/* Osmocom HNBLL Interface Templates, as per osmo-hnodeb/include/osmocom/hnodeb/hnb_prim.h * (C) 2021 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de> * All rights reserved. * Author: Pau Espin Pedrol <pespin@sysmocom.de> * * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ module HNBLLIF_Templates { import from General_Types all; import from Osmocom_Types all; import from HNBLLIF_Types all; /********************** * CTL SAPI **********************/ template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_CTL_HELLO_REQ(template (value) HNBLLIF_Sapi sapi, template (value) uint16_t api_version) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_CTL, u := { ctl := { prim := HNBLL_IF_CTL_MSG_HELLO, u := { hello := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { sapi := sapi, api_version := api_version } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_CTL_HELLO_CNF(template (present) HNBLLIF_Sapi sapi := ?, template (present) uint32_t api_version := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_CTL, u := { ctl := { prim := HNBLL_IF_CTL_MSG_HELLO, u := { hello := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_CONFIRM, u := { cnf := { sapi := sapi, api_version := api_version } } } } } } } /********************** * IUH SAPI **********************/ template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_IUH_CONFIGURE_IND(template (present) uint16_t mcc := ?, template (present) uint16_t mnc := ?, template (present) uint16_t cell_identity := ?, template (present) uint16_t lac := ?, template (present) uint8_t rac := ?, template (present) uint16_t sac := ?, template (present) uint16_t rnc_id := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_CONFIGURE, u := { configure := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_INDICATION, u := { ind := { mcc := mcc, mnc := mnc, cell_identity := cell_identity, lac := lac, rac := rac, reserved := ?, sac := sac, rnc_id := rnc_id } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_IUH_CONN_ESTABLISH_REQ(template (value) uint32_t context_id, template (value) uint8_t domain, template (value) uint8_t est_cause, template (value) octetstring data) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_CONN_ESTABLISH, u := { conn_establish := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { context_id := context_id, domain := domain, est_cause := est_cause, reserved := 0, data_len := lengthof(data), data := data } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_IUH_CONN_ESTABLISH_CNF(template (present) uint32_t context_id := ?, template (present) uint8_t domain := ?, template (present) uint8_t est_cause := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_CONN_ESTABLISH, u := { conn_establish := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_CONFIRM, u := { cnf := { context_id := context_id, domain := domain, est_cause := est_cause } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_IUH_CONN_RELEASE_REQ(template (value) uint32_t context_id, template (value) uint8_t domain, template (value) uint8_t cause_type, template (value) uint8_t cause, template (value) octetstring data) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_CONN_RELEASE, u := { conn_release := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { context_id := context_id, domain := domain, spare1 := 0, cause_type := cause_type, cause := cause, data_len := lengthof(data), data := data } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_IUH_CONN_DATA_IND(template (present) uint32_t context_id := ?, template (present) uint8_t domain := ?, template (present) octetstring data := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_CONN_DATA, u := { conn_data := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_INDICATION, u := { ind := { context_id := context_id, domain := domain, spare1 := ?, spare2 := ?, data_len := ?, data := data } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_IUH_CONN_DATA_REQ(template (value) uint32_t context_id, template (value) uint8_t domain, template (value) octetstring data) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_CONN_DATA, u := { conn_data := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { context_id := context_id, domain := domain, spare1 := 0, spare2 := 0, data_len := lengthof(data), data := data } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_IUH_UNITDATA_IND(template (present) octetstring data := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_IUH, u := { iuh := { prim := HNBLL_IF_IUH_MSG_UNITDATA, u := { unitdata := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_INDICATION, u := { ind := { data_len := ?, data := data } } } } } } } /********************** * AUDIO SAPI **********************/ const HNBLLIF_AUDIO_IPTIs IPTIs_default := { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; private function f_subflow_sizes_default() return HNBLLIF_AUDIO_SubflowSizes { var HNBLLIF_AUDIO_SubflowSizes ss; for (var integer i := 0; i < HNBLLIF_MAX_RFCIS; i := i + 1) { for (var integer j := 0; j < HNBLLIF_MAX_SUBFLOWS; j := j + 1) { ss[i][j] := 0; } } ss[0][0] := 81; ss[0][1] := 103; ss[0][2] := 60; ss[1][0] := 39; ss[1][1] := 0; ss[1][2] := 0; ss[2][0] := 0; ss[2][1] := 0; ss[2][2] := 0; return ss; } private function f_rfcis_default() return HNBLLIF_AUDIO_RFCIs { var HNBLLIF_AUDIO_RFCIs rfcis; for (var integer i := 0; i < HNBLLIF_MAX_RFCIS; i := i + 1) { rfcis[i] := i; } return rfcis; } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_AUDIO_CONN_ESTABLISH_REQ(template (value) uint32_t context_id, template (value) uint16_t remote_rtp_port, template (value) HNBLLIF_AddrType remote_rtp_address_type, template (value) HNBLLIF_Addr remote_addr, template (value) uint8_t transparent := 0, template (value) uint8_t data_pdu_type := 0, template (value) uint16_t supported_versions_mask := 3, template (value) uint8_t num_rfci := 3, template (value) uint8_t num_subflows := 3, template (value) HNBLLIF_AUDIO_SubflowSizes subflow_sizes := f_subflow_sizes_default(), template (value) uint8_t IPTIs_present := 0, template (value) HNBLLIF_AUDIO_IPTIs IPTIs := IPTIs_default, template (omit) HNBLLIF_AUDIO_RFCIs rfci := f_rfcis_default()) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_AUDIO, u := { audio := { prim := HNBLL_IF_AUDIO_MSG_CONN_ESTABLISH, u := { conn_establish := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { context_id := context_id, remote_rtp_port := remote_rtp_port, reserved := 0, remote_rtp_address_type := remote_rtp_address_type, remote_addr := remote_addr, transparent := transparent, data_pdu_type := data_pdu_type, supported_versions_mask := supported_versions_mask, num_rfci := num_rfci, num_subflows := num_subflows, subflow_sizes := subflow_sizes, IPTIs_present := IPTIs_present, IPTIs := IPTIs, rfci := rfci } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_AUDIO_CONN_ESTABLISH_CNF(template (present) uint32_t context_id := ?, template (present) uint32_t audio_conn_id := ?, template (present) uint8_t error_code := ?, template (present) uint16_t local_rtp_port:= ?, template (present) HNBLLIF_AddrType local_rtp_address_type := ?, template (present) HNBLLIF_Addr local_addr := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_AUDIO, u := { audio := { prim := HNBLL_IF_AUDIO_MSG_CONN_ESTABLISH, u := { conn_establish := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_CONFIRM, u := { cnf := { context_id := context_id, audio_conn_id := audio_conn_id, local_rtp_port := local_rtp_port, error_code := error_code, local_rtp_address_type := local_rtp_address_type, local_addr := local_addr } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_AUDIO_CONN_RELEASE_REQ(template (value) uint32_t audio_conn_id) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_AUDIO, u := { audio := { prim := HNBLL_IF_AUDIO_MSG_CONN_RELEASE, u := { conn_release := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { audio_conn_id := audio_conn_id } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_AUDIO_CONN_DATA_IND(template (present) uint32_t audio_conn_id := ?, template (present) uint8_t frame_nr := ?, template (present) uint8_t fqc := ?, template (present) uint8_t rfci := ?, template (present) octetstring data := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_AUDIO, u := { audio := { prim := HNBLL_IF_AUDIO_MSG_CONN_DATA, u := { conn_data := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_INDICATION, u := { ind := { audio_conn_id := audio_conn_id, frame_nr := frame_nr, fqc := fqc, rfci := rfci, spare := 0, data_len := ?, data := data } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_AUDIO_CONN_DATA_REQ(template (value) uint32_t audio_conn_id, template (value) uint8_t frame_nr, template (value) uint8_t fqc, template (value) uint8_t rfci, template (value) octetstring data) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_AUDIO, u := { audio := { prim := HNBLL_IF_AUDIO_MSG_CONN_DATA, u := { conn_data := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { audio_conn_id := audio_conn_id, frame_nr := frame_nr, fqc := fqc, rfci := rfci, spare := 0, data_len := lengthof(data), data := data } } } } } } } /********************** * GTP SAPI **********************/ template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_GTP_CONN_ESTABLISH_REQ(template (value) uint32_t context_id, template (value) uint32_t remote_tei, template (value) HNBLLIF_AddrType remote_gtpu_address_type, template (value) HNBLLIF_Addr remote_gtpu_addr) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_GTP, u := { gtp := { prim := HNBLL_IF_GTP_MSG_CONN_ESTABLISH, u := { conn_establish := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { context_id := context_id, remote_tei := remote_tei, reserved := 0, remote_gtpu_address_type := remote_gtpu_address_type, remote_gtpu_addr := remote_gtpu_addr } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_GTP_CONN_ESTABLISH_CNF(template (present) uint32_t context_id := ?, template (present) uint32_t gtp_conn_id := ?, template (present) uint32_t local_tei := ?, template (present) uint8_t error_code := ?, template (present) HNBLLIF_AddrType local_gtpu_address_type := ?, template (present) HNBLLIF_Addr local_gtpu_addr := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_GTP, u := { gtp := { prim := HNBLL_IF_GTP_MSG_CONN_ESTABLISH, u := { conn_establish := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_CONFIRM, u := { cnf := { context_id := context_id, gtp_conn_id := gtp_conn_id, local_tei := local_tei, error_code := error_code, local_gtpu_address_type := local_gtpu_address_type, local_gtpu_addr := local_gtpu_addr } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_GTP_CONN_RELEASE_REQ(template (value) uint32_t gtp_conn_id) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_GTP, u := { gtp := { prim := HNBLL_IF_GTP_MSG_CONN_RELEASE, u := { conn_release := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { gtp_conn_id := gtp_conn_id } } } } } } } template (present) HNBLLIF_Message tr_HNBLLIF_GTP_CONN_DATA_IND(template (present) uint32_t gtp_conn_id, template (present) octetstring data := ?) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_GTP, u := { gtp := { prim := HNBLL_IF_GTP_MSG_CONN_DATA, u := { conn_data := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_INDICATION, u := { ind := { gtp_conn_id := gtp_conn_id, data_len := ?, data := data } } } } } } } template (value) HNBLLIF_Message ts_HNBLLIF_GTP_CONN_DATA_REQ(template (value) uint32_t gtp_conn_id, template (value) octetstring data) := { sapi := HNBLL_IF_SAPI_GTP, u := { gtp := { prim := HNBLL_IF_GTP_MSG_CONN_DATA, u := { conn_data := { op := HNBLL_IF_OP_REQUEST, u := { req := { gtp_conn_id := gtp_conn_id, data_len := lengthof(data), data := data } } } } } } } } with { encode "RAW" variant "BYTEORDER(first)" };