#!/bin/bash set +e set -x EPDG_TUN="gtp0" UE_IFACE="ue" UE_SUBNET="" UE_ADDR="" ip link add $UE_IFACE type dummy ip addr add $UE_ADDR dev $UE_IFACE ip link set $UE_IFACE up ip rule add from $UE_SUBNET table 45 if [ "$IMAGE_SUFFIX" = "latest" ]; then ERL_FLAGS='-config /data/osmo-epdg.latest.config' /usr/bin/osmo-epdg & else ERL_FLAGS='-config /data/osmo-epdg.config' /tmp/osmo-epdg/_build/default/bin/osmo-epdg & fi MYPID=$! # We cannot set a route for the interface until it is created by osmo-epdg... echo "Waiting for interface ${EPDG_TUN}..." /data/pipework --wait -i ${EPDG_TUN} echo "Adding src ${UE_SUBNET} default route to ${EPDG_TUN}" ip route add default dev $EPDG_TUN table 45 wait $MYPID