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Bye!%s%s has been running for %s%s %s %s %s%s%s %s Common Commands%s These commands are available on all VTY nodes. They are listed here only once, to unclutter the VTY reference.%s %s%s %s %s%sPlease specify password.%scommand.c:3744command.c:3748Unknown encryption type.%sPlease specify string starting with alphanumeric%scommand.c:3766command.c:3686command.c:3689command.c:3706Please specify string starting with alphabet%scommand.c:3653cnode != NULLAssert failed %s %s:%d rCan't open configuration file [%s]%sVTY configuration is locked by other VTY%s%s version %s %s arvg_concatcommand.c:3905make_strveccommand.c:355command.c:551cnodemultiplestruct desccmd_desc_str!check_element_exists(cnode, cmd->string)cmd_make_descvecA.B.C.Dcommand.c:1928command.c:1662A.B.C.D/Mcommand.c:2338complete-lcdstrcommand.c:2389struct vty_parent_nodecommand.c:2689command.c:2884command.c:2953command.c:2977command.c:2991../../include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127Configuration is not consistent%sCan't save to configuration file, using vtysh.%sCan't open configuration file %s.%sCan't unlink backup configuration file %s.%sCan't backup old configuration file %s.%sCan't unlink configuration file %s.%sCan't save configuration file %s.%sCan't chmod configuration file %s: %s (%d).%sConfiguration saved to %s%scommand.c:3552command.c:4381command.c:4402cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] != rafc[j]cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] >= 'A'cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] <= 'Z'cmd_lib_attr_letters[i] != cmd_lib_attr_letters[j]no banner motdNegate a command or set its defaults Set banner string Strings for motd banner motd defaultSet banner string Strings for motd Default string banner motd file [FILE]Set banner Banner for motd Banner from a file Filename echo .MESSAGEEcho a message back to the vty The message to echo no service terminal-length [<0-512>]Negate a command or set its defaults Set up miscellaneous service System wide terminal length configuration Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control) service terminal-length <0-512>Set up miscellaneous service System wide terminal length configuration Number of lines of VTY (0 means no line control) terminal no lengthSet terminal line parameters Negate a command or set its defaults Set number of lines on a screen terminal length <0-512>Set terminal line parameters Set number of lines on a screen Number of lines on screen (0 for no pausing) no enable passwordNegate a command or set its defaults Modify enable password parameters Assign the privileged level password enable password LINEModify enable password parameters Assign the privileged level password The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' password enable password (8|) WORDModify enable password parameters Assign the privileged level password Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow dummy string The HIDDEN 'enable' password string password LINEAssign the terminal connection password The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) line password password (8|) WORDAssign the terminal connection password Specifies a HIDDEN password will follow dummy string The HIDDEN line password string no hostname [HOSTNAME]Negate a command or set its defaults Reset system's network name Host name of this router hostname WORDSet system's network name This system's network name show startup-configShow running system information Contentes of startup configuration show running-configShow running system information running configuration write terminalWrite running configuration to memory, network, or terminal Write to terminal copy running-config startup-configCopy configuration Copy running config to... Copy running config to startup config (same as write file) write memoryWrite running configuration to memory, network, or terminal Write configuration to the file (same as write file) writeWrite running configuration to memory, network, or terminal write file [PATH]Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal Write to configuration file Set file path to store the config, or replace if already exists list [with-flags]Print command list Also print the VTY attribute flags show vty-attributes (application|library|global)Show running system information List of VTY attributes Application specific attributes only Library specific attributes only Global attributes only show vty-attributesShow running system information List of VTY attributes helpDescription of the interactive help system show uptimeShow running system information Displays how long the program has been running show pidShow running system information Displays the process ID show online-helpShow running system information Online help show versionShow running system information Displays program version shutdownRequest a shutdown of the program endEnd current mode and change to enable mode.exitExit current mode and down to previous mode disableTurn off privileged mode command enable [expert-mode]Turn on privileged mode command Enable the expert mode (show hidden commands) configure [terminal]Configuration from vty interface Configuration terminal all commands except deprecated and hiddenall commands including hidden, excluding deprecatedhidden commands onlydefaultexperthiddenThis command applies on IPA link establishmentThis command applies on E1 line updateThis command is deprecatedThis command is hidden (check expert mode)This command applies immediatelyThis command applies on VTY node exit%s(config)# %s# Password: %s> GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0AAaeabi7Cortex-A15 A   "*,D D"Dh) , 4N() i4), 8}8P) ( 00)0 )|X XX$ |L) & ,2 8 )L J$P4VD\bhnt\zl  )t  | | \) (  x)@8H PPT)X t)h H) x$*06<LB\HlN|T Z`,f<lrx `~`tX) 0p)HP ("<(P.h4<:@, TFT0QD) ]h~44h`)` ) h  0 !l)h! x!x!)$ % %)% %%)) !@'d-3 9 ?( E K  )Q)p)(* 4*4*)+b@ h n t| z\ l  0,0,)-    ,.,.). <  / /t/4)/L \  //`)0"t )x  101)1@  1G1)2 2) 3Y `  3) 4g  4n4)5v  ,5)46 D6)`8}  l8)9  9)09 89),:  <:): :)X@ @ L \ 4 ,  @)A AD)G   GG)lI   II$K)|Q0 7 >  QEQ) Wf m  8Wt8W)[(  \)^ ^^@_)c c)fP 0 ` @  g)lgp  |g|gt)xj      D p  ! 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