module BSSAP_LE_CodecPort { /* Simple BSSAP_LE Codec Port, translating between raw SCCP primitives with * octetstring payload towards the SCCP provider, and BSSAP_LE-SCCP primitives * which carry the decoded BSSAP_LE data types as payload. * * (C) 2017 by Harald Welte <> * All rights reserved. * * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import from General_Types all; import from Osmocom_Types all; import from SCCPasp_Types all; import from SCCP_Types all; import from BSSAP_LE_Types all; type record BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_req { SCCP_PAR_Address calledAddress, SCCP_PAR_Address callingAddress optional, SCCP_PAR_Expedited_Data_Sel expeditedDataSel optional, SCCP_PAR_Quality_Of_Service qualityOfService optional, PDU_BSSAP_LE userData optional, SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional, SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_req ts_BSSAP_LE_CONNECT_req(SCCP_PAR_Address called, SCCP_PAR_Address calling, SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap := omit) := { calledAddress := called, callingAddress := calling, expeditedDataSel := omit, qualityOfService := omit, userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := omit } type record BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_ind { SCCP_PAR_Address calledAddress, SCCP_PAR_Address callingAddress optional, SCCP_PAR_Quality_Of_Service qualityOfService optional, PDU_BSSAP_LE userData optional, SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional, SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_ind tr_BSSAP_LE_CONNECT_ind(template SCCP_PAR_Address called, template SCCP_PAR_Address calling, template PDU_BSSAP_LE payload := *) := { calledAddress := called, callingAddress := calling, qualityOfService := *, userData := payload, connectionId := *, importance := * } type record BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_res { SCCP_PAR_Address respondingAddress optional, SCCP_PAR_Expedited_Data_Sel expeditedDataSel optional, SCCP_PAR_Quality_Of_Service qualityOfService optional, PDU_BSSAP_LE userData optional, SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional, SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_res ts_BSSAP_LE_CONNECT_res(SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap := omit) := { respondingAddress := omit, expeditedDataSel := omit, qualityOfService := omit, userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := omit } type record BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_cfm { SCCP_PAR_Address respondingAddress optional, SCCP_PAR_Quality_Of_Service qualityOfService optional, PDU_BSSAP_LE userData optional, SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional, SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_cfm tr_BSSAP_LE_CONNECT_cfm(template SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap := *) := { respondingAddress := *, qualityOfService := *, userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := * } type record BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_req { PDU_BSSAP_LE userData , SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_req ts_BSSAP_LE_DATA_req(SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap) := { userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := omit } type record BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_ind { PDU_BSSAP_LE userData , SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_ind tr_BSSAP_LE_DATA_ind(SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap := *) := { userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := * } type record BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_req { SCCP_PAR_Address respondingAddress optional, SCCP_PAR_Reason reason , PDU_BSSAP_LE userData optional , SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_req ts_BSSAP_LE_DISC_req(SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template SCCP_PAR_Reason reason, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap := omit) := { respondingAddress := omit, reason := reason, userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := omit } type record BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_ind { SCCP_PAR_Originator originator , SCCP_PAR_Address respondingAddress optional , SCCP_PAR_Reason reason , PDU_BSSAP_LE userData optional , SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id connectionId optional , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_ind tr_BSSAP_LE_DISC_ind(template SCCP_PAR_Connection_Id conn_id, template SCCP_PAR_Originator originator, template SCCP_PAR_Reason reason, template PDU_BSSAP_LE bssap := *) := { originator := originator, respondingAddress:= *, reason := reason, userData := bssap, connectionId := conn_id, importance := * } type record BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_req { SCCP_PAR_Address calledAddress , SCCP_PAR_Address callingAddress , SCCP_PAR_Sequence_Control sequenceControl optional , SCCP_PAR_Return_Option returnOption optional , PDU_BSSAP_LE userData , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_req ts_BSSAP_LE_UNITDATA_req(SCCP_PAR_Address called, SCCP_PAR_Address calling, template PDU_BSSAP_LE payload) := { calledAddress := called, callingAddress := calling, sequenceControl := omit, returnOption := omit, userData := payload, importance := omit } type record BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_ind { SCCP_PAR_Address calledAddress , SCCP_PAR_Address callingAddress , SCCP_PAR_Sequence_Control sequenceControl optional , SCCP_PAR_Return_Option returnOption optional , PDU_BSSAP_LE userData , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } template BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_ind tr_BSSAP_LE_UNITDATA_ind(template SCCP_PAR_Address called, template SCCP_PAR_Address calling, template PDU_BSSAP_LE payload) := { calledAddress := called, callingAddress := calling, sequenceControl := *, returnOption := *, userData := payload, importance := * } type record BSSAP_LE_N_NOTICE_ind { SCCP_PAR_Address calledAddress , SCCP_PAR_Address callingAddress , SCCP_PAR_Reason_For_Return reasonForReturn , PDU_BSSAP_LE userData , SCCP_PAR_Importance importance optional } private function f_dec_ConnectInd(in ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_ind pin, out BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_ind pout) { pout.calledAddress := pin.calledAddress; pout.callingAddress := pin.callingAddress; pout.qualityOfService := pin.qualityOfService; if (ispresent(pin.userData)) { pout.userData := dec_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); } else { pout.userData := omit; } pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_dec_ConnectCfm(in ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_cfm pin, out BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_cfm pout) { pout.respondingAddress := pin.respondingAddress; pout.qualityOfService := pin.qualityOfService; if (ispresent(pin.userData)) { pout.userData := dec_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); } else { pout.userData := omit; } pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_dec_DataInd(in ASP_SCCP_N_DATA_ind pin, out BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_ind pout) { pout.userData := dec_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_dec_DisconnectInd(in ASP_SCCP_N_DISCONNECT_ind pin, out BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_ind pout) { pout.originator := pin.originator; pout.respondingAddress := pin.respondingAddress; pout.reason := pin.reason; if (ispresent(pin.userData)) { pout.userData := dec_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); } else { pout.userData := omit; } pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_dec_UnitdataInd(in ASP_SCCP_N_UNITDATA_ind pin, out BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_ind pout) { pout.calledAddress := pin.calledAddress; pout.callingAddress := pin.callingAddress; pout.sequenceControl := pin.sequenceControl; pout.returnOption := pin.returnOption; pout.userData := dec_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_dec_NoticeInd(in ASP_SCCP_N_NOTICE_ind pin, out BSSAP_LE_N_NOTICE_ind pout) { pout.calledAddress := pin.calledAddress; pout.callingAddress := pin.callingAddress; pout.reasonForReturn := pin.reasonForReturn; pout.userData := dec_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_enc_ConnectReq(in BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_req pin, out ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_req pout) { pout.calledAddress := pin.calledAddress; pout.callingAddress := pin.callingAddress; pout.expeditedDataSel := pin.expeditedDataSel; pout.qualityOfService := pin.qualityOfService; if (ispresent(pin.userData)) { pout.userData := enc_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); } else { pout.userData := omit; } pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_enc_ConnectRes(in BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_res pin, out ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_res pout) { pout.respondingAddress := pin.respondingAddress; pout.expeditedDataSel := pin.expeditedDataSel; pout.qualityOfService := pin.qualityOfService; if (ispresent(pin.userData)) { pout.userData := enc_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); } else { pout.userData := omit; } pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_enc_DataReq(in BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_req pin, out ASP_SCCP_N_DATA_req pout) { pout.userData := enc_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_enc_DisconnectReq(in BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_req pin, out ASP_SCCP_N_DISCONNECT_req pout) { pout.respondingAddress := pin.respondingAddress; pout.reason := pin.reason; if (ispresent(pin.userData)) { pout.userData := enc_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); } else { pout.userData := omit; } pout.connectionId := pin.connectionId; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } private function f_enc_UnitdataReq(in BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_req pin, out ASP_SCCP_N_UNITDATA_req pout) { pout.calledAddress := pin.calledAddress; pout.callingAddress := pin.callingAddress; pout.userData := enc_PDU_BSSAP_LE(pin.userData); pout.sequenceControl := pin.sequenceControl; pout.returnOption := pin.returnOption; pout.importance := pin.importance; } with {extension "prototype(fast)" } type port BSSAP_LE_CODEC_PT message { out BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_req, BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_res, BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_req, BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_req, BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_req, ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_req; in BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_ind, BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_cfm, BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_ind, BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_ind, BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_ind, BSSAP_LE_N_NOTICE_ind, ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_ind, ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_cfm, ASP_SCCP_N_STATE_ind; } with { extension "internal user SCCPasp_PT out(BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_req -> ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_req: function(f_enc_ConnectReq); BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_res -> ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_res: function(f_enc_ConnectRes); BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_req -> ASP_SCCP_N_DATA_req: function(f_enc_DataReq); BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_req -> ASP_SCCP_N_DISCONNECT_req: function(f_enc_DisconnectReq); BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_req -> ASP_SCCP_N_UNITDATA_req: function(f_enc_UnitdataReq); ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_req -> ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_req: simple) in(ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_ind -> BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_ind: function(f_dec_ConnectInd); ASP_SCCP_N_CONNECT_cfm -> BSSAP_LE_N_CONNECT_cfm: function(f_dec_ConnectCfm); ASP_SCCP_N_DATA_ind -> BSSAP_LE_N_DATA_ind: function(f_dec_DataInd); ASP_SCCP_N_DISCONNECT_ind -> BSSAP_LE_N_DISCONNECT_ind: function(f_dec_DisconnectInd); ASP_SCCP_N_UNITDATA_ind -> BSSAP_LE_N_UNITDATA_ind: function(f_dec_UnitdataInd); ASP_SCCP_N_NOTICE_ind -> BSSAP_LE_N_NOTICE_ind: function(f_dec_NoticeInd); ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_ind -> ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_ind: simple; ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_cfm -> ASP_SCCP_N_RESET_cfm: simple; ASP_SCCP_N_STATE_ind -> ASP_SCCP_N_STATE_ind: simple)" } }