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Received PCU data indication: Updated %s: %s Received PCU data indication with unexpected data length: %u -- ignored. (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u Rx DATA.ind: sapi=%d arfcn=%d cur_fn=%d block=%d data=%s %s FN=%u Rx DATA.ind PDTCH: BER10k = %d, BTO = %d, Q = %d (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u Rx DATA.ind with unsupported sapi %d Data confirm received: sapi=%d Received PCU data confirm with unsupported sapi %d %s FN=%u RX RTS.req: sapi=%d arfcn=%d cur_fn=%d block=%d (bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u) FN=%u RX RTS.req with unsupported sapi %d RACH request received: sapi=%d qta=%d, ra=0x%02x, fn=%u (rfn=%u), cur_fn=%d, is_11bit=%d RACH request contains fn=%u that exceeds valid limits (0-%u) -- ignored! Received PCU rach request with unsupported sapi %d NS%u nsvci=%u invalid NS%u address: r=%s:%u<->l=NULL:%u No NSVC available to connect to the SGSN! (unspecified)osmo-bts-lc15osmo-bts-oc2gosmo-bts-octphyosmo-bts-sysmoosmo-bts-trxericsson-rbsmore than one BTS regsitered at this PCU. This PCU has only been tested with one BTS! OS#5930 Info indication received: PCU interface version number of BTS/BSC (%u) is different (%u). Please use a BTS/BSC with a compatble interface! BTS not available BTS available mcc=%03u mnc=%0*u lac=%d rac=%d cell_id=%d bsic=%d nsei=%d nse_timer=%d %d %d %d %d %d %d cell_timer=%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d repeat_time=%d repeat_count=%d bvci=%d t3142=%d t3169=%d t3191=%d t3193=%d (ms) t3195=%d n3101=%d n3103=%d n3105=%d cv_countdown=%d dl_tbf_ext=%d ul_tbf_ext=%d Use CS%d Use MCS%d (VTY forced, ignoring) initial_cs=%u%s initial_mcs=%u%s Failed to init BSSGP TRX %d hlayer1=%x Failed to open direct PHY access for PDCH. its->ma_bit_len <= sizeof(pdch->fh.ma) * 8yesnoPDCH (trx=%u, ts=%u): tsc=%u, hopping=%s BTS model: %s struct e1_ccu_conn_parse1_ccu_conn_pars(ts=%u,trx=%u) new E1 CCU communication parameters for CCU (E1-line:%u, E1-TS:%u, E1-SS:%u, rate:%ukbps) Time indication received: %d Paging request received: chan_needed=%d length=%d Paging identity too large (%u) Failed to decode Mobile Identity in Paging Request (rc=%d) Unexpected MI type %u GPRS Suspend request received: TLLI=0x%08x RAI=%s Application Information Request received: type=0x%08x len=%i Packet Application Information will not be sent, no subscribers with active TBF Previous Packet Application Information was not sent to all subscribers, overwriting with new one Sending Packet Application Information to %i subscribers with active TBF Rx Neighbor Address Resolution Confirmation for %u-%u-%u-%u: %s Rx Neighbor Address Resolution Confirmation for %u-%u-%u-%u: failed with err_code=%u Rx container(NEIGH_ADDR_CNF) message too short: %u vs exp %zu (bts=%d) Rx unexpected msg type (%u) inside container! Received message for new BTS%d Failed to create object for BTS%d! Received %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive %s size is %zu, discarding pcu_prim->u.data_indpcu_prim->u.data_cnf2pcu_prim->u.rts_reqpcu_prim->u.rach_indpcu_prim->u.info_indpcu_prim->u.e1_ccu_indpcu_prim->u.time_indpcu_prim->u.pag_reqpcu_prim->u.susp_reqpcu_prim->u.app_info_reqpcu_prim->u.containerReceived %zu bytes on PCU Socket, but primitive container sizeis %zu, discarding Received unknown PCU msg type %d - M  0 0H0 0 0J00Ћ/- M 00S000Ћ/4@(8GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE   X x8*  60 H[,i8xPD $$Lh     ppDDD"<DP,i(s(}04 , ,      `h: dtd @$$$ -../0,266U`7<==$C@(D(DhD,T8Wpqrr\r$s>D???@@,ALABBB,C