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See also X16, X18Forget-sum period for *:all_allocated rate counters: after this amount of idle time, forget internally cumulated time remainders. Zero to always keep remainders. See also X16, X17.pdch:all_allocatedCumulative counter of seconds where all enabled PDCH resources were allocatedtbf:dl:allocTBF DL Allocated tbf:dl:freedTBF DL Freed tbf:dl:abortedTBF DL Aborted tbf:ul:allocTBF UL Allocated tbf:ul:freedTBF UL Freed tbf:ul:abortedTBF UL Aborted tbf:reusedTBF Reused tbf:alloc:algo-aTBF Alloc Algo A tbf:alloc:algo-bTBF Alloc Algo B tbf:alloc:failedTBF Alloc Failure (any reason)tbf:alloc:failed:no_tfiTBF Alloc Failure (TFIs exhausted)tbf:alloc:failed:no_usfTBF Alloc Failure (USFs exhausted)tbf:alloc:failed:no_slot_combiTBF Alloc Failure (No valid UL/DL slot combination found)tbf:alloc:failed:no_slot_availTBF Alloc Failure (No slot available)rlc:sentRLC Sent rlc:resentRLC Resent rlc:restartedRLC Restarted rlc:stalledRLC Stalled rlc:nackedRLC Nacked rlc:final_block_resentRLC Final Blk resent rlc:ass:timedoutRLC Assign Timeout rlc:ass:failedRLC Assign Failed rlc:ack:timedoutRLC Ack Timeout rlc:ack:failedRLC Ack Failed rlc:rel:timedoutRLC Release Timeout rlc:late-blockRLC Late Block rlc:sent-dummyRLC Sent Dummy rlc:sent-controlRLC Sent Control rlc:dl_bytesRLC DL Bytes rlc:dl_payload_bytesRLC DL Payload Bytes rlc:ul_bytesRLC UL Bytes rlc:ul_payload_bytesRLC UL Payload Bytes decode:errorsDecode Errors sba:allocatedSBA Allocated sba:freedSBA Freed sba:timedoutSBA Timeout llc:timeoutTimedout Frames llc:droppedDropped Frames llc:scheduledScheduled Frames llc:dl_bytesRLC encapsulated PDUsllc:ul_bytesfull PDUs received pch:requestsPCH requests sent pch:requests:alreadyPCH requests on subscriber already being pagedpch:requests:timeoutPCH requests timeout rach:requestsRACH requests receivedrach:requests:11bit11BIT_RACH requests receivedrach:requests:one_phaseOne phase packet access with request for single TS ULrach:requests:two_phaseSingle block packet request for two phase packet accessrach:requests:unexpectedRACH Request with unexpected content receivedspb:uplink_first_segmentFirst seg of UL SPB spb:uplink_second_segmentSecond seg of UL SPB spb:downlink_first_segmentFirst seg of DL SPB spb:downlink_second_segmentSecond seg of DL SPB immediate:assignment_ULImmediate Assign UL immediate:assignment_ul:one_phaseImmediate Assign UL (one phase packet access)immediate:assignment_ul:two_phaseImmediate Assign UL (two phase packet access)immediate:assignment_ul:contention_resolution_successFirst RLC Block (PDU) on the PDTCH from the MS receivedimmediate:assignment_rejImmediate Assign Rej immediate:assignment_DLImmediate Assign DL channel:request_descriptionChannel Request Desc pkt:ul_assignmentPacket UL Assignment pkt:access_rejectPacket Access Reject pkt:dl_assignmentPacket DL Assignment pkt:cell_chg_notificationPacket Cell Change Notificationpkt:cell_chg_continuePacket Cell Change Continuepkt:neigh_cell_dataPacket Neighbour Cell Dataul:controlUL control Block ul:assignment_poll_timeoutUL Assign Timeout ul:assignment_failedUL Assign Failed dl:assignment_timeoutDL Assign Timeout dl:assignment_failedDL Assign Failed pkt:ul_ack_nack_timeoutPUAN Poll Timeout pkt:ul_ack_nack_failedPUAN poll Failed pkt:dl_ack_nack_timeoutPDAN poll Timeout pkt:dl_ack_nack_failedPDAN poll Failed gprs:downlink_cs1CS1 downlink gprs:downlink_cs2CS2 downlink gprs:downlink_cs3CS3 downlink gprs:downlink_cs4CS4 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs1MCS1 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs2MCS2 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs3MCS3 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs4MCS4 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs5MCS5 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs6MCS6 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs7MCS7 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs8MCS8 downlink egprs:downlink_mcs9MCS9 downlink gprs:uplink_cs1CS1 Uplink gprs:uplink_cs2CS2 Uplink gprs:uplink_cs3CS3 Uplink gprs:uplink_cs4CS4 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs1MCS1 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs2MCS2 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs3MCS3 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs4MCS4 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs5MCS5 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs6MCS6 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs7MCS7 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs8MCS8 Uplink egprs:uplink_mcs9MCS9 Uplink (8P`x(@Tl8t  , 8 P \ t $ 4 L ` x   4 L \ t  ( @ L d p  ( @ p Ld8Pl <`4Ld8Xp,D\t4Ldx(@Tl0H\t(@Tl0H\tbtsBTS Statisticsfms.presentMS Present pdch.availablePDCH available pdch.occupiedPDCH occupied (all) pdch.occupied.gprsPDCH occupied (GPRS) pdch.occupied.egprsPDCH occupied (EGPRS)$0HX2p222bts.cpp:246struct gprs_rlcmac_btsbts.cppbts->ratectrsAssert failed %s %s:%d bts->statgfn < GSM_TDMA_HYPERFRAMEDetected FN jump! %u -> %u (expected %u, delta %u) Late RLC block, FN delta: %d FN: %d curFN: %d %s Paging on PACCH for %s %s Unable to page on PACCH, no available TBFs %s Unable to page on PACCH, no TMSI nor IMSI in request Add RR paging: chan-needed=%d MI=%s %s uses TRX=%d TS=%d, so we mark %s uses already marked TRX=%d TS=%d %s Paging on PACCH No paging, because no TBF No TFI available (suggested TRX: %d). best_first_tfi < 32Found first unallocated TRX=%d TFI=%d Got IMM.ASS confirm, but rest octets do not start with bit sequence 'HH01' (Packet Downlink Assignment) Got IMM.ASS confirm, but TLLI is invalid! Got IMM.ASS confirm for unknown MS with TLLI=%08x %s Got IMM.ASS confirm, but MS has no DL TBF! %s Got IMM.ASS confirm rfn < RFN_MODULUSUnable to calculate full FN from RFN %u: Current FN not known! Race condition between rfn (%u) and m_cur_fn (%u) detected: rfn belongs to the previous modulus %u cycle, wrapping... Cornercase detected: wrapping crosses %u border Failed to decode EGPRS Packet Channel Request: rc=%d Rx EGPRS Packet Channel Request: %s %s is not supported, rejecting Unknown EGPRS Packet Channel Request type=0x%02x, probably a bug in CSN.1 codec RACH.ind contains no burst type, assuming TS0 11 bit Packet Channel Request is not supported (PBCCH is deprecated) RACH.ind contains unknown burst type 0x%02x (%u bit) No PDCH available. 2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2bMS requests Uplink resource on CCCH/RACH: ra=0x%02x (%d bit) Fn=%u qta=%d MS requests single block allocation (two phase packet access) MS requests single TS uplink transmission (one phase packet access) Forcing two phase access EGPRS Packet Channel Request indicates Radio Priority %u, however we ignore it No PDCH resource for single block allocation Allocated a single block at SBFn=%u TRX=%u TS=%u osmo_use_count_get_put(&(ms)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0Tx Immediate Assignment on AGCH: TRX=%u (ARFCN %u) TS=%u TA=%u TSC=%u TFI=%d USF=%d Tx Immediate Assignment Reject on AGCH (TRX=%u TS=%u RFN=%u) Rx malformed RACH.ind (PTCCH/U) (TRX=%u TS=%u RFN=%u) Rx RACH.ind (PTCCH/U) for inactive PDCH (TRX=%u TS=%u RFN=%u) Failed to map PTCCH/U sub-slot Continuous Timing Advance update for TAI %u, new TA is %u pdch%s Tx CCCH (PCH) Immediate Assignment [PktDlAss=%s] TA=%d mcs_is_valid(cs)PH-DATA-IND is updating %s: TA %u -> %u on TRX = %d PH-RA-IND is updating %s: TA %u -> %u on TRX = %d [%s] update TA = %u ignored due to unknown UL TBF on TRX = %d, TS = %d, FN = %d downgrading initial_cs_dl to %d downgrading initial_cs_ul to %d downgrading initial_mcs_dl to %d downgrading initial_mcs_ul to %d New max CS: DL=%u UL=%u New max MCS: DL=%u UL=%u bts_rcv_rachGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE       X$x83<5X< D?D<KD V` pjpL v8(     ,HDXT8$\(x($8\\ 4/0H[dzTx    h      h$ $P$& &) )p- -l-0/ X/L1 x1x181 14 46 6@( 4@ HAE EH IK KO OQ $QR SW 0W Y >|>>>d?????8@h@@@@@@:@@:@:@:A:A:A:A: A:(A:,A:0A:4A: