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UL=%u DL=%u enableddisabled%s PDCH state: %s => enabled m_is_enabled == 0!this->ulc%s PDCH state: %s => disabled m_is_enabled == 1pdch.cpp:203pdch.cpp:205%s Scheduling paging pag ctrl blockpdch.cpp:240pdch.cpp:246Paging MI - %s %s TMSI paging with MI != 5 octets! %s Paging with MI > 8 octets! %s - Does not fit, so schedule next time pdch.cpp:290RlcMacDownlink_t%s +++++++++++++++++++++++++ TX : Packet Paging Request +++++++++++++++++++++++++ %s Decoding of Downlink Packet Paging Request failed (%d): %s %s ------------------------- TX : Packet Paging Request ------------------------- pdch.cpp:305pdch.cpp:310struct gprs_rlcmac_paging%s Cannot encode Mobile Identity (rc=%d) pdch.cpp:326%s PACKET CONTROL ACK with unknown FN=%u TLLI=0x%08x %s PACKET CONTROL ACK with unknown TBF corresponds to %s poll->tbf_poll.poll_tbf%s FN=%u Rx Packet Control Ack (reason=%s) ul_tbf%s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_UL_ACK not expected! %s Received POLL_UL_ACK for UL TBF in unexpected state! %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_UL_ASS not expected! state is %s %s [DOWNLINK] UPLINK ASSIGNED %s Got ACK, but UL TBF is gone TLLI=0x%08x %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_DL_ASS not expected! state is %s %s [UPLINK] DOWNLINK ASSIGNED %s Got ACK, but DL TBF is gone TLLI=0x%08x %s FN=%d, TS=%d (curr FN %d): POLL_CELL_CHG_CONTINUE not expected! %s FN=%u Error: received PACKET CONTROL ACK at no request (reason=%s) %s PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with unknown FN=%u TFI=%d (TRX %d TS %d) %s PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with wrong TFI=%d, ignoring! %s RX: [PCU <- BTS] Packet Downlink Ack/Nack %s Got GPRS DL ACK bitmap: SSN: %d, BSN %d to %d - 1 (%d blocks), "%s" %s EGPRS PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with unknown FN=%u TFI=%d (TRX %d TS %d) %s EGPRS PACKET DOWNLINK ACK with wrong TFI=%d, ignoring! %s RX: [PCU <- BTS] EGPRS Packet Downlink Ack/Nack %s EGPRS ACK/NACK: ut: %d, final: %d, bow: %d, eow: %d, ssn: %d, have_crbb: %d, urbb_len:%d, %p, %p, %d, %d, win: %d-%d, urbb: %s %s Got EGPRS DL ACK bitmap: SSN: %d, BSN %d to %d - 1 (%d blocks), "%s" %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: UL block not reserved PACKET RESOURCE REQ unknown downlink TFI=%d PACKET RESOURCE REQ unknown uplink TFI=%d msosmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, 1) == 0%s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: Received from unexpected %s vs exp %s %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: MS requests UL TBF upgrade through USF of %s %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: MS requests UL TBF throguh SBA %s Got PACKET RESOURCE REQ while TBF not finished, killing pending UL TBF %s Got PACKET RESOURCE REQ while DL-TBF pending, killing it %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: Unexpectedly received for DL TBF %s %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: Unexpectedly received, waiting for poll reason %d %s FN=%u PKT RESOURCE REQ: MS requests reuse of finished UL TBF in RRBP block of final UL ACK/NACK (none)%s Change control TS %s -> %s until assignment is complete. osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0%s MS send measurement but TLLI 0x%08x is unknown %s FN=%u Rx Meas Report on RRBP POLL, this probably means a DL/CTRL ACK/NACk will need to be polled again later %s UL TBF TFI=0x%2x not found %s DL TBF TFI=0x%2x not found RlcMacUplink_t%s FN=%u +++++++++++++++++++++++++ RX : Uplink Control Block +++++++++++++++++++++++++ %s FN=%u Dropping Uplink Control Block with invalid content, decode failed: %d) %s FN=%u ------------------------- RX : Uplink Control Block ------------------------- %s FN=%u RX: [PCU <- BTS] unknown control block(%d) received pdch.cpp:958%s Dropping data block with invalid length %d: %s %s Got RLC block, coding scheme: %s, length: %d (%d)) %s Unsupported coding scheme %s %s UL data: %s %s Got %s RLC block but header parsing has failed %s Got %s RLC block: R=%d, SI=%d, TFI=%d, CPS=%d, RSB=%d, rc=%d %s UL DATA unknown TFI=%d %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s vs expected %s %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s vs expected POLL %s reason=%s %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s vs expected SBA %s FN=%u Rx UL DATA from unexpected %s %s GPRS_RLCMAC_CONTROL_BLOCK_OPT block payload is not supported. %s Unknown RLCMAC block payload(%u). %s %s has not been detached, overwriting it %s Attaching %s, %d TBFs, USFs = %02x, TFIs = %08x. %s Detaching %s, %d TBFs, USFs = %02x, TFIs = %08x. m_num_tbfs_egprs[tbf->direction] > 0m_num_tbfs_gprs[tbf->direction] > 0m_num_reserved[dir] > 0tai < PTCCH_TAI_NUMPDCH(bts=%u,trx=%u,ts=%u)rcv_resource_requestrcv_measurement_reportH-M   0R000K@H-M  0 0R000K@H-M  0 0R000K@- M 0:6Ћ/- M 0:p6Ћ/- M 0:6Ћ/- M  0 0H0 0 0J00Ћ/- M  0 0L0Ћ/- M 0N0Ћ/- M  0 1Ћ/- M 00S000Ћ/- M 00Ћ/- M 00Ћ/- M 0<0:Ћ/- M 00Ћ/GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE    Xx8%<'X< D1D<=Q$D_ht xhx(wX (    " "$$%%' '())+ +,--/ /0113 34557 7899; ;<==? ?@AAC CDEE ,LDLlG GHIIK KLMMHDDGDvDX\$$$ $D($l(.(; J(_(t`<  @ @ $  < <   4 <4 | |H `  t |  x! # H#D3 4; P<D dE U V]  H]` X`Xf fj jt |uw w  ȃO OPQQ ( 8 Ću  S STUUXWY     @"D"CQD"","',"+,"/L"3;4"7|(";4"?8"C  >Vi("G("K)?<I`tSZHyĆ0|t   F Q ^ h      & A K W d p } x!  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