List of integer
type record of integer IntegerList
List of octetstring
type record of octetstring OctetStringList
List of charstring
type record of charstring StringList
Declares identifiers for the possible integrity protection algorithms
type enumerated TCCIPsec_AAlgo { AALG_NONE (0), AALG_MD5HMAC (2), AALG_SHA1HMAC (3) }
Defines a record for storing the integrity protection algorithm identifier and key.
type record TCCIPsec_Auth { TCCIPsec_AAlgo algo, TCCIPsec_Key key }
Declares a type to represent the policy level indicating that system defaults has to be used.
type record TCCIPsec_DefaultLevel {}
Declares a type to represent the policy rule to discard packets.
type record TCCIPsec_DiscardRule {}
Declares identifiers for the possible encryption algorithms
type enumerated TCCIPsec_EAlgo { EALG_NONE (0), EALG_3DESCBC (3), EALG_NULL(11), EALG_AESCBC (12) }
Defines a record for storing the encryption algorithm identifier and key.
type record TCCIPsec_Encr { TCCIPsec_EAlgo algo, TCCIPsec_Key key }
Defines a union of possible extensions for Security Associations (SAs)
type union TCCIPsec_Extension { integer policyId, integer hardLifetime, integer softLifetime }
Defines a list of extensions for the SA adding function
type record of TCCIPsec_Extension TCCIPsec_ExtensionList
Declares identifiers for the possible security association
type enumerated TCCIPsec_IPsecMode { anyMode (0), transport (1), tunnel (2) }
Defines a union for storing a key for an SA.
type union TCCIPsec_Key { hexstring hex, charstring text }
Declares an union for storing to IPsec mode
type union TCCIPsec_Mode { TCCIPsec_Transport transport, TCCIPsec_Tunnel tunnel }
Declares a type to represent the policy rule to bypass IPsec.
type record TCCIPsec_NoneRule {}
Declares a record for storing an IPsec rule.
type record TCCIPsec_Rule { TCCIPsec_Protocol protocol, TCCIPsec_Mode mode, TCCIPsec_RuleLevel level }
Defines a union for storing rule level.
type union TCCIPsec_RuleLevel { TCCIPsec_DefaultLevel defaultLevel, TCCIPsec_UseLevel use, TCCIPsec_RequireLevel require, TCCIPsec_UniqueLevel unique }
Declares a type to represent the transport IPsec mode - as opposed to tunnel mode
type record TCCIPsec_Transport {}
Declares identifiers for the possible upper layer protocols
type enumerated TCCIPsec_TranspProto { anyTranspProto (0), tcpProto (6), udpProto (17) }
Declares a type to represent the tunnel IPsec mode - as opposed to transport mode
type record TCCIPsec_Tunnel { charstring srcAddr, integer srcPort, charstring dstAddr, integer dstPort }
Declares a type to represent the policy level indicating that IPsec should be used if appropriate SA is available.
type record TCCIPsec_UseLevel {}
List of verdicttype
type record of verdicttype VerdictList