002202 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-2156953)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142002202 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142002202 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142002202 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-82)[0x564010c14750]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142002202 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2156953 SCCP-82 msc-0 MI=TMSI-0x424B0023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142002203 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142002203 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142002203 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142002203 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142002203 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142002206 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142002206 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142002207 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142002207 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142002207 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142002207 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142002207 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142002207 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142002207 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142002208 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142002208 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142002208 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142002208 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142002208 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142002208 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142002208 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142002208 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142002208 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142002208 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142002208 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142002208 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142002208 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142002212 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142002212 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142002212 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142002212 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142002212 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142002212 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142002212 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142002212 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142002213 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142002213 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142002213 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142002218 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142002295 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142002897 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142003126 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142003126 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142003126 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142003126 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142003126 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142003126 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142003805 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142003806 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142003806 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142003806 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142003806 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142003806 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142003834 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142003834 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142003834 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142003834 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142003834 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142003834 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006006 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142006010 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142006014 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142006058 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006058 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00682421), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006058 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006058 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006058 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006058 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006059 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006059 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006059 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006059 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006059 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006059 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006062 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006095 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142006095 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142006104 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006104 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006105 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006105 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006105 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142006105 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006105 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006105 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142006105 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142006105 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006105 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006105 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006105 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006105 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006105 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006105 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006105 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006105 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006105 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006105 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006105 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006105 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006106 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006106 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006106 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006106 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006106 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006106 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006106 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006106 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006106 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006106 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006106 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006106 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006106 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006107 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006107 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006107 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006107 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006107 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006107 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006107 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006107 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006107 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006178 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006178 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006179 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006179 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006179 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006179 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006180 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006180 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006180 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006180 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006180 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006180 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006180 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006181 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006181 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006181 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006181 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006181 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006181 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006181 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006181 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006214 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142006214 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142006214 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142006214 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142006214 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142006214 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142006214 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142006214 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142006214 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142006221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142006221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142006221 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142006221 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142006221 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142006222 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142006222 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142006222 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142006222 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142006332 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006332 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006332 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142006332 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006332 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142006332 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006332 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142006332 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142006332 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142006332 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006333 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006333 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006333 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006333 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006333 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006333 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006333 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006333 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006333 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006334 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006334 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006347 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006347 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006347 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142006348 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006348 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142006348 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006348 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142006348 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142006352 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006352 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006352 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142006352 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006352 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142006352 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006352 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142006352 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142006352 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142006352 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006354 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006354 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006354 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006354 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006354 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006354 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006354 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006354 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006354 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006354 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006376 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006377 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006377 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142006377 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006377 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142006377 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006377 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142006377 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142006377 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142006377 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006378 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006378 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006378 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006378 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006378 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006378 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006378 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006378 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006378 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006378 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006378 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006398 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006398 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009952a2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006398 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006398 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006398 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006398 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006399 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00121144), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006399 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006399 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006404 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006404 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006404 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142006404 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142006404 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142006405 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009952a2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142006405 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 74 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142006405 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142006405 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142006405 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006405 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006405 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(74)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142006409 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006409 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006409 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142006409 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006409 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142006409 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142006409 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142006409 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142006409 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142006409 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142006409 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006409 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006409 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142006410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142006410 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142006410 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000049), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00121144) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 73 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(73)[0x564010c115e0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142006410 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142006410 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142006410 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142006410 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ea1169) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 75 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006410 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(75)[0x564010c2d9c0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142006411 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142006411 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142006411 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142006411 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142006411 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006411 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142006411 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006411 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006411 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006411 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006411 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142006984 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142006984 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142006984 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142006984 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142006984 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142006984 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142006989 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142006989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142006989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142006989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142006989 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142006989 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000047), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00748ed5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142006989 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 71 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142006989 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142006989 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142006989 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006989 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142006989 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(71)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142007002 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142007002 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142007002 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142007002 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142007002 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142007002 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007010 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007010 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007010 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007010 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000046), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0047ee05) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 70 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142007010 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(70)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142007012 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007012 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007012 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007012 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007012 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007012 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000048), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0092c5e2) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007012 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 72 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142007012 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142007012 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142007012 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142007012 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142007012 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(72)[0x564010c0d4d0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142007181 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007181 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007181 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007181 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007181 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007181 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007182 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007182 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142007182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142007182 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142007182 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142007182 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142007182 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007182 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142007182 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142007182 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142007182 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142007182 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142007182 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142007185 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007185 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007185 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007185 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007185 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007185 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142007185 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142007185 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007190 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007190 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007190 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007190 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007190 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142007190 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142007190 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142007190 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142007190 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142007190 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142007190 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142007190 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142007191 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007191 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007191 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007191 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007191 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007191 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007191 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007191 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007191 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142007191 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142007191 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007215 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007215 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142007215 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142007215 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142007215 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142007215 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142007215 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142007215 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007215 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007215 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007215 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007216 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007216 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007216 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142007216 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142007216 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007217 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007217 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142007217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142007217 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142007217 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142007217 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142007217 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142007217 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142007217 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142007222 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142007222 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142007222 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142007222 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142007222 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142007222 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142007222 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142007222 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142007222 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142007222 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142007222 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142008257 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 320023393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008257 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 320023393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008258 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 534846130 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008258 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 534846130 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008259 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 436146650 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008259 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 436146650 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008262 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 769577221 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008262 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 769577221 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008266 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 561228003 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008266 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 561228003 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008269 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 382500880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008269 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 382500880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008272 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 901735109 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008272 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 901735109 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008275 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 270066588 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008275 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 270066588 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008277 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 297167653 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008277 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 297167653 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008280 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 544975283 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008280 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 544975283 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008282 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 526825684 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008282 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 526825684 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008285 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 982410489 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008285 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 982410489 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008287 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 613481681 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008287 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 613481681 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008290 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 881931750 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008290 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 881931750 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008293 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 638668839 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008293 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 638668839 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008295 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 106451690 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008295 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 106451690 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008297 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 899470508 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008297 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 899470508 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008299 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 685266279 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008299 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 685266279 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008301 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 765021672 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008301 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 765021672 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008303 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 173125501 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142008303 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 173125501 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142008333 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142009389 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142009389 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142009389 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142009389 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142009389 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xbf3c5e, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142009389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142009389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142009389 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12532830 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142009389 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142009389 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142009389 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12532830 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142009389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142009389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142009389 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12532830 <-> SCCP-83 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142009389 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12532830 SCCP-83 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142009389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142009389 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142009389 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142009389 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142009389 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142009390 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142009390 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142009390 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142009390 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f400300039b0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142009390 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142009390 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142009390 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142009390 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142009390 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142009390 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142009390 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142009390 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142009411 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142009411 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142009411 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142009411 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142009411 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142009411 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142009411 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 83 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142009411 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142009411 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142009411 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142009411 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142009411 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=83, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142009411 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142009411 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142009412 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 797841152 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009412 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 797841152 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009416 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 526066216 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009416 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 526066216 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009419 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 605784929 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009419 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 605784929 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009423 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 909468911 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009423 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 909468911 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009426 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 105562976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009426 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 105562976 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009429 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 352613965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009429 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 352613965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009432 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 965581238 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009432 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 965581238 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009434 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 12969226 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009434 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 12969226 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009436 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 505859370 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009436 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 505859370 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009437 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 981061096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009438 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 981061096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009439 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 18028017 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009439 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 18028017 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009441 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 677556555 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009441 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 677556555 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009442 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 298980007 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009442 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 298980007 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009443 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 366816349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009443 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 366816349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009444 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 345176231 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009444 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 345176231 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009445 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 567605235 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009445 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 567605235 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009446 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 101307204 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009446 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 101307204 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009447 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 791136578 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009447 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 791136578 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009448 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 332033807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009448 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 332033807 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009449 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 775077488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142009449 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 775077488 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142009463 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142010494 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142010494 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142010494 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142010494 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142010494 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xc79592, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142010494 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142010494 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142010494 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13079954 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142010494 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142010494 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142010494 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219142010494 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13079954 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142010494 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142010494 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142010494 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13079954 <-> SCCP-84 msc-2 msc-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142010494 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13079954 SCCP-84 msc-2 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142010494 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142010494 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142010494 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142010494 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142010494 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142010494 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142010494 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142010494 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142010494 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111005240103505902082926240000000030004f40030000590056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142010494 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142010494 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142010494 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142010494 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142010494 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142010494 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142010494 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142010494 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142010514 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142010514 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142010514 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142010514 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142010514 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142010514 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142010514 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 84 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142010514 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142010514 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142010514 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142010514 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142010514 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=84, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142010514 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142010514 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142010518 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 942137656 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010518 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 942137656 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010521 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 419358911 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010522 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 419358911 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010525 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 547559954 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010525 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 547559954 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010529 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 596792663 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010529 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 596792663 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010532 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 700489768 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010532 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 700489768 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010536 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 808249134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010536 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 808249134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010540 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 843953870 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010540 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 843953870 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010543 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 720416601 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010543 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 720416601 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010545 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 215870252 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010545 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 215870252 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010548 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 673671912 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010548 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 673671912 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010550 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 102790777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010550 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 102790777 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010552 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 717766239 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010552 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 717766239 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010553 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 724173092 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010553 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 724173092 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010555 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 70992724 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010555 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 70992724 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010556 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 970759274 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010556 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 970759274 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010557 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 216692096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010557 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 216692096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010559 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 920925961 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010559 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 920925961 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010560 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 356539537 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010560 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 356539537 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010561 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 668109330 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010561 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 668109330 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010562 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 798628717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142010562 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 798628717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142010586 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142011617 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142011617 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142011617 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142011617 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142011617 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x570c1b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142011617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142011617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142011617 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5704731 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142011617 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142011617 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142011617 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5704731 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142011617 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142011617 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142011617 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5704731 <-> SCCP-85 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142011617 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5704731 SCCP-85 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142011617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142011617 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142011617 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142011617 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142011617 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142011617 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142011617 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142011617 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142011617 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902082926240000000030004f40030002c30056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142011617 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142011617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142011617 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142011617 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142011618 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142011618 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142011618 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142011618 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142011618 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142011618 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142011618 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142011618 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142011618 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142011618 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142011618 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142011618 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142011626 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142011626 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142011626 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142011626 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142011626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142011626 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142011626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 85 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142011626 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142011626 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142011626 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011626 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142011626 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=85, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142011626 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142011626 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142011628 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 173302573 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011628 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 173302573 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011631 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 711000451 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011631 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 711000451 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011635 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 636508854 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011635 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 636508854 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011638 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 784253102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011638 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 784253102 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011642 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 37140445 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011642 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 37140445 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011646 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 932055242 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011646 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 932055242 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011649 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 950930874 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011649 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 950930874 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011652 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 60301881 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011652 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 60301881 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011654 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 786604993 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011654 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 786604993 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011657 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 968472080 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011657 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 968472080 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011658 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 978876483 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011659 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 978876483 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011660 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 694732304 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011660 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 694732304 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011662 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 698090396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011662 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 698090396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011663 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 466766355 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011663 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 466766355 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011664 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 500399644 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011664 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 500399644 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011666 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 52202552 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011666 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 52202552 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011667 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 812965327 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011667 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 812965327 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011668 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 294900552 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011668 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 294900552 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011669 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 268867020 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011669 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 268867020 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011670 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 941362896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142011670 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 941362896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142011676 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142011676 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142011678 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142011679 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142011679 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142011679 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142011679 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142011679 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142011683 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142011683 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142011683 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142011683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011683 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142011683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011683 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142011683 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142011683 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142011683 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142011683 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142011683 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142011683 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142011683 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142011683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011683 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142011683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011683 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142011683 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142011683 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142011683 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142011683 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142011684 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142011684 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142011684 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142011684 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011684 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142011684 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011684 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142011684 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142011684 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142011684 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142011684 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142011684 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142011684 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142011684 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142011684 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142011685 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142011685 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142011685 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142011685 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142011685 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142011685 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142011685 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142011685 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142011685 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142011685 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142011685 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142011685 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142011685 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-13079954)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142011685 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142011685 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142011685 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-84)[0x564010c305f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142011685 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13079954 SCCP-84 msc-2 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142011685 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142011685 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142011685 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142011685 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011686 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142011686 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142011686 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142011686 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142011686 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142011686 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142011686 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142011686 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142011686 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142011686 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142011686 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142011686 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142011686 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142011686 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142011686 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142011686 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142011687 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142011687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142011687 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142011687 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142011687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142011687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142011687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142011687 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12532830)[0x564010c0c690]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142011687 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142011687 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142011687 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-83)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142011687 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12532830 SCCP-83 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142011687 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142011687 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142011687 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142011687 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142011687 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142011688 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142011688 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142011688 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142011688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142011688 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142011688 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142011688 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142011688 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142011688 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142011688 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142011688 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142011688 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5704731)[0x564010c0edd0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142011688 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142011688 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142011688 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-85)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142011688 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5704731 SCCP-85 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142011689 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142011689 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142011689 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142011690 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142011690 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142011690 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142011691 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142011706 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142011706 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142011715 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142011879 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142012203 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142012203 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142012203 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142012203 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142012203 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142012203 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142012482 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142013127 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142013128 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142013128 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142013128 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142013128 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142013128 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142013807 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142013807 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142013807 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142013807 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142013807 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142013807 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142013835 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142013835 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142013835 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142013835 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142013835 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142013835 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015582 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142015587 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142015591 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142015666 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142015666 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142015673 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015673 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015674 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015674 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015674 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015674 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015674 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142015674 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015675 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015675 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015675 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015675 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015675 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015675 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015675 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015675 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015675 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015675 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015675 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015676 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015676 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015676 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015676 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015676 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015676 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015676 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015676 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015676 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015716 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015716 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015716 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015716 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015716 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015716 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015716 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142015716 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015717 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015717 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015717 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015717 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015717 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015717 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015717 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015717 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015717 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015717 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015740 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142015740 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142015740 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142015740 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142015740 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142015740 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142015740 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142015740 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142015740 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142015744 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142015744 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142015744 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142015744 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142015744 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142015744 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142015744 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142015744 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142015744 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142015901 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142015901 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142015901 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142015901 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015901 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142015901 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015901 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142015901 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142015901 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142015901 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015902 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015902 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015902 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015902 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015902 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015902 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015902 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015902 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015902 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015902 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015902 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015905 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142015905 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142015905 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142015905 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015905 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142015906 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015906 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142015906 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142015906 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142015906 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015907 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015907 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015907 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015907 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015907 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015907 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015907 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015907 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015907 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015907 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015907 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015921 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142015921 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142015921 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142015921 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015921 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142015921 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015921 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142015921 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142015921 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142015921 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015922 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015922 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015922 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015922 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015922 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015922 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015922 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015922 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015922 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015922 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015923 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142015936 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142015936 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142015936 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142015936 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015936 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142015936 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142015936 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142015936 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142015936 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142015936 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142015937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142015937 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142015937 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142015937 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142015937 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015937 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142015937 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142015937 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142015937 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142015937 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142015937 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142016060 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016060 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00682421), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016060 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016062 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142016062 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142016062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016062 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016062 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016062 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016070 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016070 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016070 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0014d4c7) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016070 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 76 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142016070 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142016070 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142016070 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142016070 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142016070 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(76)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142016071 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016071 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016071 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00e8ef94) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016071 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 78 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142016071 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142016071 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142016071 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142016071 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142016071 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(78)[0x564010c28770]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142016270 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016270 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016270 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000004d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00682421) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016270 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 77 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142016270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142016270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142016270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142016270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142016270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(77)[0x564010c27e10]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016704 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016704 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016704 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016704 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016704 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142016704 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142016704 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142016704 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142016704 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016704 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016704 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142016704 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142016706 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016706 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016706 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016706 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016706 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016706 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016706 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142016706 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142016706 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016710 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016710 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016710 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016710 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016710 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142016710 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142016710 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142016710 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142016710 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016710 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016710 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142016710 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142016716 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016716 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016716 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016716 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016716 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016716 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016716 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016716 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016716 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142016716 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142016716 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016720 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016720 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016720 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016720 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016720 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142016720 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142016720 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142016720 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142016720 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016720 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016720 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142016720 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142016724 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016724 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016724 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016724 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016724 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016724 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016724 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016724 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016724 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016724 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016725 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016725 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016725 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142016725 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142016725 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142016739 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016739 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016739 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016739 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016739 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016739 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016739 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016739 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142016739 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142016739 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142016739 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142016739 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142016739 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016739 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016740 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016740 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016740 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016740 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016740 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016740 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016740 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142016740 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142016740 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142016740 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142016740 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142016740 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142016743 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142016743 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142016743 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142016743 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142016743 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142016743 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142016743 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142016743 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142016743 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142016743 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142016743 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142017771 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 948292735 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017771 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 948292735 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017774 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 682205954 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017774 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 682205954 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017778 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 670970712 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017778 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 670970712 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017782 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 512034722 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017782 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 512034722 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017786 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 269438158 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017786 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 269438158 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017789 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 816694417 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017789 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 816694417 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017793 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 788425713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017793 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 788425713 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017797 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 690715697 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017797 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 690715697 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017800 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 71197086 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017800 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 71197086 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017804 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 425334207 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017804 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 425334207 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017808 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 631702763 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017808 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 631702763 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017811 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 309038198 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017811 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 309038198 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017814 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 252042649 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017814 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 252042649 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017817 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 918470696 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017817 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 918470696 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017819 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 508152476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017819 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 508152476 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017821 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 272042087 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017821 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 272042087 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017823 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 659839536 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017823 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 659839536 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017825 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 983287497 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017825 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 983287497 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017826 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 316393946 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017826 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 316393946 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017828 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 512937605 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142017828 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 512937605 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142017842 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142018896 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142018896 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142018896 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 99 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142018896 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142018896 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xbf9f59, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142018896 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142018896 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142018896 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12558169 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142018896 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142018896 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142018896 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12558169 SCCP-0 CS MI=TMSI-0x42410023: TMSI-0x42410023 NRI(10bit)=0x104=260: NRI match selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142018896 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142018896 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142018896 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12558169 <-> SCCP-86 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142018896 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12558169 SCCP-86 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42410023: rx RUA Connect with 70 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142018896 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142018896 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142018896 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142018897 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142018897 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142018897 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142018897 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142018897 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142018897 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000056), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=70,D=001340420000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040100f05080200f110172a5205f442410023004f40030000970056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142018897 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142018897 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142018897 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142018897 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142018897 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142018897 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142018897 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142018897 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142018913 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142018913 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142018913 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142018913 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142018913 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142018913 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000056), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00063400) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142018913 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 86 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142018913 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142018913 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142018913 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142018913 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142018913 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=86, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142018913 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142018913 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142018916 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 17127797 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018916 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 17127797 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018920 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 522940929 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018920 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 522940929 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018924 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 769093316 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018924 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 769093316 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018928 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 532420448 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018928 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 532420448 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018932 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 469355968 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018932 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 469355968 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018936 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 875916428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018936 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 875916428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018940 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 711577004 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018940 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 711577004 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018944 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 60549509 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018944 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 60549509 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018948 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 245587346 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018948 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 245587346 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018951 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 697682349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018952 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 697682349 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018954 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 879618094 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018954 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 879618094 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018957 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 470808772 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018957 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 470808772 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018959 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 571526093 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018959 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 571526093 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018961 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 229730222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018961 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 229730222 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018963 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 564387666 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018963 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 564387666 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018965 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 499316619 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018965 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 499316619 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018966 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 631928831 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018966 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 631928831 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018968 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 788812082 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018968 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 788812082 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018969 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 996670496 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018969 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 996670496 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018970 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 79244618 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142018970 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 79244618 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142018994 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142020023 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142020023 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142020023 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142020023 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142020023 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x55be23, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142020023 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142020023 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142020023 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5619235 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142020023 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142020023 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142020023 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219142020023 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5619235 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-001010000000002: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142020023 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142020023 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142020023 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5619235 <-> SCCP-87 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142020023 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5619235 SCCP-87 msc-0 MI=IMSI-001010000000002: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142020023 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142020023 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142020023 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142020023 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142020023 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142020023 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142020023 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142020023 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142020023 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000057), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111005240103505902080910100000000020004f40030001a90056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142020024 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142020024 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142020024 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142020024 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142020024 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142020024 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142020024 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142020024 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142020048 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142020048 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142020049 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142020049 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142020049 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142020049 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000057), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00139da6) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142020049 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 87 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142020049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142020049 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142020049 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142020049 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142020049 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=87, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142020049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142020049 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142020049 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 945732754 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020049 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 945732754 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020051 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 304121889 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020051 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 304121889 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020053 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 148415991 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020053 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 148415991 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020056 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 407492478 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020056 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 407492478 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020058 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 23296342 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020059 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 23296342 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020062 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 990274374 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020062 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 990274374 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020065 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 721644614 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020065 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 721644614 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020069 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 938233447 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020069 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 938233447 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020073 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 596546033 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020073 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 596546033 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020076 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 564324752 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020076 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 564324752 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020080 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 293478141 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020080 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 293478141 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020084 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 406627362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020084 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 406627362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020088 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 488727585 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020088 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 488727585 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020091 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 223654438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020091 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 223654438 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020095 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 63297419 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020095 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 63297419 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020099 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 230473155 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020099 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 230473155 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020102 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 815538477 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020102 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 815538477 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020105 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 606304826 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020105 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 606304826 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020107 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 60497855 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020107 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 60497855 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020109 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 131113333 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142020109 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 131113333 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142020148 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142021181 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142021181 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142021181 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142021181 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142021181 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x5fd124, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142021181 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142021181 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142021181 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6279460 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142021181 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142021181 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142021181 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6279460 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-001010000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142021181 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142021181 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142021181 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6279460 <-> SCCP-88 msc-2 msc-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142021181 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6279460 SCCP-88 msc-2 MI=IMSI-001010000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142021181 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142021181 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142021181 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142021181 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142021181 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142021181 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142021181 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142021181 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142021181 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902080910100000000030004f40030002cc0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142021181 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142021181 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021181 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021181 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021181 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142021181 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142021181 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142021181 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142021197 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142021197 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142021197 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142021197 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142021197 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142021197 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00964b90) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142021197 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 88 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142021197 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142021197 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142021197 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021197 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142021197 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=88, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142021197 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142021197 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142021198 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 925158306 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021198 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 925158306 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021202 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 216369529 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021203 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 216369529 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021206 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 997326317 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021206 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 997326317 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021211 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 507323879 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021211 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 507323879 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021215 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 746903861 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021215 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 746903861 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021219 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 333059456 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021219 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 333059456 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021222 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 943886869 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021222 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 943886869 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021226 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 524743041 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021226 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 524743041 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021230 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 155157839 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021230 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 155157839 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021233 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 868524389 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021233 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 868524389 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021237 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 487402227 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021237 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 487402227 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021240 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 55175224 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021240 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 55175224 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021243 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 547154574 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021243 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 547154574 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021246 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 447673535 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021246 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 447673535 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021248 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 29552556 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021248 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 29552556 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021250 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 528034800 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021250 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 528034800 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021251 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 256632145 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021251 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 256632145 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021253 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 60090577 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021253 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 60090577 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021254 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 494118056 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021254 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 494118056 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021256 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 911736435 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142021256 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 911736435 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142021262 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142021263 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142021265 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142021265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142021265 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142021265 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142021265 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142021265 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142021266 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142021266 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142021266 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142021266 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021266 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142021266 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021266 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142021266 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142021266 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142021266 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142021266 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142021266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142021266 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142021266 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142021266 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00139da6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000057), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021266 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021266 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021266 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021266 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142021266 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142021266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142021266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142021266 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142021266 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142021266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142021266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5619235)[0x564010c0c690]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-87)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142021267 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5619235 SCCP-87 msc-0 MI=IMSI-001010000000002: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142021267 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142021267 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142021267 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142021267 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142021267 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142021267 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142021267 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00063400), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000056), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-12558169)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-86)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142021267 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12558169 SCCP-86 msc-1 MI=TMSI-0x42410023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142021267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6279460)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-2-SCCP-88)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142021267 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6279460 SCCP-88 msc-2 MI=IMSI-001010000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142021267 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142021267 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142021267 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142021267 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142021267 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142021267 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142021267 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142021267 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142021267 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142021267 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142021267 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142021267 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142021267 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142021267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142021267 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142021267 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142021267 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142021267 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142021282 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142021283 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142021284 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142021463 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142021686 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142021686 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021686 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021686 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021686 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021686 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142021687 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142021687 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021687 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021687 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021687 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021687 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142021688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142021688 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142021688 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142021688 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142021688 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142021688 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142022065 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142022204 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142022204 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142022204 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142022204 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142022204 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142022204 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142023129 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142023129 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142023129 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142023129 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142023129 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142023129 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142023808 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142023808 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142023808 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142023808 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142023808 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142023808 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142023836 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142023837 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142023837 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142023837 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142023837 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142023837 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025158 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142025163 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142025167 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142025260 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142025260 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142025271 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025271 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025271 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025272 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025272 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142025272 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025273 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025273 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025273 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025273 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025273 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025273 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025273 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025273 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025273 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025273 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025309 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025309 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025309 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025309 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142025309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025310 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025310 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025310 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025310 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025311 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025311 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025311 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025311 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025311 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025311 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025311 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025311 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142025348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142025348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142025348 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142025348 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142025348 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142025348 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142025348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142025348 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142025353 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142025353 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142025353 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142025353 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142025353 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142025353 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142025353 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142025353 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142025353 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142025502 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142025502 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142025502 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142025502 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025502 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142025502 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025502 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142025502 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142025502 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142025502 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025503 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025504 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025504 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025504 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025504 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025504 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025504 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025504 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025504 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025504 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025504 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025515 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142025515 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142025515 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142025515 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025515 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142025515 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025515 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142025515 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142025515 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142025515 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025516 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025517 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025517 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025517 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025517 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025517 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025517 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025517 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025517 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025517 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025533 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142025533 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142025533 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142025533 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025533 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142025533 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025533 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142025533 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142025533 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142025533 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025534 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025535 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025535 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025535 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025535 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025535 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025535 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025535 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025535 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025535 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025535 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142025547 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142025547 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142025547 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142025547 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025547 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142025547 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142025547 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142025547 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142025547 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142025547 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142025548 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142025548 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142025548 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142025548 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142025548 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025548 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142025548 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142025548 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142025548 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142025548 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142025548 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026304 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026304 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142026304 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142026304 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142026304 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142026304 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142026304 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142026304 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142026304 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142026306 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026306 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026306 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026307 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026307 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026307 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026307 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142026307 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142026307 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026314 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026314 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026314 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026314 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026314 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142026314 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142026314 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142026314 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142026314 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142026314 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142026314 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026314 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026314 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026314 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026314 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026314 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026314 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026314 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142026314 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142026314 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026341 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026341 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026341 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026341 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026341 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142026341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142026341 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142026341 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142026341 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142026341 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142026341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142026341 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142026344 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026344 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026344 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026344 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026344 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026344 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026344 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026344 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026344 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142026344 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142026344 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142026349 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026349 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026349 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026349 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026349 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026349 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026350 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026350 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026350 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142026350 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142026350 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142026350 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142026350 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142026350 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026350 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142026350 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142026350 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142026350 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142026350 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142026350 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142026353 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142026353 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142026353 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142026353 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142026353 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142026353 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142026353 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142026353 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142026353 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142026353 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142026353 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142027364 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 111954718 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027365 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 111954718 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027373 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 378071086 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027373 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 378071086 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027377 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 213263428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027377 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 213263428 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027381 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 718940311 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027381 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 718940311 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027385 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 858798730 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027385 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 858798730 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027388 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 467597665 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027388 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 467597665 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027391 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 220199650 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027391 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 220199650 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027393 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 659610408 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027393 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 659610408 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027395 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 672174651 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027395 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 672174651 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027398 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 139808803 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027398 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 139808803 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027401 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 464905013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027401 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 464905013 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027403 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 178548913 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027403 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 178548913 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027405 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 215073294 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027405 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 215073294 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027407 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 150131196 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027407 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 150131196 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027409 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 128038374 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027409 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 128038374 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027410 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 484847008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027410 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 484847008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027411 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 473154724 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027411 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 473154724 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027413 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 573297118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027413 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 573297118 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027413 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 932119433 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027413 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 932119433 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027414 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 283708162 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142027414 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 283708162 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142027432 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142028471 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142028471 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142028471 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142028471 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142028472 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x57b31a, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142028472 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142028472 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142028472 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5747482 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142028472 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142028472 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142028472 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5747482 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142028472 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142028472 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142028472 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5747482 <-> SCCP-89 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142028472 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5747482 SCCP-89 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142028472 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142028472 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142028472 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142028472 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142028472 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142028472 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142028472 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142028472 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142028472 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000059), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030003830056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142028472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142028472 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142028472 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142028472 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142028472 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142028472 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142028472 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142028472 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142028481 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142028481 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142028481 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142028481 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142028481 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142028481 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000059), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0013fd83) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142028481 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 89 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142028481 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142028481 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142028481 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142028481 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142028481 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=89, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142028481 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142028481 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142028482 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 719840970 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028482 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 719840970 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028485 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 920709925 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028485 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 920709925 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028488 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 19050043 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028488 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 19050043 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028491 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 877337825 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028491 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 877337825 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028494 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 496370362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028494 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 496370362 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028497 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 643557512 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028497 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 643557512 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028500 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 743995544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028500 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 743995544 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028502 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 662630136 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028502 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 662630136 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028504 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 809069717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028504 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 809069717 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028505 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 611937579 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028505 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 611937579 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028507 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 674767498 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028507 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 674767498 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028508 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 503821535 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028508 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 503821535 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028510 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 456776236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028510 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 456776236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028511 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 602848383 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028511 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 602848383 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028513 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 423675743 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028513 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 423675743 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028514 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 545014096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028514 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 545014096 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028515 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 523951978 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028515 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 523951978 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028516 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 238008903 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028516 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 238008903 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028517 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 924024675 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028517 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 924024675 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028518 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 173903346 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142028518 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 173903346 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142028551 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142029570 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142029570 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142029570 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142029570 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142029570 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xe690b4, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142029570 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142029570 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142029570 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15110324 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142029570 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142029570 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142029570 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219142029570 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15110324 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142029570 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142029570 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142029570 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-15110324 <-> SCCP-90 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142029570 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15110324 SCCP-90 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142029570 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142029570 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142029570 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142029570 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142029570 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142029570 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142029570 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142029570 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142029570 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111005240103505902082926240000000030004f40030003c00056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142029570 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142029570 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142029570 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142029570 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142029570 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142029571 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142029571 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142029571 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142029585 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 854127680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029585 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 854127680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029585 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142029585 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142029585 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142029585 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142029585 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142029585 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0017d256) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142029585 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 90 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142029585 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142029585 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142029585 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142029585 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142029585 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=90, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142029585 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142029585 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142029590 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 182194460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029590 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 182194460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029596 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 200339697 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029596 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 200339697 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029601 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 297965880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029601 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 297965880 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029604 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 140631537 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029604 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 140631537 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029609 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 451305137 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029609 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 451305137 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029613 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 409231521 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029613 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 409231521 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029617 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 103353539 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029617 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 103353539 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029620 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 241566918 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029620 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 241566918 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029624 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 901330151 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029624 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 901330151 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029627 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 727221445 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029627 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 727221445 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029629 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 188803283 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029629 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 188803283 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029632 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 906940193 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029632 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 906940193 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029637 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 749979732 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029637 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 749979732 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029641 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 237963189 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029641 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 237963189 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029645 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 992117886 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029645 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 992117886 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029649 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 8198258 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029649 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 8198258 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029652 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 457945321 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029652 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 457945321 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029656 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 225013353 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029656 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 225013353 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029658 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 198056575 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142029658 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 198056575 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142029661 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): disconnecting msc0 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250219142029663 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142029663 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142029663 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142029663 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142029663 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142029663 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142029663 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142029663 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142029663 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142029663 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142029663 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142029663 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0013fd83), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000059), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142029663 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142029663 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142029663 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142029663 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142029663 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142029663 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142029663 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142029663 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142029663 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142029663 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142029663 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142029663 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5747482)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142029663 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-89)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142029663 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5747482 SCCP-89 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142029663 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142029663 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142029677 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142030694 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142030694 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142030694 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142030694 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142030694 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0xaa317b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142030694 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142030694 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142030694 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11153787 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142030694 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142030694 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142030694 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11153787 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142030694 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142030694 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142030694 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-11153787 <-> SCCP-91 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142030694 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11153787 SCCP-91 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142030694 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142030694 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142030694 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142030694 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142030694 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142030694 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142030694 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142030694 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142030694 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902082926240000000030004f40030003df0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142030694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142030694 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142030694 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142030694 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142030694 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142030695 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142030695 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142030695 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142030702 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142030702 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142030702 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142030702 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142030702 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142030702 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00647bd1) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142030702 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 91 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142030702 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142030702 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142030702 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030702 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142030702 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=91, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142030702 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142030702 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142030704 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 525129241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030704 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 525129241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030707 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 104370354 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030707 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 104370354 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030713 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 204084424 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030713 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 204084424 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030717 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 83430422 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030717 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 83430422 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030721 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 648349322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030721 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 648349322 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030725 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 711205038 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030725 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 711205038 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030728 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 635603236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030728 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 635603236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030731 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 763626680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030731 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 763626680 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030734 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 215901505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030734 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 215901505 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030736 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 748623554 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030736 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 748623554 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030738 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 806474235 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030738 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 806474235 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030740 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 894003049 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030740 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 894003049 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030742 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 973604965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030742 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 973604965 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030743 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 2296871 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030743 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 2296871 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030745 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 899202079 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030745 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 899202079 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030746 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 228699774 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030746 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 228699774 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030747 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 56989241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030747 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 56989241 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030748 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 26021974 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030748 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 26021974 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030749 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 132271766 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030749 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 132271766 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030750 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 799728393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142030750 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 799728393 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142030754 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142030754 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142030756 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142030756 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142030756 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142030757 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142030757 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142030757 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142030758 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142030758 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142030758 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142030758 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030758 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142030758 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030758 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142030758 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142030758 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142030758 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142030758 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142030760 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142030760 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142030760 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142030761 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030761 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142030761 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030761 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142030762 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142030762 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142030762 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142030762 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142030762 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142030762 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142030762 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142030762 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030762 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142030762 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142030762 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142030762 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142030762 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142030762 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142030763 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142030763 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142030763 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142030763 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142030763 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017d256), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142030763 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142030763 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142030763 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142030763 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142030763 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142030763 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142030763 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142030763 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142030763 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142030763 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142030763 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142030763 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142030763 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-15110324)[0x564010c1fd70]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-90)[0x564010c0c690]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142030764 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15110324 SCCP-90 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142030764 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142030764 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142030764 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00647bd1), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142030764 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142030764 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142030764 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142030764 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142030764 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142030764 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142030764 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142030764 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142030764 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142030764 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142030764 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142030764 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-11153787)[0x564010c08d60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142030764 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-91)[0x564010a8e600]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142030764 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-11153787 SCCP-91 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142030765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142030765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142030765 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142030765 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142030765 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142030765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142030765 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142030765 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142030765 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142030766 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142030931 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142031267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142031267 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142031267 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142031267 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142031267 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142031267 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142031267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00063400), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000056), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142031268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00139da6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000057), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142031268 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142031535 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142031687 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142031687 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142031687 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142031688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142031688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142031688 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142032205 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142032205 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142032205 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142032205 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142032205 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142032205 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142033131 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142033131 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142033131 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142033131 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142033131 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142033131 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142033809 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142033809 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142033810 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142033810 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142033810 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142033810 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142033838 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142033838 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142033838 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142033838 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142033838 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142033838 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034640 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142034644 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142034649 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142034732 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142034732 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142034744 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034744 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034744 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034744 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034745 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034745 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142034745 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142034745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034745 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034745 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034745 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034745 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034745 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034745 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034745 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034745 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034745 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034745 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034745 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034746 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034746 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034746 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034746 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034746 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034746 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034746 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034746 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034764 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034764 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034764 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034764 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034764 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034764 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034764 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142034765 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034766 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034766 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034766 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034766 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034766 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034766 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034766 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034766 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034766 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034766 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034791 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142034792 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142034792 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142034792 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142034792 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142034792 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142034792 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142034792 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142034792 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142034796 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142034796 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142034796 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142034796 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142034796 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142034796 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142034796 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142034796 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142034796 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142034976 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142034976 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142034976 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142034976 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142034976 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142034976 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142034976 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142034976 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142034976 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142034976 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034977 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034977 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034977 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034977 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034977 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034977 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034978 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034978 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034978 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034978 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034978 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142034990 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142034990 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142034990 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142034990 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142034990 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142034990 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142034990 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142034990 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142034990 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142034990 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142034991 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142034992 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142034992 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142034992 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142034992 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034992 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142034992 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142034992 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142034992 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142034992 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142034992 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142035779 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142035779 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142035779 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142035779 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142035779 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035779 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035779 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142035779 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142035780 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142035780 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142035780 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142035780 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142035780 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142035780 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035780 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035780 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142035780 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142035780 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142035780 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142035780 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142035780 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142035783 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142035783 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142035783 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142035783 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142035783 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142035783 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035784 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035784 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142035784 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142035784 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142035784 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142035784 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142035793 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142035794 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142035794 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142035794 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142035794 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142035794 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142035794 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142035794 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142035794 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142035794 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142035794 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142035794 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142035794 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142035798 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142035798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142035798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142035798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142035798 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142035798 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142035798 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142035798 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142035798 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142035798 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142035798 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142036808 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 754681503 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036808 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 754681503 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036813 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 652911225 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036813 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 652911225 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036817 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 294697894 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036817 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 294697894 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036822 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 945613381 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036822 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 945613381 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036825 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 361510020 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036826 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 361510020 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036829 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 768727860 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036829 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 768727860 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036833 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 592867309 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036833 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 592867309 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036836 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 803220782 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036836 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 803220782 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036840 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 262176895 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036840 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 262176895 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036843 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 72311015 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036843 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 72311015 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036847 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 683364037 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036847 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 683364037 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036850 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 736933324 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036850 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 736933324 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036853 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 126515220 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036853 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 126515220 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036855 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 958102183 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036855 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 958102183 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036858 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 296917639 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036858 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 296917639 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036861 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 11915856 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036861 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 11915856 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036864 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 417402568 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036864 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 417402568 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036868 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 493160687 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036868 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 493160687 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036872 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 810295329 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036872 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 810295329 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036876 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 624297906 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142036876 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 624297906 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142036912 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142037952 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142037953 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142037953 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142037953 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142037953 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x32af52, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142037953 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142037953 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142037953 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321682 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142037953 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142037953 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142037953 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321682 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142037953 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142037953 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142037953 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3321682 <-> SCCP-92 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142037953 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321682 SCCP-92 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142037953 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142037953 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142037953 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142037953 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142037953 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142037953 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142037953 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142037953 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142037953 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f400300027d0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142037953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142037953 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142037953 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142037953 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142037953 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142037953 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142037953 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142037953 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142037970 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142037970 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142037970 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142037970 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142037970 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142037970 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142037970 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 92 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142037970 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142037970 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142037970 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142037970 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142037970 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=92, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142037970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142037970 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142037971 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 672027504 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037971 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 672027504 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037974 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 140372295 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037974 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 140372295 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037979 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 441033134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037979 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 441033134 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037983 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 149944208 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037983 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 149944208 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037987 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 554278958 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037987 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 554278958 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037990 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 141396414 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037990 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 141396414 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037993 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 51955148 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037993 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 51955148 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037996 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 480132236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037996 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 480132236 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037998 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 499143124 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037998 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 499143124 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142037999 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 334370854 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142037999 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 334370854 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038001 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 137737053 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038001 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 137737053 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038002 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 681382396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038002 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 681382396 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038003 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 877296613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038003 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 877296613 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038004 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 916393557 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038004 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 916393557 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038005 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 867304762 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038005 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 867304762 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038006 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 253711639 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038006 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 253711639 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038007 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 370706610 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038007 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 370706610 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038008 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 45724313 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038008 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 45724313 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038008 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 279603156 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038008 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 279603156 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038009 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 845677261 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142038009 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 845677261 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142038027 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142039054 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142039054 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142039054 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142039054 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142039054 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x4dcb2b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142039054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142039054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142039054 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5098283 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142039054 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142039054 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142039054 DRUA DEBUG CM Service is_emerg=0 (hnbgw_l3.c:211) 20250219142039054 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5098283 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142039054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c110d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142039054 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142039054 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5098283 <-> SCCP-93 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142039054 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5098283 SCCP-93 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142039054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142039054 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142039054 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142039054 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142039055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142039055 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142039055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142039055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142039055 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111005240103505902082926240000000030004f40030000a60056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142039055 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142039055 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142039055 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142039055 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142039055 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142039055 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142039061 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142039062 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142039062 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142039062 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142039062 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142039062 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142039062 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 93 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142039062 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142039062 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142039062 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142039062 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142039062 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=93, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142039062 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142039062 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142039064 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 911430698 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039064 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 911430698 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039067 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 715946087 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039067 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 715946087 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039072 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 327619649 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039072 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 327619649 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039076 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 50834876 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039076 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 50834876 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039080 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 938951532 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039080 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 938951532 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039083 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 854597679 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039083 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 854597679 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039087 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 53791605 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039087 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 53791605 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039090 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 42179059 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039090 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 42179059 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039094 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 97193323 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039094 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 97193323 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039096 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 478459759 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039096 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 478459759 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039099 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 178710939 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039099 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 178710939 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039101 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 847167050 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039101 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 847167050 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039103 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 929349500 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039103 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 929349500 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039105 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 765130371 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039105 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 765130371 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039107 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 663447267 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039107 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 663447267 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039108 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 28403224 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039108 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 28403224 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039110 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 977136598 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039110 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 977136598 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039112 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 127127478 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039112 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 127127478 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039115 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 206846728 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039115 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 206846728 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039117 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 456530442 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142039117 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 456530442 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142039120 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): connecting cnlink 1 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250219142039359 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142039359 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142039360 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142039360 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142039360 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142039360 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142039360 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142039360 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142039360 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142039360 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142039361 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142039361 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142039361 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142039361 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142039361 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039361 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142039361 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142039361 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142039361 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142039361 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142039361 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142039664 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142039664 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0013fd83), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000059), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142039664 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142039664 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142039664 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142039664 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142039671 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142039671 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142039671 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142039671 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142039671 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142039671 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000059), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0013fd83) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142039671 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 89 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142039671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142039671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142039671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142039671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142039671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(89)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142040156 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142040156 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142040156 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142040156 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142040156 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142040156 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040156 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142040157 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142040157 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142040157 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142040157 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142040157 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142040157 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142040157 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142040157 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142040157 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142040157 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142040157 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142040157 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142040157 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142040157 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142040157 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142040157 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142040157 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142040168 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142040764 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017d256), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142040764 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00647bd1), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142040764 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142040769 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142040769 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142040769 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142040769 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142040769 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142040769 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0017d256) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142040769 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 90 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142040769 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142040769 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142040769 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142040769 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142040769 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(90)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142040971 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142040971 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142040971 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142040971 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142040971 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142040971 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00647bd1) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142040971 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 91 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142040971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142040971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142040971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142040971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142040971 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(91)[0x564010c0d7b0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041197 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142041198 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142041198 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 100 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142041198 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142041198 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x69c57, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142041198 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d7b0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142041198 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142041198 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-433239 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142041198 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142041198 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142041198 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-433239 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142041198 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142041198 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142041198 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-433239 <-> SCCP-94 msc-1 msc-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.0.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142041198 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-433239 SCCP-94 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 71 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142041198 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142041198 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142041198 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142041198 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142041198 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142041198 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142041198 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142041198 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142041198 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=71,D=001340430000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040111006270003505902082926240000000030004f400300017f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041198 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142041198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142041198 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142041198 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142041199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142041199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142041199 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142041199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142041199 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142041199 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041199 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041199 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041199 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041199 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142041199 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142041199 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142041217 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142041217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142041217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142041217 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142041217 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142041217 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00e30067) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142041217 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 94 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142041217 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142041217 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142041217 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142041217 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142041217 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=94, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142041217 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142041217 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142041219 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 715341896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041219 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 715341896 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041224 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 324479843 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041224 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 324479843 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041228 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 861931751 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041228 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 861931751 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041232 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 895277002 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041232 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 895277002 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041236 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 913020758 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041236 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 913020758 rate_ctr.abs.msc.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041240 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 437063394 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041240 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 437063394 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041243 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 243979953 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041244 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 243979953 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041247 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 335295008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041247 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 335295008 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041251 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 38638779 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041251 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 38638779 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041254 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 336077112 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041254 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 336077112 rate_ctr.abs.msc.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041257 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 560105149 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041257 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 560105149 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041259 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 14139460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041260 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 14139460 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041262 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 107366164 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041262 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 107366164 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041264 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 186215770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041264 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 186215770 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041266 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 668620361 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041266 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 668620361 rate_ctr.abs.msc.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00063400), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000056), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041268 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 29469180 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041268 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 29469180 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00139da6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000057), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041268 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041270 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142041270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142041270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142041270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142041270 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142041270 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000057), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00139da6) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142041270 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 87 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142041270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142041270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142041270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142041270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142041270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(87)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041270 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142041270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142041270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142041270 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142041271 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142041271 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000056), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00063400) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142041271 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 86 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142041271 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142041271 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142041271 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142041271 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142041271 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(86)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041271 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 701590383 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041271 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 701590383 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041273 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 174256936 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041273 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 174256936 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041274 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 493847581 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041274 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 493847581 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041276 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 980834870 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142041276 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 980834870 rate_ctr.abs.msc.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142041281 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142041282 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142041284 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142041285 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142041285 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142041285 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142041285 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142041285 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142041288 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142041288 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142041288 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142041288 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142041288 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142041288 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142041288 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142041288 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142041288 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142041288 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041288 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142041288 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142041288 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142041288 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142041288 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142041288 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142041288 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142041288 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-3321682)[0x564010c1fd70]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-92)[0x564010c0c690]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041288 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3321682 SCCP-92 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142041288 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142041288 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142041289 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142041289 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041289 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041289 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041289 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041289 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041289 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142041289 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142041289 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142041289 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142041289 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142041289 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142041289 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142041289 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142041289 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5098283)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041289 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142041289 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142041289 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-93)[0x564010c110d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041289 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5098283 SCCP-93 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142041289 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142041289 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142041289 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142041289 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142041289 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142041289 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142041290 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142041290 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142041290 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142041290 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142041290 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142041290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142041290 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041290 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041290 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041290 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041290 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142041290 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142041290 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142041290 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142041290 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-433239)[0x564010c0d7b0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041290 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142041290 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142041290 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-1-SCCP-94)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142041290 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-433239 SCCP-94 msc-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142041293 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142041304 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142041330 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142041460 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142041689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142041689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142041689 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142042064 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142042206 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142042206 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142042206 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142042206 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142042206 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142042206 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142043132 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142043132 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142043132 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142043132 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142043132 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142043132 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142043811 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142043811 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006fadc4), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000004f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142043811 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142043811 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142043811 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142043811 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142043839 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142043839 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00476118), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000050), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142043839 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142043839 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142043839 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142043839 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045163 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142045169 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142045171 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142045263 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142045263 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142045276 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045276 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045276 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045276 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045276 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142045277 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045277 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045277 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045277 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142045277 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045278 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045278 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045278 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045278 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045278 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045278 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045278 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045278 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045278 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045278 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045300 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045300 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045301 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045301 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045301 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045301 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045301 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142045301 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045302 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045302 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045302 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045302 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045302 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045302 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045302 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045302 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045303 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045303 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045303 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045303 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045303 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045303 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045303 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045303 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045303 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045332 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142045332 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142045332 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142045332 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142045332 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142045332 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142045332 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142045332 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142045332 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142045336 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142045336 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142045336 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142045336 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142045336 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142045336 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142045336 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142045336 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142045336 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142045510 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142045510 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142045510 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142045510 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142045510 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142045510 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142045510 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142045510 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142045510 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142045510 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045512 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045512 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045512 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045512 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045512 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045512 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045512 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045512 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045512 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045512 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045512 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142045525 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142045525 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142045525 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142045525 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142045525 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142045526 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142045526 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142045526 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142045526 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142045526 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142045527 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142045527 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142045527 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142045527 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142045527 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045527 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142045527 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142045527 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142045527 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142045527 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142045527 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142046315 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142046315 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142046315 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142046315 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142046315 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046315 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046315 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142046315 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142046315 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142046315 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142046315 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142046316 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142046316 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142046316 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046316 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046316 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142046316 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142046316 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142046316 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142046316 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142046316 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142046317 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142046317 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142046317 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142046317 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142046317 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046317 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046317 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142046317 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142046317 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142046317 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142046317 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142046327 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142046327 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142046327 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142046327 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142046327 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046327 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046327 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142046328 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142046328 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142046328 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142046328 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142046328 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142046328 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142046328 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046328 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142046328 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142046328 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142046328 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142046328 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142046328 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142046330 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142046330 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142046331 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142046331 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142046331 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142046331 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142046331 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142046331 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142046331 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142046331 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142046331 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142046343 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 615821021 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046343 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 615821021 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046350 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 597079728 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046350 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 597079728 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046354 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 15909976 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046354 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 15909976 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046357 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 240839174 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046357 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 240839174 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046361 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 80654005 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046361 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 80654005 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046365 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 126260622 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046365 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 126260622 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046369 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 47514634 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046369 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 47514634 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046373 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 522875682 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046373 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 522875682 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046377 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 660270244 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046377 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 660270244 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046380 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 924343999 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046380 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 924343999 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046383 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 73683192 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046384 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 73683192 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046386 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 380827896 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046386 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 380827896 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046389 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 749795672 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046389 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 749795672 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046391 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 403108095 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046391 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 403108095 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046393 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 315859041 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046394 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 315859041 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046396 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 345219977 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046396 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 345219977 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046398 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 379981407 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046398 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 379981407 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046400 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 594616464 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046400 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 594616464 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046401 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 897918575 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046401 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 897918575 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046403 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 351563132 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142046403 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 351563132 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142046437 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142047470 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142047471 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142047471 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142047471 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142047471 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x1927b7, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142047471 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142047471 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142047471 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1648567 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142047471 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142047471 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142047471 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000004 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142047471 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1648567 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142047471 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142047471 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142047471 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1648567 <-> SCCP-95 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142047471 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1648567 SCCP-95 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142047471 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142047471 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142047471 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142047471 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142047471 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142047471 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142047471 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142047471 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142047471 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000004000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001b70056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142047471 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142047471 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142047471 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142047471 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142047471 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142047471 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142047472 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142047472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142047472 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142047472 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142047472 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142047472 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142047472 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142047472 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142047472 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142047472 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142047491 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142047491 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142047491 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142047491 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142047491 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142047491 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142047491 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 95 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142047491 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142047491 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142047491 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142047491 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142047491 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=95, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142047491 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142047491 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142047494 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 192381543 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047494 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 192381543 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047498 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 687754261 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047498 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 687754261 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047502 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 736167380 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047502 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 736167380 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047506 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 642431785 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047506 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 642431785 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047510 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 356515472 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047510 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 356515472 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047514 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 354318136 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047515 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 354318136 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047519 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 476746090 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047519 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 476746090 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047523 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 535171020 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047523 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 535171020 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047527 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 860374472 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047527 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 860374472 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047529 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 96979854 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047529 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 96979854 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047532 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 232112887 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047532 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 232112887 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047535 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 573847666 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047535 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 573847666 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047538 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 287112062 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047538 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 287112062 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047542 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 693052538 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047542 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 693052538 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047547 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 607665082 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047547 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 607665082 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047551 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 956352700 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047551 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 956352700 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047555 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 916063477 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047555 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 916063477 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047558 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 182286685 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047558 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 182286685 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047560 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 539797516 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047560 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 539797516 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047562 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 320472754 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142047562 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 320472754 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142047574 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142048601 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142048601 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142048601 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 104 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142048601 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142048602 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x34b7d8, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142048602 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142048602 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142048602 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3454936 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142048602 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142048602 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142048602 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142048602 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3454936 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142048602 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c110d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142048602 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142048602 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3454936 <-> SCCP-96 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142048602 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3454936 SCCP-96 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 75 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142048602 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142048602 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142048602 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142048602 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142048602 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142048602 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142048602 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142048602 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142048602 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=75,D=001340470000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040100f08087300f1102a2a170512c7422000004f400300001b0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142048602 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142048602 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142048602 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142048602 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142048602 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142048602 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142048602 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142048602 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142048610 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142048610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142048610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142048610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142048610 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142048610 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142048610 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 96 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142048611 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142048611 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142048611 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142048611 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142048611 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=96, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142048611 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142048611 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142048613 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 16566037 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048613 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 16566037 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048616 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 679653434 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048616 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 679653434 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048619 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 48649065 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048619 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 48649065 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048621 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 408930290 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048621 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 408930290 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048623 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 592124037 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048623 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 592124037 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048625 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 669577537 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048625 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 669577537 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048626 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 333809084 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048626 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 333809084 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048628 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 382439958 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048628 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 382439958 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048629 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 134124009 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048629 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 134124009 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048630 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 577298498 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048630 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 577298498 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048631 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 138263304 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048631 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 138263304 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048632 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 148482022 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048632 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 148482022 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048633 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 193824760 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048633 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 193824760 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048634 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 894366786 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048634 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 894366786 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048635 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 36550431 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048635 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 36550431 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048636 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 339810158 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048636 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 339810158 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048637 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 961824999 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048637 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 961824999 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048637 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 155966466 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048637 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 155966466 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048638 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 752026517 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048638 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 752026517 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048639 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 505387805 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142048639 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 505387805 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142048653 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142049667 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142049667 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142049667 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142049667 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142049667 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x1c4e8, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142049667 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010b8e010]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142049667 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142049667 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-115944 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142049667 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142049667 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142049667 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-115944 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142049667 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142049667 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142049667 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-115944 <-> SCCP-97 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142049667 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-115944 SCCP-97 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142049667 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142049667 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142049667 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142049667 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142049667 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142049667 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142049667 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142049667 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142049667 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d08050118082926240000000040004f40030000020056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142049667 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142049667 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142049667 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142049667 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142049667 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142049667 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142049667 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142049667 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142049671 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142049671 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142049671 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142049671 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142049671 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142049671 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142049671 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 97 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142049671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142049671 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142049671 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142049671 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142049671 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=97, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142049671 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142049671 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142049672 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 716289455 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049672 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 716289455 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 3 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049675 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 70654716 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049675 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 70654716 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049679 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 637109739 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049679 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 637109739 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049684 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 323088273 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049684 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 323088273 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049688 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 662715505 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049688 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 662715505 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049694 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 104213437 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049694 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 104213437 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049699 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 582470364 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049699 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 582470364 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049704 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 233478488 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049704 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 233478488 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049710 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 496713488 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049710 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 496713488 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049716 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 454978540 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049716 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 454978540 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049721 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 238308141 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049721 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 238308141 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049727 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 732166905 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049727 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 732166905 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049733 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 601427519 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049733 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 601427519 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049738 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 346451138 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049738 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 346451138 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049741 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 228361353 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049741 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 228361353 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049744 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 994446591 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049744 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 994446591 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049745 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 785217589 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049745 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 785217589 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049747 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 887123475 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049747 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 887123475 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049747 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 468347722 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049748 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 468347722 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049748 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 502025552 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142049748 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 502025552 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142049773 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142050793 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142050793 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142050793 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142050793 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142050793 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xf47a24, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142050793 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0d900]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142050793 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142050793 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16022052 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142050793 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142050793 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142050793 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000004 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142050793 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16022052 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142050793 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142050793 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142050793 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-16022052 <-> SCCP-98 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142050793 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16022052 SCCP-98 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142050793 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142050793 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142050793 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142050793 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142050793 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142050793 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142050793 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142050793 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142050793 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000004000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001260056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142050793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142050793 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142050793 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142050793 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142050793 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142050793 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142050794 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142050794 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142050798 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142050798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142050798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142050798 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142050798 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142050798 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00e18718) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142050798 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 98 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142050798 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142050798 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142050798 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142050798 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142050798 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=98, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142050798 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142050798 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142050801 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 249452440 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050801 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 249452440 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 4 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050804 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 707449596 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050804 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 707449596 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050809 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 794545041 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050809 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 794545041 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050813 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 669177623 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050813 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 669177623 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050817 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 112620355 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050817 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 112620355 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050821 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 98392866 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050821 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 98392866 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050825 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 307961039 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050825 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 307961039 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050828 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 11670714 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050828 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 11670714 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050832 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 439407245 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050832 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 439407245 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050835 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 836821728 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050835 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 836821728 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050838 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 213735288 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050838 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 213735288 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050841 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 658041002 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050841 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 658041002 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050843 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 754304324 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050843 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 754304324 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050845 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 374588169 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050845 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 374588169 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050847 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 159633038 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050847 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 159633038 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050849 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 543148564 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050849 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 543148564 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050851 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 47216622 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050851 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 47216622 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050853 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 54214968 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050853 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 54214968 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050854 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 799348091 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050854 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 799348091 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050856 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 714990497 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142050856 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 714990497 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142050862 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142050864 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142050865 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142050867 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142050867 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142050867 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142050867 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142050867 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142050869 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142050869 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142050869 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142050869 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142050869 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142050869 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142050869 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142050869 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142050869 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142050869 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142050869 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142050871 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142050871 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142050871 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142050871 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142050871 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142050871 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142050871 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142050871 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142050871 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142050871 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142050871 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142050871 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142050871 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142050871 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142050871 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142050871 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142050871 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142050871 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142050871 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142050871 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142050871 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142050871 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142050871 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142050872 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142050872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142050872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1648567)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-95)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050872 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1648567 SCCP-95 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142050872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142050872 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142050872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142050872 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142050872 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142050872 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142050872 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142050872 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142050872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142050872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142050872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142050873 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142050873 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3454936)[0x564010a8e600]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-96)[0x564010c110d0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050873 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3454936 SCCP-96 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142050873 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142050873 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142050873 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142050873 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142050873 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142050873 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142050873 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142050873 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142050873 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142050873 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050873 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-115944)[0x564010b8e010]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050873 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-97)[0x564010c305f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050873 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-115944 SCCP-97 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142050874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142050874 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142050874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142050874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142050874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142050874 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142050874 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142050874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142050874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142050874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142050874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142050874 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142050874 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142050874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142050874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142050874 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16022052)[0x564010c0d900]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142050874 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-98)[0x564010c15b60]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142050874 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16022052 SCCP-98 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142050875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142050875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142050875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142050875 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142050875 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142050876 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142050876 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142050877 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142050877 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142050879 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142050891 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142050991 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142051269 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142051269 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051269 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051269 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051269 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051269 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142051289 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142051289 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051289 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142051291 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142051291 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051291 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051291 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051291 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051291 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142051595 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142051689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142051689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051689 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142051690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142051690 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142052207 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142052207 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142052207 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142052207 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142052207 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142052207 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142053134 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142053134 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00d873a0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000051), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142053134 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142053134 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142053134 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142053134 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142053806 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142053806 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142053806 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142053806 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142053806 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(79)[0x564010c2e070]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142053835 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142053835 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142053835 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142053835 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142053835 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(80)[0x564010c15a30]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142054709 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142054713 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142054718 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142054806 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142054806 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142054815 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054815 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054815 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054815 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054816 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054816 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054816 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054816 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054816 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142054816 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054817 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054817 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054817 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054817 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054817 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054817 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054817 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054818 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054818 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054818 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054818 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054818 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054848 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054848 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054848 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054848 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054849 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054849 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054849 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142054849 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054850 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054850 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054850 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054850 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054850 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054850 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054850 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054850 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054850 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054851 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054851 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142054851 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142054851 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142054851 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142054851 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142054851 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142054887 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142054887 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142054887 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142054887 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142054888 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142054888 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142054888 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142054888 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142054888 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142054892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142054892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142054892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142054892 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142054892 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142054892 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142054892 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142054892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142054892 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142055044 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055044 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055044 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142055044 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055044 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142055044 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055044 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055044 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142055044 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142055044 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142055045 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142055045 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142055045 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142055045 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055045 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055045 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055046 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055046 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055046 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055046 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142055051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055051 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142055051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055051 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142055051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055051 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142055054 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055054 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055054 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142055054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055054 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142055054 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055054 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055054 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142055054 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142055054 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142055055 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142055055 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142055055 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142055055 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055055 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055055 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055055 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055055 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055055 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055055 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055055 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142055070 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055070 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142055070 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055070 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142055070 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055070 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055070 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142055070 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142055070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142055071 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142055071 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142055071 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142055071 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055071 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055072 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055072 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055072 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055072 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055072 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055072 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055072 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055072 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142055082 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055082 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055083 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142055083 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055083 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142055083 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055083 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055083 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142055083 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142055083 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142055084 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142055084 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142055084 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142055084 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055084 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055084 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055084 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055084 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055084 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055084 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055084 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142055848 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055848 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055848 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055848 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055848 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055848 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055848 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055848 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055849 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142055849 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142055849 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142055849 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142055849 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055849 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055849 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055849 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055849 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055849 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055849 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055849 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142055849 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142055851 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055851 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055851 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055851 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055851 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055851 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055851 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055852 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055852 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142055852 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142055852 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142055857 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055857 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055857 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055857 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055857 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055857 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055857 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055857 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055857 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142055858 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142055858 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142055858 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142055858 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055858 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055858 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055858 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055858 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055858 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055858 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055858 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142055858 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142055859 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055859 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055859 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055859 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055859 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055859 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055859 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055860 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055860 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142055860 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142055860 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055874 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055874 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055874 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055874 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055874 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142055874 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142055874 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142055874 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142055874 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055874 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142055874 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142055876 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055876 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055876 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055876 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055876 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055876 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055876 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055876 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055876 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142055876 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142055876 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055882 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055882 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055882 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055882 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055882 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142055882 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142055882 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142055882 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142055882 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142055882 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142055882 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142055882 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142055884 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142055884 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142055884 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142055884 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142055884 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142055884 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055884 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055885 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055885 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142055885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055885 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142055885 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142055885 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142055885 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142055885 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142055885 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142056904 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 245710025 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056904 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 245710025 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056912 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 839599427 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056912 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 839599427 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056916 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 586711103 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056916 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 586711103 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056921 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 548796240 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056921 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 548796240 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056925 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 645356019 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056925 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 645356019 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056928 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 190572144 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056928 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 190572144 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056932 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 494048240 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056932 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 494048240 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056935 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 53581681 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056935 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 53581681 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056938 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 544542796 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056938 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 544542796 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056940 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 808906398 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056940 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 808906398 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056943 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 727133446 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056943 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 727133446 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056945 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 813350000 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056945 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 813350000 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056947 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 645005546 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056947 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 645005546 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056949 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 686609362 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056949 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 686609362 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056951 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 675532705 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056951 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 675532705 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056953 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 228071053 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056953 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 228071053 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056955 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 115758375 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056955 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 115758375 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056957 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 532761637 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056957 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 532761637 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056959 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 922011864 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056959 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 922011864 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056961 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 804734201 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142056961 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 804734201 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142056998 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142058031 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142058031 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142058031 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142058031 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142058031 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x5c44f3, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142058031 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142058031 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142058031 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6046963 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142058031 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142058031 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142058031 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000003 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142058031 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6046963 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142058031 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142058031 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142058031 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6046963 <-> SCCP-99 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142058031 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6046963 SCCP-99 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142058031 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142058031 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142058031 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142058031 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142058031 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142058031 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142058031 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142058031 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142058031 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000003000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030003890056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142058031 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142058032 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142058032 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142058032 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142058032 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142058032 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142058032 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142058032 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142058032 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142058051 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142058051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142058051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142058051 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142058051 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142058051 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142058051 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 99 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142058051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142058051 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142058051 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142058051 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142058051 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=99, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142058051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142058051 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142058053 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 614877021 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058053 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 614877021 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058056 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 193734938 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058056 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 193734938 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058058 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 863534706 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058058 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 863534706 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058060 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 268510132 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058060 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 268510132 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058062 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 399925050 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058062 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 399925050 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058064 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 367506313 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058064 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 367506313 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058065 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 564128789 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058065 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 564128789 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058067 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 165997474 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058067 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 165997474 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058068 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 147115220 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058068 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 147115220 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058069 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 628222067 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058069 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 628222067 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058070 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 95510188 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058070 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 95510188 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058071 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 307199428 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058071 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 307199428 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058072 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 20729071 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058072 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 20729071 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058073 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 351531670 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058073 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 351531670 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058074 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 12179248 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058074 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 12179248 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058075 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 59635843 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058075 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 59635843 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058076 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 41274866 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058076 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 41274866 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058076 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 356635853 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058076 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 356635853 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058077 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 418777040 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058077 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 418777040 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058078 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 114091259 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142058078 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 114091259 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142058103 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142059124 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142059124 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142059124 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 104 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142059124 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142059124 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x87c69b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142059124 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c110d0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142059124 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142059124 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8898203 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142059124 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142059124 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142059124 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142059124 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8898203 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142059124 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010b8e010]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142059124 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142059124 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-8898203 <-> SCCP-100 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142059124 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8898203 SCCP-100 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 75 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142059124 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142059124 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142059124 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142059124 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142059124 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142059124 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142059124 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142059124 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142059124 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=75,D=001340470000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040100f08087300f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002980056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142059124 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142059124 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142059124 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142059124 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142059124 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142059124 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142059124 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142059124 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142059137 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142059137 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142059137 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142059137 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142059137 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142059137 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142059137 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 100 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142059137 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142059137 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142059137 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142059137 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142059137 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=100, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142059137 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142059137 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142059139 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 611948300 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059139 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 611948300 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059142 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 213249655 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059142 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 213249655 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059145 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 875760216 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059145 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 875760216 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059149 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 313396172 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059149 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 313396172 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059153 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 924442254 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059153 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 924442254 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059156 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 181024318 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059156 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 181024318 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059160 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 719433902 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059160 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 719433902 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059163 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 322104138 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059163 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 322104138 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059165 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 392927100 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059165 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 392927100 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059168 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 3877271 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059168 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 3877271 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059170 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 961828202 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059170 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 961828202 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059171 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 506606470 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059171 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 506606470 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059173 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 636918597 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059173 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 636918597 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059174 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 399536170 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059174 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 399536170 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059176 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 134747860 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059176 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 134747860 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059177 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 608290306 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059177 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 608290306 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059178 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 847468751 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059178 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 847468751 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059179 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 662094943 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059179 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 662094943 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059180 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 624413649 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059180 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 624413649 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059180 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 872819634 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142059180 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 872819634 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142059205 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142100235 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142100235 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142100235 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142100235 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142100235 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x68e020, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142100235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142100235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142100235 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6873120 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142100235 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142100235 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142100235 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6873120 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142100235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142100235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142100235 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6873120 <-> SCCP-101 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142100235 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6873120 SCCP-101 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142100235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142100235 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142100235 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142100235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142100235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142100235 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142100235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142100235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142100235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d08050118082926240000000030004f40030001000056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142100235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142100235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100235 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142100235 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142100235 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142100240 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142100240 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142100241 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142100241 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142100241 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142100241 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142100241 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 101 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142100241 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142100241 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142100241 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100241 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142100241 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=101, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142100241 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142100241 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142100242 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 927659421 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100242 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 927659421 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100245 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 225925925 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100245 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 225925925 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100249 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 837530419 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100249 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 837530419 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100253 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 536595994 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100253 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 536595994 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100257 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 971045388 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100257 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 971045388 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100261 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 664099939 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100261 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 664099939 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100264 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 342289705 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100264 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 342289705 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100267 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 179541522 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100267 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 179541522 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100269 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 252699870 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100269 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 252699870 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100271 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 685012800 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100271 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 685012800 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100273 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 854024111 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100273 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 854024111 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100275 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 909526759 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100275 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 909526759 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100277 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 113319229 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100277 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 113319229 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100278 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 224400137 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100278 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 224400137 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100279 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 371991601 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100279 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 371991601 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100281 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 498769051 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100281 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 498769051 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100282 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 368026834 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100282 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 368026834 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100283 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 223009225 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100283 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 223009225 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100284 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 628063524 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100284 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 628063524 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100285 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 814175113 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142100285 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 814175113 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142100288 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142100289 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142100291 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142100291 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142100291 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142100291 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142100291 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142100291 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142100293 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142100293 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142100294 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142100294 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100294 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142100294 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100294 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142100294 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142100294 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142100294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142100294 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142100295 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142100295 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142100296 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142100296 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100296 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142100296 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100297 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142100297 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142100297 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142100297 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142100297 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142100297 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142100297 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142100298 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142100298 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100298 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100298 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100298 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100298 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100298 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142100299 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142100299 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142100299 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142100299 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142100299 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142100299 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142100299 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142100299 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6046963)[0x564010c0be50]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142100299 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142100300 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142100300 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-99)[0x564010c1fd70]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142100300 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6046963 SCCP-99 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142100300 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142100300 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142100300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142100300 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100300 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100300 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100301 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100301 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100301 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142100301 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142100301 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142100301 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142100301 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142100301 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142100301 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142100302 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142100302 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6873120)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142100302 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142100302 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142100302 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-101)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142100302 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6873120 SCCP-101 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142100302 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142100303 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142100303 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142100303 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100303 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142100303 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100303 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142100303 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142100303 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142100303 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142100303 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142100304 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142100304 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142100304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142100304 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100304 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100304 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100304 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142100305 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142100305 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142100305 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142100305 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142100305 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142100305 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142100305 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142100305 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-8898203)[0x564010c110d0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142100305 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142100306 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142100306 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-100)[0x564010b8e010]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142100306 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-8898203 SCCP-100 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142100306 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142100306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142100306 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142100306 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100306 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142100307 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142100307 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142100307 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142100307 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142100307 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142100307 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142100307 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142100307 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142100308 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142100308 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142100308 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142100308 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142100308 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142100308 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142100313 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142100324 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142100490 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142100873 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100873 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100873 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100873 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142100875 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142100875 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142100875 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142100875 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142100875 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142100875 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101094 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142101270 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101270 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101270 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101270 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101270 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101270 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101289 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101290 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101292 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101292 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101292 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101292 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101292 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142101690 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142101690 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142102208 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142102208 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00094363), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000052), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142102208 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142102208 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142102208 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142102208 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142103127 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142103127 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142103127 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142103127 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142103127 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(81)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142104199 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142104205 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142104211 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142104297 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142104297 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142104307 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104307 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104307 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104307 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104308 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104308 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104308 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104308 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104308 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104308 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104308 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104308 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104308 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104308 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104308 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104308 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142104308 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142104308 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104308 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104308 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104308 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104309 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104309 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104309 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104309 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104309 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104309 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104309 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104309 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104309 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104309 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104309 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104309 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104309 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104309 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104310 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104310 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104310 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104310 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104310 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104310 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104310 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104339 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104339 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104339 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104339 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104339 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104339 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104339 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142104339 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104341 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104341 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104341 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104341 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104341 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104341 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104341 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104341 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104341 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104341 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104376 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142104376 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142104376 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142104376 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142104376 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142104376 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142104376 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142104376 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142104376 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142104380 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142104380 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142104380 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142104380 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142104380 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142104380 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142104380 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142104380 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142104380 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142104537 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142104537 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142104537 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142104537 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104537 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142104537 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104537 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142104537 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142104537 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142104537 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104538 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104539 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104539 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104539 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104539 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104539 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104539 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104539 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104539 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104539 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104539 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104543 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142104543 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142104543 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142104543 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104543 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142104543 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104543 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142104543 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142104543 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142104543 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104544 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104544 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104544 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104544 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104544 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104544 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104545 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104545 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104545 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104545 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104545 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104545 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104562 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142104562 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142104562 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142104562 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104562 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142104562 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104562 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142104562 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142104562 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142104562 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104563 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104563 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104563 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104563 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104564 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104564 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104564 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104564 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104564 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104564 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104564 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142104573 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142104573 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142104573 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142104573 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104573 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142104573 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142104573 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142104573 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142104573 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142104573 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142104574 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142104574 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142104574 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142104574 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142104574 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142104574 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142104575 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142104575 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142104575 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142104575 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142104575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105338 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105338 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105338 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105338 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105338 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142105338 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142105338 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142105338 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142105338 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142105338 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142105338 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142105338 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142105342 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105342 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105342 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105342 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105342 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105342 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105342 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105342 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105342 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142105342 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142105342 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142105349 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105349 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105349 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105349 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105349 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105349 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105349 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105349 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105349 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142105349 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142105349 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142105349 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142105349 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142105349 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105349 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105350 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105350 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142105350 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142105350 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142105350 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142105350 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142105350 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142105351 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105351 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105351 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105351 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105351 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105351 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105351 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105351 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105352 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142105352 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142105352 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142105364 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105364 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105364 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105364 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105364 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105364 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105364 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105365 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105365 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142105365 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142105365 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142105365 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142105365 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142105365 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105365 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142105365 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142105365 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142105365 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142105365 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142105365 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142105367 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105367 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105367 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105367 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105367 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105367 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105367 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105367 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105367 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105367 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105368 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105368 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105368 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142105368 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142105368 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142105373 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105374 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105374 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105374 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105374 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105374 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142105374 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142105374 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142105374 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142105374 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142105374 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142105374 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142105374 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142105377 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142105377 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142105377 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142105377 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142105377 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142105377 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105377 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142105378 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142105378 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142105378 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142105378 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142105378 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142106391 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 321706494 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106391 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 321706494 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106393 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 464255952 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106393 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 464255952 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106394 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 635872140 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106394 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 635872140 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106397 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 897751008 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106397 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 897751008 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106400 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 229548329 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106400 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 229548329 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106402 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 950772149 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106402 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 950772149 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106405 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 199857266 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106405 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 199857266 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106407 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 283615977 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106407 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 283615977 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106409 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 107559097 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106409 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 107559097 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106411 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 674019116 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106411 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 674019116 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106413 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 48334900 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106413 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 48334900 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106414 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 430143261 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106415 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 430143261 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106416 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 280352011 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106416 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 280352011 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106418 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 541059050 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106418 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 541059050 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106420 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 285155717 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106420 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 285155717 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106421 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 71688674 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106422 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 71688674 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106423 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 189719590 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106423 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 189719590 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106425 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 846420271 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106425 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 846420271 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106428 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 796892740 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106428 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 796892740 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106430 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 839018704 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142106430 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 839018704 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142106471 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142107522 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142107522 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142107522 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 108 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142107522 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142107522 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xd32e58, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142107522 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142107522 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142107522 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13839960 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142107522 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142107522 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142107522 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:256=0x100 (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142107522 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13839960 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: NONE NRI(10bit)=0x100=256: NRI match selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142107522 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142107522 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142107522 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13839960 <-> SCCP-102 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142107522 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13839960 SCCP-102 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 79 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142107522 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142107522 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142107522 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142107522 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142107522 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142107522 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142107522 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142107522 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142107522 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=79,D=0013404b0000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040141308087300f1102a2a170512c742200010024000004f40030001970056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142107522 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142107523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142107523 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142107523 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142107523 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142107523 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142107523 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142107523 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142107523 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142107523 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142107543 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142107543 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142107543 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142107543 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142107543 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142107543 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=006378fa) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142107543 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 102 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142107543 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142107544 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142107544 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142107544 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142107544 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=102, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142107544 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142107544 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142107545 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 171991047 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107545 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 171991047 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107548 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 744490412 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107548 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 744490412 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107551 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 669703436 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107551 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 669703436 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107553 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 954979360 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107553 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 954979360 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107555 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 386882091 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107555 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 386882091 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107556 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 900742156 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107556 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 900742156 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107558 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 228809525 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107558 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 228809525 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107559 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 478617552 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107559 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 478617552 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107560 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 440686044 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107560 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 440686044 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107562 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 161785564 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107562 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 161785564 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107563 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 826254011 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107563 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 826254011 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107564 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 395287187 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107564 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 395287187 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107565 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 601634848 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107565 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 601634848 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107566 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 309083907 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107566 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 309083907 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107566 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 580824944 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107566 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 580824944 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107567 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 306981625 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107567 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 306981625 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107568 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 405539668 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107568 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 405539668 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107569 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 978295091 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107569 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 978295091 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107570 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 913428629 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107570 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 913428629 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107570 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 987436943 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142107570 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 987436943 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142107595 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142108623 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142108623 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142108623 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 108 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142108623 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142108623 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xee0407, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142108623 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142108623 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142108623 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15598599 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142108623 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142108623 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142108623 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:260=0x104 (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142108624 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15598599 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: NONE NRI(10bit)=0x104=260: NRI match selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142108624 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142108624 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142108624 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-15598599 <-> SCCP-103 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142108624 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15598599 SCCP-103 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 79 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142108624 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142108624 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142108624 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142108624 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142108624 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142108624 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142108624 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142108624 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142108624 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=79,D=0013404b0000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040141308087300f1102a2a170512c742200010024100004f40030003450056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142108624 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142108624 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142108624 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142108624 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142108624 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142108624 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142108624 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142108624 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142108633 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142108633 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142108633 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142108633 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142108633 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142108633 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142108633 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 103 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142108633 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142108633 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142108633 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142108633 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142108633 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=103, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142108633 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142108633 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142108637 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 706334710 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108637 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 706334710 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108641 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 815499950 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108641 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 815499950 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108646 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 475081695 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108646 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 475081695 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108651 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 666608362 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108651 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 666608362 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108655 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 984263847 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108655 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 984263847 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108659 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 835250627 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108659 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 835250627 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108663 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 907720995 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108663 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 907720995 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108666 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 663363130 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108666 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 663363130 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108669 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 945088 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108669 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 945088 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108671 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 847694616 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108672 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 847694616 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108674 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 973216104 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108674 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 973216104 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108676 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 925775538 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108676 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 925775538 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108678 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 483407014 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108678 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 483407014 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108679 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 557969079 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108679 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 557969079 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108681 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 307043697 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108681 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 307043697 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108682 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 282769211 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108682 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 282769211 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108683 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 940358744 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108683 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 940358744 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108684 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 355777626 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108684 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 355777626 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108685 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 3453558 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108685 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 3453558 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108686 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 781858251 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142108686 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 781858251 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142108706 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142109736 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142109736 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142109736 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 108 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142109736 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142109736 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x3a541e, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142109736 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010b8e010]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142109736 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142109736 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3822622 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142109736 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142109736 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142109736 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:511=0x1ff (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142109736 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3822622 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: NONE NRI(10bit)=0x1ff=511: NRI match selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142109737 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142109737 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142109737 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3822622 <-> SCCP-104 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142109737 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3822622 SCCP-104 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 79 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142109737 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142109737 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142109737 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142109737 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142109737 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142109737 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142109737 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142109737 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142109737 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=79,D=0013404b0000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040141308087300f1102a2a170512c742200010027fc0004f40030000720056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142109737 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142109737 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142109737 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142109737 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142109737 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142109737 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142109737 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142109737 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142109741 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142109741 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142109741 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142109741 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142109741 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142109741 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142109741 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 104 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142109741 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142109741 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142109741 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109741 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142109741 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=104, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142109741 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142109741 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142109741 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 756858865 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109741 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 756858865 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109742 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 111247169 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109742 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 111247169 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109743 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 443054678 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109743 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 443054678 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109745 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 416719228 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109745 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 416719228 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109751 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 790891724 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109751 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 790891724 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109755 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 625355419 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109755 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 625355419 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109757 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 610538445 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109757 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 610538445 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 3 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109760 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 137542467 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109761 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 137542467 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109764 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 520478672 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109764 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 520478672 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109767 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 956909381 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109767 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 956909381 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109769 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 470682386 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109769 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 470682386 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109772 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 806249861 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109772 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 806249861 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109775 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 489712866 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109775 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 489712866 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109778 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 141006369 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109778 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 141006369 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109781 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 254979350 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109781 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 254979350 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109784 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 980489328 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109784 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 980489328 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109787 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 530874456 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109787 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 530874456 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109789 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 424632349 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109789 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 424632349 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109791 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 700927064 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109791 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 700927064 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109793 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 119803303 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142109793 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 119803303 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142109800 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142109801 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142109805 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142109807 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142109807 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142109807 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142109807 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142109807 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142109811 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142109811 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142109812 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142109812 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109812 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142109812 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109812 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142109812 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142109812 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142109812 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142109812 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142109812 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142109812 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142109812 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142109812 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109812 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142109812 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109812 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142109812 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142109813 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142109813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142109813 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142109813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142109813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109813 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142109813 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142109813 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142109813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142109813 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142109813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142109813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142109813 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142109813 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142109813 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142109813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142109813 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142109813 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142109813 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142109813 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142109814 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142109814 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142109814 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13839960)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-102)[0x564010c0be50]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142109814 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13839960 SCCP-102 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142109814 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142109814 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142109814 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142109814 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142109814 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142109814 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142109814 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142109814 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142109814 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142109814 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142109814 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-15598599)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142109814 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-103)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142109815 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-15598599 SCCP-103 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142109815 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142109815 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142109815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142109815 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142109815 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142109815 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142109815 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142109815 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142109815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142109815 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142109815 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142109815 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142109815 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142109815 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142109815 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142109815 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142109815 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3822622)[0x564010b8e010]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142109815 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142109815 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142109815 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-104)[0x564010c141f0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142109815 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3822622 SCCP-104 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142109815 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142109815 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142109815 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142109815 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142109815 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142109815 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142109816 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142109816 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142109818 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142109833 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142110018 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142110299 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142110299 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110299 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110299 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110299 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110299 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142110302 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142110302 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110302 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110302 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110302 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110302 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142110305 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142110305 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110305 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110305 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110305 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110305 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142110722 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142110874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142110874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142110874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142110874 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110875 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110875 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110875 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110875 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142110876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142110876 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142110876 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142110876 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142110876 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142110876 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111271 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111271 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111271 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111271 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111271 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111271 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111291 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111291 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111291 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111293 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111293 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111293 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111293 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111293 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111293 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111691 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f27bfe), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000053), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111692 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002ae40c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000054), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142111692 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0005e0fd), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000055), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142111692 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142112204 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142112204 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142112204 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142112204 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142112204 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(82)[0x564010c1fc40]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142113817 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142113821 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142113824 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142113904 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142113904 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142113915 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113915 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113915 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113915 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113916 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113916 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142113916 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113916 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113916 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113916 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113916 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113916 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113916 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113916 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113916 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113916 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113916 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113916 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113916 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113917 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113917 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113917 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113917 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113917 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113917 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113917 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113918 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113918 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113918 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113918 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113918 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113918 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113918 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113918 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113918 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113918 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113918 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113962 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113962 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113962 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113962 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113962 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113962 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113962 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142113962 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113963 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113963 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113963 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113963 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113963 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113963 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142113963 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142113963 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142113963 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142113963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142114022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142114022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142114022 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142114022 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142114022 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142114022 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142114022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142114022 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142114029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142114029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142114029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142114029 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142114029 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142114029 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142114029 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142114029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142114029 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142114148 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114149 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114149 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142114149 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114149 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114149 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114149 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114149 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114149 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142114149 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142114150 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142114150 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142114150 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142114150 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114150 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114150 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114150 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114150 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114150 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114150 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114150 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114154 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114154 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114154 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142114154 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114154 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114154 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114154 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114154 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114154 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142114154 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142114155 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142114155 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142114155 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142114155 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114155 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114155 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114155 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114155 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114155 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114155 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114155 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114169 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114169 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114169 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142114169 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114169 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114169 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114169 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114169 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114169 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142114169 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142114171 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142114171 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142114171 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142114171 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114171 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114171 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114171 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114171 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114171 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114171 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114171 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114185 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114185 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114185 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142114185 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114185 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114185 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114185 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114185 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114185 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142114185 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142114186 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142114186 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142114186 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142114186 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114186 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114186 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114187 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114187 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114187 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114187 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114187 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114199 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114199 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114199 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142114199 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114199 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114199 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114199 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114199 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114199 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142114199 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142114200 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142114200 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142114200 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142114200 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114200 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114200 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114201 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114201 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114201 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114201 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114201 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114201 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114216 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114216 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114216 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142114216 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114216 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114216 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114216 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114216 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114220 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114220 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114220 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142114220 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114220 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142114220 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114220 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114220 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142114220 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142114220 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142114221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142114221 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142114221 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142114221 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114221 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114221 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114221 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114221 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114221 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114221 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114952 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114952 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114952 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114952 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114952 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142114952 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142114952 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142114952 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142114952 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114952 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114952 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142114952 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142114953 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114953 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114953 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114953 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114953 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114953 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114953 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114953 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114953 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142114953 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142114953 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114955 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114955 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142114955 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142114955 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142114955 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142114955 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114955 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142114955 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142114955 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114955 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114956 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114956 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114956 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114956 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114956 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114956 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114956 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142114956 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142114956 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114968 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114968 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114968 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114968 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114968 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142114968 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142114968 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142114968 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142114968 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114968 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114968 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142114968 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142114969 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114969 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114969 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114969 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114969 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114969 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114969 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114969 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114969 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142114969 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142114969 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114985 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114985 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114985 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114985 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114985 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142114985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142114985 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142114985 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142114985 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142114985 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142114985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142114985 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142114989 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142114989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142114989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142114989 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142114989 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142114989 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142114989 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142114989 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142114989 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142114989 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142114989 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142115000 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142115000 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142115000 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142115000 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142115000 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142115000 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142115000 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142115000 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142115000 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142115000 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142115001 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142115001 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142115003 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142115003 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142115003 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142115003 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142115003 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115003 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115003 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142115003 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142115003 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142115003 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142115003 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142115020 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142115020 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142115020 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142115020 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142115020 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142115020 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142115020 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142115020 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142115020 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142115020 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142115020 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142115020 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142115022 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142115022 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142115022 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142115022 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142115022 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142115022 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142115022 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142115022 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142115022 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142115022 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142115022 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142116040 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 622178876 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116040 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 622178876 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116042 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 247093897 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116042 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 247093897 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116042 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 910214196 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116042 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 910214196 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116045 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 966069129 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116045 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 966069129 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116047 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 647004996 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116047 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 647004996 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116050 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 689846088 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116050 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 689846088 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116052 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 494470477 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116052 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 494470477 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116054 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 832897380 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116054 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 832897380 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116055 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 105077528 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116055 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 105077528 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116057 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 17909927 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116057 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 17909927 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116058 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 22870969 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116058 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 22870969 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116060 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 449865195 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116060 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 449865195 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116061 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 358705205 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116061 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 358705205 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116062 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 75411767 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116062 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 75411767 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116063 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 237121306 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116063 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 237121306 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116064 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 10624172 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116064 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 10624172 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116065 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 543047985 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116065 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 543047985 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116066 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 725530656 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116066 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 725530656 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116067 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 247523476 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116067 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 247523476 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116068 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 36862523 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142116068 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 36862523 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142116091 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142117132 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142117132 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142117132 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 118 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142117132 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142117132 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xd874c0, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142117132 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142117132 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142117132 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14185664 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142117132 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142117132 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142117132 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=TMSI-0x42800023 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:512=0x200 (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142117132 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14185664 SCCP-0 PS MI=TMSI-0x42800023: TMSI-0x42800023 NRI(10bit)=0x200=512: NRI match selects sgsn 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142117132 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142117132 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142117132 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-14185664 <-> SCCP-105 sgsn-2 sgsn-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142117132 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14185664 SCCP-105 sgsn-2 MI=TMSI-0x42800023: rx RUA Connect with 89 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142117132 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142117132 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142117132 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142117132 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142117132 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142117132 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142117132 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142117132 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142117132 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=89,D=001340550000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401e1d080101d571000005f44280002300f1102a2a170512c742200010028000004f40030000950056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142117132 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142117132 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142117132 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142117132 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142117132 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142117132 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142117132 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142117132 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142117147 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142117147 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142117147 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142117147 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142117148 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142117148 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142117148 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 105 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142117148 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142117148 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142117148 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142117148 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142117148 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=105, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142117148 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142117148 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142117150 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 760815326 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117150 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 760815326 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117154 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 204282090 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117154 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 204282090 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117158 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 746139580 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117158 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 746139580 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117162 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 720463637 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117162 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 720463637 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117165 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 352063562 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117165 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 352063562 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117169 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 501935587 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117169 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 501935587 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117172 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 157192556 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117172 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 157192556 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117175 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 411456051 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117175 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 411456051 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117177 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 79500631 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117177 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 79500631 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117179 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 938387081 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117179 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 938387081 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117181 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 991011031 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117181 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 991011031 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117183 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 160828393 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117183 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 160828393 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117184 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 403733266 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117184 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 403733266 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117185 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 945692047 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117186 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 945692047 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117187 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 42479355 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117187 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 42479355 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117188 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 180873734 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117188 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 180873734 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117191 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 418899038 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117191 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 418899038 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117194 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 835386473 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117194 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 835386473 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117199 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 571521153 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117199 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 571521153 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117202 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 794732586 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142117202 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 794732586 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142117236 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142118266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142118266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142118266 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 118 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142118266 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142118266 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x2ffb67, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142118266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142118266 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142118266 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3144551 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142118266 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142118266 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142118266 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=TMSI-0x42A98023 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:678=0x2a6 (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142118266 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3144551 SCCP-0 PS MI=TMSI-0x42A98023: TMSI-0x42A98023 NRI(10bit)=0x2a6=678: NRI match selects sgsn 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142118266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142118266 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142118267 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-3144551 <-> SCCP-106 sgsn-2 sgsn-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142118267 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3144551 SCCP-106 sgsn-2 MI=TMSI-0x42A98023: rx RUA Connect with 89 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142118267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142118267 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142118267 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142118267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142118267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142118267 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142118267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142118267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142118267 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=89,D=001340550000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401e1d080101d571000005f442a9802300f1102a2a170512c74220001002a980004f40030001290056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142118267 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142118267 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142118267 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142118267 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142118267 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142118267 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142118267 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142118267 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142118275 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142118275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142118275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142118275 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142118275 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142118275 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0097df98) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142118275 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 106 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142118275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142118275 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142118275 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142118275 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142118275 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=106, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142118275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142118275 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142118278 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 270185827 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118278 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 270185827 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118284 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 63388952 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118284 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 63388952 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118289 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 645008754 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118289 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 645008754 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118293 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 726970082 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118293 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 726970082 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118296 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 965453987 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118296 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 965453987 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118300 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 557095686 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118300 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 557095686 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118303 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 833078697 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118303 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 833078697 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118307 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 159973783 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118307 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 159973783 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118310 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 32658560 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118310 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 32658560 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118313 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 464179020 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118313 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 464179020 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118316 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 45866898 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118316 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 45866898 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118318 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 24575791 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118318 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 24575791 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118320 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 763446390 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118320 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 763446390 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118322 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 175344119 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118322 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 175344119 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118323 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 529201146 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118323 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 529201146 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118325 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 346117167 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118325 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 346117167 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118326 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 892967145 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118326 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 892967145 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118327 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 761491295 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118327 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 761491295 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118329 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 351002463 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118329 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 351002463 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118330 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 124768940 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142118330 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 124768940 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142118358 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142119391 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142119391 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142119391 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142119391 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142119391 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x29624b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142119391 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c14900]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142119391 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142119391 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2712139 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142119391 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142119391 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142119391 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000001 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142119391 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2712139 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142119392 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142119392 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142119392 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-2712139 <-> SCCP-107 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142119392 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2712139 SCCP-107 sgsn-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142119392 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142119392 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142119392 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142119392 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142119392 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142119392 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142119392 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142119392 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142119392 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000001000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030000740056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142119392 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142119392 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119392 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119392 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119392 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142119392 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142119392 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142119392 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142119413 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142119413 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142119414 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142119414 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142119414 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142119414 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142119414 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 107 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142119414 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142119414 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142119414 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119414 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142119414 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=107, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142119414 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142119414 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142119416 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 152771910 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119416 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 152771910 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119421 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 631668513 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119421 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 631668513 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119425 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 376918391 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119425 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 376918391 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119429 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 518976191 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119429 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 518976191 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119433 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 462324477 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119433 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 462324477 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119437 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 811865994 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119437 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 811865994 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119440 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 968083396 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119440 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 968083396 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119443 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 546961387 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119443 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 546961387 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119446 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 701043437 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119446 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 701043437 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119449 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 978970544 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119449 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 978970544 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119451 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 266591864 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119451 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 266591864 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119453 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 614952501 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119453 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 614952501 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119455 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 300070677 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119455 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 300070677 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119457 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 322621413 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119457 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 322621413 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119459 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 597172497 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119459 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 597172497 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119460 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 650088934 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119460 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 650088934 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119461 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 365745133 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119461 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 365745133 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119463 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 867956431 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119463 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 867956431 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119464 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 414051912 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119464 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 414051912 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119465 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 997064401 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142119465 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 997064401 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142119470 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142119471 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142119473 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142119473 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142119474 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142119474 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142119474 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142119474 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142119477 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142119477 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142119477 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142119477 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119477 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142119477 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119477 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142119477 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142119477 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142119477 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142119477 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142119478 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142119478 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142119478 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142119479 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119479 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142119479 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119479 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142119479 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142119479 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142119479 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142119479 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142119480 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142119480 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142119480 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119480 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142119480 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142119480 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142119480 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142119480 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142119480 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142119480 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142119480 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119480 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142119480 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142119480 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142119480 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142119480 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142119480 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142119480 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142119480 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119480 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142119481 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142119481 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142119481 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142119482 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142119482 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142119483 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142119483 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142119483 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142119484 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142119484 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119485 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119485 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119486 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119486 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142119487 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142119488 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142119488 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142119489 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142119489 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142119490 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142119490 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142119491 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142119491 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-2712139)[0x564010c14900]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142119492 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142119492 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142119492 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-107)[0x564010c28ec0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142119493 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-2712139 SCCP-107 sgsn-1 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142119493 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142119494 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142119495 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142119495 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142119496 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142119496 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142119497 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142119498 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142119498 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142119499 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142119500 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142119500 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142119501 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119502 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119502 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119503 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119503 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142119504 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142119505 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142119505 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142119506 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142119506 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-14185664)[0x564010c1fc40]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142119507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142119507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142119507 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-105)[0x564010bacff0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142119508 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-14185664 SCCP-105 sgsn-2 MI=TMSI-0x42800023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142119508 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142119508 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142119509 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142119509 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142119509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142119509 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119510 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119510 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119511 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119511 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142119511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142119511 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142119512 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142119512 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142119512 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-3144551)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142119513 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142119513 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142119513 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-106)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142119514 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-3144551 SCCP-106 sgsn-2 MI=TMSI-0x42A98023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142119514 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142119515 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142119516 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142119691 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142119814 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142119814 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119814 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142119815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142119815 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142119815 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142119816 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142119816 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142119816 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120300 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120300 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120300 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120300 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120300 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120302 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120302 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120303 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120303 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120303 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120303 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120306 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120306 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120306 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120306 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120306 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120395 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142120875 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120875 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120876 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142120877 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142120877 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142120877 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142120877 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142120877 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142120877 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142121272 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142121272 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00964b90), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000058), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142121272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142121272 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142121272 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142121272 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142121291 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142121291 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142121291 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142121291 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142121291 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142121291 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142121292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142121292 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142121292 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142121292 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142121292 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142121292 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142121294 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142121294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142121294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142121294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142121294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142121294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(83)[0x564010c14750]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142121688 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(84)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142121689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142121689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142121689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142121689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142121689 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(85)[0x564010c096b0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142123497 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142123500 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142123504 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142123601 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142123601 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142123609 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123609 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123609 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123609 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123609 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123609 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123609 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123609 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123610 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142123610 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123611 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123611 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123611 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123611 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123611 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123611 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123611 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123611 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123611 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123611 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123625 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123625 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123625 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123625 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142123625 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142123625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123626 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123626 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123626 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123626 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123626 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123649 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142123649 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142123649 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142123649 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142123649 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142123649 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142123649 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142123649 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142123649 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142123655 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142123655 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142123655 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142123655 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142123655 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142123655 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142123655 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142123656 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142123656 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142123835 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142123835 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142123835 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142123835 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142123835 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142123835 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142123835 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142123835 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142123835 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142123835 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123836 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123836 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123836 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123836 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123836 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123836 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123836 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123836 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123836 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123836 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123836 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142123846 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142123846 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142123846 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142123846 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142123846 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142123846 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142123846 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142123846 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142123846 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142123846 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142123847 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142123847 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142123847 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142123847 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142123847 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123847 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142123847 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142123847 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142123847 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142123847 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142123847 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142124639 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142124639 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142124639 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142124639 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142124639 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124639 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124639 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142124639 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142124639 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142124640 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142124640 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142124640 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142124640 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142124640 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124640 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142124640 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142124640 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142124640 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142124640 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142124640 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142124641 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142124641 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142124641 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142124641 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142124641 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124641 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124641 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142124641 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142124641 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142124641 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142124641 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142124646 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142124646 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142124646 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142124646 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142124646 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142124646 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142124646 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142124646 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142124646 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142124646 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142124646 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142124646 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142124646 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142124646 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142124646 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142124646 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142124646 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142124646 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142124646 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142124646 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142124672 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 887693786 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124672 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 887693786 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124674 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 313349782 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124674 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 313349782 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124678 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 814649203 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124678 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 814649203 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124682 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 667037733 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124682 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 667037733 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124686 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 607918588 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124686 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 607918588 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124689 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 539804859 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124689 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 539804859 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124692 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 326135419 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124692 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 326135419 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124694 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 891065247 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124694 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 891065247 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124696 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 543573432 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124696 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 543573432 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124698 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 764096004 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124698 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 764096004 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124699 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 994739629 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124699 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 994739629 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124701 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 108086532 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124701 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 108086532 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124702 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 298203716 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124702 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 298203716 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124703 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 370470412 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124703 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 370470412 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124705 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 446618423 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124705 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 446618423 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124706 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 659467023 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124706 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 659467023 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124707 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 58233531 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124707 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 58233531 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124708 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 810003815 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124708 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 810003815 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124709 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 352369314 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124709 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 352369314 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124710 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 624641262 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142124710 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 624641262 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142124738 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142125776 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142125776 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142125776 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142125776 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142125776 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xf708c3, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142125776 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142125776 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16189635)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142125776 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16189635 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142125776 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142125776 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142125776 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000004 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142125776 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16189635 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Failed to select IuPS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219142125776 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16189635)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142125776 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16189635)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142125777 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-16189635)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142125777 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-16189635 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142125777 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuPS: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219142125777 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219142125777 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142125777 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142125777 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142125827 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142126845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142126845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142126845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 104 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142126845 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142126845 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x618d18, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142126845 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142126845 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393112)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142126845 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393112 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142126845 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142126845 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142126845 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142126845 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393112 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: Failed to select IuPS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219142126845 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393112)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142126845 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393112)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142126845 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6393112)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142126845 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6393112 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142126845 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuPS: rx RUA Connect with 75 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219142126845 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219142126845 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142126845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142126845 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142126880 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142127894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142127894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142127894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142127894 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142127894 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x6f3b0d, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142127894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142127894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7289613)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142127894 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7289613 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142127894 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142127894 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142127894 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7289613 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: Failed to select IuPS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219142127894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7289613)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142127894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7289613)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142127894 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7289613)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142127894 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7289613 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142127894 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuPS: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219142127894 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219142127894 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142127894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142127894 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142127919 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142128937 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142128937 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142128938 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142128938 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142128938 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x3d9036, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142128938 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142128938 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4034614)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142128938 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4034614 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142128938 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142128938 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142128938 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000004 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142128938 DCN ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4034614 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Failed to select IuPS link (hnbgw_rua.c:219) 20250219142128938 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4034614)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142128938 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4034614)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142128938 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4034614)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142128938 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4034614 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000004: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142128938 DRUA ERROR ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Failed to create context map for IuPS: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:282) 20250219142128938 DHNB INFO (001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1) Tx RUA Disconnect (hnbgw_rua.c:177) 20250219142128938 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142128938 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142128938 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142128953 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142128954 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142128958 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142128959 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142128959 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142128959 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142128959 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142128959 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142128960 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142128960 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142128960 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142128960 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142128960 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142128963 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142128963 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142128963 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142128963 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142128963 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142128963 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142128963 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142128963 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142128963 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142128963 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142128963 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142128963 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142128963 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142128963 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142128964 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142128964 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142128964 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142128964 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142128964 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142128964 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142128964 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142128964 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142128968 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142128968 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142128968 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142128969 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142129071 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142129488 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142129489 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142129489 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142129489 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142129489 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142129489 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142129505 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142129505 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142129505 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142129505 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142129505 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142129505 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142129512 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142129512 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142129512 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142129512 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142129512 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142129512 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142129775 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142129815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142129816 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142129816 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142129816 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130301 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130301 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130301 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130301 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130301 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130301 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130304 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130304 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130304 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130304 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130307 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130307 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130307 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130307 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130307 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130307 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130876 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130876 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130876 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130876 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130876 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130877 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130877 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130877 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142130878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142130878 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142130878 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142130878 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142130878 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142130878 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142131268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142131268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142131268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142131268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142131268 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(88)[0x564010c11c30]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142131293 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142131293 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142131293 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142131294 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142131294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142131294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142131294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142131295 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142131295 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142132889 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142132894 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142132897 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142132976 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142132976 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142132985 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142132985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142132985 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142132985 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142132986 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142132986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142132986 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142132986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142132986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142132986 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142132986 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142132986 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142132986 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132986 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132986 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142132986 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142132986 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142132986 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142132986 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142132986 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142132987 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142132987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142132987 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142132987 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142132987 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142132987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142132987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142132987 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142132987 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142132987 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142132987 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142132987 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142132988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142132988 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142132988 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142132988 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142132988 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132988 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142132988 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142132988 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142132988 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142132988 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142132988 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133044 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142133044 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133044 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142133044 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133044 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142133044 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133044 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142133044 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133045 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133045 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133045 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133045 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133045 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133045 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133045 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133046 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133046 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133046 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133046 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133046 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133046 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133046 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133046 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142133096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142133096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142133096 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142133097 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142133097 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142133097 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142133097 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142133097 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142133102 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142133102 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142133102 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142133102 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142133102 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142133102 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142133102 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142133102 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142133102 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142133221 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133221 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133221 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142133221 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133221 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133221 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133221 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133221 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133221 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142133221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133222 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133222 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133222 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133222 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133222 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133222 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133222 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133223 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133223 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133223 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133223 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133233 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133233 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133233 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142133233 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133233 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133233 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133233 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133233 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133233 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142133233 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133234 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133234 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133235 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133235 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133235 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133235 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133235 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133235 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133235 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133235 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133235 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133250 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133251 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133251 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142133251 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133251 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133251 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133251 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133251 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133251 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142133251 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133252 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133252 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133252 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133252 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133253 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133253 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133253 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133253 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133253 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133267 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133267 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133267 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142133267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133267 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133267 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133267 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133267 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133267 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142133267 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133268 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133268 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133268 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133268 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133268 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133269 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133269 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133269 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133269 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133269 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133269 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133280 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133280 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133280 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142133280 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133280 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133280 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133280 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133280 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133280 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142133280 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133281 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133281 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133281 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133281 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133281 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133281 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133281 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133281 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133281 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133281 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133282 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142133289 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133289 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133290 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142133290 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133290 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133290 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133290 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133290 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133293 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142133293 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142133293 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142133293 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133293 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142133293 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142133293 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142133293 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142133293 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=11 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142133293 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142133294 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142133294 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142133295 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142133295 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142133295 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133295 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142133295 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142133295 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142133295 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142133295 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142133295 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134025 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134025 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134025 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134025 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134025 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142134025 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142134025 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142134025 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142134025 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142134025 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142134026 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142134026 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142134026 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134026 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134026 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134026 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134026 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134026 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134026 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134027 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134027 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134027 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134027 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134027 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134027 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134027 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142134027 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142134027 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134039 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134039 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134039 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134039 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134039 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142134039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142134039 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142134039 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142134039 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142134039 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142134039 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142134039 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142134042 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134042 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134042 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134042 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134042 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134043 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134043 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134043 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134043 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142134043 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142134043 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134050 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134050 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134050 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142134050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142134050 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142134050 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142134050 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142134050 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142134050 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142134050 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142134053 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134053 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=3=0.0.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134053 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=3,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134053 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134053 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134053 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134053 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142134053 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142134053 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134070 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134070 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134070 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142134070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142134070 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142134070 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142134070 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142134070 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142134070 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142134070 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142134071 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134071 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134071 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134071 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134071 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134072 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134072 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134072 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134072 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134072 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142134072 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142134072 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142134075 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134075 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134075 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134075 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134075 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134075 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134075 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134075 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134076 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134076 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142134076 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142134076 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142134076 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142134076 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142134076 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142134076 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134076 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134076 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134076 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134076 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134076 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134076 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134076 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142134076 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142134076 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134090 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134090 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134090 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134090 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134090 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142134090 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142134090 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142134090 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142134090 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142134090 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142134090 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142134090 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142134092 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142134092 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142134092 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142134092 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142134092 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=11,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142134092 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142134092 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142134092 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142134092 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142134092 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142134092 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142135116 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 339119734 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135116 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 339119734 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135118 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 322823500 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135118 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 322823500 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135123 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 212559435 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135123 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 212559435 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135126 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 914789127 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135126 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 914789127 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135130 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 694143054 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135130 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 694143054 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135134 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 956496877 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135134 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 956496877 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135137 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 784359241 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135137 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 784359241 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135140 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 83772955 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135140 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 83772955 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135143 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 195785390 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135143 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 195785390 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135145 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 800365805 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135145 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 800365805 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135148 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 468517981 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135148 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 468517981 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135150 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 305489384 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135150 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 305489384 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135152 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 336848052 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135152 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 336848052 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135154 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 612404400 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135154 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 612404400 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135156 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 843400120 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135156 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 843400120 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135158 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 65903182 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135158 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 65903182 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135160 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 9290958 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135160 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 9290958 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135162 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 873014616 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135162 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 873014616 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135164 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 468568694 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135164 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 468568694 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135165 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 796343445 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142135165 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 796343445 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142135195 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142136251 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142136251 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142136251 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 118 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142136251 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142136251 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x69e460, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142136251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142136251 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142136251 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6939744 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142136251 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142136251 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142136251 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=TMSI-0x42410023 old_ra=999-99-10794-23 nri:260=0x104 (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142136252 DRUA INFO GMM Attach Req from other PLMN: old RAI=999-99-10794-23 my PLMN=001-01 (hnbgw_l3.c:238) 20250219142136252 DCN DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6939744 SCCP-0 PS MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): TMSI-0x42410023 NRI(10bit)=0x104=260: This Complete Layer 3 message indicates a switch from another PLMN. Ignoring the NRI. (hnbgw_cn.c:1047) 20250219142136252 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6939744 SCCP-0 PS MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142136252 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142136252 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142136252 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6939744 <-> SCCP-108 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142136252 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6939744 SCCP-108 sgsn-0 MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): rx RUA Connect with 89 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142136252 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142136252 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142136252 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142136252 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142136252 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142136252 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142136252 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142136252 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142136252 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006c), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=89,D=001340550000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401e1d080101d571000005f44241002399f9992a2a170512c742200010024100004f400300028f0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142136252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142136252 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142136252 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142136252 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142136252 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142136252 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142136252 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142136252 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142136272 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142136272 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142136272 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142136272 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142136272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142136272 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f8d9dc) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142136272 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 108 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142136272 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142136272 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142136272 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142136272 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142136272 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=108, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142136272 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142136272 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142136274 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 788984736 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136274 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 788984736 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136279 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 33329523 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136279 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 33329523 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136283 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 381855704 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136283 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 381855704 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136287 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 667317103 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136287 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 667317103 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136291 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 745199989 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136291 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 745199989 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136295 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 30068430 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136295 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 30068430 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136299 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 772738497 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136299 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 772738497 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136302 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 329016488 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136302 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 329016488 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136305 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 336733030 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136306 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 336733030 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136308 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 716786923 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136308 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 716786923 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136311 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 652153162 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136311 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 652153162 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136313 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 940437057 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136313 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 940437057 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136315 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 929772231 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136315 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 929772231 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136316 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 142721368 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136316 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 142721368 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136318 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 300260386 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136318 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 300260386 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136319 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 28245206 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136319 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 28245206 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136321 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 560170611 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136321 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 560170611 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136322 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 714074717 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136322 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 714074717 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136323 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 561088019 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136323 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 561088019 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136324 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 425189078 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142136324 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 425189078 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142136352 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142137385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142137385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142137385 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 118 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142137385 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142137385 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x7327ba, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142137385 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142137385 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142137385 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7546810 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142137385 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142137385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142137385 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=TMSI-0x428AC023 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:555=0x22b (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142137385 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7546810 SCCP-0 PS MI=TMSI-0x428AC023: TMSI-0x428AC023 NRI(10bit)=0x22b=555: NRI match selects sgsn 2 (hnbgw_cn.c:1078) 20250219142137385 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142137385 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142137385 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-7546810 <-> SCCP-109 sgsn-2 sgsn-two cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.3 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142137385 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7546810 SCCP-109 sgsn-2 MI=TMSI-0x428AC023: rx RUA Connect with 89 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142137385 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142137385 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142137385 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142137385 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142137385 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142137385 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142137385 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142137385 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142137385 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=89,D=001340550000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401e1d080101d571000005f4428ac02300f1102a2a170512c742200010028ac0004f40030002c00056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142137385 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142137385 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142137385 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142137385 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142137385 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142137386 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142137386 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142137386 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142137406 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142137406 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142137406 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142137406 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=11=0.1.3 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142137407 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142137407 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00005b93) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142137407 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 109 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142137407 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142137407 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142137407 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137407 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142137407 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=109, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142137407 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142137407 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142137409 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 194206351 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137409 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 194206351 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137413 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 897623066 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137413 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 897623066 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137417 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 149043856 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137417 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 149043856 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137421 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 762355389 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137421 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 762355389 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137424 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 262747127 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137424 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 262747127 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137427 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 164423455 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137427 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 164423455 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137430 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 286035220 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137430 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 286035220 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137433 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 822508479 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137433 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 822508479 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137435 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 227791402 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137435 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 227791402 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137437 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 951963529 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137437 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 951963529 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137439 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 793115570 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137439 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 793115570 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137441 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 693331496 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137441 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 693331496 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137443 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 199448150 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137443 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 199448150 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137445 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 195187881 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137445 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 195187881 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137447 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 290987894 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137447 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 290987894 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137448 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 142073741 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137448 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 142073741 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137450 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 824617326 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137450 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 824617326 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137451 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 488202606 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137451 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 488202606 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137452 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 491171847 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137452 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 491171847 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137454 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 584189316 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142137454 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 584189316 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142137459 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142137459 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142137462 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142137463 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142137463 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142137463 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142137463 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142137463 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142137465 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142137465 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142137465 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142137465 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137465 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142137465 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137465 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142137465 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142137465 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142137465 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142137465 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142137465 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142137466 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142137466 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142137466 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137466 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142137466 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137466 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142137466 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142137466 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=3 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142137467 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142137467 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142137467 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142137467 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142137467 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.3/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142137467 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137467 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142137467 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=11 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142137467 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=11 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142137467 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142137467 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142137467 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142137467 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142137467 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00005b93), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142137467 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142137467 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142137467 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142137467 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142137467 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142137467 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142137467 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142137467 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142137467 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142137467 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142137467 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142137467 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-7546810)[0x564010c15b60]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142137467 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-2-SCCP-109)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142137467 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-7546810 SCCP-109 sgsn-2 MI=TMSI-0x428AC023: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142137467 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142137467 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142137468 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142137468 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142137468 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142137468 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142137468 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142137468 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_HNB_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:184) 20250219142137468 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:309) 20250219142137468 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142137468 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142137468 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142137468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f8d9dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142137468 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142137468 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142137468 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142137468 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142137468 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142137468 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142137468 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142137468 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142137468 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-6939744)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142137468 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142137468 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142137468 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-108)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142137468 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6939744 SCCP-108 sgsn-0 MI=TMSI-0x42410023 (from other PLMN): Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142137471 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142137473 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142137673 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142138377 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142139490 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142139490 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142139490 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142139490 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142139490 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142139490 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142139506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142139506 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142139506 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142139507 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142139507 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142139507 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142139513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142139513 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142139513 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142139513 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142139513 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142139513 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142139817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142139817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142139817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142139817 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140302 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140302 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140302 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140302 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140302 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140302 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140305 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140305 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140305 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140305 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140305 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140308 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140308 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140308 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140308 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140308 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140308 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140878 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140878 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142140879 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142140879 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142140879 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142140880 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142140880 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142140880 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141294 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00152cb5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141294 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f31b8a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141294 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141295 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142141295 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e30067), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142141295 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141295 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141295 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141295 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141474 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142141479 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142141483 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142141563 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142141563 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142141573 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141573 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141573 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141573 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141573 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142141573 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141573 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141574 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141574 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141574 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142141574 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141575 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141575 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141575 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141575 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141575 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141575 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141575 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141575 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141575 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141575 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141603 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141603 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141603 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142141603 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141603 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141603 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142141604 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141604 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141604 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142141604 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141605 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141605 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141605 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141605 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141605 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141605 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141605 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141605 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141605 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141605 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141643 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142141643 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142141643 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142141643 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142141643 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142141643 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142141643 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142141643 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142141643 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142141648 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142141648 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142141648 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142141648 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142141648 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142141648 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142141648 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142141648 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142141648 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142141801 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141801 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141801 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142141801 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141801 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141801 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141801 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141801 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141801 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142141801 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141802 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141802 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141802 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141802 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141802 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141802 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141803 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141803 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141803 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141803 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141803 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141803 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141808 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141808 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141808 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142141808 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141808 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141809 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141809 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141809 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141813 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141813 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141813 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142141813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141813 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141813 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141813 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141813 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141813 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142141813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141814 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141814 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141814 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141814 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141814 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141814 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141814 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141814 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141814 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141814 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141814 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141824 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141824 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141824 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142141824 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141824 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141824 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141824 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141824 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141828 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141828 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141828 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142141828 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141829 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141829 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141829 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141829 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141829 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142141829 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141830 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141830 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141830 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141830 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141830 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141830 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141830 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141830 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141830 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141830 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141830 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142141837 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141837 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141837 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142141837 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141837 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141837 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141837 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141837 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141841 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142141841 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142141841 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142141841 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141841 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142141841 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142141841 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142141841 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142141841 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142141841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142141842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142141842 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142141842 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142141842 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142141842 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142141842 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142141842 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142141842 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142141842 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142141842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142142606 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142606 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142606 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142606 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142606 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142606 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142606 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142606 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142606 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142142606 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142142606 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142142606 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142142607 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142142607 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142142607 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142607 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142607 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142607 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142607 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142607 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142607 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142607 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142142607 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142142607 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142610 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142610 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142610 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142142610 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142142610 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142142610 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142142610 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142142610 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142142610 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142142610 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142142614 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142614 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142614 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142614 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=2=0.0.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142614 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=2,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142614 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142614 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142614 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142614 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142142614 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142142614 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142142625 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142625 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142625 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142625 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142625 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142625 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142625 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142625 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142625 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142142625 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142142625 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142142626 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142142626 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142142626 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142626 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142626 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142142626 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142142626 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142142626 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142142626 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142142626 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142142629 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142629 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142629 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142629 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142629 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142629 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142629 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142629 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142629 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142142629 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142142629 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142640 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142640 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142640 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142640 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142640 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142142640 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142142640 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142142640 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142142640 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142142640 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142142640 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142142640 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142142643 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142142643 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142142643 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142142643 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142142643 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142142643 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142142643 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142142643 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142142643 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142142643 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142142643 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142143659 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 463028081 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143659 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 463028081 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143661 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 21158016 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143661 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 21158016 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143664 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 54631031 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143664 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 54631031 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143667 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 6606466 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143667 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 6606466 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143670 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 692590080 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143670 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 692590080 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143673 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 833273673 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143673 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 833273673 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143676 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 38599828 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143676 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 38599828 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143678 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 4071113 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143678 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 4071113 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143680 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 85350951 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143680 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 85350951 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143682 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 752352082 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143682 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 752352082 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143684 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 977457953 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143684 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 977457953 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143686 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 401474762 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143686 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 401474762 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143688 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 939329424 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143688 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 939329424 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143689 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 826372829 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143689 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 826372829 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143690 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 341121223 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143691 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 341121223 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143692 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 864371517 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143692 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 864371517 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143693 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 809838065 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143693 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 809838065 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143694 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 622831203 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143695 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 622831203 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143696 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 101893416 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143696 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 101893416 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143697 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 142232873 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142143697 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 142232873 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142143717 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142144758 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142144758 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142144758 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142144758 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142144758 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xc60595, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142144758 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142144758 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142144758 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12977557 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142144758 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142144758 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142144758 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000003 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142144758 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12977557 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142144758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142144758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142144758 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-12977557 <-> SCCP-110 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142144758 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12977557 SCCP-110 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142144758 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142144758 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142144758 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142144758 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142144758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142144758 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142144758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142144758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142144758 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000003000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030001340056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142144758 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142144758 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142144758 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142144758 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142144758 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142144758 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142144758 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142144758 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142144768 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142144768 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142144768 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142144768 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142144768 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142144768 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009435c0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142144768 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 110 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142144768 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142144768 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142144768 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142144768 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142144768 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=110, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142144768 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142144768 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142144769 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 617985647 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144769 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 617985647 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144771 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 352626731 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144771 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 352626731 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144773 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 512546207 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144773 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 512546207 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144775 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 357675609 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144775 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 357675609 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144778 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 178333659 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144778 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 178333659 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144782 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 993062519 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144782 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 993062519 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144785 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 607422646 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144785 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 607422646 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144789 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 365892226 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144789 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 365892226 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144793 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 773297207 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144793 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 773297207 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144796 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 28190080 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144796 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 28190080 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144799 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 7356176 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144799 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 7356176 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144802 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 147747113 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144802 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 147747113 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144805 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 989743232 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144805 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 989743232 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144807 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 796314599 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144807 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 796314599 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144809 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 819207682 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144809 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 819207682 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144811 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 739261177 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144811 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 739261177 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144813 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 349693671 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144813 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 349693671 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144814 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 712336168 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144814 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 712336168 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144816 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 348039034 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144816 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 348039034 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144817 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 968734384 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142144817 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 968734384 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142144844 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142145872 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142145872 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142145872 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 104 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142145872 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142145872 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x103a01, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142145872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142145872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142145872 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1063425 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142145872 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142145872 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142145872 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142145872 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1063425 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142145872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142145872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142145872 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-1063425 <-> SCCP-111 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142145872 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1063425 SCCP-111 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 75 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142145872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142145872 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142145872 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142145872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142145872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142145872 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142145872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142145872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142145872 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006f), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=75,D=001340470000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040100f08087300f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002460056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142145872 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142145872 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142145872 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142145872 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142145872 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142145872 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142145872 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142145872 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142145889 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142145889 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142145889 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142145889 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142145889 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142145889 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ef0555) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142145889 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 111 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142145889 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142145889 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142145889 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142145889 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142145889 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=111, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142145889 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142145889 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142145890 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 823705409 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145890 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 823705409 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145894 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 996382393 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145894 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 996382393 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145898 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 29673520 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145898 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 29673520 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145901 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 853415181 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145901 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 853415181 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145905 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 535958088 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145905 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 535958088 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145909 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 641812877 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145909 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 641812877 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145913 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 700463323 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145913 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 700463323 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145916 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 19993848 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145916 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 19993848 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145920 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 378086333 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145920 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 378086333 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145924 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 56837287 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145924 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 56837287 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145927 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 947327751 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145927 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 947327751 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145930 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 497021498 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145930 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 497021498 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145933 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 204848090 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145933 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 204848090 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145935 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 937282285 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145935 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 937282285 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145937 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 686453836 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145937 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 686453836 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145939 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 121863821 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145939 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 121863821 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145940 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 36144571 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145940 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 36144571 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145941 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 930350812 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145941 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 930350812 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145943 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 551054933 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145943 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 551054933 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145944 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 977183290 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142145944 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 977183290 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142145945 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): disconnecting msc0 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250219142145946 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142145946 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142145946 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142145946 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142145946 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142145946 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142145946 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142145946 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142145946 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142145946 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142145946 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142145946 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009435c0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142145946 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142145946 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142145946 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142145946 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142145946 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142145946 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142145946 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142145946 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142145946 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142145946 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142145946 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142145946 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-12977557)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142145946 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-110)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142145946 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-12977557 SCCP-110 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142145946 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142145946 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142145977 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142147002 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142147002 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142147002 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142147002 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142147002 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x403f5b, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142147003 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c24450]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142147003 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142147003 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4210523 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142147003 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142147003 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142147003 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4210523 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142147003 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142147003 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142147003 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-4210523 <-> SCCP-112 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142147003 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4210523 SCCP-112 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142147003 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142147003 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142147003 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142147003 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142147003 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142147003 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142147003 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142147003 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142147003 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000070), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d08050118082926240000000030004f400300001c0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142147003 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142147003 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142147003 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142147003 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142147003 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142147003 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142147003 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142147003 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142147011 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142147011 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142147011 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142147011 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142147011 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142147011 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000070), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0084b697) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142147011 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 112 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142147011 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142147011 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142147011 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147011 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142147011 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=112, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142147011 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142147011 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142147014 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 725730104 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147014 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 725730104 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147018 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 770765915 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147018 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 770765915 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147022 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 590290456 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147022 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 590290456 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147025 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 280683643 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147025 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 280683643 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147029 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 957617222 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147029 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 957617222 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147034 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 213347843 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147034 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 213347843 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147038 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 71413587 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147038 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 71413587 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147042 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 160934267 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147042 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 160934267 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147046 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 917942713 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147046 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 917942713 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147050 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 329616709 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147050 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 329616709 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147054 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 438735439 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147054 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 438735439 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147057 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 197628811 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147057 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 197628811 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147060 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 97708911 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147060 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 97708911 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147063 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 77307731 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147063 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 77307731 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147065 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 712705461 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147065 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 712705461 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147068 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 800035187 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147068 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 800035187 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147070 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 441130545 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147070 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 441130545 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147072 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 851876268 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147072 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 851876268 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147074 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 972247005 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147074 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 972247005 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147076 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 934687347 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142147076 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 934687347 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142147089 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142147090 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142147095 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142147096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142147096 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142147096 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142147096 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142147097 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142147101 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142147101 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142147101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147101 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142147101 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142147101 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142147101 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142147101 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142147101 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142147101 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142147101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.0.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147101 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142147101 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142147101 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=2 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142147101 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142147101 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142147101 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142147101 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142147101 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147101 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142147102 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142147102 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142147102 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142147102 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142147102 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142147102 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142147102 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ef0555), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142147102 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142147102 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142147102 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142147102 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142147102 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142147102 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142147102 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142147102 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142147102 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142147102 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142147102 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142147102 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-1063425)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142147102 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-111)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142147102 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-1063425 SCCP-111 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142147103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142147103 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142147103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142147103 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084b697), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000070), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142147103 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142147103 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142147103 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142147103 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142147103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142147103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142147103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142147103 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142147103 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142147103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142147103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142147103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142147103 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-4210523)[0x564010c24450]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142147103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142147103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142147103 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-112)[0x564010c1fc40]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142147103 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-4210523 SCCP-112 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142147103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142147103 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142147104 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142147104 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142147104 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142147104 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142147104 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142147106 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142147107 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142147107 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142147314 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142147468 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142147468 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00005b93), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142147468 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142147468 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142147468 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142147468 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142147469 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142147469 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f8d9dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142147469 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142147469 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142147469 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142147469 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142148017 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142149491 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142149491 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142149491 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142149491 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142149491 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142149491 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142149508 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142149508 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142149508 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142149508 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142149508 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142149508 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142149514 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142149514 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142149514 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142149514 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142149514 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142149514 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142149818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142149818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142149818 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142149818 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150303 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150303 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150303 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150303 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150303 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150305 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150305 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150306 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150306 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150306 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150306 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150309 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150309 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150309 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150309 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150309 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150309 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150879 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c6e195), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000061), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150879 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ff85d6), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000005f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150879 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150880 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018baf3), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000060), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142150880 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00e18718), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000062), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142150880 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151123 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142151127 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142151131 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142151211 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142151211 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142151221 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151221 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151221 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151221 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151221 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151222 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151222 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142151222 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151223 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151223 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151223 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151223 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151223 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151223 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151223 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151223 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151223 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151223 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151224 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151224 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151224 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151224 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151224 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151224 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151224 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151239 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151239 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151239 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151239 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151239 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151239 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151240 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142151240 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151241 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151241 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151241 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151241 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151241 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151241 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151241 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151241 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151241 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151241 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151263 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142151263 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142151263 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142151263 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142151263 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142151263 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142151263 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142151263 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142151263 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142151268 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142151268 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142151268 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142151268 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142151268 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142151268 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142151268 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142151268 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142151268 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(93)[0x564010c0bf80]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142151290 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(92)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142151292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142151292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142151292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142151292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142151292 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(94)[0x564010c2fdf0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142151450 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142151450 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142151450 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142151450 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142151450 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142151450 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142151450 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142151450 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142151450 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142151450 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151451 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151451 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151451 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151451 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151451 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151451 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151452 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151452 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151452 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151452 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151452 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151452 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142151461 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142151461 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142151461 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142151461 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142151461 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142151461 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142151461 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142151461 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142151461 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142151461 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142151462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142151462 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142151462 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142151462 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142151462 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151462 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142151462 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142151462 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142151462 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142151462 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142151462 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142152252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142152252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142152252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142152252 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142152252 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142152252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142152252 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142152252 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142152252 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142152252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142152252 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142152252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142152252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142152252 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152252 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152252 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142152252 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142152252 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142152252 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142152252 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142152260 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142152260 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142152260 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142152260 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142152260 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142152260 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142152260 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142152260 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142152260 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142152260 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142152260 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142152260 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142152261 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142152261 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142152261 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142152261 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142152261 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142152261 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142152261 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142152261 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142152261 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142152261 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142152261 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142153280 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 143710786 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153280 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 143710786 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153282 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 323776513 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153282 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 323776513 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153283 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 842643564 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153283 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 842643564 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153285 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 533624135 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153285 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 533624135 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153287 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 468669687 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153288 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 468669687 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153290 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 752432440 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153290 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 752432440 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153292 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 236332297 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153292 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 236332297 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153294 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 756288916 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153294 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 756288916 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153296 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 655053296 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153296 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 655053296 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153298 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 524930038 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153298 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 524930038 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153299 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 266408705 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153299 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 266408705 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153301 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 102357956 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153301 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 102357956 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153302 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 694804466 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153302 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 694804466 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153303 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 138548201 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153303 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 138548201 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153304 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 286829818 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153304 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 286829818 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153305 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 823376594 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153305 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 823376594 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153307 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 855109774 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153307 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 855109774 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153308 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 724865851 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153308 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 724865851 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153309 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 937196221 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153309 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 937196221 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153310 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 603775970 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142153310 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 603775970 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142153320 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142154368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142154368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142154368 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 117 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142154368 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142154368 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xcdee17, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142154368 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142154368 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142154368 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13495831 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142154368 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142154368 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142154368 DRUA DEBUG GMM Attach Req mi=IMSI-262420000000003 old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:232) 20250219142154368 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13495831 SCCP-0 PS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142154368 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c0bf80]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142154368 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142154368 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13495831 <-> SCCP-113 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142154368 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13495831 SCCP-113 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 88 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142154368 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142154368 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142154369 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142154369 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142154369 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142154369 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142154369 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142154369 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142154369 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000071), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=88,D=001340540000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010401d1c080101d571000008292624000000003000f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030003e50056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142154369 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142154369 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142154369 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142154369 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142154369 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142154369 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142154369 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142154369 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142154391 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142154391 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142154391 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142154391 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142154391 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142154391 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000071), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0018fe2b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142154391 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 113 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142154391 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142154392 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142154392 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142154392 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142154392 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=113, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142154392 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142154392 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142154392 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 191717527 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154392 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 191717527 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154397 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 853322276 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154397 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 853322276 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154400 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 276814423 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154400 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 276814423 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154403 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 313912832 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154403 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 313912832 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154406 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 658226750 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154406 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 658226750 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154408 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 582920471 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154408 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 582920471 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154410 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 561557393 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154410 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 561557393 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154412 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 291467408 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154412 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 291467408 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154414 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 676158734 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154414 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 676158734 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154415 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 969606649 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154415 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 969606649 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154416 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 809622666 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154416 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 809622666 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154418 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 838383615 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154418 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 838383615 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154419 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 694659180 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154419 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 694659180 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154420 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 354679295 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154420 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 354679295 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154421 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 344644645 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154421 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 344644645 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154422 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 377329805 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154422 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 377329805 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154423 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 839966998 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154423 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 839966998 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154424 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 926964888 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154424 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 926964888 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154424 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 675947267 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154424 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 675947267 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154425 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 626256783 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142154425 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 626256783 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142154442 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142155474 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142155474 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142155474 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 104 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142155474 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142155474 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0x4d688d, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142155474 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142155474 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142155474 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5073037 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142155474 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142155474 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142155474 DRUA DEBUG GMM Routing Area Upd Req mi=NONE old_ra=001-01-10794-23 nri:-1=0xffffffff (hnbgw_l3.c:248) 20250219142155474 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5073037 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142155474 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142155474 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142155474 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5073037 <-> SCCP-114 sgsn-0 sgsn-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.1 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142155474 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5073037 SCCP-114 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 75 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142155474 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142155474 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142155474 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142155474 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142155474 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142155474 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142155474 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142155474 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142155474 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000072), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=75,D=001340470000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f11009260037001040100f08087300f1102a2a170512c7422000004f40030002a70056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155474 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142155474 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142155474 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142155474 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142155474 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142155474 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142155474 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142155485 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142155485 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142155485 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142155485 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142155485 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142155485 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000072), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005286f5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142155485 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 114 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142155486 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142155486 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142155486 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142155486 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142155486 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=114, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142155486 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142155486 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142155488 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 224303921 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155488 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 224303921 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155492 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 136580494 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155492 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 136580494 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155495 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 95748444 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155496 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 95748444 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155499 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 636080602 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155499 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 636080602 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155503 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 469455228 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155503 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 469455228 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155507 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 3615308 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155508 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 3615308 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155511 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 404923111 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155511 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 404923111 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155515 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 833649825 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155515 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 833649825 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155519 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 187421284 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155519 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 187421284 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155522 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 27477215 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155522 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 27477215 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155526 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 177946012 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155526 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 177946012 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155529 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 757598269 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155529 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 757598269 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155532 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 495170638 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155532 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 495170638 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155535 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 352323598 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155535 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 352323598 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155537 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 972700735 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155537 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 972700735 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155539 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 259524948 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155539 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 259524948 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155541 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 938807348 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155541 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 938807348 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155542 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 829356306 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155542 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 829356306 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155544 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 749415249 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155544 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 749415249 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155545 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 455617743 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142155545 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 455617743 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142155546 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): connecting cnlink 1 (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250219142155791 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142155791 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142155791 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142155791 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142155791 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142155791 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142155791 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142155791 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142155791 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142155792 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142155793 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142155793 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142155793 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142155793 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142155793 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155793 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142155793 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142155793 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142155793 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142155793 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142155793 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142155947 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142155948 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009435c0), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006e), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142155948 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142155948 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142155948 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142155948 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142155954 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142155954 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142155954 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142155954 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142155954 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142155954 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006e), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009435c0) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142155954 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 110 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142155954 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142155954 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142155954 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142155954 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142155954 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(110)[0x564010c15b60]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142156593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142156593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142156593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142156593 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142156593 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142156593 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142156593 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142156593 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142156593 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142156593 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142156593 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142156593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142156593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142156593 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=10,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142156593 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142156593 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142156593 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142156593 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142156593 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142156593 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142156601 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142157103 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0084b697), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000070), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157104 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00ef0555), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006f), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157104 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157112 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157112 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157112 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142157112 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142157112 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142157112 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000070), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0084b697) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142157112 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 112 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142157112 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142157112 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142157112 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142157112 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142157112 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(112)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157315 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157315 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157315 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142157315 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142157315 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142157315 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006f), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00ef0555) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142157315 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 111 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142157315 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142157315 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142157315 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142157315 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142157315 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(111)[0x564010c28ec0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157469 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142157469 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00005b93), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157469 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157469 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157470 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f8d9dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006c), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157470 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157476 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157476 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157476 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142157476 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142157476 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142157476 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0000006c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00f8d9dc) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142157476 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 108 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142157476 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142157476 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142157476 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142157476 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142157476 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(108)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157631 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142157632 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142157632 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142157632 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142157632 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA PS Connect.req(ctx=0xc7af60, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142157632 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142157632 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142157632 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13086560 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142157632 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142157632 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142157632 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13086560 SCCP-0 PS MI=NONE: CN link round-robin selects sgsn 1 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142157632 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142157632 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142157632 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-13086560 <-> SCCP-115 sgsn-1 sgsn-one cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.1.2 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142157632 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13086560 SCCP-115 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142157632 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142157632 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142157632 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142157632 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142157632 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142157632 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142157632 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142157632 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142157632 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000073), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000070003400180000f40060000f11009260037400100003a40080000f110092600370010400e0d08050118082926240000000030004f400300028d0056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157632 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142157632 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142157632 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142157632 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142157632 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142157632 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142157633 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142157633 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142157633 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142157633 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157633 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157633 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157633 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157633 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142157633 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142157633 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142157652 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 690952820 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157653 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 690952820 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:new 2 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157653 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157653 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157653 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142157653 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=10=0.1.2 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142157653 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142157653 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000073), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=002fa6dc) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142157653 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 115 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142157653 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142157653 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142157653 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157653 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142157653 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=115, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142157653 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142157653 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142157657 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 287585070 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157657 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 287585070 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157661 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 424885665 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157661 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 424885665 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157665 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 578411548 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157665 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 578411548 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157669 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 900167592 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157669 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 900167592 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.0.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157673 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 572546604 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157673 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 572546604 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:new 1 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157677 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 487648590 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157677 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 487648590 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157681 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 134754235 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157681 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 134754235 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157685 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 355194973 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157685 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 355194973 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157688 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 7316505 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157689 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 7316505 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.1.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157692 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 175411639 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157692 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 175411639 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157695 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 79284027 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157695 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 79284027 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157697 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 602616868 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157697 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 602616868 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157700 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 760242248 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157700 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 760242248 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157702 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 830785028 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157702 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 830785028 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.2.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157704 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 640145906 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157704 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 640145906 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:new 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157706 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 90627178 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157706 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 90627178 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:known 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157708 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 174644071 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157708 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 174644071 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:reattach 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157709 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 464300749 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157709 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 464300749 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:attach_lost 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157711 DLCTRL DEBUG Command: GET 702738951 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged (control_cmd.c:428) 20250219142157711 DLCTRL DEBUG Tx Command reply: GET_REPLY 702738951 rate_ctr.abs.sgsn.3.cnpool:subscr:paged 0 (control_if.c:477) 20250219142157717 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142157717 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142157720 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142157721 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142157721 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142157721 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142157721 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142157722 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142157724 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157724 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157724 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142157724 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157724 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142157724 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157724 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142157724 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142157724 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142157724 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142157724 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142157724 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142157724 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142157724 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142157724 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018fe2b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000071), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157724 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157725 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142157725 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142157725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142157725 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142157725 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142157725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142157725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142157725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142157725 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13495831)[0x564010c2fdf0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157725 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142157725 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142157725 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-113)[0x564010c0bf80]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157725 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13495831 SCCP-113 sgsn-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142157725 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142157725 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142157725 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005286f5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000072), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157725 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157725 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142157725 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142157726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142157726 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142157726 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142157726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142157726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142157726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142157726 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-5073037)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157726 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142157726 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142157726 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-0-SCCP-114)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157726 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5073037 SCCP-114 sgsn-0 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142157726 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157726 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157726 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142157726 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157726 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142157726 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157726 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142157726 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142157726 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142157726 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142157726 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142157726 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142157726 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142157726 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.1.2/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142157726 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157726 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142157727 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142157727 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142157727 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142157727 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=10 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142157727 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142157727 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142157727 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_LINK_LOST (context_map.c:189) 20250219142157727 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142157727 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142157727 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002fa6dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000073), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142157727 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142157727 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142157727 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142157727 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142157727 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142157728 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142157728 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142157728 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142157728 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=ps) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142157728 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142157728 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142157728 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142157728 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-PS-RUA-13086560)[0x564010bacff0]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157728 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142157728 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142157728 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-sgsn-1-SCCP-115)[0x564010c28ec0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142157728 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-13086560 SCCP-115 sgsn-1 MI=NONE: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142157728 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142157728 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142157728 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x3) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142157728 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142157728 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142157728 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142157728 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142157730 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142157731 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142157747 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142157908 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142158612 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142159492 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142159492 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142159492 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142159492 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142159492 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142159492 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142159509 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142159509 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142159509 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142159509 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142159509 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142159509 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142159515 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142159515 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142159515 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142159515 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142159515 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142159515 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142159819 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142159819 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142159819 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142159819 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142200304 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142200304 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00df5b14), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000063), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142200304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142200304 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142200304 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142200304 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142200306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142200306 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00f01dde), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000065), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142200306 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142200307 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142200307 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142200307 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142200310 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142200310 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=000f14a8), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000064), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142200310 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142200310 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142200310 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142200310 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(97)[0x564010c0b8f0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(95)[0x564010c0c690]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200874 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(96)[0x564010c0edd0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142200876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142200876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142200876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142200876 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(98)[0x564010c296a0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142201716 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142201721 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142201727 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142201810 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201810 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201811 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201811 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201811 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142201811 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142201811 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201811 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201811 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201811 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201811 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201811 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201811 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201811 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201811 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201811 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201811 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201811 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201811 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201812 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201812 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201813 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201813 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201813 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201813 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201813 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201813 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201813 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201813 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201839 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201839 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201839 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201839 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201840 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201840 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201841 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201841 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201841 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201841 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201841 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201841 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142201841 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142201842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201842 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201842 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201842 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142201842 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142201842 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142201842 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142201842 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142201842 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142201868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142201868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142201868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142201868 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142201868 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142201868 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142201868 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142201868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142201868 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142202045 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142202045 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142202045 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142202045 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202045 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142202045 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202045 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142202045 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142202045 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142202045 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142202047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142202047 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142202047 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142202047 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142202047 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202047 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202047 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142202047 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142202047 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142202047 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142202047 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142202064 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142202064 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142202064 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142202064 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202064 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142202064 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202064 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142202064 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142202064 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142202064 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142202065 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142202065 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142202065 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142202065 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142202065 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202065 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202065 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142202065 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142202065 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142202065 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142202065 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142202843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142202843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142202843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202843 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142202843 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142202843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142202843 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142202843 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142202843 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142202843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142202843 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142202843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142202843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142202843 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202843 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202843 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202843 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142202843 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142202843 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142202843 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142202866 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142202866 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142202866 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142202866 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142202866 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202866 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202866 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142202866 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142202866 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142202866 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142202866 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142202866 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142202866 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202866 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142202867 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142202867 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142202867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142202867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142202867 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142202867 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142202867 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142202868 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142202868 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142202868 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142202868 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142202898 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142203941 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142203941 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142203941 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142203941 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142203941 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x56f330, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142203941 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142203941 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142203941 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142203941 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142203941 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142203941 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000003: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142203941 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142203941 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142203942 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-5698352 <-> SCCP-116 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142203942 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-116 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142203942 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142203942 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142203942 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142203942 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142203942 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142203942 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142203942 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142203942 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142203942 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000074), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000030004f40030000150056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142203942 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142203942 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142203942 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142203942 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142203942 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142203942 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142203942 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142203942 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142203962 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142203962 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142203962 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142203962 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142203962 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142203962 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000074), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0064c092) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142203962 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 116 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142203962 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142203962 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142203962 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142203962 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142203962 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=116, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142203962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142203962 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142204167 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 132 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142204167 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142204167 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142204167 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142204167 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142204167 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000074), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=91,D=000000570000010036405000000100350046382ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d0800109f3500017f01030100000000000000000000000000404e210000400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142204167 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 116 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142204167 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142204167 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142204167 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142204167 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219142204167 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219142204167 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219142204167 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219142204167 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219142204167 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219142204167 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142204167 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB (X1001, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:867) 20250219142204167 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: RAB-AssignmentRequest received, creating HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:154) 20250219142204167 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW pool is empty -- using (single) MGW mgw (mgcp_client_pool.c:144) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{UNUSED}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{UNUSED}: is child of mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0] (fsm.c:486) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{UNUSED}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{UNUSED}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw CI[0] to-HNB: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60] (fsm.c:486) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/*@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=201 'CRCX 109 rtpbridge/*@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 56f3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 201 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219142204167 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/*@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 109 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 11111 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219142204216 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204216 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219142204216 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_ASSIGN (X1002, 10s) (mgw_fsm.c:243) 20250219142204216 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219142204216 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentRequest to HNB (mgw_fsm.c:273) 20250219142204216 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:276) 20250219142204216 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 115 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219142204216 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142204216 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 115 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142204237 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142204237 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142204237 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 70 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142204237 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219142204237 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x56f330) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219142204237 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-116 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 46 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142204237 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219142204237 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219142204237 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219142204237 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142204237 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219142204237 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: Received Event MGW_EV_RAB_ASS_RESP (mgw_fsm.c:913) 20250219142204237 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: RAB-AssignmentResponse received, completing HNB side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:291) 20250219142204237 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219142204237 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ASSIGN}: State change to MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB (X1003, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:348) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:835) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_MDCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:795) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=215 'MDCX 110 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 56f3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 215 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_MDCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219142204237 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219142204253 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 110 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219142204253 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: MGW/MDCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:435) 20250219142204253 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_MDCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:446) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_MDCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:456) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #0 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:463) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: received successful response to MDCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 1, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204254 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219142204254 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_MDCX_HNB}: State change to MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC (X1004, 5s) (mgw_fsm.c:430) 20250219142204254 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: creating MSC side call-leg on MGW... (mgw_fsm.c:443) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX notify=mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:724) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Scheduling (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:768) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: State change to WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE (X2427, 5s) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:771) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX Sending (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:820) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX}: is child of mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60] (fsm.c:486) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX}: Received Event EV_CRCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:735) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX}: MGW/CRCX: creating connection on MGW endpoint:rtpbridge/3@mgw... (mgcp_client_fsm.c:228) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=205 'CRCX 111 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 56f3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 205 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX}: State change to ST_CRCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:248) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw Sent messages: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:976) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC: CRCX waiting for response (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:899) 20250219142204254 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 1 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 200 111 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with CI: 22222 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:296) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: MGW/CRCX: MGW responded with address (mgcp_client_fsm.c:304) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_CRCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:333) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_CRCX_RESP}: State change to ST_READY (no timeout) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:343) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: Received Event MGW Response for CI #1 (mgcp_client_fsm.c:350) 20250219142204271 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: received successful response to CRCX: RTP=rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:531) 20250219142204272 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204272 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204272 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI in use: 2, waiting for response: 0 (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:920) 20250219142204272 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{WAIT_MGW_RESPONSE}: State change to IN_USE (no timeout) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:931) 20250219142204272 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[0] to-HNB CI=11111: MDCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204272 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: rtpbridge/3@mgw CI[1] to-MSC CI=22222: CRCX done (rtpbridge/3@mgw: (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204272 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: Received Event MGW_EV_MGCP_OK (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:571) 20250219142204272 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219142204272 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_CRCX_MSC}: State change to MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:534) 20250219142204272 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: forwarding modified RAB-AssignmentResponse to MSC (mgw_fsm.c:548) 20250219142204272 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:554) 20250219142204272 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142204272 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142204272 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0064c092), PART(T=Data,L=46,D=6000002a000001003440230000010033401c60ba7c3500017f01020200000000000000000000000000404e200000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142204272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142204272 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142204272 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142204272 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142204272 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: HNB and MSC side call-legs completed! (mgw_fsm.c:560) 20250219142204286 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 104 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142204287 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142204287 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142204287 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142204287 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142204287 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000074), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=63,D=0000003b000001003640340000010035002a202ed0012fa7202fa80000f44c080a028000514000272028140067400000222814003c40000000503d00400100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142204287 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 116 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142204287 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142204287 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142204287 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142204287 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219142204287 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219142204287 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentRequestIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4258) (ranap_decoder.c:4258) 20250219142204287 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219142204287 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219142204287 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifyItemFirst_t (ranap_common.c:665) (ranap_common.c:665) 20250219142204287 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-116 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Rx RAB Assignment Request without transportLayerInformation, forwarding as-is (mgw_fsm.c:822) 20250219142204287 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (mgw_fsm.c:824) 20250219142204287 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 87 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219142204287 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142204287 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 87 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142204293 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142204293 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142204293 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 44 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142204293 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219142204293 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x56f330) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219142204293 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-116 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 20 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142204293 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219142204293 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO O (RAB Assignment) (ranap_common_cn.c:243) 20250219142204293 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_AssignmentResponseIEs (ranap_decoder.c:4327) (ranap_decoder.c:4327) 20250219142204293 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP RAB Assignment (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142204293 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_RAB_SetupOrModifiedItemIEs (ranap_common.c:571) (ranap_common.c:571) 20250219142204293 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (mgw_fsm.c:902) 20250219142204293 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142204293 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142204293 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0064c092), PART(T=Data,L=20,D=60000010000001003440090000010033400200b8) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142204293 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142204293 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142204293 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142204293 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142204309 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 52 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142204309 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142204309 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142204309 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142204309 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142204309 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000074), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=000100080000010004400122) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142204309 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 116 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142204309 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142204309 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142204309 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142204309 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219142204309 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Iu Release) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219142204309 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCommandIEs (ranap_decoder.c:22) (ranap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142204309 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219142204309 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: Received Event MGW_EV_RELEASE (mgw_fsm.c:927) 20250219142204309 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_ESTABLISHED}: State change to MGW_ST_RELEASE (no timeout) (mgw_fsm.c:598) 20250219142204309 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219142204309 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219142204309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219142204309 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 112 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 56f3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_READY}: Received Event EV_DLCX (mgcp_client_fsm.c:824) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Tx MGCP: r=<->l= len=58 'DLCX 113 rtpbridge/3@mgw MGCP 1.0\r\nC: 56f3'... (mgcp_client.c:807) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) Queued 58 bytes for MGW (mgcp_client.c:1221) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_READY}: State change to ST_DLCX_RESP (T1, 4s) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:407) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: Removing from parent mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0] (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219142204310 DLMGCP DEBUG mgw-endp(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c15b60]{IN_USE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142204310 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: FSM instance already terminating, not dispatching event MGW_EV_MGCP_TERM (mgcp_client_endpoint_fsm.c:873) 20250219142204310 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Freeing instance (mgw_fsm.c:568) 20250219142204310 DMGW DEBUG mgw(mgw-fsm-5698352-0)[0x564010c28ec0]{MGW_ST_RELEASE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142204310 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219142204310 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 36 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219142204310 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142204310 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 36 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142204324 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 112 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219142204324 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219142204324 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219142204324 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219142204324 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-HNB)[0x564010b8daa0]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142204325 DLMGCP DEBUG MGW(mgw) MGCP client: Rx 250 113 OK (mgcp_client.c:758) 20250219142204325 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Received Event EV_DLCX_RESP (mgcp_client_fsm.c:489) 20250219142204325 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219142204325 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Freeing instance (mgcp_client_fsm.c:505) 20250219142204325 DLMGCP DEBUG MGCP_CONN(to-MSC)[0x564010c1fc40]{ST_DLCX_RESP}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142204338 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142204338 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142204338 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 36 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142204338 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DisconnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:210) (rua_decoder.c:210) 20250219142204338 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Disconnect.req(ctx=0x56f330,cause=radio(normal)) (hnbgw_rua.c:439) 20250219142204338 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-116 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: rx RUA Disconnect with 7 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142204338 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DISCONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:324) 20250219142204338 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO SO (Iu Release) (ranap_common_cn.c:162) 20250219142204338 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_Iu_ReleaseCompleteIEs (ranap_decoder.c:73) (ranap_decoder.c:73) 20250219142204338 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Iu Release (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142204338 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142204338 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142204338 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142204338 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0064c092), PART(T=Data,L=7,D=20010003000000) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142204338 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142204338 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142204338 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142204338 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142204339 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:304) 20250219142204339 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RAN_DISC (context_map_rua.c:330) 20250219142204339 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to wait_rlsd (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:402) 20250219142204348 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142204348 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142204348 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142204348 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142204348 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142204349 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000074), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0064c092), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELRE for local reference 116 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASED.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DISCONNECT.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DISCONNECT.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_disc_ind() conn_id=116 responding_addr=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP cause=Release Cause (hnbgw_cn.c:520) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_rlsd}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_RELEASED (hnbgw_cn.c:525) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_rlsd}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:463) 20250219142204349 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142204349 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142204349 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-5698352)[0x564010c25c00]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142204349 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-116)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142204349 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-5698352 SCCP-116 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000003: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142204349 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0064c092), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000074) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142204349 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142204349 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142204349 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142204349 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1230) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142204349 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(116)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142206360 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142206361 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142206365 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142206369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142206369 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142206369 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142206369 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142206369 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142206369 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142206369 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142206370 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142206370 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142206370 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142206370 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142206370 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142206370 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142206370 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142206370 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142206370 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142206370 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142206370 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142206370 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142206370 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142206371 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142206371 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142206371 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142206371 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142206371 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142206371 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142206371 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142206374 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142206475 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142207079 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142207470 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142207470 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00005b93), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142207470 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142207470 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142207470 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142207470 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142207725 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142207725 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018fe2b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000071), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142207725 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142207725 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142207725 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142207725 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142207726 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142207726 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005286f5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000072), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142207726 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142207726 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142207727 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142207727 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142207728 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:307) 20250219142207728 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002fa6dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000073), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142207728 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142207728 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142207728 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142207728 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142209493 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142209493 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142209493 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142209493 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142209493 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142209493 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142209510 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142209510 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142209510 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142209510 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142209510 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142209510 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142209516 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142209516 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142209517 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142209517 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142209517 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142209517 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142209820 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142209820 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0017e04b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000067), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142209820 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142209820 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142209820 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142209820 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142209820 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142209820 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=006378fa), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000066), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142209821 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00cba3a7), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000068), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142209821 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210185 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142210190 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142210194 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142210269 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210269 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210270 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210270 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210270 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210270 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210270 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210270 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210270 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142210270 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142210271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210271 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210271 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210271 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210271 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210271 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210271 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210271 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210271 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210271 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210271 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210271 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210271 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210271 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210271 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210272 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210272 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210272 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210272 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210272 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210272 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210288 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210288 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210289 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210289 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210289 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210289 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210289 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142210289 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210290 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210290 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210290 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210290 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210290 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210290 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210290 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210290 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210291 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210291 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210291 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210291 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210291 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210291 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210291 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210291 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210291 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210291 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210291 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142210300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142210300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142210300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142210300 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(99)[0x564010a8e600]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142210303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142210303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142210303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142210303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142210303 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(101)[0x564010c0ea80]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142210306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142210306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142210306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142210306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142210306 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(100)[0x564010c305f0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142210500 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142210500 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142210500 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142210500 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142210500 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142210500 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142210500 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142210500 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142210500 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142210500 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210501 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210501 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210501 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210501 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210501 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210501 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210501 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210501 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210501 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210501 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210501 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142210516 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142210516 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142210516 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142210516 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142210516 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142210516 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142210516 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142210516 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142210516 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142210516 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142210517 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142210517 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142210517 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142210517 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142210517 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210517 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142210517 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142210517 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142210517 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142210517 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142210517 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142211304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142211304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142211304 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211304 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142211304 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142211304 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142211304 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142211304 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142211304 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142211304 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142211305 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142211305 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142211306 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142211306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142211306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142211306 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142211306 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211306 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211306 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211306 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142211306 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142211306 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142211306 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142211313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142211313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142211313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211313 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142211313 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142211313 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142211313 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142211313 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142211313 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142211313 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142211313 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142211313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142211313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142211313 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142211313 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142211313 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211313 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142211313 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142211313 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142211313 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142211318 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142211318 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142211318 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142211318 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142211318 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142211318 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142211318 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142211318 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142211318 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142211323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142211323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142211323 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 12 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142211323 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBDe_RegisterIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:307) (hnbap_decoder.c:307) 20250219142211323 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-DE-REGISTER cause=radio(unspecified) (hnbgw_hnbap.c:460) 20250219142211526 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142211526 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142211526 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142211526 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142211526 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142211526 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142211526 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142211526 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142211526 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142211542 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142211543 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142211546 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142211547 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142211547 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142211547 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142211547 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142211547 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142211549 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142211549 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142211549 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142211549 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211549 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142211549 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211549 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142211549 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142211549 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142211549 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142211549 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142211549 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142211549 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142211549 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142211549 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211549 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142211549 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142211549 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142211549 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142211549 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142211550 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142211550 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142211649 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142212252 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142215371 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142215375 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142215379 DLCTRL INFO accept()ed new CTRL connection from (r=<->l= (control_if.c:572) 20250219142215446 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142215446 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142215455 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215455 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215455 DCN NOTICE (msc-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215456 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215456 DCN NOTICE (msc-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215456 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215456 DCN NOTICE (msc-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215456 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215456 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215456 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215456 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215456 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215456 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215456 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215457 DLINP INFO SRV(, accept()ed new link from (stream_srv.c:142) 20250219142215457 DMAIN INFO New HNB SCTP connection r=<->l= (hnbgw.c:791) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215457 DRANAP ERROR (msc-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215457 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000003800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 03 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=3=0.0.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=3=0.0.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=3=0.0.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-2)[0x564010b8f870]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215457 DRANAP ERROR (msc-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215457 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000002800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 02 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=2=0.0.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=2=0.0.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=2=0.0.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215457 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215457 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-1)[0x564010b92670]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215458 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215458 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.0.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215458 DRANAP ERROR (msc-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215458 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215458 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=000200038002000800000004800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215458 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215458 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215458 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 04 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215459 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215459 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215459 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215459 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215459 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215459 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=4=0.0.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215459 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=4=0.0.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215459 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=4=0.0.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215459 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215459 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-3)[0x564010bf9740]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215472 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215473 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215473 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-1) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215473 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215473 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-2) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215473 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215473 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-3) VTY requests BSSMAP RESET (hnbgw_vty.c:771) 20250219142215473 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-3) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215474 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-3) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215474 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000c800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0c 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=12=0.1.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=12=0.1.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=12=0.1.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-3)[0x564010bfbd80]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-2) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.3,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215474 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-2) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215474 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000b800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0b 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-2)[0x564010bfb3f0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215474 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-1) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.1.2,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215474 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-1) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215474 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215474 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=00020003800200080000000a800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215474 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 0a 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215475 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-1)[0x564010bfaa60]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215475 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215475 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215475 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215475 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215475 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215475 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142215496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142215496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142215496 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142215496 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-0 001-01-L2342-R0-S55-C1 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142215496 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142215496 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142215496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142215496 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142215501 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142215501 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142215501 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 61 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142215501 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message HNBAP_HNBRegisterRequestIEs (hnbap_decoder.c:22) (hnbap_decoder.c:22) 20250219142215501 DLGLOBAL ERROR counter group 'hnb' already exists for index 0, instead using index 1. This is a software bug that needs fixing. (rate_ctr.c:221) 20250219142215501 DLGLOBAL DEBUG validating counter group 0x5640107b7be0(hnb) with 60 counters (rate_ctr.c:86) 20250219142215501 DHNBAP DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB-REGISTER-REQ TTCN3-HNB-1 001-01-L2343-R0-S55-C2 (hnbgw_hnbap.c:560) 20250219142215501 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) HNB (re)connecting, discarding all previous UE state (hnbgw_hnbap.c:566) 20250219142215501 DHNBAP NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) Accepting HNB-REGISTER-REQ (hnbgw_hnbap.c:168) 20250219142215501 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142215501 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 13 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142215683 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142215683 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142215683 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142215683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142215683 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142215683 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142215684 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142215684 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142215684 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=188 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142215684 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215685 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215685 DRANAP DEBUG (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215685 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215685 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215685 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215685 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215685 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215685 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215685 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215685 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215685 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142215693 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142215693 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DAVA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142215693 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DAVA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:406) 20250219142215693 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142215693 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142215693 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142215693 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142215693 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142215693 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now available: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=ACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=AVAILABLE (hnbgw_cn.c:633) 20250219142215693 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T0, 1ms) (cnlink.c:351) 20250219142215694 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Timeout of T0 (fsm.c:317) 20250219142215694 DRANAP DEBUG (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET to IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:147) 20250219142215694 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:171) 20250219142215694 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142215694 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001100003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215694 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142215694 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142215694 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142215694 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142215694 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142215694 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:297) 20250219142216486 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142216486 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142216486 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142216486 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142216486 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216486 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142216486 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142216486 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142216486 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142216486 DRANAP NOTICE (msc-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuCS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142216486 DRANAP ERROR (msc-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142216486 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142216486 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216486 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142216487 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142216487 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142216487 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142216487 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142216487 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=188,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216487 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000100) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216487 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142216487 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142216488 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142216488 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142216488 DRANAP INFO cnlink(msc-0)[0x564010baf220]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142216494 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 68 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142216495 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142216495 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142216495 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=17,D=0009000d00000200044001400003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142216495 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142216495 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2011) (ranap_decoder.c:2011) 20250219142216495 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET (cnlink.c:367) 20250219142216495 DRANAP NOTICE (sgsn-0) Tx RANAP RESET ACK IuPS RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP --> RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.1,SSN=RANAP (cnlink.c:197) 20250219142216495 DRANAP ERROR (sgsn-0) No local PLMN is configured, so outgoing RESET ACKNOWLEDGE messages omit the mandatory Global RNC-ID IE. You should set a 'hnbgw' / 'plmn' in your config file (since v1.5) (cnlink.c:222) 20250219142216495 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-UNITDATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_sclc_msg: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:428) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142216495 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142216495 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: State change to CONNECTED (no timeout) (cnlink.c:249) 20250219142216495 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: link up (cnlink.c:111) 20250219142216498 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 60 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142216498 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142216498 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142216498 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142216498 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 259: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=189,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG IEI 258: Parsed Addr: RI=2,PC=185,SSN=142 (sccp2sua.c:334) 20250219142216498 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CL:CLDT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000b9800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=12,D=200900080000010003000180) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 b9 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142216498 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-UNITDATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142216498 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-UNITDATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142216498 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_ResetAcknowledgeIEs (ranap_decoder.c:2092) (ranap_decoder.c:2092) 20250219142216498 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Received Event CNLINK_EV_RX_RESET_ACK (cnlink.c:372) 20250219142216498 DRANAP INFO cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: Link is already up, ignoring RESET ACK (cnlink.c:282) 20250219142217471 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142217471 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00005b93), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142217471 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142217471 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142217472 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142217472 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142217538 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142217726 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0018fe2b), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000071), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142217727 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=005286f5), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000072), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=185=0.23.1 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=185=0.23.1: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=185=0.23.1 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142217727 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142217728 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142217728 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002fa6dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000073), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142217728 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142217728 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142217728 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142217728 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142217732 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142217732 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142217732 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142217732 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142217732 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142217732 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000071), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0018fe2b) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142217732 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 113 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142217732 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142217732 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142217732 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142217732 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142217732 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(113)[0x564010c08d60]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142217934 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142217935 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142217935 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142217935 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=185=0.23.1 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142217935 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142217935 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000072), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=005286f5) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142217935 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 114 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142217935 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142217935 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142217935 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142217935 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142217935 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(114)[0x564010c24450]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142218593 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142218593 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142218593 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 102 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142218593 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_ConnectIEs (rua_decoder.c:22) (rua_decoder.c:22) 20250219142218593 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA CS Connect.req(ctx=0x5bb4d0, normal) (hnbgw_rua.c:407) 20250219142218593 DHNB DEBUG map_rua[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142218593 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:85) 20250219142218593 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6010064 SCCP-0 CS MI=NONE: New RUA CTX (context_map.c:97) 20250219142218593 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142218593 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142218593 DCN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6010064 SCCP-0 CS MI=IMSI-262420000000001: CN link round-robin selects msc 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:1125) 20250219142218593 DCN DEBUG map_sccp[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142218593 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to init (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:93) 20250219142218593 DRUA NOTICE New conn: r=<->l= ' TTCN3-HNB-0' RUA-6010064 <-> SCCP-117 msc-0 msc-naught cs7-0.sccp l=0.23.5<->r=0.23.4 (context_map.c:128) 20250219142218594 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6010064 SCCP-117 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA Connect with 73 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142218594 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_CONNECT (hnbgw_rua.c:318) 20250219142218594 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Initial UE Message) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142218594 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_InitialUE_MessageIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3635) (ranap_decoder.c:3635) 20250219142218594 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: rx from RUA: RANAP Initial UE Message (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142218594 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142218594 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-CONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142218594 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Allocated (fsm.c:456) 20250219142218594 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Received Event N-CONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142218594 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CORE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000075), PART(T=Destination Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bc800300080000008e), PART(T=Sequence Control,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Source Address,L=20,D=0002000380020008000000bd800300080000008e), PART(T=Data,L=73,D=001340450000060003400100000f40060000f1100926003a40080000f11009260037001040131205080200f110172a52082926240000000010004f40030003690056400500f1100926) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0103) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bc 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0103 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG sua_addr_parse_part(IEI=0x0102) (20) 00 02 00 03 80 02 00 08 00 00 00 bd 80 03 00 08 00 00 00 8e (sua.c:391) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 4/20: subpart tag 0x8002, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142218594 DLSUA DEBUG SUA IEI 0x0102 pos 12/20: subpart tag 0x8003, len 8 (sua.c:450) 20250219142218594 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142218594 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142218594 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142218594 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142218594 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: State change to CONN_PEND_OUT (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:975) 20250219142218594 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{init}: State change to wait_cc (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:277) 20250219142218594 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{init}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_rua.c:229) 20250219142218608 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 44 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142218608 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142218608 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142218608 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142218608 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142218608 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:COAK,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Protocol Class,L=4,D=00000002), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000075), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009d1c18) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142218608 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:COAK for local reference 117 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142218608 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: Received Event RCOC-CONNECT_CONFIRM.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142218608 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{CONN_PEND_OUT}: State change to ACTIVE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1129) 20250219142218608 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-CONNECT.confirm to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142218608 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-CONNECT.confirm) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142218608 DCN DEBUG handle_cn_conn_conf() conn_id=117, addrs: called=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.4,SSN=RANAP calling=RI=SSN_PC,PC=0.23.5,SSN=RANAP responding=RI=NONE (hnbgw_cn.c:486) 20250219142218608 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_CONNECTION_CONFIRM (hnbgw_cn.c:492) 20250219142218608 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{wait_cc}: State change to connected (no timeout) (context_map_sccp.c:317) 20250219142219494 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142219494 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=004ebf7a), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006b), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142219494 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142219494 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142219494 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142219494 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142219511 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142219511 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00c8d61c), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000069), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142219511 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142219511 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142219511 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142219511 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142219517 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142219517 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=0097df98), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006a), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142219517 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142219517 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142219517 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142219518 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142219609 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Changing SCCP address, don't apply yet (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(103)[0x564010c110d0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142219815 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(102)[0x564010c1fd70]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142219817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142219817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142219817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142219817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142219817 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(104)[0x564010c28d90]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142220635 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142220635 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142220635 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= received 46 bytes from client (stream_srv.c:1351) 20250219142220635 DMAIN DEBUG Decoding message RUA_DirectTransferIEs (rua_decoder.c:131) (rua_decoder.c:131) 20250219142220635 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA Data.req(ctx=0x5bb4d0) (hnbgw_rua.c:471) 20250219142220635 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6010064 SCCP-117 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: rx RUA DirectTransfer with 22 bytes RANAP data (hnbgw_rua.c:312) 20250219142220635 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_RX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (hnbgw_rua.c:321) 20250219142220635 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Direct Transfer) (ranap_common_cn.c:41) 20250219142220635 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_DirectTransferIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3772) (ranap_decoder.c:3772) 20250219142220635 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: rx from RUA: RANAP Direct Transfer (context_map_rua.c:171) 20250219142220635 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_TX_DATA_REQUEST (context_map_rua.c:199) 20250219142220635 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DATA.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142220635 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DATA.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142220635 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009d1c18), PART(T=Data,L=22,D=001440120000010010400b0a226db83389bf74c9d25f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142220635 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142220635 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142220635 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142220635 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142220654 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 64 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142220654 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142220654 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142220654 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142220654 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142220654 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:CODT,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000075), PART(T=Segmentation,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Data,L=22,D=001440120000010010400b0a29956c9e2806ab14d14c) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142220654 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:CODT for local reference 117 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142220654 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event RCOC-DT1.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142220654 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-DATA.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142220654 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-DATA.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142220654 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_RX_DATA_INDICATION (hnbgw_cn.c:506) 20250219142220654 DRANAP DEBUG Rx CO IM (Direct Transfer) (ranap_common_ran.c:43) 20250219142220654 DRANAP DEBUG Decoding message RANAP_DirectTransferIEs (ranap_decoder.c:3772) (ranap_decoder.c:3772) 20250219142220654 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: rx from SCCP: RANAP Direct Transfer (context_map_sccp.c:217) 20250219142220654 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_TX_DIRECT_TRANSFER (context_map_sccp.c:262) 20250219142220654 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA DirectTransfer (cn=cs) payload of 46 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:122) 20250219142220654 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142220654 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 46 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142220666 DLGLOBAL NOTICE TTCN3 f_logp(): Apply SCCP address changes (logging_vty.c:1172) 20250219142220668 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) config changed, restarting SCCP (hnbgw_cn.c:822) 20250219142220668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: Received Event MAP_SCCP_EV_USER_ABORT (hnbgw_cn.c:791) 20250219142220668 DLSCCP DEBUG Received SCCP User Primitive (N-DISCONNECT.request) (sccp_scoc.c:1891) 20250219142220668 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: Received Event N-DISCONNECT.req (sccp_scoc.c:1932) 20250219142220668 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=009d1c18), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000075), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=00000300) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142220668 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=188=0.23.4 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142220668 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=188=0.23.4: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142220668 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=188=0.23.4 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142220668 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142220668 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{ACTIVE}: State change to DISCONN_PEND (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1214) 20250219142220668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{connected}: State change to disconnected (X31, 5s) (context_map_sccp.c:419) 20250219142220668 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Received Event MAP_RUA_EV_CN_DISC (context_map_sccp.c:508) 20250219142220668 DHNB INFO map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: Tx RUA Disconnect (context_map_rua.c:267) 20250219142220668 DRUA DEBUG ( TTCN3-HNB-0) transmitting RUA Disconnect (cn=cs) payload of 24 bytes (hnbgw_rua.c:162) 20250219142220668 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{connected}: State change to disrupted (X31, 5s) (context_map_rua.c:316) 20250219142220668 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:202) 20250219142220668 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:202) 20250219142220668 DHNB DEBUG map_rua(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-CS-RUA-6010064)[0x564010c25c00]{disrupted}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142220668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REGULAR) (context_map.c:206) 20250219142220668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Freeing instance (context_map.c:206) 20250219142220668 DCN DEBUG map_sccp(127-0-0-1:9999-TTCN3-HNB-0-msc-0-SCCP-117)[0x564010c254a0]{disconnected}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142220668 DMAIN INFO ( TTCN3-HNB-0) RUA-6010064 SCCP-117 msc-0 MI=IMSI-262420000000001: Deallocating (context_map.c:225) 20250219142220668 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) remote-addr is 'msc-foo', using cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:846) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (msc-0) using existing SCCP instance cs7-0.sccp on cs7 instance 0 (hnbgw_cn.c:866) 20250219142220669 DCN NOTICE (msc-0) using: cs7-0 0.23.5 <-> 0.42.4 msc-0 msc-foo (hnbgw_cn.c:800) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (msc-1) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (msc-2) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (msc-3) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-0) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-1) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-2) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DCN DEBUG (sgsn-3) SCCP instance already set up, using cs7-0.sccp (hnbgw_cn.c:825) 20250219142220669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x2) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142220669 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= sending 24 bytes of data (stream_srv.c:827) 20250219142220673 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 40 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142220673 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (XFER:DATA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142220673 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer (m3ua.c:568) 20250219142220673 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: m3ua_rx_xfer(): M3UA data header: opc=188=0.23.4 dpc=189=0.23.5 (m3ua.c:603) 20250219142220673 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): found dpc=189=0.23.5 as local (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:285) 20250219142220673 DLSS7 DEBUG scrc_rx_mtp_xfer_ind_xua: HDR=(CO:RELCO,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00000075), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=009d1c18) (sccp_scrc.c:477) 20250219142220673 DLSCCP DEBUG Received CO:RELCO for local reference 117 (sccp_scoc.c:1824) 20250219142220673 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event RCOC-RELEASE_COMPLETE.ind (sccp_scoc.c:1858) 20250219142220673 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1332) 20250219142220673 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142220673 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142220673 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(117)[0x564010bacff0]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142221688 DLCTRL INFO close()d CTRL connection (r=<->l= (control_if.c:193) 20250219142221689 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142221694 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142221695 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142221695 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142221695 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142221695 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-1) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142221695 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-1) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142221695 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= connected read/write (what=0x1) (stream_srv.c:894) 20250219142221695 DLINP DEBUG SRVCONN(,r=<->l= message received (stream_srv.c:800) 20250219142221695 DLINP NOTICE SRV(,r=<->l= NOTIFICATION SHUTDOWN_EVENT flags=0x0 (stream.c:265) 20250219142221695 DMAIN NOTICE ( TTCN3-HNB-0) sctp_recvmsg(r=<->l= = SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT, closing conn (hnbgw.c:711) 20250219142221695 DMAIN INFO (disconnected TTCN3-HNB-0) Releasing HNB context (hnbgw.c:269) 20250219142221697 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142221698 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142221698 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.1/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142221698 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142221698 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142221698 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142221698 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142221698 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142221698 DCN NOTICE (sgsn-0) now unreachable: N-PCSTATE ind: pc=185 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:625) 20250219142221698 DRANAP DEBUG cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{CONNECTED}: State change to DISCONNECTED (T4, 60s) (cnlink.c:357) 20250219142221698 DRANAP NOTICE cnlink(sgsn-0)[0x564010bfa0d0]{DISCONNECTED}: link lost (cnlink.c:118) 20250219142221698 DLSS7 DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: xua_cli_read_cb(): sctp_recvmsg() returned 24 (flags=0x0) (osmo_ss7_asp.c:1033) 20250219142221698 DLM3UA DEBUG 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Received M3UA Message (SNM:DUNA) (m3ua.c:751) 20250219142221698 DLM3UA NOTICE 0: asp-asp-clnt-msc-0: Rx DUNA() for 0.23.4/0, (xua_snm.c:371) 20250219142221698 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'SCCP Management' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142221698 DLSCCP DEBUG Ignoring SCCP user primitive N-PCSTATE.indication (sccp_scmg.c:298) 20250219142221698 DLSCCP DEBUG Delivering N-PCSTATE.indication to SCCP User 'OsmoHNBGW' (sccp_user.c:181) 20250219142221698 DCN DEBUG sccp_sap_up(N-PCSTATE.indication) (hnbgw_cn.c:652) 20250219142221698 DCN DEBUG N-PCSTATE ind: affected_pc=188 sp_status=INACCESSIBLE remote_sccp_status=UNAVAILABLE_UNKNOWN (hnbgw_cn.c:562) 20250219142221701 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142221812 DLGLOBAL INFO Accept()ed new telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:192) 20250219142222315 DLGLOBAL INFO Closing telnet connection r=<->l= (telnet_interface.c:138) 20250219142227472 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(109)[0x564010c14900]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142227472 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=00005b93), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=0000006d), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142227472 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=11=0.1.3 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142227472 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=11=0.1.3: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142227472 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=11=0.1.3 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142227472 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142227729 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(115)[0x564010c09720]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(rep_rel)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:321) 20250219142227729 DLSS7 DEBUG sccp_scrc_rx_scoc_conn_msg: HDR=(CO:RELRE,V=0,LEN=0), PART(T=Routing Context,L=4,D=00000000), PART(T=Destination Reference,L=4,D=002fa6dc), PART(T=Source Reference,L=4,D=00000073), PART(T=SCCP Cause,L=4,D=0000030f) (sccp_scrc.c:406) 20250219142227729 DLSS7 DEBUG m3ua_hmdc_rx_from_l2(): dpc=10=0.1.2 not local, message is for routing (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:289) 20250219142227729 DLSS7 DEBUG Found route for dpc=10=0.1.2: pc=0=0.0.0 mask=0x0=0.0.0 via AS as-clnt-msc-0 proto=m3ua (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:233) 20250219142227729 DLSS7 DEBUG rt->dest.as proto is M3UA for dpc=10=0.1.2 (osmo_ss7_hmrt.c:247) 20250219142227729 DLSS7 DEBUG XUA_AS(as-clnt-msc-0)[0x564010c20ab0]{AS_ACTIVE}: Received Event AS-TRANSFER.req (m3ua.c:532) 20250219142229490 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142229490 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142229490 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142229490 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142229490 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(107)[0x564010c2d340]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142229506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142229506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142229506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142229506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142229506 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(105)[0x564010c0be50]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568) 20250219142229513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: Received Event T(int)_expired (sccp_scoc.c:314) 20250219142229513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{DISCONN_PEND}: State change to IDLE (no timeout) (sccp_scoc.c:1350) 20250219142229513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{IDLE}: Terminating (cause = OSMO_FSM_TERM_REQUEST) (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142229513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{IDLE}: Freeing instance (sccp_scoc.c:552) 20250219142229513 DLSCCP DEBUG SCCP-SCOC(106)[0x564010b8e010]{IDLE}: Deallocated (fsm.c:568)