CACHE_DIR="$(realpath ../_cache)" KERNEL_TEST_DIR="$(realpath ../scripts/kernel-test)" DEBIAN_DEFAULT="bookworm" SUB4_PREFIX="172.18" SUB6_PREFIX="fd02:db8" docker_image_exists() { test -n "$(docker images -q "$REPO_USER/$1")" } docker_depends() { local feed case "$1" in osmo-*-20*q*-centos8) # e.g. osmo-mgw-2021q1-centos8 -> centos8-obs-2021q1 feed="$(echo "$1" | grep -o -P -- "20\d\dq.*$")" # e.g. "2021q1-centos8" feed="$(echo "$feed" | sed 's/\-centos8$//')" # e.g. "2021q1" echo "centos8-obs-$feed" ;; osmo-*-latest-centos7) echo "centos7-obs-latest" ;; osmo-*-latest-centos8) echo "centos8-obs-latest" ;; osmo-*-centos7) echo "centos7-build" ;; osmo-*-centos8) echo "centos8-build" ;; osmo-*-latest) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-obs-latest" ;; osmo-*-asan) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-obs-asan" ;; osmo_dia2gsup-*) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-erlang" ;; osmo-epdg-*) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-erlang" ;; osmo-s1gw-*) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-erlang" ;; osmo-*) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-build" ;; open5gs-master) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT-build" ;; ttcn3-*) echo "debian-bookworm-titan" ;; esac } docker_distro_from_image_name() { case "$1" in osmo-*-centos7) echo "centos7" ;; osmo-*-centos8) echo "centos8" ;; centos7-*) echo "centos7" ;; centos8-*) echo "centos8" ;; debian-buster-*) echo "debian-buster" ;; debian-bullseye-*) echo "debian-bullseye" ;; debian-bookworm-*) echo "debian-bookworm" ;; *) echo "debian-$DEBIAN_DEFAULT" ;; esac } docker_upstream_distro_from_image_name() { case "$1" in osmo-*-centos7) echo "centos:centos7"; ;; osmo-*-centos8) echo "almalinux:8"; ;; centos7-*) echo "centos:centos7" ;; centos8-*) echo "almalinux:8" ;; debian9-*) echo "debian:stretch" ;; debian10-*) echo "debian:buster" ;; debian11-*) echo "debian:bullseye" ;; debian12-*) echo "debian:bookworm" ;; debian-stretch-*) echo "debian:stretch" ;; debian-buster-*) echo "debian:buster" ;; debian-bullseye-*) echo "debian:bullseye" ;; debian-bookworm-*) echo "debian:bookworm" ;; *) echo "debian:$DEBIAN_DEFAULT" ;; esac } docker_dir_from_image_name() { case "$1" in osmo-*-20*q*-centos8) # e.g. osmo-mgw-2021q1-centos8 -> osmo-mgw-latest echo "$1" | sed 's/20[0-9][0-9]q.*\-centos8$/latest/' ;; osmo-*-centos7) # e.g. osmo-mgw-latest-centos7 -> osmo-mgw-latest echo "$1" | sed 's/\-centos7$//' ;; osmo-*-centos8) # e.g. osmo-mgw-latest-centos8 -> osmo-mgw-latest echo "$1" | sed 's/\-centos8$//' ;; centos8-obs-20*q*) # e.g. centos8-obs-2021q1 -> centos8-obs-latest echo "$1" | sed 's/20[0-9][0-9]q.*$/latest/' ;; osmo-*-asan) # Build Osmocom programs from the asan repository with the # "-latest" docker containers (osmo-mgw-latest/Dockerfile etc.) # so they are completely built from the OBS packages instead of # building some of it from git (as in *-master/Dockerfile). echo "$1" | sed 's/-asan/-latest/' ;; *) echo "$1" ;; esac } # $1: distro name, from docker_distro_from_image_name() # $2: docker image name (without $REPO_USER/ prefix) list_osmo_packages() { local distro="$1" local image="$2" local docker_run_sh="docker run --rm --entrypoint=/bin/sh $REPO_USER/$image -c" if [ -n "$NO_LIST_OSMO_PACKAGES" ]; then return fi # Don't run on all images case "$image" in osmo-*) ;; *) return ;; esac set +x echo echo "### Installed Osmocom packages in: $image ###" echo case "$distro" in centos*) $docker_run_sh "rpm -qa | grep osmo" ;; debian*) $docker_run_sh "dpkg -l | grep osmo" ;; *) echo "ERROR: don't know how to list installed packages for distro=$distro" ;; esac echo set -x } # Get the osmo-ttcn3-hacks branch to use, based on the IMAGE_SUFFIX we are # testing. This allows e.g. running 2023q1 SUTs against the 2023q1 branch of # osmo-ttcn3-hacks.git (SYS#6638). The OSMO_TTCN3_BRANCH env var can be used to # override it in any case. # $IMAGE_SUFFIX: e.g. 2023q1-centos8 docker_osmo_ttcn3_branch() { if [ -n "$OSMO_TTCN3_BRANCH" ]; then echo "$OSMO_TTCN3_BRANCH" return fi case "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" in 20*q*) echo "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" | cut -d- -f 1 ;; *) echo "master" ;; esac } # Make sure required images are available and build them if necessary. # $*: image names (e.g. "debian-bullseye-build", "osmo-mgw-master", "osmo-mgw-master-centos8") # The images are automatically built from the Dockerfile of the subdir of # the same name. If there is a distribution name at the end of the image # name (e.g. osmo-mgw-master-centos8), it gets removed from the subdir # where the Dockerfile is taken from (e.g. osmo-mgw-master/Dockerfile) # and UPSTREAM_DISTRO and DISTRO are passed accordingly (e.g. # UPSTREAM_DISTRO=almalinux:8 DISTRO=centos8). This allows one # Dockerfile for multiple distributions, without duplicating configs for # each distribution. Dependencies listed in docker_depends() are built # automatically too. IMAGE_DIR_PREFIX=".." docker_images_require() { local i local from_line local pull_arg local upstream_distro_arg local distro_arg local depends local dir for i in $@; do # Don't build images that are available on the private # registry, if using it. Instead, pull the images to make sure # they are up-to-date. if [ "$REGISTRY_HOST" = "" ]; then case "$i" in debian-bookworm-titan) docker pull "$REGISTRY_HOST/$USER/$i" continue ;; esac fi # Build dependencies first depends="$(docker_depends "$i")" if [ -n "$depends" ]; then docker_images_require $depends fi distro_arg="$(docker_distro_from_image_name "$i")" # Trigger image build (cache will be used when up-to-date) if [ -z "$NO_DOCKER_IMAGE_BUILD" ]; then upstream_distro_arg="$(docker_upstream_distro_from_image_name "$i")" dir="$(docker_dir_from_image_name "$i")" # Pull upstream base images pull_arg="--pull" from_line="$(grep '^FROM' ${IMAGE_DIR_PREFIX}/${dir}/Dockerfile)" if echo "$from_line" | grep -q '$USER'; then pull_arg="" fi set +x echo "Building image: $i (export NO_DOCKER_IMAGE_BUILD=1 to prevent this)" set -x make -C "${IMAGE_DIR_PREFIX}/${dir}" \ BUILD_ARGS="$pull_arg" \ UPSTREAM_DISTRO="$upstream_distro_arg" \ DISTRO="$distro_arg" \ IMAGE="$REPO_USER/$i" \ OSMO_TTCN3_BRANCH="$(docker_osmo_ttcn3_branch)" \ || exit 1 fi # Detect missing images (build skipped) if ! docker_image_exists "$i"; then set +x echo "ERROR: missing image: $i" exit 1 fi list_osmo_packages "$distro_arg" "$i" done } # Kill a docker container and ensure it has actually stopped (OS#5928) docker_kill_wait() { docker kill "$@" docker wait "$@" || true } #kills all containers attached to network network_clean() { local containers="$(docker network inspect $NET_NAME | grep Name | cut -d : -f2 | awk -F\" 'NR>1{print $2}')" if [ -n "$containers" ]; then docker_kill_wait $containers fi } # Create network and find a free subnet automatically. The global variables # SUBNET (subnet number) and NET_NAME (name of the docker network) get set. network_create() { SUBNET="$PPID" for i in $(seq 1 30); do SUBNET="$(echo "($SUBNET + 1) % 256" | bc)" NET_NAME="$SUITE_NAME-$SUBNET" SUB4="$SUB4_PREFIX.$SUBNET.0/24" SUB6="$SUB6_PREFIX:$SUBNET::/64" set +x echo "Creating network $NET_NAME, trying SUBNET=$SUBNET..." set -x if docker network create \ --internal \ --subnet "$SUB4" \ --ipv6 \ --subnet "$SUB6" \ "$NET_NAME"; then set +x echo echo "### Network $NET_NAME created (SUBNET=$SUBNET) ###" echo set -x return fi done set +x echo "ERROR: failed to create docker network" exit 1 } network_bridge_create() { if [ -z "$NET_NAME" ]; then set +x echo "ERROR: network_bridge_create: NET_NAME needs to be set" exit 1 fi NET=$1 if docker network ls | grep -q $NET_NAME; then set +x echo "Removing stale network and containers..." set -x network_clean network_remove fi SUB4="$SUB4_PREFIX.$NET.0/24" SUB6="$SUB6_PREFIX:$NET::/64" set +x echo "Creating network $NET_NAME" set -x docker network create \ --driver=bridge \ --subnet $SUB4 \ --ipv6 --subnet $SUB6 \ -o ""="$SUB4_PREFIX.$NET.1" \ $NET_NAME } network_remove() { set +x echo "Removing network $NET_NAME" set -x docker network remove $NET_NAME } # Clean and remove all docker networks related to ttcn3 testing. This prevents # running testsuites in parallel, so usually we don't want this and rely on the # clean_up_trap to clean the network. But on e.g. gtp0-deb10fr this gets used # as we only run one testsuite at once and it has dahdi netdevices attached. # Due connection loss, it may not be cleaned up there and so another testsuite # cannot start. network_clean_remove_all_ttcn3() { local networks local i networks="$(docker network ls --format '{{.Name}}' | grep ^ttcn3- || true)" if [ -z "$networks" ]; then return fi set +x echo "Removing stale network and containers..." set -x for i in $networks; do NET_NAME="$i" network_clean network_remove done unset NET_NAME } network_replace_subnet_in_configs() { set +x local i local files="$(find \ "$VOL_BASE_DIR" \ -name '*.cfg' -o \ -name '*.conf' -o \ -name '*.config' -o \ -name '*.confmerge' -o \ -name '*.inc' -o \ -name '*.scm' -o \ -name '*.sh' -o \ -name '*.txt' -o \ -name '*.yaml' -o \ -name 'Makefile' \ )" if [ -z "$files" ]; then echo "ERROR: network_replace_subnet_in_configs:" \ "no config files found!" exit 1 fi for i in $files; do echo "Applying SUBNET=$SUBNET to: $i" sed \ -i \ -E \ -e "s/172\.18\.[0-9]{1,3}\./$SUB4_PREFIX.$SUBNET./g" \ -e "s/$SUB6_PREFIX:[0-9]{1,3}:/$SUB6_PREFIX:$SUBNET:/g" \ "$i" done set -x } # Generates list of params to pass to "docker run" to configure IP addresses # $1: SUBNET to use, same as set by network_create() # $2: Address suffix from SUBNET to apply to the container docker_network_params() { NET=$1 ADDR_SUFIX=$2 echo --network $NET_NAME --ip "$SUB4_PREFIX.$NET.$ADDR_SUFIX" --ip6 "$SUB6_PREFIX:$NET::$ADDR_SUFIX" } fix_perms() { set +x echo "Fixing permissions" set -x docker run --rm \ -v $VOL_BASE_DIR:/data \ -v $CACHE_DIR:/cache \ --name ${BUILD_TAG}-cleaner \ "debian:$DEBIAN_DEFAULT" \ sh -e -x -c " chmod -R a+rX /data/ /cache/ chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) /data /cache " } collect_logs() { cat "$VOL_BASE_DIR"/*/junit-*.log || true } clean_up_common() { set +e set +x echo echo "### Clean up ###" echo set -x # Clear trap trap - EXIT INT TERM 0 # Run clean_up() from ttcn3-*/, if defined if type clean_up >/dev/null; then clean_up fi network_clean network_remove rm -rf "$VOL_BASE_DIR"/unix fix_perms collect_logs } # Run clean up code when the script stops (either by failing command, by ^C, or # after running through successfully). The caller can define a custom clean_up # function. set_clean_up_trap() { trap clean_up_common EXIT INT TERM 0 } docker_kvm_param() { if [ "$KERNEL_TEST_KVM" != 0 ]; then echo "--device /dev/kvm:/dev/kvm" fi } # Generate the initrd, and optionally build a kernel, for tests that involve # kernel modules. Boot the kernel once in QEMU inside docker to verify that it # works. See for description of the KERNEL_* environment variables. # $1: kernel config base (e.g. defconfig, tinyconfig, allnoconfig) # $2: path to kernel config fragment # $3: path to project specific initrd build script, which adds the osmo # program, kernel modules etc. to the initrd (gets sourced by # scripts/kernel-test/ # $4: docker image name # $5-n: (optional) additional arguments to "docker run", like a volume # containing a config file kernel_test_prepare() { local kernel_config_base="$1" local kernel_config_fragment="$2" local initrd_project_script="$3" local docker_image="$4" shift 4 # Store KVM availibility in global KERNEL_TEST_KVM if [ -z "$KERNEL_TEST_KVM" ]; then if [ -e "/dev/kvm" ]; then KERNEL_TEST_KVM=1 else KERNEL_TEST_KVM=0 fi fi mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR/kernel-test" cp "$kernel_config_fragment" \ "$CACHE_DIR/kernel-test/fragment.config" cp "$initrd_project_script" \ "$CACHE_DIR/kernel-test/" fix_perms # Build kernel and initramfs docker run \ --rm \ --user "build" \ -v "$CACHE_DIR:/cache" \ -v "$KERNEL_TEST_DIR:/kernel-test:ro" \ -e "KERNEL_BRANCH=$KERNEL_BRANCH" \ -e "KERNEL_BUILD=$KERNEL_BUILD" \ -e "KERNEL_CONFIG_BASE=$kernel_config_base" \ -e "KERNEL_REMOTE_NAME=$KERNEL_REMOTE_NAME" \ -e "KERNEL_URL=$KERNEL_URL" \ -e "KERNEL_SKIP_REBUILD=$KERNEL_SKIP_REBUILD" \ $DOCKER_ARGS \ "$@" \ "$docker_image" \ "/kernel-test/" # Smoke test if [ "$KERNEL_SKIP_SMOKE_TEST" != 1 ]; then docker run \ --rm \ --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ $(docker_kvm_param) \ --device /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun \ -v "$CACHE_DIR:/cache" \ -v "$KERNEL_TEST_DIR:/kernel-test:ro" \ $DOCKER_ARGS \ "$@" \ "$docker_image" \ "/kernel-test/" fi } # Wait until the linux kernel is booted inside QEMU inside docker, and the # initrd is right before running the project-specific commands (e.g. starting # osmo-ggsn). This may take a few seconds if running without KVM. # $1: path to the VM's log file kernel_test_wait_for_vm() { local log="$1" local i if [ "$KERNEL_TEST" != 1 ]; then return fi for i in $(seq 1 15); do sleep 1 if grep -q KERNEL_TEST_VM_IS_READY "$log"; then return fi done # Let clean_up_common kill the VM set +x echo "Timeout while waiting for kernel test VM" exit 1 } # Check if the "latest" repo is used (e.g. "latest-centos8") osmo_repo_is_latest() { case "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" in latest*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Check if the "nightly" repo is used (e.g. "master-centos8") osmo_repo_is_nightly() { case "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" in master*) return 0 ;; asan*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Check if the "2023q1" repo is used (e.g. "2023q1-centos8") osmo_repo_is_2023q1() { case "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" in 2023q1*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Write the Osmocom repository to the TTCN3 config file, so the tests may take # different code paths (OS#5327) # $1: path to TTCN3 config file (e.g. BSC_Tests.cfg) write_mp_osmo_repo() { local repo="nightly" local config="$1" local line if ! [ -e "$config" ]; then set +x echo echo "ERROR: TTCN3 config file '$config' not found in $PWD" echo exit 1 fi case "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" in latest*) repo="latest" ;; 20*q*-*) # e.g. 2021q1-centos8 repo="$(echo "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" | cut -d- -f 1)" # e.g. 2021q1 ;; *) ;; esac line="Misc_Helpers.mp_osmo_repo := \"$repo\"" sed \ -i \ "s/\[MODULE_PARAMETERS\]/\[MODULE_PARAMETERS\]\n$line/g" \ "$config" } # Output the name of the test config and check if it is enabled. Use this # function in, after setting TEST_CONFIGS_ALL, e.g.: # TEST_CONFIGS_ALL="generic oml hopping" # The user can then set TEST_CONFIGS to only run one of the test # configurations. # $1: one of TEST_CONFIGS_ALL, e.g. "classic" test_config_enabled() { local config="$1" local i local valid=0 for i in $TEST_CONFIGS_ALL; do if [ "$config" = "$i" ]; then valid=1 break fi done if [ "$valid" != "1" ]; then set +x echo "ERROR: config name '$config' is not one of '$TEST_CONFIGS_ALL'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$TEST_CONFIGS" ]; then return 0 fi for i in $TEST_CONFIGS; do if [ "$config" = "$i" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } set -x # non-jenkins execution: assume local user name if [ "x$REPO_USER" = "x" ]; then REPO_USER=$USER fi if [ "x$WORKSPACE" = "x" ]; then # non-jenkins execution: put logs in /tmp VOL_BASE_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" # point /tmp/logs to the last ttcn3 run rm /tmp/logs || true ln -s "$VOL_BASE_DIR" /tmp/logs || true else # jenkins execution: put logs in workspace VOL_BASE_DIR="$WORKSPACE/logs" rm -rf "$VOL_BASE_DIR" mkdir -p "$VOL_BASE_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$VOL_BASE_DIR" ]; then set +x echo "ERROR: \$VOL_BASE_DIR does not exist: '$VOL_BASE_DIR'" exit 1 fi # non-jenkins execution: set a unique BUILD_TAG to avoid collisions (OS#5358) if [ "x$BUILD_TAG" = "x" ]; then BUILD_TAG="nonjenkins-$(date +%N)" fi SUITE_NAME=`basename $PWD`