ELF>М@@ F$1fDHǀ1ff.H@h1fH@h1fHHǀ1ff.HHH1HHǀ1ff.HHH1H@41fHHW8rH@Ƀt x(t@u HT1DHHHH5HD1HHATUSHxHHtYNL HHBHH LDɅH5HHxHED1H5HHpHtRSxL%HLDHHHpxMHHHH51[1]A\AVAUATL%USAD$-t=BH1ALt@H;1 HD Al$-L9u[1]A\A]A^ff.@SH9 1HCP1[fHH9 1Hf1HSH9 1HCl1[fSH 1HHH91[ff.USHHHH-HHf.CIV(HH H5HHD1LLAW1AVAUATUSHHH)LLd$LiLyLHtGsHHHH H5HD1H[]A\A]A^A_fDHT$ Ht$ LŅt0KHLHH5H HD11L H=LfD$Ht@I9pSH H5H߅HHDHP(1:fDLL)USHH}4t H1[]@H=HHt1 ID ],M9u1tpHX,st~mHPTuH|$H HcH5ITGHHD1 1H[]A\A]A^A_1]H|$HH5OH HD1ff.AUATUSHHLaH)LD$H00000000H$HT$HuISHHLH5LLD1H[]A\A]IHPLLH)HyH5HH5LuB1҅yCH HHH5HHD1vfU 1SHHH9H=H{1 HEH1[]SH9 1HH=H{Hp1[ff.HH9 1H=ǀH1HfDATH9 IU1HSH=H} 1H;w*AD$HH5LHHD1H[1]A\fHAVAUATHxIUSH8HH9t'DHHHHxH9uAt$HHLH5HD1L5IH+I9t>L-LHHHߺLHHmI9uAD$H-LHHH5HE1AT$H5LHHE1HHpAL$HLH5HE1[1]A\A]A^ff.UHSHHHHtHH1[]fDEH HHH5HHD1H[]fAUATIUSHH)LiHHtOH5LHHSHH߃ 8HߺH5H1[]A\A]fAD$H HLH5HHD1H[]A\A]ATUHSL!LHtiH@:H@HHǀ8{~(EHH5HHHD1HߺH5[1]A\UHHH H5LHD1[]A\ff.AW AVAUATUH1SHHHyL!H|$ LkLsL{ HD$1HLHwHxHHHt$qLHt$LmHt$iLD$HSHH5H߃D$HfoD$H@HHo@foL$ HfoT$0P(fo\$@X8fod$P`Hfol$`hXot$lpdHCHǀ$fD1HĈ[]A\A]A^A_@}HLH H5HHD1tH5HMHLHH5H HD1DEHLHH H5EHD1;uHLHH H5HD1KYHH51H=ff.@ATIUSH)HHt)HHHߺH5[1]A\AD$H HLH5HHD1[]A\fAUHATUHSHhL)LaHD$HHD$HLHD$(HHD$8H$D$`D$ oD$0D$@HD$HD$PHD$XHHA$otJHkHuP8H߈K9HߺH5Hh1[]A\A]fDAD$kuAD$DHL1ɉEH LHH5HHD1Hh[]A\A]DUSHHH)HHt7CH HHH5HHD1H[]HHHt @:H5H1[]fHH5H1f.HH1H=w HB(BX1HfDHH51H=AWAVAUATUSHHH(H9H@DcL=HHH5EIE1DkU9HH H5EIE1DsU@HLH5EME1CHUHH H5IE1U$t#D[H H5HEIE1H}HHHHtsgsn_dataAssert failed %s %s:%d %% invalid SRES value '%s'%s%% invalid RAND value '%s'%s%% invalid Kc value '%s'%ssystem-failuredata-missingunexpected-data-valueunknown-subscriberroaming-not-allowedENABLE_PURGE AUTH_INFO_PENDING UPDATE_LOCATION_PENDING CANCELLED FIRST_CONTACT Subscriber:%s Authorized: %d%s LAC: %d/0x%x%s IMSI: %s%s TMSI: %08X%s MSISDN (BCD): %s%s IMEI: %s%s CKSN: %d, RAND: %s, SRES: %s, Kc: %s%s AUTN: %s, RES: %s, IK: %s, CK: %s, QoS: %s%s Flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s Use count: %u%ssgsn%s gtp state-dir %s%s gtp local-ip %s%s ggsn %u remote-ip %s%s ggsn %u gtp-version %u%s ggsn %u echo-interval %u%s ggsn %u no echo-interval%s ggsn dynamic%s grx-dns-add %s%s encryption gea %u encryption uea gsup ipa-name %s%s gsup remote-ip %s%s gsup remote-port %d%s authentication optional%s auth-policy %s%s gsup oap-id %d%s gsup oap-k %s%s gsup oap-opc %s%s imsi-acl add %s%s ! apn * ggsn 0%s apn %s ggsn %u%s cdr filename %s%s no cdr filename%s cdr trap%s no cdr trap%s cdr interval %d%s timer timer gtp no compression rfc1144%s compression v42bis passive%s no compression v42bis%s %smme %s%s%s gtp remote-ip %s%s%% MME %s doesn't exist.%snoneinvalidPPPIPv4 IPv6 (detaching)UNKNOWN%s APN: %s%s%s PDP Address: %s%sData(%s / TEID: 0x%08x)%sNULL g_cfgno gtp ran-info-relay defaultgtp ran-info-relay defaultgtp remote-ip A.B.C.Dno mme NAMEmme NAMEcompression v42bis passiveno compression v42biscompression rfc1144 passiveno compression rfc1144cdr interval <1-2147483647>no cdr trapcdr trapno cdr filenamecdr filename NAMEno access-point-name NAMEaccess-point-name NAMEgsup oap-opc OPCgsup oap-k Kgsup oap-id <0-65535>gsup remote-port <0-65535>gsup remote-ip A.B.C.Dgsup ipa-name NAMEpage imsi IMSIshow subscriber cachereset sgsn stateimsi-acl (add|del) IMSIshow pdp-context allshow mm-context all [pdp]show sgsnapn APNAME ggsn <0-255>grx-dns-add A.B.C.Dggsn dynamicggsn <0-255> no echo-intervalgtp local-ip A.B.C.Dgtp state-dir PATHsgsnConfigure the SGSN %s(config-sgsn-mme)# %s(config-sgsn)# show timer gtp [TNNNN]show timer [TNNNN]Periodic RA Update timer (s)AA-Ready timer (s)accept-allclosedacl-onlyremote%% Authentication is not possible without HLR, consider setting 'auth-policy' to 'remote'%s Remote authorization: %sconnected to %s:%d via GSUP%s GSN: signalling %s, user traffic %s%s%% Another MME %s contains this route%s%% This route doesn't exist in current MME %s%s%% Another MME %s already contains this route%s%% Another MME %s is already set as default route, remove it before setting it here.%s/build/_temp/inst_master/stow/libosmocore/include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127%% a GGSN with id %d has not been defined%s%% unable to create APN context for %s/%s%s%% need exactly 16 octets for oap-opc, got %d.%s%% OAP client ID set, but invalid oap-opc value disables OAP.%s%% need exactly 16 octets for oap-k, got %d.%s%% OAP client ID set, but invalid oap-k value disables OAP.%s%% cipher %s is unsupported in current version%s%% unable to use encryption %s without authentication: please adjust auth-policy%s%% cipher %d is unsupported in current version%s%% IMSI (%s) too long (max %u digits) -- ignored!%s%% 3GPP TS 29.060 section 7.2.1 states interval should not be lower than 60 seconds, use this value for testing purposes only!%sRemoved all gprs subscribers.%sFlushed rx & tx queus towards the GGSN.%s%% no subscriber record for %s%s%% subscriber record does not exist for %s%s%% subscriber is still in use%s%% unable get subscriber record for %s%s%% unable to get subscriber record for %s%s%% subscriber record already exists for %s%sCan not create subscriber. Out of memory.%sval >= SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_OPEN && val <= SGSN_AUTH_POLICY_REMOTE A3A8 tuple (used %d times): PDP info: Id: %d, Type: 0x%04x, APN: '%s' encryption cipher-plugin-path %s%s apn %s imsi-prefix %s ggsn %u%s compression rfc1144 active slots %d%s compression rfc1144 passive%s compression v42bis active direction sgsn codewords %d strlen %d%s compression v42bis active direction ms codewords %d strlen %d%s compression v42bis active direction both codewords %d strlen %d%s%s gtp ran-info-relay default%s%s gtp ran-info-relay %s %s %u%sThe IPA name cannot be changed at run-time; It can only be set in the configuraton file.%s%sPDP Context IMSI: %s, SAPI: %u, NSAPI: %u, TI: %u%s%s GTPv%d Local Control(%s / TEIC: 0x%08x) %s GTPv%d Remote Control(%s / TEIC: 0x%08x) %sMM Context for IMSI %s, IMEI %s, P-TMSI %08x%s%s MSISDN: %s, TLLI: %08x%s HLR: %s%s GMM State: %s, Routeing Area: %s, Cell ID: %u%s%s MM State: %s, RAN Type: %s%sFailed to parse the config file: '%s' Configuration error: 'auth-policy remote' requires both 'gsup remote-ip' and 'gsup remote-port' Negate a command or set its defaults Configure GTP connection Configure RAN Information Relay routing Set as default routeConfigure GTP connection Configure RAN Information Relay routing Set as default routeno gtp ran-info-relay <0-999> <0-999> <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Configure GTP connection Configure RAN Information Relay routing MCC MNC TAC gtp ran-info-relay <0-999> <0-999> <0-65535>Configure GTP connection Configure RAN Information Relay routing MCC MNC TAC Configure GTP connection Set Remote GTP IP address IP information Negate a command or set its defaults Delete an MME peer configuration Name identifying the MME peer Configure an MME peer Name identifying the MME peer Configure compression V.42bis data compression scheme Compression is available on request compression v42bis active direction (ms|sgsn|both) codewords <512-65535> strlen <6-250>Configure compression V.42bis data compression scheme Compression is actively proposed Direction in which the compression shall be active (p0) Compress ms->sgsn direction only Compress sgsn->ms direction only Both directions Number of codewords (p1) Number of codewords Maximum string length (p2) Maximum string length Negate a command or set its defaults Configure compression disable V.42bis data compression Configure compression RFC1144 Header compression scheme Compression is available on request compression rfc1144 active slots <1-256>Configure compression RFC1144 Header compression scheme Compression is actively proposed Number of compression state slots Number of compression state slots Negate a command or set its defaults Configure compression disable rfc1144 TCP/IP header compression CDR Set the interval for the call-data-record file interval in seconds Negate a command or set its defaults CDR Disable sending CDR via TRAP CTRL messages CDR Enable sending CDR via TRAP CTRL messages Negate a command or set its defaults CDR Disable saving CDR to file CDR Set the file name for the call-data-record file, logging the data usage of each subscriber. filename Negate a command or set its defaults Configure a global list of allowed APNs Remove entry with NAME Globally allow the given APN name for all subscribers. Add this NAME to the list GSUP Parameters Set the OAP shared secret OPC for authentication on the GSUP protocol. This setting only applies if auth-policy remote is used. OPC value (16 byte) hex GSUP Parameters Set the OAP shared secret key K for authentication on the GSUP protocol. This setting only applies if auth-policy remote is used. K value (16 byte) hex GSUP Parameters Set the OAP client ID for authentication on the GSUP protocol. This setting only applies if 'auth-policy remote' is used. OAP client ID (0 == disabled) GSUP Parameters Set the TCP port of the remote GSUP server, see also 'gsup remote-ip' Remote TCP port GSUP Parameters Set the IP address of the remote GSUP server (e.g. OsmoHLR). This setting only applies if 'auth-policy remote' is used. IPv4 Address GSUP Parameters Set the IPA name of this SGSN A unique name for this SGSN. For example: PLMN + redundancy server number: SGSN-901-70-0. This name is used for GSUP routing and must be set if more than one SGSN is connected to the network. The default is 'SGSN-00-00-00-00-00-00'. Send a PS paging request to subscriber Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI update-subscriber imsi IMSI update-auth-infoUpdate subscriber list Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI Complete the send authentication info procedure update-subscriber imsi IMSI update-location-result (ok|system-failure|data-missing|unexpected-data-value|unknown-subscriber|roaming-not-allowed)Update subscriber list Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI Complete the update location procedure The update location request succeeded Force error code SystemFailure Force error code DataMissing Force error code UnexpectedDataValue Force error code UnknownSubscriber Force error code RoamingNotAllowed update-subscriber imsi IMSI destroyUpdate subscriber list Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI Destroy a subscriber entry update-subscriber imsi IMSI createUpdate subscriber list Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI Create a subscriber entry update-subscriber imsi IMSI cancel (update-procedure|subscription-withdraw)Update subscriber list Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI Cancel (remove) subscriber record The MS moved to another SGSN The subscription is no longer valid update-subscriber imsi IMSI insert auth-triplet <1-5> sres SRES rand RAND kc KCUpdate subscriber list Use the IMSI to select the subscriber The IMSI Insert data into the subscriber record Update authentication triplet Triplet index Set SRES value SRES value (4 byte) in hex Set RAND value RAND value (16 byte) in hex Set Kc value Kc value (8 byte) in hex Show running system information Show information about subscribers Display contents of subscriber cache Remove all known subscribers, MM contexts and flush BSSGP queues. Useful only when running tests against the SGSN Remove all known subscribers, MM contexts and flush BSSGP queues. Useful only when running tests against the SGSN Remove all known subscribers, MM contexts and flush BSSGP queues. Useful only when running tests against the SGSN auth-policy (accept-all|closed|acl-only|remote)Configure the Authorization policy of the SGSN. This setting determines which subscribers are permitted to register to the network. Accept all IMSIs (DANGEROUS) Accept only home network subscribers or those in the ACL Accept only subscribers in the ACL Use remote subscription data only (HLR) encryption uea <0-2> [<0-2>] [<0-2>]Set encryption algorithms for SGSN UTRAN (3G) encryption algorithms to allow: 0 = UEA0 (no encryption), 1 = UEA1, 2 = UEA2. UEAn Algorithm Number UEAn Algorithm Number UEAn Algorithm Number authentication (optional|required)Whether to enforce MS authentication in GERAN (only with auth-policy remote) Allow MS to attach via GERAN without authentication (default and only possible value for non-remote auth-policy) Always require authentication (only available for auth-policy remote, default with that auth-policy) no encryption cipher-plugin-path PATHNegate a command or set its defaults Set encryption algorithms for SGSN Path to gprs encryption cipher plugin directory Plugin path encryption cipher-plugin-path PATHSet encryption algorithms for SGSN Path to gprs encryption cipher plugin directory Plugin path encryption gea <0-4> [<0-4>] [<0-4>] [<0-4>] [<0-4>]Set encryption algorithms for SGSN GPRS Encryption Algorithm GEAn Algorithm Number GEAn Algorithm Number GEAn Algorithm Number GEAn Algorithm Number GEAn Algorithm Number encryption (GEA0|GEA1|GEA2|GEA3|GEA4)Set encryption algorithm for SGSN Use GEA0 (no encryption) Use GEA1 Use GEA2 Use GEA3 Use GEA4 Access Control List of foreign IMSIs Add IMSI to ACL Remove IMSI from ACL IMSI of subscriber Show running system information Display information on PDP Context Show everything Show running system information MM Context All MM Contexts Include PDP Context Information show mm-context imsi IMSI [pdp]Show running system information MM Context Identify by IMSI IMSI of the MM Context Include PDP Context Information Show running system information Display information about the SGSNapn APNAME imsi-prefix IMSIPRE ggsn <0-255>Configure the information per APN The APN gateway name optionally prefixed by '*' (wildcard) Select the GGSN to use for the given APN gateway prefix if and only if the IMSI matches the given prefix. An IMSI prefix Select the GGSN to use when APN gateway and IMSI prefix match The GGSN idConfigure the information per APN The APN gateway name optionally prefixed by '*' (wildcard) Select the GGSN to use for the given APN gateway prefix The GGSN idUse the specified IP address for DNS-resolving the AP names to GGSN IP addresses IPv4 address Configure the GGSN information Enable dynamic resolving of GGSNs based on DNS resolving the APN name like in a GRX-style setup. Changing this setting requires a restart. Configure the GGSN information GGSN Number Negate a command or set its defaults Send an echo request to this static GGSN every interval. ggsn <0-255> echo-interval <1-36000>Configure the GGSN information GGSN Number Send an echo request to this static GGSN every interval. Interval between echo requests in seconds. ggsn <0-255> gtp-version (0|1)Configure the GGSN information GGSN Number GTP Version Version 0 Version 1 ggsn <0-255> remote-ip A.B.C.DConfigure the GGSN information GGSN Number Configure this static GGSN to use the specified remote IP address. IPv4 Address GTP Parameters Set the IP address for the local GTP bind for the Gp interface (towards the GGSNs). Note: in case you would like to run the GGSN on the same machine as the SGSN, you can not run both on the same IP address, since both sides are specified to use the same GTP port numbers (2123 and 2152). For example, you could use for the SGSN and for the GGSN in such situations. IPv4 Address GTP Parameters Set the directory for the GTP State file Local Directory timer gtp [TNNNN] [(<0-2147483647>|default)]Configure or show timers GTP (libgtp) timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. New timer value Set to default timer value Show running system information Show timers GTP (libgtp) timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. timer [TNNNN] [(<0-2147483647>|default)]Configure or show timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. New timer value Set to default timer value Show running system information Show timers T- or X-timer-number -- 3GPP compliant timer number of the format '1234' or 'T1234' or 't1234'; Osmocom-specific timer number of the format: 'X1234' or 'x1234'. Waiting for paging response timer (s)READY timer. Force to STANDBY on expiry timer (s)Detach request -> accept timer (s)Waiting for ATT/RAU/TMSI_COMPL timer (s)Waiting for AUTH/CIPH response timer (s)Waiting for IDENTITY response timer (s)Wait for ACT PDP CTX REQ timer (s)Wait for MODIFY PDP CTX ACK timer (s)Wait for DEACT PDP CTX ACK timer (s)Wait for DEACT AA PDP CTX ACK timer (s)RANAP Release timeout. Wait for RANAP Release Complete.On expiry release Iu connection (s)&$ X  , ,   * 9 : C E :a8:!:b!H!!!&H!(Tcint*[!-:! :![ 8    _   !v:7! ! 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